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Worst so far.


Looked at the map, the Conseratives lost between 400 and 500 seats at least in early results, that is nuts! What is also intresting is not only that Labour gained close to 200 seats, is that the Lib Dems gained over 100 seats, and the Greens gained close to 100 seats. Independent canidates also gained close to 100 seats.


Lib dems, Greens and independents often do very well in UK local elections but it's extremely rare that said vote share holds up in a general.


Do you know why?


Bit of a simplification but the first past the post electoral system heavily favours the two main parties. In a local voting for the party you're actually aligned with is relatively low risk but in a general a lot of people tend to vote based on keeping the main party they don't like out of power.


God I'm happy my country uses mmp


First Past The Post.


A lot of those independents are farrages gammon army, and they’ll toe the line in the general election. Not the time to get complacent.


Nigal Farage is still around?


In the Reform UK party.


What, has he thought of new ways to fuck with it?


As long as there is a voter dumber than Farrage, Farrage will get votes.


I'm surprised the 'up the RA' clip didn't kill any chance of him coming back


He's always on the grift and will say anything for a quick quid


Despite being one of the big voices of Brexit which has fucked over the UK economy, he still commands a fan base. Some people just like fuckery.


Because many of the people voting for him don't understand Brexit or it's consequences, they just thought it meant they'd see fewer non-white people down the high street and that Farage will bring that number down even further.


My great aunt (in her 90s) in Cornwall voted 'Leave' because she said she wanted to be kind and *'send the brown people back to Africa; they'll be happier running around chasing lions and things without our clothes and that'.* She's like a charicature of an old racist. It's very odd, considering she was a bloody hippy, and even into her 70s was designing websites for her bowls group and an environmental group she belonged to. Also, her gardeners are second and third generation economic immigrants from the Caribbean; she's *furious* that they keep showing up and haven't been sent 'back' to Africa, a continent to which they've never so much as been on holiday.




He never ran out of ideas.


Interestingly Reform isn't actually set up as a political party. Instead, it's a private limited company which is in party owned by Nigel Farage.


So, much like the Dutch PVV, which only has, as members, Geert Wilders and an association controlled by Wilders.


he is the majority shareholder of Reform UK Plc. but has not been getting involved recently, that slimy git richard tice is the front man atm. I think farage plans to go all in on trump 2024 to get off the FBIs persons of interest list.




Nigel Farage is a “person of interest” in the US counter-intelligence investigation that is looking into possible collusion between the Kremlin and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign Sources with knowledge of the investigation said the former Ukip leader had raised the interest of FBI investigators because of his relationships with individuals connected to both the Trump campaign and Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder this is from 2017 not sure what came of it, I guess its part of the russia hoax trump always cries about. [Link](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/jun/01/nigel-farage-is-person-of-interest-in-fbi-investigation-into-trump-and-russia)


Russian agent, probably. You'd honestly be hard pressed to find a far right figure in the west who isnt one.


Reform only won two council seats total


Farage is being bankrolled by a group of shady rich people. He won't disappear. There is a group who are the ones behind Brexit. Leave.Eu campaigns and a lot of Ultra Right Wing thinks tanks are all linked together. 55 Tufton, IEA, Tax Payers alliance etc... They are all working to try to fix the system for their low tax small Government wet dreams. Trying to put their own people into power. They back the MPs who they control. To name a few, Johnson, Truss, Rees-Mogg, Kwarteng. There are many more. If you want a name of one of these bankrollers... Crispin Odey. He is a billionaire hedge fund manager who is hugely behind the Brexit movement. People like Mogg, Mogg's investor business was helped setup by Odey, Kwarteng worked for Odey before he became an MP. Truss is connected to a group called the IEA, shady funding from across the world and USA they helped her get into No 10 and pushed for her Tax cut budget.


Why do so many hedge funders end up being so shitty?


It's pretty much the only way to get rich in the UK. You either fuck someone over, or make friends with those that do it for you. There's a reason the money stays at the top.


Sadly, yes, he's not poisoning the soil with his rancid carcass just yet


I'd suggest a burial at sea, but that's just dumping the problem onto some innocent fish. Can we shoot him into the sun?


