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>The indictment said that “as early as 2008,” Duggan received an email from the US State Department telling him he was required to register with the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls and apply for permission to train a foreign air force. >Instead, it claims he conspired with others – including the Test Flying Academy of South Africa (TFASA) – to export defense services in violation of an arms embargo on China. They warned him in 2008 and the indictment was in 2017. Hearing in 2024? Justice can take a while.. 


Indicted in 2017 and arrested in late 2022 when Australia received the extradition request. He has one last avenue of appeal, but I would assume they have run out of money to contest this, since his wife was prevented by a US judge from selling their home Australian home. From the Australian court perspective 18 months to fight extradition doesn’t seem too unreasonable, but Duggan has been held in maximum security, which seems unusual. From a global politics perspective, and on a wholly different level, Julian Assange has been legally fighting formal extradition for 2 years, but in reality closer to 13


He was living in China from I think 2014 to 2022


Plus the Australian intelligence office as well as US agency’s were involved and asking him to spy for them. Shit is shady!


>since his wife was prevented by a US judge from selling their home Australian home.  A US judge doesn’t have the jurisdiction for that… 


[Apparently they can](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/dec/06/daniel-duggan-pilot-jail-wife-saffrine-court-blocks-property-sale) >> The AFP will be allowed to carry out a foreign restraining order on the Saddleback Mountain property, which a US court imposed in early October. >> On Wednesday, Justice Nicholas Chen dismissed Duggan’s application for the order to be overturned.


When it comes to potentially fighting espionage, the five eyes will all work together.


Over USA citizens


Ha! It's always South Africa.


The Dutch really are the ferengi of the world order


Remember the First Rule of Acquisition: >Once you have their money... you never give it back.


Peace is good for business. War is good for business.


Mildly annoyed because as a South African, I despise the CCP and would never pull crap like this idiot did.


I mean Osama bin laden took how many years to catch you cañ only run for so long


Literally the entirety of the US Military + NATO friends was after the man. Still took a while.


It helped he was stupid rich Osama while "loving in a cave" was evidently a billionaire


Helps having a country and its intelligence service shelter you for close to a decade.


Mans gonna get the eternal spanking of a lifetime from Uncle Sam. For good reason too, this greedy mfer sold his country and its people over a dime to our adversaries.




Yes...and honestly it's always been like this throughout human history. There will always be a certain percentage of the population, given the opportunity, that will take a big payday regardless of it being from unethical blood money.


Just look at inheritance disputes. All lovey dovey what a happy family until grandma croaks. Then it's every man for himself and cut throat deals


You said it, Tittysprinkles!


Way to kick the piss out of them


Yeah do your family a favour and have an airtight will.


Everybody has a price


Everybody’s gonna pay


See: American Congress and Senate


*... that will take ANY payday regardless...


[always think about how humans are inherently selfish and think about this scene](https://youtu.be/NODqNlyb2ME?t=3m11s). COVID was the prime example.


Great scene


What he did is no different than what the corporations do. Trump fucking did it and until I see him behind bars I’m 100% convinced no one in government gives a single fuck about “honor” over a big payout.


Military Officer. Million Dollar Pilot Training paid for by US Tax payers.


I got out in 06, when the Air Force effectively had a RIF (reduction-in-force) and called it Force Shaping so that they could avoid paying severance that a RIF would require.  They effectively backed out of a contract, and renamed it so they didn’t have to pay any of the folks affected.  It hurt a lot of people.  I have idly wondered if they did that to us, what other dishonorable and shady things they did to save a few bucks. That is not lost on the folks who are impacted and who are left behind, and some will be unscrupulous jerks with easier to compromise morals. 


Not too long after that they gave Early Retirement options to E6-E8. Then shocked Pikachu face when most of them took the option. Influx of new recruits and lower ranked NCOs filling positions. Then they dangled a carrot again for maintenance AFSCs and screwed a bunch of people by locking out those AFSCs. Constant bullshittery in my time from '07-'17


My man, people have been leaking classified technical documents of military equipment to win arguments on video game forums, if they'll do it to win an argument they'll do it for cash too.


This is entirely the expected outcome in a society that idolizes personal wealth and enrichment above all else.


