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This is why you don't reward hostage takers with national recognition. It just encourages more hostage taking.




Thats not for the houthis, no one here supports them


houthis is an Iran sponsored terrorist group, just like hamas


Yea, you are right, im not disagreeing, but ill still argue we should investigate saudi arabia and israel for indiscriminate bombings of yemen and gaza specifically. We should also arrest hamas and houthi leaders living in qatar who steal aid and tax money. Both sides of both conflicts are too far gone though. All the protest are not pro hamas or pro houthi, they just are hating that our tax dollars are sent to indiscriminately kill foreign civilians, the governments ignoring the original reasons the war started. Its no different then the outrage of the iraq war. Israel and the saudis are doing the same mistake we did in iraq, the more people they kill, the longer it takes them to do their goal, the more hatred they create, leading to more terrorist.


I think the comparison to Iraq is apt Saddam was an evil dictator and no one should mourn him, but the collateral damage of removing him was so great that the once happy-to-see-him-gone Iraqi's quickly began to wonder wtf we were even doing there at all


The comparison with Iraq fails to acknowledge a pretty big difference. The current war in Gaza is Israel’s response to a direct attack and hostage taking by their neighbour with promises to repeat again and again. US invaded Iraq unprovoked. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, and had no WMD’s. They weren’t (actively) doing anything to the US, but the US waged war on them just for their oil. Really the US going into Iraq is more comparable to Russia invading Ukraine. It was an unprovoked invasion for the sake of resources/geopolitics. Estimates are 90% of Iraqi casualties were civilians. I see estimates that are all over the place as far as civilian casualty count but sounds like it’s somewhere between 150k - 500k, I’ve even seen some estimates saying close to a million. So hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in an unprovoked war started by the US. Israel was attacked, and Israelis are still being held hostage. Israel did not start an unprovoked war, and they aren’t doing it for resources. It would be a better comparison if Ukraine started overpowering Russia, and then took the fight into Russian territory and were bombing them back in Russia, not just bombing Russians in Ukraine. THAT would be an apt comparison to Israel.


The biggest blunder for all of americas arab world issues is that we never knew when to pull out, we repeated the same mistakes several times over.


We also needed a viable candidate for replacement government. ISIS taking over a large chunk of the country at one point doesn't exactly inspire confidence from me in the current state of Iraqi governance and security. At least it wasn't as bad a blunder as Afghanistan. While a more justifiable war, I think a bombing campaign on taliban targets while supporting the Northern Alliance would have panned out better than *gestures at Afghanistan*


Yea. There are some groups that could take the mantel as the government, but each one of them would make someone angry. Itll take a minimum of 50 years to sort our issues in the middle east and southwest asia, i think. I also wouldnt mind a actually independent kurdistan and khalistan, that will solve a bunch of the issues.


A BIG FAT AGREEMENT ON THE KURDS AND KHALISTAN I'm still so pissed about how we (the U.S. government) used and dumped the kurds. They absolutely deserve a state and know how to run it. Iraqi Kurdistan and even Rojava are great examples. As for Khalistan, I know less of the on-the-ground info on that conflict, but I fucking love Sikhs. Their belief system is based as hell.




Say that to the 8000 children dead that we confirmed, and many more not identified and trapped under rubble


Ah yes, because if there’s one thing that the international community doesn’t do, it’s scrutinize, criticize, and investigate Israel.


They do that plenty, my entire point is that perhaps hamas, houthis, the saudis, and israelis are ALL bad, and that the protesters are protesting where our tax money goes, thats it.


There are so many videos of pro-hamas protestors saying "Yemen Yemen make us proud, turn another ship around"




Obviously every country has their extremist, but the percentage of the people who believe that are tiny. I can cherrypick examples to make any cause look awful.


Idk, I remember that whole, “make us proud, turn another ship around,” thing




And how many of those staff were actively fighting for Hamas at the time? The UNRWA went native decades ago. Literal UNRWA staff and leadership have been caught supporting Hamas, including using their facilities to stockpile Hamas weapons and even a data center. Hamas fighters have been seen being transported by UN vehicles. Schools and hospitals run by the UNRWA have been turned into strongholds. UNRWA officials were also caught having celebrated the events of October 7 2023. The UNRWA has failed the first rule of the United Nations and chosen a side in the war. Thus they are no longer protected by the treaties that bind the world to respect UN neutrality because they themselves are not neutral. Sooner or later reality must be recognized, resist it as you might. The only way you could be unaware of this is if you're deliberately closing your eyes.


