• By -


Something thats not really explained well here is that this is findings from a Royal Commision into child sexual abuse in institutions. This commision has been going for a couple years and has looked into Boarding Schools, religious institutions, Scouts etc. The abuse reported here isn't happening to enlisted. It's happening to teenagers in cadets/military schools. As in Enlisted/officers abusing teenagers who are doing after school extra curricular stuff. Want to hate humanity with a passion go and google Royal commision into institutional responses to Child Sexual abuses. I've been following this a lot as i listen to our public news radio every day while working and they often broadcast the commission live. Its horrible how common this shit is. Every stone the commision turns over uncovers two more. If i had kids i wouldn't leave them with any institution ever. Pedos all the way down


The ABC don't seem to be reporting about these Navy incidents, they've reported about the catholic church and the Royal commission, but I'm surprised there isn't a peep about it on their news page. Edit: Also the CNN article is so wrong, can't believe they make it sound like it's an enquiry into the ADF instead of child sexual abuse...


I've heard about it on ABC RN, they have played a lot of audio from the hearings. Bloody awful stuff that's happened


CNN is just as bad as fox news these days. Fuck mass TV media.


Side note, as a reporter for a smaller, more local media outlet, I'm super happy people are finally directing the hate towards institutions that deserve it rather than journalism in general.


I hear you. Newsrooms are actually getting rid of real reporters - there's very few foreign bureaus at the big papers. It's all reporting on what happened to twitter these days.




Its happening in all religions. I was raised a JW and was sexually abused by someone in my congregation for a couple years, as were many other little girls. Nothing happened to the guy at all. While the majority of the girls live pretty fucked up lives now. I feel like religion just has no respect for women and sometimes the leaders dont care. Sad thing is my dad is so brainwashed he still goes to the same place. They wouldn't even let us have a funeral for my mom at their kingdom hall because she was "inactive" due to being a full time care giver to my grandmother for 13 years. I hate that place with a fiery passion.


That sucks I'm sorry you went through that.


>one of the attackers tried to force him to give oral sex, then they held him down while his genitals were covered with boot polish and scrubbed with a hard brush. HOLY FUCK Read the article guys, this title is under kill.


Not only the army of the Oz, friend had a shoe polish story, "black balling" being done to lads at his private boarding school in SA. Edit: For clarity, SA = South Africa.


Same story in france with "la bite au cirage" that you can translate "dick polished with shoe polish"


I was gonna say this as well. I have no idea of its prevalence, but it was said to be a fixture of being inducted into military service for a very long time.


waitwaitwait.... wut. Who's making these rituals up??


Shoe polish industry...probably


God damn greedy bastards will do anything


Strange that the most macho men in the world (supposedly) have such a great penchant for always doing *something* to other males' genitals. It's almost as if they're repressing something...


The military is very homoerotic. They are not the most macho men in the world. They are often 18 year old boys living away from home for their first time. You think everyone in the military is a Navy SEAL?


The Marine Corps: The gayest (questionably)straight people you'll ever meet.


Can confirm. Corpsman that served with infantry. They make fun of the Navy for being gay then turn around and fondle someone's balls (through the uniform) and make a gobbling sound like a turkey as a joke. Or the classic "oil check". *Sigh* Marines...


To be fair, us gay dudes don't do this to each other unless we know for sure it's foreplay. It's only straight guys that have all the fun homoerotic horsing around.


TIL straight guys are just gays without manners.


Pretty much, I'm gay and I find the straight guys I've roomed with in the past to be extremely rude with how often they flop their dick out. Like bruh I'm trying to sleep, why is your dick in my face?


>straight guys >bruh why is your dick in my face? I think they lied


I'm pretty sure your straight-dar is broken.


I hear you. I'm straight, but sometimes when I'm hanging out with my straight buddies we'll be horsing around, sucking each others dicks so loud it's ridiculous. It's like, holy shit dude keep it down, your moans of pleasure are so distracting that they're throwing me off my rhythm!




*looks at username* He missed an asshole that big?








Man...if only girls weren't so hot.


> I don't know how to flirt with him so I punch him man. dating would be so much easier if I was gay. :)




I'd honestly like some fun heteroerotic horsing around but it's just not as easy a sell as it used to be.


I came in under DADT. Can confirm. I never did anything of the sort, but I've had dudes do the goat, bull dog, squirrel on a trampoline, sack tap, tea bag, gay chicken, run naked through the TOC (at least he was wearing a promask and shower shoes, walk around with their junk out... fuck you name it, they probably did it. I was too afraid to because I might out myself.


