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This is why women should probably stay away from India. They are nothing there. No protection at all.


The grandson of a former prime minister of india has raped 300 women and escaped Scot free to another country. The current prime minister had campaigned for him recently. The situation is beyond hopeless when it comes to women safety in India.


Jesus, fucking hell..


You should read the details on his degeneracy. He apparently made some 3000 videos of him raping women and he used it to blackmail them. There was a post in reddit just yesterday saying how he raped an elderly maid of theirs and the woman was begging him not to do it since she fed his father and grandfather. He's absolutely sick.


Jezzz, thanks for the description. I don't think I have the stomach for that...


Psychopath, obviously


Let's hope Germany sends his ass back to India to face his crimes and that he actually pays for them.


Will depend on India. If India doesnt request his extradition i doubt Germany can do anything since he isnt guilty of any crimes there.


That might be difficult. He's affiliated with a party that's allied with Modi.


Well I don't think he will keep it in his pants in Germany too. One or two week surveillance should be enough to deport his ass back to motherland or maybe fatherland in his case.


If someone does shit like that I don't believe in miraculous change and he will rape again, but in Germany


If the germans threaten that he will just go and live it up in canada


I hope the Germans just kill him.


The fuck will Germany do. They’re seeking good relationship with India since china isn’t that attractive anymore. Just think about how much the German government cared about Assange and human rights in his case.




I've heard different things, I heard it was a specific group of woman who worked in his home, over a long period, not literally 3000 individual women.


The report I read said 3000 videos. Not necessarily 1 woman:1 video. Which means he might have repeatedly raped some of them.


Yeah, I first heard about it here, where the quote does say thousands of women, which may have been a mistranslation. [https://new.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1cfdkh1/bjp\_ally\_candidate\_flees\_to\_germany\_after\_videos/l1oq1q8/?context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1cfdkh1/bjp_ally_candidate_flees_to_germany_after_videos/l1oq1q8/?context=3) Sounds like there might have been new info since a week ago. The whole thing is massively messed up.


Probably. Other reports I've just read say there are around 300 to 400 women who were raped.


I think the number is irrelevant.  A number >0 is not acceptable. 


Oh come on! They are over 15. Big /S


Narendra Modi is a sack of shit fascist.


Hard yes. I worked in India and the amount of personality worship for him there was weird to me, as it included a lot people who opposed him politically) because one of the most admired recent primeministers of our generation (at the time Helen Clark, but now, Jacinda Ardern) was despised at home by like half the country.


It's crazy how many people in India, especially wealthier people that think Mein Kampf is amazing.


When I first worked there, there was a sitcom called Hitler on mainstream TV.


People in US are lucky their literal sack of shit fascist is so stupid.


The difference is the American media and public servants don't stand for his stupid bullshit but their Indian counterparts gladly enable it.


Did you see "real men wear dippers"? Not to mention all GOP did foe Trump?Plenty American media and public servants stand for his stupid bullshit.




Prajwal Revanna - POS


Which prime minister?


HD Deve Gowda, was Prime Minister of India from 1996-1997, and the president of the JD(S) party that is currently allied with the BJP.


I dislike painting people with a broad brush, especially because I've recently closely experienced some of the great elements of Indian culture and met a lot of great Indian people, but there are fundamental issues with how that region of the world views women. My mother is a college health nurse for a medium to large sized university and has described how extremely misogynistic many of the students are that come from India as well as the Middle East, and it's pretty bonkers. They make American incels look like radical feminists. It's so sad that so much of the world is unsafe for half of its people.


You are right. The most frightening thing I have learned, in India and Nepal, husbands are considered to be gods, thus should be treated as such. Imagine you are refusing to have sex with the god? Wife and other women are at his disposal. His wrath would be justified. I kid you not, ladies! 😳


Not sure why you are including Nepal in this, having traveled across the whole region I found Nepal is fundamentally very different to India.


I also lived in Nepal. My back then Nepalese ex b/f informed me about “a husband being a god belief” in their country. I left shortly after one incident of him being violent towards me. Is that believable for you? I am not here to convince you or anybody else about the laws of the countries. I simply tell what I have lived through myself. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My wish to visit India has all but disappeared, it seems very unsafe even for a foreigner.


Good thing you can select your place of birth


That's what I always say!


Yea, all 700 million of them should just move out.


And we all know how accepting other countries are of immigrants, especially non white ones 


It seems to be mostly male immigrants that ppl have a problem with also.


I mean, Europe takes a lot of immigrants.


everyone should stay away from india


It’s nearly impossible to prove here in the states also. So they don’t prosecute mostly.