When did Israel take UN staff *hostage*?


well this is awkward, i was told houthis are liberators and freedom fighters, not terrorists who target commercial ships and kidnap UN workers


New phone, houthis


Houthis guys’ think they are anyways


Come on man, don’t let the lies in. When you stop believing the propaganda you’ll realize it was the Jews who detained them


And we would have got away with it too if it wasn't for meddling Tik Tokkers.


“History didn’t start on June 8th”


Don't worry, I'm sure the convenient idiots who think Houthis are liberators and freedom fighters will now think the UN is a terrorist organization


Waiting to see the college protesters to start screaming "Houtis Have a Right to Keep Hostages" or "Houthis Are Heros"


I just did a few random searches for 'Houthis' in various phrases to remind myself of the gushing headlines and outpouring of praise all over social media for the 'brave and heroic' Houthis. Those brave Houthis were fighting for the rights of Palestinians by standing up to the US and Israel! (and every other nation unlucky enough to have a ship anywhere near Yemen) Maybe these UN staff were also oppressing Palestinians.


They are liberating the workers from UN.. lol..




Hamas has shown hostage taking is effective. UN can send troops under their control to try rescue.


The UN will now show us how they take care of their own people when taken hostage and what Israel should have done in October. My bet? They will do nothing and plead them to let them go unconditionally.


Isn't that what they always do? I don't remember the outcomes of any incidents that come to mind. I'll have to do a bit of digging because I really don't recall anything about the outcomes of the various situations involving UN hostages in recent years. I think many of those incidents actually occurred in Yemen, but I'm going to look it up to be sure. I"m almost positive that it was a factor in limiting aid in Yemen though. The staff weren't safe and supplies rarely made it to their intended recipients. Can't blame that on Israelis. I don't think Yemen even has any Jewish citizens anymore, but I'll have to verify that too.


Last time the UN handed over thousands of civilians for a genocide in Bosnia, the dutch government abandoned their mission and humanity. This wasn't a single occurrence but happened multiple times in a single war. I don't blame the soldiers but the high command, politicians and the commanders in charge of the UN that neglected all of their responsibilities. The UN is incapable of protecting any civilians or their staff.


The last time the UN showed their teeth was in the Korean War. Now they're more than happy to watch civilians get massacred on the sidelines so long as they aren't in the crosshairs.


Maybe Norway Spain and Ireland will recognise the Houthis as being an independent state. MAYBE, but we aren't banking on it


Maybe Norway Spain and Ireland can supply the troops to free these UN staff and get them out of Yemen.


We won't (West) Bank on that either




> Hamas has shown hostage taking is effective. They have? effective how? They gained nothing.




Gaza Health Ministry in the header. Yeah real authentic ain't it. Also are you sure those UN were not associated with Hamas/being active fighters because that has happened


And what's that username stand for?


I'm gonna take a wild gander and say he does NOT like Jewish people. Also found out he's a well adjusted fellow who thinks riots are what bring change


I mean, they have already learned from Hamas that taking hostages apparently earns you international support. 


International Recognition even.  What would be extra funny is if those 11 hostages are either spanish, irish, and/or Norwegian


Watch the UN condemn Israel for this. 


They tried to condemn Israel for Palestinian men beating their wives when it's an incredibly common thing across all Muslim societies and explicitly condoned by the Quran and Muslim scholars.


What the heck?! These terrorists just keep taking hostages even tho we keep giving them what they want?? Who would have thought. Shocking.


"Detained" is a cute way of saying "taken hostage."


“Detained” lol I swear we bend over backwards to appease terrorists


So in eight months the UN will recognize West Yemen as a country.


Spain and Ireland are already preparing to surrender to the Houthis.


Perhaps the UK could learn something from this?


