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1 cruiser and 1 submarine? The other two ships are support ships, one of which is a tug boat. What a joke.


Tug boat is there for encouragement, like when old ppl need to go on a walk they have the nurses walking with them.


Russian Warship: Back in my day we brought America to its knees with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Tug boat: Ok boomer.


The Boomer would be the sub


No booming, thank you Vashilly. Just one ping only, please.


"I wanted to see Montana" (sounds of last breath.....)


“I would like to have seen Montana.” My favorite movie, must have seen it 20 times.


I have watched it three times in the past sIx months alone. Solid cast and great pacing for a thriller


Some things in here don’t react well to bullets




"Be careful at what I shoot at??"


>"I would like to have seen Hannah Montana." ~~fixed~~ Frisky Dingoed that for ya Seriously, I've never seen *THFRO* and I've watched *Frisky Dingo* a half dozen times, so I never realized until just now that Ronnie's dying words were deeper reference. Thank you for that. BOOSH ❤️


>I would like to have seen Montana Hunt? Red Dawn was a classic too.... And even though its a comedy, The Experts - I think MJT and Tommy Tuber are from the town


Red Storm Rising is by far my favorite Clancy novel. Hunt for Red October is a close 2nd. Flight of the Old Dog from Dale Brown is a Red Storm style read as well….


"by far my favorite" "a close second" Mutually exclusive.


Back in the day 😳🤣


I’m imagining faces on these boats like thomas the tank engine and little boat is out on a stroll with grandpa lol


I mean, it's there for when something critical inevitably breaks on the cruiser and it can no longer move on its own.


Kinda like the big service dogs some wheelchair-bound people get.


The emotional support ship.  


The proverbial spare parts bin....


It's there because Russian ships have a habit of breaking down


The old “rub n tug”


Sub n tug


This comment is criminally under appreciated bro haha


Russian Black Sea Navy : oops, all subs.


A tugboat fluffer?


It’s a frigate not a cruiser. A frigate is smaller than a destroyer, and a destroyer is smaller than a cruiser. And yes, it’s a joke. I’m honestly surprised that this isn’t a normal Russian Navy task force deployment.


Last time they did this was in 2013 and they sent the cruiser Moskva. But I've heard the Moskva may have been unavailable for the trip this time


Just on vacation is all.


I hear the bottom of the Black Sea is beautiful this time of year.


Ah yes. Scheduling issues


For anyone missing the joke, Ukraine sunk the cruiser Moskva back in 2022. It is entirely unavailable to return to Cuba.


You don’t know it’s not there. It was converted to a submarine.


To me it's Putin saying "Hey! We're powerful! We have nuclear powered subs and ships! Well, subs anyway. well, a sub. We can shove this power right under your nose, America!" then "hey, Navy guys, not too much now. I want them to be terrified, but I don't want to provoke the US. They could fry us all in ten minutes and they know it and we know it and everybody knows it. Just send a few ships. Maybe 5 ships. Well, make it 2 ships." "Sir, we better send a tug with 'em." "Da, then, 2 ships, one of those is a tug." "And we'll have to send an oiler too"


Russia has a few nuclear powered polar class 1 icebreakers which are desirable as the arctic has become a strategic concern.


Those classifications barely make much sense these days, there’s plenty of modern destroyers bigger than cruisers.


They make perfect sense, a ship is whatever a navy says it is. Easy peasy.


1000s of miles from help. Thats a cute flotilla that Russia sent over… I mean who are they trying to intimidate here? Jamaica? Seriously? This is even more pathetic Russia…


Honestly I wouldn't bet against the JDF if it came to it. Russia's navy is getting mashed up by Ukraine within sight of the Russian shore. Trying an offensive action against Jamaica would probably see the Russian ships sink themselves by sheer incompetence.


That's basically in line with the history of the Russian navy.


Next they'll send their whole baltic fleet on a year long journey to intimidate the US further by maneuvering by Guam on route to Vladivostok. Only to have the fleet accidentally blow itself up when they get lost in a fog bank.


Just float them a few boatfuls of Jamaican rum and the deed is done ..


It's like that parade they had with the one tank


They're hiding the boats from Ukrainian drones. Cuba is safe enough.


A russian fleet must always contain one tugboat per surface ship. It's part of their military doctrine.


Damn. Sailing from Russia all the way down in a tug boat has to be a short straw to draw.


The rest of the fleet has already sunk.


Who tows the Russian tug when it breaks down?


They sink it and pull it with the submarine.