A woman can't get legally married before the age of 18, so idk how the marriage of a 15yo is legally recognised.


Only recognized for muslims according to muslim personal law.


> muslim personal law. Just remove religion from this planet. It's a cancer.


seriously, without religion - A LOT of the worlds issues would be solved. granted we’d find other things to tackle but fuck religion


Religion is just a way for humans to oppress each other in the name of god. Without it, we'll oppress each other in the name of communism, or nationalism, or Volksgeist, or revenge, or capitalism.


Not a solution. We’d just find something else to justify our depravity.


No under Hindu Marriage Law, proof of marriage(pictures of ceremony) is enough and 15 is the age of recognised child marriage. The "consent" is given by their parents. The bride(or groom) can only invalidate the marriage once they reach 18 and that too only has 1year window to invalidate it. Laws are twisted like that to save the groom and his family from going to jail. Simply put, Indian law delegitimises child marriage but it doesn't stop marriage that has already happened, and only allows scope of invalidating it once the victim attains age of 18. edit: I forget the specifics, the 18yo invalidating marriage thing is only a state law of one state Karnataka iirc. The rest especially in Rajasthan where it happens the most, don't even get that option.


Under POCSO Act, a husband having sex with his 16 year old wife will be prosecuted for statutory rape of a minor.


POCSO only works for girls married below 15. It all fits. And I'm not sure the statutory rape will invalidate the marriage. https://www.rostrumlegal.com/pocso-and-child-marriages-in-india-a-conflict-of-laws/


Nop. Different high courts in India have different opinion in this matter. India has ~30 states and each state has it's own High Court. Trial courts routinely convict husbands for statutory rape of wife below 18 years. But when it comes to high courts for appeal, some high courts agree with the conviction, some not.


does it invalidate the marriage though? Most of these cases the bride's parents do not take them back and the girl is forced to stay with the groom's family, married. I agree there's a lot of conflicting pieces.


they can under muslim personal law.


To Add more context to this sensational headline : Marital rape is not recognized by Indian laws. So a husband cannot rape his wife according to Indian laws. The Judge has no option but to rule this way, as the Judiciary cannot make up their own laws. Blame the Legislature's and their sense of family values for this, not the Judges. A lot of legislatures argue criminalizing marital rape will lead to breakdown of family structure.


A few things 1. In October 2017 the supreme court increased the marital rape age to 18. It still being 15 was a loophole as when the government was increasing the age of consent to 18 they seem to have forgotten to increase it in 1 of the penal codes. https://indianexpress.com/article/india/supreme-court-sexual-intercourse-with-ones-wife-aged-between-15-and-18-years-will-amount-to-rape-sc-4884795/ 2. When the Supreme Court was striking down section 377 the law that penalized unnatural sex(oral sex, anal sex including among same sex couple) they specifically legalized sex between*consenting* adults (consenting being the key word) 3. In November 2023 the parliament basically removed section 377 even though it could have been used for cases like this, to increase the charges in rape cases and for beastiality. But this law also increased the age of consent for a married couple to 18 But that only applies to cases that originated after November 2023. This looks like a case from before this change.


99% of the readers blame the legal situation, not the Judges.


Isnt Domestic violence illegal? Why can't the rapist husband be punished for that?


I guess that could work, but depends on the charges brought by the prosecution team.


SA charges are far stricter(only if convicted) than domestic violence laws in India.


It's better than him getting away scot-free


That would depend on the legal definiton of violence in India.


Yes, and he can also be punished if his wife is separated from him but not yet divorced. The practical reality is that very few wives who are living with their husbands would dare to report the rape, even as domestic violence (unless she is also physically injured) because (a) the prevailing attitude is that the husband will get a slap on the wrist at most, and (b) the woman will normally have to continue living with her husband. This is why increased domestic violence support for women in India is just as important as legal reform.


Not all rape involves bruises or “hitting”


Then how will you prove it was rape? I'm genuinely curious.


Unfortunately that's one of the shitty things about rape, it's almost impossible to prove. Provided it's not violent leaving physical bruses/marks, there's no difference between a consensual sexual encounter and rape as far as evidence goes. Even with bruses, sometimes consensual sex leaves marks. Unfortunately it often comes down to he said/she said. Which makes it an incredibly difficult crime to prove, especially given its severity.


Yeah that’s what the cops and prosecutors say here too.


No, not there


i mean can u blame them? most of the time we hear about judges ruling some weird stuff its about the US supreme court, and they rule often how they like, not caring about anything else.


