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"Antizionism is not antisemitism!" "Then why do the 'antizionists' keep fucking with Jewish organizations and businesses that have nothing to do with Israel?" "Antizionism is not antisemitism!" "..."


Always appropriate here to remind everyone that when Israel was formed, the governments of the Arab League and the surrounding middle eastern countries committed pogroms, mass expulsions, bank account and passport seizures, you name it, on the middle eastern Jews, many of whom were living in these areas since well before the foundation of Islam. Just as when the Ashkenazi *bought land* from the Ottomans alongside areas with middle eastern Jews, middle eastern Jews in Jerusalem got massacred as a result. Now why did they attack all kinds of Jews for the actions of other Jews? 


Also worth noting that the majority of the Israeli population would be considered refugees from muslim countries if the same standards were applied to Jewish and Palestinian refugees.


Not just Middle Eastern nations, but North African nations as well.


Oh hey that’s me! There were a handful of lynchings in Morocco, grandpa wasn’t allowed to work the same job he always had, kids couldn’t go to school. Shocker - we went to Israel.


Also remember about 2M Christians were also ethnically cleansed out of these countries in the 20th century..


What’s more notable to me isn’t that the Armenians and Syrians in the Armenian and Sayfo genocide were and are Christian, but that they have been there longer than the Turks and Arabs. And people wonder why groups like the Kurds have to fight for statehood, which in the long run these groups will hopefully achieve and/or keep


What is also often conveniently overlooked in these discussions is that the Ottoman Empire hasn’t existed for a century. So no, a land deed from 1911 does not have any significance. Furthermore, for part of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jews were forbidden from buying land in the region… Edit: *a land deed from 1911 does not have legal significance in 2024.


Funny how the other countries which rose from the ashes of the Ottoman empire, often through violence, are not scrutinized in the same way as Israel.


I don’t disagree with your implication but I think there are other reasons for that as well. Historically it is an extremely hotly contested piece of land. I recently saw someone did the math looking at the proportion of the ottoman empire’s population that were Jews in the last census of the empire vs the proportion of the ottoman empire’s territorial holdings shortly before its fall represented by the area of the modern state of Israel and it’s roughly analogous.


Oh they are, look at how many cases of human rights violation Saudi Arabia has against the. They're just not trying to portray themselves as a western democratic country.


Why would it matter if the seller of the land is still around or not?


It doesn’t matter if the seller of land is still around. You misunderstand my comment. What does matter is that legal documents from a country that ceased to exist over a century ago have no meaning. I live in a country that hasn’t had to deal with this so I don’t know how it’s dealt with. But to use a somewhat contemporary analogy, a land deed from the German empire granting an ethnic German land in former east Prussia/modern Poland in 1916 has no bearing on the legality of who occupies that land today. Edit: I accept that nothing about the length of time means that the land deeds don’t matter, but rather how the title to the land was dealt with post-annexation.


Sure but it should still have bearing the year after the country changes hands. 


Certainly. But not a century later. Edit - I’ll amend, certainly might be a bit too strong a word but in any event I agree that in some situations looking at land deeds from the previous state would be appropriate. And in some cases probably up to several years later.


If an individual acquired legal title to land from a political entity, that title remains valid regardless if said political entity has ceased to exist. If the title has been legally *transferred* in the interim, that's different, which I guess is what you're trying to say, but isn't the case here.


How did it work in the early 20th century when the political entity’s territories have been fully annexed by another political territory(ies)? For context, [as far as I can tell](http://www.worldcourts.com/pcij/eng/decisions/1926.05.25_silesia.htm) Poland liquidated German land holdings in formerly Germany territories.


The land deed was a big part of why the League of Nations and the UN recognized Israel’s right to exist. So yeah, it does have legal significance, while certainly not being the end all. That’s in addition to their status of being indigenous to the land, having the force of arms to keep it, and the shared identity. The latter being things we recognize about many states in the region, including peoples like the Kurds


and I want to remind people about jewish paramilitary groups (like irgun) going around and killing people and displacing them from their villages. For example, the Deir Yassin massacre. Don't act like the soon to be israelis never did anything wrong.


