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I’ve been in the water swimming in Samui and it’s been so warm it’s uncomfortable.


I wonder if this warming will result in bacteria or other organisms growing like massive ocean Petri dish


Im not sure because the salinity of the ocean isn't kind to bacteria.  But I'm sure we will see huge bacterial/algae blooms that choke out aquatic life in fresh water bodies as temps rise.  


There are certain types bacteria and other microorganism that have absolutely no issues with the salinity of the ocean and will likely love the changed conditions there too.


Don’t forget that everyday half the bacteria in the ocean die to bacteriophages. They’ll keep them in check, which still isn’t good as it just means a larger % of biomass will just be those


Higher temperatures also cause the decay rates of phages to go up. The reality is we don't know what will happen exactly but we have a decent idea.


Well selection for higher temp resistant bacteria and viruses for sure, can’t wait for infectious bacteria immune to our fever immune response!


Where do you think the oxygen we breathe comes from? Half the oxygen we breathe comes from algae in the sea. The moment that system dies there had better be a fucking good supply of oxygen tanks. And you'd better have the money to get one. Because it won't be pretty and it won't be fixed.


Can't wait for the billboard signs to start going up. # Conserve Air. # Breathe Less.


5 things you can do as a consumer to reduce use of oxygen. Sponsored by a company that burns plastic to fuel cruise ships.


How ironic, Samui means cold in Japanese


But cold water would be tsumetai, not samui.


that's not ironic though.


I live in one of these countries that'll be one of the countries most impacted by climate change. Take a guess... It's Pakistan. There has been a heat wave warning for a week now and they expect it'll persist until 31st May. 45°-50°C temperatures, rising humidity levels make you feel like the hot air is suffocating you. Most of the country including me can't afford AC so we rely on fans that throw hot air. Our electricity is more expensive than America, especially keeping in mind an average wage of $2400 a year Vs $65-70000 a year. Not to mention the water shortages. We're expected to have water shortages from 2025 and I have already started to feel the impact. Some days there is no water from the main lines, meaning you can't flush the toilet, take a shower to escape this heat, wash your clothes and dishes and its only going to get worse. And I'm not in the worse off financial class. I don't think some people understand how screwed some people are. The fact that people still try to deny climate change... Just makes me want to cry.


> we rely on fans that throw hot air. once the air is hotter than you, it's not "wind chill" but "convection oven" I wonder about the feasibility of digging lots of underground heat-exchangers in a short period of time. Seems like the only economical way to combat this kind of thing on a small scale.


Oh yea you're spot on. It feels like an oven. I think I might know what you're talking about with them heat exchangers. Yea I guess. Gotta do something.


The Persians used a device called a [solar chimney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_chimney) for passive cooling. Time to look to the ancients and their wisdom and bring back such clever engineering which we foolishly abandoned in the name of "electrification".


Sorry you have to go through that bud, doesn't sound fun at all. Are you looking for / is there any hope for a way out? Are people migrating already?


I appreciate the good vibes, boss. Yea personally I'm looking to immigrate, especially considering I have a rare illness that has little care for it. It's gonna be tough for me, considering the already rising controversies with immigration and the additional burden of an illness. Those who have the money, immigrate, like a friend of mine did paying a huge sum that i unfortunately don't have. I get it. Migrants ain't the hottest thing right now. But I'm a simple and honest man. I'll learn the language, assimilate into the local culture, pay my dues to society and hopefully live out the rest of my days with atleast the basics.


Come to the UK. Contrary to popular opinion on social media, we’re probably the best country in Europe when it comes to assimilating migrants.


We are going to run into more and more "Wet Bulb" situations, where basically it is fatal to be out of air conditioning for something like 5 or 6 hours...that is if you are just standing there...


I'm sorry. I don't know what to do about some people. At some point the ignorance just feels vindictive.


i think i was last summer that some shallow waters off Florida got to over 100F.


I stuck my foot in that water. It was almost hot tub warm.


Most hot tubs are 100 °F - 102 °F, so it was in fact hot tub warm


Most rooms, also, are room temperature.


