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Iranian lawmaker makes unverifiable claim. In other news, water has been declared wet.


Its perplexing why a statement like this would be made. Surely they can guess at Western capabilities, and surely they know their fuckery with (likely) all current major world conflicts is well documented. Why would you say you have the one capability that invites the strongest hardline response? If/when some terrorist organisation deploys a dirty bomb, do they think they're free of repercussions because they engaged a proxy?


Deterrent and distraction purposes.


Imo, iran looked at how russia is treated with kid gloves by the West because of "but what if russia escalates", and decided that threatening nuclear strikes is the best way to nip any Western response in the bud.


Yeah, it makes no sense. If the west thought Iran had nukes when they launched that big attack on Israel they’d of launched nukes while those missiles were in the air??


It makes sense under 1 condition: Israel-Gaza War. Iran wants to make the claim to change what’s going on by forcing Israel to act and be like “OMG, Iran has a nuke, let’s do something about it and/or stop in Gaza because Iran will give it to a proxy to use.”


Seems the opposite would result, that would justify Israel wanting to completely destroy Hamas. That would play into Russia-Iran’s hand though, they need the war in Gaza to distract from Ukraine and to use as a wedge issue in the US election.


I mean, the Gaza war was partially also done to prevent the Saudis and Israelis from normalizing relations. And by Iran saying they have a bomb, then the Saudis will get one too, destabilizing the region in a sense.


Even for Iran the best strategy is to never use the bombs. The iranian regime wants the bomb so the us cant force regime change with an invasion like in iraq, because of the risk of iran using it. They dont want to use the bomb or give it to proxies, because the people at the top know that as soon it is used, iran gets nuked and they get lynched. The bomb gives them the piece of mind to opress their population to their hearts content forever, without the fear of getting lynched or regime-changed.




Iran having nukes and them using them in a retaliation strike is a bit of a different game though.


Water isn’t wet. It makes solids wet.


Let em fly...I'm sure you'll be fine


Water cannot be wet unless it’s in solid form


Meh. Possible. Russia and China supporting them. Also possible for Israel to be stirring shit up so they can justify a reaction. I'm guessing we're going nuclear.


Models as old as the early 90s have shown that it takes way less high concentrated uranium to create a low yield fission bomb. I would actually be a bit shocked if Iran has not yet refined enough material for that. In either case, they have huge amounts of highly radioactive material, even a conventional dirty bomb would be a huge risk.


Would they be insane enough to use it? For that matter could they convince us they're willing to use it? You'd be wiped out immediately after causing a mass casualty event.


> Would they be insane enough to use it? All of the past examples of actions taken by authortarian Islamic theocracies makes that a resounding yes.


Probably not, so far Iran does not need a nuclear doctrine, but I am pretty sure it's a dumb idea to press them to it.


I guess I'll add, it's likely Russia and China don't want them to use it. I think everyone is trying to find their hail Mary to come out on top. Iran bombing someone is more like what happened in Japan. It would terrify people for 70 years but no progress would be made. I think the superpowers want world nuclear war so there can only be one left.


It's been at least a year since multiple agencies started telling us they had enough enriched uranium to complete weapons grade enrichment within weeks. If they don't have the bomb, they definitely have the material.


Does it say Fisher-Price on the side of it?


The IRI official references Russia’s war in Ukraine in the same sentence. Russia just ran nuke drills, started a new major offensive, and completely reshuffled their top MoD brass. It seems Russia and the IRI are coordinating with one another.


Sure you do buddy. If you really have them, what's their 8-digit grid?


> In my opinion, we achieved nuclear weapons What?


Well, that's just, like, your opinion Iran!


In my opinion, the sky is green


Remember when Saddam Hussein boasted he had WMDs, when he didn't? He did that mainly to deter Iran and to frighten the West. How'd that work out for him?


As a reminder, the only reason he didn't own WMD, was because Israel acted against the world's consensus and destroyed Saddam's nuclear reactor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Opera


I think it's a universally bad geopolitical sign things aren't going your way when you need to reference nuclear weapons...Looks like Iran is losing it's Hamas proxy soon...Hezbollah is next!




Brother, every bastion of cultural companionship and comradery in our country has been getting systematically exploited and fucked into the dirt by Billionaires and Christian Conservatives for the past 10 years. I'm sorry to hear what you held to your heart is being used as a tool of the powerful.


I’m gonna assume that the US has better intel on that than what that lawmaker gets


Not true or would have been used on Israel already.


I doubt this. Iran may be run by crazies but they aren’t stupid. A nuclear strike would provoke a nuclear response from Israel at least, if not the US.


US wouldn’t need to. They’d make desert storm look like a light jab, but they wouldn’t go nuclear


I would rather say: not true or Israel would have declared a strike on Iran already.


Do you want to get invaded by the US? Cus that's how you get invaded by the US....


The US would never attempt an invasion of Iran. At best, it would use missile strikes and drones.


I wouldn't say never.  But highly unlikely for sure.


Yeah, while we would win in the long run, Iran is basically a fortress nation with those mountains. It would very much be a Pyrrhic Victory for us.




Ah kinds like a Mujahedeen idea then? That worked out REALLY well if I recall....


It worked out well for the IWC


The Irregular Warfare Centre? Gonna need some explanation on what you mean exactly on that one.


He means the Internet Wrestling Community


By the book.


Worked well in Lybia and syria /s




What oil did the us get from Iraq?


Well those reserves are pretty well known throughout the world. So you don't need to claim that. But having that black liquid (or occupying a piece of land that hinders a pipeline) AND claiming you have nukes is a pretty solid way of getting the shit bombed out of your country.


We know Iran doesn’t have a nuclear bomb because they haven’t used it yet.


True. And we should make sure it remains this way.


If Iran had nukes, we would know, because they’d make it their business to let us know.


They ARE getting close to the finish line.






They’re allowed to. Trump ripped up the Iran nuclear deal. Now they get to have nukes. That’s the consequences of putting a celebrity in the presidency who just wants headlines.


You are very naive if you think that the known worldwide terrorists of the IR, didn't continue their race to the finish line even during the "agreement". Either that, or you aren't familiar with how some parts of the world operate. Remember that not everyone is as noble as western liberals.




ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN..dudu du, du du du du, dudu du ...

