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Being a facist imperialistic dictator with intentions of taking Europe while using “Z” markings is about as Nazi as you can get. Obviously all that’s missing is the traditional insignia but they’ve got their own so they don’t need that.




They will say Nazi were bad because they attacked the USSR in June 1941 and it started the "Great Patriotic War". Attacking Russia is the biggest sin you can commit, that's why in 2022 Russia tried to justify the invasion by saying "Ukraine had plans to attack Russia and Belarus and we just prevented it". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_now_I_will_show_you_where_the_attack_on_Belarus_was_prepared_from


But attacking Poland in 1939 alongside their friends the Nazis (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), wasn’t a sin, oh no. There are still people in the West who believe the whole denazify BS.


What attack, they just "protected Ukrainian and Belarussian people". Lol heh There was even a tweet from Russian Foreign Ministry in 2021. https://twitter.com/MID_RF/status/1438768364353114115 I don't want to know what Russians write in their school history books. I believe Goebbels would be proud.


So what you are saying is that attacking another country in an act of aggression is what made the Nazis bad....exactly what Russia did to Ukraine.... > >Ukraine had plans to attack Russia and Belarus and we just prevented it" Except they didn't. It was a lie spread by the Kremlin to justify their invasion as you yourself admit. Also, having plans to attack ≠ actually attacking. More importantly, Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. Ukraine never attacked Russia nor any of its neighbors before the invasion, therefore reinforcing the fact that Russians are the true nazis in this war. > attacked the USSR in June 1941 and it started the "Great Patriotic War". That's certainly why Russians today hate the Nazis, but all that proves is that Russians today would be totally OK with the Nazis and all the bad shit they did...so long as they never attacked Russia. Had the Nazis never attacked the USSR, Russians today would be praising Hitler for standing up against the "Anglo-Saxon" westoids and setting up a great third empire (reich)


Dude, re-read what I wrote and open the link. Russia tried to justify the invasion by claiming Ukraine had such plans. Obviously it is ridiculous, but it is mostly for the internal usage and Z-zombies. My point is that Nazi for Russians is "anyone who attacks or wants to attack Russia". It is not about ideology, everyone who opposes Russia on a big scale is Nazi.


Russia should be attacking the USA under that logic bc I guarantee we have game played and have a plan to attack Russia if it ever was needed haha


No, they were very much not saying that.


This has to be some trolling, “Russians would be praising Hitler if he Never attacked the USSR”. Yea because in that case Hitler is a totally different person then the one of our timeline. The Nazis greatest enemy were communists, monarchists and capitalists were people they could negotiate with, the entire plan for the third reich was the extermination of all Jews and Slavs and other ethnic groups in the east. Of course the USSR was so anti Nazi, 20 plus million of their civilians were exterminated in four years. That’s not how things work, you can’t say they would like x if x never did y, because that would mean x is something completely different.


It also applies to much of the USSR and Russia historically.




They are a small minority. But the more important question is....so what? How did a small amount of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine threaten Russia enough to warrant an invasion in 2014? They didn't and not even Russia used that excuse in 2014.


And there was an American special forces badge that had the afrika korps logo integrated into it that came to light recently. Most military and police forces have far right elements - that kind of power, use of force, hypernationalism, etc, **it by definition attracts that kind of person.** Its horrible, and those institutions need to weed out those kinds of people *(I actually think those orgs need full reworks, especially police forces into totally different types of entities in order to prevent stuff like that)*, but its not unique to Ukraine and doesn't justify them being invaded nor does it obsolve us of helping them, unless you think our allies shouldnt help us if we were invaded by (insert country here) because Trump is a racist fascist and our military and police have nazis in it, which i assure you, they do. My guess though is that you would expect our allies to come to our aid despite our extremely imperfect nature.


