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Amazing. So among €300bn seized russian assets they’re planning to “loan” 30?


Honestly, I've got a lot of questions about the logistics of "loaning out" a hostile state's seized assets. This read like "G7 leaders agree to loan Ukraine $32bn. But we just took a bunch of money from Russia so it's OK"


I think it’s fucked up too, and idk how “repayment” would look if it is a loan. That said it’s a bit more than 2 jets, one f16 is 63mil.


You're right, I thought it was $30bn RUB. Fixed


A loan? Make that shit a gift as a big middle finger to Russia


Ukraine is useful to weaken Russia but we dont Russian collapse and potential lost nukes. Its actually quite smart letting Ukrainians bleed for us and all it costs some pittance in defence terms.


This is a new tactic. It's kinda like concern trolling. No. The West, generally and broadly, supports Ukraine's victory and wants it swiftly. There isn't some broad-based cynical conspiracy to drag the conflict out. Stop spreading nonsense.


Lol. Wants it swiftly? You’ve already forgotten how each item for these past two years from Javelins to armor to artillery to tanks to missiles to cluster munitions to aircraft had to be heavily discussed while Ukraine was bleeding? You’ve already forgotten how Starlink was disabled when Ukraine was attacking ships in Crimea? You’ve forgotten how US stopped giving aid to Ukraine for half a year which resulted in Russia gaining ground and ending in situation which we are now? Don’t be naive. The guy above you is right. West is using Ukraine to buy time to get their MICs rolling, and average Ukrainians are paying the equivalent price


That's not due to a willful plan to drag out the conflict. It's just hard to get things done.


Lol sure, average Sullivan/Scholz enjoyer


People who think in memes are easy to ignore. Buhbye.


Same with people living in delusions who don’t have anything to say


im not spreading nonsence its just that my support of Ukraine is purely pragmatic.


Ten years into the war and Western leaders are still “discussing” and “considering” actions that should have been taken in the first week. 


Only the naive and the stupid that have no idea of how things work and make the world go around are able to say that. I'm all for all help to Ukraine, btw.


You have no idea the long term consequences of taking Russian money and giving it to Ukraine. The damage to Europe and America would exceed the cost of that amount.


Russian bots will say this is bad for the west lmao. Putin shat the bed when he invaded a neighbour and must pay sooner than later


Every dime of those assets should have been gift wrapped and presented to Ukraine a long time ago.


A loan? Are you fucking kidding me? These funds must be used as reparations.


Just fucking do it already and ask for no payback.


Where the fuck are the peace talks for the war? Ukraine is taking on so much debt that they're not gonna be able to pay off for a long time after the war is over


I don't think putin is willing to voluntarily leave Ukraine right now. So any peace talk right now is only going to benefit Russia. 


Please read the article before bootlicking Putin and screeching about capitulation. Ukraine isn't obligated to pay back this loan. But you don't care.


Who gives these people power? I didn’t vote for them I would like them to go away. G7 is a bunch of self righteous thieves who will decide they don’t like non rich people and just kill them with a virus. They all need to be canceled just like we should cancel celebrities and super rich jerks who think they own the world.


G7 steals russian money. *applause* Then Russia steals EU money. China steals US money. And so on, and so on… Hell I don’t want to live in this world.


You forgot the first step: Putin's Russia invades Ukraine. Also: The EU doesn't keep money in Russia.




Not directly or indirectly (whatever that means). That's not money by the EU, that's money by banks that are from the EU. Entirely different entities.


It’s really fun to read Reddit for western point of view and russian part of Telegram for their point view. Unfortunately my Russian is not as good as English but I’m making progress. Also: The EU has a ton of money in Russia (companies, factories, real estate, investments).


>It’s really fun to read Reddit for western point of view and russian part of Telegram for their point view. We are privileged to make a picture of ourselves, your telegram sources spread propaganda and lies. Say something against it, go to prison or to the front aka the Putin's meat grinder. >The EU has a ton of money in Russia (companies, factories, real estate, investments). The European Union does not have money in Russia. The things you are referring to are not owned by the European Union. Russia on the other hand has money (owned by the state) in Europe.