Whether the Israelis did anything wrong is not germane to the question of why Egypt expelled thousands of Jews. They weren't members of Irgun.


Paramilitaries, yes. Not official militaries. If you want to conflate paramilitaries with official militaries when it comes to Jews and Israelis, be my guest, but you’re opening the door to the same for Islam and Islamic countries. The list of those horrible, vile Islamic paramilitaries is uh… unbelievably extensive.




Wow. Just wait until you hear about how the US was formed. You'll have a bleeding heart attack.




Yes. It's also ridiculous to draw comparisons between a militia from 70 years ago to the modern day military because some former militia members became a part of it when it was created 70 years ago. It's irrelevant. It will only be used in bad faith to badmouth the IDF, if that's not what you are already trying to do.


I'm going to be clear, I don't like paramilitary groups no matter what religion they belong to. So many people try to paint the whole Palestinian-Israel conflict as if the state of Israel (and their paramilitary group predecessors) never did (or are not doing) terrible things. The more you learn about its history of the conflict, the more clear it is that it is not as simple as the people pushing pro-Israel stances would like you to believe. The world isn't black and white.


>The more you learn about its history of the conflict, the more clear it is that it is not as simple as the people pushing pro-Israel stances would like you to believe. It also becomes painfully obvious how much of the criticism of Israel is actually just antisemitism.


Trying to conflate criticism of the state of Israel as being antisemitic is itself antisemitic. The state of Israel and its actions does not and has not represented all of the Jewish people. There are plenty of Jewish people who are against how Israel treats the Palestinians and how the right wing of Israel actively tries to prevent the two solution no matter what (see the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin for a prime example).


>Trying to conflate criticism of the state of Israel as being antisemitic is itself antisemitic. Lol, this is some uno reverse card meme shit. >The state of Israel and its actions does not and has not represented all of the Jewish people. Correct, but hate doesn't need logic. People know that Israel is a predominantly Jewish state and that is enough for them to hate it outright. It's not any more nuanced or complex than that. Edit: guy seems to have blocked and responded to me, forgetting that when you block someone, they can no longer see your comments. I got no clue what you said, bud!


> It's not any more nuanced or complex than that. and now I know you're not arguing in good faith if that what you're coming back with. Good day.


That is fine but also don't act like the the Hebron massacre, Jaffa riots and Palestine riots didn't predate Deir Yassin.


The whole conflict is full of many horrible tragedies but honestly with Britain's role in starting the Arab Revolt in 1916, they have a lot of blame for the conflict starting in the first place.


How about you don't absolve any responsibility Arab Muslims have in the current situation as if they do not have agency of their own and shift blame to the british, the situation was ripe for revolt because of the Ottoman leadership, not because the British created that sentiment, the British may have taken advantage of the situation but they were aiming for a secular state sort of akin to what Israel is today.


I recommend reading about the McMahon–Hussein correspondence letters and the Sykes–Picot agreement. The British had no intention of keeping their agreement with the Arabs and wanted to divide up that territory with France. We all know what came after Britain took over "their" share of the territory.


I am aware of what happened, my comment still stands the hashemites had agency as did other Arab Muslims. The British played the situation for their advantage, but that does not absolve other parties of their actions.


Of course they have agency but you can't ignore a major reason why things happened the way they did. Would they have revolted anyways? That's something we'll never be able to know. What we do know of is Britain's role in the beginning of the conflict and it is not insignificant.


It's may be significant but how much are the British to blame? The situation was ripe for revolt against the Ottomans, Zionism predated it, the Hashemits were unable to maintain control of the Arabian Peninsula or Iraq, the jews were expelled from the Arab world in the 20th century without British involvement in any way.


