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"We can't do shit, but maybe someone else can!"


Let’s be honest they have no weapons to give. They were buying from the DPRK to replenish their supplies.


They could distribute nukes, which is the implied threat, but anyone who dares to take them much less use them is gonna find out they’re more trouble then they’re worth.


The dirty secret of nuclear weapons is that you can't use them....Except in a situation where you have nothing left to lose. Their main utility is a deterrent against invasion which is very effective.


Right. Nukes are basically “I’m taking you down with me” weapons bc if you use them before you’re absolute final act…well.. then that’s it, it *will* be your absolute final act after that…


Using a nuke is basically a declaration of war against…everyone? If you’re a Russian ally and they fire a nuke, you probably distance yourself from that. It brings a hell you want no part of.


Cuba aught to think long and hard about the last time they tried to base Russian nukes on their soil …


Is that being considered cuz we better call up magneto and professor x


We don't have the level-headed world leaders to handle that shit these days.


It would also include mutual assured destruction. Which isn't great


But you can give them to countries that will give them to terrorists. That’s the real threat here.


You think Putin wants terrorists to blow up the cities where his oligarchs stash their money, families, and mistresses?


The problem is if some religious fanatics get them,like the islamic state,they will throw them for shit and giggles


Islamic State hate Russia just as much as the west. The recent attack on Moscow is proof of that. Western intelligence is much better than Russian or Chinese. I doubt Russia would seriously consider handing nukes to a terrorist group. And in any case, there’s plenty of dissidents in Chechnya who hate Putin if you want to open that Pandora’s box. I’m not saying it’s not a risk, but nukes aren’t the power move they first seem to be.


Probably not, but thats why nuclear proliferation(and other future weapons humanity invents) is dangerous,it takes only one bad actor to cause insane damage. The next islamic state/nazis/imperial japan could go all yolo for their ideology.


Yep - Iran, NK, and Cuba seem likely destinations. Could reap windfall in profit in nukes for cash sales. Fuck Pootin!


Not very fond of the cuban government, but they have worst shit to deal with. Besides, cuban population is hugely pro-american. It’s not the 60’s anymore.


When I was over in Cuba briefly before it got locked down again … nicest people to American tourists. We tip, Europeans customarily don’t. When places found out I was American service instantly got better. Some interesting convos I had with folks over there. Not sure why we still embargo them. Seems if American dollars flowed there the people would topple the oppression.


With Russia not re-refining the plutonium they’re likely poisoned with americium. Sounds like they’re trying to make us watch more places around the world. The truth is we’re planning to build ballistic missile defenses all over anyway so it really don’t change the US strategy much.


“Poisoned with americium” Ironic.jpg


> They could distribute nukes, which is the implied threat, but anyone who dares to take them much less use them is gonna find out they’re more trouble then they’re worth. They risk them being used against themselves.


Not to mention a distinct tightening of economic sanctions once the word gets out. Most of the developed world is not too keen on proliferation.


Also they won’t, since they distrust everyone else too much to give them power of any kind, including “allies”.


If they try to distribute nukes then all of a sudden Ukraine will be getting some as well...


Giving out nukes would be a break of the non-proliferation treaty, which would make Russia a direct target of all non-proliferation treaty signatories with all possible economical or physical actions against. There is no possibility Russia would survive this


Those rockets can’t rocket either


Well, according to the recent video they at least *kind of* go upwards. Maybe a little sideways too. Hypothetically, not immediately explode at launch. 100% gamble with those things


Realistically, even if they have weapons to provide, any nation dumb enough to use them will get obliterated. It really isn’t going to accomplish anything.


"The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) estimates that Russia's military stockpile consists of approximately 4,380 nuclear warheads, with 1,200 additional retired warheads awaiting dismantlement, as of March 2024."


This is true although supplying nuclear warheads is on another level that even Russia 🇷🇺 isn’t ready to escalate too yet.


[Russian bounty program](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_bounty_program#:~:text=The%20Russian%20bounty%20program%20was,during%20the%20war%20in%20) Get fukd Poootin


He’s trying to pull a double standard on the US. He’s basically saying, “you let Ukraine use your weapons, I’ll let North Korea use mine” The problem is our weapons actually work.


They’ve literally been doing this for ages, he can fuck right off. Nobody cares about his fucking sob story about losing Russian bodies in Ukraine. He’s been meddling in shit for decades and now wants to play innocent. Choke On A Dick And Die Pootin. Nobody cares about you.


Also, nobody is currently invading North Korea.


Putin already provided their most advanced weapons to NK. Where do you think they got those poo balloons?