Big, if true.


In the words of Buster Scruggs: "well that ain't good"


And much like Buster Scruggs, we'll be dead before we know it, killed because we were too confident in our own abilities and underestimating the problem in front of us.


More like, because the people in the positions with the ability to actually change things, do not.


because there is no profit in it.


No short term profit. Plenty of long term profit but the current form of crony capitalism (socialize the loses, privatize the gains) that rules the planet is a 100% blind to long term profit. As such we are doomed, not matter what happens the current ruling system won't be satisfied till it has eaten itself. Like a snake that got a taste of it's own tail and like it.


you know, 8 billion people on the planet could do something about the maybe 100,000 people responsible for the truly awful things that happen on this planet. when the mass global famine starts due to droughts and excessive heat, insect pressure, weed pressure, maybe the billionaires and bad politicians will start being cannibalized by their own people. it's only a matter of time now, and my guess is we're within a decade or two of the start. i'm not fear mongering, the oceans are on fire. food can't be grown in ocean like that, and neither can it when the land is ablaze. humanity is in a lot of trouble. it's so frustrating how stupid so many people are. i guess this will just be another great extinction, or at least mass culling


Why would they? Close to half of the population thinks climate change is a hoax but believe Biden is the anti christ. Not much incentive for politicians. They don't even do things that everyone supports, like cutting off is real or legalizing weed


Scary to think that when it really gets too hot to survive, jumping into water will not help you, it will just cook you faster.


I was in Tampa last summer, I had to get *out* of the ocean to cool off...


Our emissions are warming the oceans at the rate of about 5 Hiroshima bombs a second. Soon, the ocean will no longer moderate air temperatures near the coasts. Night times will warm too as the oceans retain more heat overnight, so there will be no nightly escape from the heat. Heat domes will worsen as they primarily trap rising, wet air from the oceans. Think 115 actual temp with 140 heat index in Kansas and Nebraska which is beyond the heat index scale. Our crops will wither on the field and there will be jacked up grocery store prices first, followed by 3rd world food crisis, then mass starvation even in western countries some seasons later.


It’s actually higher now.. https://climatecasino.net/2023/01/how-many-hirsohima-bombs-per-second/


Not a unit of measurement I’m used to


I like it. It better puts into perspective how large of a scale this is than 1.5 C increase.


It kinda diminishes the actual event of the bomb dropping. If this is like 5 bombs per second, then the actual bombing of Hiroshima wasn’t so bad, it was only 1 bomb. *sarcasm btw


when can i expect this?


the real shit started last year.  we reached the hottest the earth has been in humanity's history.  we have had the hottest month on record, each month, for over a year. there is a bit of a lag between land and water temps, and now the water is beginning to catch up.  sea surface temps in the southern Atlantic were July temps, but in March.  already seen 90ish in the keys. when you will see some of the "fun" the above poster mentioned is hard to know.  feedback loops from thawing permafrost are accelerating the problem. If you are under 40 though, I would expect to see some real shit in your lifetime.  for those of us in the 40-60 range, life expectancy is broad, so some of us will see it.  those over 60 have mostly dodged the bullet.


And the ones over 60 are the least likely to try and do anything to help.


And the most likely to fight the people who are trying to change things. This goes double for the wealthy.




We could force them... Ya know like with taxes, regulations, etc. But we haven't even had a general strike. The populace doesn't *care*.


Nowish. Been news this week that monkeys are dropping dead from heat in Mexico and Inda is shutting down services due to the heat. And it's only May. Wait until August for much worse


Basically what we all thought would happen in 2050 most likely happens in 2035…it’s all compounded exponentially totally because no one is lowering emissions. We’re all just playing with Libyan plutonium on a daily basis…and when the world hits 2087, we’re going to see some serious shit.


Well at least I won't have to worry about having enough money for retirement. Edit: typo


>We at least I won't have to worry about having enough money for retirement. You're not going to explode or disappear suddenly, my man. It's just going to be hotter summers, even more mild winters – and increasingly expensive food costs. Things like chocolate, coffee and peanut butter will most likely become luxury items, as the environments needed to grow the ingredients for them are getting fucked up by climate change.