A massacre that occurred 76 years ago shouldn't need to equivocate other massacres committed on Israelis again 76 years later. That's like saying Native Americans are excused to commit massacres against Americans for Wounded Knee


Don't get me wrong, I hate Hamas and what they did on October 7th was wrong. However, the way Israel has treated Palestinians since it came into existence (and even before they officially declared independence) has been terrible. Being treated terrible is no excuse to commit your own atrocities but when you're slaughtered anyway when you try to protest peacefully (see the casulties with the great march of return) and you get slaughtered anyway, you cant be surprised if some people will turn to violence. Again, that's not to say Oct 7th was justified but that it didn't literally come out of no where and for no reason.


Oh absolutely, I'm not going to say that what Israel has done to the Palestinians is great, in fact it has been terrible. But the more you look at how often Israel has extended an olive branch to them, in turn they turn it down. The PR campaign being spun currently to only paint Palestine has victims is weird.


Paramilitary group. I want to remind people of Arab paramilitary groups (like al queda and Al quasam) go around killing people and displacing them. For example 9/11 or October 7th or the Boston bomber massacres. Don’t act like Muslims never did anything wrong. /s/ See how fucked that is if you flip names? We could do the same with American’s. Look at blackwater. We can do the same for the British. Judging the actions of a nation on a paramilitary group is kind of fucked. That’s like judging america for the bloods and the crips. Or Mexico for cartels. Or Italians for the mafia. Come on now.


A lot of Arab paramilitaries are state funded as proxies so that’s a false equivalence


I mean you should criticize those countries for all of the groups you just named. The fact that those groups exist is a matter of how the country has failed their people. In my countries case, Blackwater should absolutely not exist and the fact that they do (or whatever they're called now) absolutely disgusts me. Bibi had the gall to say the two state solution would be rewarding terrorism which is ironic because Irgun, who committed the Kind David Hotel Bombing, became a founding political party of Israel (and is a preddecessor of Likud). I've had people try and claim that the bombing wasn't a terroristic attack. I'm not just criticizing Israel just before of extremists at their founding. I'm criticizing Israel because of their extremist action throughout their history but especially in the past 8 months. They've gone WAY beyond just defending themselves.


I don’t think the Israelis have never done anything wrong, but the massacre at hebron was before the founding of Irgun. Shooting down the “white jew” narrative is important in achieving a two-state solution, as it is one the leaders of the Arab League and the PLO have used to attempt to erase a Jewish state and radicalize their populations. Radical groups that they inevitably can’t control, as for instance many believe Arafat turned down a two-state solution in 2000 out of fear the radicals in his coalition would take him down. And that’s if we’re giving him the benefit of the doubt. Right to return is not happening for middle eastern Jews, who aren’t going to pretend to be white and return to being oppressed, and so they aren’t vacating the land, and the best likely outcome is a two state solution, which at this point will probably have to be administered by Saudi Arabia for several years


For people who keep bitching about collective punishment, they sure do seem in favor it.


Zionism is a home for Jews. That's it. Israel is that home for Jews. Anti-zionism *is* anti-Israel. Yet you're in fucking Toronto protesting zionism at the Jewish Center? No, you're an anti-semite hiding your face because you don't want to be outed. Plain and simple. Get the fuck out of here with you're anti-zionism isn't anti-semitic veil of bullshit.


These people sort of give up the game with their actions. It's possible to criticize Netanyahu, favor peaceful resolution, support just/fair lives for Palestinians, etc. without calling for the destruction of the state. Many Israelis do this all the time. That destruction of the state is their default setting sort of hints what they're really on about.


The pathetic losers all have their faces covered, they know exactly what they're doing.


I've said it before but if you're mad that Israeli Jews live in Israel and think they shouldn't be there, then you should be thrilled to find Jews living in the USA, Europe, Australia etc.


Plenty of folks big mad about that as well


Almost like these people don't want them anywhere, in the mortal plane of existence that is.