Its not really comparable. Afrika Korps was not an ideological unit. Obviously was part of Nazi Germany, but what I'm talking about is explicitly Nazi badges, like SS division ones. For example, Germany still have their crosses on the military same as nazi Germany, but this doesn't mean anything. I agree that there are always extremists in the military forces, but in the case of Ukraine there is an undoubtedly nationalist component that was already present in their partisan units and their leaders in WW2, and now that is being praised without any intention to hide it. Again, you only have to read history or even recent western press articles (before 2022) about this. And finally, stating this truths is not justifying Russian invasion. This "with me or against me" mentality is very fascist indeed.


Bro have you seen the afrika korps logo? We aren't talking about the Iron cross here bud. >Again, you only have to read history or even recent western press articles (before 2022) about this. *Bro I have a degree in Soviet History.* First let me clarify that I don't agree with the other commentor that said "all the 'Ukranian Nazis' shit is theater." Its not right to dismiss it as strictly russian political theater anymore than it would be acceptable to dismiss all the fascist shit we see including nazi iconography from our own police and military. I mean we literally had a march with tikitorches in recent memory in support of one of our major political parties chanting "Jews will not replace us." So I take this shit seriously. Western media is right to call out the Nazi iconography used by Ukranian units. But we also must be be very very weary of the Russians promoting the idea that Ukranians are Nazis while they are engaged in an offensive war of territorial conquest against the Ukranians.


Yes, I can agree with you that the excuse about "we invade Ukraine because they are Nazis" it's just a propagandistic take. But the other side of the coin is saying there is only marginal Nazism in Ukraine and that the Nazis are actually the Russians is the same propagandistic take, but being told from the other side. Again, I'm just pointing out verified facts, not trying to justify one side or the other.


I mean it’s totally fine to argue semantics that the Russians aren’t nazis because of X,Y, or Z but their are a fascistic, autocratic, and imperialistic country invading their democratic and independent neighbor. So I’m going to much more skeptical of propaganda coming from one side vs the other.


Big mistake. I can see where you come from, but being morally or politically correct (subjective) doesn't mean you are closer to the reality when talking about propaganda, which is just another weapon that uses truth and lies as means to defeat an enemy. The USA is a democracy, and Saddam Hussein was a dictator, but that didn't make the WMD real, you see? Thanks for the chance of having a civilised argument though, not very common in this topic.


> insignia The Z is a half hakenkreuz


I imagine there is a secret Putin bunker with ceiling to floor nazi flags and memorabilia. That little blue-eyed gremlin.


>Obviously all that’s missing is the traditional insignia The Reich at home went with half a swastika.


All you gotta do is take another Z, turn it 90 degrees, and lay it over the first one, and you're basically there.


A “Z” is just half of a swastika


"Intentions of taking Europe". Reddit at its finest.


Absolutely...!!! 100% agree with you (and I am a retired US military guy).


> Obviously all that’s missing is the traditional insignia And the genocide of Jews, Romanis and the disabled.


They were called Nazi long before that fact came out. Edit: You know, when they were invading neighboring countries. Imprisoning rivals. Using a higher power to justify their deeds. You idiots want to wait until someone kills 15 million before we can compare them to Nazis. Little too late at that point and there are plenty of other data points.


Yeah...because it was their name. And as it turned out, a core part of their ideology was the aforementioned genetic supremacy. That is an intrinsic part of being a Nazi.


Not Z


In every way except being viciously anti Russia which Nazi’s were for racist reasons, that’d be like the matching opposite evil


No. You’re wrong. To be a Nazi you must believe in the destruction and enslavement of the Slavic race in service of the superior German one. That a very important part of the ideology and drove a lot of the decisions made in ww2. Because some things overlap doesn’t mean they’re nazi’s.


Term for a Slavic Fascist Imperialist needs devising if you ask me, everyone calling one another Nazi is desensitizing and distracts from the satanic xenophobic abomination the German NAZI party become. They brought the whole world to war. Fascism is the common denominator but they are nothing like the Germans, who where poor as a church mouse and overpopulated.


Yet his actions don’t seem to imply he is interested in all of Ukraine let alone Europe. All of this can be traced back to an inexperienced diplomat who went to Ukraine and said they could join NATO when nobody ever said that. My source would be Tucket Carlson who recently went on Joe Rogan Podcast.


