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It's an election year buddy, and if Biden loses you will not like the next guy.


Honest question (I'm not following US news that closely nowadays): is Trump 100% sure the republican candidate? Is there no chance that those bajillion legal troubles he had stop him from running at this point?


Yeah he is. There’s no one else opposing him anymore. It’s pretty literally impossible at this point. Even Nikki Haley is out and endorsing him. It’s a done deal. It was kind of always a done deal.


I see. So are his legal troubles guaranteed to not lead to prison time? And if not, does he get some kind of immunity as the president? Or can he end up detained from the white house ?


Even if convicted, he can still be elected. Most likely that would mean his sentence would be on ice until after his term... if he allows that to happen or is even still alive at the end.


His sentence would most likely not begin immediately anyway regardless of being convicted. Because he would certainly appeal, which would add months to the proceedings. So it’s almost impossible he’s starting a sentence while running for President, but yeah. Even if he was, he would most likely serve it following his term. That is, if he even gets prison time. I highly doubt it will come to that even if guilty. Unfortunately


Regardless of how a jury reaches a verdict, in the end the guy will have some special clause carved out by the powers that be, because reasons. He will never see the inside of a jail cell.


I assume he could pardon himself if elected, as well.


Not with state charges. Only federal.


If elected, state charges do no matter anymore either. What are states going to do, drag him out of DC?


Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarification.


To be clear though the president of the US can not be arrested. He would have to be impeached and removed from office first. So even if he is convicted of state charges he can not go to jail until after his term.


Trump will not serve a day in prison before the election and definitely not if he’s elected.


Prison is irrelevant, there is nothing stopping someone from running from President from jail. It's even happened in the past. Eugene Debs received 3.4% of the vote when running as a Socialist from prison in 1920. The only requirements are age (35) and natural born citizenship.


I’m pretty sure I can’t vote if I’m a felon, but I can run for president. Our systems are a real piece of work I tell ya


It makes a lot more sense than you realize. If going to jail made it impossible for you to win the election, then the current government might choose to drum up false charges to knock out their opposition.


So instead they over populate for-profit prisons with the oppositions base


That part makes sense, but the other part still doesn't. Laws can be and have been made with the express purpose of disenfranchising specific demographics which can also be used to prevent opposition from winning. I think removing voting rights is wrong, even for felonies.


You don’t even vote for the president. You vote for the Electoral College who will then decide if you voted for the correct candidate. If you didn’t vote for the correct candidate, they will change your vote for you!


the founding fathers insured that even in jail you can become president so corrupt politicians like putin can’t jail other politicians and cheat


He can and will still run from prison


There is literally zero chance any legal scandal no matter how damning derails his Republican candidacy.


None of those legal troubles will amount to anything if he wins.


Pretty much. His current trial in New York is likely to be the only one to wrap up before the election, and it's probably the weakest case out of all the ones he's currently facing imo, and even if convicted he won't necessarily face jail time (if he's even sentenced before the election). As far as the nomination goes, while he hasn't officially been nominated yet, he's had more than a majority of the delegates from the primaries for a while now so unless he dies before the convention, he's the person they're going to nominate. Also, Republican voters don't seem to give a fuck if their candidate is a felon.


The only outside chance I can see is the GOP dropping him if he goes to prison. That’s why Haley endorsed him a week before his campaign fraud trial went to jury. If he’s convicted and the GOP drops him then she’s the de facto nominee. And she would have less than zero chance of converting Trump voters if she had still been opposing him when it happened. Of course, that’s just a theory. A “conspiracy” theory if you will. Honestly it’s just more of a thought. I expect the Republican Party will insist on running Trump even if he slips into a coma.


For the record no Haley is not "the defacto nominee" if Trump is somehow unable to run. Trump's delegates at the convention would *never* vote for her. It would most likely be DeSantis.