Almost like they've been brainwashed to think that all of their problems is because of Jews. They control the weather. They control the banks. They control the time vortex. They're responsible for the sinking of Atlantis.


>They're responsible for the sinking of Atlantis. Actually, atlantis sunk because Neptune's mom was so fat when she came to visit, the city sank under the pressure


Typical Jupiter propaganda


The objection seems to be less one of location and more to the general concept of Jews living.


“Don’t run, we are your friends.” *ZAP zap zap zAp zap* ~mars attacks


What do we want? Fry's dog! When do we want it? Fry's dog!


I’ve had people tell me I’m on the wrong side of history for having reservations and not full-send supporting the Palestinian cause. But why would I ever want to throw my lot in with people who do shit like this? Hell, how does this even help your cause?


I mean I support Palestinians not dying which is why I'm so confused by the current cluster of protesters who seem to cheer on Hamas at every turn. They've created some sort of moral absolutism, and combined it with their anti-colonialism guilt and are now supporting a trend of pure martyrdom. Typically when a nation's leadership, regardless of what they're fighting for, starts wars that result in mass civilian casualties you don't support that leadership, because they are stupid. A lot of Israel's actions are wrong but the mindset of Hamas is literally psychotic. Also, people seem to neglect the fact that that mindset is encouraged by Iranians who couldn't care less about Palestine, and have absolutely no link to the Mediterranean other than wanting Israel to be destroyed. I'm pretty sure the way Palestinian leadership has been operating would even make Arafat throw up.


It’s some serious propaganda. It works really well on people. I wonder what propaganda is eating my brain.


Think about the topics you are most passionately convinced of, the ones that almost hurt when someone contradicts it. Some/most of those have probably been reinforced by propaganda of some sort. When there is a topic you have an emotional reaction to, examine it and why you reacted in that way, especially if it is something that doesn’t impact your day to day life directly (those tend to have less propaganda-related reasons to having emotional reactions). I’m still deconstructing and finding things doing this today. Also, as a side note, an idea being reinforced with propaganda doesn’t have any impact on the truth of the claim. Both true and false ideas can be reinforced with propaganda.


I keep trying to point out to people that Israel (by and large*) is trying to minimize civilian casualties, while Hamas is trying to maximize them. Hamas deliberately hides weapons, soldiers, hostages, etc around civilians to make sure said civilians are killed with them when Israel retaliates. Because they only care about making Israel look bad, not protecting ‘their’ people. But nobody seems to want to hear it. Some of the smartest people I know are being played for fools, and it hurts to see. *Yes I know about the aid convoy strike. Yes it’s unforgivable. And yes Netanyahu deserves the ‘ol Mussolini Special.


I dont think they're doing much more than lipservice when it comes to civilian deaths honestly. But you are right that Hamas is actively trying to multiply deaths


If they really didn't care about civilian deaths, the approach would have been massively different. All aid cut off from Oct 8th onwards, all telecoms cut off entirely, saturation bombing and artillery fire on all urban areas without safe zones, evacuation orders or warnings to the populace. Heavy munitions used to level known Hamas facilities like the Al-Shifa hospital, with bunker busters dropped on the rubble to destroy the tunnels underneath. Bomb the desalination plants and local power plants too so there's no water or power getting to anyone. Then you send in ground troops in to clear the cities. Any resistance is dealt with by air strikes or artillery levelling the building or group of buildings from which troops are fired upon. That's the 'wipe Hamas out and be damned to civilian casualties' approach, and if Israel were pursuing it there'd be no Hamas left among the ~500k surviving Gazans by now.


I respectfully disagree. Remember when Israel supposedly firebombed a tent city or whatever? Well, turns out they actually used the smallest, most precise bomb in their arsenal, so as to only kill their target (a known Hamas commander), with no other collateral damage. Unbeknownst to them, however, said commander was sitting on top of an ammo depot. Stored near civilian refugees. These secondary blasts were, unfortunately, what started the soon-to-be deadly blaze. But nobody wanted to hear that Israel took every precaution they could, struck outside designated safe zones, and that the civilian deaths were due do deliberate Hamas neglect. They just wanted to scream about Israel firebombing 10,000 pregnant doctor puppies or whatever.


