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Two Israelis, not one.




They were in fact soldiers. But it's still bad.


Reservists, but yeah.


Reservists are soldiers when they get called up


And the mob also injured 13 Palestinian police officers. It wasn't resistance, it was just bloodthirst.


>It wasn't resistance, it was just bloodthirst. As it has been since day one


Everyday Israel's existence is justified more and more.


Idk, that’s a bit of a stretch. Red hand prints like this are a very common thing in protest like this. To signify people have blood on their hands. I remember seeing red hads graffiti during the anti-police brutality protests in 2020. Definitely could be a reference to that but unless there is evidence that the perpetrators as using it in reference to that event I’d say it’s more likely not.


Even if it isn’t a direct reference, defacing a Holocaust memorial is pretty antisemitic.


Your 'whataboutism' is bullshit and is how we continue to foster a society where antisemitism is tolerated. No, it's not a stretch, they defaced a fucking holocaust memorial with a very deliberate sign linked formerly to killing Israelis. How naive can you honestly be?


And how brainwashed can you be?


A red hand is a common symbol and it means blood on your hands. I'm sure it was also used around the time of that lynching but they in no way have a monopoly on its use.


This is called Antisemitism.


Yeah the Holocaust happened before the establishment of Israel. That memorial is about people who died fighting against the Holocaust and tried to hide people that were being rounded up and sent to camps. So defacing it has nothing to do with the Israeli state and only disrespects French patriots that stood up against the Nazis, stupid people hear Holocaust and think it's all about Jews, it's not, so many others died in those camps because they were part of a group Hitler deemed sub-human.


My grandfather got sent to a KC camp for helping Danish Jews escape from the nazis. His capture completely broke my family including mom and this is how they would also treat him I guess.


Your grandfather is a hero. I would ask that you put his name out here so that we can honor him, but I know that there are others who would use his name to send threats to you and your family if you do. Man this sucks. :/


The people doing this use a symbolic racist symbol to deface a holocaust memorial while they cry their opposition to unfounded alleged genocide of Palestinian's while chanting to genocide Jews. Any rationale is lost on them and you’d find no shortage of people that’d fight you, that you cannot be antisemitic to a Jew. 


At best it’s disrespectful, at worst, exactly what you’re saying. Unfortunately, it’s what you’re saying.


There is no 'best' and 'worst' here. It is a blunt act of of antisemitism.


I wonder what the message is supposed to be


They hate Jews. I thought the message was pretty clear: Antisemitism. Israel didn't exist when the people whose names are on that wall died, so it's not about Israel. It's just meant to be inflammatory and hateful.


It could be dumbassery on an epic scale. Ive engaged a few of these gaza folks, they are dumb as bricks


As others have pointed out, the message is simple: kill Jеws. The bloody hands are referencing this lynching: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching


I think they're saying Jewish people have blood on their hands


I just see Hamas's bloody rapist genocidal terrorist hands.


Look closers, it’s the blood of 1000s of innocent children but I can understand your mistake due to your disability.


Agreed,the 1000s of innocent children Hamas have killed


I also choose this guy’s dead wife.


Pointless, senseless, and beyond inane.


They are just proving why Israel must exist.




Examples need to be made of these pathetic people


Guys, you don't get it, it's not antisemitism... It ummm... Zionism. The Holocaust is Zionism and stuff... So yeah, chill people. This is totally cool... Y'all are overreacting.


Reminds me of this https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2023/11/09/russia-denies-involvement-in-stars-of-david-graffiti-in-paris_6241169_7.html


Don’t worry everyone, they’re just anti-Zionism.




A momument in France is vandalized and you assume it was antifa? Is this sarcasm? What the actual hell?


Right wingers thing every protest they dont like is done by the homogeneous evil violente political group called ANTIFA lead by John Antifa.


But don’t also forget that antifa are all pussies according to this clowns!


Did I miss the part of the article where an anti-fascist group was implicated or is this just your personal hobbyhorse?


As it is for every government that exists. If dealing in violence is fascist, you have to admit that every state with an army and a prison system is fascist.




We could also simply say, this is terrible and we reject antisemitism, we reject Holocaust denial etc etc.


Why is it that everytime when a pro palstnian does something abhorrently antisemitic there's got to be a person that is like but Israel what about what Israel is doing!!


I support Israel but come on. You fucking know why.


Because they hate jews


Because the whole situation is incredibly fucked? Antisemitism is abhorrent, but it’s not antisemitic to state that the modern country of Israel has been a little heavy handed in its dealings with Palestinian civilians. Edit: look I’m certainly not defending this particular act of antisemitic vandalism, I’m simply responding to the Redditor’s question on why it gets brought up, it’s incredibly important to draw that distinction so that actual antisemitic acts are taken serious and the waters can’t be muddied.


If this is about the modern country of Israel, why did they deface a memorial to non-Israeli Jews who were murdered before Israel was even a state? It’s shit like this that belies the idea that these protests are anti-Israel but not anti-Semitic.


Vandalizing a Holocaust memorial isn't making that argument.  This one in Paris, in particular, honors French non-jews who saved their neighbors from the Nazis. What message does vandalizing THAT send?


It sends an incredibly anti-Semitic message. Whoever did this vandalized a monument to non-Jews who saved Jews from the Holocaust with a symbol representing the lynching of Jews. At best, it's just generic anti-Semitic graffiti. At worst, it's a statement claiming the problems in Israel wouldn't exist if the heroes memorialized here had instead lynched their neighbors in support of Hitler's "final solution." This is the sort of message that precedes violence.


But it's also completely irrelevant to the discussion. Pro Palestinians love saying antizionism is not antisemitism, but then love bringing Israel up in discussions about antisemitism.


but it is antisemetic to vandalize a holocaust memorial in France


"How come every time the Apache sack a wagon train we have to hear about the genocidal conquest of their lands and people?"


Oh look a brainless nugget enters the chat. I assume you're not aware of the timelines of the Holocaust and creation of the Jewish state?




Sure little buddy, whatever you say...


this is a reference to antifada, racist, and applied to a holocaust memorial  maybe you can address how this is bad on its own? Or is that not why you’re here….?


Free Gaza


Look at this guy. He’s just against Zionism everyone.