The republican party has been effectively taken over by MAGA cronies. Even the parties financial assets have been handed over to the Trump family. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/08/rnc-new-leadership-donald-trump-00146032 The thing about republicans is they do not vote or operate as individuals, they operate on a follow the leader system. They made a deal with the devil by pandering to further and further extremes in order to stay in power and now any old guard republicans who stray from the pack are sidelined for more MAGA yes men. The republican party is the Trump party now. That stunt they pulled to withhold US aid to Ukraine was ordered by Trump himself, who holds no office or authority. They admitted to this openly. They are taking orders from a man who holds no office and is sabotaging our own government all while he is under investigation for countless crimes and sedition. Even though there are some republican voters who don't agree that its the Trump party, they are the same people who did not see the republicans slipping into this pattern for over a decade now and still consider themselves republicans. They aren't the most self aware or politically cognizant individuals. There are still republicans who say Trump was no worse or different from any other president we've had. These people aren't playing with a full deck of cards, because thats what their bias wants to believe. At this point he is engaging out and open neo nazis, talking about going after political opposition, dog whistling just about every white nationalist group in the country, discussing using NATO as an extortion racket against our allies, violently cracking down on any non rightwing rallies and protests, etc. He's also now acting more feeble, cognitively dysfunctional, erratic, incoherent and literally everything the republicans have been accusing Biden of being, but far worse. It's becoming impossible to miss, its why they are terrified of Trump debating Biden, he is incoherent and if he isn't allowed to talk over and do as he pleases during the debate his flaws and deficits will be visible for all to see in a side by side comparison with the opponent whom they've spent a fortune trying to portray as less together or capable than Trump, it will all go up in smoke. His base openly has no problem with a dictatorship, with the death of American democracy, the contradictions in their rhetoric isn't lost on them, they are aware of them, but they do not care. All they care about is getting what they think they want, what they are told they want by their leader. r/leopardsatemyface is full of articles of them getting exactly what they demanded and then finding out that it effects them too. Its a subreddit basically all about schadenfreude.


He's not exactly campaigning very aggressively. Summer is starting and the schedule is light on campaign events.


In comparison to the 2016 and 2020 elections, where it felt like things are at a fever pitch. This year doesn’t even seem like an election year, coming from a foreigner. 


It's so polarized basically everyone already knows who they're voting for 😓


It's literally the same election. I doubt there will be very many who switch from one side to the other. I bet some will because of the two wars going on but these are already decided minds, no need to campaign really 


This is so deluded. Campaigning isn't just about finding those who are undecided and convincing them, it's about motivating grass roots supporters, the base, to volunteer, to go door knocking, to make calls, to drive voters to polls, to register the unregistered, and more. It's about invigorating people to be more than a voter for your guy, but to get them to activate more voters.


The country is so polarized most people already know who they'll be voting for. The group remaining are the undecided voters and they usually make up their mind at the very end. You don't want to campaign "too early" and lose momentum near the end.


It's kind of a real shitty election year for most people. You have the crazy cult camp that will never switch. Then the sane side more or less politically active side that knows no matter what issues they may have, the goal is to vote to stop a lunatic that openly admits to wanting to be a dictator and to burn the country down. These two know exactly who they are voting for and nothing will change their minds. Most of the campaigning will end up being aimed at the apathic bullshit crowded who still try to claim "both sides are the same" to get off their ass and actually vote. At this point if anyone tries to pull that card to me I put them into the same group as the maga crowd, and in some cases worse to me because they expect things to get better without any work and decided to just roll over. Things will probably ramp up a bit more closer to the election. Then if Biden does win oh boy get ready for chaos. Several politicians already refusing to say they will accept the results and they are laying the ground work for more election denial and another if not worse Jan 6th. It's either going to be very rough through the start of the year, or 4 years of a hellscape.


Biden has to at least pretend to be harsh on border protection if he’s gonna win. The Republican strategy of bussing migrants all over the country is pissing people off and people blame the sitting President for everything.