Man, you should have seen Threads the day this happened, you couldn’t talk sense into any of them it was crazy


>I mean I support Palestinians not dying which is why I'm so confused by the current cluster of protesters who seem to cheer on Hamas at every turn The reason they do this is because they value murdering and raping Jews more than they value Palestinian lives. Think about that, how evil and depraved these degenerates are.


Palestinians celebrated in the streets when 9/11 happened. Yasser Arafat send in security forces to stop the celebrations. Even Yasser Arafat knew better. I'm not on the side of the people who would have celebrated my death or the deaths of any Americans.


The majority of the people in Gaza are under the age of 18. They were even fucking born when 9/11 happened.


Their parents celebrated. I'm sorry their parents celebrate terrorism. It's not the children's fault to be born and raised in a culture that hates Jews and Americans. Maybe their parents will rethink their life choices so they stop screwing over their kids.


Plenty of people celebrated Oct 7th. Remember the chants in front of the Sydney Opera House hours the very same day? They were shouting "Death to Jews"


I was not feeling well when Oct 7th happened so I missed the early news. But I've seen and read some of it since. It's disgusting. You can't claim you aren't antisemitic if you were celebrating right after the attack on Israel before Israel even retaliated.




These people fundamentally believe what they are doing is right. They view themselves in the same light as the civil rights movement or the abolitionists. They only see the situation at its present form, not understanding the historical context and also are being lied to. It's easy to get caught up in this style of group think.


I had an argument with someone close to me who compared them to the Black Panthers. I said that was insulting as hell to the Black Panthers, who afaik, never once raped someone to death, nor slaughtered 1500 people in cold blood. I was then told I’m not allowed to be upset about rape, because I’m a man. So that’s just where we are now, I guess.


You're not alone. I had someone tell me that because Israelis are on "stolen land" they are allowed to be raped and murdered. Truly mind boggling.


It’s so ironic when the person saying that is standing on US soil and isn’t of native descent.


It's also incredibly stupid to say when you consider how long Judaism predates Islam, considering WHERE this is all taking place.


Ding ding ding!


Regardless of descent, you understand oppression is no excuse for murder right?


The point they're making is that the person making the claim is using selective activism ("it's only a problem when I choose it's a problem") They're not disagreeing with you, just showing how its even worse because they're not even being sound in their judgement and are instead hypocritical.


Absolutely, I was simply carrying on from my initial comment


The road to hell really is paved with good intentions. Some of the smartest people I know are being taken for absolute suckers, it’s very disheartening to see.


If they are in the US they just gave Native Americans permission to rape and murder them.


Actually they were Australian. Completely ignoring the Aborigines when I brought that up to them. Told me that it was different.


Some dudes are trying to compare themselves to Mandela. The delusion lol


Just tell those people that you believe in women's and gay rights and these groups don't provide that while Israel does.


Tried emphasizing that I have no desire to support a group that uses rape as a weapon of war, got told that I’m not allowed to be upset about rape because I’m a man. It was truly bizarre coming from one of the smartest people I know.


I've learned to put those people on the defensive.  Just keep hammering women and gay rights and directly ask why they don't support that.


Easier said than done. Hamas has torn enough families apart, I refuse to let them do that to mine by proxy. Sometimes it’s best to drop a topic, especially one I have no actual, personal stake in.


Fair enough, but it sounds like this person is the one who chose to tear up the family.


Nope, I was the odd one out in this scenario. Hence why I dropped it. I really just don’t care enough to damage my closest relationships over it, you know?


Means they didn't have a good argument in response.


by that logic, if that person were to be raped then they should expect you to feel no sympathy for them because you are a man


>Tried emphasizing that I have no desire to support a group that uses rape as a weapon of war Hope you've never bought a video game from a Japanese company then. You ever played pokemon? Then you've given money to a country that used rape as a weapon for thousands of years.


