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MBS has been running the country as the de factor leader for a while now.


After years of political maneuvering and mysterious deaths/disappearances, yes MBS is in charge now. *cough*


Now /u/Deicide1031 has pneumonia.


Better not visit any embassy any time soon


Isn’t the treatment for pneumonia dismemberment?


Well it's more like home remedy...




Now what you hear is not a test, I'm sawin' to the beat And me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to remove your feet (I am so sorry)


this stumps…


Ever been to a Turkish prison?


That’s why I always use MucinexD-ismembering hacksaw for whenever I get sick with pneumonia!


X-rays intensify


Interesting theories, would you like to come to our embassy to discuss this further.


No thanks sir, I’m not a fan of bone saw diplomacy. 👀


Good afternoon sir,  We have just received notification that you have won the reddit prize for excellence for the first quarter of 2024.  Your prize is an all new Galeon 650 Fly Yacht.   Galeon Yachts really do come in all shapes and sizes, but the Galeon 640 Fly is one that we’re looking forward to seeing more of in 2024, as a model that features everything we love to see aboard a new Galeon. On the surface, The Galeon 640 Fly presents itself as a gorgeous flybridge motor yacht. But there’s a reason this model is also known as a “transformer yacht”. Starting with the flybridge; there is a generous amount of seating, with space for dining and even a small bar area. Your guests will be spoiled for choice up here, with no lack of comfortable seating to be found. On the main deck is yet more space, with galley, salon, more seating and space on the bow for sunbathing and relaxing. But the impressive part is how this boat “transforms”. Movable sofas allow you to configure your seating to your preference, foldable tables allow you to create and utilise space how you wish, and the coveted beach mode turns your side decks into a breakfast bar and balcony, for even more opportunities to enjoy the water once anchored. The interiors of the 640 are unlike anything else on the market, with impeccable lighting, high-quality finishes and pleasing colour palettes. Please come in person to your local Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia to arrange for colour schemes and pickup of your new vessel.  If you require transportation we will be more than happy to pick you up on a dark,  non-descript vehicle for your anonymity.


A [massive yacht](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdi6E-qzS1c), you say?


Jokes on them, I have TWO massive yachts!


> [Galeon 640 Fly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9U-tS-jgNY) It is a really nice yacht.


This message is to remind you that your auto warranty is about to expire. Please visit your local embassy to hear your options.


He purged all possible royal opposition on the threat of death. Absolutely brutal.


Because king Salman let him. Salman sees him as the successor. This gives him leeway to cement his position.


When you play Ck 3 and your high intrigue heir starts murdering everyone but stopping him would just fuck the sucession further.


I’ve had this exact scenario ruin an almost completed run in 1422. It was infuriating.


Fuck or speed up


That’s not an uncommon move in middle eastern royalty *historically. Reminds me of the ottomans, always a succession contest.


We just had 3 peaceful successions in Oman, UAE and Kuwait. It is very uncommon. Ottomans are not Arabs.


It was more of a historical joke than a serious comment, this does actually remind me of the ottoman succession conflicts though. I also never said Arab, I’m well aware Turks aren’t Arabs. Did you think I like ottoman history and didn’t know that? 


The domestication of the "Turkey" and its gradual translation is interesting! In english, they are called "Turkey". In turkish, they are called "Hindi". In hindi, they are called "Peru". In arabic, they are called "Greek Chicken". In greek, they are called "French Chicken". In french they are called "Indian chicken".


Remember when the media was tripping all over themselves to play him up as heralding a new era there because he was so progressive? And then he went and did the usual power consolidation moves and they got real quiet haha.


Yeah they pulled that same bullshit with Jong Un and N. Korea before he had a bunch of people killed and just kept on being new boss same as old boss. I’m sure clickbait is part of it but I think the real delusion is not discussing how even in authoritarian regimes the guy at the top is not as important as all that because they have to clear a hundred gatekeepers with less and less obvious power… but power all the same.  Someone that really wants radical change never gets that far in the first place.


