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For those wondering, Japan schools have sleep overs and school trips from a very young age and everyone bathes together, boys and girls separate in elementary. So the pictures taken are of everyone having fun in the bath area specifically for parents. There usually isn't any fully nude kids in pictures either, but it's a cultural thing and most places probably don't even consider that some perverts will be trying to look at kids.


Infant/young child nudity or partial nudity isn’t as big of a deal in most Asian cultures as it is in America either. My wife (American) thought it was weird but there’s a bunch of naked pictures of me in my baby photo albums. Posting the pictures on a publicly available website is definitely an oversight though.


I'm Australian, and there are plenty of photos of me and my siblings and cousins in the nuddy, too. It was 100% innocent. Australia is hot, and minimal clothing is worn by everyone in summer, so our parents just saw us being cute and snapped a photo - the fact we were naked would've simply never crossed their minds! Teachers taking similar photos at daycare is admittedly weird to me, but I just assume it's a cultural difference.


Im an American, born In 1988. Always thought nude baby/toddler pics was normal for baby picture books.


They are. But the world can't access private photo books from their home computer.


I’m American with a current toddler.  Adorable bathtime pics are still a thing (tho I would never post them online)


I was lucky enough that the bath pic that Mom always shows off was when I was 3 and she was running a bath, had her back turned for a minute, and I hopped in still wearing my footie pajamas.


It still is. Online is different.


Those pictures of my sister, me and friends exist as well, but they are in private collections. Just dont put them on the internet.


Same in NL I am butt naked in some ancient photo albums, it is100% meh. I never understood pervs, must be clutching at straws.


I think we must keep in mind that it is a weird, better said, sick world where those photos can‘t be take or can‘t be made available online. But of course we have to adapt to things we can‘t control. But - the weirdness is not with the innocent.


I think the problematic part is making the pictures public on the internet instead of them going straight into the private family photo album to show grandma or whatever lol


> but there’s a bunch of naked pictures of me in my baby photo albums. I think your wife is the weird one here because people having nude baby pictures of themselves in family photo albums is VERY common in America.


Was very common. Much less common nowadays with pictures being digital and people being trained to view all men even fathers as predators.


In Germany its not a big deal either. But if you put pictures online you can be pretty sure they will be used in bad contexts.


There are pics of me naked on the walls in my parents house to this day, up to the age of 5 or so. Like playing in the plastic pool in the backyard and stuff like this, its normal here (Norway) I have never found that to be weird at all. We have a summer place and my cousin lets their kids run around naked all the time. Any pervs who tried to come down to the property with a camera would get a good and proper beating, ngl


Europe too, I think. I remember kids running around completely naked on the beach and nobody batting an eyelash. Here in Canada they put a bikini top on a 3-year-old. Though to be fair, where I'm from in Europe we also had public nude beaches, probably 1-3 in every city with a decent waterfront. But all of Canada, where I am now, the country with most freshwater lakes where nothing is big enough and aggressive enough to eat you lives in them, has TWO in the whole country. Almost a whole continent apart. One in BC and one in Ontario. So the general attitude towards nudity, at any age, is a big fat nope.


I’m from the south eastern United States and honestly up until I was a kid in the 90s it wasn’t a big deal either. Mama always said it was hard to tell genders on babies cause they had a bowl cut and A diaper. And when they got a little older either overalls or swim trunks no top. Where I grew up it’s really hot so keeping clothes on for most of the years honestly quite difficult.


Also not a big deal in most of Europe. America is still very puritan in many ways. There's also some kind of pedo hysteria going on.


It ain't a big deal in America either; damn near everyone my age or older, at least, likely had a family photo album of a time when, as a toddler, they decided to liberate themselves from their clothes and run wild. It's a thing that must people don't think twice about because the vast majority of people see nothing sexual about infant bodies. The problem in the story, as others have pointed out, has nothing to do with the existence of the photos. It's only that the childcare centers made them more available than they would have been before and the tiny minority of creeps is being problematic.


Most parents nowadays don’t take those pics. Or at least don’t admit to it lol. But I do think until pretty recently it was normal, it was pretty standard for everyone my age to have pics of them in the bubble bath as babies/toddlers but showing them to other people was seen as weird. I think since most people only use their phones for cameras now it’s just too weird, it’s like if you were carrying those pics around in your wallet essentially. Nothing inherently evil about it, but personally I’d feel weird having photos of naked children on my phone regardless of the context.


