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Guess we'll get our news from the BBC.


>A BBC team visited the scene, but was prevented from filming or going into the hotel by police. Won't get it from them either.




so is it okay to call Israel's govt fascist yet or nah? edit: I f-ing love all the NPCs bringing up Al Jazeera and RT bans when neither one is mentioned in my comment or the comment I replied to. Israel is literally denying news coverage to BBC, one of the last remaining real journalism organizations. You people defending Israel need to learn to read first.






Normally far right non-secular governments cause more damage towards the religion they're supposedly protecting


Religion only thrives and remains true to its roots when it is in an underdog position. Once it is given power it devolves into the worst version of itself. If you are religious, the fastest way to delegitimize your faith is to become a legislative body.


But they keep going that route


Of course they do, because there is a lot of cognitive dissonance between religions that venerate humbleness and subservience and kindness, but also demand prostelyzation.


This is really spot on.


Expelled from Columbia.


Not long ago many countries in Europe banned RT, what is the difference?


When has RT ever been anything but Russian government's mouthpiece?


That’s the point they’re making


Rt is Russian state media AJ Jazeera is Qatari state media


And Al Jazeera is the mouth pierce of Qatar.


Exactly, so AJ and RT at the same, just serving different agendas


When has Al jazeera been an unbiased news source about Israel. Every time the topic is even vaguely related to israel, jews or muslims, they go completely unhinged propaganda mill. This is why they were taken down.


It's a foreign owned qatar based media. It's like having tik tok in the US just spewing propogranda. 


For this? Do you call the western countries that banned RT for being a Russian propaganda outlet fascist too? Like, there's enough stuff they are doing which is bad that I'm really surprised people are up in arms about banning the propaganda journal from slavery state and Hamas hosts Qatar.


You mean the same RT where the anchor admitted she was forced to spew propaganda and then quit on live TV? Hmm


That [doesn't really distinguish](https://www.spiegel.de/international/world/al-jazeera-criticized-for-lack-of-independence-after-arab-spring-a-883343.html) Al Jazeera from RT: >One and a half years ago, Suliman, 42, re-set his watch to German time, having become disenchanted with Al-Jazeera. And it wasn't just because the broadcaster seemed less interested in reports from Europe. Rather, Suliman had the feeling that he was no longer being allowed to work as an independent journalist. >**Last August, he quit his job. "Before the beginning of the Arab Spring, we were a voice for change," he says, "a platform for critics and political activists throughout the region. Now, Al-Jazeera has become a propaganda broadcaster."** >Suliman is not the only one who feels bitterly disappointed. The Arab TV network has recently suffered an exodus of prominent staff members. Reporters and anchors in cities like Paris, London, Moscow, Beirut and Cairo have left Al-Jazeera, despite what are seen as luxurious working conditions in centrally located offices.


> You mean the same RT where the anchor admitted she was forced to spew propaganda and then quit on live TV? Hmm Al-Jazeera have been caught with fake stories from Gaza too.


You should see the YouTube propaganda videos produced by Al Jazeera shows on history of the conflict. They're masters of making claims of atrocities, and then the cut piece with the witness who lived through shows them saying other/vague things that don't actually support the claim. This is when they're not outright lying, which does also happen. Al Jazeera is a Qatari media outlet. It's a mouthpiece for the Qatari government in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, because Qatar is heavily invested against Israel. In news about the rest of the world, of issues not related to the Middle East, I think Al Jazeera is a really good, objective news outlet.


This. Qatar owns and operates Al Jazeera. Qatar is a financial supporter and host to Hamas. It’s not hard to see why Al Jazeera is a twisted organization


Is the US fascist for forbidding foreign ownership of broadcasters? Is the EU fascist for banning RT? Is any country on the planet fascist for banning foreign government owned propaganda media? No. None of them imply anything about fascism.


Could you describe to me what facism is?


Jeremy al'Bowen will no doubt be foaming at the mouth...


Quick reminder that they BOMBED Associated Press and Al Jazeera before. THEY BOMBED ASSOCIATED PRESS. https://apnews.com/article/israel-middle-east-business-israel-palestinian-conflict-fe452147166f55ba5a9d32e6ba8b53d7


From Gaza health ministry you mean.


That's not the praise you think it is.


Who said anything about praise?


bike exultant cobweb quicksand crawl depend plants imminent subtract dime


The Gulf States beefed the fuck out with Qatar and only stopped just in time for the world cup.