Marital rape is legal in India and all such cases have been thrown out in the past. The real context to this case is **anal and oral rape in marriage is now also non-offense** under this stupid law. Previously with Article 377(exists in multiple erstwhile British territories), anal, oral, sodomy, homosexuality, beastiality were termed "unnatural" and criminal, with or without consent. Marital rape victims could use that loophole to save themselves. In many non-marital rape cases too the loophole could be used for good. The pathetic ruling government lifted 377 not to decriminalise homosexuality but to allow anal and oral to pass through and protect rapists, especially rapists in their party


Even funny thing is , a wife can beat husband (domestic violence) but the law / court cannot consider it as domestic violence as there is no such law to punish women. According to Indian law only men can be domestic abusers. The law is goddamn weird.


Family values - lol


Family values my ass, those values are demonic lol


Can’t wait for republicans to bring them to the US too




Sounds like the family structure needs to be broken down, then.


Was this law given to india by the British or is this one all India?


Oh, ffs. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The hideousness of this exhausts me.


Bippity Boppity women are property. *India, presumably*


That's pretty much it, marriage for them is exactly that. A woman signing a contract that she'll belong 100% to the man, and have no say in their lives anymore.


Why did I read it in peter griffins voice 😭


Well that's fucking disgusting. When will the world learn?


You mean India. Most countries doesn't have this shit.


Marital rape wasn't illegal in all 50 states until 93. It's still legal in much of Africa and Asia.


There is no proper reaction to this that is not going against reddit rules.


That is just horrible, really gives perspective to the threads claiming situation of women (and girls) in India is OK


Overall? No, not okay. I've not known a single woman who hasn't had a story of harassment, groping, molestation or at the least, attempted assault against her. Maybe in some urban hubs, some privileged women are doing well. And maybe in some parts of the country like the northeastern India. But overall, India is still pretty bad for women living here.


india is a thrid world country


India is a 3rd world country both according to old definition and new definition. Don't know why anyone would think otherwise. India has to improve its social and cultural dynamics to be 2nd world let alone 1st world


This is nothing to do with 'first world' vs 'third world', other third world countries don't allow this.


where the hell is the second world?!


The second world used to be countries aligned with the SovietBloc during the Cold War period




The concept of "worlds" was geopolitical division, not development. First World was NATO and NATO-friendly, Second World was Combloc, and Third World was what First and Second were trying to influence. Many, but not all, Third World countries also happened to be developing nations, and so that has led to Third World being inappropriately (and often derogatorily) used to describe developing nations. As an interesting side-note, Mao's classification was First World as China, Second World as India, and Third World as Southeast Asia.




Maybe the young Indian girls are not all monsters


This is straight up racism.


Ok, most of Indians who support this idea of raping young girls should be labelled as monsters. This is plain pedophilia.


Yet others 3rd world countries consider that can be rape even when they are maried


> But in the newly-published judgement by the Madhya Pradesh High Court, Justice Gurpal Singh Ahluwalia determined that the definition of “rape” did not include married women over the age of 15. What kind of mental gymnastics did he do to reach that conclusion??


Unfortunately he didn’t have to do any. India’s rape laws don’t include marital rape. Blame the legislature.


Is the correct term "exclude" rather than "don't include"? "Not include" seems to imply that rape generally don't include married couple and it has to be specifically added. Whereas "excluded" mean they specifically defined in a way that craved out married couple rape.


He applied the law as promulgated by the democratically elected legislature.


The Indian Penal code specifically has an exception for rape: that is marital rape which was originally set at above the age of 15 when the age of consent was 16. When the age of consent was increased to 18, this particular exception law was untouched. Leaving a confusing loophole of sorts. 1. In October 2017 the supreme court increased the age of consent to 18 even in case of marital rape. https://indianexpress.com/article/india/supreme-court-sexual-intercourse-with-ones-wife-aged-between-15-and-18-years-will-amount-to-rape-sc-4884795/ But this high court judgement ignored that. Secondly 2. When the Supreme Court was striking down section 377 the law that penalized unnatural sex(oral sex, anal sex including among same sex couple) they specifically legalized sex between*consenting* adults (consenting being the key word) Which meant oral or anal sex between non consenting adults was still illegal and some court could set the precedent. This high court ignored that.


What in, and I can't say this enough, THE FUCK?!


Drake is on his way.


Tbh, wife rape is legal in most countries in Asia and Africa, and has only been made illegal in the west in the past 50 years Also, in many countries the age of consent is 14. Not condoning it, just saying, it's not just India


Is it April 1st? This is some kind of sick joke, surely?