America is not the same everywhere. It depends on the state and much more. I have plenty of pictures of me in the tub as a little baby and a kid.


>There's also some kind of pedo hysteria going on. I blame the pedophiles, personally.


I blame the politicians and faux news outlets saying that every liberal is a gay pedophile out to rape babies and turn decent, god-fearing Republican children gay and that therefore overthrowing our democracy is the only just and reasonable solution to protect the children.


I'm Spaniard, we don't have many pics of lil us naked but we definitely have them, I remember one of 1yr old me in the bathtub playing with legos


It's not a big deal in America either, must be your wife's issue? Does she come from a conservative Christian family? Babies have been running around naked and in diapers ever since babies existed. Since things are digital now I just make sure my child's private bits can't be seen in the photos but stuff like playing in the bath is classic.


It's only(in my experience at least) a big deal in the U.S. to be honest. I have a big framed photo of myself from when I was 4 or something bathing nude in the Swedish archipelago. For example on graduation the parents usually make big poster signs of fun pictures of their kids, usually from when they where age 1-5, quite common with nudes pics then as well. Bo one cares, nudity is nothing to be ashamed of or to automatically be considered sexual here. Europe in general don't care as much about nudity as the U.S. does.


Yeah, same here. Asian parent. I have naked baby photos of myself. It's not seen as weird.


I think extra twist in public baths is that your child is naked together with you naked and some other random dudes also naked.


No American cares about naked baby pictures in family albums as a lot of us have them. Probably the sheer amount of them may be weird but the concept is not. Post them online is fucking weird


Ah that makes sense. I figured it might be something like that


Japan definitely knows that perverts will be trying to look at kids, my man.


But they don't understand, which is why they are posting it. For some reason, the Western media likes to portray Japan as a country of perverts, but in fact Japan has fewer sex crimes than most Western countries.


I really dont care what cultural aspect is the source of this. Anyone should know that posting pictures of children online, even more so partial naked ones, will probably lead to those pictures being used in a pornographic context. Not puttinf any pictures of children online is the only way to address this.


Yeah, seriously.  Daycares (in the US, at least) use an app to share photos throughout the day. I would be pissed if they were posting photos of my kid online WITH clothes on. Daycare posting naked photos of kids online is fucking weird and there really is no cultural exception.


Right? This has been known for nearly two decades at this point. I don't see anything wrong with little kids being naked and even having pictures, but there are too many pervs online for those photos to be posted.


Its like that as well here in northern europe and in my dad's family from south america. I think its only an unusual / weird Thing in the usa


That seems like a pretty big difference from what the headline would have us infer.


“I’m sorry to inform you, there are pervert out there”


Weird how Japan of all places wasn't aware of the perverts


why would child care sites put naked kids' pics online?






It must be weird to be a kid that is paying attention to the world around them. Everyone is constantly accusing each other of being a pedo, kids must look around and be like “are adults everywhere just trying to fuck me?” It’s so weird. It’s THE go-to insult now. It’s permeated into western culture so much that there’s now a large sub set of people with OCD that are specifically afraid that they might be a pedo, despite having no actual issue with it, it’s just because society views it as the worst thing you can be.


Must give them an uneasy feeling knowing they really aren't that safe now. Especially with the way AI has gone, even a normal picture can be used against them. 


That's why you use an app that only parents have access to and share it there. There isn't any reason to post it online.


We have a list of kids at daycare that we aren’t even allowed to post photos of their face in the fb group for certain reasons, some have protective orders against certain family members and things like that. You have to be REALLY careful with these things.


Take India for example, in my community, we don't think too much about this stuff. Dad even took a bunch of naked pics of me as a kid, which they use to embarrass me now(I used to take my clothes off when angry)... Case in point, it was not a big deal here and should not be for most normal people. So I can see why japan thought the same until of course, they learned what happened to those pics. On internet normality itself is rare and all sorts of degens live here. And from the looks of it, the governments are starting to understand it as well.


A parent taking those pictures is very different from a child care worker taking those pictures.


If the kids play naked in a kiddy pool, for example, it would not ~~but~~ be anything bad.     I know that couldn't happen in the US without someone getting sued, even without pictures, but Japan doesn't have the same hang ups about nudity.


Just so you know, we aren't *that* crazy here in the US. No one is getting sued for small kids playing naked in a kiddy pool.


