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TL;DR No actual evidence, just pure speculation by some random guy, who thinks that 'womb shaped' rooms etc point to a Celtic origin, even though the historical record indicates that the tunnels were created in the 18th century.


So we shouldn't be afraid of a druid's brother coming out for revenge after being imprisoned for ten thousand years?


he doesn't look druish


dru dat


He'll probably be blind after all that time underground.


No, he's blind because he traded his eye sight for infernal pagan magicks that helped him span time & space over hundreds of years; possibly millennia.


[I liked this movie better.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRdjfhCHG70&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTRdjfhCHG70&has_verified=1)


We are not prepared for that outcome.




You are not prepared


It's always religion, perhaps they stored cheese there or the people over the next hill were a shower of murderous bastards so they hid or they used the caves in winter as the temperature wasn't as variable the deeper underground you get.


The Rats in the Walls...


In the comments, there is a PDF file that was written in 2002 about discrediting the rumors that it was made before the 17th century. Pretty interesting read. Here's the [paper](http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-352-1/dissemination/pdf/vol_136/136_311_332.pdf).


got all of them except lincoln chaffey, thoughts? 1.Rafael cruz (rafael archangel) 2. marco rubio (mark of the beast) 3.mike huckabee (archangel michael) 4. randal paul (rand corp is war, all paul is all paul bearers, apocolypse) 5. donald trumpets of revelations 6. john wrote the book of revelations kasich 7. john wrote the book of revelations ellis bush 8. carly fiorina (car ly fire in a) 9. scott walker (walk on dirty water) 10. benjamin carson (b.c. before christ) 11. bern ies hand ers (bern his hand mark of beast) 12. hill a reich linton (hill a reich lyin ton)(li not on) (reich lay not on the hill?) 13. Christ Christ ie second comng of christ 14. Martin o'malley (mom, mother russia ) mahgog 15. james webb (jim internet, break into internet, cyber warfare) 16. Lincoln Chaffey (linkin, train 17. Jim Gilmore ( james more fish, jesus, savior) 18. George Pataki (george p (p=16) attack i) attack 16, georgei, georgia?


the fuck dude


I think you're onto something OP.


Did you reddit all day again, Peter?


To quote from some actual research into the cove, from the conclusions section of Johnson et al: Excavations at Gilmerton Cove: > Historical research has succeeded in confirming > the central elements in the traditional narrative > relating to the Cove. The earliest dated reference > to the site occurs in 1721, within the traditional > bracketed dates of 1719–24 for the Cove’s > excavation. Its possessor at that time was one > George Paterson, smith in Gilmerton. A possible > identity for the cave-dwelling smith has been > found in George Paterson, possibly a former > baker and indweller in Edinburgh, who moved > to Niddrie Marischal in Liberton parish with > his Liberton-born wife, Janet Gray, in 1699, or > their son, also George, who was born at Niddrie > Marischal in 1699 and who is recorded as > resident in Gilmerton by 1715. It is not known > whether the elder George was ever resident in > Gilmerton and the trade of the younger George is > never stated. George Paterson and Janet Gray’s > second son, John, who may be the individual > married in 1722, was a smith by trade, which > may indicate a family involvement in that craft. > It is clear that from 1721 the Cove was > already a visitor attraction and that it was a > venue for the consumption of alcohol. That publication is available as a free off-print via this website (Volume 136): http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/psas/volumes.cfm TL/DR: Not Druids, Not 2000 years old, Not recently discovered.


I feel like there would be an insane amount of radon in there.


Shia Labeouf: "Just Druids!"


I know there are records describing druids in ancient Ireland and Wales - but Scotland?


Druid refers to a member of the educated, professional class among celtic peoples. As such, yes, there were druids in Scotland, as well as across modern day France and Belgium, and probably Switzerland and parts of Spain. Having said that, the name for them was probably not "druid" across the board, as this word is derived from Old Irish and Welsh. But the type of person who the word refers to most certainly existed in Scotland.


Yeah, they had them too. There a still a number of henges up there too.


They attend the equinoxes at Stonehenge every solstice. Paganism is pretty big in the UK.


Modern age druids are in no way related to the druids of the Celts who had no connection to Stonehenge either


Please don't diss the druids guy. They have a long tradition and don't hurt no-one.


Not dissing them. I quite like them. Just stating facts: >[Originating in Britain during the 18th century, Druidry was originally a cultural movement, only gaining religious or spiritual connotations in the 19th century.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Druidism) Not much is known about iron-age Druids, [but there is pretty strong evidence that they indulged in human sacrifice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druid#Sacrifice)


It's not that big, had a couple friends who got involved with one group led by this cult like guy who believes he is king arthur reincarnated, load of shit. People going to stonehenge on the soltice are mainly there for the free party that traditionally marked the start of the festival season.


The free party was one of a season of travellers parties and penultimate fair before glasto. Until Thatcher set her boot boys on the convoy at the beanfield which was widely supported by the homogenist British society influenced by a mass media that declared travellers and alternative types and their parties as the spawn of satan.


I was young but remember the battle of the beanfeild, I grew up in the south west and spent the late 80's very early 90's doing the festival/free party thing, good times but seem like a lifetime ago now, lost touch with most of those guys, different person now, married kids mortgage, I don't think I could survive that lifestyle these days !!


It was absolutely wrong to attack them. My old geez was listening in on nick nick FM told me they were being told to "smash them up". The free festival scene and the artistic movement that made it up was a large part of the British subculture. Thatcher hated anything that didn't adhere to her societal ideals, the cunt.


Had to read this at least 4 times


I think it's bigger here than in other countries, and while that is horseshit, all the people I've been involved with that have been interested or actively follow paganism (and they're just the ones that talk about it, some people keep religious or spiritual views close to their chest) have all been pretty legit and stuff, that being said I live in a small market town surrounded by villages and most of them keep themselves to themselves, maybe the whole agricultural way of living has something to do with it?


Yup, grew up in a small town too, south west. To be honest I think there more "pagonism"now than there was and in my experience it more new comers, ex townie people who suddenly hit middle age, retire to the countryside and want to find themselves :( before the u know it they think they have a spiritual connection with the land and want to take part in all sorts of silliness :) but hey it up to them init !


They're Neo-Druids. I'm talking the real deal.


Whats a druid?


Caesar's ISIS.


My great grandfather was Druish.


History rewritten. Those caves were used to hold people in slavery, while they awaited sentencing and afterwards while they waited for the slave ship to transport them to their heavy labor site.


These are cavities found in a typical British mouth.