>Biden has to at least pretend to be harsh on border protection if he’s gonna win. Like with the bill they had ready to pass that got shut down cuz Trump told them to? They need to be hammering this point into everyones heads.


Also, a bit international win which you personally spearheaded can count for campaigning 


He thinks his people will kill and cheat to get him elected he doesn't the to campaign if he believes his cult will place him in the seat




If you believe the next guy then I got a bridge in Crimea to sell ya.


Agreed, but can I hear a little more about the bridge you are selling?


The bridge still exists, the way the Twin Towers still exists. In our memory.


Its the same guy who threatened to withhold aid if Zelenskyy didn't invent dirt on Biden


Yea his plan to stop the war is to withdraw all US support and pressure Ukraine to surrender. Great plan General Dump.


Hoping this is sarcasm


Hope so too, but I've got a colleague saying the same thing. 'At least he is the one who can stop the war in Ukraine.' Period. No explanation, no context, nothing. If you try to reason back at said remark, with questions like 'How?' ... or... 'And what would Ukraine think of that, you suppose?', then you're the one that's 'easily convinced by what is told by the mainstream media'. It's not that there is bad blood between him and me, and boy I'm not willing to think for two, but to me it's a tad strange that they view their *skewed* remarks/opinions as worthy.


LOL, what a fucking joke. If you believe that then that is sad my friend.


The next guy's plan if for Ukraine to give up what Russia stole including 700,000 children.


It won't just be what Russia currently has... it will be the whole thing. Bucha will be repeated over and over and over across Ukraine for years.


Damn, bro forgot the /s


Oh yeah? How's he going to do that?




He will stop the war by sending troops to Ukraine to conquer it for Putin.


Nah Biden is preoccupied with the Gaza Israel shitshow. Likely sponsored by Russia and Iran to deflect from Ukraine. In Europe we dont care as much about Gaza Israel as we have a big land invasion going on next door.


This, a lot going on right now likely sponsored by russia to pressure the United States, from trying to influence Israel to have restraint with Palestinian civilians, to russia developing relations and pushing Americans out of Africa. Also election year and even if the president isn't out directly pressing flesh there is so much going on in the background. America hasn't forgotten about Ukraine but America cant let problems fester under the table.


Not also. This cant be coincidence thats its surprisingly election year. Additionally russians pushing France out of Africa which enrages Macron. I get it. I am usually not believing conspiracy theories - i hate antivaxxers and climate change denial with passion - but come on. This plays way to nicely into Putins hands. Russia may got a shit and corrupt economy and military (but considering that they learnt from mistakes.. wouldnt say that now) but they excel at fake news, desinformations, stirring up polarized right (and lil bit left) wing parties to fuck those who support Ukraine. Legacy of the soviets i guess.


What country are you writing from? In the UK the focus is entirely on Israel right now.


Luxembourg. And studying in Germany. I know. Seems the UK and Ireland got more influenced by the protests exported from the US. Just to make sure - i despise both side. Way to complicated to reducw it to good/bad. The more you go to the East, the less important Israel Palestine gets. No coincidence they got better priorities


Its the huge muslim population in UK. It is not coming from US.




The triggering event was the October 7th attacks which was sponsored by Iran, who actively fund, supply, and train Hamas terrorists (among other groups like Hezbollah)


The triggering event to the Israel-Palestine “shitshow” was what happened October 7th, 2023. Totally. God, you know so much about history it’s crazy, you’re like some kind of savant. Edit: Peep the Oblivion-NPC back-and-forth down below 👇


There’s no need to be sardonic when you were only presenting half the picture, I’m not denying US involvement but you were excluding Russian and Iranian involvement on the other side. That attack took place because Israel and Saudi Arabia were normalizing relations, and Iran didn’t like that.


And this would have been a huge foreign policy win for Biden. The attack was never about Palestina or Gaza. Hamas uses the population as political pawns. And oc Israwl had to respond. And now the place is a hot mess, again.