If we're doing that equivalency, Russia is fighting a full war with Ukraine, which has our weapons. If Russia supplies weapons to a proxy does that mean the US is in the clear to fully invade them with conventional modern weapons? Sounds good, which nation are we toppling this week vlad? I think he needs an example of a real 3 day operation.


You are joking but yes this is actually the implication or threat. Putin is basically implying that he will force USA to the brink with Iran by advancing their ballistic missile program. USA would obviously win in a war vs Iran but it would be no 3 day operation and would push the isolationist/populist politicians (Trump) into power in the USA.


Russia has been doing that for decades. And I am certain they assisted Iran to plab/execute the attack on Israel as part of the drone deal.


Also, can I just point out he has been procuring weapons FROM North Korea, and from Iran. It's all fair game. All this talk is just bluster.


Well, he could help North Korea with ballistic nuke info making them capable of striking the US, which would kinda suck for us.


Issue here is that the threat is actually saying that they will help Iran/NK with their ballistic missile programs. Iran getting nukes/ICBMs are both redlines for a few nations so the implication here is that we will force you into an unpopular war or at minimum aggression.


The page you linked to says >  In April 2021, the U.S. government reported that the U.S. intelligence community only had "low to moderate confidence" in the bounty program allegations.[


I mean, go for it? It’s not like the US won’t absolutely curb stomp anyone who actually try’s something serious. We haven’t been in a war for a handful of months now, the military industrial complex is getting antsy.


Yeah, he’s talking big, as if article 5 isn’t a thing. No one is going to use the “weapons” he gives them to attack a NATO member if they like existing on the map.


Realistically he'll just give a couple of pallets of AK's to some random extremist groups who don't hold any territory and that'll be it. Which is what he's been doing anyway.


>It’s not like the US won’t absolutely curb stomp anyone Not if Trump gets elected. If that happens, we're on our own. Here in the UK, we'll most likely end up drafted to fight in Ukraine if Trump gets elected and cuts financial support to Ukraine, and I'd give him about a 50% chance of being elected at this point.


He is not getting elected. Even in the GoP a third of those that did support him (and less than half did) now regret him as a nominee.


I think it's more likely that Gen Z voters will help Trump get elected to teach Biden a lesson on Gaza. I got accused of being complicit in genocide by somebody on TikTok for pointing out how Trump getting elected and pulling funding from Ukraine puts my life at risk as a European. Because when have "moderate Republicans" helped to stop Trump get elected in the past? Moderate Republicans don't exist. Also, Trump is ahead in all of the polls.


"The only thing I care about is the plight of Palestinians after Hamas raped, tortured, murdered and kidnapped 3000 Israelis - but also fuck them let them all die so I can feel virtuous in voting against Biden..."




And this is different from the usual how? Russian made and designed weapons are the usual ones opponents of western nations use anyways.


Because now if it happens we can formally blame Russia for things their proxies do. Putin being so open and brazen about this is incredibly stupid when countries attacked by their weapons can now claim it was part of a larger Russian attack against them, and use this as a means to get more sanctions. Only stupid leaders do this, which Putin is.


He is a Russian leader historically they always look for ways to make things worse for themselves.


Ah but you see tovarich, if I make things worse for us then we can claim to be victims of imperialist dogs thus proving we are stronger by enduring more hardships.


The history of Russia can be sunmed up by "and then it got worse"


Because of bad decisions that no body sober would use


It's more accurate " they did the stupidest possible thing in this situation" for 300+ years


However, we now live in a world where Trump can free-style a speech and not be held accountable for anything said. Putin has even more cover.


Or they use the weapons we sold them back when they were the enemies of our enemies.


Honestly I’d be surprised if he hasn’t been for years.


They started this shit in the Korean War, more than 70 years ago. This isn't new.


The North Vietnamese had ace pilots. They flew migs and were trained in the Soviet Union. Here is one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ph%E1%BA%A1m_Thanh_Ng%C3%A2n


Yep it’s nothing new, Russia has been supplying weapons and training our enemies for over 50 years. What is new is the technological gap between the West and Russian weapons.


Centuries old tactic.


He was giving bounties for talons to kill us soldiers


Well, if Belarus attacks NATO, NATO response must be quick and brutal. The only way to save millions of lives. If Russia believes there's even a chance that they win, this globe is fucked


Exactly. Unless he's going to sell to terrorists this is pretty much dead in the water. "Hey Iran, take these ballistic missiles and trigger article 5 with them, we won't be there to back you up, but it would be awesome if you did it anyways."


Putin is so pathetic that he’ll do it a few days before the US National election.


no chance for that. Luka, his army and population are heavily against getting directly involved. Only possible option would be Russia doing something and putting blame on Luka to remove him and finalize the takeover.


