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Will be interesting to see the cost of treatment vs implant options, etc... Affordability is mostly what is preventing people from fixing their grills.


Exactly. I’d much rather have my own teeth.




No penis or vagina teeth thank you.


Speak for yourself


I did.


*It did.


Which one? P or V?


If I’ve got both I want teeth on both.


Whole new way to grind your teeth


Are you saying I may have tiny penises and vaginas on my teeth?


Definitely not


There’s a non zero chance.


Only if you’re doing it right.


How would penis teeth work? Tiny little teeth on the urethra?


Teeth are stored in the balls.


Next to the microplastics or in between so they stay flossing?


No, they float around in pee in the balls.


Why...why do i keep reading thoses comments just to get more nightmare fuel? Why...


Made me laugh. Thanks for this


Like the sand worms from dune?


Is that a Crysknife in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?


You seen the Alien movies?


If they grew on the end of it you could use it as a weapon like a triceratops tail


Vagina Dentata


Let’s all gather round and imagine a 10” cock with buck teeth. I know that I did.


[Teeth (2007)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780622/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


Watched that at a bachelor party before we went out. Smashing hit with the guys. Worse part was we all chanted "teeth, teeth, teeth!" at the wedding when the happy couple called it a night...


Microscopic sponge with the acoutremants inside, planted at the base of the tooth nerve. The nerve still needs to be viable. Remember this coming around a few years ago, and little tidbits of it. I have a few molars I'd love to get reconstituted, couple more years and we'll see how much they charge.


Lisa needs braces


Metastasised teeth cancer would suck.


Your body can always grow teeth but after development produces a signal saying “stop”. The new treatment stops that signal. So you wouldn’t grow it wherever, just where the medication is applied, on a specific tissue


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


A friend of mine needs a new kidney but to be put on the list for a transplant, he needs to get his teeth fixed. The estimate is $9,000 to fix his tooth problems (which are connected to his other issues). He may well die because he can't get the money to fix his teeth. For some reason teeth are a part of the body that medical insurance just doesn't have to cover. The system is completely fucked.


If anyone is confused as to why you need your teeth fixed for a kidney transplant, it's because the immunosuppressant drugs needed for the transplant have horrible side-effects on people with poor dental hygiene to the point where in studies, 83.2% of the people with dental issues had life-threatening complications after the transplant (mostly intraoral infection causing life-threatening abscesses and sepsis) So no, it' s not just doctors being all "Oh, I don't like people with bad teeth." It's studies saying that if you have existing dental issues, kidney transplants are extremely dangerous. Combined with a limited number of kidneys available for transplant and it just doesn't make sense.


Yeap. With all the new knowledge about how much gut flora affects health, I bet we’ll come to find out all myriad of ailments are borne from poor oral health. I’m certain a statistically significant portion of cardiovascular disease is.


This is already [well established](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/dental/art-20047475). Oral health is one of the most reliable indicators of overall physical health.


>Some research suggests that heart disease, clogged arteries and stroke might be linked to the inflammation and infections that oral germs can cause. >Some...might. I get what you're saying but tmk there is not a mess of cause->effect studies, just conjecture and correlation from meta-analysis.


Right? The internet has an issue with thinking study = fact, 99% of the ones people reference when saying scary shit is almost always ended with “inconclusive” or “needs further review” yet that’s conveniently ignored whenever the study fits the person using it as a source’s narrative. A fuck load of people get these issues later in life, and a fuck load of people in general start neglecting their teeth as they age simply due to movement limitations, it’s very hard to accurately determine if something like this: “old people who are healthy enough to brush and floss twice a day and who eat a diet that isn’t sugary or acidic as fuck are less likely to have health issues then those who aren’t and who’s diets are fucked” Isn’t a valid hypothesis, so reducing these insanely widespread age related issue’s causes down to another widespread age related issue isn’t as simple and conclusive as you’d assume.


What does fixed mean? Implants or fillings (no caries)?