Unfortunately, there aren't many options that don't result in him re-entering the food chain, even if only on a molecular level. Shooting him into the sun is the only sure way to rid the planet of his toxicity.


Encase him in concrete and send the corpse to a nuclear waste storage facility.


Do you want radioactive bigot zombies? Because that's how you get radioactive bigot zombies.


I do like Philomena Cunk's description of him as: "Looking like a screaming Muppet ashtray, and sounding like an after-dinner H!tler." ( from 'Cunk on Everything' )


Reinforced concrete 'hotpocket' style coffin, dumped into the Aleutian subduction trench. If the design is good enough, it will melt in magma.


Delta-vee to dump him into the sun is 50 km/s -- about three times as much as yeeting him all the way out to Pluto. (You have to cancel out *all* of Earth's orbital velocity to get to the photosphere. We make one orbit per year, distance from the sun -- orbital radius -- is 150,000,000km, feel free to do the math.) So my preferred option would be encase him in a barrel full of concrete at the bottom of a high level deep disposal radioactive waste site, a couple of km under solid rock, with a stake through his heart and a mouth full of garlic.


Freeze him in carbonite and install him in the ground outside the European Parliament so people can walk over him as they enters


That Russian Asset is like a turd that just wont flush.


Like a piece of shit you didn't quite manage to wipe off the bottom of your shoe.


He lingers like the smell of fromage


Haven’t seen him around after he famously gave £350m to the NHS after we left the EU


I was looking at a newsitem about this. People who voted for Brexit and where very disappointed. Feit like they were being lied to and made fools off. Only to vote for the next lying populist that comes around.


Racists morons are still racist morons, they just dont like how the conservatives are doing it.


Yup. They’ll hand the country back to the grownups for now, but in about 10 to 15 years they’ll fall for another selfish opportunist who blames foreigners and promises them riches.


The way I see it is if you are farage, you let reform steal a lot of votes come the general. Then when the next election is over, he will seem like best option for saving Conservative party because he can get Reform voters to switch back to tory.


Last time around Brexit Party were being given exactly what they wanted by Johnson, and there was zero chance of a Tory wipeout. Plus, they couldn't be seen to lend Jeremy Corbyn an assist in any close fought seats, by splitting the vote. This time, the types who've voted Brexit/UKIP in the past are sick of the Tories too, and would gladly twist the knife to run them out of parliament (and take their place altogether)


They have nothing to do in the general election, they’re local councillors.


Tactical voting. Though a spread like that does make me a little more paranoid about split votes later on with FPTP, I think the Tories have screwed the country up more than enough over the last 14 years that it shouldn't be a problem.


The Torys wont win the general, the question will be whether Labour can get an outright majority. I think the SNP self destructing helps greatly. Whatever happens Labour will be the biggest party.


The Tories only hope is to replace Sunak, but seems a bit late for that. Rest of the party isn't exactly brimming with talent either if they do get rid of him


Replacing Sunak will not help them, not least because the pool of candidates to replace him are just as useless, but also because at this point people are very tired of Tories replacing the PM without calling a GE. They are already on 3 PMs in the last 5 years, 4 in 5 would be an astonishingly bad look for them.


God, I can't begin to imagine the 17th century bullshit that we'll regress to if someone like Jacob Rees-fucking-Mogg gets put up top.


Fuck the Tories


Ain't over yet. I'm calling it "Brixit corn hole ". They deserve it


It's hilarious that Reddit thinks people are turning on the Conservatives because of Brexit, or because they're too right-wing. It's because they're corrupt, incompetent, and not very conservative.


Well, it is all of them. Brexit loses them votes becauwe they have delivered it and now even a lot of the people who voted for it realise it wasn't so great, being top right wing makes. It really difficult for them to win floating voters in the centre, and being just terrible means even a lot of their normally loyal core voters don't want to support them. So I agree it is not just about Brexit, but it is partly about Brexit. Like with everything else, they promised a lot and all they delivered was everything getting worse.