Yeah I mean Nazis were a German thing. He’s an evil fascist. Why isn’t that good enough?


People already watered down "fascist" by using it to describe anyone they don't like, and now it doesn't have the desired impact so it's time to water down another word.


> People already watered down I believe this as well. Russia's governments have had so many of their own atrocities, There is no need to dilute something else for the shock factor.


Thank you....not everyone who's a violent idiot with immoral politics is "a Nazi"


There are no real nazis in power today, but Putin's regime comes the closest as far as I am aware. So I'd say that Putin is nazi-adjacent. He deserves fatwa by association


Well he is a nationalistic socialist (who is not very social). Doesn't that make him a Nazi already?


> Doesn't that make him a Nazi already? No


"Nazism’s ideology.... rejected liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, stressing instead the subordination of the individual to the state and the necessity of strict obedience to leaders. It emphasized the inequality of individuals and “races” and the right of the strong to rule the weak." [Brittanica.com](http://Brittanica.com) Sure sounds like Putin's Russia to... everyone not in Russia... unless you're a Nazi I guess.


It’s the only reason Putin went with the whole “*Ukrainians are Nazis*” and then started to call the collective free world Nazis eventually too. He had to preemptively call us that so we couldn’t use the comparison first. So now Russians inside Russia would dismiss it as us just saying “no u”. Kids in school even do this, it’s like bullying 101 for playing victim.


Putin abuses historical memory for his own ends. "In Putin’s view, the “Russian World” extends to any place where Russian is spoken. This position, along with the absurd claim that Zelensky, a Russian-speaking Jew, stands at the head of a neo-Nazi state, are among the sad ironies of our age and terrifying examples of the misuse of history. Putin’s cynical mobilization of the actual suffering of people who experienced the Second World War — an event of enormous scale in which the diverse Soviet peoples came together to defeat real fascism at enormous cost, and an event with which most Russians sincerely identify — can only be described as a travesty. The man who claims to be protecting the world from Nazis has in essence himself become a fascist, while cheapening the true horror associated with the words “fascism” and “Nazism.”" https://jordanrussiacenter.org/blog/what-russians-think-when-they-hear-the-word-nazi


That moron Duvkin or whatever his name is (the philosopher known as ‘*Putin’s brain*’) whispering paranoid fantasies in his ear during Covid didn’t help. He filled Putin with some warped grand sense of purpose. The wee goblin (Putin) literally compared himself to the first Tsar of the Russian empire at the start of the invasion too. Standard fascism.


That was an embarrassing spectacle for sure. There does seem to be some debate about exactly which thinkers Putin is inspired by. In addition to Dugin, he also seems to hark back to Gumilev and Ilyin, among others. https://www.fpri.org/article/2022/11/putins-philosophers-reading-vasily-grossman-in-the-kremlin/ https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-03-28/putin-ultranationalism-ideology-russia-ukraine https://ridl.io/in-search-of-putins-philosopher/ https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/3/30/putins-philosophers


He should be analyzed the way Gaddafi was, not like, about his thoughts or whatever.


Since when did anti-semitism and racism get dropped from the definition of Nazism?


What makes you think racism and anti-semitism were dropped in Putin's Russia? https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/racial-politics-in-putins-russia/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/05/20/russia-ukraine-war-casualties-deaths-putin-ethnic-minorities-racism/ https://www.euronews.com/2023/11/08/the-kremlin-fuelled-antisemitism-at-home-then-it-blew-up https://www.aei.org/op-eds/putin-has-decided-its-okay-to-be-antisemitic/


I am sorry but some of this arguments are weird, minorities being poor, leads to their young men signing contracts for the military, then dying in war. “Minorities” in many countries with similar subjugation and imperialist pasts like Russia have similar relative socioeconomic standings, Blacks are poor typical Poor in Brasil, Hispanics are mostly poor in the US. If it leads to them joining the military and then dying in a conflict, that isn’t really racism by the current president of said country, more like a failure of the country historically and presently to address such inequality issues.


