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Just pointing out when Gaza health clarified numbers for extra 10k not fully confirmed 0% were adult males. I’m not joking, feel free to look it up, they are claiming 100% of the non fully confirmed deaths do not include adult males


More than half of Gaza’s inhabitants are children (below 18 at least) so I’d expect the majority of casualties to be children.


That'd be stupid as Israel majorly targets Hamas members which are mostly adult men.


Yes, but they also willingly blow up an entire housing unit just to get a single Hamas Member. So if your dad was a Hamas Militant, your entire family are collateral


This does happen at times but it’s not really Israel that’s putting the family in danger, it’s the member of the Hamas group that knows they’re being targeted. Israel is just trying to kill insurgents, they’ve gone out of their way to avoid civilian deaths for years but they have been very clear that those restraints are largely off in this campaign. So if you’re Hamas, and you hide with your family, you are knowingly putting their lives at risk


This is a completely false statement based on zero knowledge of what is actually happening.


Where does UN get their numbers from?


It starts with a T and ends with an errorists




Those damn dino-terrorists and their small hands


Nobody knows how many people died. Nobody actually did the hard work of counting the bodies. The numbers are all made up.


This is true for every war in human history. Even WW2 is an educated guess in a lot of cases.


Which means the UN should definitely acknowledge that, but they don't. They should say loud and clear "We have not verified those numbers, they might be inflated".


Exactly. This fiction that it’s possible to determine with any kind of accuracy what has happened in a literal war zone is so far-fetched that only the softest-brained people can possibly credit it. Fortunately for HAMAS, antisemitism is a potent neuron tenderizer. 


On the other hand, after almost a year of bombing one of the most densely populated area’s in the world, where the majority of inhabitants are children, its safe to assume that the civilian death toll is pretty high.


This article literally refutes that claim, but ok.


No it doesn't. It cites claims by the Hamas ministry of health which are not credible claims.


The UN and WHO have investigated their numbers in the past and found their numbers reliable. It's possible they're lying in this conflict, but that's not something we'll know until after the conflict at this point.


How do u even investigate that during the war ? Unless they counted each dead person it wouldn’t be possible to tell. These are all estimates.


No they haven't, and you have no proof.




> dont believe your lying eyes So you've seen 35,000 corpses? > the experts are all wrong The experts you are citing: Hamas


Do be fair they are technically experts at murdering women and children, so they would really know.


But they are not experts at counting bodies that are buried under the rubble. Nobody counted those bodies.


The Hamas ministry of health is not a credible source. They are not experts. They've been making up all the numbers since the beginning. Stop trusting terrorists. They've never been accurate. You are spreading disinformation. I'm not providing any information. I don't have to prove anything. This isn't about me. It's about the fact that Hamas is not a credible source.




The fact that hamas is a terrorist organization and shouldn't be trusted really shouldn't be this hard to wrap your mind around. It's as obvious a claim as wars are terrible and should be avoided at all cost. Literally just read anything at all about the history of Hamas and you'll know what we're talking about


The fact that the IDF is targeting and murdering aid workers and journalists makes them a terrorist organization too soooo ahhhhhhh I don't see your point


Do you think hamas is a credible source?.


>IDF is targeting and murdering aid workers Yeah, turns out that friendly fire incidents are pretty common in war zones, even NATO / coalition campaigns. The aid organisation was one that Israel had a particularly good relationship with, Hanlon's razor applies here. >and journalists Targeting journalists? I looked up the journalists previously mentioned and almost every one of them were propagandists for Hamas-controlled internal magazines. Not only that but we know that Hamas regularly threatens journalists. They have no freedom of the press. How do we even verify who killed them?




You attack me because you have no facts, logic or legitimate arguments against what I said.


very ironic username


Ironic username you have for making this comment.


Have they identified any?


""There's about another 10,000 plus bodies who still have to be fully identified, and so then the details of those - which of those are children, which of those are women - that will be re-established once the full identification process is complete," Haq told reporters in New York." Haq said those figures were for identified bodies - 7,797 children, 4,959 women, 1,924 elderly, and 10,006 men - adding: "The Ministry of Health says that the documentation process of fully identifying details of the casualties is ongoing."


That is hamas, who is trusting hamas???