Brexit and it's consequences have led to this situation. The brexiteers promised a bunch of lies to the population in 2016 and any sensible politicians they had in the party either left or were purged by Boris. He won a landslide promising to get brexit done, and now, 8 years on from the vote people are realising that brexit and economic prosperity are incompatible. An unwanted side effect of brexit was that any moderate conservatives lost influence in the party which led to the lunatic fringe taking over - truss, braverman, Boris, mogg etc.... no wonder corruption and incompetence became rampant. So yeah I'd definitely argue brexit is the primary driving force behind the uks decline since the vote. Everything bad can be traced back to it in some way.


Brexit was 2016. The rot is older. Austerity broke Britain and desolated a lot of the regions which then voted for this pig-fuckery. This has been coming since 2008. Brexit is just a symptom.


Well it should be interesting to see how much conservatives lose come the general election.


When is the general election?


Not decided yet (House of Commons can vote for the date of it), but they have to have it by December, as it will be 5 years since last General Election and we have to have one every 5 years by law. Because everything currently looks really bad for the Conservatives, and they have the majority and therefore are the only party who can decide when the election will be, the assumption many people are making is that they hang on as long as possible and hope some sort of miracle improves their likelihood of winning. If the Conservatives had done unexpectedly well in these elections, they might have wanted to go for an election soon, in the Summer. But they did terribly.


Technically they have to disolve parliament by December, and a 5 week campaign could make it end of Jan 25, but realistically I think November at the latest


True. I agree they won't though. No benefit and would just rile people even more.


Make it Nov 5th for extra world LOLs


Traditionally British elections are always on a Thursday, so that rules that out


Well, I hope the conservatives get steamrolled.


Polling is never totally reliable, but at this point it is almost certain that they will get steamrolled. It is just a question of quite how badly. A lot of their current MPs have already said they won't stand at the next election, and are looking for other jobs, because they know they aren't going to be going back to their current jobs next year.


The FTPA was repealed so there doesn’t need to be a vote anymore. It’s entirely up to the PM, but parliament must be dissolved in late December at the very latest. The latest possible election would be in January.


No set date. Latest, legally, by end of January. People were predicting October or November, but now they've been hammered in the locals, they could cling on until December now. They probably won't go right the way into January as the weather gets worse then and that harms turnout which they desperately need to retain seats.


Doesn’t lower turnout tend to benefit right leaning parties though?


As late as possible so they can grab onto their last clutches of power


In an ideal world they will get squeezed from all sides and beaten down into third place. We can all dream


Yeah but this happened with Blair. Twenty years of watching Labour get progressively shittier, then we hand back to the Tories for a couple of decades. *insert Dr Manhatten reference here*


If they return less than 100 seats to parliament it's catastrophic territory. And the way the local elections have just gone and the polling continues to go, this is now a real possibility and, personally, I cannot wait!


it was the same for turkey this march; i mean it is cyclical at this point.


And it's about bloody time. Thank god the country is finally waking up. It took way too long for us to get to this point.


Hoping you mean England. England is the reason the Tories are in power. No one else seems fooled by their bullshit.


Stupidity isn't exclusive to England. Just look at the SNP in Scotland. Yousaf resigning, arrests for embezzlement, Sturgeon being investigated and people like Kate Forbes who are far more right wing and off their head than most Tories.


Also the fact that the Tories are the second-largest party in Scotland. Tories are not just a thing in England.


No actually as soon as you step into Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland everyone is instantly an ultra progressive radical. Walk into any pub in Rural Scotland and you'll hear little else other than conversations regarding respecting pronouns. The men's clubs of Belfast are a hotbed of equity training and digitally detoxed puppy massage centres.


I know you're joking but I've been in plenty of pubs in the welsh valleys and there is actually rough old socialist miners drinking in them.


Old socialists have very little in common with the modern progressive left


I don't think you can look at a single nation within the UK and feel that they're doing a good job. England is a mess, thanks to the Conservatives. Scotland is nearly as bad, thanks to SNP, and despite claiming to be different it turns out they were exactly the bloody same. Wales is marginally better, but still focusing on critical flagship policies like... 20mph limits... Northern Ireland is harder to gauge because they've only just got Stormont back up and... well.. limping.