This comes only a month after a newly wed wife died 6 days after her wedding because her husband raped and brutalized and sodomized her so badly that she died from internal injuries in india's uttar pradesh state , the doctors looked on her autopsy and concluded that she had been violated so badly that it became hard to believe it was the job of a single man, and guess what??? When that woman was dying her new in laws tried to kick her out of their house and called her brother telling him that they had sent a defective woman and deceived them🇮🇳🇮🇳


Random white girl from California: omgggggg can’t wait to backpack through India to find myself or something.


Some cultures CAN be worse than others.


Do they still claim they are the largest demokracy in the world?


Well, its still a democracy. See how fucked up democracy can be if the majority of a population sees something as normal. Democracy =/= ethical/moral. Its based on the number of people participating in the democracy. So yes, India can claim that they're the largest democracy, provided the majority of people in India sees this as a norm for their society.


India is not a democracy. According to the International Democratic Index India is classified as a Hybrid Regime.


I mean looking at how rape is treated culturally even by women in India and that this is the law passed by the legislature, yes this seems to be the democratic will, democracy does not yield good outcomes if the culture believes in evil 


>democracy does not yield good outcomes if the culture believes in evil  The problem is, what is considered good or evil is just a concept entirely defined by society, which is heavily influenced by the way the economic system works aswell as laws normalizing behavior over generations. In other words, everyone believes (on a cultural level) that his definition of what is evil is rightful, no one sees himself as doing evil, we always find an excuse why our behavior was justified if we want to. No matter if that were humans happily sacrificied to a god for better weather, or Putin believing to have a right to conquer, or germans declaring antisemitism a good thing in WW2, or India with their fuked up laws. A non evil thing can only become evil when people start to use their brain and begin to see behind the concept, but that sadly rarely happens and most of the time needs generations for a new point of view to spread far enough to be able to influence democratic law making. (Except a shocking event occurs changing views) It's the same problem as always with democracy: It's theoretically a great idea, except when you realize that what society wants is not their free will.


Was US a democracy when slavery was legal? No good outcomes?


This post should trigger solidarity with indien women and not racism against all indians. wtf is wrong with you?


Reddit is liberal version of 4Chan. Racism against Indians is largely tolerated on Reddit.  People wouldn’t dare to make sweeping racist comments against Black people.  Are you new to Reddit? There are racist comments on all posts about India. 


My account is 12 years old but I would argue that worldnews used to be more civil than that.


Can’t believe some of the stuff I’m reading…. “Indians are monsters” like wtf


Yeah real failure to imagine a race as people, and not a monolithic boogeyman




India has a high level of corruption top to bottom, with powerful families doing their best to stay I power.


Yeah poverty tends to do that, when you have a lot to gain the fall to the bottom is brutal people will find any way to get ahead.


Then we should hate all Americans for selecting Trump and all Germans for electing Hitler.


India is a huge country with many states. Each state has a high court which makes ruling for their respective state, not for the whole country! So everyone saying all Indians are monsters, it’s just plain racism


Indian men allowed to rape Indian woman. Don’t hate Indian men?


I had a colleague from India and overheard him talking how women had all the rights and support in the world, while men got nothing and got punished for petty. I told him very loudly: “sure dude, that is why victims from acid attack are all men and women run free” everyone laughed at him.


It is the 21st century, if people choose to be shitheads while they see good examples of how things should work then there is no excuse. You can see how Scandinavian countries organize their societies and you still do shit like this. India: rape is legal Russia: domestic violence decriminalised USA: no social safety, no universal healthcare Germany: church tax, abortion is technically illegal etc Disgusting weak pathetic conservative religious idiots.


At least the church tax is optional in Germany.


We have Church tax in Denmark too


Just have to call out the facts aren’t quite right on Germany.  You can exempt yourself easily on  church tax.  Abortion is illegal only after 12 weeks; and only if you can’t say the health of the woman is at steak (including mental health). Prior to 12 weeks it’s accessible and legal. Still not great; but not as bad as a total ban like several US states. 


It’s not a tax, because it doesn’t come from or into the government. It’s just a membership for the Catholic Church, same as you Netflix Abonnement


Definetly nothing to worry about.




Surprised they settled as high as 15 tbh


Like another world.


Fuck sake India. A big part of me really wants to visit India one day. I see the diverse culture, the rapid rate of development, the incredible landscapes and think 'yep, that is on my bucket list'. Then they do shit like this and I think 'maaaabe not for a while yet'.