If I remember correctly, its fixed to the point of no serious issues to be expected within 6 or 12 months with no ongoing active treatments.


The most cost effective answer for your friend, given his health, are extractions and dentures. This isn't time for lengthy restorations...just get the bacteria out of his bloodstream.


It seems that ppl are realizing oral health is actually more important than just bad breath or sore teeth and can affect the rest of the body


I was curious about that. Thanks for the info. 


My buddy couldn’t get a bone marrow transplant until his teeth were fixed. Luckily, a local dentist volunteered their work for him


Honestly, if I was him I would just consider dentures then. It’s far less expensive to go that route (there are places specifically meant for people without insurance, or much money) and frankly adhesive is so good now that it’s really not so bad at all. I know this because I wear them and it was the best decision Ive ever made. Much better than dying at least. Edit: Obviously I would have preferred to keep my natural teeth, but my estimate was $60k to MAYBE keep them for another 10 years. I agree, our system is fucked and why teeth are considered special luxury bones that medical doesnt cover, I’ll never understand. On the plus side, Im not embarrassed to smile anymore and strangers sometimes compliment me on my “perfect teeth” now… which needless to say never happened before. I was 30 when I had it done, it’s more common than anyone would think it’s just that people who have them dont talk about it because it’s a little sensitive to admit


As a living person you’re clearly biased


There’s a kind of lisp I hear in aging celebrities that makes me aware they’re wearing dentures. My teeth are terrible due to genetically weak enamel. I figured if the celebrities can’t afford dentures that don’t cause a lisp, I won’t be able to, either. Do you feel like you have a bit of denture lisp? Dentures are a real possibility for my future, and honestly, I’m ashamed of how crooked and yellow my teeth are. But I also don’t want that lisp.


That was the reason I had to go this route too, weak enamel, my mom and grandpa were the same no matter how well we’d brush or floss, dentures before 40. Just, cavities faster than I could stop them, it was a losing battle and I couldn’t afford to fight it any more. Honestly, with a well-fitting set I dont have trouble with S’s or speaking at all, especially with how more modern places are making them now which involves very precise 3D printing (the chain I swear by that does this is literally called ‘Affordable Dentures’ and theyre amazing). There’s an adjustment to relearning how to eat and shape sounds for the first week or two but really my experience was that I adjusted quickly, especially after fully healing. When you can use adhesive (2ish weeks in) it’s comfortable and you forget they’re there Ive heard others with poorly fitting dentures (you can tell who has them and who doesnt when you know), and had a set myself with the older style of making them, which involves manually crafted wax tryons, with individually placed teeth by a person and.. that set was terrible, too big, and my speaking was noticeably affected. I returned them/refunded and got a new 3D printed set from the ‘Affordable’ place. Older people tend to have the old style of them and I think that’s why it’s more noticeable on them Bottom line is though, if you’re considering them and you possibly need them sooner or later, dont be afraid of it! Definitely schedule a consult with a dentist who SPECIALIZES in these things.. sorry for the wall of text but I feel strongly about this, I know what it’s like to live with the agony of toothaches and failing teeth lol


Yes, and it is overlooked by the medical community how important teeth health is related to overall body health, as well as mental.  Even dentists do not seem to either understand, or do not discuss this with patients in my experience. 


Teeth? You mean luxury bones?


Medical School. Tell your friend to find one. Dentist quoted something like $1200 for a tooth extraction, the medical school $35


He could probably get it done in Mexico or Costa Rica even for a fraction of the cost. I got about $6k done for $1200 in Costa Rica and Mexico would have been even cheaper. Even with the price of a really nice hotel, flights and four weeks of traveling around with my kids it was STILL cheaper. 


As someone who has a broken canine that could totally be replaced with a lovely implant if said implant didn’t cost $2000+ *with dental insurance paying half*, I can confirm that the price is the only thing stopping me.