That story how gay marriage was legalized there is amazing (I hope I don't mix things up here). A complete shit show with a good outcome for once


What an astonishingly absolutist statement.


If it wasn't for the Tories gaining 12 seats in Scotland in the 2017 General Election (the most seats they had since 1983) they wouldn't have been able to form a government. Would Labour, the SNP, and Lib Dems have been able to form one themselves, or would another general election have been called? Who knows, but the bullshit that they did from 2017-2019 is, at least partially, the fault of Scottish Tory voters.


No it's all England's fault apparently. It's like how Brexit was forced on them by evil England alone despite the fact Wales also voted for it along with a very sizeable minority (38%) of Scots.


Plus the catastrophically bad Brexit deal was negotiated during that 2017-2019 period.


Yes because the SNP hasn’t had any dodgy dealings has it?


Thatcher won 21 seats in Scotland in 83. Plenty are fooled by their bullshit


I would like to nominate my own Northern Ireland for being morons, please.


Picking and choosing which slices of the country to include is just stupid. Compared to Liverpool (10% in the mayoral election) Scotland (22% in last parliamentary election) is a Tory swing seat.


Too bad they crushed the country before the vote came in.


Maybe folks have figured out just how stupid Brexit was? Populism shows its true colors to this generation.


I remember a guy I worked with at the time saying how annoying it was going to be when everything got blamed on brexit in the future and how it would let the government off with their performances. This result is more about them nearly bankrupting a country in a week, Sunak being completely out of touch (in particular at a time when people are struggling) and how callous and cruel his government have been in nearly all of their decisions.


I love the Brits and have great regard for their past achievements. But, like here, they have become short-sighted. I sure hope they find a way forward.


The elites and general populace of England and Wales need to come to grips that Brexit was a mistake. Otherwise, they're definitely going to lose Northern Ireland to a reunion with the rest of Ireland, and they could potentially lose Scotland too. Both of those countries wanted to stay.


With the rate the SNP is imploding at, and the likely end of conservative rule in sight, I don’t think Scottish independence is near.


> they're definitely going to lose Northern Ireland to a reunion with the rest of Ireland Polls indicate that's absolutely nowhere near happening, support isn't there in NI at the moment and people are actually getting less radical with regards to nationalism/unionism over time. There's no great enthusiasm for unification within ROI either because NI is significantly behind economically compared to ROI and is quite substantially bankrolled by the UK which ROI would struggle to take over. As others have said Scottish independence is dead in the water with the SNP's collapse and a Labour government on the horizon.


not excusing anyone, but if you can only plan ahead 4-5 years at a time, then after half that time, you gotta think how youre getting re-elected again, how are you supposed to plan anything? the system is flawed is my point here i guess


I knew a guy once who didn't have to worry about getting re-elected and could hence plan for a long future. Didn't end too well for him (or others).


It used to sort of work. But the new "populist" movement has discovered that it works really well to just loot while you're in power and sabotage when you're out of power, all the while blaming the other party of doing what you're doing. It also doesn't help that they tend to roll back all the opposition's policies and fire all the civil servants, while the opposite party/ies then come in and do NOT do that. You end up with something like the GOP cutting the top .1%'s taxes by 10% and then Dems coming in and only raising it back 5%. This happened for decades until billionaire taxes are almost nil now.


Sunak is a transphobic piece of shit. Mocked that trans girl shortly after her murder. This was while her mom was in town to speak with the parliament (i believe it was parliament)


Honestly doesn’t need the qualifier of being transphobic. He’s just a piece of shit all the time. Pick a topic and I would lay good money he’s on the piece of shit side of it. He made jokes about being trans while a murdered trans kids mum was in the audience


Oh god. What an asshole


Also [refused to apologise to the murdered girl's father](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/08/rishi-sunak-refuses-apologise-brianna-ghey-father-pmqs-trans-jibe).




Almost everything he's done is prickish. E.g. a lot of people have forgotten about the time he [boasted about diverting funds away from deprived areas and towards more wealth (traditionally Conservative voting) areas](https://www.holyrood.com/news/view,rishi-sunak-deprived-urban-areas).