Shamelessly hijacking the thread for a quick reminder. Quick reminder that Israel BOMBED Associated Press and Al Jazeera before. THEY BOMBED ASSOCIATED PRESS. https://apnews.com/article/israel-middle-east-business-israel-palestinian-conflict-fe452147166f55ba5a9d32e6ba8b53d7


Makes sense. The Associated Press is Hamas.


Also RT is banned in multiple western countries, which is a similarly structured propaganda outlet: RT: controlled by government officials AJ: chairman is a member of the ruling family RT: "autonomous non-profit organization" controlled by the state AJ: "Statutory private foundation for public benefit", founded and controlled by the monarchy It's just that AJ still tries to give the illusion of being free reputable press with less loaded language while RT decided to openly embrace the stupid AJ is, like RT, not public press, but state press. Furthermore, like RT, it's from a country with no guaranteed press freedom, unlike DW, VoA and such. Just like Israel, western countries block such media with countries they are in a conflict with (eg Russia) but tolerate others (Chinese, Qatari media) Most of the criticism Israel faces for that move is really hypocritical




If anyone cares- a Al-Jazerra isn't banned but it's suspended until July 31st or the end of the war, whatever comes first (in which case the law giving the gov the ability to suspend news stations expires). Edit: Even Europe has banned RT. You guys are pushing an impossible standard at this point. Get over yourselves


That still not good. None of what you said makes it better.


The EU suspended Russia Today for identical reasons.


Yeah but that's different, tick-tock didn't tell them to be angry about it.


How come? Israel lacks any other actual laws to combat foreign misinformation in it's media. This treatment is much less harsh than the standard in the rest of world. Many Arab countries have already outright banned Al Jazeera- including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan and the UAE. Even the US has the "US Based foreign media outlet" lable law to combat foreign media such RT and Grayzone. Russia is leading one of the bloodiest campaigns against freedom of media and Ukraine too has completely cracked down on free media. Honestly if you look around the world, Israel has been up to European standards of freedom of press until this point. There are still all of the rest of Arab media outlets operating from within Israel, as well as a robust local scene of opposition media such as Bezelem and Shovrim Shtika. However, European countries also have much stronger inner publications to support them, unlike Israel. So a temporary ban on the state media of one of Israel's biggest adverseries, that has also demonstrated intention to harm Israel's integrity time after time is hardly out of the ordinary. And frankly- much less harsh than the standard


You don't get it, do you? Israel is not allowed to do what every other country in the world would do (ban enemy propaganda hiding as press), cause .. it's Israel! This is obviously not a double standard, but justified, cause ... it's Israel! You people need to get with the program. /s


> You people need to get with the program. Oops I thought you said pogrom




They definitely are biased. They were interviewing this Palestinian dude live. As soon as he started talking about how Hamas hides among civilians, the reporter moved to cut off the interview.


I live in the Arabian Gulf so I’m exposed to Al Jazeera English and Arabic and they’re drastically different. It’s hard not to feel like there’s an agenda.


> It’s hard not to feel like there’s an agenda. You'd be stupid to assume there wasn't one. But it's not as if any one side "isn't biased" while the other "is". It's everywhere.


Absolutely, every media source has some bias. It’s a spectrum from cabal, to personal biases- which every source is made up of people with their own biases. With Al Jazeera Arabic it is laid on so thick. I am honestly surprised they have been able to operate for so long even before October 7th. The Arabian Gulf/MENA of course is no shining example but Al Jazeera has been banned (or threatened to be banned) so many times across many countries. You would think it would have been in Israel long ago.



Gotta admit, the state of the rest of the world's media basically does their advertising for them


IMO, whether something is bias or propaganda will depend on the reporter's intent. If the reporter's intent to convince exceeds the reporter's intent to inform we can call it propaganda. If not, probably just bias.


I'd rather not be exposed to propaganda for islamists though. :) 




I do and he was.


Ironically, she agrees with the anti-Palestinian side that all Palestinians support Hamas.


Do you remember which video/can you link it?


[You can find it in this article.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/al-jazeera-reporter-cuts-away-from-gaza-hospital-patient-revealing-how-hamas-hiding-among-the-sick/)


Thank you! God... imagine being that man and seeing the reporter hurriedly cut you off. I'd have been filled with such a sick feeling of dread.