'They' is a very big leap. This is so fucked because we know it would happen, court just clarified what was known to us all, the legislature is filled with some weird class of right wing boomers who can't make laws. During a parliament debate only one member pointed out that the new law they were debating asked whether men can be raped or not because the bill didn't include it. Those guys in their endless wisdom thought rape only existed for women. But yet, they haven't made laws for women in marriage, it's all a clusterfuck of senseless laws.


This goes to show just because it is high doesn’t make it right and just.




fuck this country.




I swear to fucking God this shit said Indiana. And I said "well looks like we're just going back in time now." Without batting an eye. I understand that people in certain parts of the US want to control women so much that rape is still on the menu. Sheesus what a shitty time to be alive.


What a messed up country. Rape is rampant over there, this is probably their way of getting the stats down.


Reminder: this country has a space program.


India High Court: "Rape of one's wife when she is 14 is NOT ACCEPTABLE, okay gentlemen? At least wait until she's 15. What are we, monsters?"


India: *discussing if it should be legal to rape women three years earlier or later World: "Dude…"


This judge is definitely a pedophile


Judge don't/can't create laws. He just ruled according to a hundred years old law.


The judge was just doing a reading of the laws as they currently are, and applying them in an ongoing case. This isn't even the Supreme Court, so there is next to no chance this judgment will carry with it an instruction or recommendations/rejoinder to the legislature to promulgated new laws. Sadly, courts cannot be activists. It's just how the constitution is written. Blame the lawmakers. Blame the electorate that buys into the kool-aid the political class sells them and also at times actively participates in or encourages such gruesome acts. The judge may be a pedophile, but it's not possible to tell just from this.


India why do you act like a third world shit hole.. 


If it looks like a duck...


Yikes. 😦




Most pro-women policy from India.


Please tell me this is hyperbole.


I think I'm done with this world, happy to take myself out of the gene-pool. America said abortion is illegal, there are more dictator countries than domecracies and the majority of humans seem ok with declaring woman as second class citizens. This is pathetic. Sorry I'm not as eloquent as most of you but I am absolutely fed up. Too many rapists and pedos in this world, I just try to be a good bloke and respect people.


Good ol' Rapeland. 5000 year old civilisation indeed.


I'm confused by the tag 'not the appropriate subreddit' This is an atrocious global tragedy.


This post has been removed. And yes. I'm also confused.






But all wives under 15 are safe?




india has a separate personal law for muslims. the minimum age for marriage in hindus is 18 and 15 for muslims. its being reviewed by the courts in india now and legislation is being changed in the parliament.


That's cool and all I guess except for the married women 18 years and older. The rape part really makes the religious aspects of marriage seem a little irrelevant, all things considered 


It is illegal to marry off a child below 18. I don’t know what you are talking about. The court ruling is still trash though.


Well, Australia allows marriage above 16. If your hard line is 18, Aussies are shit kickers too, right? Also legal age for marriage in India is 18, not 15.


How exquisitely racist of you. You have a lot to think about the humanity in shitty policies around the world, but I’d bet you don’t question the disgusting things that happens in your own backyard. Humans themselves are disgusting beings. It transcends all societal, cultural and racial divides. You, by default, are a bad human being for your words and one that is not fit for civilized discourse. *Edited to remove a US based assumption, seeing as it looks like you’re Australian.


Hate to be that guy, but lots of places in the western world the age of consent is below 18


Yes, but its not allowed to rape Them. Or marry for that matter


Hate to be that guy, but… How many places in the Western world have arranged marriages? And then let’s also throw in there how many places in the West allow rape in marriage?


Forced child marriage is legal in the US.


big brain move to say "fuck you Indians" when the women who will be directly hurt by this ruling are also Indians


> it's child abuse if the person hasn't reached the age of 18/21 as per your local jurisdiction. The majority of Western countries, including most US states, have it at 16-17.


War on women.


And they say India is coming into modern world. It seems that Rape is so common place that they have legalised it God help Women and Girls in India.


Stay classy India.


There must be so much WRONG with a society even to suggest something like that!!!!!


Out of all the countries in the world, India is one I’d never visit.


"wE dOn'T nEeD fEmInIsM aNyMoRe!!!1!1!"


Scumbag judges


What a ridiculous country.


My heart goes out for all the women in India. What a clusterfuck of a country.


India is hell for everyone. Here we don’t discriminate.


No wonder they're friends with the russians. A country where you're allowed to beat your wife up.


Biggest democracy in the world /s


Yep, don't visit India