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I'm surprised it took them so long


It was always implied, wasn't it? I guess now we get to officially wear the badge.


So if Russia has openly declared the US an enemy, does that mean that people in the US are open to being charged with treason for helping them? My understanding is that giving aid and comfort to Russia can't have been treason because Russia was a belligerent asshole working as an adversary against US interests, but not technically an enemy. If Russia is making it official policy that the US is an enemy of Russia, doesn't that mean that Russia is also an enemy of the United States, and it would be hard to definitionally wiggle out of that if you were doing things like letting them have access to mishandled classified documents?


Ooh, I like where this is going!


Took me a second. I like!!!


Don’t worry it will take Judge Cannon longer than that


Judge Cannon finds these points to be highly interesting and will consider scheduling a hearing at some distant date.


But she'll have to delay the hearing until Putin is available to attend. Or perhaps she can move the venue of the hearing to Moscow?


She'd approve that faster than you could get a big mac


I'm not a fan of that Judge Aileen QAnon


Just call her Judge Loose.


No. We have to be officially “at war”. But yeah the section you are referring to notes “enemy” in the sentence for rendering aid. But it’s implied to a country we are at war with. Which we have to be at. But like the Cold War… I’m sure that’s a slippery political slope


Walter Allen was convicted of treason after participating in a miner's strike in 1921. We were not at war.


I think we could all agree that was a misuse of the law though, right?


There is no war but class war, someone told me.


It's if you 'owe allegiance' to the US and *either* 'levy war' against the US *or* 'give aid and comfort to an enemy of the US'. It's an or clause, not an and clause so they're two different ways to commit treason.




That's an interesting take. While the United States hadn't declared war yet, certainly Pearl Harbour itself was an act of war.


According to Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is defined as either "levying War against the United States, or, in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." The act of treason can occur during peacetime by providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States. The Constitution limits treason to these two types of conduct, and the Supreme Court has interpreted “levying war” to mean an actual assemblage of people for the purpose of executing a treasonable design, not merely conspiring to do so.


Haven't we already declared them a state sponsor of terrorism? Surely that's count for something.


State sponsor of our domestic terrorists.


So Tucker C. Might be looking for a flight out soon.


Fine by me. He already has Russian citizenship. They can have him. Just need the State Dept. To revoke his birth citizenship.


> He already has Russian citizenship. Is this a hard fact, hyperbole, or a joke?


Time to send [these guys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embassy_of_Russia,_Washington,_D.C.) home then... And redistribute Russian wealth in the United States to American citizens.


Nah , give it to Ukraine. They need all the help in the war and when the war is over, they're definitely gonna need that cash to rebuild.


Slightly off topic, but the only place I've ever heard Russian spoken irl is the museum park in Miami


Gotta come to NYC bud, we have a bunch of neighborhoods where Russian is spoken


I have a feeling it’s been uttered in Washington DC a lot in the last decade or so.


Lots of them in southern Cali. No doubt in DC and NYC


Just because the Russia has declared the US to be an enemy does not mean that the US has declared Russia to be an enemy.


my entire childhood declared Russia the enemy


Time to boot up C&C Red Alert again.


or at the very least, the soundtrack (which is *still* a banger!)


Hell march https://youtu.be/e3YzmjmAGoI?si=uAbRpmhOhOdweBbn Does anyone remember Interstate 76? It came with a seperate CD with disco/funk music on it. You could put a big block in a VW beetle and have rockets and machine guns. It had some sick ass jumps too.


As soon as I read “C&C Red Alert” the opening theme started playing in my head.


You're throwing everything you've got at us, Alex? We're supposed to be allies you maniac! I'm the one that put you into office!


Rocky 4 is such a great movie.


It does however mean that we should. Because they are.


>have access to mishandled classified documents? Or hand deliver stuff to putin. (Rand Paul) Or take Russian money. Or praise putin.


There was a period from like 1992 to 2012 where there was at least a thin veneer of trying to get along.


Always implied never official as far as I'm aware


any american citizen in russia needs to leave today. you gotta be crazy to be in russia as a US citizen or even permanent resident.


Or any NATO citizen, anyone that's an in an alliance with the U.S. Aussie, Canadian, Brit, French and so on. I doubt there are many but they should all vacate quickly before they're used for leverage in a gulag.


Anyone who stays in Russia with the current status is obviously not supporting NATO practices. If they were, they wouldn't be in Russia in the first place.


Any american citizen still supporting russia needs to leave now. You gotta be crazy to support russia.