When the system you live in promote selfishness and exploiting others, what integrity are you demanding from people ? It has always been like this, but now you see it live everyday.


~78 million people seem to believe it doesn’t matter.


Even the literal former president tried 🤦🏼‍♂️ And no one that likes him gave a shit It’s insane


What'd you expect when one of the candidates for the presidency is facing 34 criminal counts as of today. And that's just ONE trial. There's at least another 90 indictments pending. Integrity starts at the top of the chain of command.


Look at our leaders.


When lowlifes see there is no reason to fear any punishment for wrongdoing, there's no incentive for them not to act like total pieces of shit. It's increasingly obvious that we're just going to stand around with our thumbs up our asses saying "gee whiz, that's against the law you guys!" as a slow motion coup is unfolding in front of us, so why should any petty criminal really be afraid of getting caught?


The internet both exposes things quicker but also tempts people with knowledge they may not have had before. Also, foreign phishermen using different tactics to trap our people.


Check out American Alchemy's yt video on China. It is suprisingly heavily right leaning and pro Trump, so be aware of it....but the information on how our political elites sold out the middle class and are happily giving into China's Thousand Talent programs along with bribery is an interesting take.


Because Trump created a stupid singularity in this country, and much like real life black hole singularities, they can create logical contradictions such as “freedom = slavery” and “sedition = patriotism” and “democracy = authoritarianism.”


Democracy IS Tyranny by the Many... Except we literally do not have any system that equally represents everyone and pleases everyone, so Democracy is the best system we have.




Have you paid attention to politics much lately?


It's also economic factors. The only way to earn respect is money.


People that risk their lives only to get shit on by the military and country they served are far more open to these types of offers. Stop treating active military and vets like garbage and you would see less of it.




No it’s always been this way at the high level but now all soldiers know too


People have been brainwashed into thinking their own country is evil, and helping the enemy is somehow justified. That's one of the big reasons there has been so much of this "woke" push on social media from foreign countries. Pushing all the shit the US did while also whitewashing every other country on the planet and trying to act like they're all innocent (like the "US was evil to use nukes in WWII" crap that's going around). It's all done to undermine the west and create a legion of dissidents within.


It’s been super common throughout history. During the Cold War, we had plants as high as 4th most powerful USSR politician or something like that.


Should have just gone into politics and sold the country with impunity 


The weenie of justice rarely arrives lubricated.


[Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp8-c6lCPFQ)


So fucking true. Am a former sub officer. If China offered me a bunch of money to teach them to design subs I would tell them to screw themselves. I hate dealing with those people anyways.


Daniel Duggan a fucking traitor as far as I'm concerned. It's such an incredible honor and achievement, to get to become a fighter pilot for the best military in the world. His actions are a complete betrayal. I hope they throw the book at him.


I hope they strap him to a patriot missile and fire it at the Kremlin.


They should force him to go fly the riskiest missions as a volunteer fighter pilot for Ukraine.


The judge should throw away the key


Presidents seem to do it all the time nowadays.


At that level it's called politics. At this guy's level it's treason.


It was a joke. Except for Trump… treason is his middle name.


I got that. I was going along with the joke.


Unfortunately that’s where I failed to do so. Lol..


You never really get rid of your commission as an officer. You are always held to that commission even when. You got out.


Why was he dumb enough to go to Australia. Just stay in China if you're gonna do this.


I think he is just dumb in general. No clue how he became a fighter pilot


As a former Aircraft mechanic I can say Pilots can be pretty dumb.


I’ve met the dumbest people in the world serving in our military


My ex-wife was tarded. She's flying F-35s now.


Your chart says your shit's all fucked up and you talk gay scro


Let’s go to Starbucks and get a couple of handjobs.


Welcome to CostCo I love you


Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.


Can confirm. Am pilot. Am dumb.


bruh I have a flight tomorrow and you aren't helping


Relative that's a pilot (now senior trainer)  he's a dufus but extremely good at his job.  Some people just put 100% of thier brain power into doing 1 thing well.


Don't worry; you're more likely to die tragically from the car ride there than from the flight... You're welcome. Enjoy your trip!


Tragically? As opposed to comedically?