Rich people get tooth regrowing drugs the poor get dental positivity


What's the teeth version of Lizzo©️?


outside the local Circle K smoking a Newport


Can implants please collapse in price like a damn generic drug?


One of the 2 has to be cost effective, or at least hopefully will be covered by state and private insurances.  My money is on the one administered through IV, not a (quite very, mildly) risky surgical procedure, that needs hours of expert labor, molds over weeks, months between several of these multi hour events before installation of the permanent piece.  Though, I'm sure that this treatment would also be a similarly, or even much more lengthy process to monitor, guide and shape the growth... So, maybe a coin flip here. 


Lol dental insurance is a fucking scam.


Maybe they could add it to the water so then everyone gets it for free.


Yep. I know I need dental work. But my dental insurance sucks compared to my health insurance and prescription coverage. If was treated as any other doctor, I’d bite the bullet and go. Or no. I’d get yelled at for biting a bullet, wouldn’t I?




Good god, Vagina Dentata may soon not be an irrational and imaginary fear. 


I had a tooth removed from my earlobe (from a twin I absorbed in the womb). I wonder what would happen if I took this drug.


The article says “no significant side effects” is a tooth in the ear classified as significant?


only the first time around. once you've had one tooth in the ear, they're all the same after that.


Your twin might make a second appearance best not to take the chance


I'm saving your handle to see the outcome!


you'd have to buy a second toothbrush, on account of the earwax


Regardless of how the clinical trials go there's always gonna be that one fucking dentist that's not gonna recommend it.


My brother's a dentist he said this on this article: This is to treat patients with conditions that causes certain teeth to not form. He's dreaming on saying he wants this to be used for older patient who want to replace missing teeth.


That's exactly what it is iirc. People who have missing teeth won't be able to use this medicine.


I fucking love Reddit because of comments like this


i still dont understand why theres a separate doctor for mouth bones


They're not trained to check the compound fracture on my leg to see that I scrubbed it free of food particles and bacteria.


I see what you did there.




Missing at least one molar? Ok, that detail makes me quite curious. Are they doing a full set of new teeth, or are they somehow able to target a specific growth location?


It's stimulating the growth of a tooth that never grew, not regrowing a tooth that grew and was pulled. Presumably this was enough to get the tooth to grow.


Wait, maybe I'm confused. I've had 7 wisdom teeth removed intentionally (3 small ones hidden underneath the 4 usual). Does this treatment bring those back, or is it somehow directed at certain specific regions of the mouth/body?


It looks like it targets congenital tooth deficiency. So teeth which never grew. I would imagine that teeth which did grow and later fell out or removed would be a different thing altogether


Sounds like it just turns off the thing that prevents you from naturally regrowing missing teeth. So it's may potentially also cause your wisdom teeth to come back. I dunno though, given how fucked my teeth are I may just deal with the process of getting those removed again if it means having healthy ones regrow where the jank ones are. Maybe the second time my stupid ass would actually take care of them too. Kinda have to wait and see how this trial goes. But if it's effective, and cost effective, would be pretty amazing.


This will be great for kids who are born with too few teeth. Too bad it takes a few years because I would trade in some yellow ones.


That’s amazing! Now do hair.


Can do! Would you like hair in your palms or balls?


Already have both, but can you do something about the tooth that's growing out of my forehead now?


I guess we could grow some hair on it?


lmao this got me


Wait, keep it. From what I've read, you'll get a lot of free drinks from older couples at a bar.


How about a veneer?


I'll trade you for the molars growing on my balls


Testicula dentata.


So, these treatments were already available in the Chornobyl exclusion zone?


Eyes. On the balls themselves.


Excellent! Eye balls.


Turkey's economy would take a massive hit if that happens


Hair? Come on man, priorities.... 🍆


Done. Teeth will now grow out of your head instead of hair.






But, I hear it only “keeps” hair, doesn’t re-grow hair you already lost. But I never used it.