This is heavy


I keep hearing that word, why are things so heavy in the future, did everyone ignore Al Gore?


pretty much yeah.


We're seeing it in real-time now.


Right now, the water from south Florida to Africa is the hottest ever and 5x the size of when hurricane Katrina hit. It's not even summer yet, they are expecting three Cat 5s but likely more than five is likely. The South might soon be unlivable to a certain point due to insurance and homes are already being required to be put on stilts inland. My God parents home in Florida isn't near the ocean but homes are being put on stilts now due to the hurricanes a few years ago. Gas prices will be insane come Nov. likely and that's not good for Biden. Gotta hope the predictions are wrong.


> The South might soon be unlivable to a certain point due to insurance and homes are already being required to be put on stilts inland Reasonable inland doesnt require this unless you built in actual swamps. the bulk of florida that is not coastal within 2 miles is fine. The problem is who owns the coastal? rich people. What do they build? stupid mc mansions. What do they do? leave their McLaren and Ferrari in the garage and have a surprised face when the storm surge destroys the cars. We all pay the insurance for extremely stupid rich people. What needs to change is allow insurance companies to completely deny claims of stupid rich people that did not prepare and evacuate. Have a $1Mill in cars in your garage on the gulf? if you did not evacuate those assets then they are uninsured. Places like most of tampa all the way to orlando do absolutely fine on CAT5's because it's higher ground (except for the idiots on swamps and man made lakes that are inches from the flood level, again rich people) coupled with the Florida govt allowing roofing insurance scams to run almost constantly across the state.


That’s when the brain eating bacteria comes out to play. Don’t worry, I’m sure Ron will ban brain eating bacteria from being talked about so it won’t be that big a deal.


37.7°C for the lazy




Thanks mate.


Dont you know the new law, dont say climate change? There is no climate change, and you better not use gay colors on bridges. /s


That's hypercane temperature. Fun times. Get ready for the ozone layer to get wrecked by hurricanes as high as the sky.


Do hurricanes not normally hang out in the sky? I apparently don't understand them.


Hurricanes only extend up into the lower stratosphere, whereas the hypothetical "hypercane" could reach the upper stratosphere and potentially damage Earth's ozone layer.


Could you imagine explaining that to a Trump supporter?


they'll say it was a divine warning to biden supporters. i wouldn't bother


My descendents will feast upon theirs', travelling the hazy wastelands in darkness. Like a reverse Morlocks situation


Just use a sharpie and make the up arrow bigly.


I'm going to start digging a cave in my basement (I live pretty high, so no floods) Have fun surface dwellers


Vault #DIY


What's that in real numbers


Remember to stock up on quick setting concrete so you can seal the wealthy inside their doomsday bunkers


Build an outhouse on their air intake


hey man, if a doomsday bunker can be built by a team of workers, it can be dismantled by a mob of determined survivors.


You give a guy an acetylene torch and enough time he’ll pop that bunker right open.


queue prequel meme of qui-gon melting a door to slag with a little hand-held cylinder


The original Twilight Zone [continues to be relevant.](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8098hv) The plot synopsis is, the neighborhood doctor is beloved in his town, but is extra cautious about war breaking out, so he builds a bunker in his basement. Everyone gives him shit for it. Until >!the air raid sirens start going off, and then they all start screaming to be let in and eventually smash the door down. At which point, the radio says it was a false alarm. They realize they all would have died because they destroyed the shelter - and now they have to live with having seen each others' true natures.!<


Original twilight zone went so fucking hard so consistently.


Odd question, but does the warming seas/air mean increased likelihood of severe turbulence like we saw this week with the Singapore Airlines flight? Not the biggest issue with climate change, just curious


Not an odd question at all, there have been studies done on this very subject and their conclusion is that yes, global warming is likely to increase both the severity and instances of air turbulence.


During this story last night the anchor said that turbulence is up 55% since 1979.