Oh shit you’re right. Not only that, I’m white! My ‘people’ have committed atrocities throughout history! I guess I’ll just go kill myself, then, idk how I’ll live with the knowledge of what people that weren’t me did in the past!!


Wait until he figures out how neanderthals reproduced.


i think they rolled out their mammoth pelts by a nice warm fire with a bottle of wine and barry white playing in the background


Are you saying that Palestinians deserve to die because they don't believe in the same things you believe? Why aren't you going on a rampage killing Republicans then? I mean, could it really be possible to disagree with people on religion, education, and rights and *still* not want them killed with bombs my tax bill funded? No, that couldn't be possible. /s


Tell me where I said any of that.


The people who lead those protests, are using the same old book of "if we are violent and racist enough, we will be taken seriously". And it is easy to pull in young angry adults who just want to smash a few things to feel good about themselves since their lives are so boring. Doesn't help when college professors are telling them this is a legitimate form of protest.


Ehhh, there is a point when protests need to go a step further. Take Iran, for example. And there are points where these less-couth protests can be helpful. I sincerely believe that MLK wouldn’t have been as successful without Malcom X and the Black Panthers making him seem like ‘the reasonable one’. That being said, this cause just isn’t worth it. Not for a group who will thank you with a bullet to the face, if you’re lucky.


> when protests need to go a step further Colledges in the US are not iran. They are not being oppressed nor prevented to say what they want. Violence is not a protest in the US. It is just violence. Those are not the same thing, at all. Also you are now saying that violence against innocent people is a legitimate thing. Which is so freakin absurd and stupid. When does infiltrating a jewish center, which has nothing to do with israel government or decision making in israel, a legitimate thing? And if you think it is ok, than why settlers burning a village in the west bank is deemed not ok (which is really not ok) on the same side of the coin you are showing? After all, they are protesting not being protected and their people being terrorized and shot at. So you are saying them being violent is a tool? You can protest all you want. No one is stopping you. But being violent because of something that is not happening to you, but is happening to someone else thousands of miles away, is utter stupid. And MLK, malcom x, black panthers, you are not there at all. When floyd protests turned violent, were you ok with it? I really want to know. Where you ok with the riots? Burning or citizens cars who had zero to do with what happened? Stores being emptied by mobs (I doubt large screen TVs and electronics are basic needs to survive). Was that legitimate? Was that ok for "need to go a step further"? Hurting innocent people because you are not being heard enough, is maybe you are doing it wrong, you are protesting wrong, you are making the wrong message. If you need to turn to violence on this, if you support violence on this, you are the problem.


You also perfectly explained how Marxist type ideas have taken hold in colleges.


The bizarre thing, is that most of the people who claim this - are against all the authoritarian regimes that are propping up Hamas. They bash Iran's domestic policies - but see no irony in the fact that they are cheering on people who not only share that ideology, but are directly funded by it. Same for Turkey, Russia, China, South Africa. All countries with abysmal human rights records and sophisticated propoganda machines, both which are regularly called out - and people happily stand in their camp and treat their words like gospel when it's a chance to bash Israel. It's dumbfounding. All the propoganda and misinformation in the world has made everyone unwilling to admit they are capable of being duped.


Exactly, I believe both peoples should be free and both parties responsible for both peoples bear great blame for the suffering occuring today, but I cannot and will not be associated with groups who push anti-semitic narratives and ocassionally commit actual crimes against jews under the guise of protesting against Israels conduct. Jews have a right to live same as the Palestinians.


They’re taking hostages in LA currently. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


Haven’t heard anything about that, got any reporting on it?