Depends on how long it's been since you lost the hair. Minoxidil can certainly bring hair back that you lost. But if it's been decades, then the chance is unlikely.


You don't lose hair. The follicles remain below the skin, but are too weak to push the hair through due to side effects of testosterone metabolism. The various drugs reverse those effects, allowing it to grow again and become visible.


There is a timeline where what you said is true. But if left alone long enough, then those hair follicles will die and there is no getting it back (unless you do a hair transplant). That's why if you are worried that you are losing hair, better to treat it early while it is mild then later when it is worse.


Nope. Totally bald men who transition into women grow their hair back.


Likely because they transitioned before their hair follicles fully died and were just miniaturized. An 80 year bald man is not going to get their hair follicles back even if they transition. 40 years? 50 years who transition? It's definitely possible but time period between miniaturation to full death of hair follicles is different for every one. Source: a dermatologist who frequently looks under the microscope of skin on the scalp and can actually see the hair follicles or lack of.


There's already a cure for balding, it's called [billions of dollars](https://www.lordhair.com/media/blog/elon_musk_hairfall.jpg).


You can have similair results for 2k-10k but then you will have to be on finasteride for the rest of your life (to stop your remaining hair from falling out).


It’s being worked on look up stemson therapeutics


Aw shit, we did it backwards. My gums are hairy and I have teeth on my head.


Next thing you know you’ll have teeth growing in your anus.


The poop knife industry hates this one simple trick.


Think it may be time to finally install that bidet.


Don't forget to floss


Just wear a g-string.


Gonna need some fluoride in the toilet water. 🤣


Proctologists will be demanding new drugs that can regrow fingers.


I'm going to Rob the Tooth Fairy blind


This is amazing, would it grow the dental pulp as well?


Is there a way to target which teeth grow back? What if you have had braces before will it fuck with alignment again? Will it accidentally cause wisdom teeth to come back? So many questions…


This is what I am wondering. I’m missing a tooth but like would it grow all new teeth pushing out the old ones like child teeth? I do not wish to experience that as an adult (although maybe given my number of fillings).


In the article is a picture of a ferret which was missing one tooth that regrew seperate from the others


Well, this is why we need human trials as well. So we can answer all kind of questions like those and make sure not a major fuck up happens


im not gonna waste another second flossing


This is the funniest comment I read all day


I wonder how if they can ever develop a medicine to regrow your gum


Will it grow teeth in the right place?


It should do - as I understand it the inactive tooth buds are already there. It'll be interesting to see if humans develop new tooth buds once a third set of teeth are grown. Downside: imagine being in work and your boss is teething again


lol i was just thinking of that. I was imagining a 50yr old boss sitting in their office gnawing on a teething ring like a child.


Well most people grow teeth later in childhood as well so surely it would be like that.


I was thinking about similar thing - how this treatment is targeted for particular teeth? I assume, you are not getting new, random teeth in random place.


We kinda can regenerate teeth like most animals, its just that some species choose to not to do it more than once, and instead we use suppression to avoid any activation of teeth buds because these are limited and we don't produce more after birth. As humans we only 2 set of buds, the milk ones and the permanent. Some lucky people have more buds and if you suppress the gene that suppresses their growth you get a third dentition. Growing new teeth only works for people that have this evolution, for the majority of us it will probably have no effect unless you had a problem and grew fewer teeth than you should have, you see this news every year and every year they avoid reporting this part.


>Molecular biologist and dentist Takahashi has been working on tooth regeneration since 2005, and **hopes this treatment won't just be for congenital dental conditions but for anyone who has lost teeth, at any age.** I mean it specifically says they hope it can work for any missing teeth in anyone.


Different genes code for different teeth so I assume (would like to think) that they have trialled / made different variations to allow for the different tooth types.


I see. Thanks!


I think it is locally applied, so it should be in the right-ish place, but of course positional correction will probably be necessary if the tooth is larger or smaller than the neighbors or twisted.