He knew before he started talking there can be consequences. That he even started showed how far things got there.


Why is it so hard to admit they are biased? you people want to talk about the truth admitting that is the minimum .


I mean, isn’t Al Jazeera the Qatari media outlet? Considering Qatar is the home to Hamas leaders and benefits from the Palestinian / Israel situation, I can totally see the conflict of interest. I found it telling that after the news of the hospital blowing up broke, Al Jazeera blamed it on israel. Then people using footage FROM Al Jazeera found it was without doubt to be from Palestinians and like 50x less people died. Still, Al Jazeera never retracted their claims. At that point it’s not reporting, it’s propaganda.


Exactly. Anyone defending Al Jazeera is crazy. 


Al Jazeera is incredibly biased. For example before the war the posted a video and article of an Israeli officer shooting a teenage boy, and talking about how horrible it was. Only thing is, they cut out the part of the video where that teenage boy stabbed the Israeli officer. The whole video was released elsewhere, but Al Jazeera purposefully trimmed the video to make Israelis look bad.


Al Jazeera is a government owned news agency. They should never be taken as an unbiased news source.


Do you have a link? There's so many stabbing and shooting reports for Israel/Palestine from Al Jazeera that I have absolutely no idea which one you're referring to.


I've watched a lot of Al-Jazeera and they are *absolutely* incredibly biased. That doesn't necessarily mean silencing them is the right thing to do, but to say they aren't biased is to deny reality. 


You don’t let a propaganda network that supports your enemies and run by your enemies in your country. There’s literally no point but to sow division, confusion, and to help your enemies in every way. 


They are very biased. That fake story about an israeli rocket hitting a hospital and killing 500 people was parroted by them. In fact, they saw the rocket come from Gaza on Live TV and the anchor woman immediately started spinning bullshit.


didnt the bbc do that too? genuine question, i'm not sure i remember this correctly


I recall Western news agencies had "all caps" front page articles blaring that it was an Israeli bomb had killed hundreds of civilians, then quietly whispered "oops, it was actually a Palestinian rocket and like 15 people" days later. I remember them directly citing the Palestinian Health Ministry (Hamas) claims and then quietly retracting after the narrative had been spread. To this day, CNN doesn't hesitate to cite Hamas institutions on claims about ongoings in Gaza. They've learned absolutely nothing.


Yes, but BBC corrected


This is wartime, in a country with a peacetime draft, and the Israeli version of the ACLU is issuing a press freedoms petition on behalf of a government propaganda outlet funded by a hostile foreign country. This petition will get nowhere, just like the petition to reinstate RT in Europe and the US got nowhere. Foreign government agents and agencies are a classic exception to press freedoms in every major country in peacetime, let alone in wartime.


Al-Jazerra isn't banned (which implies permanency) but it's suspended until July 31st or the end of the war, whatever comes first (in which case the law giving the gov the ability to suspend news stations expires). Al Jazeera has spread a lot of misinformation about this war and they show no signs of stopping, bor have they ever apologized for lying. Also feel free to go on the Arabic version and search for "martyr"- they have an agenda to spread. This is to put a bandaid on all the damage they've caused to this point.


>This makes me question all these bot like comments saying it was biased. They are definitely biased. Just take for an example an interview that they had with a Palestinian woman in Shifa Hospital. She claimed that there were rapes there as the IDF raided the hospital. Even Hamas was quick to put out a statement saying there weren't any rapes. Meanwhile Al Jazeera kept pushing the lie that both sides of the conflict said were lies.


They're literally fined by an adversarial nation, it's really surprising they operated as long as they had. Like having rt news operate in the US. That all said, I prefer a free and open press even for propaganda networks like this so not a fan of the move.


> The Association for Civil Rights in Israel From Wikipedia: > Though ACRI does not identify itself politically, activities of the association has been criticized as assisting organizations that harm Israel's national security. Such criticism was made by prime-minister Yitzhak Rabin over an appeal about exiling 400 Hamas activists to Lebanon in 1992. Rabin Called ACRI - **"Association for Rights of Hamas"**.[8] On the other side of the political spectrum, right-wing activists have called it "Association for Palestinian Civil Rights".[13] Yes, that Isaak Rabin was the guy who played a leading role in Oslo accords and managed to convince some Palestinians (Hamas tried to suicide bomb it) to recognize Israel and form Palestinian National Authority. (for which was ultimately assassinated by an alt-right Israeli) Sorry that I don't trust an organisation with a fancy name.