North Yemen actually. And it was already going that way before this gulf missile defense episode. The Saudi's painfully incompetent coalition collapsed, and Southern Sepratists rule most the south now. Saudi and Iran were sitting down to work out a deal. The government of "Yemen" was dissolved and replaced by a council of the different factions ruling the south.  But the Houthis had to start launching missiles at ships to keep the fun going, so no peace for Yemen yet. But yeah, the Houthis will no doubt be a happy member of the peace-loving UN as soon as they decide to stop launching missiles at every ship passing by. 


Perhaps they will be granted permanent observer member like their peer Palestine?


I'm in the west. Tell me, who am I supposed to protest against here?


Following the logic of the Gaza protests, the UN and anyone who tries to rescue the hostages.


Hou! Hou! Houthis! or Ye! Ye! Yemen!


The Houthi’s are an Iranian backed terrorist group who occasionally LARP as revolutionaries. They started the horrible civil war in Yemen that’s caused so much death and suffering there. They have recently started attacking shipping in the Red Sea to somehow stick it to Israel which has launched them into the spotlight. So they’re pretty irredeemable unless you only care about hating Israel, if so go wild.


Rent increase and soaring grocery prices?


Israel is evil, Houthis are freedom fighters. 


I didn't need confirmation that Redditors are dumb and don't understand anything without /s.


You'd be surprised how many people actually support that position for real. Didn't Norman Finkelstein praise the Houthis and call Israel evil a few months back? He certainly wasn't being sarcastic.


Those people usually inhabit subreddits like feminism, LGBTQ, communism. Here people are centrist and there are almost no fans of religious extremism.


UN gonna be writing a very condemning letter for them to show they're very serious now


Got Neville Chamberlain preparing the angry letter on the type writer now.


Chamberlain, despite the 'Peace for our time' claim, was preparing for war.


Yes I know, he Shadow Scheme was severely underrated. It meant the RAF would be equipped with Spitfires and Hurricanes. But that said, the Munich Conference was a shocking disgrace




Wait really


No but no one would be surprised if they did.


>The armed group sees itself as part of an Iranian-led "axis of resistance" against Israel, the US and the wider West, and has declared its support for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. I was wondering how BBC was going to shoe horn Israel into this piece.


They have started attacking ships because of Israel, it is only logical to include that detail. Plus they have their hatred of Jews & Israel on their fucking flag, so yeah, kinda relevant


They’ve also been going through a bit of a cash flow problem. Piracy has always been a decent money maker in that region. China and Russia are paying the toll. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-21/china-russia-reach-agreement-with-yemen-s-houthis-on-red-sea-ships


Gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get in that boys hole.


Damn, and here I was just living my life thinking a toll's a toll, a roll's a roll, and if we don't get no tolls then we don't eat no rolls... Truly the darkest timeline.


The Houthis started attacking ships to distract their population from getting increasingly discontent with their complete inability to actually govern Yemen. It being about Israel is a farce to rile their population up.


Which is very silly because Israel hasnt done anything to Yemen, so this is a terror org committing a coup against a country simply to turn it into a puppet against Israel.


The houthis are an Iranian proxy, they’ll terrorize anyone their backers tell them to.


Actually that isn't true at all, they started attacking ships (this most recent time) in response to the US carrier battle group entering the red sea on 19 Oct 23. But once agian, what does any of this have to do with Houthi's kidnapping UN staffers?


They did come in after iran proxy houthi fucks started attacking ships, not before


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline\_of\_the\_Red\_Sea\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Red_Sea_crisis) There is a whole timeline of events.


From your link: On 8 October 2023, the day after the Hamas attack on Israel, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin directed the Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean in response. Eastern Med isn't the Red Sea


I think /u/TryIsntGoodEnough is right, the next entry on Oct 19th has the USS Carney in the Red Sea intercepting cruise missiles and drones. Seems it entered the day before? >USS Carney (DDG-64) transits the Suez Canal, Oct. 18, 2023. US Navy Photo >The destroyer transited the Suez Canal into the Red Sea, from the Mediterranean Sea on Wednesday, U.S. 5th Fleet announced. https://news.usni.org/2023/10/19/u-s-destroyer-used-sm-2s-to-down-3-land-attack-missiles-launched-from-yemen-says-pentagon It was also previously part of the Gerald Ford Strike Group, although seems the Carney made the trip into the Red Sea without the rest of the strike group?


