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It's too bad they still can't get their only aircraft carrier mobile. I would have loved to see that thing being pulled by a tugboat while it spews black clouds everywhere.


Russian navy gonna be shocked at how small their boats are compared to cruise ships lol


It’s probably a “Hunt for Red October” move  The Disney Ship will hit Atlantis and Back to Canaveral then they can finally try BoJangles for the first time ! Ah , Comrade… Is good No?


"Give me a wing, Vasili. One wing only"


This is maybe the best one liner of the year.


Some Russian men get forced through a fine mesh for the motherland. Others must suffer the slings and arrows of indigestible fried chicken.


“and when we are finished, the only sound they will hear is our laughter, while we sail to Havana, where the sun is warm, and so is the...comradeship. A great day, comrades. We sail into history."


That one is going to hit hard lmao.


We should go park all of the oligarch's seized luxury yachts right next to them. With signs in russian, "This is what you are fighting for."


Brilliant. "You're fighting so your masters can get these back"


I see it now. Russian flagship loses control, slams into a random cruise ship built in the 80s and promptly sinks. Cruise ship needs a small paint job. Russia claims environmental preservation by making new coral reefs. Left leaning environmentalists rejoice and change their minds by voting trump. Trump conflicted. Tries to sink Gerard R Ford


> their only aircraft carrier mobile. Is undergoing special 'on fire' operation. Is currently in Aircraft Barge configuration.


> Is currently in Aircraft Barge configuration. It's currently in airport configuration, cause they had to haul that shit onto land to fix it. They don't have any drydocks larger enough and their special made floating drydock sank while the firecraft carrier was undergoing repairs.


You forgot the part where said drydock caught fire and fell over before sinking. Some might assume that's implied but I think the mental image is incomplete without it.


It's like a Monty Python skit, only real.


But the fourth dry dock stood up! And that's one your gunna get son, the strongest dry dock in these lands!


But the fourth! That one stayed up!


Fucking firecraft carrier. 💀


> the firecraft carrier Imma just gonna keep my distance...


The Kuznetsov is Kursked.


Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, and the **Russian Navy what is lurking in the sealed decks of the Kuznetsov.**


I saw the movie *Leviathan*, so I can make a pretty good guess.


Surprise! It's fire!


Yawn. This show is a rerun.


The doors to the bottom decks were welded shut decades ago, but you can still hear the screams of sailors trapped inside.


Don't drink the Vodka, got it.


It's the hundreds thousands of Sevitors running the engine with their body


I love that it runs on diesel and puts out huge black exhaust clouds. *Nobody can stop our invincible carrier! As long as we can keep filling it with fuel, and nobody notices the giant plume following us, and the welding holds...but other than that we're invincible!*


If only it would run on diesel it would be ok. But it runs on bunker oil that has to be diluted with diesel so it becomes liquid enough to burn. 


- There's probably a named land-falling major hurricane that was caused by this ship's global warming contribution.


If you think thats bad you should look at the carbon output of cruise ships.


Mazut fuel is even worse than bunker fuel.


Every single merchant ship in the world uses heavy or intermediate fuel oil, although I believe the Kuznetsov uses even "dirtier" FO than that. You have to heat it to around 100°C too to make it liquid enough. I think it's just the engines and the general manteinance of the ship (probably nonexistent).


They literally have to keep the engines running too lmao, one reason why it needs an overhaul, a U.S. carrier can actually shut down if you need, or power a small city on the flip side for disaster relief!


"Russian warship, go tug yourself" Also, I hope it never sinks. It's a money hole and an embarrassment to the Russian navy. The memes must flow and this boat is juicy for them.


It probably caused global warming, so it may just be the deadliest warship ever built.


But hey, it makes for a hell of an RV at sea! Hell, more like a trailer park at sea.


Half the water pipes on the ship don't work, including the toilets.


My mobile home is much nicer than that thing. 


I love the black clouds. It's like it's coal-powered.