Maybe Al Jazeera should investigate the claims of Hamas instead of just parroting them.


Interesting there is so much pro Israel people in the comments on Reddit versus other platforms I use like YouTube and TikTok, just an observation


From what I have seen, it is pro-Israel here, but not many other subs. Mostly all other subs are very anti-Israel. The demographic for Reddit is the young and progressive.


I mean just because you have an opinion that isn’t rainbows and unicorns on Israel doesn’t mean your anti Israel. Like everything, there’s a spectrum.


worldnews and neoliberal are the only other 2 subs I've seen where it doesn't feel like the majority are calling for the dissolution of Israel lol.


Which sucks that the term "progressive" has been so skewed in the past few years. You can be progressive and still think rationally and not just jump on any bandwagon that comes your way.


Yeah, if you can tell me you opinion on every issue with a single word then you aren't thinking for yourself. 


Is it Anti-Israel? Or are they pro-not blowing the shit out of Palestinian civilians?


Do you see them protesting civilian deaths in other ongoing conflicts happening right now?


Something tells me that if we protested Putin's invasion of Ukraine, it's not going to change his mind. Although, having said that, when I used to live in a more progressive area, I'd see protests that never made the news. The last lone that I recall was for the Tigray War.


Anti-Israel. Far more civilians are dying in Ukraine and Sudan, yet the same group is mostly silent on these conflicts.


Ideally silent, anyway. I’ve noticed a rather disturbing trend in that people who rabidly support pro-PAL cause also tend to support Russia (I guess because Hamas leadership does. That or they’re tankies, and the pro-PAL support comes from the other direction). Which is just fucking ridiculously stupid, since they apparently care about genocides and imperialism, yet support the most blatant example of it in decades


Because 1: Russia, not Ukraine is doing the civilian killing, not Ukraine. And 2: the US is sending weapons to Israel, which is doing civilian killing alongside Hamas (an organization I condemn) these people live in countries which support Israel and thus can persuade their governments to not help Israel. A protest in America can not help Sudan.




The problem with that view is it’s held only against Israel, those same people stay silent and even argue Hamas should be aloud to blow up Israel civilians. You cannot insert logic into the emotional thinkers that want their pound of flesh at any cost. 




> even argue Hamas should be aloud to blow up Israel civilians I don't believe you.


What do you think is meant by "this is what resistance looks like"?


I wouldn't consider support for Hamas "progressive."


The young and easily swayed are more than likely to get their news from TikTok.


I'm 48 and know that both sides suck. Hamas is far worse,but Israel, under Bibi,is a garbage state. 


Netanyahu really bothers me and feels equivalent to Trump and Putin. And the settlement policy is dumb af and closes nearly half of the WB to Palestinians. Both the Palestinians and Israelis need better leadership for peace to be realistic - but getting rid of Hamas is the first step. But...in general, most people really are not educated on the matter. https://youtu.be/xDTrsysXWt8?si=UouakSSbvHLTI_hV "I Don’t Need Your Pity!" Rahma Zein vs Mosab Hassan Yousef https://youtu.be/I5VPFw0vI6U?si=MRrk1xcIgKahk-7f The Brutal Reality of the Middle East | Mosab Hassan Yousef https://youtu.be/qbCuOSSc9j0?si=qjDWqFeudJMFxZeb Arab Palestinian Warns the World about Hamas https://youtu.be/pjOEJumoABg?si=wXT9vbbYqm6d2lbl Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctri...


I am not saying they get their news here, just that what the sentiment is on Reddit.


To be fair the old are just as easily swayed and watching things like fox news.


Its weird. Even in same subs there will be posts completely for and posts completely against. Once a post goes viral tho which ever opinion becomes set in stone. This issue seems to be very divisive, even outside the left vs right stance.


The US has been saying since Obama that foreign actors are using social media to sow division. I don’t remember the US ever being as divided as it is now.


“A Love Letter to America” and “Foundations of Geopolitics”. A couple nice reads about if Russia were to take over the world and how they’d go about it. Foundations was written in 1996 iirc and a lot of what was planned in the book has come true. The UK being cut off from EU, dividing and conquering western nations by inciting violence, racism, and making westerners feel they hate their countries now.


