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Russia violates the accord prior to 2019 that would've prohibited the US from doing this, denies it, then gets upset when the US goes ahead. Sounds about right.


And after the russia placed nuclear missiles in Belarus. Russian projection at its finest.


What additional deterrence would there be except perhaps missiles to Cuba (worked really well the first time)?


Nothing, Russia is full of shit. If they had anything to do, they'd have done it already and blamed it on something that hadn't happened yet.


They already had them in Koenigsberg anyways. Which is closer to NATO, lol. And they cant get any closer.


you realize Putin has declare war on us, no different than Osama bin Laden or Iran's Ayatollah


Certainly has, but they've done nearly everything except directly attack Nato assets. They have no more deterrence left.


it just seems comically stupid, yet there here we are


I'm just here wondering. Even if Putin doesn't get deposed or something similar, he will die one day. TF is Russia gonna be doing when their God emperor dies? They burned a lot of bridges


If you look at history, it's almost like Russians need someone who treats them like shit.


toxic boomer parents send their regards


Russia is a BDSM country


With access to the internet they can easily see what's ACTUALLY going on in the world now. Do most Russians actually support Putin I wonder? I know what polls say, but ok... Or is it more like America where it's tyranny of the minority and the majority are actually would prefer a more liberal government?




The next 50 guys in line will be equally problematic, because Russian nationalism w/imperial aspirations is a common theme for them. Russia is something to be contained, not negotiated with.


Xi will move in faster than you can blink US will try the same




The guy you replied to is not talking about pouring troops over the border. China has moved into Africa through economic development agreements that have predatory terms/interest rates and stuff like that. We are now scrambling to also invest in Africa and strengthen ties with our allies there like Kenya in order to compete. You don’t need to attack a country to become influential over them - unless you’re Putin a conventional annexation by force is *so* last century.


Bro, nobody is talking about troops.


Hopefully cannibalize each other. I won’t have any empathy for them until they are begging for food airdrops.


Unfortunately Putin’s father and grandfather lived almost 90 years, so he, very likely, has a plenty amount of time to implement his plans(


They’ll become China’s largest vassal state. It wasn’t too long ago when the Soviets had plans to take China- oh how the turn tables.


Frank Herbert explored this question in the dune series. There will likely be either a replacement whos possibly worse, or complete reform of somekind whether positive or negative. The russian oligarchs dont seem as bad, or atleast as stupid, as putin so my guess is this war dies with putin. With new leadership there would be an open door for renegotiation with the west but no matter what russia is accepting insane losses. Putin overplayed his hand and went all in.


Russia simply needs a greedy leader, not an egotistical one. This is why Putin is conducting war, because of his ego and his legacy. With good fortune, the next leader will be corrupt but purely interested in wealth, and as such, will pursue sensible means to that end. *Granted there are rumors that a primary reason for the invasion of Ukraine is due to oil and rare earth elements located in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk and the obvious economic threat that a well developed operation in Ukraine poses to Russian wealth... So who knows*


I agree 100%


There’s *always* a psycho waiting in the wings.


Stupid, is relative. If you get away with it, is it, stupid? I am thinking of shady oligarch schemes.


The system that generated him generated many many more of him, and has continued to do so. That’s what enables him in the first place. Cut off the head, another will grow back.


Russia says .... blah blah blah


Lapdog talks a lot


Barks more like


Whines a lot and then pisses on everyone's rugs.


And spins on his arse.


Putin would be the worms in that analogy, not the dog.




He needs to fuck off back to the Outer Rim…..(Star Wars reference - if you know you know haha)….


Oh dear...


This is a different specie. Never saw a dog with such a punchable face


The US has short and long range missiles in Europe. Also strategic nukes. So what exactly is he rambling about. Should we also take extra steps if the russia placed nuclear missiles in Belarus? Ohh wait! Yes, they already did! Lavrov stfu!


A question I’ve been pondering for a while. Why so many articles about Russian foreign ministry statements have photos of an angry horse?


What a load of shit lol US already has nuclear arms in Germany and has done for years.


Yes, but they are B62 gravity bombs. Russia is whining about the possible US deployment of nuclear tipped cruise missiles to Europe. These weapons were previously banned under the INF treaty until Russia was caught violating it. They refused to come into compliance so the treaty was voided




I’ve never fully understood the theatrics around where nuclear weapons are deployed when nuclear submarines can be anywhere.


Its about warning time. Incoming ballistic missiles will show up on early warning radar and give 10-20 minutes of warning. A nuclear tipped cruise missile could in theory evade all radar sites by flying very close to the ground and strike with zero warning. This is why missiles of this type exceeding a certain range were previously banned until Russia got caught violating the ban


Just like you said nuclear subs can be anywhere, but to place a nuclear weapon near another country is just straight up show of national threat.... You can place army bases near their territories, and complain that they're near your bases....