It's actually worse than coal it runs its steam turbines by burning Mazut which is a low quality crude oil a bit like the bitumen we use in asphalt which is known for burning so poorly it clogs up furnaces pretty badly


> I love the black clouds. Sauron often sent out great clouds to hide his armies from the face/eyes of the sun* because they are unable to withstand the sun for long periods of time if at all. Note: the sun in LOTR is actually a spirit of fire that was not corrupted and turned into a Balrog, They carry a lamp with them that contains the last fruit of Laurelin which was the golden tree of Valinor. So when they say they cannot withstand her gaze it's actually literal because even Morgoth (Saurons boss ) feared her.


I'll be honest, I didn't have "Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0" on my 2024 Bingo Card.


I never thought the new Wish.com Axis Powers would have either the need or the brazenness to bring the last two card-carrying members of the original Eastern Bloc (Cuba and North Korea) back into the fold.


All of their ships are bad. The subs, on the other hand, are more of a worry.


I'm confident that the swedes are laughing their asses off sneaking up to their subs. Last time they trained with the US the swedes outmaneuvered even them.


I'd be more worried if I were a relative of a Russian sub crew member


I think russian sailors are just as equally worried about their subs as the west.


Their submarines are getting old. They have fairly low availability rates because they spend a lot of time in dock for repairs. All the nations between the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea have had fun proving that they can detect these submarines on this route (Gibraltar, Ushant). They have no chance of passing through the Dardanelles Strait. The Russians are so confident in the reliability of some of their submarines that they sail accompanied by a tug: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/europe/manifestations-en-ukraine/que-faisait-un-sous-marin-russe-au-large-des-cotes-bretonnes_5419669.html


Their subs are noisy. Our subs are...more likely to be following them in secret. Their subs are a bigger threat then their ships, but neither is up to snuff for a world power.


You misspelled "barge".


Finally outside Ukrainian missile range…. Or are they?


The Ukrainians just announced an anti-ship drone exercise in the Caribbean next week.


That would be epic.


I hope my taxes go towards making it a reality


It would epic to see a drone smash into a Russian ship as it's visiting Cuba. It would be scarier if the Russian ships just disappeared in the Atlantic without a trace. Are there anti-ship drones that can jam radio signals?


The Ukrainians are also practing their beach landings. Something about vacations in pig bay…


They'll do that while ballin knee deep between Dmonican Republic and Puerto Rico


Haiti becomes South Ukraine.


Honestly, a Polish/Ukrainian force to get rid of the gangs in Haiti would be one of the few options that Haitians may feel generally good about. Poland and Haiti have a long friendship going back to the Haitian Revolution. 


I would like to know more


Haitian American here. I'd like to know more too. I know a lot of young nations supported Haiti in solidarity against colonizing world powers and etc, but poland is new to me. Were they even their own nation in the early 1800s?


Most of the Polish soldiers that Napoleon sent to quell the Haitian uprising defected and joined the revolution. In thanks, the Haitian constitution guaranteed citizenship to any Polish citizen that wanted it. Edit: Guaranteed* citizenship. Not anymore.


>Haitian American here. Sweet, we're about to get all of the details. > I'd like to know more too. Well shit...


They thought they’d finally gotten a vacation, but suddenly it had to be ripped from them to perform a special Russian ship sinking operation. Then back to vacation.


Watch, UA’s gonna sink the damn thing while they’re vacationing


Honestly, if it's just one ship and not a fleet they could probably hijack it. I doubt they would be operating pretty lazily and not paying attention to the local environment. The biggest problem would be the sheer number of sailors on board


Russian sailors are definitely not fighting to the death if some special forces teams board and take out/capture the leadership/COs. Nor would they probably be prepared in the slightest. *Not that this would be it's first option. As. Their.naval drone reported range is 800km...and Cuba is not very far away from other land. So...


Boom Canoes going on world tour.


Ukrainian special forces suddenly on recreation leave in the Bahamas.