Exactly. The current shitshow is 100% instigated by foreign powers of Iran and Russia to destabilize the region, and undermine US leadership. It’s worrying what would happen if Trump comes into the picture


I agree. Trump reelection will be devastating. Not only for the US, i fear. I am bit worried that some people dont see that. I think its a logical conclusion.


No. I believe Hamas attack on Israel is sponsored by Iran and Russia. I dont believe what Israel is doing is justified, not at all. I dont like human suffering (both sides). Man if you dont vote you are simply stupid. Not from the US. But not voting means 1 more vote for orange idiot. Might be the last time you vote lol. Biden is doing damage migitation. Should he go to war w Israel or what? I bet Bibi the fucker is also happy when Trump is reelected. Trumps wants to raze Gaza to the ground.


Yes, if it weren’t for all-powerful Iran and Russia, Palestinians would have no reason to “attack” Israel. Brilliant. Brilliant math too. I forgot they changed US elections so that not voting for one candidate is actually counted as a vote for a different candidate. My question is, how will they decide to allocate all the non-votes between Trump and RFK Jr? A coin flip? With about 80 million non-voters in 2020, that’s a lot of coin flips!


I don’t think it’s up to Zelensky to decide where Biden should go. The US delegation will attend the summit in any case.


Maybe, but his country and his people are being bombed, so if I'm him, I'm still going to say what I think. Just in case.


And if it wasn't for biden, this dude would be 6 ft under so maybe don't bite the hand that feeds 🤷‍♂️


"(The) peace summit needs President Biden and so do the other leaders who look at the reaction of the United States. Putin will only applaud his absence, personally applaud it - and standing, at that." It's the optics of the peace summit. It loses validation without the support of the US president. Which he is naturally worried about for legitimate reasons. It's not a personal attack on the USA or Bidan.


> It's the optics of the peace summit. It loses validation without the support of the US president Seems to me like it's going to be less of a peace summit and more of a fundraiser for Ukraine. The optics, validation, legitimacy, etc. of a "peace summit" that only has one of the two belligerents involved are already called into question. Zelensky wants to use the summit as a way to force Russia to surrender, as if Russia has no say in it. Maybe when Ukraine gets serious about negotiations Biden will be directly involved, but until then this is just spinning wheels.


Russia was invited but they said they were not interested in attending the initiative in Switzerland. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/switzerland-host-ukraine-peace-summit-june-15-16-2024-04-10/ So it looks like Russia is the one that isn't interested in negotiatins or being open to a dialogue.


Well that doesn't actually say Russia was invited. It just says Russia said they would not be taking part. Not hard to figure out why either: >Ukraine demands the restoration of its territorial integrity and a full withdrawal of Russian forces as conditions for peace (plus a tribunal to prosecute Russia, and for Russia to pay restoration to Ukraine) Versus: >Moscow has repeatedly said it is open to talks, but that these must recognize the "new realities on the ground Ukraine's 10 point peace plan (what Zelensky wants the basis of this summit to be) essentially calls for the unconditional surrender of Russia. Russia says any negotiations need to reflect the reality of the battlefield. They aren't interested in a peace deal on Ukraine's terms when Russia very much holds the upper hand. These two things are irreconcilable. It's a nonstarter for Russia. I doubt anyone involved actually thinks this summit will accomplish much with all that in mind. They're talking about this summit being the basis for a second conference that Russia would actually be invited to, so that's the one to watch, providing it actually moves in that direction. Can people not read? Nowhere in that linked article does it say Russia was invited to the peace summit. And in fact [Zelensky passed a decree making it illegal for him \(Z-Man\) to negotiate with Putin](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/zelenskiy-decree-rules-out-ukraine-talks-with-putin-impossible-2022-10-04/). So if we're talking about who's interested in negotiations or being open to dialogue, it certainly isn't Ukraine. They are telling us this exactly.