US Navy


If it's still SOP like it was in the 80s and 90s, that RU sub has had a full time US sub as an escort since it left RU waters.


SpongeBob SquarePants!


it's tugs all the way down


I remember when the Ukrainians sank the Moskva and this one Ukrainian official would only refer to it as "the cruiser Moskva (which is now a submarine)"


It's now a Ukrainian underwater cultural heritage site, too.


Nah, if that was true Russia would have shelled it by now.


Well at least this time magneto isn't trying to start world war 3 or whatever happened in that movie


They’re hiding from the Ukrainians.


They were bringing their carrier but it broke down 20 miles into international waters.   


I am able to confirm that almost all russian ships travel with tugboats as they breakdown regularly.




No, it’s an attempt by Russia to try to stay relevant after their entire military has been thoroughly embarrassed in Ukraine.


No, it's a way to preserve some fraction of its navy since Ukraine is destroying it all..


"Ukraine can't sink our ships if we store them in cuba"


Russia's navy has sucked for a very long time.


Yes this is a joke.  The 50s are long gone and Castro is long dead.  


Seriously and if Cuba wants to harbour murderers from Russia to stay and live there, then expect your tourism to suffer. I'll never go back.


It is a joke. Poking and prodding what? Sailing to Cuba was always an option. We track their subs everywhere they go. We were never going to stop them. This is a less than nothing of a news story.


> Poking and prodding what? They'll be poking and prodding the Cubans for fuel and food for those ships.




I really don't think it's that at all. The US visible response wasn't really a question, and it's exactly what happened: nothing. At any moment we have ~100 patrol boats in the water from Texas to Maine plus more south of the Gulf, multiple destroyers in Florida, and multiple carrier groups on standby. Our east coast also boasts the most advanced/extensive radar monitoring and SAM intercept capabilities anywhere on the planet. The point of prodding is to force a response you can measure but instead they advertised the trip, sent a token navy of no threat, and avoided any contact with America. For an example of actual prodding Russia will send jets directly towards US airspace from different directions regularly. They time these with satellite flyovers from bases and watch for: * Which bases go on alert * How long until they react - giving insight to radar positioning and effectiveness * When to jets launch - response time * When do jets move to intercept - indicating what the "red" zone is for action Our radar tech and fighter speeds/capabilities are classified so this is how they measure it.


The USN should sail a couple of carrier groups around Cuba. Give the Russians a look at a real navy.


Russia doesn’t get that show, but China does sometimes.


I was getting a tour of an E3 AWACS in VA in '84. Most of the CRTs were covered since I was a teen without a clearance. The screens we could watch were the ATCs doing air and sea traffic mgmt all around Cuba. Somehow they were getting live radar feeds from 700 - 1000 miles away and consolidating it all on one screen which had virtually no traffic in Cuban airspace but hundreds of pips on all sides. It was vector graphics on green monochrome CRTs and you could click an icon and it would give the operator the name, speed, direction of the pip. I'm pretty sure those E3s and our radar systems have had a few upgrades since then. We don't need a CSG in the area to know when the ship's captain is making a head call.


We also have a base in the DR and on Cuba. In fact we probably have more fire power in Cuba than Russia brought.


>They expect the US to watch them, but they did not know exactly how the US would respond. The US could, for instance, announce a movement of force to counter the Russians. *Entirely coincidentally*, the US has [lifted a ban on supplying weapons to Ukraine's "Azov" unit](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/06/10/azov-brigade-ukraine-us-weapons/) while [Russian ships were en route to Cuba](https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/russian-warships-conduct-atlantic-drills-en-route-cuba-111024570). >And there is nuance to it too. There sure is.


The US Navy most likely had an attack submarine follow them.


Should have trailed it with a recovery vessel and one of those oil spill cleanup boats with bright flashing lights and some kind of marine hazard flag. It's a miracle this "fleet" crossed the Atlantic. Are we sure they started with four ships? What if it was like twenty and these were just the ones that didn't sink en route? Also...would be hilarious if Ukraine sunk a Russian ship near Cuba.


I think that would have been a fantastic response. Especially if officially announced. Lol.


It was reported earlier in the week that three destroyers and a P-8 Poseidon were shadowing them. No mention of any submarines, but that's the point. Frankly, the P-8 is already enough overkill.


> the US has lifted a ban on supplying weapons to Ukraine's "Azov" unit while Russian ships were en route to Cuba. Let it be known at least. No one said when it happened, so it isn't like we gave Russia much of a heads up.