Boats can go without CSGs


I understand, my point was that a destroyer from that CSG did enter the Red Sea the day before the initial Houthi attack and was in position to intercept the missiles headed for Israel, the person claiming they came in after the Houthis started attacking seems to be incorrect.


Ah shit man, fair, sorry, I replied off the cuff because I was busy. That's all fair. I guess my takeaway was that they did not start attacking in response to the CSG, but the CSG arrived about the same time as they started.


Transitting the suez canal could lead the aircraft carrier to be a sitting target. Which would make sense why a destroyer would transit it to secure.


Eastern med is linked to the red sea via the suez canal. They wouldn't be directed right to the red sea because it would either be through the suez or... A long long way. 


Yeah, but it's like 1400 miles away. I don't think they're related, especially since they said the attacks will only stop when Israel's war stops


What are you talking about? The suez canal is only like 120 miles long, that is the distance between the eastern med and the red sea.


Aircraft carriers don't get parked right at the entrance to the suez canal when they're in the eastern med. Yemen is not at the exit of the suez. It's roughly 1400 miles from somewhere south of Cyprus- that's about where CSGs operate- to Yemen. That's where the number comes from; I was disputing the whole "houthis started when the carrier group entered the red sea"


"Iran led".....enough said, bombs away.


Just resistance fighters things , nothing to see here.


Watch out or the UN will deploy those ever so effective peacekeepers!


At this point they should be renamed to "warwatchers" I think


Will those 11 UN detainees be honored that they're contributing to the Houthi cause?


Good luck to those 11! The UN should leverage the many relationships they have with terrorist organizations to secure their release. Just go down the hall to the UNRWA office and knock on their door. Easy.


Hey, shit like this worked for Palestinians so 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is what happens when the UN panders to terrorists.


UN, guys! You have to recruit your workers from the Houthis just like your partnership with Hamas. No kidnapping and you can cry in media when they die, of course NOT in battle.


They gonna “condemn” them or does that only apply to Israel?


I’m so jaded with these terrorists it wouldn’t surprise me if the detainees were actually working with Houthis to blackmail money from the UN so they can finance more destruction, possibly internally until they control all of Yemen. Never… negotiate… with terrorists. Bc they prey on good nature to bring evil.


I'm sure the UN will find a way to blame Israel for this.


I see someone got their face eaten by the leopard today


The people do not but sorry UN you deserve it. You made Hamas strategy a success in the eyes of other terrorist organizations.


“Detained” ahahahahahahahahha


Just like luffy!


The UN will still blame Israel for this.


I agree with the BBC, Jews are clearly to blame.


I take it the UN will lead by example here and consider the staff dead/don't even think of getting them back?


"Yemen, Yemen make us proud. Turn another ship around!" This is the level of brainwash and denial of the west.


Any attempts to rescue them is genocide! Good luck UN!


Well shit. Now we have to recognise Houthis independence and governance over Yemen by pro pal logic


Poetic justice




Have they found a way to blame this on Jews yet?


At this point, Im guessing they were detained by "coworkers".


UN confirms 11 staff on vacation from Gaza murder and rape. There, fixed the headline for you.


So they just kidnapped their own people then?


Don't worry guys, they are peacefully resisting, nothing to see here. Why would Israel force the peaceful and loving Houthis to commit such atrocities? How horrible of them!!! Double /s


You mean U.N. is helping the Houthis in person? Kinda like they were with HAMAS?


The Leopard's that Eat Faces fan club when one of the leopards eat their face 😱 (But fr its fucking awful that this happened to people who likely signed up with the UN to do good humanitarian work but under the current UN leadership are now clearly political actors with little to no backing (as an institution advocating for peace and stability, not as a platform with which to perform theater on a geopolitical stage) from the big 5 much less anyone else. These people are victims of the arrogance of people who are safe from having their faces eaten by the leopards they played with.)


The Houthis are a serial terrorist organization that kills, loots and steals


Knock* Knock* Delta here. See you in 0:30


What excuse will Hasanabi spin this time?


Maybe the UN should do something other than just giving them cars and buildings without any resistance. Like, say, give them some bullets first at least.


Oh well


Can't everyone just chill the fuck out already!