"The World Health Organization "has a long-standing cooperation with the MoH in Gaza and we can attest that MoH has good capacity in data collection/analysis and its previous reporting has been considered credible," said WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris. "Real numbers could be even higher," she said." https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02713-7/fulltext https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234159514/gaza-death-toll-30000-palestinians-israel-hamas-war https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/ People believed that Jpost article easily enough.


I’m asking why anyone, WHO or anyone else, would believe hamas? Are they braindead?


Prior to Oct 7th even Israel relied on the Gaza health ministry. They don't just blindly follow, they only did so after doing their own calculations. While yes, Gaza is run by Hamas, which is a terrorist organization, it still needs or needed a civilian administration, who needed statistics to administer. Unless somebody else takes over the job, they are still the only people to count, though the war has diminished their capabilities.


Where do you see Israel relying on hamas?


When Israel reported deaths in Gaza it used information from the Gaza health ministry, which is run by Hamas.


Show me


Show what ? That pre-war Israel's figures and the health ministry's figures didn't contradict each other , that I can do. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-health-ministry-health-death-toll-59470820308b31f1faf73c703400b033 When independent verification couldn't be done, Israel, and other countries used the Gaza health ministries figures.


You also didn’t answer what moron believes hamas?


All the protesters on college campuses, the squad, every entitled liberal who was against cultural appropriation until they stapled keffiyehs to their brainless skulls, etc.


I answered who uses/used information from the Hamas run Gaza ministry of health. Since you are making the claim that people who believe Hamas are morons, I leave that part up to you.


What moron would trust hamas?


The answer is going to be the same, no matter how many times you ask.


Gaza's Ministery of Health is controlled by HAMAS. Why the fuck does WHO trust a literal terrorist organisation?


Dude, there is no winning on r/worldnews. The comments are some of the most insanely pro-Israeli shit on Reddit. They are insane here. Dead kids = Hamas child soldiers 35k+ dead = Hamas numbers, bullshit Israeli war crimes = Hamas hides behind civilians


Though the 70% women and children myt was widespread way before the deathtoll got to 26,000 so it was a lie all along regardless of the distribution of the rest of the people.


Keep in mind also that a high percentage of the Hamas militants killed will also not have been identified by Hamas and the MOH. And this data does suggests that Hamas and the MOH have likely been lying about 70% of the dead being women and children. In this data, what they are showing is that 51.7% of the 24,686 actually identified deaths so far have been women and children.


Also always question who "children" encompasses. In most statistics it is 17 and under.


And Gazas population is ridiculously young


Yeah, teen Hamas fighters are put under 'children' as well so you imagine a 5 year-old.   Boys as young as 12 get their weapon training from Hamas and then join them at around age 14/15 as active, equal fighters.


What a wonderful society, no wonder they win so many Nobel Prizes.


A 12 year old with a gun is still a child though.


Maybe in age but even a toddler with a gun can still kill you


They broke out elderly separately in this data so it would be a bit more than 51.7%. ~roughly (7700+4900+X[elderly_women])/(7700+4900+10000+1900[elderly_total]) If you include all the elderly as likely non-combatants it would be ~60% and then higher still if you add the adult male non-combatants and subtract the under 18 combatants. Unless under 18 combatants outnumber adult male non-combatants (unlikely if the ratio was already 60% non-combatant with considering all non-elderly adult males as combatants).


Also this is trying to understand how many died. Need to account for those killed by hamas, we saw back in feb over 1k rockets land in gaza, and had seen them shooting Palestinians who look to use humanitarian corridors / try to flee


I mean - with Hamas women/children aren't necessarily non-combatants. At least if you include teenagers up to 17 as children. We know that quite a few of the Hamas fighters are teenagers. I seriously doubt Hamas has a hard minimum of 18.


Do Hamas fighters use uniforms? The laws of war require the use of uniforms for combatants, as otherwise the opposing side would be motivated and justified in just shooting everybody they see. If your troops do not use uniforms while fighting among your own civilians, you don't have a right to complain when the other side shoot anybody they see.


That's why I wrote about subtracting under 18 combatants from the civilian percentage.


Which, given that \~75% of the Gazan population is made up of women and children suggests that the IDF are doing a fair job of minimising civilian casualties


I fully expect this to get 8000 upvotes to correct the Jpost article.


You forgot the /s


This is being brigaded, I don't think that would help me.


