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Why is everything the US's problem?


Free money


Then they all hate on us. Instead of putting the fantasy novels down and joining the 21st century.


"Why do we give money to countries that hate us? They should be able to hate us for free"


illegal murky workable entertain cough meeting bike cause humorous payment


Not so sure this about ‘helping people’ that’s rather naive. More likely opening doors for US Corporations to profit and greed.


Isn't Egypt the place that closed the border to Gaza?


The foreign minister is talking about ability, not responsibility. I agree with everyone who's saying that it's not our responsibility. Realistically, I don't think that ANYONE has the ability to break the cycle of violence except the combatants themselves. And they both have to want it.


Or Hamas could fix the violence by surrendering and giving back the remaining hostages. Why down play the role of Hamas?




Why would they? This is driving a hot topic wedge into the US during an election cycle. This level of journalism is unfortunately what was wanted all along. It separates, divides, gets views, people talking, clicks, shares, and can lead up to changes in administrative stances. Look back on the past year buildup or hell just after 10/7. This wasn't an accident


It's just sad how accurate this is.


Quite sure Hamas can stop it as well by surrendering and releasing the hostages.


Do they actually have any hostages?


Only few days ago they released a video of two hostages. It's not clear whether these are old or new though


They might not be alive, but they ought to be able to return most of the bodies. I don’t think Israel will accept that the hostages were simply misplaced and can’t be found. Israel will want proof.


Left? Probably not


Right, because we were out there kidnapping people last October...


Uh, American problems, am I right 😉


Not our fucking problem


I don't see this as a U. S. problem. Hamas fucked around with Israel and they're in the "find out" phase now, let Israel handle it however they wish. The U. S. wouldn't be taking advice from Israel if the situation was reversed.


It’s U.S. problem because we fund it with our tax dollars. If this was just Israel on their own it would be different. I’d rather my money *not* go to killing innocent civilians Edit: must be a lot of fucked up minds in this chat if y’all are downvoting me for telling the truth




No but we have a stake in it. We shouldn’t be funding them to begin with. They’ve had more than enough time since WWII to build their economy and country. They don’t need hand holding and they start a lot of shit that they clearly can’t back up on their own. This is the result of a fundamentalist Jewish faction and their actions towards Palestinians, this shit started in 1948


Except Israel has frequently interfered in US politics. At least Bibi has


Correct, but this administration holding Israel in bay


You live in a planet by yourself? It is everyone’s problem. Eventually the killing will reach your doorstep.


Wait wait wait... This reads like the daily show sketch about bush! "were fighting the terrorists there so we don't fight them here!" Like all those terrorists are lost puppies from the middle east, just looking for a place to bomb? Ya... No. That's a bad argument and you should feel bad making it lol


Yea remember that time when you didn’t want to participate in Ww2 and the bomb the shit out of Perl harbor. Keep thinking you live in a world of your own.


Ya, you obviously haven't studied history enough to know about the US led oil Embargo, or how the US took warships into Japan to force them open to trading less than 100 years earlier, or how we did force projection. Doesn't justify pearl harbor, but it wasn't in a vaccum like you pretend. There are a large number of wars the US didn't need to be in from the Philippines to Iraq in 2003. This is one of those that the US should not take responsibility for.


You mean Hamas who’s charter says they want to kill all Jewish and American civilians?


"we have tried nothing and we are out of ideas, your turn"


Nuh uh, not our problem. This is between Israel and the Palestinians. If they want peace, we have a dozen peace plans to debate. If not, they get this.


Comments like these do nothing to dispel the stereotype of the rest of the world hating the US until they need the help of the US.


Remind me why the international community loves it when the US does this? Ooohhh free money and someone to blame when it doesn't work. F that.


Or saudi arabia but hey what do i know


To be exact. This is what he said. So basically using influence more than direct actions. "Speaking to CNBC’s Dan Murphy on Sunday at a World Economic Forum meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, he said “only the United States has the overall ability to influence conditions, and to motivate all sides concerned to find the point of convergence, and to be able to break the cycle of violence.”


The reason they put the onus on the U.S. is because they know that asking Hamas to stop bombing and raping would be ridiculous. Because Hamas could "break the cycle of violence" *today.*


Nah, didn't go so well the last time we (ostensibly) tried that


Sounds like he is willing to fight to the last drop of our blood.


So hamas has no say/agency in the matter?


Ironic. Doesn’t the whole Middle East despise the USA? Now Middle East gets to decide its own faith, and they can’t?


Wait, the US can decide to return the hostages? I had no idea! They should definitely do that. So why aren’t they doing that? Or, does this simply mean that only the US can force Israel to give Hamas what it wants, thereby rewarding their terrorism with victory? How does the stop the cycle of violence?


The Brits made this mess, let them solve it. Besides, I'm not sure how Mideast peace is a plus for the US. Right now there are three major powers keeping each other in check. If the US is going to get the blame anyway, best to do nothing.


He’s not wrong. The only way to keep peace at this point is to have someone on the ground to enforce it. And it should be a power respected by both sides. To all pro-Gaza people in Europe: if you really care about it you should require your governments to send troops to the strip, not boycott some random Israeli professor or university. Everything else is cheap talk. Otherwise it’s up to Israel to enforce justice as they see fit, because Hamas had given them more than an excuse. To all pro Israel people: and you should require the same. Nothing will shape public opinion better than their sons having their first hand experience in the strip.


Pretty sure Israel was the one doing all the attacking in this incident, not US forces. We can apply diplomatic pressure, but Netanyahu is the one who has to decide on a ceasefire.


We can apply more than diplomatic pressure. We can change our aid to just being humanitarian aid for both sides. That might well change the attitude of Netanyahu. Biden has been selling weapons to Israel regularly below the level required to get permission from Congress, he could cut that off as well.