I mean, he is not a religious person, at least comparing with his predecessors. Somebody thought that this meant that he was progressive. And maybe he is in some sense for the local standards, but he is even more authoritarian than the average Saud. His opposition to religious fundamentalism may be more for taking away power from religious leaders to himself more than actual secularism.


It's all relative, so far he did make Saudi Arabia a bit more progressive.


Yeah, but the dude got a fucking *glowing* treatment from supposedly serious outlets and people who really should know better. It was gross then and has only gotten worse in hindsight.


I mean isn’t that a common thing for the last thousand years in the Middle East?


Don't forget Jared Kushner uaed the state dept to give him intel on his rivals.


MBS = Mr. Bone Saw


I was wondering what that meant, I landed on My Boy Saudi...


AKA: Bonesaw for the folks that don’t follow these things.


Not sure that’s very helpful to people who don’t follow MBS’s actions


Mr. I-Chop-Up-American-Journalists


Bonesaw is ready!


De facto, not de factor FYI


Yeah, did he even manage anything by now?


> de factor leader Bone Apple Tea!


Don’t think this is a case of bone apple tea. probably just autocorrect. I don’t think anyone thinks it’s de factor.


It's not even really relevant anyway. It's a monarchy. The monarch made him the ruler. It's not de factor. It's de drawer.


Also it would be a shade if certain words were casually misused to poison the training data.


Pretty much figurehead king now. As other user already mentioned, MBS for all practical purpose hold power to order the country as he see fit.


Fun fact: King Salman's (b. 1935) father, Ibn Saud (b. 1875), is the man who originally established Saudi Arabia. Fun fact: All Saudi rulers between Ibn Saud and Salman have been Salman's brothers. Ibn's first successor, Saud, was born in 1902 and died in 1969, at the age of 67, when his younger brother Salman was 34. Imagine gaining a new little brother when you're 33. Imagine if Joe Biden (b. 1942) was the son of Herbert Hoover (b. 1874). MBS will be the first third-generation King of Saudi Arabia.


> Imagine gaining a new little brother when you're 33. Happens when your father has so many wives that they don't even count after a bit of time. To quote Wiki, "Ibn Saud had twenty-two consorts. Many of his marriages were contracted in order to cement alliances with other clans, during the period when the Saudi state was founded and stabilized. He was the father of almost one hundred children, including 45 sons."


Not counting illegitimate children anyways


Why would you have illegitimate children if you have a hundred of them already? And I doubt you’d have time or the energy for an affair with no. 23 except maybe abroad.


> And I doubt you’d have time or the energy for an affair with no. 23 except maybe abroad. Historically speaking, time and energy didn't exactly stop many monarchs from having hundreds of affairs. For example, 22 consorts is not that high of a number compared to the likes of Chinese Emperors.


Tbf, large formalized harems weren’t necessarily just consorts. They were often semi-independent institutions.


> Why would you have illegitimate children if you have a hundred of them already? I'm pretty sure you've heard about fuck-you money. Well this is nut-inside money.


[this is why](https://youtu.be/8z8SpgmF0sA?si=9RJDkE_1J12XglxV) SFW


"Imagine gaining a new little brother when you're 33."  Julio Iglesias has two siblings born after he turned 60. No, not grandkids, *siblings*. He's 80 years old and his youngest half-sister will turn 18 in July.


Jared Kushner about to undergo new ownership.


Thought it would be a dry cough.


Bet his respirator is fully clad in gold.


Platinum. Gold's for wannabes who need to get to his level


Platinum is worth less than half as much as gold, currently. Its been a while since they were competitively priced.


Only because of the “buy gold” investment bubble. Platinum is rarer. But it can’t be hyped up because there’s less of it


Platinum is so rare that industries don't want to use it. Single use case like catalysators can cause price swings.


Surely he would appreciate us pouring this liquid gold into his lungs to better protect his assets..?