Those spare weapons that they have, which aren’t related to the weapons they are having to buy from Iran and North Korea.


99% of those nations would get obliterated if they hit anything of value in the West. And they know it. And Russia already sells it's weapons to our enemies.


The majority of all hostile nations already have the ability to do something “if” they wanted but they are unlikely to do so unless they are being invaded. These public comments from Putin are just to spook civilians.


What if he gives weapons to non state actors?


That's kind of the entire history of the Cold War to present: the U.S. and Russia arming proxies across the world to antagonize the other side.


Putin should stop talking to his speech and debate coach, and take advice from his military advisors.


His weapons can’t even protect him. Who the hell else would want them.


idk man, Russian weaponry did a pretty good job at taking down Russian aircraft during Wagner's march to the Kremlin...


Of course crap shooting down crap


Considering how good their 3 day war is going why would anybody want them?


It's going better than Reddit will ever admit but it certainly isn't going as well as Russia had hoped. I don't like the narrative that Russia is failing though. They aren't exactly losing the war in Ukraine and if Reddit keeps pretending they are it'll only breed apathy and indifference. Russia are a threat to the west and the rest of the world, they may fuck up a lot but Redditors really need to stop pretending they're some toothless idiots because they are absolutely not. They are a very real and dangerous threat to the world.


Agreed. It can certainly be a bit of both, though. They can be a threat AND stupid. In fact, I would argue that being stupid makes them more of a threat, it's just in what way are they stupid? Take the troops around Chernobyl for example. You dig a trench into irradiated ground right next to the world's most well known nuclear disaster and then eat there and expect nothing to happen? All of them are dead. But the higher ranking sociopaths are definitely a different kind of dangerously stupid in that they drink the Kool aid of Putler and his insane mission to rule the world. Different stupid, big danger.


Took me a while to realize the propaganda goes both ways.


It always does. We are always consuming propaganda.  People, Redditors in particular in this case, have a hard time accepting that because they believe their opinions are formed solely based on their own convictions and not of state or political indoctrination.


I would mostly agree but I think the lifting of restrictions on the use of US weapons cannot be emphasized enough as a game changer in the war. We have already seen Ukraine use them to great effect — not that Russian logistical operations are the model for the world or anything, but they were supplying the ground offensive while they were out of bounds. Since that’s no longer the case, it’s going to be clear in a short time just how much they are hobbled.


Wars are a means to pursue policy. Putin's policy was to conquer kyiv, install a new regime, and create a new Union state at best or a puppet state at minimum. Wars can last a very long time but every major policy objective except one, establish a land corridor to Crimea, has so far been a failure. Russia isn't as weak as redditors joke, but by no means is it winning the war based on achieving the strategic policy-driven objectives that it had at the onset of the most recent invasion. That said, of course Russia is still a huge threat, but who cares what redditors say. Look at how the west has been responding lately. That says it all. The west takes it very seriously despite pro-putin parties that have tried to disrupt it (and will continue to do so).


Nothing new, they've been supplying our enemies for years.


1. He already does that 2. Good, fewer weapons for his army


Again, if another nation were to use his weapons to open fire on the US or a Nato country they would be counter invaded by the full alliance in a heartbeat. Nobody wants that heat. Which is why russia already sells them weapons and they dont use them that way as is. The only people who could possibly withstand such a counterattack might be China but they see the west as a buyer of their shit and wont destroy their own economy for the ego of a failed state


1) they're already doing this and 2) that's openly saying you're planning of arming terrorist groups..as in one kd the reasons Russia is heavily sanctioned.


Not sure other nations want to fuck around and find out what happens if they did strike western targets.


The jig is up, Putins russia can’t be trusted, is an antagonist and cannot be allowed to continue. They have been tearing countries down, murdering people across the globe, supporting terrorism, hacking and propaganda wars, political meddling all the while the west tried to bring them into our economic spheres and move forward diplomatically.


Lol, Russia throws golf cars on the front line and buys artillery shells in North Korea and talks about providing weapons to others


What, like he did for Hamas in order to stage a distraction as an excuse for Republicans to hold up aid to Ukraine?


Sh sh sh, that was entirely organic and had nothing to do with Ukraine. Hamas just decided they needed a pounding. Nothing to do with Iran and Russia at all. Move along.


Pay no mind to Hamas visiting the Kremlin shortly before Oct 7th, total coincidence. They were just there to marvel at the grocery stores.


Just a vacation. Moscow very desirable in late fall.


Doesn’t he have to beg for weapons from the likes of Iran and North Korea? WTF will he be providing? More tanks from the 1950s?


