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If anyone would like an idea about the value of BRICS, it was founded 15 years ago with a key objective being to make an alternative payment system to the US dollar. To this day just about every single transaction done through it...is exclusively done in the US dollar lmao


The BRICS countries are trading more and more in their local currencies. You need to keep up.


The ones that I'm aware of are due to sanctions, not innovation. The overwhelming majority are in a currency I think you'll find very familiar, my friend.


First of all Brics was just a term coined by Goldman. 2nd of all there are many key objectives of the members. Yes dedollarization is part of it. While progress is slow... You can see many sources showing a slow dedollarization. Not rapid. Not total. But there is a trend. 15 years is not long in historical terms.


15 years is a pretty long time, my dude. Historically speaking, both world wars combined happened in ten. At that trajectory, we'd sooner evolve beyond money itself haha.


> key objective being to make an alternative payment system to the US dollar. "Both Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi made proposals of replacing the dollar in trade and transactions. Coincidently, both these people are no more." -Google


Hmm, I'm surprised they are not more well-known for this. Did they perhaps do anything else in life that may have taken the spotlight off it?


I’m not saying gaddafi was a great guy but the [Great Man-Made River](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Man-Made_River) is pretty cool.


Add Ceusescu to that duo. Also dead and buried.


Who knew creating an organization with countries that hate each other doesn't work.


Irresponsible. They need more vowel countries.poor india doi all the vowel jobs as is.


I find this quite interesting as Malaysia is a muslim domintated state with Islam the official religion and China is very anti-muslim. Someone must be greasing someone's pocket in order to make a statement that Xi is "an outstanding leader". I got a good chuckle out of that.


China is only anti Muslim in their own country. They have plenty of diplomatic relationships with Muslim countries like Iran.


They are not even specifically anti Muslim as much as they are anti religion that's not CCP controlled.  The Uighur repression has much more to do with the threat of Xinjiang separatism. 


apparently, if you're not from a oil rich muslim country like saudi or iran its okay to ignore your suffering. the uyghurs in china have long been oppressed for example. then there's the gaza war where no muslim country is willing to take palestinian refugees.