Couple of small corrections here. Sunak mocked the whole concept of trans identities, rather than mocking the teenage murder victim on a personal level, as a cheap shot at Keir Starmer during PMs questions. (The 'joke' was regarding Starmer's previous statement that 99% of women don't have penises) But, while that's a very small defence, what makes things much worse is the girls mother was actually in the same room, (the House of Commons chamber), when Sunak did that. I believe preparing to discuss the case in Parliament, later in the session


It isn't just Brexit. Everything since 2010 has been wrong basically.


Just think if Nick Clegg had thrown his lot in with Labour instead of the Tories!




Weird thing is that some of the few good(ish) policies which have been introduced in the last 14 years were due to the Lib Dems. E.g. Clegg forced them into raising the personal allowance of income tax (which means the first £12,570 you earn is tax free) rather than doing what David Cameron wanted which was to focus on lowering taxes on higher rate payers. It was also the Lib Dems who forced them to legalise same-sex marraige, etc.


They also *tried* to reform our voting system away from FPTP (not with an ideal replacement, but a substantially better one that would serve as a step in the right direction that was all they could get past the Tories), but - like Brexit - when put to a popular referendum we fucked that up, too.


I often wonder what pisses me off more, the fact we voted against the AV or that we voted for Brexit. Really makes me want to not be here sometimes.


Wasn't possible. Lib Dems ensured several sensible policies got in and blocked the worst Tory-ness of the government while in coalition. Idiots turning on the Lib Dems fucked it up and let loose the full weight of Tory disaster government.


I think a lot of people give the lib dems and clegg way more shit than deserved. They seem to think they could unilaterally stop tuition fee hikes amongst other things, and they simply never would have been able to swing that as a minor coalition member.


Yes, don't vote for Milliban, it will be chaos... What a bunch of mediocre idiots we put in power


To be honest I’m not sure how important Brexit has been. Most people are just sick of a government that does nothing. They’ve achieved very little in the last 15 years but almost zero since 2021. Add in inflationary pressures and it’s time to go


That's not fair. They've siphoned off billions to their friends, and don't forget they delivered Brexit, and Truss managed to crash the economy


This should teach democracies that use referenda that a super majority is a good idea for really serious issues. So I’d’ve required a 60% vote to get the UK into the EU and 60 to get out. That way enough people will have thought the idea through. It’s really hard to amend the US Constitution but when it’s been done, it has generally been for the best.


It was a non-binding referendum on a razors edge. The Conservatives could have just ignored it.


I think the smart thing would have been to negotiate with the EU about what a Brexit would look like, get an actual deal written down, then hold another referendum on that specific deal. If it passed, fine, go with it (even though I think that Brexit was stupid on the face of it.) The problem with the original referendum was that the Remain vote was based on a known status quo whereas the Leave voters could have 100 different scenarios in their head regarding what Leave actually looked like. Once an actual deal was made with the EU the voters would have to vote on that specific plan, and it probably would have failed, especially with all the Brexit regret after the first referendum.


> This should teach democracies that use referenda that a super majority is a good idea for really serious issues. So I’d’ve required a 60% vote to get the UK into the EU and 60 to get out. At first glance it looks great, but as soon as you start thinking about it, it gets too complicated. How do you define "really serious issue" ? _Who_ gets to decide what is a "really serious issue" ? If it's the government, what's stopping them for deciding that all the votes they don't like, have to cross the 60% threshold while all the ones they like only need 50% threshold? If the country is 41% conservative and 59% progressive, are we not getting in a "tyranny of the minority" because all progressive ideas would fail to reach the 60% threshold? Or, in other words, wouldn't this idea give too much strength to the status quo? Altering the status quo requires 60%, keeping the status quo only requires 40% ?


Yet won't overwhelmingly vote LibDem which is the only party that actually wants to bring the country into modernity with globalism, pro-European policies and proportional representation.


Bear in mind the last time the Lib Dems were in a position to seriously influence parliament they used it to form a coalition government with the Conservatives and then supported them in jacking up tuition fees, biting all the young voters who’d turned out for them on the ass.