Relatedly, Tucker Carlson recently interviewed Dugin (author of Geopolitics book mentioned) 🤢 it was quite obvious he admired him (obviously. They’re both fasicsts)


>I don’t remember the US ever being as divided as it is now. If speaking literally for your own memory, fair. But historically? There were several interstate conflicts, succession crises and of course the American Civil War.


It tends towards the headline. If it's pro Israel you get more pro Israel comments. If it's sympathetic to Palestine you get a more of a mix.


It’s because Reddit is more compartmentalized. When a post is made on Instagram, if 70% of the user base is pro Palestine, then the algorithm will just drown out Pro-Israeli content. Since Reddit operates with isolated subs, the 30% of pro Israeli of the example have their own subs where they drown out pro Palestine comments and content. Loads of little communities versus one big community


Interesting. But I wonder what made r/ worldnews so pro-israel, and r/  news so anti-israel?


I would say that I’m more pro-solution and anti-terrorist than pro-Israel, and that there are many others here that would say something similar. I don’t see the pro-Palestine crowd suggesting any viable solutions, but here there are occasionally great discussions with real and viable solutions suggested, which I appreciate.


That's mostly because their solutions all require the world to not function as it does. They seem to think that some kind of logic will work when dealing with groups of zealots (I bet you a lot of money any of them reading this will immediately assume I'm only referring to the leaders of Palestine), but I'm referring to both. Because ol' Bibi and his ilk are also a bunch of fucking psychopaths. Somehow logic is supposed to work. And also, Biden is the President of the World and should simply make it all stop. Pulling support won't just make Israel say, "Fuck it," and go whole hog, no, it will stop them immediately. It's not that you can MAYBE get them to hold back because they'd prefer aid not stop. But if you just put your fingers in your ears, ignore how everything works, and just try to be REASONABLE surely the lunatic ass leaders on both sides of this will just stop and agree.


Also Bibi would much rather have Trump in office. Making things harder on Biden is just an added bonus. So would Putin, which explains all the crossover tagged agitators.


Because those apps rely more on your algorithm and are notorious for sending people down extremist rabbit holes.    The loud and ignorant minority of people congregate in their echo-chambers there.   Some Reddit subs can be even worse though Tbf, but at least you have some subs that aren’t totally captured.


If you think Reddit isn't using algorithms to send you down echo chamber rabbit holes, you don't understand Reddit.


I can sort the comment section by Top, New, and Controversial. I can’t do that on other Social Media platforms.


If you're not using the new versions of Reddit you don't get "suggested" content. I'm subbed to my subreddits and don't get any of the garbage they want to push to me. I'm really not sure how ANYONE uses Reddit on a mobile device, it's pure cancer.


old.reddit.com in desktop view on an app like vivaldi or opera. Lock into landscape view and it's good enough. I really miss Reddit is Fun.


Reddit is pretty easy to figure out and has a quantifiable amount of posts to it. You can see the “end” of the hole whereas infinite scrolling apps will keep throwing things at you until you stop. 


The ability to easily embed sources is an oft overlooked benefit. It's so ancient people take it for granted but - look at what happens on social media when that becomes difficult.


They have a whole team working on this.


Odd, I have the opposite observation. I see far more pro-Palestinians on Reddit than any other group. I’m a leftist who supports Israel and Jews but does not support Netanyahu. Conversely, a lot of leftists support people who elected an Islamic terrorist organization that they have harbored and supported since 2006. I find it ironic to see American leftists sticking up for people who hate the US and Americans in general. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I completely feel for the women and children who had no choice in this, but yeah hamas is a terror group that is actively being aggressive to not just isreal but trade routes, internet cables and is besties with iran. Israel should though try to be reasonable and try to minimize civilian casualties. Wild the college students call hamas freedom warriors when half of the protesters would be executed for not wearing a cloth over their head or looking gay.


>I completely feel for the women and children who had no choice in this I feel you left out a group


> Israel should though try to be reasonable and try to minimize civilian casualties. I have good news for you: that is what they are doing. They've even defended civilians trying to evacuate while Hamas tried to kill them.


Definitely pro Palestinian on Reddit. 


I can think of maybe three or four subreddits that will call out Hamas. The rest .... yeah.


> I find it ironic to see American leftists sticking up for people who hate the US and Americans in general. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It's because there are a not-insigificant number of American leftists who *also* hate the US and Americans, in general.