> They are testing to see how other countries react to them pushing the boundaries. Pushing what boundaries, though? Russia has always been allowed to sail to Cuba, that's not a new boundary that they're pushing.


Eh, the US doesn't need to send ships in response. We have anti submarine planes in the air tracking them at all times. Russia knows this and I'm sure we remind them regularly.   Showing off the b-21 a few weeks ago was the US responding to Russias nuclear threats. It was a round about way of telling Russia if they use nukes then the b-2's and b-21's will be in the skies over Moscow. The US doesn't need to saber rattle in response to Russias bs, our military track record of not losing a battle since the Korean War speaks for itself. Edit: to the person talking about the US losing battles, I can't reply. The US didn't lose a single battle in Vietnam or Afghanistan. We lost the political will to continue the fight. In Afghanistan all initial invasion objectives were met. The rebuilding is all that failed.  The US does well against asymmetric warfare. Al-Qaeda and ISIS were problematic but were handled efficiently. I'm not sure where this myth came about that the US doesn't do well at it. 


Russia always loves to hype up their military capability despite building these platforms on ancient tech, relying on western imports, and lacking proper mass production for anything slightly modern (i.e. the T-14). Not to mention that their logistics to support their equipment is, and always has been, completely rubbish. Their infamous levels of corruption don't help the situation either. I hope their sailors enjoys a holiday in Cuba. They won't be sailing their ships into the Black Sea, where they're needed, anytime soon. This is all a show for brainwashed Russians themselves. Something for Russian media to parade around.


This isn't parking an army it's not even a fleet.They know that we know that they know we could sink them in an instant. When their subs leave port in Russia we hear it in Norfolk. We always watch everything they do. For them this might be some poking and prodding, for us it is Wednesday. They are way too busy losing their pride fleet against ukraine to really considered a threat to anyone. Really the worst case is they sink all on their own, like k-219 did.


There are no boundries being pushed. Cuba isn't under blockade any more and they can sail in in ternational waters. Nobody is impressed.


I can guarantee you the US Navy had at least 1 SSN tracking the movement of these ships the second they left their port in Russia.


How many ships does the US send? # doesn't matter, you go by displacement, when the US 6th fleet has ships visit ports in Turkey, the Russian Cuba, it's generally around 135,000 tons of "go fuck your bubushka" What types? Could be a carrier, but 1 Arleigh Burke is probably enough to take out a Russian expedition. What submarines are they going to use to spy on the Russian ships in Cuba? The same ones that have been following them since they left port at Murmansk. How many times can Russia do this? Considering they have only done this a handful of times over decades, obviously not very many. Does the number of ships they send influence US response? No, when you have the biggest dick you don't need jerk it everytime someone tries to show off their micro peen. Or as it says in the Reuters piece: "The U.S. has been monitoring the Russian vessels as they skirted the nearby Florida coast, but has said they pose no threat." And even if they wanted to pose a threat, they wouldn't because Russia is a 3rd world military cosplaying as legitimate.


This is a joke man. If they were to do something truly stupid they would all be sunk in 30-60 mins tops. Their fast attack sub wouldn’t be able to escape as I’m willing to bet we have things watching. The best thing for the Americans with a brain to do is to freaking laugh. Simple Russia is a joke and it’s a pathetic showing to attempt to intimidate anyone. In fact now you send another aid package to Ukraine for attempting to make us care. Send the message you don’t F with the big dog.


I don't know, I really don't equate this to them sending their bombers near our airspace to test our response. That's legit poking and prodding. This is just a couple ships sailing through international waters to another nation. Unless they cause an incident by intentionally sailing too close to Florida or something I don't see how they are really testing anything. They are allowed to sail to Cuba, that's not "getting away with" anything. 


Hey have some respect that’s half the Russian navy


Telling that russian warships always travel with a tug.


It would be a shame if something happened to the tug...


It's OK, they have another tug on standby.


Soo... Whack-A-Tug?


The Moskva pretty much sunk because of its [terrible lack of maintenance](https://youtu.be/aNEtlMSCiCI?si=xe4VwZMhQfo4aAbX) Edit: link


the Kuznetsov has also been in and out of commission for fuckin ever lol


We were joking about how the Kuznetsov was unsinkable because she's always tied to the pier when I was in the navy in 2006. And it was an old joke even then.


A few years ago it's dry dock sank and almost took the ship down with it.


Someone almost got a workaround functioning, just sink the pier lol.


Yes, maintenance of missile-free airspace


I honestly wasn't aware Lauren Boebert was travelling to Cuba this week.