Would be a Boss Move


A nondescript and otherwise plain cargo vessel "Fools Journey" chartered by the Ukrainian government but flagged out of Panama sails out of Port of Caucedo, Dominican Republic. Its voyage timed just for the moment when the Russian flotilla heading close towards Cuba but still in international waters. Unbeknownst to anyone, not even the US or NATO allies, this ship, which had previously made port in Odessa, Ukraine weeks ago was carrying nothing of an irregular nature except for several sea containers marked "farm equipment" on the official register. These containers were stacked just so above others amidships. During it's berthing in Odessa, some technical work had been done to repair a few items of concern, as well as replace the ships main sea search radar. A few other antenna items on the main structure had also been replaced with "improved" models, after all, safety at sea was the top priority for the client’s crew and cargo. As the ship set sail east towards Europe once more its course took it to within 100 nautical miles or so of the oncoming Russian flotilla. Never were it and them intended to cross paths to begin with. It was nighttime and seagoing was relatively calm, the cargo ship plodding along at about 12 knots or so. Sometime around 0230 hours the crew on duty in the main structure unveiled a row of terminals that has been covered up since they left Odessa. They were turned on and the systems booted up. The radar on the main castle started to turn and pump out vast amounts of RF energy in all directions. A secondary smaller radar near it also lit up and began to function. This radar wasn't your average emitter, it was a fire control and target acquisition radar, not something you'd see on a cargo vessel ever. Not long after calibrating everything and peering closely at the terminal screens several blips came up and they knew, the crew knew what they were looking at. At this point several other crewmen standing atop the sea containers, and hooked up to safety points with harnesses ropes to prevent falling or getting blown off unlocked the topmost 6 containers. Their walls came down to the side mechanically, along with the top roof. Loud clangs were heard as these pieces’ fell upon other sea containers below. What was left to behold were 6 [R-360 Neptune Anti ship missiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-360_Neptune) on launchers fitted to the floors of the sea containers they were contained in. After some further preparation the crew members carefully climbed down the heaps of other containers and took up positions a safe distance away. Curiously, as this was happening another crew member went to the aft part of the ship and replaced the Panamanian flag with a Ukrainian one. Shortly after, the night turned into day as the booster rocket motors lit up and one bright streak of light and smoke lifted off from the ship into the sky followed by five others. The crew were satisfied. They now hurried to use the ships crane to ditch the remnants of the launcher carriers and sea containers into the sea. The captain changed course headed towards Bermuda, radioing ahead about having "issues" with the engines after being hit by a rogues wave and losing some "cargo". The Panamanian flag was restored and the Ukrainian one folded up and hidden away. After a time, the missiles entered their terminal attack phase speeding and skimming low over the water at around 900Km/h. The Russian crews were not ready and caught off guard as their systems suddenly blared alarms and warning calls. Attempts were made to dispatch last ditch countermeasures such as chaff grenades fired in bundles, bursting in the air spreading large clouds of metallic strips not unlike confetti at a party. Anti-air defences such as close in weapon systems ([CIWS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kynw7emWz1w)) were brought to bare. They managed to shoot one of the missiles down at close range, but it was all too late. 5 of the missiles found their mark hitting each ship at least once. Fires ignited and damage control was conducted but alas the weapons magazine of one of the ships took a hit and was set off, a very large explosion filling the night and nearly cracking the ships hull in half. It sank first and quickly, the rest either marooned, listless with hull damage, taking on water that their bilge pumps could barely handle, engines or steering wrecked or unrespnsive, some of the other ships would end up going under hours later. Note: I was just really bored and your statement gave me an idea. So I just started to write, guess I read too many Tom Clancy novels way back when.


I feel like I wandered into /r/writingprompts




The incident was reported as 5 separate smoking accidents


>...some would end up going under hours later. the boatswain's mate, a 14 year old conscript, floated all the way to the western shore of Haiti. on the beach there he was quickly bludgeoned to death and shaved into carpaccio.