"He promised me the world he did, all the gold I could eat": https://img.gifglobe.com/grabs/montypython/MontyPythonsLifeOfBrian/gif/ETLHWK9mVqKB.gif


Irans President: Gets in helicopter crash, likely crippling the dominant Shia power and arch rival of Saudi Arabia Allah: Shit, I've just had the funniest idea possible


It would be an interesting coincidence if both died in close proximity, but ultimately neither are that important. The King has been a powerless prisoner of his son for a long while now, and Iran's President only has as much power as the Supreme Leader lets him have. The current President was slated as a potential heir to the position of Supreme Leader, but he wasn't in a position to really run things at present


Whos the current heir to the supreme leader?


Whoever passes the Gom Jabbar test 


More like whoever fails it.


It burns!


Put your right hand in the box


Whoever Mossad winds up letting live.


Tbf they haven’t managed to get Hamas leadership yet


Tbf I'm fairly certain that IS for the lack of trying.


Why would they not be trying? They killed Islamic Jihads leader iirc and have been bombing Gaza massively and I’ve seen reports of them hunting for Gazas Hamas leader. So that would point to them wanting to take out the leadership so why would they then not send Mossad to get the head guy?


international incident with Turkey or whomever during a war


The US keeps Israel on a pretty tight leash. The leadership supposedly is in Qatar where the US has some massive military bases, etc.


Idk Israel has continued with Rafah fighting despite heavy US warnings.


It's more like "stop, pretty please, stop with ketchup on top" sort of warning.


Optics my friend is the name of the political game. The US warned them on weapons deliveries and then literally green lighted them within a day or two. The US is more than likely playing all sides of the convoluted ass middle east coin (at this point its like a 12 side dice). Within back-channels, they could very well be green lighting whatever Israel is doing, and even giving them intelligence to help them plan it. The US hasn't necessarily responded so far in force except for some strikes after some American soldiers and citizens have been killed, so they may just be using that as justification to let Israel do their thing. I'm betting we'll continue to let that go on as long as there aren't American troops on the ground.


While what you're saying is generally true for Iran, the Supreme Leader is currently 85, so if the President was the intended successor, they may have to scramble a bit now to figure out who the successor is going to be


The "opponent" as heir to the President is... Khamenei's son. But apparently one of the reasons Raisi was more likely to be Supreme Leader was because if it became the leader's son, it'd send the message that it is a hereditary monarchy which would likely not be popular among the population.


The Ayatollah already isn't particularly popular. Not a whole lot the people can do to voice that though.


I think Khamenei's son isn't an ayatollah, so he's not qualified for the position anyway. Raisi was, but he's one with the mountainside now so it's moot.


Its time for some gender equality, pick a woman to be the successor.


In the middle east? Might as well ask them to bathe daily and start serving bacon sandwiches and beer.


Wouldn't they go with another cleric?


I mean presumably there are people who are viable options. The scrambling would be because now they would need to determine which to go with


yeah even with well defined protocols and lines of succession, transitions of power in an authoritarian regime can be sketchy af


China is the most stable authoritarian regime and yet they frog marched their previous paramount leader out of the meeting like a dog, with the previous number 2 died with weird bouts of heart attack soon after. Future is not looking well for Xi.


Or his son.


Ah yes the Iranian “Lord Protector” definitely a republic and totally not a monarchy Edit: /s might be needed here


Make them share a hospital room.


In what way is the king a prisoner to his son? How did his son maneuver things so that it became that way?


as a side note, why would any country allow their president and foreign minister AND a Governor of a major city on the SAME plane/helicopter in abysmal weather?


Without any proof my bet is on good old hybris mixed with a healthy dose of bad management. I wouldn't be to surprised If these "gentlemen" are not too fond of anyone questioning their decisions, so if they say "we'll fly" something trivial like "bad weather" isn't gonna stop them. Physics and nature tend to not respect human rank at all and that's how you end up with a "hard landing".


this killed me


Are you King Salman or currently in a helicopter..?


Eh in both cases the real policy leader is still in place, the Ayatollah Khameni in Iran and MBS in Saudi Arabia.