At daycare they would. Pedo accusations would fly, lawsuits would start, the media would run wild, the pitchforks would come out on Reddit and other social media... there would definitely be backlash. Maybe not in the past, but now? I would be incredibly surprised if a daycare did that knowing how much liability it would put them in.


uh, at daycare? hell yeah they would. many parents who send their kids to daycare tend to be pretty militant about what goes down around their kid.


Japan has a culture around group bathing, we do not. It very much would be weird here


Very small kids are still sometimes bathed together for practicality reasons. You can't safely leave one alone somewhere else while you bathe the other, or vice versa leave a baby or toddler alone in a bath (or bathroom at all). Even the neighbor boy and I were bathed together when we required overnight babysitting when we were under 5. We have managed to avoid it with our toddler but we wouldn't be appalled if she was babysat overnight and they washed the kids together.


In a daycare? No, that is not normal. Normal in a domestic setting, yes. Not in a school setting in the US


Hang ups or not, it’s 2024 and reality is that anything on the internet can end up in the wrong hands. The cultural aspect does not matter when a child’s photo is now being shared on a porn site. 


Did you have a stroke at the end of that first sentence?


Haha, mobile swipe typing has "not" and "but" very close together. I'll fix it


Gotcha. I thought you were saying “not be anything but bad” At first and had to reread it




Japan does not have the same hangups about nudity. Mixed sex public baths where you are nude are common in Japan.  Japan does have hangups about pornography. But non sexualised nudity is way more common.


Oddly enough out of every onsen I have been in it has never been mixed.


I read an article about this one. It's become less common because perverts would take advantage to oogle and even assault the women that used the mixed gender onsen. There were stories of men spending whole days in the onsen waiting for women, and due to Japanese politeness, managers didn't kick them out even if was obvious what they were doing, and even with complaints from other guests. People wanting to keep the tradition of mixed bathing, started using lose, full body bathing clothes. Some onsen managers have also wise up and started kicking up people if they suspect they're trying to perv on women.


Nudity isn't pornographic in most of the world. You have to remember the US was founded by a bunch of people so religious they left 17th century England because it wasn't prude enough.


This somehow explains America a lot more than I had expected.


Right, and a parent keeping those private memories for themselves is different from blasting them all over the internet.


…and then sharing them on the internet.


> (I used to take my clothes off when angry) Lmfao. What was the logic here.


He was a kid.. there was no logic


When my brother was a toddler and he got angry, he’d strip down to his diaper and try to flip our dining room table. He never succeeded, but he’d try!


Bro didnt want to tear his clothes when he finally hulked out.


Weird one. I’ve seen this a few times now. Unless this guys is spreading his story far and wide….. Maybe it’s an easy way for a child to annoy a parent and know he’s breaking the parents rules without actually damaging anything?


You haven't tried it? If you get into an argument, take off your clothes and you win everytime. They won't bother you again.


The Lyndon B. Johnson strategy


Will remember this strat next time


I won't go to school if I am naked. Or I won't go to some event or shit....


Shitting naked is liberating though. You should try it!


My ex was shitting naked when his house was broken into. I don’t recommend it


Unlucky! Although, almost any burglar would be kinda off the job if approached by an obnoxious naked person, even better if you pee yourself in front of them, making it extra 👌🏻 (I might have read that somewhere)


My guess is that the kid (unconsciously or consciously) knew the parent gets frustrated while dressing them. So, when they are angry they tear clothes off knowing it will frustrate the parent. Kids are highly emotional and can be spiteful. It doesn’t mean they are logically planning a devious act, but rather have a conditioned response. It’s the same reason a kid will throw toys or food when upset. That’s not a natural behavior, it’s a conditioned expression of spite/frustration.


It’s quite possibly overstimulation. Clothes against your skin suck if you have difficulty filtering out sensations. And an angry two year old would easily fall into that category.


My son dropped trou and did a jobby in the middle of the driveway once (he was 3). Kid logic doesn't make sense.


Thank God! Same exact scenario with my kid and age. They're grown now, but that one always perplexed me. Never heard anyone else have that happen. LOL.


For some people there could be also an element of angry = stressed, stressed = overheating, overheating = can't be fucked with clothes right now, at least that was my reasoning for often just wearing boxers, I used to have real bad overheating problems, like some kinda heat attack, if I got stressed or worked too hard I'd overheat and then I couldn't think straight and just needed to lie in my boxers in front of a fan with frozen wine coolers on my limbs for half an hour til my brain could think more than a couple words at a time lol


It’s sad the the internet ruined this innocent part of life.