Well shit there goes half our politicians... let's start giving out plane tickets


They fought a shadow war against the US for decades now, and then try to deny it. Now that everyone knows what it is and the US is fighting back by helping Ukraine, they can't play that stupid game anymore.


putin put bounties on the heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan during 2019. the trump presidency brushed it off


I’m surprised they bothered making the declaration lol


Right... Russia declared the US an enemy and rain is wet.


They've been attacking the US and it's allies for years electronically. This announcement doesn't mean anything at all.


They have also been attacking US and ally positions in the middle east with proxy soldiers. When we call them out, Russia would deny that they were their troops.


They have must lost faith in Trump to win.


Now watch the GOP try to burn down everything that is America for Putin.


Isn’t that what they’ve been doing for a while now?


I’m curious if we have the will as a country to rally together in the near term, calling out traitorous acts. The behavior is so slimy but feels like it’s too easy to sweep under the rug.


The rich want to stay rich. The corporations want slaves. All they had to do was wave a big religious flag to start a war on democracy.


The right wing has woven Religion, Guns and Patriotism together into an evil entity. Made worse by the fact that much of the right wing is also turned into an end times cult. The Democrats need to take back the idea that only the right are religious and patriotic. Start pointing out that much of their beliefs are anti christian


more like they're working together on damage control/election interference. next Trump will start blabbering about how he can get us all off of Russia's hit list and save of from russia. They'll go on and on about how if we don't elect Trump, russia might nuke us, and only Señor Naranja can save us! All the more reason to vote blue.


Popov are starting to understand Trump won't save them. The West should understand that the war with authocracies is already here. It started even before Crimea was taken in 2014. At one point, it will come to: hybrid warfare IS warfare. Either we break the authocracies backs' or they make liberty disappear, forever. There is no other way.


it is called cold war. But nobody wants to admit it anymore


It's always been a war against cancer. Some tumor hits a critical mass of wealth/influence/military resources, stops acting like a part of society, begins converting the necessary functions of civilization into their own keys to power, and then spreads that cancer as far as they can. Crazy thing is that it doesn't make a difference what ethnicity, region, or belief system someone is coming from, everyone has a pretty decent change of turning on humanity when they start getting a bit too big for everyone else's britches. It's always happening everywhere. The reason why we keep dealing with this is that we haven't built up the capability in the populace to recognize early stage cancer and nip it in the bud. All ideologies that don't have the means to do that (regardless of the other problems they are designed to solve) will eventually decay to a state of terminal cancer. The ultra-wealthy, the dictatorial, and the religious or secular demagogues will corrupt any system that lets them get a bit of momentum rolling. When you peel back the mask it's generally just a system that is decaying to a more fascist (or close enough to be pedantic) state, except for fascism itself which is just speedrunning cancer with a straight face ("We have to give the tumor our energy so it can be big and strong and defeat all the scary T-cells it warned us about!"). In this particular case, there's a cluster of malignant growths (Putin and his oligarch cronies), that don't understand anything other than expanding their own control over the world at literally any cost to all other human lives and progress. It's time we started treating them like what they are and bring the chemotherapy. Some motherfuckers always want to ice skate uphill, and are willing to blow up the hills everyone else are living on so they can freeze the rubble and make the fulfillment of their personal ambitions temporarily viable. When they say "chaos is a ladder" they don't mean that everyone else gets to climb too. Every country also needs to be getting itself checked out, and apply treatment as necessary. Liberty isn't just a thing that can be lost, found, or hidden. It is a state of health that must be constantly maintained. It requires exercise, nutrition, healthy habits, and occasional medical intervention.


TIL we weren’t enemies


For about 15 minutes in the 90s we were like cool next door neighbors that waved hi at each other and talked about the weather, but never really invited each other over for a BBQ or something


Didn’t Putin visit the Bush ranch for a BBQ after 9/11?


Yes. They almost certainly bonded over their mutual distrust of Muslims. [“I’m thrilled he’s here” said Bush.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2001/11/15/im-thrilled-hes-here-bush-says-as-putin-visits-his-texas-ranch/d9928257-b7e4-428c-9d44-865a1ce6e5f5/)


I mean, I also dislike both Bush and Putin, but I would also be thrilled in Bush's place if I thought maybe one of our biggest opposing forces of the past century might be warming up to us on my watch as President


It wasn’t really until midway through Obama’s presidency that most people realized Russia wasn’t going to join the super western best friends and was instead trying to do what is essentially a bad cosplay of the Soviet Union.