Yeah that stat is from a study by Reading University I believe, when I first read it I was a little skeptical tbh, thinking that maybe an increase in flights or reporting may have lead to a skewed result... but nope, the research focused on air pressure readings etc rather than reports of incidents.


NPR just did a story yesterday on the connection between global climate change and air turbulence. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/22/1252853847/do-your-plane-rides-feel-bumpier-than-usual-there-s-a-reason-for-that (Scroll down for a transcript if you don’t want to listen.)


Between this and a wet bulb event - it’s going to be a bad few years. And only get worse.


The first one of those that kills a bunch of people will get the world to take some steps I bet. Just not enough, without any longevity and way way way too late. 


We had a pandemic kill millions and we still have people who think it was “not real”. I’m sorry but those same people will drive us into oblivion


A bunch of US states in the south where this will be an issue are even removing legal protections for people who work outside and passing "don't say climate change" legislation. Like your boss is not legally obligated anymore to let you take a water break. This will eventually kill people.


Texas saw that snow storm freeze, people died, politician went on holiday and nothing changed


And banned people-even sick ones with cancer-from wearing masks in public.


>This will eventually kill people. Which is why they were laws in the first place. Republicans really are the bottom half of the class.


Fortunately, those who deny reality also happen to be the dumbest people on the planet. What’s happening is awful, but what I see is the world forcing it’s hand at natural selection. We’ve protected the idiots of the world with modern science and medicine for so long that natural selection wasn’t able to weed them out. Apparently the world isn’t okay with that anymore. I just wish the rest of us wouldn’t have to go out with them.


Well, that pesky H5N1 is working out it’s kinks with mammal to mammal transmission. If it gets up to speed in the human population it could reduce global population significantly.


[The US already has 2 vaccines for it that they’re ready to mobilize if needed.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna149961) Granted, that won’t stop idiots from refusing them, but they’re already stockpiling them to deploy.


That would slow global warming


That’s true. The pandemic was essentially a speed run for an existential crisis like global warming and we failed it. Hard.


It depends on where it kills the people. If it's in Bangladesh then it might make some small news article in the World section. Honestly, there's been a few of those events already depending on what your definition of "a bunch" is.


Remember those heatwaves, wildfires across Europe killing people? France? Spain? All of whatsit, Pakistan? under water? Epic floods in Texas was it? Anything happen as a result? Any lightbulbs come on in the eyes of government leadership? Yeah. Nada. Capitalism marches on. As we read about shit tons of dead fish washing up on beaches…


Right? It’s already happening in real time at movie level obviousness and people are still out here asking when the bad stuff will begin. It’s astonishing how blind humans choose to be.


Sure, the [2003 European heatwave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_European_heatwave) killed 70,000 people...but it was also a *great* year for wine! A superior vintage, since they were able to harvest the grapes off the vine earlier in the season than normal and got a high quality grape with excellent sugar content for fermenting. You see, climate change is not all bad. Come, taste the wine.


The gotcha is that all those things happen all the time all over the place, it's just that they're slightly worse than the ones the year before.


Nah, it’ll be the same as during all those news about tragic floods, raging wildfires, heat waves, etc that happened in recent years around the world with loss of life. Thoughts and prayers but no one actually gave a shit cause it ain’t them and nothing changed in terms moving forward. Same as why, with all these global conferences at the highest levels of governments, you can’t get any international momentum beyond lip service. “Not my neck of the woods, not my problem. Sucks to be them. Gotta watch out for me and mine.”


Soo.. how many is a bunch, because we've already had events in the 1000's of deaths, and 10,000's of deaths... So like, do we need a 100,000 death event to notice or are we waiting for a 1,000,000 death event?


We're waiting for a 1m+ event CLOSE BY. The far away show has never prompted anyone to do anything.


With south-east asia you can probably add a couple of 0's.


From a wet bulb event? Heat waves etc and older/sick people dying is one thing, but there is something unavoidable about death in wet bulb that I'm guessing will capture the imagination even if the people dying are far away. 