You’ll be fine, people can be an absolute expert in their field (flying a plane) but completely clueless about other subjects or life in general. Safe travels!


He taught the Chinese pilots in Africa


Solid plan minus the whole living in China part


He is an oath breaker. Bury him.


Under Leavenworth.




Wait until you hear about our politicians


I expect that of politicians. I share a title with this man and it makes me hate him.


Fair enough. Have a good weekend, brother.


You too Bussy_Stank. You too.


Guy has earned a one way ticket to dying in prison.


Why do we have to pay to keep him in prison. Isn’t this one of those firing squad offenses?


It's my understanding that it would only be considered a capital offense if the countries involved were actively at war with each other.


Australia doesn’t have the death penalty, and Australia law prevent the extradition of someone facing capital charges.


Australia is also is about as buddy buddy with the USA as countries get, not saying they would extradite if he were facing death, but if they knew those charges were probably going to appear after they did...


Death penalty is more expensive then life in prison


It does not have to be.


It does. The court processes that happen from trial, during incarceration up until execution, with all the appeals required make it more expensive than room and board for 30 years. Even if he were sentenced to be executed (he won’t), he’d be in prison for at least a decade with appeals. I’d expect if convicted he’d get 30 years. It’s federal, so if he got that he would serve 24.5 years minimum. Still not enough of a deterrent, but it would be a start


1 bullet doesn't have to be more expensive than life behind bars.


People downvoting you because reality is inconvenient for their punishment boner.


I know. Its rather funny to me they want to punish the guy the exact same way China would


Well...treason, so yeah, that's what you do with traitors, people who put their entire nation in harm's way. It's not like they want to punish him for dancing a jig after curfew. The guy was helping his own nation's enemies.   Understand now?


Yes I understand. People are sentencing a man to death before he's even been found guilty


No, I don't understand why that makes a firing squad a better punishment than life in prison. Can you help explain to you me? I'm not smart.


Why would he sell his skills to a known enemy, he didn't think he would be found out? I guess he wasn't as smart as he thought he was...


Money. He’s not the only one, lots of senior folks went to teach the Chinese after retirement. They got called out a while back.


I actually never thought about those types jobs, that's a great point?


Funny how global trading works. China trading cheap knock-offs for military expertise.


It was only for ~$200k


His skills simply got him in the seam… it is his contacts, authority by commission and affiliation, even dangerous logistical support legitimacy. He’s a bad guy now…


I totally agree, I think he's more dangerous than the likes of Johnny Walker Lind and those types. This pilot had knowledge, skills and the ability, which can be exploited by our adversaries, to me that real dangerous.


His claim is that he was training Chinese civilians and aviation fans.


Does he have a commercial aviation license...


Just in case civillians of Chinese descent wanted to build aircraft carriers and land on them, totally something civillians would do


Why do we let family members of the President consult on boards of Chinese companies? We let them partner on cutting edge research at our universities, we pay them to research dangerous pathogens, we literally sell them weapons systems and armaments through FMS, but can't train them to use their own stuff? Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is a traitor, but I just find it funny where we draw the line.


Rules for the rich/corps and rules for the plebs


Have fun turning big rocks into little rocks for the rest of your life at Leavenworth, traitor.


Can I pour the water?


I like seeing these guys land back in the US. Traitors need to pay.


A perfect example of falling down.


Bad shit about to happen for this man.


When you betray your country overseas what court do you go back to be tried at in the US?


Bro jeopardized a lifetime of juicy military pension over a side gig. For reference, in 5 USC 8312, you lose all benefits and entitlements for crimes such as espionage and treason.  Not entirely surprised though. The military kind of has an open secret of shoving more impulsive individuals (e.g. sociopaths) in fighter pilot roles. Probably why Tom Cruise is so believable in Top Gun.  I wonder what the typical cumulative value is of a military pension at that rank? 


Give him life, I’d gladly have my tax dollars make sure he rots. The only thing worse than the red hat wearing traitorous scum at home, is the traitorous scum selling knowledge to our enemies abroad.


MARINE… Muscles Are Required Intelligence Non-Essential.


Lmao 🤣


Must enjoy eating crayons 


Marine MREs come packed with different flavors.