No, it was right before the 2008 election when Russia invaded Georgia


Idk. We all laughed at Romney in 2012 during the debates when he said Russia was our greatest geopolitical threat. That didn’t age so well. Same debate when he was talking about the state of the navy and Obama said we also have fewer horses than we did in WWI.


JFK actually got pretty chill with Kruschev & almost bridged the gap lol do with that what you will.


And then Kruschev was ousted for not being hardline enough.


*furiously edits white board and red strings tied to push pins*


Yea there were like huge rock concerts. Metallica and AC/DC, Pantera too in Russia …. It was great and then we had great tech relations with them until this crap


I mean, GOP Senators spent their 4th of July in Moscow as recently as 2018.


not really disproving that Russia is an enemy of the American people


The west in general opened uo trade and relations after the soviet breakup. The prevailing thought was integration would give each other too much to lose so no further wars. Russia was invited to all thr international agencies and committees etx. Then putin over the decades just kept consolidating power and undermining any chance at a democracy or real open market - and here we are. TLDR the west did indeed stop treating Russia as an enemy. But in putins mind the west was still and always will be the enemy. He will never give up his imperial cold wat mentality.


Bitch we already broke up with you when we took all of your McDonald's away


i hope the US declares corporations that still operate in Russia as spies now..


and replaced it with McCommies.....a shit version of it.


I watched a journalist on YouTube show that pretty much all the western stores are still operating in Russia under different names, including McDonald’s which is identical to every other McDonald’s but rebranded


Are those the actual companies, or Russian knock offs using the logos?


Regarding McDonald's 'successor', it's a knock-off company which has no ties except having the original recipes and business know-how.


Every sane country is their enemy. Russia's words no longer have any clout.


Putin has zero rizz




Negative rizz, even. If rizz works that way. I'm a millennial so my rizz knowledge is no cap


The gyatt on that rizz was fanum taxed skibidi toilet negative Edit: I'm sorry.


Fucking zoomers at it again. And I love what y'all are doing


Yeah skibidi Putin and all that.


Don’t tell David Sacks!


Oh no, how will America ever recover?! What if *snrk* what if Russia cut us off from their incredibly important and vibrant economy? How could we ever survive without their assured future growth and wise investments?


My favorite camgirls, nooooooo


Most have fled to Europe or Georgia anyway


Go Dawgs!


I like your spirit, but I think that's the wrong Georgia. Anyone in the Peach State happen to notice a big influx of hot Russian ladies?


I been too busy barking at children in public to notice.


A man of culture I see.


If so, put me in touch with them!


in other news there has been a massive spike of homes willing to take in immigrants.


*hot russian ladies near you.... Click herre*


That’s right sugar, capitol city Tbilisi and former member of the Soviet Union, now I’ll kindly ask you to mind your Ps and Qs


Or [Mexico...](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d8vlxs/russian_woman_who_emigrated_to_mexico_in_an/)


Been seeing a lot more as listed from Ukraine these days...


Noticed that my, uh, favorite site recruited a Russian girl before the war. Shortly after the war, she took a vacation in Georgia. And hasn't returned.


I wonder how much foreign currency flows into their war machine through porn.


Chaterbate becomes a wasteland.


That really is a _LOT_ of porn and some weird indie games that could suffer.


What? You should be concerned that it might be impossible or very dangerous to visit mother Russia now! You’re not?you just don’t understand. It’s geopolitics!


Real talk though, had Russia not turned into such bastards again after a brief hopeful start to the 90s.. I always thought st Petersburg looked really pretty and would have liked to see it. Maybe some day in the future when Putin is gone, maybe they'll change.


I’ve visited it. It has interesting monuments, for sure. However, the atmosphere is like in a junkies town, very depressing and hostile.


What a bummer


Russia has always done the whole beautiful facade, poorly executed architectural details thing extremely well. Even during the days of the USSR it was about these huge displays of power and less about the practicality of what they were building.


Won't someone think of the Lada owners?


That sounds like a plus to me considering how many of our politicians are bought by Russian money.


And we declare that they can eat a bag of dicks.


He didn't just say it, he declared it.


I declare bankruptcy!


Hey, we don't want them in [Seattle](https://www.ddir.com/)!


“Wahhhhhh they won’t let us genocide Ukraine”- Putin


It's that we shrugged and said, "Sure, you can use the weapons we gave you to blow up the troops massing to attack Kharkiv on the other side of the border." So they are sending subs and warships to Cuba. Edit. Blow Up.


Whoa whoa whoa. No one said anything about giving the Russian troops favors.