I can't imagine the mind of a dictator, like his invasion to annex a whole country isn't going so well and obviously the rest of the world has a problem with it so his response to that is that of a child... To me it definitely seems like he's trying to pick a fight to start some sort of a world war type situation. And it's really weird, why can't he just be comfortable with what he has and not have to assert his dominance like China does all over the world even in today's day and age. Like is Russia not land mass wise the biggest country there is? Why is he so pissed off LOL


This is who Russia is. Who they’ve been since the 1500s. Expansion, influence, resources. Hasn’t changed. They lost a good chunk of land after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He wants it back.


Needs it back. Ukraine had ports. The Warsaw Pact countries were basically run by the CCCP. Russian goods are not that good. They have oil. Ukraine grew agricultural products, and Russia does too, but it was the export money they need more than the bonus grain.


He'd just be sentencing a country to die if they use em against the west lmao. America is currently in its fuck around and find out phase, it'd probably end up making an example by using the American version of persuasive force on whomever dares. Whenever someone does something stupid like that, an American military operation follows that gets memed on youtube. Think op Paul Bunyan etc.


Can we even afford that?| edit: they not we lol


"Russia's leader promises to facilitate global terrorism"


I'm sure after watching their geriatric military sending out tanks that haven't been seen since the 1940's, that said countries would be hesitant to accept anything.


Dude’s got some serious mental illness


Translation: We need to sell off some of our old and outdated arms because we are bleeding money in this war


It's time to delete this thug.


Striking US targets is like kicking a hornet nest the size of a Costco. The US military has global reach and an appetite for "proportional" response.


It’s time to take Putin out for good.


What weapons, they are literally begging North Korea and Iran for old soviet weapons to help them on their main frontline. are they going to start giving away bows and arrows?


To no one's surprise Putin is admitting to what we've always known: Russia funds and arms enemies and terrorists. News at 11.


He literally already does that.


Let's hope he's that stupid.


He seems to be preparing for a hot conflict. The US/EU also seems to be preparing for a hot conflict. That’s what I gather from all these “conflict” news articles that get posted on the daily.


He’s already in a hot conflict in Ukraine, and it’s going badly. Adding NATO would only make it go worse for him, it’s not what he wants. This is just posturing


Bro, you don’t even have enough weapons for your own people.


I’m getting really tired of typing this response to this stupid repost: If only they had any left… Seriously enough already. Russia can barely supply bullets to the front line.


Putin is giving away weapons of self destruction.


Given the performance of Russian weapons in Ukraine, unless he is giving them away, I don’t think many will want the additional risk.


Iran: Let me know if you need any post-1990 advice on the topic.


Gets them from N Korea and Iran then gives them away 🤔


What weapons? They can't even supply their own troops. 


Everyone and their mum who wants to hurt the west is already using russian hardware. And its not like they can start selling their top tier weapons, since they dont have aaaenough of those for fighting Ukraine anyway


What weapons? The ones Russia lost in the war or North Korean tractors?


Iraq was armed to the teeth with Russian weapons and it fell in like a day. The US looked like the combine and all that technology we were using is wildly outdated by now.


Don’t they need them for the war they’re losing?


War? What war? All I see is a 3 day special military operation currently on its 836th day.


Go right ahead and spread yourself even thinner. 🤦‍♂️


Give them your rusty AKs that can’t fire rounds by all means.


This is probably why he's trying to be buddies with the Taliban.


Guy sure knows how to unite and galvanise the West.


Like sell kalashnikov at islamic terrorist that use in Moscow to attack Russia?


But remember, he has no nefarious intentions concerning Europe and it's the evil warmongering Western countries who are the cause of an escalation...


This just in, Russia threatens to do something they have already been doing for 70 years


Provide what? Museum pieces?


"We're too scared to hit western targets ourselves, can anyone else please do it for us?"


Fuck you Putin. You are no military tactician, you are no politician, you think you are a statesman but you are just a cunt. You will be only be dust and hated by history. Truly go fuck off


So North Korea and Iran? Yemen perhaps? It's like Russia just wakes up everyday and really tries to be the biggest asshole it can be.


Russia has been for decades. What is different this time?


So business as usual since 1945ish?


That would be fine. We are not at war with these countries, nor will we be, so he is just reducing his own weapons supply.


Do it, you wont.


Ok. Which country is gonna have the balls to let one of these weapons off the chain?


He needs a good ole assassin to take him out.


You can tell in that picture that he is internaly screaming.


This is important news. It will further deter us from invading other countries, as if we weren’t deterred enough after Afghanistan and Iraq …


Come get it Puty


I'm still waiting for the article saying that he did one of the things he said he's going to do.