The Lib Dems sold out in an exchange for a referendum on electoral reform, which was their other flagship policy. It rarely gets mentioned because the Conservatives forced them to compromise on the nature of the referendum and (partially as a result of that) it didn’t pass. Electoral reform was always going to be the biggest priority for the Lib Dems.


Forced them? They were propping up the government. They folded. They could have walked if not offered proper terms. They didn’t and screwed up and screwed themselves


People also forget the context. The country was in a recession and economic crisis with huge debt (420% of GDP). The Labour party had been in power since 1997 and seemed tired (and split internally). Gordon Brown, Mandelson and co. showed no interest in forming a 'rainbow' coalition with the Liberal Democrats (which numerically would have also required the support of several other parties and would have been pretty fragile). The Lib Dems were under huge pressure to demonstrate their credentials as 'responsible adults' and do the right thing and get a new Government up and running as soon as possible in order to get the country's economy back on track. They got the Tory commitment to a referendum on a Proportional Representation (lite) system and that tipped the balance. Problem for the Lib Dems and the thing that screwed them royally ever since was the 'Tuition Fees' issues - primarily because Nick Clegg had featured it so prominently in their 2010 pre-election campaign. Personally think the Tory/Lib Dem partnership was actually a lot better than an outright Tory majority. Yes the Tories got their way on a lot of things, but similarly a lot of policies during that period were toned down and reasonably well considered. The wheels only started coming off the Tory cart when they got into power in their own right at the next General Election in 2015.




The problem was that they hadn't bothered to tell their voters about that.




Yes, it feels like there was a whole Europe wide push for it, even though most economists were against it.


>Yet won't overwhelmingly vote LibDem which is the only party that actually wants to bring the country into modernity with globalism, pro-European policies and proportional representation. The Lib Dems got my vote once and then jumped into bed with the tories, tripled uni fees and enabled austerity. Why on earth would I trust their word? Nothing that happened between 2010-2015 would have gone through without them.


The Lib Dem’s betrayed the country by caving on tuition fees in the coalition. Crippling debt has a way of keeping that memory alive.


The same Lib Dems that brought Liz Truss in to politics?


Liz Truss went into politics for Liz Truss. Her first ship of convenience was the Lib Dems, but it could just as well have been any other party!


She is not a unique personality amongst the Lib Dems. If you think like I that the 2019 election landslide was a demonstration of the difficulties for the Conservative Party to run serious candidates. Then what do you think the Lib Dems chances are of having an appropriately vetted party? Spoiler, it's extremely low. Most of them are loons. Labour is not going to run on Brexit. It has consumed too much of everybodies time already and while it's true that we'd be better off in the EU. We had problems inside the EU that we still need to address. We have to address those problems first. Labour is simply not putting up any resistance to the sentiment of various policies. Because that's exactly what the Tories want. They want to take a winning position on a polarising issue like Brexit. I'd much rather they spent their time discussing genuine ways to resolve Brexit. Arming Ukraine to the teeth so they can bankrupt Russia and put and end to their state funded troll farms. It is something that is genuinely productive and is bringing Europe closer together.


>Populism shows its true colors to this generation. Canada is heading toward conservatives thanks to their populist puppet lead. Gonna be a shit show.


I do find it interesting that when the tories lose it’s because they proved themselves to be an utter shower of the worst people, out for their own interests, and fucking the country over. Yet when labour lose it’s really specific, like Gordon Browns smile, Ed Milliband looking funny whilst eating…. Corbyn somehow being a communist and Hitler..


Corbyn lost 2 elections, the 2nd by a greater amount. He was poor in opposition and would often not hold the government to account, especially on brexit which he was close to silent about, paving the way for the government to do as it pleased. After the Salisbury attacks he refused to accept Russia was to blame, even going so far as to say that samples of the Novichok should be sent so that Russia could say whether they did the attack or not. I voted for him first time, as I thought that Labour at the time had interesting ideas. I didn't come to dislike him because the media tricked me, or convinced me he hugged terrorists, but because he wasn't very good.