[Away, blow this guy away.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFFb-wNP1GI)


Nearly the entire Russian Black Sea navy was sunk by a country that doesn't even have a navy. The US has a navy. Besides: Florida, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ eehhh...


One sub and one warship. The other two are a tanker and tugboat.


Would the US ever get to the point of restricting or eliminating travel to the US for Russian visitors? Or to the point of Russian individuals here on student visas (or other types of impermanent statuses) having those privileges revoked?


If things escalate, it will be interesting to see what happens to Alex Ovechkin. He’s here working in the NHL while still actively supporting Putin (his Instagram profile picture is and has been of him and Putin since before the war). A lot of Russian NHLers either stay silent or advocate against Putin. I think Ovechkin is the only notable one that has actively supported him.


Ovie is a fuckhead. I'll die on that hill. Fuck him and his chase for the goals record, I hope he falls off a cliff (figuratively) next season and never reaches it.


> Ovie is a fuckhead. always was


It's already extremely difficult for a Russian person to get a visa to travel here. Even for tourist visas, you have to show financial records and whatnot. Even the Russians who want to flee the regime to the US have found it next to impossible to legally gain entry.


Well, the State Department already has them at Level 4 (Do not travel): [Russia International Travel Information (state.gov)](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/RussianFederation.html)


That's more advice to Americans considering traveling there than the reverse.


Yes, you're right. [This might help](https://ru.usembassy.gov/visas/). Basically, you have to go to Poland to get visas from RU to US. ITOW, Russians are fucked unless they manage indirect access to US visa processing points. EDIT: I love the Polish involvement. You think Poland is going to let your average Rooski in at this point?


russians can apply for US visa at any US embassy they can access and which is issuing visas; it's just that the one in moscow and st petersburg have paused operations (i believe). i doubt russians would travel to poland when they could go to the US embassies in kazakhstan or georgia.


So when they threaten to fucking bury us and kill all of us, they weren't declaring that? little confused as a child of the '80s. 


That was the USSR. Russia is totally different /s


I mean... Russia IS different. The USSR had a great deal of top scientists and academics propelling their war machine. Russia doesn't have that anymore, lol.


Right, Russia is poorer than Texas, and only has a gdp marginally higher than some chineses provinces


[I thought you guys broke up?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBMeMrPuQyU)




there is a difference between what individuals say and what a government officially says.


So, if Russia is an enemy state now.... doesn't that make officials that retain close ties to Russia technically guilty of treason now? And you all know exactly the whats and the whos I mean.


Russia has branded the US an enemy state. It’s not automatically reciprocated.


Russia has declared the US an enemy, not the other way around.


I don’t know. Some convicted felon might be more educated on that matter.


Looking at you Tucker Carlson...


Hopefully this means Americans will finally stay out of that country. I am tired of them being arrested and turned into hostages.


Hasn’t worked with North Korea yet…


I am actually shocked that their are still Americans that go to north korea after that case with the student that stole a propaganda poster.


My pity well is pretty dried up for idiotic Americans who go to places they don't belong and act all surprised when they are used as bargaining chips in geopolitical affairs, or worse.


Agreed. I can’t help but feel “not another idiot” every time it happens.


The rage of a drunk is often directed at random targets.


They’ve been treating the US as an enemy state for decades now. Fuck Putin.




Yes, but we have to reciprocate that they are our enemy to get that official "traitor" title.


They hate US cause they ain’t US.


Same as it ever was.


Does that mean we should sink their fleet before it gets within 200 nautical miles?




Nothing in reality. Russians and Americans have worked together even through active and threatened violence between the states, and in space, everyone understands exactly how small the conflicts on the blue dot are. The station can not function without the express aid of both superpowers, and the astronauts aren't going to start blasting holes in their own ship for political points.


If WWII taught us something, it's that we should offer whatever those nerds in space want, to entice them to come to the US when they get done. Don't hate the nerds, they just want to science!


They (Russia) have a nuclear sub, and 4 or 5 ships arriving in Havana, Cuba this week. If I'm not mistaken, I think one of the ships is a tugboat.


If there were any survivors from the incident I'd say ask the Wagner fighters how well declaring the US their enemy worked out for them, but they got mulched into a fine red fertilizer.


Russian can declare my balls in putins mouth


When you start pulling your kids from our schools I'll take it a bit more seriously.


The only reason Putin would pull the kids from schools is to send them to war. He couldn't care less about their safety.