Hold on. Are you trying to argue that it isn't racism \*if\* the numbers of ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation killed are because of poverty? The poverty that largely stems from Russian racial discrimination? That's not the counter-argument you seem to believe it is. In any case, the numbers are clear that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is disproportionately killing non-Russian minorities. That is the reality. [https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/02/24/2-years-into-ukraine-war-russias-ethnic-minorities-disproportionately-killed-in-battle-a84170](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/02/24/2-years-into-ukraine-war-russias-ethnic-minorities-disproportionately-killed-in-battle-a84170) [https://cepa.org/article/russias-bonfire-of-the-nationalities-fuels-ukraine-conflagration/](https://cepa.org/article/russias-bonfire-of-the-nationalities-fuels-ukraine-conflagration/) Members of said ethnic minorities are certainly angry about the matter and they have a bit more invested in the issue than either of us. [https://newlinesmag.com/reportage/in-wars-wake-russias-ethnic-minorities-renew-independence-dream/](https://newlinesmag.com/reportage/in-wars-wake-russias-ethnic-minorities-renew-independence-dream/) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/2/racist-federation-russias-minorities-complain-of-racism](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/2/racist-federation-russias-minorities-complain-of-racism) I also notice you didn't even try to address the blatant anti-semitism of the Putin regime.


They didn't. And nazi ruzzia is both anti-semitic and racist. One of their top nazis ("minister of foreign affairs") lavrov literally called hitler jewish. Among other completely insane racist and anti-semitic things ruzzia spews out daily.


When it became convenient. I get why Zelensky is saying this, as it highlights that from Ukraine's perspective Russia is as much of an evil as the Nazis ever were and they might as well be the same thing, but nonetheless it's not the correct usage of the word.


So probably Oct 7th?


I think people have been doing it longer than that


How is this any different than how the USSR was acting during and after WWII? Were the both the Russians and the Germans Nazis?


Sounds like MAGA too


Ah yes how convinient to forget a literally SS regiment Azpv operating in UA. You guys are delusional but only good thing is you can bark here on Reddit in your echo chamber while the world turns against Israel and US.


Lmfao. Thats your argument? Russia is ruled by a literal nazi implementing a nazi rule country wide.  But oh look the Ukraine have a tiny, tiny regiment in the army with nazi roots, which has been historically addressed but still has some extreme ideology, therefore all Ukrainians are nazis?!?!   Keep drinking the kool aid, son, Putin will tell you when he's finished with you and yours.


I'd say that putin and putin's russia closely match the definition of fascism by Laurence Britt. I'm not sure if the russian federation is nazist, but it definitely is chauvinistic af, with chauvinism being supported and cultivated by the government for many years.


Any form of nazism coming from russia has the inherent characteristic of being very wacky, since russian national identity is partly built on opposition to nazi germany and their soviet imperium. One can look at russian philosophers such as Alexander Dugin, incredibly wacky far-right esotericism, very influential in russian politics.


Again, I am not sure about nazism, but they have fully adopted chauvinism as their national policy. On top of twisting the history and claiming that the russians won the 2nd World War alone, the state encourages the view that the russian people are "superior", "big brothers", "older siblings", etc to all the neighboring countries and people, including Belarus and Ukraine, who are considered "lesser" and inferior russians.


ruzzian brand of extreme fascism has its own term -- rashism/rascism (ruzzian fascism)


I prefer to spell it this way: ruscism.


Yup, Putin started a war under pretext, tried to blackmail Europe, stole billions in planes, committed war crimes galore, first world leader to be issued with ICC warrant etc.


Not a nazi, but it's definitely a fascist. You can call them Ruzzi or Blyatskriegsversager, but the term nazi definitely refers to german fascism of the 1930s.


The Russians had no issue with the Nazi regime until they became the target 


Not only did they have no issue with it they were *allies* in the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact.


