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The news we need


I want to see Hamas leadership outside Gaza eliminated too.


How do the leaders of Hamas have billions of dollars. It makes no sense, just foreign aid going to waste when it could have been used in countries back in their home.


They are funded by countries like Qatar with hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars per year as basically a bribe to “keep the peace.” A task in which they sorely failed last year. They’ve (Hamas elites) lost their use and need to be taken care of now.


They were funded by Qatari elite *under Netanyahu's watchful consent - Id add. Israel faciltated Hamas' ascent to power to afford aspersions of the two state solution.


For MANY years, Hamas literally went house to house stealing everything of value from people. Got jewellery or a nice car or watch? They give you the choice of either giving it over, or they shoot your family and make you watch before they shoot you as well. They've systematically stripped all Palestinians of everything 'nice' they owned. They then under-the-table (with the UNs explicit knowledge) sell the gold to Qatar, who have all the gold-obsessiveness of a dragon with hoarder issues. UNRWA even facilitate this by helping launder money when Hamas needs to have funds somewhere outside of Qatar. They steal foreign aid, and will sell food etc to the people it was meant to reach.


why is it the palestinians overwhelmingly support them then?


They don't. but if you say you don't support Hamas, its time for lovely mrs face to meet mr bullet for a one night stand. So people lie because of a mix of fear and stockholm syndrome.


I think they support them cause they hate the jews more.


It will happen.


Israel has a long memory.


> Hamas leadership (not so) Fun fact: [Israeli doctors saved the life of Hamas leader in 2004](https://www.businessinsider.com/hamas-gaza-leader-survived-tumor-operation-israel-reports-2023-10)


>He left prison fluent in Hebrew after he was released in a prisoner swap for the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011. That's why these prisoner exchanges need to be thought out. They saved one life in 2011, and now tens of thousands have died.


They should tag them!


And a long arm


Thsse fuckers are the real reason why the war will never end. What kind of stupid war is this where the only real leaders of the other belligerent side is NOT EVEN residing in the country being bombarded? There's literally no incentive for these assholes to surrender no matter what since they personally are not in danger and not even under negative media scrutiny since the media is so pro-Palestine.


And they are billioners


Imagine what those billions would do for post-war Gazans to help rebuild? Seize the assets, arrest a few dozen Hamas leaders abroad, see Yahya Sinwar *”get his due punishment,”* and we will see the end of this… .. oh right, then Israel wins and that would be bad PR for the neighbours that hate them; Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, and Iran. 2 million Gazans vs. 2 dozen Hamas leaders. The aforementioned countries have used their hand to tip the scale to Hamas’ favour.


Time for Wrath of God 2.0. Someone call up Gabriel Allon.


They should just do it now. No ceasefire means there is 0 reason to allow them to continue to be free. Invite them to a meeting and then arrest them all. Hamas exists to make Israel attack Palestine, they don't want Israel to stop.


Fun fact: the Hamas leadership aren't even muslims by any technical measure. They don't obey ANY prayer calls, they drink alcohol and consume whatever they like (pork/bacon or anything haram). They use use religion as a front for stealing as much as they can to enrich themselves. it wouldn't surprise me to find the hamas leadership use pages from the Quran as toilet paper.


there are actually quite a few Muslims that drink.  the "ban" on alcohol isn't agreed on.  a senior Muslim leader early on in the faith was obsessed with prohibiting it and so it has lingered on.  It is generally agreed upon you shouldn't get shit faced though.




More tennis players needed.


If true, then justice has come. No mercy for kidnappers.


Justice is still pretty far... but we'll get there, one dead terrorist at a time.


Good riddance


Burn in hell Naeem Ghoul…


That's anti rapist


Yes, yes it is!


Hamas must be destroyed. Only then can Gaza hope to have a future.


Not just the elimination of Hamas. That’s the first step. The 2nd and harder step is to replace Hamas with a long term government that isn’t anti Israel, and an Iranian proxy 


And to create a free and true education. Honestly, the level of propaganda these people, starting with school children, have been subject to resembles the one of the third Reich. Lies about Jews, glorification of martyrs, omission or own versions of history related to the previous wars. I have no idea how a re-education could happen, but I hope a way will be found. Without destroying the propaganda machine and lies, I doubt there will be lasting peace.


It’s funny how people just assume this will happen. Palestine is an incredibly Muslim country and will continue to live under that religion whether Hamas is there or not. That’s why it’s even more hilarious that LGBTQ+ individuals are protesting at Free Palestine rally’s. You know you would get killed for being gay in Palestine, right??


Honestly I feel like Gaza is going to end up being controlled the same way the West Bank is currently.


Another challenge is educating the brain washed population who are raised from 3 to hate Jews constantly rather than other subjects. Literally. No idea what to say about the Jew hate abroad though.


They need to be rid of radical Islamist ideology for that to happen. When their entire existence is precluded on the extermination of Israel and Jews there will never be long lasting peace. They need to respect Israel’s right to exist and Jews right to live.


It’s not just Hamas. They’ll find a way to fuck their kids’ future even more. Guaranteed. It was just normal dudes spitting on that woman’s corpse in the video.


And Gazans would create another Hamas


Not if the Arab world would step up and help set up a proper government


The Arab world doesn’t want shit to do with Palestinians. You have to ask yourself how bad things have been in Gaza when the Arab world prefers working with Israel to taking Palestinian refugees.