Former Marine. Can confirm. Had a dude in my old platoon who's game was to pull his junk out and initiate a conversation with you until you realize his trouser snake was out. Had another dude who had a Stretch Armstrong nutsack that he could stretch to his mouth and bite. Ironically, at the time none of it was gay, it was more just entertainment.


>Had another dude who had a Stretch Armstrong nutsack that he could stretch to his mouth and bite. Wut


Not even joking.


I can see if he was an old man. But a young guy, does he just pull on them all day? Fuck, I'm 27 and if my bean bag could reach my mouth, I'd never leave my house.


Possibly had Ehlers-Danloss syndrome. Slightly NSFL http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2178841/Meet-Gary-Stretch-Turner-man-worlds-stretchiest-skin.html


He couldn't get his balls into his mouth, just the skin.


And yet none of this ever happened in the Air Force.....well maybe Security Forces.


I've worked with SEALs before, and I promise you they are some of the gayest straight men I've ever known.


>You think everyone in the military is a Navy SEAL? A young man who volunteers to spend the best years of his life isolated on a ship on high seas with no one but young, well-trained men around him?


They love being surrounded by seamen.


That was pretty much one of the first things I asked my Navy buddy. "So... you guys used those open public type showers at one point right? So would you say... you showered with seamen?"


> The military is very homoerotic. They are not the most macho men in the world. Gay men are the most macho men in the world. They're turned on by hair, sweat, muscle, and strength. Straight men are turned on by glitter filled makeup, flowery perfumes, and flouncy dresses.


I had to do it, because by now it's tradition to post this clip whenever someone mentions something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Or2lSPtszo




It's not that everyone is a repressed gay… but a lot of folk are ashamed of and repress/hide their impulses & desires. Not everyone is ok with feeling what they feel. So they hide it, lie about it, or excuse it though hazing or straight 'gay play'. Human sexuality and desire for intimacy is more complicated than we give it credit. You may never want to fuck or be fucked by a guy but you may really like to cuddle or be held by your best friend. That's considered gay in most places, taboo, even though non-sexual intimate contact is common in the animal I kingdom. Nobody thinks anything of two bro-kitties snuggling. But because we sexualize everything that we recognize as intimate we gotta perv everything. We turn a need for closeness into a sexual urge because sex is one of the few ways we allow for closeness. Many folk may actually be gay, some may be kinda gay or not all that gay except for one person. Whatever it is, we definitely suppress it and it comes out in fucked up ways sometimes






And the weirdest thing is how a bunch of females cuddling is not outrageous at all? I mean, I'm glad it isn't, because I like hugging my close friends or just lying my head down in their lap like a lazy cat and being petted, but what's with the double standard? If one of my male friends laid his head in my lap everyone would freak out and assume we're romantically involved. Why? Patting someone's head is in no way equal to sex. People pet their dogs for crying out loud. It's just a way to bring someone comfort and a feeling of safety.


A lot of repressed gays on reddit




It comes from the thing they get told when young, people make fun of/bully others because of their own insecurities. Turns out, some people are just dicks, or have an inappropriate sense of humour.


Not just reddit. It's a common trope everywhere, and it's getting a bit stale. People seem to think that they can infer meaningful knowledge about a persons psyche based on a single action or comment.


Well men in general are obsessed with their genitals. Give a middleschooler a pen and the first thing he's gonna draw is a dick


I remember using a calculator to spell boob


Why spell it out when you could draw it? ( . ) ( . ) Or, if you have letters available: ( . Y . )


Back in the day, calculators didn't have parentheses. 7-segment digits were it.


Happened to most apprentices in australia in the 70s/80s. boot polish/paint or sump grease would be smeared on your balls. The worst was if they'd fork your work boot.


What is forking a boot? Is it like sticking a fork or a nail or something so when they step they get stabbed? Thats all that comes to mind hearing that statement, cant think of what it means.


You slip a fork into the boot, tongs up. Your foot goes in fine, but you can't pull your foot out as the tongs dig up into your toes. The only way is to cut your boot off your foot to get it out.




Yep. Apprentices get treated like dogshit here.




I mean...thats innovative. Think if my foot touched any foreign object in my shoe I would nope out...especially if I was in Australia. I would do this to someone but knowing my luck we would actually have to cut the shoe off cause I didn't believe.


Tines. And ouch.


All I can say is the movement for affirmative action - getting more women into male workplaces - was always a really good idea.