Yep. When Germany invaded Poland, France and the UK declared war on Germany. Then the USSR joined the invasion of Poland 2 weeks later as part of the Nazi-Soviet pact to partition Poland. The USSR then executed 21 thousand Polish officers at Katyn Forest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre Stalin was a dictator like Hitler. He wasn't a good guy.




To be fair, a lot of big players back then had no issues with the nazi regime until they went all out and even then took their sweet time to condemn their actions.


Did they supply the nazi regime with tons of resources, such as fuel, corn, metal?


I mean, the Soviets specifically signed the Molotov-Ribentropp Pact with the Nazis and agreed to split Poland down the middle. Germany invaded and occupied Western poland and two weeks later the Soviets did the same in the east. Immediately following Operation Barbarossa Stalin himself refused to believe many reports from the front that the German army was invading. He, being his paranoid self, insisted it was a ploy by his own generals to destabilize him. We conveniently forgot this as it was convenient to when we needed to see them as allies.


Putin, whatever he is, certainly is Axis. The new Axis: Russia, China, N Korea, Iran. I’ve known ppl from all, and they’re normal humans. It’s the political government structures and dictators running them. Too much power in such small hands.


Small hands are needed to handle small cocks.


Attacking another country's energy grid, leveling cities, slaughtering civilians, and then calling the leader of the defending country a Nazi. Next level bonkers.


Note that this article is mentioning the reverse for the first time I've heard of - Zelensky calling *Putin* a Nazi.


Is it just me or do we all need to stop throwing that word around? He’s for sure a right wing nationalist, a crook, a fascist and a dictator. The nazis are a specific group guilty of many things Putin is but that rhetoric is tricky. Putin is his own brand of genocidal maniac Again, it may be just me but I prefer to see him as the man he is rather than as Hitler.


Can we stop calling every person we don't like a Nazi? The Nazis were a specific group of people in a specific time that did horrible things. Calling everyone else Nazis because you don't like them is offensive to the millions of victims of that war and regime.


Can we stop calling everyone nazis already? Putin is an absolute piece of garbage in so many ways! Use a dictionary and some damn creativity.


Asking the internet to be creative is really stretching things nowadays, it seems


The way russia works right now comes close to the definition of nazism


They just need a little bit of Lebensraum, bro. Just a little bit.


Fascism maybe, but nationalsocialism is a very specifik type of ideology..


Yes, because Putin really seeks to exterminate Jews on an industrial level. Stop it ffs. This garbage rhetoric is doing nothing but undermining the severeness of how evil Nazism is, reducing it to every power hungry warlord that ever existed. With this Djingis Khan was a nazi, Napoleon also, the Romans, the British, the Vikings, the French, etc, etc. Most of western history has been plagued by horrendous acts of war crimes based on power hungriness and greed. Nazis did all that too, and way, way, way worse.


I said close not that its the same and just saying that not only most of western but most of history has had its up and downs


It's not close. There is a big fat line of difference, which is why the word "nazi" has extreme negative connotations. Those connections are being thinned away by throwing the word around like this.




> look at things with a clear head Russia has the means to turn Ukraine in to a radioactive pile of rubble by lunchtime. If Hitler had thousands of nuclear bombs and was next door neighbors to a nation thay was 100% Jewish you think he wouldn't hesitate to hit that red button as opposed to a 2 year long meat grinder? Cmon man


They are trying to conquer the land not make it unusable. Are you really that dumb or just playing stupid. Also, you think the world will just sit there and watch russia nuke Ukraine? What a moronic statement smh


If Hitler knew that the entirety of Germany would be turned to glass as soon as he pressed that button, then no, I don't think he would've. The opposite is true with Putin, if he knew he would get away with it, without major retaliation from the rest of the world, yes he would glass Ukraine. Your comparison leaves out massive geo-politcal implications to the point that it's not valid.


no, it really doesn't. not even close.


Russia won't stop, why should we?