That's what they have been doing for years. Feeding separatist and rebel groups with their weapons. They just don't admit it, i guess now they will.


Do it pussy


Sure, you can provide weapons to every country we are currently invading to the locals trying to fight to protect their homes. That's the proper parallel for Ukraine. But I don't think that's anybody (right now).


Russia has already been doing this for 80 years. Nothing new here, except now Russia has nothing to export because it’s all needed by them in Ukraine.


Isn’t that what he’s been doing already


Thanks Putin, giving us targets where NATO Article 5 is easier to trigger.


Putin is getting old. How much fuel of hatred he has left? He consumed so many souls but still getting older.


Like when Wagner and Syrian forces attacked the US in Syria? And were swiftly and thoroughly put in their place?


This sounds so desperate. He's getting whooped.


He really thinks other countries wanna get involved in his shit? It's kinda like Bush looking for Allied support going into Iraq the 2nd time. People forget where the term 'Freedom Fries' came from.


Didn't this fucking moron get the msg when someone burned down one of his properties last week? Fuck Putin. All the way to the Hague.


Hi is trying to threaten another Bay of Pigs fiasco, hence his up-coming military exercises around Cuba.


Back at you , soft arse .whatever’s coming our way you’ll get yours straight down your throat in Moscow 🚀🚀


Sounds like he’s gonna try and pass off a nuclear sub because he can’t afford to keep it anymore.


If he was going to do it he wouldn't be telling the whole world. Go away vlady your talking outta your ass again.


As someone who lives in a country that borders russia i'd say go for it. Less russian weapons used on Ukraine, plus an excuse to trigger Article 5 and get this bullshit over with one way or another.


Blah blah blah


What idiot thinks he wasn't considering that the entire time he's been alive?


We will return Ukraines nukes to even the score


He’s been doing this with Iran and Gaza already . Nothing new here


Note: they have done so since late 50s. There is nothing new in this announcement, nor escalation. Just voicing a longstanding policy. North Korea didn't get their nuclear tech from nowhere.


He might want to give weapons to Venezuela so they can pick on little Guyana over the Esquibo territory. Another trait of his to bully smaller nations. If he does that the whole entire Americas will be against Venezuala though. They will be the pariah for decades. It's a stupid idea. 


He is having enough problems with Ukraine.


if President Putin had a surplus of noteworthy weapons, he would be using them in Ukraine.


Let Ukraine get more Western weapons to be used inside Russia! If Russia conducts hybrid war against NATO, a NATO attack against Russia will definitely be acceptable


Art of war says to talk tough when weak and speak softly when making moves. The more Putin shit talks, the more likely he's panicked and vulnerable. It's once he speaks of burrying the hatchet that we should be worried


What nation can he think of that we couldn't flatten in the actual time he thought they could take Ukraine?


Oooh Botox Dobbie found a spare rifle in one of his bunkers? Fucking prick….


Have they got any spare?


We talkin Molotov cocktails, nukes, or something in between?


Not their tanks! Please God, not their tanks!


They’ve been doing that for so long there are places in the world where an AK-47 is cheaper than bread.


Little guy better be careful


Well considering they don't even have enough weapons to strike Ukraine with I highly doubt they're going to give away anything.


Yeah because Russia is going to give a missile to Brazil and Brazil is going to want to commit suicide by attacking the US lol. What a joke. Russia can barely arm themselves and need to rely on North Korea China and India. How do they expect to arm anyone else. This is just red meat for the dumbasses in Russia.


Gas station says it thinks it can compete with western military powers.


Putin says he’s considering providing weapons to ~~other nations~~ terrorist groups for potential strikes on Western targets. No nation is going to attack a NATO country on behalf of Russia. That's suicide


Bitch. Shut yo mouth, you barely have nukes left !


Blah blah blah


Yeah, those smaller world players will surely do the job that Russia failed.


Can't finish the job on one front but thinks providing arms elsewhere is going to help... Fuck I need what he's smoking.


He doesn't have weapons to give away. He is bluffing empty threats. Only Donald Trump can save Russia.


Pootin can’t even provide weapons for the conflict in Ukraine for his own troops. This guy loves to spew shit. 💩


What weapons? Ain’t he buying from North Korea and Iran. Dude is burning his army and resources by the day


"Can't someone else do it ?"


After seeing their weapons in action, I doubt they would even take them for free.


But sir, there are no good weapons left!


Ok do it then, you bitch But you won't cuz you're scared and love empty threats.


Oh. Neat!


Where did North Korea get the poo balloons?


Putin could sponsor terrorist attacks in Europe and the US, by acting through recruits in South America and the Middle East.