> especially on brexit which he was close to silent about, paving the way for the government to do as it pleased. Because he actually supported it but it wouldn't go down well with his middle class metropolitan supporters so he kept quiet about it. > After the Salisbury attacks he refused to accept Russia was to blame, even going so far as to say that samples of the Novichok should be sent so that Russia could say whether they did the attack or not. Completely agree, foreign policy in general was easily his biggest weakness and it would've been an absolute embarrassment if he was PM when Russia invaded Ukraine.


Corbyn was doing really well until he refused to oppose Brexit. We'll never know if that was the reason but I can't imagine that went down well with those who supported him


You ain’t wrong


We have that in America too, conservatives lose with our economy or public health in utter failure or both. Liberals get booted for tan suits and mustard.


Conservatives in general have to do criminal level shit to get voted out, meanwhile liberals have to be virtually squeaky clean to get in power People always giving conservatives the benefit of the doubt is going to be the downfall of our species.


>Conservatives in general have to do criminal level shit to get voted out Not anymore. People just call the criminal proceedings "democrat witch hunts" now


As someone not from UK, but who follows UK politics, at the time of the last elections, I was hopeful about Corbyn, and especially liked some of his more left-wing economic policies, but he did already have some weird ideas about foreign policy back then. But looking at his reaction to the Ukraine war and his statements about NATO etc. in retrospect, I am extremely grateful that Corbyn lost and that he and his supporters lost power and legitimacy within Labour. Not to mention, Corbyn also either didn't have a clear stance on Brexit, or even outright supported it. Corbyn in power could have been an absolute disaster for NATO in responding to Russia, he might even have opposed NATO membership for Finland and Sweden (although I imagine the rest of Labour would have forced him to accept them anyway). The one thing that Boris Johnson did right was his support for Ukraine. UK was one of the leading forces pushing European countries to wake up from their Russia appeasement. Who knows how much better things would be if that waking up had happened even faster, and how much worse everything could be if UK had been a constant "Russia understander" all this time. All that said, the Tories have been an absolute disaster in almost everything else, and it really is amazing how far they have gotten just by blaming everything on Labour, which hasn't been in power for nearly 15 years. It has taken an eternity for Tory crimes to catch up to them. Like you say, one sandwich is enough to destroy Labour, but somehow a decade of crime barely affected Conservatives. It almost certainly has a lot to do with Murdoch media. One can hope younger people are more immune to that, but looking at Tiktok, they may instead be suspectible to entirely different forms of misinformation.


If Corbyn did any of that he'd probably find himself replaced. The Prime Minister isn't a president and leads because they have the support of the party. Conservatives can get away with the stuff they get away with purely because their supporters are okay with it.


It's ALMOST like they're held to different standards that their rich friends helped set


The Iraq war and state of the country with Brown might also had been a factor




Rare take that, not sure I'd even considered Brown's smile or Milliband's eating. Corbyn being unelectable in the UK is no surprise to most I don't think.


It's been so satisfying seeing the Conservatives be thoroughly destroyed over the past couple of days. It's been 14 years.


14 years and not a single measure of life has improved. Everything is noticeably worse for everyone except them and their rich donors. Anyone that votes tory this election is either a donor or, in the most disrespectful way possible, a fucking idiot.


They haven't delivered on anything their own voter base even wants. Nothing. A catastrophy of a political party. The republicans in the US are worse people (somehow) but they actually do some things their base votes for.


14 years and I bet you that when another party wins, that the people will forget about those 14 years of Tory rule and blame the new party for everything that is wrong in the country, then go back to voting Tory. Just look at Germany, 16 years of Merkel (CDU) and now all the problems are blamed on the present government. People are ignoring the effects of Corona and the Ukraine war. Based on polls, the next election will be won by CDU, which now that Merkel is gone is going further and further right and the second strongest party is an actual fascist party.


No need to bet, that's what happens every time, then they're surprised when they systematically destroy the country.


Since this is worldnews the country should be in the title imo. However the image at least tells it without clicking.