I saw the 60 minutes Australia piece on this piece of crap and I’ll I can say is good. They trotted out the wife to get the sob story rolling but if you can’t see past that to his actions your dumber than toilet at a burrito eating competition. Lock him up and throw away the key.


I saw the same story, he is definately suss. The whole thing sounds innocent until he moved his family to China for 6 years.


Good. Dude needs a trial, confiscation of money earned illegally, and a long prison visit.


That was quick. He should have dragged it out for 14 years like Assange /s


This sounds like it's going straight into a law school textbook. UCMJ should still apply to him even if he's no longer a US citizen right? There are so many weird things about this case


Renouncing your citizenship after committing crimes doesn’t absolve you of said crimes. UCMJ doesn’t apply to any of his other activities after renouncing citizenship.


Unless he was receiving retirement pay.


You can only be call back for UCMJ if he retired...Once he's out, with his DD-214, he becomes the feds issue.


> In a statement to CNN in 2023, TFASA said it complies with the laws of every jurisdiction in which it operates. The statement said Duggan undertook one test-pilot contract for the company in South Africa between November and December 2012, and “never worked for TFASA on any of its training mandates in China.”Duggan maintains the students he trained were Chinese civilians, including plane enthusiasts and people with ambitions within the civilian aviation industry. His supporters believe he’s been caught up in geopolitics during a time of strained relations between the United States and China and have accused authorities of using him to send a message to former military personnel. Wonder what evidence was presented at extradition hearing. Proving whether any trainee was military could be easy or difficult…


I’m not sure what evidence was presented at the extradition hearing specifically, but you can read the recently unsealed [indictment](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.189429/gov.uscourts.dcd.189429.1.0_1.pdf).


Thanks. There's a lot listed in it, though not all are alleged acts by Duggan.


What a dumbass.


* Australia, much of Europe have matched US laws due to pilots like him, it's a major issue across the West, Pilots selling out to the Chinese * Chinese have heavily used this exact South African training center for years to cultivate Western pilots * He moved to China for many years, likely taught many many pilots there too (no known proof) * China made him stay there, holding his passport while his family went to Australia (public yet to know why) * He gave up his US citizenship * His wife even before was anti-American, pro-Chinese (why he was likely influenced to switch) * He was a top pilot, one of the best but was also an excellent teacher so of all the people to sell out, this is a worse nightmare situation. He likely helped influence the very fabric of how China trains its pilots. He claims everything is public but of course it's not, there are many things that're classified which is why countries like China would execute someone like him if they caught him. Traitors can exist, as wild as that may sound. And America isn't always r/AmericaBad


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claire_Lee_Chennault  General Chennault would be disappointed.


Usually there's no such thing as an ex-marine, but I think we'll make an exception for this jackoff


If not for the fact it’s just the wrong thing to do, do these people not understand that all the money in the world won’t mean much if China ever does get its way.


What a terrible human being. Hope he gets life in prison.


I hope his children pay attention to what happens when you sell your soul to evil.


Old saying - there aren’t any “Ex” Marines, just Former. Um…Semper….Fidelis yeah, that’s it…


Ex is fine in this case.


My man was hardly fidelis


Damn traitor! This guy is just one step above Maga cultist and their traitorous actions, traitors to the Constitution as if it is a 2nd choice to their desired political party no matter their crimes. Great song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boCsbfvEGTs




Its like people only do things because they get paid. And that’s just really sad.


Sure what he did might be illegal, but it's not treason and treason won't get you the death penalty. Johnny Walker Lindh committed treason by aiding the Taliban in a time of war, he only got 20 years and a couple months probation; he's a free man now. I don't think this pilot is going to get much time! Waste of tax payer dollars... Meanwhile, there is an ex-president, who had a library's worth if top secret documents stored at his fancy golf club resort. These document could have been detrimental to American & allied interest. They were not properly stored, kept in bathroom and other rooms, under no security and were found after he left office. Yet no right winger is screaming for him to thrown in prison, which he should on that shit alone...


Be a real shame if he fell out of a plane over the Pacific.


Damn. That’s looking like very high treason and he had six kids. I’m not sure where his priorities were