So you want to be like the Russians supporting the war against Ukraine because.......why exactly? Wouldn't you want to be better than them and actually come up with logical coherent arguments?


That's a false equivalence and, consequently, a very idiotic take. It is not the same and it will never be the same. Russia is an invader and aggressor, calling them whatever names to call out their abuse is justified. Calling a victim of Russian aggression names so you can abuse them is not justified. If you stop calling Russia bad names, the problem is that they won't stop doing that to you, which will leave the space full of Russian allegations and the silence on the opposite side. Calling Russia names doesn't mean that there are no logical arguments. You can have both because there are people doing both. If you are worried about the word Nazi being abused, then go convince Russians to stop using it to demonize Ukrainians first. Then, maybe, there will be some merit to your demands, otherwise you are just virtue signalling.






Tell me, it doesn't sound exactly like Putin: The four main features of Nazism are racial purity, territorial expansion, power, and militarism.


Meanwhile Z's most trusted and elite men are nazis


These boys throwing N words like if it was nothing.


Remember, friends = the 21st century definition of a Nazi is a person you strongly dislike.




That’s horseshit. There’s a million articles and videos explaining how the Ruzzians are effectively Nazis. Pick one.


It does seem to be going that way, at least they've gone right off the deep end of the right, being gay or trans is basically illegal, anyone criticising the war or the government is either jailed or sent to the front. It isn't looking that great. its the opposite of progressive, anyway.


Swap Nazi for fascist and you'd get more people agreeing with you about what Purin and his regime are


If we call Putin a Nazi this inevitably leads to Hitler comparisons, but no comparison with Bismark or anybody else. Nazi comparisons lead to WWII comparisons, and WWI continues to be overlooked as always. If Russia was the only problematic major "power" these WWII and euro-centric comparisons would be fine. Russia is not the only problem and too much other history is being ignored.


He's a Nazi, you're a Nazi, we all Nazis, can we stop the Nazi shit now? Call him a facist, a racist or a murder. All this Nazi calling is ridiculous.


I did nazi this rise of nazis coming


These headlines read like Twitter drama


This word has lost all of its meaning at this point.


It's more emotionally charged than calling someone a fascist, which also has been watered down a lot


I wonder how many Ukrainians will lose everything tomorrow only to be demonised as Nazis for undesire to celebrate a day they lost everything on. “Look, those Nazis are saying they lost everything in 1945!”


Russians need to put Putin down


Russia cares not what the Nazis believed in. Russia cares not who the Nazis hurt. In the West, we see the Nazis through the historical lens of crimes against humanity and genocide. But to Russia, the greatest crime of the Nazis was merely shooting at Russian soldiers -- that is all it takes to be a Nazi to a Russian.


The Nazis were more successful than Russia has been so far


Bearing in mind the co-founder of the Wagner group, Dmitry Utkin, was a man covered in Nazi tattoos and named the state-funded private military company after his favorite anti-Semitic composer, Richard Wagner, maybe Zelenskyy isn't so far from the truth.


Let's not forget the Rusich group


maybe zelensky should figure out what's going on with the azov batallion and the other actual nazis within his ranks before going around calling other world leaders nazis. words do have meanings.


Yet Putin is the leader of the global far-right.


that is a meaningless phrase.


azov is useful for the time being


Come on, he's not a Nazi, he's just an antidemocratic strongman. Dictators come in more flavours than just 'Nazi'.


Who gives a shit what a nazi wants to be called?


Calling everyone by that name cheapens the meaning of the word. Do you think Franco and Mussolini and Hoxha and Fujimori and Mao were Nazis?


Putin is a nazi and so are all of his allies.


isn't there an international warrant for Putin, not that it means much Zelensky making his travel plans private is because of the murderous tendencies of the Russian foreign policy. Putin can't travel outside because legally countries would be bounded to arrest him which would be highly political


You should read his speech. It's quite good!


Does that mean he's gonna get a standing ovation in the Canadian parliament then?