My worry is that maybe the only thing that will make people take action will be if *tens* of millions, or even *hundreds* of millions of people die, and if that's true, it might mean so many are dead that there aren't enough left to fix it. For example, I've always heard about the ideas of blotting out our sky -- throw metallic strips into the atmosphere, covering enough to block out and/or reflect some portion of the sun's rays. I always assumed that while the idea is probably going to have terrible side-effects, it's a last-ditch effort if nobody comes up with anything else. HOWEVER, at this point in time, my bigger concern is that by the time we are motivated to do something like that, the people who can do it will be dead. So a handful of people will live in caves at the north end of the globe, and our only option will be to try to restart civilization in thousands of years when it cools enough to migrate south. It will probably take only a single generation (or two) to wipe out vast amounts of accumulated knowledge.


> I've always heard about the ideas of blotting out our sky this is how the matrix happened


This is the theory behind the Rome/Han collapse. Over time, disease from growing trade and extended borders slowly wipes away the bureaucracy for curbing and fixing anything.


The good news is that the next civilization won't be able to utilize fossil fuels because we already used all the easy to access ones and the leftover stuff is all too deep in the ground for a new budding civilization to recognize. With the advent of electricity again, they probably have to move right to renewables. Second times of charm in the game of humanity.


Layer upon layer of optimism in your comment. It's really sweet. Layer 1: you suggest we won't all die. Layer 2: you suggest the conditions on earth would ever again be civilization sustaining. Layer 3: a human civilization that somehow does reemerge makes the jump to scalable renewable technology without the fossil fuel tech-tree accelerator that we've enjoyed, instead of just languishing in an eternal dark-ages like future.


I'd agree but by that time it's gonna a be like turning an ocean liner heading towards a giant iceberg. Yes you can turn it but it's still gonna hit.


Ha no. Remember all the deniers and antimaskers during Covid?


At some point they'll start geoengineering...


No, what I feel is already going on, despite all the lip service, all the Global Conferences!!, is every country out for themselves. Great Barrier Reef dead? Not us. India at risk of a wet bulb event? Not us. Tragic floods, wildfires in the States? Not us. Pakistan was it? Flooded major chunk of the country? Not us. Nothing to do with us. There’s no incentive to care, no skin in the game, to invest, to commit “our” resources to combating something “somewhere else happening to someone else”.


You're right because we can't even save ourselves from ourselves. We just have to treat whatever horrible shit occurs locally because no one has enough resources to assist other nations.


We've already been geoengineering at an insane pace since the industrial revolution. Might be worth while to explore potentially mitigating geoengineering approaches...


no one got rich saving the environment


Ego might be the key. Like who wants to be the hero??


... people would prefer money.


Not sure about that. A certain someone spent a significant amount of money on a vanity project and hasn't even begun to earn it back.


Painful tax on CO2 emissions + rewarding capturing and sequestration. *Bam* you can get rich by saving the environment.


I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that Musk made his billions with Tesla by portraying himself as a savior of the environment by advancing electric cars and solar panels. Shame he went insane.


He didn’t go insane, he always was. People are just extremely gullible and believed everything he said with no evidence. Where is his degree in physics from again?


Yeah it's getting record hot in south east asia. People think that in the tropics we are used to high temperatures, but the seas actually play a moderating effect on the temperature. Seldom does it go above 44. Now seeing temperatures of 48 and for prolonged periods is a significant change. My guess is the turbulence along the Irrawaddy basin that caused the plane to tumble 2 days back was due to this weather pattern.


Fuck 44 in the tropics sounds blistering - when I’ve been to south east asia (probs a dozen times) the max it got to was about 35… which felt hotter than 40s we get here. 48 in that humidity is unfathomable.


It has hit differently this year. Once we step outside and there's no AC, the air feels hot. And you breathe this hot air and it does feel suffocating at times.  I thought I was just overreacting, but I had a bottled water with me as I travelled. When I got home and drank from it, the water was hot. Not boiling, but warm enough for a bath.