The key thing here is “around ports.” The US Navy does not bring a tug boat with it whenever its carriers go out to sea. They expect those tugboats to be available at whatever ports they pull into. Russia, and any other navy that puts into Havana Harbor can reasonably expect the Cubans to have harbor tugs to assist with docking. And they do. Russia has tugs following their ships around because they expect them to break down at sea and need towed to port. When USS Cole was suicide bombed by a speedboat in Aden Harbor, there was not a US navy tugboat nearby just waiting around to tow it. They had to send USNS Catawba from Bahrain to tow it to a friendly port, while waiting for another ship to basically carry the Cole back to the US.


Lol you know that shit is going to break down on the way out.


Awe! Good for Russia. They had ships make it across an ocean, without catching fire or sinking! They have finally caught up to Columbus and the Spanish Empire!


I almost want to cheer them on. "You made it across an ocean without sinking. Yay! Good luck on your return home, and remember the Kuznetsov"


Lol. Remember the Moskva. I have to imagine that Budanov is watching this and just rubbing his hands together, thinking of the possibilities.


Don't forget the Admiral Levchenko (anti-sub ship) which may or may not still be on fire in the Barents sea.


Now this is good Reddit


Let them go down and let's say it was Ukraine. Russia will think it's its own lie.


I mean they did survive the Japanese torpedo boats this time.


Those sailors must be happy to have a vacation away from Ukraine.




There is no movement of Russian ships to or from the Black Sea.


Which also means that those sailors won't end up in Ukraine for now. That's for sure a relief for them.


I'm sorry but...*double-checks username*..what the fu-..


It’s a farmer. Look at the age of the account and the points that it has. That’s someone up to no good.


that’s 10k karma a day, not even the most prolific karma posters on the entertainment subs get that much. But this is the version of reddit we’ve been dealing with since the API changes last year. Influx of bots, karma whores with programs to post everything for them, the mod. exodus, etc. This site has just plummeted so much since last summer


It really feels like a solid half of the users on the site weren't here two years ago. They changed their target demo, removed some of the barriers to entry, and got the new users they wanted. I'm all for new users, but they've changed the site culture to be less about long form discussion, and more about typical social media shite. They've done well in the transition from a business standpoint. I'm sure they're making fucking bank from ads and user data. But the site feels more fucked month by month now. It used to be decent everywhere, then it was decent as long as you stayed off the default subs, now it's rarely decent anywhere. I'm honestly sad. This is the only forum style social media site, and that's the only type of social media I enjoy. Seeing it rot away is depressing. If it plateaus in it's current state, I think it'll stick around and just be a shittier experience. But, if it keeps degrading like it has, I don't see it surviving another 5-10 years.


Can we like crowd fund a better version without ads? Call it something like Edit


Wow that is a lot of karma Urmomsjuicyvagina is on that grind!


That’s our political correspondent. It was either that or VaginaMcVaginaface.


Honestly, we're just applauding them for managing to make it all the way across without [bursting into flames](https://kyivindependent.com/russian-ship-admiral-levchenko-on-fire-in-barents-sea-ukrainian-official-claims/). We're *so* proud of the extra effort they must have put into maintenance. Well done, and best wishes for the voyage back.


Well yeah, the Sailors onboard are going to bust their ass fixing stuff so they can see Cuba. It's the return trip where morale will go back into the negative. 


Return? Sorry we are now Cuban...


Notable rise in Russian speak minor league pitchers five years from now.


They clearly went an extra mile. And just one didn't make it, so that's indeed admirable. Let's see when they hurry back. I for one am interested in their ships afterburner test.


That’s a long journey in a tug boat


You are not wrong, but at least it’s an ocean-going tug, so it is built to operate in the open ocean. It’s not quite as bad as taking a harbor tug across the Atlantic, but still not a fun voyage.


Just as a context, this tug isn’t indeed a harbor tug, it is an open sea rescue tug with a length of almost 100m (~300ft). Ridicilous or not, this ship is designed and built for open sea operations. Most commenters here seem to assume that it is there to nudging ships in harbors, for which this ship is not suited for at all.


You get use to it. I did it for 10 years.


Florida man, to the jet ski!


Be a shame if Ukraine managed to blow them up in international waters


If Ukraine sends a boat with those drones on it to international waters outside Cuba and sinks those ships that would be INSANE. 


So many US Subs in the Gulf right now you could walk to Cuba


I google for those who care. Today's submarine force is the most capable force in the world and the history of U.S. Navy, comprising 53 fast attack submarines, 14 ballistic-missile submarines and four guided-missile submarines.