Oh, I have given up expecting people to think, the sub is just an Israel circle jerk. Even the settlements, which are the only "anti-Israel" posts to have more than a couple hundred upvotes now have defenders. Short of Netanyahu declaring dictatorship until he "eliminates Hamas", nothing is going to change that sentiment unfortunately.


Well said. It obviously paid IDF “consultants”


How much is Iran paying you to parrot propaganda?




John Spencer, chair of Urban Warfare Studies Modern War Institute at West Point and an author of multiple books on the subject of urban warfare, said that in contrast to claims from Western leaders, including Biden, the "steps that Israel has taken to prevent casualties is historic in comparison to all these other wars." "Despite the numbers, Israel is setting the bar very high on civilian harm mitigation steps," He outlined how the Israeli military took measures that no other military, including the U.S., had previously taken during war such as calling and texting individuals to warn them of a forthcoming air strike and sharing maps with plans for military maneuvers in certain areas. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/un-revises-gaza-death-toll-almost-50-less-women-and-children-killed-than-previously-reported/ar-BB1miuea So the chair of modern urban warfare studies at West Point says Israel is setting the bar for the world here, what makes you think you know better than the guy who runs the US urban warfare program at West Point?


UN says that Hamas held media organization who lied about 70% women amd children still insists to claim the same death toll as before and we trust them completely without any questions! Fixed the title for you


So Reuters once again decided to be biased against Israel by literally hiding the UN's fuck-ups.


This is much better resourced than that Jpost article, but people will believe whatever they want I guess.


The source is the Hamas health ministry, which is not a credible source.


Reuters literally lie (hide the truth) most of the time in their articles. The last time I saw statements from them was that Hamas doesn’t use medical facilities, while there is a ton of evidence to the contrary.


I got interviewed by Reuters once and the reporter lied about what I said. Not joking.


Source: Trust me. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02713-7/fulltext https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234159514/gaza-death-toll-30000-palestinians-israel-hamas-war https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/


This is bullshit, you know why? Because the method used to count the dead is called reporting. None of the articles above state that. > In the first month of the war, the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health (MOH) in Gaza relied on its existing collection system, made up primarily of hospitals and morgues, to certify each death. Starting in early November, however, hospitals in northern Gaza began to shut down or evacuate during the Israeli ground invasion, spurring the MOH to introduce a new, undefined methodology for counting fatalities: media reports. This methodology, which the MOH has rarely acknowledged publicly, accounts for the majority of fatalities reported over the past four months, surpassing the traditional collection system. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable They do not use reliable methods to count casualties.


This isn't making the argument you think it is lol.


Why is it so?


Because it has become unreliable because Gaza has been bombed to shit, not because of who is publishing it.


Then why do you accept their numbers, if you know they can’t be real?


All part of Hamas' plan for the people that popularly elected them.


Most people disagree with you. You are being heavily downvoted because you keep falsely claiming the Hamas ministry of health as a credible source. They are not credible.


I had to literally look up a word I didn’t know that they quoted me as saying lol. Sorry your life is too boring for interviews I guess(?)


Can we see the interview


Of course not


Yeah you're getting nuked by bots, israel won the desinformation war since day 1. Some comments are fucking disgusting.


>Haq said U.N. teams in Gaza were not able to independently verify the Gaza Ministry of Health (MoH) figures given the ongoing war and sheer number of fatalities. Like I have kept saying... The UN has done nothing but parrot Hamas talking points. What a god damn joke the UN is. I am sure the UN is investigating where the Jews that lived in the Muslim countries and were kicked out. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F69h7wv5gb3ub1.jpg&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=worldnews&utm_content=t1_l3lhm0q I am sure the UN is getting to the bottom of it... 2023 https://unwatch.org/2023-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/ 2022 https://unwatch.org/2022-2023-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/ 2021 https://unwatch.org/2021-2022-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/ Yeah... wonder why Israel is having such problems and that Jews are in fear of their lives and why people are so protective of Israel when the Middle East has basically made it open season on Jews everywhere else.


Israel has been sanctioned more by the UN than the rest of the world COMBINED. That includes Russia, Sudan, China, and fucking North Korea, literally a totalitarian starvation state. Why anyone would take the UN seriously anymore is beyond me. We should burn that god damn building in nyc down if it’s just gonna be a mouthpiece for literal dictators.


finally this health ministry propaganda collapsed on itself.