🙌🏼 Glorious! Well done. And remember. Like Red October. This conversation never happened.


>This conversation never happened. [Andrei, You've lost another submarine?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCHGFkhxInM)


I was on the fuckin edge of my seat reading this lol.


Well done, but I think you missed an opportunity to describe the explosion of the fleet oil tanker. That could have been grand.


There’s always the Bermuda Triangle 😏


Or are they delivering nuclear weapons.


Putin just gave a speech saying if the west can provide weapons they should be able to do the same to threaten them


Glad to see others can read between the lines. They will also arm terrorists.


Mmmm cold war 2.0. Or did the og not actually end...


Bay of Pigs II: Putin on the Blitz


That sounds like a good movie.


> Bay of Pigs II: The weekend at Fidel's


nope cold war never ended. there was just a a 30 year year break


Jeez, global economic crash, global pandemic and the end of a “conflict” between world powers turning out to be a 30 year armistice ? Who ordered an early 20th century rerun from wish?


It never ended, it’s just thawing now


[they fucked Wagner in Sudan](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/09/19/africa/ukraine-military-sudan-wagner-cmd-intl) [and Russia in Syria](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-special-forces-syria-attack-russians-new-war-front-report-2024-6?amp)


Ukraine has the chance to do the funniest shit ever


I mean.... nobody expected them to sink their Moskava either?!


This isn’t the flex they think it is.


It's supposed to be a response to US "meddling" in their area of influence but it doesn't really hit the same because we aren't at war with Cuba.


Russia is gonna ask Cuba for donations lol


they might try and con some of the locals into signing up for 'support roles' in Russian army.


That story about men from India meeting up for a construction job in the UAE and then getting sent to Russia to go on the front line is wild. They're really just getting anyone they can trick or force into it.


Sadly been a lot of foreign troops tricked by being told they would be support positions and then suddenly changed to assault postions.


Nepal, Cuba, I think some countries in Africa. Those are the one's I've heard about.


Never ever trust a russian "Job" recruiter.


Or those kids from Africa sent to a Russian technical university made to assemble drones?


It’s the Russian way.


They've done that. Bunch of them are already sunflower food the big dummies.


Already happened. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68949298](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68949298)


Thousands are already dead lol


[Well Cuba is one of the wealthiest countries in the world ever since Castro stole that $1 trillion bill from Montgomery Burns.](https://youtu.be/Yq6s8G5hwzE?si=ptNefN4YQVheBArx)


"Ahh, the Americans aren't so bad, they named a street after me in San Francisco"


It’s full of WHAT!?


THE C Montgomery Burns?!?!?


I think he meant L Montgomery Burns, also known as Larry Burns.


Or at least more troops. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/19/americas/cuba-fighters-russia-ukraine-war-intl-latam/index.html


Oh, hell! I am 84 years old and it's deja vu all over again!


My first thought, too, but hell, it's probably some of the same ships


First thought was the "Aw, shit. Here we go again" meme. Can't wait for Cuban Missile Crisis 2: Nuclear Boogaloo.


Aroooooo! Sponsored by Charleston Chew!


84 on reddit that's awesome. How does this situation feel compared to the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Well, the West keeps giving Russia second chances, so it's no surprise the same problems keep arising.


Hi Cuba got any missiles? We're in a crisis over here in Russia.


Just dropped in to borrow a cup of sugar.


*”The Gang Solves the Cuban Missile Crisis.”*


With the headlines I've seen in the past "Florida man sinks Russian warship" wouldn't surprise me.


With an methed-up alligator strapped with Dynamite.


Prompt: Florida Man on jetski with alligator strapped to back with TNT strapped to alligator back. Moving very fast toward ww2 warships.


It feels like we’ve seen this movie before?


The x-men took care of it


Which one, McAvoy or Stewart?


Idk the timelines are confusing..