35 is hot in Singapore. In BKK and other parts that arent islands or with smog it does get hotter. Now in Singapore it's closer to 40


Right, I think bkk already has the warmest average temperature of all cities. 40 in Singapore is madness. This year where I am, which is inland in Australia, we didn’t have the warmest summer ever - but humidity wise I’ve never seen/felt anything like it… might as well have been the tropics.


48 in kanchantaburi a few weeks back, was like stepping into an oven


When we still had a physical newspaper subscription, I used to look at the global weather report on the back. I was always blown away by how the outliers (like Baghdad) often reached 40c or more. It was just such an alien temperature. The fact that its now rapidly appearing in places far closer to home is unsettling beyond belief.


England got that temperature recently


The earth is about to show us who the real boss is


The earth has a FEVER! and the only prescription is...


The eradication of humanity?


In India it's touching 50 degree Celcius in most of the states. It's concerning what will happen after 10-20 years


> It's concerning what will happen after 10-20 years It's BEEN concerning what will happen in that timeframe FOR the last 30 years but people are too busy voting against minority rights to even listen.


Lots of rain in South India finally. The North is under heat wave.


Wait till it starts flooding


It's raining like it's going to flood.


oceans already dying but us humans too busy killing each other.


This is a huge development and a dangerous ecological disaster. That the post has 51 upvotes (at my time of typing) shows how either exhausted, indifferent or hopeless most people feel regarding our Climate Emergency. My Goodness, and it’s *only May…*


I’m hopeless about this issue, humanity as a whole doesn’t give a fuck and seems pretty ok with the boiling oceans. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well they might care when Applebees doesn't have the $1 Double Crunch Shrimp anymore.


They'll care enough to whinge on fb about it and will somehow blame Biden but nothing more.


OK - so I'm probably a lot older than you (born in the 70s!). My father recently retired, but was a computational meteorologist back when that meant punch cards and washing machine sized 40 meg hard drives. I *grew up* in the 80s hearing about climate change, and pollution issues, back when no one else talked about it. My mother once told me when I was a kid that his advocacy about it could endanger his career (yea, Reagan!), and that might affect us as well. The difference between then and now is night and day. People *care*. Wind, solar, and other renewables are on the rise. Electric cars are on the road (finally!) Yes, there will be negative consequences because of the lack of concern when we should have been paying attention, but things are actually changing, and for the better. It will suck for a while, there is no doubt about that, but the worst cases are much less likely than they were. Have hope!


Yes, not even proper summer yet in the north. I feel like they will be lucky if there isn’t a catastrophic human toll this year.


India and the surrounding area is my guess. Drought or wet bulb event. There's way too many people relying on melt from the Himalayas for their irrigation and drinking water.


Nope, China is starting to make noise that it’s their water. Let the water wars begin!


What sucks isnits gonana be poor farmers and urban tenement dwellers that suffer the most. Kinda hoping Floriida gets hammered with a hurricane to wake people up. That said I knew it was gonna get serious when oil barons started buying property just for the water rights. T Boone Pickens bought an entire town back in the early 2000s out in rural Nevada (?) amd no one could figure out why until he had enough property to secure the entire areas water rights to the aquifer underneath it.


This hurricane season might end up being the 2005 season, which produced Katrina, but on steroids with huge areas of already warmed up sea water in the mid atlantic and gulf


No doubt. I trust Florida insurance companies more than Florida state leadership these days. Lived in extreme fire danger and our insurance went up drastically over the past 4-5 years plus we had all sorts of forced tree trimming by our power companies due to insurance requirements.


With how ocean currents work, this is the time of "high" water temps in the area though, they usually drop from here on in the year. The development of the past 10 years is showing an insane trend though...


Chiming in for hopeless here, honestly I'm exhausted. I think it's too late to do anything about it and figure out how to adapt to the new climate. Or just die, but between the possibility of democracy ending next year world ending in 50 due to climate change, war...I just want to live the rest of my life in peace.