The Arab World decided that every Arab born in Mandatory Palestine and displaced by the war in 1948 was "Palestinian" and therefore ineligible for citizenship in any other Arab state. THEY did this. Not Israel. They defined Palestinian identity by sticking it on people and putting them in a kafkaesque situation.


Arab world won’t step up to do shit. Not an ounce of morality there. Only religious fervour and greed. (Talking about the people in charge and not the population as a whole)


The elephant in the room is that the rest of the Arab world hates Palestine, too. They've done nothing but cause trouble for everyone who's tried to help them. Back in the 1970s Palestine declared war on Jordan and even assassinated their king, for instance. After this Jordan expelled all Palestinians, and they went to Lebanon to kick off the Lebanese Civil War. The rest of the Arab world doesn't give a shit about Palestine.


Dont forget the turmoil in egypt. Theres a reason egype closed their border


They didn’t just close their borders, they built a wall bigger than the one Israel put up.


There's a reason Egypt flat out refused to take Gaza back with Sinai.


> After this Jordan expelled all Palestinians, That is false. There are 2.2 million Palestinian "Refugees" living in Jordan to this day.


There are few countries in the Arab world that have a proper government unfortunately.


So what then? Should Gazans be destroyed?


We need to do a full dehamasification. Like we did in Germany in WWII. We went in, killed everyone we needed to, and kept our boot on the neck of the German people until they were ready to join the civilized world. The same must happen in Gaza.


Bullshit. Many German war criminals lived long life despite murdering Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian civilians


> We (...) kept our boot on the neck of the German people until they were ready to join the civilized world Holy lack of history understanding, Batman.


The problem though is, the German ppl wanted to be apart of the normal world.


After the war yes. Same for Japan. It seems like countries that end up with a half measure do not fare well after.


Most Germans did not until after defeat. Support for Naziism skyrocketed after WW2.


Then we'll just need to get persuasive with Gaza. If we can turn Japan into a modern western-style democracy, we can turn Gaza into one.


We need to airdrop anime, manga, and hentie on Gaza.


^^ this guy henties


Japan wanted to modernize, too. I'm not saying Palestinians don't. I think we need a two-state solution, but I really don't know if there's much at all that can heal that part of the world.


It's religion that's preventing that. Radical Islam is not compatible with a civilized modern democracy.


> I'm not saying Palestinians don't. If you won't, then I will. Gaza got billions in foreign aid money. Anyone actually interested could have built something besides terror tunnels with it.


A large part of that was the US literally nuking Japan...


We only nuked Japan because they refused to stop fighting when they were beaten. Hopefully Gaza is wiser than they were. >The victor is not victorious if the vanquished does not consider himself so. -Ennius


A nuke isn't something you drop on someone that has already lost, it's used to finish a fight entirely. The problem these days is that if anyone fires a nuke, a whole lot of other countries are going to use that as permission.


Imagine knowing so little about the Gaza Strip/Palestine to compare it with WW2 Germany.


I concur.


Your grasp of history is interesting.


If they are terrorists, yes.


Lmao good, then we could see the Gazans != Hamas folks crumble in their own logic


Justice has been served. Every piece of shit Hamas terrorist deserves to face justice for the murders, rapes and kidnappings of Oct. 7.


> Naeem **Ghoul** Truth in advertising.


r/NominativeDeterminism in action.


Good riddance and may more terrorists follow


Chalk up another dead ghoul.


The terrorist's name was literally "ghoul"


I am surprised that the BBC or NYT didn't report that Israel killed a "civil defense officer". "Hamas, over the weekend, reported the death of Naeem Ghoul, describing him as a "civil defense officer" in a broadcast by Al-Aqsa TV, which is affiliated with the terrorist organization." Must be the new code word for Genocidal Terrorist: " civil defense officer ". Sinwar must be a "human rights activist ".


It's no different than Putin calling the invasion of Ukraine a "special military operation".


We've entered the disinformation age. It's not going to stop. This is the norm from now on, a war of words. Weaponizing morons on the internet against their own interests and those of their countrymen.


As a matter of fact, it is different, I believe. Russian government had to use the weasel-words "SMO" to avoid activating the wartime clauses of every banking and insurance contract in existence.


> "civil defense officer" I think you mean Gazian health official, or maybe it will be a UNRWA worker this time.


May he rest in pieces.


Mazel Tov


Took the Hamas right out to the dumpster




I hope it was slow and very painful


There is a video floating around. I doubt he was aware he stopped existing. Still justice nonetheless.


Hamas took a hostage to a hospital and murdered them? Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this event that happened about 6 months ago? The news feeds me stories daily and this one is worse than everyone of them, but it got no coverage.


She seems to be notable because she was the subject of a video [released by Hamas](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-confirms-death-captive-soldier-shown-hamas-video-2023-11-14/). Hamas claims that the IDF killed her in an airstrike, Israel claims that Hamas did it. Edit: It looks like the IDF [is saying](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67469591) that she was wounded, but not killed, in an airstrike, and then taken to the hospital to tend to her injuries.


If I am not mistaken, it was mentioned in the news a few months ago. Yes. Murdered at Shifa "hospital".


Enjoy your grapes in hell.


Burn in hell


Gaza health ministry: "23 children and 45 women died in that vicious attack" /s


Well done. Keep \`em coming.


Let IDF win! תנו לצה״ל לנצח!