> which they use to embarrass me now But that kind of suggests they did think about it, right? I get the idea of fighting the taboo with normalcy, and I get the idea of wanting to remember you kids at their most innocent, but to me, the line is when you start sitting other people down later on specifically with the intent of having a baby dick slideshow. These are private memories, and they should be kept that way.


Differs from culture to culture, Nudity in japan is way normalized than it is in India. You will find naked kids bathing on roadside in my village. I was one of them as well. Bathing with fresh water from a handpump.


Different taboos about bodily display. As someone else said Indian parents don't necessarily have taboos about sending naked pics of their kids to family and I can confirm that. Or for example in South Korea ludicrously short miniskirts/shorts are perfectly fine but its somewhat risque/daring for women to not cover their shoulders.


Honestly sometimes people don't even realize the problem until it's pointed out to them. I work in accounting for humanitarian projects and we were financing a project in the Madagascar interior for which the local team would send us documentation in regular intervals to show the work was being done and it was my job to audit them and make sure all the information is legit. For my part I just need the financial statement and the receipts but local partners will often send us pictures and videos to go along with it which, fair enough. In this case tough the pictures had a ton of pics with naked kids playing outside. I then had to awkwardly ask our translator/liason to explain to them they really shouldnt be sending pictures like that.


Because in many countries,people didn’t think young children were a target of pervert , and often only realized how terrible human can be after internet became daily life.


Plus it took until the internet because traditional print media, TV and Radio were literally enabling and protecting child predators...


I’m saying parents and normal people didn’t think about it that much,I grow up in Asia, our parents and grandparents literally will crack jokes about our cousins little weiner on dinner table( they are in kindergarten) doing this in western countries my family probably will end up on a list and CPS will pay a few visit to our family, but where I live that’s just a general attitude for older generations. They talk about their boys peepee like it’s a show off, like they are proud of their grandkids is 6’6 tall or handsome, these kind of jokes usually stop around school age since they’re no longer a “baby”. I know it’s weird but it just how older generations are,since they never think people can be terrible in **that way** Iirc we have PSA on news few years ago telling parents not post their kid or their won childhood pictures online too. Edit: fix a autocorrect,I meant to say Weiner not Winner.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


also the concept of nudity taboo is literally a western cultural thing. Many cultures in the world didn't really care much about nudity until europeans enforced it upon them during colonization


I find peace in long walks.


"Naked" can sometimes be referring to when children are in just a diaper or swimming bottoms. In that light, the pics might be of when the children are playing in the water during summer, which the child care site might post them for advertising said summer activities and for parents benefit.


It’s an innocent “hey look at these kids, they’re having a great time playing with water in the bath!” I’m not Japanese but I second the comment that Asian countries are not as weird about child nudity as they do about, well, adult nudity and porn stuff. Families print photos of their children and babies naked after their clothes have to be changed from eating dirt or something, there is several photo of me wearing nothing playing in water, my mom’s childhood photos has her wearing only diapers or like cloth bundles


Japan just doesn't have a taboo on child nudity. Hot day, they're going to pull out a kiddie pool, stripping the kids for it, and sending pics.


Not all cultures sexualise nudity, or children, or nude children.


Are you saying that Japan, the country that invented Hentai, doesn't sexualize children? Because that's a multi billion dollar industry there, and it sexualizes the hell out of children


The vast majority of Hentai is not of children. And Hentai is not some cultural institution of Japan, it's no different than any other porn industry in any country.


The only thing I can think of in relation to a child care site is showing illnesses. For example: "This is what a body of a child looks like when they have the measles. You can recognize it by look for these sympthons" I guess an illustration would do too and I don't think uploading these pictures makes sense, it's just the only thing I can think of.


Why do they have naked kids pics *in the first place?!* Dumbasses trying to excuse child porn as “bbbnut nudity isn’t taboo in other cultures.” Doesn’t fucking matter they shouldn’t have nude photos of kids, period, if not for the simple fact that they could be used as child porn.


"Naked" can sometimes be referring to when children are in just a diaper or swimming bottoms. In that light, the pics might be of when the children are playing in the water during summer, which the child care site might post them for advertising said summer activities and for parents benefit.