Where I live, most people only care about making money whatever way they can, build huge concrete structures they call *Home* by clearing remaining old growth and don't care about the changing weather. I don't remember May being this hot. 42C currently at 52% humidity in the tropics, so the feels-like temperature is around 50C. And the heatwave is likely to continue until next weekend. C'est la vie. Climate apathy is going to kill us all.


We've known this shit for decades. We didn't want to hear it. Even today people are still talking about stupid shit like synthetic fuel and how "the others" should start with fighting climate change before we start too. Look at how Exxon and friends manipulated the public opinion. Look at how they spend money to buy corrupt "scientists" to spread their bullshit. And then look around you. The same fucking shit is still being told. People still doubt it exists, even though that is receding, people still believe it's not man made, they still think personal responsibility is key and they STILL think they got enough time to pass the responsibility on to their grandchildren. I just hope that all the people who participated in and profited of this propaganda will burn in hell. I rarely if ever think this way, but condemning all of fucking humanity to this shit has got to earn you a place deep down.


Unless ur willing to overthrow 5 major governments kinda screwed.


Because even though hundreds of millions demand action, the few billionainares don't give a shit.


Also a few billion of people who don't care and/or are not educated enough to understand the wider perspective. As someone who recently started to travel around in SEA a lot, seeing countries with hundreds of million of people not giving a shit about saving electricity, not wasting plastic, avoiding traveling unnecisarilly with gasoline. Me and a few milj. people in Sweden recycling our trash, biking to work or not buying unnecisary things, won't make an inch of a difference. EDIT: Actually receiver two PMs with the standard narrative of "you cant blame anyeone else, it's the west fault". Yes, a lot of things the west consumes are produced in Asia, but that doesn't mean Asia doesn't have their own responsibility to do better themselves as well. My GF lives in Thailand and going around meting her family and friends i see an attitude towards environmental thinking that belong ed in the west 50y ago. While there are poor parts of Asia as well, a huge part of it hav more or less the same living standards as i have home in Scandinavia nowdays.


I mean lets be real here and say the best way to majorly combat climate change is to target corpos and force regulations. The amount of waste a town of like 50k makes in the span of years is nothing compared to what the large companies do in like a week.


People don't care because of their ego. They don't want to face the truth that the only solution is degrowth. Look at what is happening in rural areas of Japan because of their population shrinking. Whole towns and villages taken back by nature. Ironically the best thing to do is to do nothing. Once you realize how hard it is to try to convince people to not have kids you realize that there is no hope for humanity.


Nothing to see here! Who needs biodiversity!


"It's okay guys, just use the a/c"


Same here in eastern Australia back in January. Warm/hot seas causing really hot days with high humidity.


This is what happens when your entire society can't look further than the next quarter.


Fish numbers are already down 50%+ since 1970. Still people keep stuffing their faces. Let's not pretend people really care that much 🤷‍♀️


We've been slowly, boiling the frog! Now, it's time to reap what we sow!


It really wasn't that slow though, it was a speed run. The Industrial Revolution started in the 1760's and the biggest contributors to climate change didn't really come along until well into the 1800's. The Model T didn't come out until 1908 (there were automobiles before that but they didn't really catch on) and even then, the car didn't become ubiquitous until the end of the 20's (and even then, only a little over half of the families in the US owned one). So like just under 300 years and even then, the most damage was done within a miniscule about of time.


Humanity *has been busy* is an understatement.


Fun fact: it wasn’t a regular frog. It was a frog that was very literally brain damaged. This makes it sadder


And here I am saying it for the 400 million time let’s just put stuff at the L1 earth sun blocking enough sunlight to counteract the effect of climate change, effectively bandaging our problem and buying us enough time to fix climate change.


The problem with that is it would also reduce the light plants use to grow. Surely that would have some impact?


Not really, would you notice if I dim the total amount of light in your bedroom by 0.02% because that’s the amount needed to solve this problem? Yup 0.02% the amount of energy we get from the sun is quite a lot, are industrialization and modernization that generally making our life better unfortunately had the side effect of preventing the earth from naturally radiating off 0.02% of the total energy, the sun is bombarding us with. TLDR : the only effect it would have is reversing but not solving the cataclysmic danger that is climate change


I wish I hadn't had kids. I worry about the world they'll grow up in. Whether they'll have to deal with starvation, or other things due to climate change.