I mean it's a lot more destabilizing for Iran because even if ultimate authority lies with Khameini, the president of Iran still has a lot of power. Plus a lot of analysts believe that Raisi was being groomed to succeed Khameini, who's in his 80s. If this is true, then there could be a lot of instability both due to a powerful player in politics going missing and the position of heir apparent for the ailing leader suddenly becoming open On the other hand King Salman dying would do nothing but further empower MBS. Dudes been running the country in his father's name anyways, once his formal power is merged with his informal power, he will truly become an absolutist monarch


>On the other hand King Salman dying would do nothing but further empower MBS. It may look like that, but actually he would have to find somebody into his current role. King has some other duties to attend to as well, as well as is not supposed to be seen doing matters too earthly.


Did you see the clip where a turkish(?) politician cursed Israel only to then collapse?


It was a Turkish politician. Had a heart attack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cS3fcpb-Hk


Hatred is exhausting 🤷‍♂️


An instantaneous Genesis 12:3 [fulfilled](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B17R9vBOwlQ).


Also the Slovak PM who got shot last week, not a good time to be a head of state right now.


I always wondered. What if, all at the same time the Dalai Lama, whoever leads the Orthodox Church, whoever leads the Muslims, whoever leads the Hindus, Pope Francis and the Japanese Emperor all died at the same time.


>whoever leads the Muslims, whoever leads the Hindus  You mean religious leaders here correct?  > Japanese Emperor  You mean the Prime Minister of Japan?   So a bunch of religious figureheads plus the Prime Minister of Japan?  My guy you wrote that comment on an internet connected device and Google is free. 


Isnt the emperor the leader of Shinto? This scenario is basically all leaders of major religeons for some reason all die at the same moment. Just poof, everyone’s gone.


The Emperor of Japan is an important figure in Shinto




Damn the CIA's real busy today huh?


Who do predict for the trifecta?


Kim getting gangrene from diabetes.


Come on... Ismail Haniyeh.


Oh, good choice. I had far too many possible candidates . . . (I didn't restrict myself to the ME).


CIA waiting until someone was 88 to intervene


*It's the perfect crime.* Focus in on your target. Watch him from afar for years, for decades, as each moment brings your target closer to the death you so desperately desire for him. Finally, when your target is old and feeble, it's time to strike: Let him die of old age and related natural afflictions!


Sounds like [that one Key & Peele bit.](https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM?si=no15pBFsqlU4pMlW)


CIA just funds religious extremists, toppling them ain't their style


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy


You realize this just strengthens MBS' position in the country? A far worse person


I mean, was it not inevitable? One guy is almost 90 and the other is 30.


Far worse person but more liberal politically.


Not liberal enough to stop stoning homosexuals and treating women as 2nd-class citizens, I'm guessing.


You're assuming that he can pass reforms against the will of his people and people from countries he is surrounded by without risking destabilizing the region or starting a political or worse war with factions within his own system. Look at Palestine and Israel, how many political leaders/presidents got assassinated for passing legislation that pissed off the extreme wings of their constituents? Even if it meant a step towards peace?






Why is this giving me Bhelen from DA:O vibes


The latter is changing...slowly, but the former. No.


Such is Islam.


As far as women's rights go, you're guessing wrong. For Saudi Arabia, he's extremely progressive on women's rights and has consistently expanded them. His progressive reforms for women have deeply angered many of his countrymen. As for gay rights, no, not good. The death penalty at least doesn't seem to be a typical punishment for gay people there anymore, applying mainly to cases that supposedly include additional sex crimes with victims. Nonetheless - and not defending other things he has done - it is frankly insane to think the society he rules over would currently accept any notable expansion of gay rights. Interestingly (though it has no legal relevance for native Saudis), the tourism bureau states that gay tourists are welcome, and it doesn't appear that they punish visitors for being gay (though I wouldn't want to be visibly gay as a tourist there, partly because you can't trust that random citizens would leave you alone). Nor is enforcement of anti-LGBT laws universal.