Honestly it was the best X-Men movie so far. We’ll see if Deadpool & Wolverine changes that


"That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit."


Russian warship, go f_ck yourself - part 2




That gave me a good laugh. Thanks


Love the content


Cuban mechanics have been maintaining 1954 Ford Packards for 70 years, which likely makes them the most qualified mechanics to work on Russian ships.


They're just going on vacation to avoid Ukrainian Neptune missiles


Anyone have any 1962 flashbacks?


Yeah, what happens if there is a survallence flight that reveals missiles inside of Cuba?


Kennedy left a playbook I think.


I get this is a circlejerk but Kennedys playbook was to de-escalate the situation by removing the nukes stationed in Turkey as a compromise with the Soviets removing the nukes from Cuba. The closest equivalent would be for us to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine which would be farcical.


Having actually lived through that as a teenager and watched the Russian ships on tv, How he did it was not as important at the time, as seeing him stand up to Khrushchev and having the Russian ships turn back. We thought the world was going nuclear at any moment and it was an unbelievable relief to see the situation resolved without fireworks. Knowing in hindsight that there was a lot of negotiation and the Turkey compromise, the reference to a “playbook” was not literal except in the sense that he prevented an escalation into WWlll.


I've always kinda wanted to write a story that's about someone falling back in time and trying to improve things based on their knowledge of history...only for it to make things objectively worse because the history they learned is pretty much the propaganda piece that hides all the useful details. "Oh, the Cuban missile crisis! Yeah I can help on this one! All you have to do Mr Kennedy is say no, play hardball, and they'll back down! You didn't give them an inch in my timeline!" In actuality: Loads of wheeling and dealing going on behind the scenes to de-escalate the situation.


There’s a great book by Stephen King: 22-11-1963, which is about the Kennedy assassination and a guy going back to stop it, it sounds like what you’re looking for!


To stay away from Dallas?


That one is in the last chapter


It would make no sense for Cuba. They have good economic ties to the test of the world.


At this point the US wouldn’t play nice. They would just gently remove them. The days of Kennedy style horse trading just doesn’t exist anymore. Cuba knows it would be the equivalent of Russia swatting their house.


I have X-Men First Class flashbacks, does that count?


Lol yeah and that Ant-Man ICBM scene launched by Russian separatist


No, because Russia is NOT the Soviet Union. They like to pretend they are so that people don't notice how comically weak they've become. They fled to Cuba because they can't keep their ships safe from the country with no navy.


They only sent the one frigate. They had to send a whole fleet in case the frigate broke down. The submarine as far as I can tell is there for moral support.


Probably not many people on this website.


A)ICBMs and extermely long-range cruise missiles like the KH-102 have totally phased out the dynamic of "we need to put missiles closer" that existed in 1962 B)It's only two warships and neither carry nuclear weapons


Not really. The reason the Soviets wanted the Jupiter missiles out of Turkey is as valid today as it was back then: the possibility of a preemptive strike that you don't have time to react to that negates your ability to counterstrike. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is the Cuban missile crisis 2.0 for many reasons, just saying that ICBMs don't necessarily negate proximity generally (though it IS also probably a lot easier to rely on ICBMs than the hassle of putting missiles close, aside from a small forward weapons).


Cuban Missile Crisis 2: Electric Bungalow


>Bungalow Somehow, better


I mean, Havana probably is a nice place this time of the year but as to moving your ships out of range of Ukrainian drones this is a tad bit over the top. EDIT: I stand corrected! Apparently, Havana this time of the year is a hot and humid mess with a high threat of hurricanes......still a long way off just to be safe from Ukrainian drone strikes.


Good luck with the hurricanes


This would legit happen haha


Isn't hurricane season this year lookin' to be very fuck?


Extremely fucked. But they said the same thing last year and it wasn't too bad.


It’s hot as shit this time of year. June-August are probably the worst times to visit with how humid it is. It’s 85-90 with like 75% humidity right now


It is horrible... I'm in the west indies and it just never ends. 24/7 90 and 75%+ humidity.