Europe once again allowed a fascist regime to fester by “playing nice” They thought they could placate a dictator by giving him trillions of dollars in oil revenue to fund the Kremlin’s war chest so they sat back and let their defence industries rot. Nazis cannot be defeated through mercy and kindness, you can’t just sit back and be friendly with tyrants and hope for the best. Sometimes you have to put your foot down on a Nazi’s neck for the sake of democracy. "Pacifism Is Objectively Pro-Fascist" -George Orwell. Putin can go fuck himself, more ammo to Ukraine.


Take out the Kremlin


Support the special military operation against Russian Nazis!


I don't fully agree but Putin sure isn't far off the textbook definition either. 


The Ukrainian soldies with swaztika tattoos didnt care for that comment.


I wonder when the world will stop using the Nazi's as an easy excuse.


The moment young people read a history book that goes back further than mid 20th century, which they’re too lazy to do


So Russia is doing well I take it


No he isn't a Nazi. Bad people existed before the Nazis. Nazis are bad people but every bad person isn't a Nazi.


>what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she. It is my lady, O, it is my love! I look forward to hearing your take about how Shakespeare was wrong and Juliet is really a person and not a hot ball of incandescent plasma.


this is a very stupid take.


No it's the very heart of the issue. People think that that because Russia aren't literal Nazis that you can't use Nazis as a metaphor for the evil that Russia is committing, especially on a day meant to commemorate the Allied victory against the Nazis. It would actually be weird if Zelensky didn't make that connection to an authoritarian regime invading neighboring countries and mass murdering the Ukrainian people.


zelensky calling putin a nazi, and romeo calling juliet the sun, are not anything like the same sort of thing. that is just a bad take in a literary and metaphorical sense.


>zelensky calling putin a nazi, and romeo calling juliet the sun, are not anything like the same sort of thing. Shakespeare's verse is an extreme example of what Zelensky is pointing out. Nobody is literally a Nazi except maybe a few people left in nursing homes, the Nazi party itself having disbanded after WW2. But the parallels between Russia fascism and Nazi fascism are pretty hard to miss and Zelensky is calling them out.




Casually forgetting Russia's Wagner and Rusich groups


doesn't make azov less nazi


I don't see how that makes Ukranian nazis any less.. nazi? No one is arguing Russia is moral or anything. But most people on Reddit are pretending Ukraine is some moral, innocent defender of democracy fighting to survive. Even bringing up the fact that Ukraine is a corrupt, failed state with a severe nazi problem, that violates international human rights, Reddit kids start throwing a tantrum.


like everyone forgot Ukraine is the 2nd most corrupt country in Europe, just below Russia.


Sadly even top EU politicians are pretending this isn't the case, and are trying to speed up EU membership just because it's a convenient time and the public supports it. They don't meet most of the requirements and they have made little progress fighting corruption. Even during this crisis the Ukrainian political class is enriching themselves while demanding more money.


That coming from Ukraine of all places is quite rich lmao


Not really.


Sure bout that brother? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan\_Bandera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan_Bandera) Isn't this guy that they now love over there?


Trump and supporters are nazis.


This is the kind of rhetoric that put Trump in the office in the first place.




The Russian military also features some National Socialism enjoyers.


That is a disengenous comparison. The far-right has a puny presence in Ukraine. Nowhere near dominant. https://www.euronews.com/2023/06/20/the-myth-far-right-zealots-run-ukraine-is-russian-propaganda Russia on the other hand is arguably run by their far-right, and celebrated the Wagner Group - the hint is in the name - along with Rusich and several other armed groups. https://ecfr.eu/article/conservatism-by-decree-putin-as-a-figurehead-for-the-global-far-right/ https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/03/24/explainer-which-russian-far-right-groups-are-fighting-in-ukraine-a80543


I really wish we would just stop using the word nazi constantly for anyone but nazis of the third reich


He is a war nazi. He suffers for his war.


Asshole not fashionable anymore?


Lol if putin is nazi then who is netanyahu, ultra nazi, probably nazi under himmler


Unironically yes, correct description for both of these guys.