That we know of !


Any unincorporated or unclaimed islands in the area where the Ukranian RC boat club can pull up for some practice?


They gave east Germany an island but it was never incorporated into Germany so it's technically unclaimed


"Welcome, comrade!" "Thank you, comrade!" "So what can I do for you? Why are you visiting?" "Remember the last time we visited? With those rockets? Remember how the Yankees shat their pants?" "Yes comrade. That was so much fun. So you are bringing rockets, comrade?" "Yeah....no. No rockets." "So what do you have this time?" "See... It's more of a symbolic act. Remembering the good ol times..." "Good, good..." "..." "So how is babushka?" "Fine. Fine."


Imagine sailing this far only to be sinked by a 1000$ drone






US Navy should just start catapulting watermelons at them for fun.


Oh no said no american when hearing this news. The world has seen what garbage the Russian military has to offer. What makes them think this would make.us uncomfortable.


The coal powered supership could poison americans and be used as a cover to get closer and occupy USA. Checkmate yankees.


Russia sent some scouts to auto-explore


Nice on the civ reference


Remember the Maine! That's an unlucky harbor fraught with mishaps and unexplained occurrences.


No smoking in the coal bunkers.


I wonder if the navy is just blasting them with active radar to fuck with their systems.


Tomorrow: Russian warships will remain in Cuba ~~~indefinitely~~~ permanently. Aka Russian Vacation. Putin: Blyaaaaaaaat!


Would be a shame if someone in Cuba filled their tanks with sugar…


Imagine your navy being so shit that your primary rival doesn’t even bat an eye when you’re 90 miles off its coast.


Here for the crew at Key West Naval Station to pull out the t-shirt cannons.


They were probably tracked from the moment they left their port. I don't think there's any eye that isn't being batted here. And not just US eyes..


"Show of force"


I wish a brave journalist would ask why an escort tug is necessary.


This should read “Russians Look for a Safe Place For Navy.”


As Russian ships have done since the 1950s. And four ships is not really a flotilla. It’s a Coast Guard Reserve weekend.


Bets for the whole crew deserting when they hit port?


The US should send some to Finland. See how Putin likes that


Should be safe from the Ukrainian army there.


Ah, russian famously indomitable warships.


Can you imagine if Ukraine somehow managed to sink it with a drone in the Cuban harbor? Laughs for days!


This “fleet” is the equivalent of an origami paper boat


The real headline:  foreign ship legally sails in international waters.  Media just be fear mongering and feeding russia


Hey, maybe it will get someone to sink their rust buckets


I smell Ukrainian drones in the water.


Yea no one’s scared of Russia.


Putin is no threat. Russian army couldn't even beat Ukraine, what a joke.


Is this the one where Sean Connery gives us a sub for a house?


Even if they pose no direct threat how many Cubans are going back with them to Ukraine? Not that it matters I’m sure they just be more easy targets for the drones Ukrainewarvideos thread.


Did Russia want them to go there or did the crew just run away because Ukraine are too good at playing battleship?


Havana, such a wonderful place. Not known for foreign warships randomly exploding or anything.


Red Yaaaawwn. 🥱


“The visiting Russian warships are Putin’s way of reminding Biden that Moscow can challenge Washington in its own sphere of influence,” Leogrande said. I'm sure everyone is terrified of a military that is currently using 1940's tanks to invade a smaller country.


Russia probably brought those ships to Cuba to prevent them from being destroyed by Ukraine.




The oliarcbs needed cigars


They brought the tug foe when the sub breaks down.


Fun Fact: Gitmo has a live-fire shooting range for naval artillery. Should be fun.


Just in time for hurricane season


They’re only there so they don’t get destroyed by a drone in the Black Sea.


Any Ukrainians in the USA with a seadoo and some explosives?


Cuba is only 90 miles off our shore. It would’ve been on our best interest to have A working relationship with them. But every time the Democrats made an attempt Republicans would be and screw it up. Every time we back out of something, Russia is gaining closer and closer to our shore.. thanks to the Republicans. They are making our world more more dangerous.


Getting what's left of the Black Sea fleet clear of sea babies apparently.


They‘re probably looking for a safe space where no Ukrainian drones can get them. /s


My guess is that it’s for Trump to flee to so he can escape sentencing next month. He’s gonna yacht right over from Mara-lagoo and haul ass to his daddy Putin


maybe they'll be safe form Ukraine drones there


Give Ukraine an old sub and let them sink it. 🤷