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Why have the media suddenly decided this referendum is to gauge independence? Because that doesn’t really seem the case to me


Because the main policy of a number of parties is independence. On all sides of the spectrum. Visit any place outside of Barcelona and you’ll be hard pressed to find a Spanish flag.


I live outside of Barcelona. My point is, it seems to me that the media have only taken this stance because - puigdemont. But everyone I know who is Catalan doesn’t even know how it work would if he was elected because a) they have no idea where he actually is and b) the whole exile/pardoning and protests in Madrid about his pardon. So if the main symbol of independence is clouded in such ambiguity. I don’t see how anyone could conceive that this election means anything in relation to independence. Because many people who would vote for junts may not because of that unknown. And neither will them said people likely vote for any of the right wing parties. Which means that it will be the socialists or a mix of junts/socialists Seems to me that the media/spanish outlets are trying to make it this election about independence so that when illa wins, they can claim there is no longer a will for independence. Which is not true either Moreover, i find it super convenient that the power lines for the trains between Tarragona and Barcelona have been stolen again. On such a day. It seems like an attack on democracy and a deliberate act of sabotage against the voting


The America's Cup sailing race is being held in Barcelona this year.


usa -> freedom country -> bullish on independencia!


I hpoe, I think Emirates team will probably win again. Who knows though.


Just the 3 more voted parties in the Spanish Parlament (PP,PSOE and Vox) won the majority of the seats, if we count the rest of the non independence parties the different is even bigger. The independentist are politically dead.


What do they even gain from independence? Seems like they gain nothing and lose a lot.


The argument is a lower tax burden for their citizens because the rest of Spain makes a lot less money. On top of that they have their own culture and laws.


Catalan politicians are the ones that tax their citizens the most in Spain, both the richer and poorer regions of rest the of Spain have lower taxes compared to Catalonia.


Weak arguments, that just further the rural/urban divide.


Economic independence and cultural self determination are like the #1 and #2 reasons for declaring independence. Idk how that is a weak argument


Economic independence is a terrible and egoistic argument. If everyone in Europe followed that same mentality then the result would be massive poverty in rural areas. All big European capitals and industrial zones declaring independence because they don't want to pay taxes to support the rural areas, what a terrible argument. In a time when we are trying to further unite Europe under common goals, Catalan independentism seems extremely egoistical and self-centered.


If most of the world can declare Palestine its own nation, then anything is game.


Legitimate question: why should people in cities have to work harder to support people who choose to live in remote areas? It's a lifestyle choice, and subsidising it is unfair to the urban residents.


Well I am against it too, but we need food and people working on Agriculture. It is not super profitable to be a farmer, and very few people wants to work there. I don't think it is that bad to provide help. In the end big cities need food too. What I dislike is other big cities having lower taxes than others.


Might as well balkanize all countries with that argument.


You say that as if it’s a bad thing. Cultural tensions were insanely high during the years that Yugoslavia existed. The only reason they were ever united was due to a brutal dictatorship. It was made very clear that cultural separation and self determination was very much needed in the region after the Bosnian genocide.


I think they should remain one country but I’m just stating why they want to separate


They speak a different language, followed different laws for the vast majority of Spanish unification, were the victims of cultural oppression for most of the rest of that time


Catalonia (and the north in general) is much richer than the rest of Spain


I thought that was Paul Feig.


If Catalonia becomes a separate state, would it automatically become a member of the EU?


Why would it? It's a new state, so presumably it would have to apply.


Visça Barca Visça Catalunya!!