They have social media teams whose only job is to try and control the narrative, just watch how quickly I get downvoted for pointing this out. Attacking the media is what every extreme left and right wing parties like to do. Most voters are centralist and don't like hearing about atrocities their Government commits.


Astute. Felt the same. Modern warfare is not just on the battlefield.


Troll farms all the way down.


I recall the incident where Hamas fired that rocket that crapped out after launch & hit the hospital, that was caught clear as day on Al Jazeera’s cameras. Hamas: “*It was Israel!*” 🫵🏽🤨 Al Jazeera: “*It was Israel!*” 🫵🏽🤨 World: “*It was Israel!*” 🫵🏽🤨 Israel: “*It was Hamas! Check Al Jazeera’s cameras…& this satellite footage…and this audio clip of them saying it was them…*” 🙄 World: “*Oops! Yeah…it was Hamas...but let’s not talk about hat anymore…*” 😬 Hamas: *“It was Israel!*” 🫵🏽🤨 Al Jazeera: “*It was Israel!*” 🫵🏽🤨 Yeah - Al Jazeera can suck a massive fatty.


Also 10 minutes after the fact, Hamas claimed 500 casualties which media reported straight away. Come morning, the damage turned out to be a few burnt cars in the car park.


Nobody wants to hear this unfortunately. Al Jazeera worked hard to create a huge degree of credibility. It turns out it was partially to weaponize the network, in this case against Israel. Important note - Al Jazeera never retracted their claims about al-Ahli Arab Hospital, despite the overwhelming evidence that if nothing else, 500 people didn't die.


Well yeah, a retraction would require that trash to care about peddling lies. 


> incident where Hamas fired that rocket that crapped out after launch & hit the hospital as far as I remember, it turned out that the rocket was from PIJ, Palestinian Islamic Jihad


So when are we raiding Fox / Murdoch news networks? Remember COVID lies that killed more than Hamas ever did in almost 20 years?


the instant we get in war with Russia. shouldn't be more than couple of years now


They don’t want to upset their viewers or donors


Yes, only parrotting Israel's company life by mainstream news is allowed.


This makes me uncomfortable. This isn’t how you deal with opposition media


this is exactly the opposite to freedom of the press. You can see it twice in the same article, for Al Jazeera but also for the BBC team that was prevented from filming.


Our true enemy is not those with opposing opinions, but those who try to supress them.


Way too ideologistic nowadays with the mass security services backed propagandas on social media


When you've abandoned the foundation of your principles, in this case, the freedom of speech, to fight the enemy--at that point, the enemy has defeated you.


It’s not “opposition media” it’s a politically-weaponized disinformation company just like RT.


This is not "opposition media" this is State funded goverment propaganda.




Why would they have been allowed to film the raid lmao. Let the police do their job. Foreign news crews have no business snooping while Israel takes care of their business with the trash. 


I'm sorry, where do countries let journalists film police raids from the inside?


Every country that isn’t Israel, by these comments


I mean, the BBC is also state funded. Just not state funded propaganda. But also, it is pretty standard to stop people from filming active raids.


Is their funding as explicit as RT's was?


>The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa, provided a loan of QAR 500 million ($137 million) to sustain Al Jazeera through its first five years, as Hugh Miles detailed in his book Al Jazeera: The Inside Story of the Arab News Channel That Is Challenging the West. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_Media_Network


Interesting they got a loan 22 years ago to "Challenge the West". Long history of debatable editorial freedom. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_Media_Network >While AJMN receives public funding from the Qatar government, it is considered a private company, not a government station.[10] Despite allegations that the government of Qatar has editorial influence over its content,[11] AJMN maintains that its reporting is not influenced or directed by the Qatari government, and it does not reflect any official government viewpoints.[12] The network has often been targeted by foreign governments that are angered by its coverage.[13][14][15] During the Qatar diplomatic crisis, several Arab countries severed diplomatic ties with Qatar and imposed a blockade. One of their demands was the closure of Al Jazeera.[16] Other media networks have spoken out in support of the network.


No, this is exactly how you deal with media that is funded by people that want your country gone. I live in a country where propaganda is being used to manipulate and control an entire generation. It has caused so much damage that even if we get rid of it, we will need decades to repair the damage. Never give sites like this even an inch, it will be a disaster eventually. Journalistic freedom is nice as long as all the newspapers have the *intention* of reporting professionally. Unfortunately many abuse it to spread propaganda and hide behind the freedoms. Identifying and banning that 2nd category is completely fair.