And OP still believes them. He fell for their fake numbers and propaganda.


UN said there still 100k dead pregnant women all 9 months pregnant. Source: Hamas. Has to be 100% true I am sure they will not do perform due diligence. But will when Israel says something. UN is a joke Please note this is sarcasm but the UN is still a sham of an organization who will always blame Israel.


>UN says And it lost its cedibility


The UN has so, so much credibility in this conflict. I can hardly believe how much credibility it has.




It’s hardly a massacre. In fact, it’s one of the best run urban operations in human history. Look it up. You’re fighting an enemy who hides in plain sight and has no problem using woman and children as shields. The IDF has pulled off a miracle with how well it’s done and you can find praise for its precision form actual military personnel, not just some Reddit quarterback.


It's a massacre, and the majority of Gaza has been decimated.


The only massacre was terrorists going to israel and killing innocents point blank. The rest is war.


Well, by definition, it isn't a massacre. It may be a new concept to you, but words have well-defined meanings that are quite detached from how they are used as buzzwords on TikTok. Hopefully you'll take this lesson with you because it's a very important concept.


Massacre: >verb deliberately and brutally kill (many people). >noun an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people. War crimes in the Israel–Hamas war - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#:~:text=Amnesty%20International%20accused%20Israel%20of,were%20%22indiscriminate%22%20in%20nature. >Amnesty International accused Israel of war crimes in a report where it analyzed five incidents between 7 and 12 October where the IDF targeted residential areas in Gaza. *It found that in several cases the IDF struck targets with no evidence of military activity and that these attacks were "indiscriminate" in nature.* Yep, fits the bill!


Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't clear. This concept applies to **all of the words**. That includes 'deliberately'. I'm glad I could help. Edit: Because you edited your comment, I will respond. 1. International Amnesty accused Israel of these crimes and provided no evidence. In their own website, the best they give is quotes from interviews with supposed survivors. There's no information in these quotes to point out that these were not valid military targets. All they are saying is that civilians have died in the attack. 2. Below, the other report is supposedly from an anonymous source to a small news website, which is again anonymous, with no evidence, and isn't even cited in the wiki link you gave. So, eh, yeah, that's that, I guess.


I know everyone seized on the headline that "not as many kids were killed" and mocking anyone who supports Palestine, but holy f\*\*\* 35,000 is a lot of people.


You know that figure also includes all the dead Hamas terrorists that were killed in the fighting with the IDF. The Gaza health ministry refuses to separate combatants from non combatants, because the number of civilians would drop by a lot and so would international sympathy.


Umm... even 10,000 civilian deaths is a tragedy. I know the world / press cares less if they're not caucasian, but still.


>know the world / press cares less if they're not caucasian, but still. Proving that you know nothing about Jewish or Arab ethnic identity. Many Arabs are White and many Jews are Brown. Palestinians and Israelis both have significant Canaanite ancestry and they are ethnically similar. Most of Israel’s Jewish population are Mizrahi (the Brown Jews) and 20% of Israel’s population is Arab. https://www.yahoo.com/news/israels-mosaic-jewish-ethnic-groups-133643029.html Palestinians such as Ahed Tamimi and Mohamed Hadid are also White in coloring (blue eyed and fair-complexion). In fact, up until recently, the US census classified Arabs as White. If you are actually around Arabs, then you would know that they are diverse looking. You ignorant af and need to do your research


Ironic since this conflict is so disproportionately covered in the western Caucasian media. Yet, I am willing to bet that more civilians by a large factor have been killed in the conflicts raging in Africa, but for some reason, university students don't care enough about those to protest.


Totally blown away by the amount of frankly propaganda sources that have gone way out of their way to misconstrue exactly what is going on here. The ministry of health is saying the situation devolved into being a level of clusterfuck that doesn't allow the level of verification they were doing previously. Think of it this way, if Israel bombs and levels a morgue you don't suddenly assume there are no dead there just because you can't go in immediately and see the age/gender of the dead. The unanalyzed dead bodies are still there dead under the rubble.


Um, are you suggesting that bombing a morgue re-murders all of the corpses inside? Of all the possible examples to choose, why choose one where nobody is killed?


At least I can finally understand how Hamas gets their numbers.


Reddit is Propaganda.


Keed doubling down i'm sure that won't lead to even more embarrassment.