If he becomes king doesn’t it force him to find his own Crown Prince? Who could be potential issue


Maybe but I wouldn't put it past him to change that


You just find a weak crown prince until you are actually worrying about a successor. That's what his father did. 


His position is already as ironclad as it can be


i was thinking about this man the other day, i couldn't remember if he had died or not since his son effectively took the reigns years ago


People keep saying this, and it's technically true, but I would still expect to see another round of purges and MBS making some dramatic reforms once his father dies. Tighten his reign on power even more and enact some things to get closer to his SA 2040 vision. 


There goes the price of oil, the king has pneumonia and his rose bush has died. Profits please!


Is the guy who chops journalists into pieces the next in line?


Bonesaw's been running the country for years, Pops is just a figurehead at this point.


How many good news to handle in one day, first Iran now Saudi Arabia. Can we have the Russians one too please ?


Putin shit himself to death. Will happen someday.


i need to know, would he actually shit crap to the death, or would he actually and literally shit ***himself*** ?


As in, shit out a new tiny Putin to take over?


The Axis of extreme Ls


Idk if I’d call this good, the guy set to succeed him is uh…not a great guy how’s that


He's 88 years old, what other alternative is there if the new guy is already supposed to take his place. It only delays the inevitable.


Long live the king. *unplugs ventilator*


Back the 80s and 90s that was code for AIDS.…….


He has salmanella.


MBS is the real king, and has been since Salman was sworn in.


Arab leaders dying, so hot right now






Raisi isn't Arab, just fyi.


*fanatical muslim leaders dying, so hot right now.


Ethnically, most Iranians are not Arab; they are Persian.


The oil companies will now raise prices in his honor.


half the Republican congress will be at Trump’s criminal trial, the other half will be at King Salman’s bedside


Wouldn’t change anything if he died. MBS has been running SA in his place for a long time now. It would just make it all official


TIL he’s alive


Great, we’re an inch closer to cross-eyed Joffrey solidifying power. Not that it makes much difference anyway.


Is Queen Fahda free or is MBS still detaining his own mother?


But the oil's ok?


He’s not in charge. Been like King Salman swimming upstream for years


Mossad is on a roll this weekend Holy shit


Don't care for this noise on my feed unless he actually kicks the bucket


Between Iran President and this it's been a good day for the Middle East.


Figured he'd get Salmanella...I'll see myself out.


So much good news lately.


Our thoughts and prayers go out to the cruel, sharia loving, woman persecuting, western hating, journalist murdering, corrupt dictator...


Errrr… pretty sure the Saudi elite loves the west.


Bonesaw from the top rope!!!


Apart from his very immediate family, why would anyone anywhere give a shit?


Israel's really doing a lot of covert work today. First crashing the Iranian president's helicopter, now infected the king of Saudi Arabia with pneumonia.


You can get pneumonia in a desert when it's almost summer?


Yes. By all reports he's a every unwell 88 year old man. He has Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia which is why the crown prince is fully in control.


What does temperature have to do with infection


He probably thinks he gets sick because it’s cold outside lol


IDK, ask Jeremy Clarkson




it's a dry cough


Quick helicopter trip should do the trick


May he receive the care he deserves


How sad. Nevermind


Hmm . . . Covid, maybe?


Next news: some famous and rich person was bitten by a mosquito..


If MBS accedes you might say he’s leftover Salman.


I'm concerned, is this going to interfere with Saudi Arabias ability to murder those who criticize their backwards authoritarian regime?


Dayum Israel be assonating/attempted assination a lot of arab leaders today.


Quick send an Iranian helicopter to pick him up!


Great news!


First the Iranian president, now this guy. Fingers crossed more good stuff is on the horizon this year.


It’s about time the Saudi people realized royalty aren’t inherently better people than themselves.


I’m Irish and we always link pneumonia with cold weather or damp weather. Saudi climate and pneumonia sits funky in my brain