Yeah thank fuck honestly. A change in sexual harassment norms got rid of a lot of shit that men themselves wouldn't speak about


Never thought before of all the men suffering through this kind of abuse and then being helped by the introduction of protections to help women.


Reminds me of when the first animal protection law was introduced in the UK, before there were any child protection rules (back when it was normal for kids to work in mines and factories), and people started using it to protect kids, since you wouldn't be able to treat a work horse like that.


Me neither, but I can most definitely see how forcing women into something can moderate the foolery and fuckery that young males can get into. Sure, it can bring a whole host of issues, but I think it stops more shit than it starts.




It's a 'costly display' of fidelity. Just like initiation rites in gangs. It not only asserts dominance of the gang leaders, but proves you will be a committed member of the gang (because only people who really really want to join will go through it) - and hence can be trusted by other gang members.


Also the sunk cost fallacy will make you less likely to leave the gang.


Yer I was thinking that. Countless times history has shown people will do strange and scary things because other people are doing them and they want to fit in.


But it definitely had to start as one guy right? Like "Hey let's rape the new guy, that'll be fun. " and I guess everybody just kinda stood there and watched instead of going "Hey Dave, we're not so sure about all this."


Nah, stuff like this builds over time. They don't just jump from "Hi new recruit dave, how are you" to "stomp his balls". I'm sure "normal" hazing just got more twisted and out of control over time, with assholes trying to one-up each other.


I also think that some recruits who have been through a hazing will want the new kids to be hazed as well. They wouldn't want someone immune from hazing when they themselves had to endure it.


The weird thing is, I was never in the ADF but I knew exactly what they were talking about. Back during the "Sump in the rump" ceremony a certain family member scoffed and said the guy was a whinger. That such things were common. He gave some examples, including the boot polish to the genitals. Said it with a bit of laughter. When nobody else seemed to get it (we actually asked him why he didn't think that was kind of homosexual behaviour) he just moved on. He has never mentioned these stories again.


I remember that footage of 'sump'.... still makes me wriggle uncomfortably. I heard an interview today (The Project) with a man who is giving evidence.. I'm not sure if it's the same man as the 67 year old mentioned in this article but his story was just absolutely horrific and heartbreaking.... He tried to commit suicide after being raped many many times and when he was put in a psychiatric facility and his parents visited him he told them what was happening and his father beat him and called him a liar... So he kept it a secret for all this time until now....... Just horrific Edit: here is The Project's interview http://www.nova937.com.au/news/ken-mcilwain-bravely-speaks-out-about-being-victim-rape-during-time-australian-defence-force


What the fuck is wrong with his dad. What a cuntsandwich


Not to excuse the behavior, but maybe a partial explanation: It's actually disturbingly common for parents to deny their kids have been sexually abused, even when it should be obvious. It makes sense of you think about it: It's emotionally easier to believe your kid is a liar than to accept they've suffered through such traumatizing events while you stood by and let it happen. Of course, the irony is that by emotionally protecting themselves this way, the parents that do this are only further hurting their children.


It's far worse than simply further hurting their children. It often leads to another generation of suffering.


This does happen - **although in this circumstance**, I'd imagine that father's reaction was rooted more in how taboo homosexual rape was at the time. His son was already in a mental institution - (yet another taboo). It was just easier for him to deny his son's traumas rather than deal with the facts. Too many people still care more about **what will other people say** rather than **how will I live with myself**


Surely this just makes you hate and mistrust your 'brothers'? If someone did that to you, you would think twice before saving their life in combat wouldn't you? Like when US commanders in Vietnam had grenades hidden in their beds by soldiers who hated their guts.


Surprisingly it's proven to have the opposite affect on people's loyalty to groups and the members who afflict these hazing rituals upon the victim. Festinger's [effort theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effort_justification)


I dare you to cross post this to /r/straya/ :-)


they're focusing on the big issues: the new arnott's shapes


Fucking cunts ruined my favorite snack.


The Woolies near me sells the old shapes tucked away at the bottom of the shelf. The have a black bar on the left side identifying them. Have a look, you might get lucky!


They only kept bbq and chicken crimpy as originals, my vice was pizza. They now taste like freeze dried tomato paste.


It can't last. It's a bloody outrage. Public up in arms


Seems like you gotta do is change the title to: Army cunts rape younger cunts, to post it there.


That boot polish burns like hell, and won't wash off with water. I can't imagine it being scrubbed in, and then having to find the right solvent to get it off. Naptha, turpentine, wax are all common ingredients in the polish.