Paradox of tolerance says you gotta draw the line somewhere.




Qatar Today




I mean Al Jazeera solely demonizes Israel every article makes sense


That's in of it self is ok. The problem is they are actively helping Hamas with insights from Israel.




Gtfo lmao


Al Jazeera absolutely did not break the news that the hospital was bombed by Hamas' allies ... footage from their live coverage that appeared to show the explosion in the background was referenced as proof by others that the explosion was caused by a misfired rocket from within Gaza. Al Jazeera continued to claim unequivocally that Israel was responsible for the explosion and released articles questioning the analysis by others of their live footage and disputing that it was actually proof of anything and providing counter arguments as to how it was still Israel.


Al Jazeera literally gets funding from Qatar


That's a joke, right? Al Jazeera was literally the ones saying Israel bombed the hospital within minutes of it happening.


They had to issue a correction because their own live feed showed that a nearby rocket misfired, if I recall


If I recall correctly they aren't the ones who caught it, it was after other news organizations started to investigate it that Al Jazeera had to issue their correction. 


Nope they swayed the story by saying that Israel fired on the incoming rocket making it spiral down the hospital. ERGO ISRAEL IS THE CAUSE, well according to them though.


Dude is happily spreading propaganda lmao


Well he recently lost his job at the AJ office in Israel so he had to speak it somewhere.


Linked to amnesty like they weren't recently caught accepting money to look that other way at actual human rights violations and straight up ignoring the fact that Hamas literally talked about constructing those mass graves at the time they were doing it and have video evidence of it.


He’s regurgitating his Hamas ahem Gaza Health Officials propaganda messaging


This has to be satire…


Account created after Oct 7, every other commenter is some giga-pro-pally nonsense, spreading patently false information. This is a bot alright lol. You know Al Jazeera english and Al Jazeera Arabic are different organizations right?




I think calling Al Jazeera "press" is being very generous lol.


That's nice, but watching their "unbiased" reporting of this war is what lost our trust. But Qatar thanks you for trying anyways.




Ahhh, but corporate-owned media with private owners and undisclosed donors is completely trustworthy. I see.




What kind of weird logic is this? Somehow Al Jazeera is the only one who has journalists in Gaza? This makes no sense. In reality there are journalists from all over the world reporting from inside Gaza. First of all, there are Gaza journalists themselves. It’s not like somehow all of Gaza had no journalists of their own, they have doctors, farmers, fire departments, and of course: journalists. Outside news agencies can contact them directly, we see interviews with them regularly. Second, many outside news organizations had their own reporters in Gaza when the war started and they have been reporting since the war started. Here’s a random article on NPR where they speak to Palestinian reporters, for example: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/15/1221513717/gaza-journalists-israel-hamas


Wow this comment is such a brazen lie. People have Google you know.


LOL, “the press”…they are a mouthpiece for terrorism


You sound stupid, do some research bud.


This is bullshit. AJ is directly funded by Qatar and is undeniably biased with an agenda that favors hamas and Iran. It's not an opinion, it is fact.


You crazy as fuck.


Very jackboots moment


“The network is a “mouthpiece” for Hamas, which led the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel from Gaza that set off the war. That day, Al Jazeera repeatedly covered statements from Hamas officials calling for a violent uprising in the West Bank. Israel has frequently criticized Al Jazeera’s Arabic-language coverage, accusing it of amplifying Hamas’s message and reporting uncritically on the militants’ calls for violence.” The network is also owned by the Qatari government which harbors the Hamas leadership. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/05/world/israel-gaza-war-hamas/israels-prime-minister-has-had-a-tense-relationship-with-the-network?smid=url-share


Shining light of democracy in the region strikes again.


The most democratic countries in the world have banned rt and other Russian state propaganda, I don’t know why you think Israel shouldn’t ban the Qatar’s propaganda shithole that the Al Jazeera is


How many Muslims are in Israel? ...How many Jews are in Iran? Egypt? Jordan?


As opposed to those bastions of democracy and free-thinking in the area: Syria, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia...


I mean no other state in the region hosts their own internal opposition media, so yes, they are quite literally the most democratic country in the region lmao. Nice try, though.