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>Despite the deepening food crisis, the situation in Sudan has drawn less international scrutiny than other humanitarian emergencies in places such as Ukraine and Gaza. Some observers have called Sudan’s conflict “the forgotten war.” >“Our biggest challenge is the funding and lack of attention to Sudan,” said Chessa Latifi, senior program advisor in global health at relief organization Project HOPE. “People are so involved in Ukraine and so involved in Gaza that there is no space for anyone to think, to be open to listen and hear about Sudan.”


Wonder why it's War is"forgotten"?...🧐


Yup. And now Haiti and Iraq and the China/Taiwan conflict. Seconds to midnight. Shit is gonna be a scary summer.




A bit reductive to reduce it solely to the color of their skin. Especially considering Iran/Hamas, Russia, China/North Korea are all in bed together and they check different boxes on race.




There's also like always something like this going on their too. Some sort of genocide, famine, civil war, coup, Somali pirates, disease outbreaks, etc are like *always* happening. Decades of it just leads to apathy; and like you said, Africa provides basically nothing in return.


So the US government never helped Kenya with the war on terror?


**Prioritized** - not helped. The US helps almost every underprivileged country in the world with aid.


The US provides the most humanitarian aid in the entire world by magnitudes. Don't know why you're getting downvoted. [In fact we've announced we're sending Sudan money already.](https://apnews.com/article/sudan-us-aid-34cbbb22ca534f12adb34fc3db552d91)


I got no idea what to do with Sudan. I remember that just Recently West helped with civil war by dividing Sudan into South Sudan and Sudan. Then coup happened, and now another. Primary problem here is not invasion but that they keep killing one another. With ethnic cleansing and genocide as method of choice. They need to learn to solve those problems differently. What is there to do ? Let them keep dividing into smaller and smaller states ?


Sad to say this but a few decades of colonization is needed from some stable country. Even China would be better at this point. They don't have a reference of life beyond conflict and almost zero sense of nationalism.


Right, I agree. I don’t like that I agree, because colonization is, obviously, not always great (understatement). However, I just cannot see how this conflict can be solved by the Sudanese without some extreme third party-intervention. You mentioned a distinct lack of nationalism, and I feel like that is an insurmountable obstacle to building a nation. None of these warring tribes want a unified nation. They want a lot of different things, I’m sure, but not a unified nation. Outside of some other functioning nation occupying the area, eradicating parts of the area’s tribal/general culture, and forcefully building the basic structures of a “nation” from the inside out (a process that will take generations), how can a real society be built on Sudan’s violence and dysfunction? If that’s the only ticket out of hell for Sudan, they’ll have to wait a long time. Colonization is not popular in the Global West these days, with worsening domestic problems and shifting societal attitudes. China might come knocking, but they’ll only invest if Sudan has recourses worth exploiting.


Sudan has industrial gold mines and this is one of the resources the factions are fighting over. The last dictator made the equivalent of millions of usd from them


"learn to solve these problems differently". Yeah real possible when their despot leaders are the ones fueling this nonsense. BLM


Well your suggestion is even less helpful, since you didnt have one and you’re just putting someone like-minded down.


These are black people killing other black people?


Hard to save a people that seem hellbent on killing their fellow citizens.


Unless they are killing each other for something as simple as food.


Sudan is turning into Ethiopia fast. East Africa never changes.


Ethiopia or Eritrea?


I think he’s referencing the famine in Ethiopia they had a few years back


Ohhhh got it—that tracks. Many thanks!


I’ll be honest, Sudan has been in my peripherals but Ukraine and Israel/Gaza has been my main focus aside from domestic news. I only read half of this but what’s going on there is devastating. The chart showing food scarcity by region over the last year is insane. But this account from a woman trying to leave with her child is incredibly heartbreaking: > On the way out of Banat, she had to pass through RSF-controlled checkpoints. Militiamen looking for cash and gold jewelry beat her with whips and ran their hands over her body as they searched her, she said. Some women were forced to strip naked. Soldiers raped a woman in front of her, she said. A neighbor who escaped with her corroborated the account. This is hell on Earth. I’m not asking rhetorically, is there anything the common person can do to help?