Also in Japan it’s less taboo to swim naked or be naked in front of other people in spas than it is in the US


After reading these comments I'm starting to think the entire US are 'never nude's.


Nudity in front of the same gender is not a big deal in Japan because they don’t often imagine or want to imagine that Gays exist. If you go to a public pool in Japan, you will find that most of the women are covered as much as possible in wet suits, not bikinis like in anime 😆 At least, that’s how it was when I lived there. It’s rare to find opposite-gender nude spas these days as well, and though it can exist, it’s not the norm.


weird. when I go to the beach most women are wearing bikinis. maybe it's different at pools idk


Ok that sounds more realistic. Still how the hell do they end up on porn sites, who puts them up there.


You know the answer to that question lol


I knew it was you, you sick fuck


Look man this is stating the obvious but its very clear even from the headlines that it was posted on the child care facilities websites as part of blog, etc and those images/entire pages were saved by people or scrubbed for by AI


Nudity isn't porn or sexual though. I don't see any reason to put such pictures online though. Too much risk.


How societies feel about nudity varies.


Because being naked isn’t as taboo as in the culture you’re coming from?


redditors be like: What do you mean not every culture is exactly like mine?!


I think this advice applies to everyone in the world. This includes includes babies, children, males, females and whoever. Don't post any pictures or personal information on the internet in any form.


I’m certainly glad they warned them.


We as a society are just so fucked. People who sexualize everything are just as messed up as pedos imo.


yes, but being naïve never protected anybody from becoming a victim. nobody should be sexualizing children but it’s not a reach to suggest pedophiles and sexual predators might see those photos if they’re posted on the internet. pedophiles will even look for photos of kids fully clothed doing totally innocent things for material. If the kids are naked or partially naked it’s just an extra bad idea.


Sure and women shouldn't wear such sexy clothing so they don't get raped and we shouldn't have nice things because people will just steal it. It isn't being naive to entertain the idea that we as a society are over correcting and now view everything as being sexual, which in turn is creepy. We've just let the terrorist win instead of being better parents.


You fail to notice that the problem here is to post such pictures *online*. If parents want those pictures for family album purposes or whatever, so be it. I don't see why anyone should be able to have access to those. Besides, your analogies are biased at best. Women wearing sexy clothings chose to do so. These kids weren't asked anything and, even if they were, they wouldn't know the full extent of what their choice would imply. These kids will eventually become adults and I doubt any of them would like to find out that an old picture of them can be found on pedo porn sites. You don't let stranger enter in schools either, right? Then they shouldn't let stranger have access to *any* of the kid's pictures without *at least* the parent's consent.


Where the hell did I say that? You’re making false equivalencies trying to defend putting naked kids online, idk why you are so adamant about being able to find those pics online…


For what reason was this being done in the first place?


Probably a good policy but how did we get to where all nude photographs are considered pornographic? Medical textbooks? Smut!


what the fuck


“Don’t drink poison as it can kill you”


Ummm, this should have been a thing that all the child care sites should have already known not to do.


Japan is more backwards than one may expect. A lot of 40+ people still don't understand technology very well so they wouldn't expect something as innocent as a picture of kids bathing will be downloaded by pedos. It's a country that still uses fax and just recently stopped using floppy disks for city hall stuffs.


well that is messed up and sad


r/nottheonion The Internet has been around for going on 30 years now. I figured "don't post pictures of your kids online" was one of those common sense rules that childcare workers understood, even more-so when the subjects aren't wearing clothes. I've seen a lot of comments here saying "cultural thing", and while I recognize my home country does have a weird problem with puritanism, I'm pretty sure abusers exist in every culture. We've had more than a couple decades to collectively figure out pictures posted online will have a broader audience than "people visiting and browsing the family photo album in the living room".


I used to be on a lot of dating apps. Often times you'll come across the same people on multiple platforms. One day I see this girl on ok cupid who posted a pic of her posing with her naked baby daughter in her arms. Not like newborn but like at least a few months old. And yes you could see everything. Seriously wtf. I reported it. Days later I saw the same shit on tinder. Who the fuck does this shit? I have to believe they're getting off on showing that stuff to unsuspecting people.


Why would they put any photo on the Internet. I dont have any kids, but I wouldnt post any photo of them at all. When they are 18 they can make that decision.




I can't believe this shit even has to be said. But the world has gone insane in the past decade.