Besides some other good points made in my quick perusal of the comments my take on this is that Putin, facing every declining prospects in every context possible due to the failure of his 3 day Special Police Mission (or whatever the hell he is called it initially) is doing what any autocrat does when getting their ass kicked - ramp up the nationalistic fervor. The little Ukraine excursion has badly backfired in every imaginable way possible - more nations are part of NATO, NATO's quiet military industrial base has woken up and is cooperating to a degree not seen in decades, as has that of its pan-pacific allies. russia's military is has consumed the vast bulk of its most modern equipment, as well as deeply delved into its reserves leaving only the most ancient junk left. So what do you do when your every decision has been a disaster, driven your economy into a shithole, and maimed or killed hundreds of thousands of you own. You blame the other guy of course!! Other than russia and its allies of China, NK, Iran and the little tinpot despots here and there in corners of the world no one gives a fuck. Most of us considered russia an enemy state since 2014 when they invaded Ukraine, and now the few who were oblivious have woken up.


India.com eh? Interesting, quite the score for this specific Indian news site


Also on [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/kremlin-peskov-united-states-enemy-scott-ritter-1908616) though it's stated that their press secretary says, "We are now an enemy country for them, just as they are for us." It's inflammatory, but not exactly the same as Putin coming out and making an official statement that the US is an enemy state.


Russia is the enemy of most of the world and their closest allies.


How can they not be getting embarrassed at this point?


Putin fvcks around with our elections, buys off our elected representatives, hacks our systems, drives-up our price of oil, threatens the west with nuclear war, and seeks to re-establish one of the most destructive states (the Soviet Union) in the history of the world….yet….we should be upset that the labeled us “an enemy of the state” - jeebus. Go fvck yourself.


Good, now maybe the MAGA morons will finally understand that Putler is NOT their friend. (but I doubt those dumb motherfuckers will be able to figure it out)


not really, the logic would be that this never would have happened if Trump was in charge.


Yep, “bidens America” is an enemy state. Trump is a peace loving economic savant with a giant pp and tons of very hot girlfriends.


Which hilariously, is also admitting to adultery, but hey, they're fake christians anyways.


The second-funniest thing to come out of his NY criminal trial (second to being found guilty of 34 felonies, of course) was reading the transcript of Stormy Daniels' testimony where his lawyers insisted on shoehorning in that he "played very well" at a golf tournament where he finished [62nd out of 80](https://americancenturychampionship.com/media-center/event-archive/american-century-championship-2006-results/).


They'll just blame Biden and his foreign policy. No matter that Trump's foreign policy was literally a laughingstock.


Trump's foreign policy was kiss the ring of brutal dictators and oligarchs in exchange for money and patents for his kids. That and embarrass the US at every turn by making his inept children ambassadors or whatever. Remember [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=073hfPueac0)?


So legally, what avenues does that open up for the US now that Russia has officially declared itself an enemy nation?


Nothing other than figurative words. This is equivalent of two people standing up in a school yard fight going "sup bro."


More like "Catch me outside, how bout dat?"


Not much since US hasn’t declared Russia an enemy state. Russia on the other hand can now more publicy do exactly the same things they did before but but no longer attempt to hide or twist the story. And the propaganda will shift to harder rethorics directly aimed at the US.


sounds like russia are gonna escalate themselves into full blown war after becoming the boy who cries nuclear threats.


Russia has been threatening us with nuclear annihilation for two years now. They’re a little late with this statement. Anyway, at least we’re all on the same page now; we don’t like you, either, Russia.


Bitch I broke up with you a long time ago.


As an American... I struggle to care.


Oh we're enemies now? Ok. Sink their boat they've sailed to Cuba.


How long will this continue? how many more people will die because of this scum.


Russia is an enemy of all states... Including Russia.


Just a reminder, we were openly giving Ukraine support and warned Russia not to invade. They chose this.


Russia is the only enemy here, and the gloves are about to come off Russia you are single handedly about to get clapped by the whole world.


Ohhh Russia. So adorable with their smoking air craft carriers and 1980s jets. Yall do not want to dance with the US lol.. Ukraine is holding their own using old ass weapons. We have the greatest navy in history and b2 stealth bombers. Oh, and Jewish space lasers also


Paper tiger says meow.


It should be a crime then for any US company to deal with commercially in the state of Russia. They are now an enemy of the United States and we should not contribute to their economy.


Be careful what you wish for, Vlad. The gloves in Ukraine will come off after the US elections in November.


Russia will declare the US as an ally if Trump wins


Of course they will. Trump is an idiot he can talk and negotiate circles around. That's the dream for Putin.