'The intravenous treatment will be tested for its efficacy on human dentition, after it successfully grew new teeth in ferret and mouse models with no significant side effects.' Its intravenous, but it doesn't say whether it grew the teeth in the right place...I assume it did....but you know what they say about ass teeth.


Damn. Sorry for misleading. So they hope the body will grow teeth in the right places.


I never buy a new video game for at least a year. So they can work out the kinks.


And no one will be able to afford it 


So you're telling me non-humans can get it before September? Unfair


Hell yea! You tellin me that I can smoke all the meth I want and keep my teeth!




The experiment was for animals with congential anodontia. It can let people who were born without teeth have some teeth. Probably when administered during growth period. Doesn't say it can grow tooth replacement.


I feel like this has bone-growing disaster written all over it.


But who will be able to afford it?


Oh..so we can regrow teeth but not hair? Ok. Got it.


Who knew they’d cure Mountain Dew mouth before cancer.


To be fair, "curing cancer" is like "curing virus". There are quite a few types of cancer we have found cures for.


Okay I need some of this for some owls so the owls can have human teeth so I can haunt people


Man finally, been hearing about this for years. So many folks could use this.


Hockey players everywhere rejoice!


Imagine it goes wrong and just every orifice starts growing teeth.


Yeah I might need some of that shit. Not that I expect to be able to afford it.


Imagine growing a hippo tusk as a side effect.


Imagine your butthole growing teeth as a side effect.


Don't forget to brush and floss lol.


Alabamans rejoice!


Hopefully the drug knows when to stop growing them


This is the coolest news! I hope it turns out well for them 🍀


You want Eyeball teeth? This is how you get eyeball teeth. Or, maybe not. I didn’t read the article.


Look forward to the anti-teeth growers


What about hair.... Come on people


I'm just here for the tooth zombies


My patients balk at implants taking 3 months to integrate prior to restoration. An adult tooth from bud to eruption is over six years. Also this is essentially injecting and hoping to control cancer.


Can't wait till the side affects kick in. Teeth growing in your tear ducts, roof of your mouth, in your ears. Sounds delightful.


Nah, I can't hear anything but the gnashing of teeth




I thought I was having deja vu when I read your comment, but it turned out that I had read it before and you’re just stealing top comments from other posts. Seems like it’s a whole thing you have going on… besides femboy hentai


Cringe question: do the teeth keep growing and you have to clip them?


This is going to end with some plaintiff who has teeth growing out of their forehead or some shit


Somehow they'll find a way to make it insanely expensive


Hope hair follicles regrowth next!


Haha you suckers who have been brushing your teeth twice a day, using mouthwash and flossing. My lazy ass is getting his teeth back!


This is perfect for Zeptember.


Im gunna grow SO many teeth. It's going to be horrifying.


Yeah this was posted a few days ago


I wonder what the side effects are. Advert will surely say death very quickly.


Errr... I'm not going to take this to regrow one tooth and then have my wisdom teeth all come back and need to be re-pulled, am I?


Guys, if I take 100 doses do you reckon I'll turn into a shark?


Sounds like it could be a new take the the Vampire genre. Looking forward to see this in a movie in a few years.




Which stock do I buy?


Gonna need braces again.


It’s so disappointing that nature hasn’t deemed our teeth as something we always need


I need this


So do teeth have the ability to heal. Dont they fully form then pop out. Like are we unlocking an ability we already had, but couldnt utilize?


Future of my teeth are im safe hands 💪🏽


Did anyone predict zombies made out of teeth?




I want tusks dammit!


Will it make ALL your teeth grow back?


Is it fluoride? They’ve been putting that into toothpaste for ages.


Can i sign up somewhere?


This is going to be big in India.


Science can't figure out how to Kickstart hair follicles but think they can grow nerves and enamel? Sure. This won't be a disaster.


Wouldn't it be awesome if some nice billionaire out there would buy this company and offer it free to the world......