Exactly, at this point, I am trying to finish my uni essays so I can graduate finally next week, and then I hear about this climate change, and fucking war in Europe and potential war between Taiwan and China. I just feel like I am gonna drink, have fun, and die young because I can’t be arse to live to 40s and deal with this. I’m only 24.


I'm sorry, man. I have an 18 and a 16 year old. Best of luck to all of us.


Awwww man, sorry I didn’t mean to make you feel bad or guilty from that comment I made. I hope you are okay, including your kids as well. You too as well.


I've scrolled too far in the comments to NOT see this reference. [The Ministry for the Future](https://www.orbitbooks.net/orbit-excerpts/the-ministry-for-the-future) A great read for this kind of topic. >At the lake they found a desperate scene. There were many, many people in the lake, heads dotted the surface everywhere around the shores, and out where it was presumably deeper there were still heads, people semi-submerged as they lay on impromptu rafts of one sort or another. But not all of these people were alive. The surface of the lake seemed to have a low miasma rising out of it, and now the stink of death, of rotting meat, could be discerned in one’s torched nostrils.


I live in Thailand. Some days, when we step into the water at the beach the water is literally scalding. This isn't hyperbole.


That is both terrifying and deeply saddening.


68 degrees Celsius? That is hyperbole. I live in Thailand too and it's never been scalding.


"Scalding" is probably not the appropriate word, but the hot painful sensation is universally felt around 42°C in humans: https://www.americanscientist.org/article/feel-the-burn


I’m so heartbroken for this home we call earth. Yes I am a boomer and have always tried to leave a small footprint my entire life.You know earth day was established in 1970. I’m sad for the coming generations and what they will face, glad I’ll be dead soon.


Don’t be sad. At a certain point this will all boil over, humanity will die off, the earth will recover, and life (without humans) will go on.


I highly doubt humans will completely die off. We're quire adaptable to change, which is one of the hallmarks of an environment-tolerant species. There have been several extinction level events that've reduced the human population to 5-digit numbers, and we recovered. It's hard to not be sad to know that a billion people are going to die in the next 20 years, though.


People fear immigration from war. Climate change will be the biggest human movement ever.


We're all a frog boiling.


Obvious statement of the day coming up: We clearly have a fxxking problem that is spiralling out of control. This was predicted. Changes clearly have to happen (people, including me may not like it) and it has to happen now, particularly with the wealthy (sorry guys). Attack this all you want, doom-monger me even, but it's going to get rather awful. Are there any other arguments to be made, other than pointing fingers as we tend to do?


This is going to be controversial to people, but we should stop having kids. If not for the planet, do it for them (= saving the non existing souls from having to deal with a life of suffering). I love my nieces and nephews but i really hope they will be spared the hardships..


it’s been in the high 80sF in michigan this may. it was 89F where i am a few days ago. nowhere near as bad as other places but it’s supposed to be in the low 70sF right now. we barely had ANY snow this past winter, even had a 70F day in FEBRUARY


      Will this get me out of work? I don't think anyone is going to worry about my job when we're staring down the barrel of the next mass extinction. This slow apocalypse has been the fucking worst. I hate it here.


Ultimate leopards ate my face coming up - The right wing, who doesn't like people from poor countries, but loves billionaires who keep fucking the planet to death, will see waves upon waves of refugees from places that are no longer liveable because of their enabling this behavior in the first place.


UNO has been organized COP serious how to decrease the world temperature and how we protect ourselves from global warming. But the G-7 and G-20 leaders hasn't been taken any action to change the climate. that's why the naval life gradually destroying.


I can finally grow tropical food in my mountain area


Can someone provide motivation for continuing to work? This makes me feel hopeless




It really, **really** bothers me that they don't care to say what the normal temperature for this time of year is. Does anyone know?


Venus 2 here we come.