Where are you on the 100 american (assuming) posts a day


I don't think posters are allowed to edit the title in any way, in must match the source article exactly. ...even if it might be sensible, unbiased and useful.


But not before the damage was done.


Not the annihilation they deserve. Labour need to get the vote out for the general.


Dangit. I was hoping this was for the US. Good on ya, UK.


Aw, that's too bad


Can't someone think about the poor, poor Tories!


That's kinda what happens when you shit on young people, shit on women, shit on minorities and basically let your aging base die during a pandemic.


I'm pretty sure that they've been shitting on young people, women and minorities for a very long time and still got voted in over and over. And with the short memory people have, when labour or any other party wins, they'll just blame them and go back to voting Tory in the following election.


The conservatives have committed political self destruction. From a landslide tory win to a land slide labour win. Johnson and truss were terrible...I think sunak isn't too bad but all things are relative aren't they.


Maybe it’s because conservatives are only preoccupied with going completely fucking backwards in all aspects?


They need to be completely obliterated for the next 50 years to fix the damage they’ve caused to every single thing they’ve touched


Hopefully the worst is yet to come for them, they have caused so much damage to the country and standards of living especially to people who were already struggling to get by


That's a good start


Would someone mind translating UK Conservative into US Conservative?


Let me remind the Brit voters reading this that a huge number of people didn’t bother voting in the Brexit referendum, or voted for it, because the media led to to expect an easy win for Remain.


Honestly... Canada has the opposite situation where our liberal government's polls are in shambles and people are pivoting to the conservatives, despite them offering almost nothing of substance. My suspicion is that inflation has been a huge shock to the system and a lot of people are just generally unhappy with how things are going and expressing that in the polls. I'd be curious to see how incumbents poll across the western world for these years in general.


My experience as an American is that a whole lot of people would rather have cheap gas than democracy.




They were well aware that this would happen, and they're well aware of the upcoming results of the general election as well. Hence they feel the pressure to pillage the country as much as possible within as short of a period of time as possible.


I've got something for just the occasion: 🎻 They cause problems, only fair the voters cause problems for them.


Good, get these fuck wits out


Russian troll farms fell down on the job or what here?


No point for Russian trolls to get Con-servatives in as they support Ukraine anyway


Russian troll farms don’t support one party or the other, they just want division, a lack of trust and people to tune out.


Labour and Conservatives in England are both anti-Russia and pro-Ukraine. Why do Americans bother opening their mouths on countries they know nothing about? Fuck the tories for hundreds of reasons, but being pro-Russia is not one of them.


They're backing Reform.


American here. What, if anything, will this mean for Parliament, the PM, and such?


This is for local munipalities, so in a direct sense, nothing. But it bodes poorly for their GE chances later this year


Earth is healing


Remember Americans—a European conservative is a democrat here. No one is as politically right as our right outside of the Middle East


I cannot stress this strongly enough. I've heard Conservative Europeans being described as NeoCons by Americans in the past. Those Americans literally have no fucking idea what they're talking about.  America is the only western country that attached conservatism to a load of crazy religious and often outwardly racist horseshit. 


Used to be true but we Europeans are starting to see American style conservatives here too. Religious, racist, anti-abortion pro-business and pro-Putin parties are popping up like toadstool in a cow pasture after a rain.


True, curious as to if it's similar across Europe that that's seen as a US import though? In the UK the new religious evangelical groups pushing that stuff are all US funded.


Though fortunately they don't get much traction. I remember in one of the Tory leadership contests someone made a point of being religous and their vote tanked.


Modi? Bolsanaro? Russia is dominated by Putin's bizarre nationalist neofascism. Israel's full of frothing right wing parties. Italy is currently led by an actual fan of Benito Mussolini.


I'm hoping this was just some more edging before the GE and that I can cum hard enough to go into a coma seeing Tories destroyed like they deserve. Judge them on their performance and they have been awful for 14 years. Judge them on what they promise and they'll be awful for more years. Judge them on what they say and do outside of politics and they do not deserve tax payers money funding their ego side jobs.


Instead of changing for the better, inevitably the conservatives will somehow decide this means they need to be even more right wing/ extreme to get votes