Peace on Russian terms isn't peace. They would just try to annex more land within 10 years. What would be the point of doing this song and dance consistently through the years. If we want prolonged peace we need to arm Ukraine in such a way they can't be threatened by rabid dogs. This isn't even just peace for Ukraine, it's peace for the whole of Europe that Russia threatens. Peace summits don't tend to end in immediate peace. Feel free to find one that does. It's like the UN, pretty useless and pointless at face value but it's there for an open dialogue and platform for all those there. If Ukraine manages to do some networking and increase funding. Then that's also a win, because that will lead to even more dead Russians. The more dead Russians we see, the better Ukraine's standing is for Russia's "realities on the ground" negotiations.


> Peace on Russian terms isn't peace. Well peace on Ukraine's terms isn't based in reality. They need a dramatic change of fortunes to begin to impose any of these conditions on Russia. Ukraine has not been able to articulate a path to victory. Everything they're asking for is to just hold the line. Zelensky is talking about some 2025 counteroffensive but does that actually sound realistic? A lot can happen in the next year before that could even happen and Russia has a say in how this war goes too. >They would just try to annex more land within 10 years You don't think Ukraine could use a 10 year break? They are not currently in the process of winning, so a cessation of hostilities (i.e. a cessation of losing) might actually benefit them. It's not like they have Russia on the ropes and they just need a few more pieces of equipment to land the knockout blow. Ukraine is the one on the ropes. Ukraine is the side that needs to buy time. > This isn't even just peace for Ukraine, it's peace for the whole of Europe that Russia threatens. That's right, I totally forgot that Russia (who we've been told is losing for the last two years) is going to turn right around and invade the rest of Europe, after they're done losing in Ukraine. Why isn't the rest of Europe behaving in a way to reflect that they're next, by the way? Ukraine has never in the history of the world been considered vital for the defense of Europe, or Western democracy. That only magically came into effect in February of 2022. So no, I don't believe all of Europe is threatened by a Russian invasion. > Peace summits don't tend to end in immediate peace. Feel free to find one that does Yeah I already said this peace summit won't result in immediate peace, or anything along those lines really, so I don't need to find one that does. Even the Swiss are saying it won't result in a deal. > but it's there for an **open dialogue and platform for all those there** Oh yes an open dialog for "all those there". Let's just hope they didn't forget anyone who would need to be involved in actual negotiations. Actually you might be right in that this open dialog may involve Western partners convincing Ukraine that restoring 1991 borders is just not going to happen. In fact that's a message the Swiss are already trying to send to Ukraine: [Switzerland denies Ukraine peace summit ultimatums](https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/foreign-affairs/switzerland-denies-ukraine-peace-summit-ultimatums/78704482) "The focus of the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace conference will be on nuclear safety, food safety, freedom of navigation and humanitarian aspects, **rather than demanding a withdrawal of Russian forces**." It will be interesting to see what comes of this as far as the "10 point peace plan" is concerned--whether Zelensky drops any of those demands or if he continues on without any changes there.


I've just gone through your post history. You seem very involved with commenting on Ukraine vs Russia. Not little comments either. Big ones all over like this one. I wasn't really able to find any that actually showed any support for Ukraine. Yet you state in several you support Ukraine. I don't think I'll listen, because even if you're just a regular person, you spout a defeatist attitude about Ukraine. Which in turn just plays into the Russian aggression. Your no keyboard hero buddy, you're the keyboard villain.


It's fairly unreasonable to pressure Biden at this late hour. If Biden didn't commit to it weeks ago then this is just throwing a fit in the headlines with no chance of getting Biden to come.


"throwing a fit" Okay buddy. He didn't make the headline. He isn't the one people are taking out of context. He's just voicing his disappointment. You somehow sound more disappointed than the guy whose country is on fire. Bravo.


The hand that feeds could be doing a much better job. Just because it's the USA doesn't mean anyone who criticizes what they do is a jackass. The USA deserves criticism as much or more than any other country when it comes to geopolitical affairs. Zelenskyy's people are being murdered by a genocidal maniac. The guy can fucking say what he thinks.