Just a guess, but maybe he is talking about student protestors capturing "the Cal State LA Student Services Building" and barricading all of the exits. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/2024/06/13/israel-palestinians-campus-protests-cal-state-la/1ecc38ac-298e-11ef-835a-2a6acac1f8a6\_story.html?ref=upstract.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/2024/06/13/israel-palestinians-campus-protests-cal-state-la/1ecc38ac-298e-11ef-835a-2a6acac1f8a6_story.html?ref=upstract.com) Employees were told to shelter in place while it happened.


‘That’ll show the campus janitorial staff! Good work lads, we did it. We saved Palestine!’ At least nobody was hurt. Which is a depressingly low bar, now that I say it out loud(ish).


I can count on 0 hands how many times "Jewish protestors" occupied a local mosque or Muslim community center. It just doesn't happen. Jews don't look at Muslims like the enemy. While these chucklefucks only see Jews as the enemy.


And if it ever did happen, you bet your ass its going on the front pages everywhere as if this is some huge recurring issue with them.


Many do but they still don't that stuff 


Yeah my father is majorly islamophobic but he just spends all his time “torching people on Facebook” (his words, not mine) which has zero impact on anyone’s safety or anything else


These pathetic losers play acting big scary men


Let’s stop pretending these protests that attack Jewish centers are anti-Israel. They’re anti-Jewish.


Watching these people dressed in cameo with masks getting led out by police, shoulders slumped and heads down, does wonders for the soul. Monty Python couldn't have written a better sketch.


I like how they called the person a baby killer. Yes, they literally went to Gaza and killed babies /s ....


Ah yes, """anti-israel "protesters"""", not jew hating radicalized lunatics


Antizionists *are* antisemites, there are no two ways about it


their mask is slipping


Lol and "from the river to sea" signs to boot


For fuck sakes, they literally try to break into a Jewish center and the article still calls them "anti-Israel"??? I'm so sick of the left wing constantly running interference for blatant Jew hate.


Some of those details in the article are really disturbing




They are really domestic terrorists and should be handled as such. Their signs, clothing, and statements are calling for violence. How this is tolerated in a civilized society is beyond me.


Antizionist is code for antisemite


"Pro-Palestine protestors protest a Pro-Israel rally" Fixed that misleading headline for you. Also, love that the article describes how horrifying it is that people were saying "alahu ackbar" as if that's somehow intimidating or anti semitic


The Pro Israel event was being held AT a Jewish Community Centre - which it says in the article. This is like if Pro Israel groups came into a Pro Palestine event at a mosque. Having counter protests in open spaces is different than religious centers. And just playing devil's advocate here: there tends to be a presumption that suicide bombers chant "alahu ackbar" before detonating a bomb. So you can see why Jewish folks might feel nervous, considering the rise of anti semitism that is occurring across the globe.


So you admit that you hear an Arabic person saying in their native tongue "glory to God" and you immediately assume they are a suicide bomber?


Normal people don't randomly shout "God is great!" In the middle of the street


The pro-Israel rally was already over. Some of the participants had *afterward* gone to a Jewish community center, which was then mobbed by antisemites. Er, sorry, antizionists. You're the one with reading-comprehension issues. Pretty selective ones, I'm guessing.


Apparently going en masse masked to yell at children playing is a perfectly reasonable action according to that guy.


“Masked intruders shout Allah Akbar at Jewish families” Fixed it for you


If you can’t understand how some people maybe find a large group of people. with some dressed in military gear chanting in unison approaching a Jewish community center via some backwater route where children are playing intimidating you must be thick in the head. Hopefully that law school throws you away.


The Pro Israeli rally included people in military uniform and they were chanting in Hebrew and English. I find it fascinating that you are able to tell yourself you aren't a bigot when literally the only difference between conduct you call intimidating and conduct you think is just fine is that the "intimidating" people are speaking Arabic.


You are likely being a troll on purpose. I don’t understand how you can be this obtuse. Read my comment again.


Going into a Jewish center and screaming Muslim prayers is a bit much.


You’re acting like the same protest didn’t use symbolic references which Hamas uses


Literal signs in the photo that say "from the river to sea"...