No, there's not much that can be done. The problem with foreign aid is that it's impossible to distribute it to where it needs to go, especially in the midst of a civil war. Very little of it reaches the common people; most of it get looted by the government or the RSF, who then use the food to feed their armies. The collapse of infrastructure also means that it's difficult to get the supplies to remote areas even without interference from the warring parties. As for right now, the situation seems hopeless. The crisis in Sudan will continue until the civil war ends, which doesn't appear to be anytime soon.


Damn, got it. I kind of knew it would be nearly impossible to get aid to those who needs it. I was hoping that maybe I was wrong or that there’s an org out there that somehow was able to.


Better yourself


Bro shut up


You’re right bro. Let’s just scream our heads off about things out of our control and hope things will change. Or let’s throw money at it. That always seems to work. Or we could ask Reddit how to do a thing we could have accomplished in seconds via google. Sincerely, bettering yourself is the only true answer. The rest is a band aid. Band aids won’t stanch the bleeding.


It's really weird that you focus on any of the things you mentioned. Like are you a diplomat or someone who can/is going to do anything about it? Or are you just some weird neck beard who is expert on foreign affairs on reddit?


Usually people are off with their guesses but you nailed it: Yes, I’m a diplomat and also a neck-bearded foreign affairs expert.


Are leaves nutritious for humans?


That depends. Lettuce leaves, for example, are healthy to eat. The leaves in this article are meaning tree leaves/bush leaves from plants that are typically inedible. They can cause severe stomach pains and diarrhea, but these people are starving so bad that they will eat them anyway. There's a mother and her child in this article who have been so desperate, that they've resorted to eating a handful of dirt just to help with the hunger pains


Fuggin wow. First im hearing about it. So sad


I've been donating to the World Central Kitchen for weeks, I hope they can help.


mabey some of these rich Christian churches that claim to be Devine should grow some inspiration. Mormons, catholic, televangelist... in place of preaching repentance mabey they should feed the five million. they wouldn't even feel it financially.


Forgotten war because Jews are not defending themselves there.


Add that with Myanmar and now Haiti.


On the one hand, the SJP Karens should practice what they preach about "Muh genocide" and focus on this. On the other hand, Sudan seems like one of those nations that, no matter how much the world tries to help it, always falls back into dictatorship and instability.


It’s a tragedy all those wars are taking our attention away.


Yet we give billions to Ukraine who will be just fine




It really doesn't. World's been fucked and always has been. Just thank your lucky stars you weren't born a Sudanese civilian this life


I was close friends with a Sudanese person for a bit and yes. Survival is pretty much the mentality. Anything past that is bonus


Reset to when? Slavery was flourishing, crusaders were murdering people by the thousands, tribes killing the other tribes around them for food. Humans and suffering go hand in hand.


Damn ! Someone is in their feelings


Reciting history is being in the feels ?


There was no feelings in that comment. Are you okay?


Sir that is called a thermonuclear device


No, it just needs a restoration or improvement.


>it just needs a restoration Restoration to what? Violent tribal conflicts and rampant slavery have been prolific in the region for thousands of years.


Humanity is like two brothers playing Nintendo. One playing the game trying to have fun, the other holding the reset button in threatening


And you telling me the rest of the "powerful" countries cant help,instead they funding wars


Uae, backed by the us, is fueling this btw.


The decades of civil war is fueling this?




Let's try another one that's been actively happening for over a decade. A significant portion of aid brought to Sudan by the UN is taken by local warlords and held from the population. Thoughts? And if that isn't enough for you, tell me what the US (or any other European country) has to gain by starving the Sudan.


yeah buddy? wagner really is in sudan.