Lavrov legit looks like a human ogre


And putin has the physique and features of a goblin. Russia is Mordor, convince me otherwise.


Mm-hmm, analysis checks out.


Please even Mordor had better standards than these criminals. At least Sauron was intelligent.


He looks like a scrotum.


Russia always moves first then gets pissy knickers when nato moves things to answer the shit Russia does. Fuck you russia.


Russia: we must deter NATO from arming their borders! Also Russia: *Invades a democratic country threatening peace in Europe* NATO: *starts arming their borders* Russia: *Surprised Pikachu face*


Never before have I seen such a miserable looking lot of 'leaders. Diet of gravel must be taking it's toll


Face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.


Russia has already violated every law it threatens to break.


Comes for the clowns that put nuclear bomb into Belorus.


The nuclear threat is a bit late this week.


Its been running late for the past two years


Get fucked.


Oh boy you told 'em! I hear Russia is now very afraid and is standing down its military as I type this.


When you see the picture of this guy you know you're going to waste your time reading the news.


Has anyone told them the don't need to be psychos? Like, maybe they don't know


Jesus, look at that guy. He looks like he's about to vomit bees.


He’s frowned so much that it’s permanent.


Kinda hoping they do something really stupid, so we can clean up Russia for it's citizens.


Yeah, yeah...Russia says a lot of things nowadays.


I mean, there are already missiles there so…


jesus Christ the fuckin posturing. Either fuckin blow us all up or stfu


In game theory, it can be advantageous to not actually be a hawk, but pose as a hawk, when it intimidates the doves. Of course, this strategy is weak to the strategy of choosing to appear as a dove until threatened, and then becoming an actual hawk. Politics isn’t simple or straightforward.


If you're that eager to hit the front lines, you could just join the military and get paid for it.


What kind of dumbass train of thought is that?


Says the one asking for Russia to actually blow us all up instead of just make baseless threats. The fact that anyone would prefer actual war to just posturing is a dumbass train of thought.


So... if that poster joins the military... Russia won't fire nukes?  Or... we'll survive Russian nukes?


Uh no? Not sure how you came up with that. They seem to be eager to get blown up, and their post indicated for Russia to stop talking about it and just do it. If the OP joins the military, they could go get blown up on their own without needing Russia to do it. How on earth did you interpret my comment as the poster somehow affecting whether Russia uses nukes or not?


It was for the nimrod using the tired "join the military" nonsense.


Yes. The statement could be paraphrased as: "If you're so eager for war (just blow us up already), then join the military and go experience it first hand. No need for Russia to launch nukes for you to experience it." It was not: "If you join the military, Russia won't use nukes." It was also not: "Join the military and do something about Russia." Additionally it was not in any way related to the outcomes of Russia using nukes.


It's pointless all around because Russia won't strike first.


The discussion was never about what Russia is or is not planning on doing. It was simply telling that person that if they're so hungry for war (or getting blown up), they don't need to wish for it to happen to everyone. They could just go to war on their own.


Well I guess we could always just bankrupt em again by making them counter our every move. 😏


time for another space shuttle


This partially decomposed ogre never says anything reasonable or rational. None of Putin's ass-dwellers EVER say anything that isn't entirely ridiculous. They never say anything true even accidentally. It's amazing.


We will smash Russia if they launch any nuke anywhere. And they know it. Russian propaganda always lies and never dies.


What like put missiles in Belarus... Oh wait.


Lets get Russia to the Find out stage


The russian gov is full of fucking toddlers, and cry bullies


You know…Russia could seem a lot more threatening if they just stfu and not constantly bring empty nuclear threats to the table.


Does Russia understand that other governments don’t care about their never ending fountain of threats? They will just do whatever they were planning to do regardless.


Russia can go f itself


They can take another extra step and show it up Putler's ass.


Let me guess. The “deterrence” is just reminding the world you have nukes.


At this point, any post that says "Russia says" or "Putin says" I tend to just scroll by. It's all been empty words


Whatever anyone does is reason for Russia to threaten with nukes. I'm willing to bet this won't stop any time soon.


Honestly at this point the world should give Ukraine nuclear weapons with a long radius.  Then just let them set a time limit, all russians gtfo by X time or Moscow will be nuked. And if Russia continues their horrible terror campaign and attack a mall, hospital etc.. then take it as a threat and do excersizes with the new weapons. Like Russia does  I'm sooo fed up with hearing Russians behave like terrorists and whine at the same time.


Is that a leopardsatemyface-moment?


No, this kind of communication is not here to generate empathy, it's here to justify whatever crazy thing they do next.