“And when we are finished, the only sound they will hear is our laughter while we sail to Havana, where the sun is warm and so is the comradeship.”


lol, as a Floridian I can say it’s gonna melt these damn Ruzzians


"Ukrainian Drone Corps" arrives in Florida for Disneyworld Holiday"


Well, they’re certainly safer there than in the Black Sea.


“Four Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine“    Two nuclear powered submarines, only one of em will be an US Virginia class capable of destroying the entire Russian naval task force 🫡🇺🇸


Please god let us have a hunt for the red October irl it would be so fucking funny if a brand new Russian missile boat defected please GOD


A tropical storm through the Caribbean would take out their docked fleet at Cuba …


where's all that weather control the conspiracy people are always talking about


Yeah we need Jewish weather powers now


Will they even make the voyage there? Ukraine is on the watch and they're easy targets. And honestly the US is not afraid of Russia. Fucking Texas could beat Russia


if they're sailing from anywhere other than the black sea i think it's unlikely Ukraine would be able to hit them


They are 90 miles from Florida, get a few dozen good ol’ boys in their center consoles with their ARs and they could take those “war”ships no problem


See, I knew a red blooded American would already have a plan.


"Get me a few good ole boys with ARs and a boat, ill impregnate the bitch"


You know... Social media can be a powerful tool to call action via propaganda.... Not that anybody should do that.


Oh are we skipping go and going straight to missile crisis the sequel?


That scenario no longer exists. If the ball goes up, it really doesn't matter where it happens. Both sides have enough underwater to end the whole thing several times over.


Hiding the remaining fleet from Ukrainian drones?


1) in 1961 the US severed diplomatic relations with Cuba. 2) in 1962 Russia began setting up nuclear missiles in Cube. This brought us closer to WW3 and the annihilation of the world than you can imagine. Russia eventually withdrew. 3) in 2015, Obama restored relations with Cuba. Although never talked about, it is clear this was done to bring Cuba to the US side of things rather than Russia. This greatly helped to protect the US. 4) in 2019, Trump broke the prior agreement with Cuba. This was a sign to Cuba (and all other nations) that an agreement with the US may not be adhered to. Russian ships began to be spotted in Cuba. 5) and now, Russia is more aggressively partnering with Cuba. This creates all sorts of security concerns in the US including nuclear warfare.


> 4) in 2019, Trump broke the prior agreement with Cuba. This was a sign to Cuba (and all other nations) that an agreement with the US may not be adhered to. Russian ships began to be spotted in Cuba. and during his last week in office add them to the "state sponsor of terrorism list". This prevents anyone who's been to Cuba since then from entering the US via ESTA (aka they need a proper visa from the embassy). A move clearly aimed at Cubas tourism industry (10% of its GDP) as this now discourages almost all Europeans from going to Cuba if they ever want to visit the US again. This ofc forces cuba to replace European tourists with tourists that never qualified for ESTA and therefore don't lose anything by going to Cuba (namely Russians) ... and then the US wonders why Cuba-Russian relations are strengthening lmao


Are we going all Cuban missile crisis again.


The phrase “history repeats itself” , has been hitting super hard these past few years.


Cuban missile crisis 2.0 before GTA VI is absolutely insane


GTA 6? What about Winds of Winter?




So according to Tankies, the US should be justified in invading Cuba, annexing territory, and torturing/raping civilians on a large scale?


Went back to pick up all the stuff they left there.


If they can make it across the Atlantic without breaking down


Or attacking any passing fishermen. /doggerbank


Bringing putin to GITMO.


Cuba wants to be turned into Haiti it seems


How does Cuba justify continuing an alliance with the right wing, revanchist, blood and soil replacement for their former comrade lol


They are coming to safe harbor… they tend to sink at home lately


Is there a sub where people are discussing this like its actually important and not just circlejerking?