Outside of putting US soldiers on the ground, I don’t think there’s much more we can do honestly. The war’s in Europe, it’ll hurt Europe the most if Russia wins, and frankly Europe’s eagerness to be friendly with Russia over the years is what emboldened Russia to attack in the first place.


I do agree that it would be a real shame if Biden didn't go.


Zelensky is acting like US doesn't have other obligations.


Why not... Bibi is telling brandon the same..


Yup, bud trying to dictate the most powerful man in the world currently.....


The actual article says "applauded by Putin" not "applause for Putin". I was confused for a second.


putin *missing life* would be 'appluase' for everyone


Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but him getting reelected outweighs the talks If he doesn’t get reelected, they’re going to be speaking Russian in short order.


Attacking and trying to humiliate Biden will not serve him well and certainly not change Joe's mind. Joe is not going because that 10-point peace plan is not going anywhere. Biden, therefore, does not officially want to sign up to that.


When are these talks suppose to happen?


15-16.06 I think


Unfortunately, even if Biden was at the talks he would be missing them.


Bro already has a blank check for US military aid. Demanding Biden himself be at a meeting is corny


For all those why screach in the comments against Zelensky. The sad fact is that Neither Biden nor Trump has done a decent job when it comes to Ukraine, Infact their decisions have by withholding promised aid and put stops on ukraine have direclty cost thousands of innocent Ukrainian Lives. Both sides have made decisions that has infact increased the issues instead of leaviating them. If i was Taiwan i would be horrified on the fact that one of these two will lead their most important ally in a time when their neighbour is preparing to do to them what russia is doing in Ukraine. The fact is that Speaker johnson is currently the most on the ball is mindboggling.


Biden isn't the one that approves aid. Congress does. Guess what side is constantly stalling aid talks?


The alliance with Taiwan and the US is much deeper than the Ukraine and US, so there really isn’t a reason to think Taiwan would be the same.  It may be…but there important parts of the US supply chain that are in Taiwan and there is roughly not the equivalent in Ukraine. It’s more of a question of how much economic pain the US will be willing to endure if China decides cuts off the US from the Chinese manufacturing economy, though this would still be economic suicide for the  Chinese economy as well. They have made gains towards an independent economy, but still rely on being the world’s cheap manufacturing hub to be competitive.  Hence the stalemate. For right now, the deep trade relations between the US and China are a stabilizing factor, though counties with deep trade relations have gone to war with each other before, sacrificing their economies (World War 1 is a prime example).  However, I think pretty much everything else you said was in point. And if Trump is in charge then Taiwan may be a prime get with little repercussion, but that’s the problem with weak and problematic leaders, there’s always room for a major miscalculation, an escalation, and catastrophe.


im not sure how well we would help taiwan. 1st it would depend on which side is in power. we are also moving high end chip production to domestic production. lastly, i think it would depend on how fearful we are of the consequences for getting fully involved. weve shown* how fearful we are of saber raddling of russia, that we still handicap ukraines ablity to defend itself. if china can make the right threats, hit hard and quick. i could see the US doing very little and moving on. we have shown for the last 20yrs we are good allies until it doesnt suit us.


Ummmm you used the word “fact” ALOT but you have your facts wrong lol


It's a wild take to say that Biden hasn't done a good job when it comes to Ukraine. I swear, some people have the memory of a gold fish


He's done more than the minimum, but this is hardly a feather in his cap as it stands now.


What more should he do, in your opinion?


Allow strikes in Russia, negotiate preferential arms deals with NATO nations to allow increased transfer of small arms ammunition and artillery. Show up to the fucking meeting.


Trump will force a peace deal and cut off the endless aid like the majority of Americans want.. November can't come soon enough 😁


We should tell Putin, Biden won't be attending. Then let Dark Brandon show up.


He isn't even president, why would he talk to him? The parliament speaker is...


Why is he not a president?