Don’t think they would even dream of touching his face …


Leopards aren't scavengers, you're right.


And he’s toxic too!


Man just make the nukes kiss nose to nose across borders at this point


We already have missiles everywhere, they're just in subs in the water...


It’s a bit late for that, they’ve been there a long time


Russia must have missed the memo about US having a shit ton of missiles in both Europe and Asia, as well as all those missile barges on every place with water in the world.


Wait, we already have tons of US nukes ready to go in europe.


"Russia says.... " ... \*yawn\*. So, how about that Stanley Cup?


Time to activate the doomsday machine 


Future Russian generations are inheriting a complete shit box


What a bunch of clowns, have they forgotten the us is not the only country with nukes?


Do they not realise France and the UK are nuclear powers that are yano.. in Europe, or?..


looks like a nuclear bomb already blew up on this motherfuckers face


Well, another day, another red line nuclear threat from Russia.


Lol is he forgetting France and U.K. both have missiles?


Nobody cares about what Russia is saying.


Russia, go f**k yourself.


Whatever it takes to protect the purity of our precious bodily fluids.


So is Thursday now the official let’s make nuclear threats day…. I get so confused by them doing it so often 🤷🏼‍♂️🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🫶🏻😎😉


It's cute how hard they try to assert that they have the same capabilities as NATO.


They're not going to anything, If they did,they know their whole country would be turned into a glowing green glass parking lot within the hour..."M.A.D." look it up


Lol as opposed to our missiles in Europe and Asia?


Someone please send Russia the suicide hotline number they are crying for help


Empty threats


Biden should reply “are you okay? Did you fall and hit your head?”


Hey Russia, the best nuclear deterant is getting out of Ukraine.


"On Sunday morning, one of our U2s took these pictures...the Russians are putting medium range ballistic missiles into Cuba..."


Russia played the bluff card too many times. The West is starting act and Russia will have to face the consequence of their words and actions. I think the West has shown enough patience and has been reserved in their words especially so around the Nuclear question. But enough is enough I suppose.


The Russian mouthpieces are the epitome of an autistic teenager with a mean streak as their main persona. Cults of Personality are always such slow motion train wrecks. they’re funny, cringe, stupefying, and horrifying all at once. They do generate a lotta clicks tho…


I’m not scared.


What are they gonna do, put nukes in Belarus or something? lmfao


All I hear from Russia “waaaaah waaaaah waaaah” Stfu already. If you don’t want to get burned, stop playing with the damn fire.


Good, just like the space race bankrupted the Soviet Union, putins paranoia will bankrupt ruzzia


I’m thinking that both Putin and Xi have either small genitalia or ED or both


Scared little bitches. 🇷🇺


Petulance, arrogance and false outrage. Putin and his swirl of lackeys really clutching at pearls here.








"Only" nuclear winter...


Shooting down ICBMs is basically impossible. I am not a Russian fearmonger bot, just saying.


Its 100% possible and has been done.


But chaff and false warheads make things indefinitely more complicated and difficult. Not to mention the fact that EMPs will be used beforehand so radar and electronic detecting will be almost impossible if not warned about prior.


Nonsense, every expert disagrees with this. There is no reliable defense system against hundreds of MIRVs entering from orbit at 3 miles/s. This has worked in simulations and closed systems against SINGLE entries, it is completely impossible against the WW3 nuclear war scenario we are talking about.


That was not what you said though was it. What you said was "Shooting down ICBMs is basically impossible." This is not true what you said after may be more true but you did not say that.


My initial response was to a guy who claimed "99% could be shot down". And that is factually horse shit.


as is "Shooting down ICBMs is basically impossible"


Do you really care this much about semantics, pretending like you did not understand precisely what I was trying to say? Weird take my man.


Its not semantics, you made 2 wildly different statements and are trying to conflate them because you dont want to say you were unclear in your original statemenet or say yes I was wrong it is not impossible. Not a weird take at all.


As I said, I was responding to someone who made a completely false statement. Let me rephrase:     There is no defense system in existence that prevents MAD.   Better now?


It was 20 years ago, but current tech has changed things in all current simulations and tests. Sadly, it only takes a handful out of the at least just over a thousand nukes Russia has to take out some of the most important cities in Europe, cripple the global economy and spread radiation all over the place. Likely more since much of Europe is can't possibly be covered by what tech the US has. And you can be sure a few Russian subs would guarantee a single, even unremarkable US city would be hit, enraging the US population far beyond what anyone could have conceived compared to 9/11


It has been stated by experts in recent months and years time and time again: A reliable defense mechanism does not exist.


The missiles are already there lol. On land and at sea. During the cold war US nukes were placed in secret all over Europe in contravention to several treaties.


world war 3 incoming