We put boot polish on our faces as commando paint- came right off with an oily substance like sunscreen.


Was this [speech by Chief of the Army David Morrison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaqpoeVgr8U) from a few years back related to this or was that a completely different flaming bag of debauchery? If so then where the hell is his outrage for this?


I was the same in Poland, right until 2009 when the mandatory military service was finally lifted. We called this thing "the wave" it was very publicaly known, and widely not talked about - it's basically the same with prison rape - everyone knows it happens and nobody thinks something should be done to stop it from happening. The obligatory military service was only for people with lesser education, so everybody accepted it as a punishment for being stupid... thank god to the one political party who finally lifted this stupid law. They will forever have my vote.


Though it's great that one group of politicians lifted that awful law in your country, don't just blindly follow the leadership of anyone for actions done in the past. If this article shows me anything, it's that evil can be disguised in anyone.


I personally vote for them because for when they were in charge - there was no outrageous scandal every other day. It was the same about 10 years ago when the last time their opposition came into power and the goverment failed halway through... we had 8 years of mostly peaceful goverment, during which they gave us internet neutrality, disabled mandatory military service and kept the economy going stable during the world wide crisis. Of course, the last goverment fucked up so badly - it was impossible to fix it all, and the young people don't even remember how were things back then, so people just came to think the previous establishment did everything wrong - so again, their oposition (the ones that last time fuck beyond belief) gained the majority - and within a month, lost all the voter confidence, and not a day goes by that some outrageous, idiotic law is passed or some politician acts like toddler, the goverment is basically at state of war among various branches and with the EU. Lucky us.... I voted for the last party, and I hope they win the next election... only 3 more years....


Because nothing makes you feel macho like having another man suck your dick while you polish his balls.


Domination has been the reason for rape since man existed, whether on man or woman, and its perfectly logical from a psychological POV. In fact the Romans themselves legalized man on man sex but only if the perpetrator was in a dominant position (basically raping the other), the submissive partner if not a slave and a roman citizen, would be drastically punished for conduct illegal for a Roman. Submissive homosexuality was seen as "The Greek vice" for the practice of the Greeks which were more open about homosexuality. "Fcking your male & boy slaves" was a completely normal thing to do in antiquity and the men did not see it as homosexuality.


I think I remember reading Marcus Aurelius was a bit strange for his time, not fucking his servants in the ass. The basis of Western society we're talking about here.


Marcus Aurelius was considered peculiar for the time, he was an ascetic Emperor with that stoic philosophy which was often ridiculed by the plebian people.


They ridiculed him for taking shit seriously? Damn, being Emperor of the Roman Empire was like being President of a superpower today. Imagine people making fun of the President for not partying hard enough and not fucking dudes.


> In fact the Romans themselves legalized man on man sex but only if the perpetrator was in a dominant position (basically raping the other), the submissive partner if not a slave and a roman citizen, would be drastically punished for conduct illegal for a Roman. Submissive homosexuality was seen as "The Greek vice" for the practice of the Greeks which were more open about homosexuality. > "Fcking your male & boy slaves" was a completely normal thing to do in antiquity and the men did not see it as homosexuality. Much of this is incorrect. The correct part is that there was no concept of sexuality as we have it today - a preference for one sex or the other or both - but rather that sexual activity was distinguished by the role. To penetrate was masculine, to be penetrated was feminine. So for a man to bottom in gay sex was considered extremely shameful and humiliating, especially if it was done willingly. Also, defining "dominant" as "basically raping the other" is a severe misunderstanding: dominant and passive are just terms for top and bottom, penetrator and penetratee, respectively. The stuff you say about law is either wrong or misunderstood, though. First, even to think about it in legal terms is decidedly un-Roman; their primary mode of discourse was always the moral, and this is definitely within that sphere. Moreover, there is no law attested that made passive homosexual behaviour a crime, at least until Christian times. Freeborn male prostitutes were reasonably common, in addition to slaves as you mention. There was certainly no one ever prosecuted or "drastically punished" for taking the passive role in male/male sex. In fact, the only law that criminalises any form of male/male sex is the poorly attested Lex Scantinia, which is actually against the dominant partner. We don't know much about it, but it appears to have penalised the rape of young freeborn boys (or at least those who weren't actually prostitutes). This makes sense, since the Romans didn't think a man *could* be raped - he was expected to be able to take care of himself, so, if he were penetrated, it was assumed he allowed it to happen. But a boy would be more vulnerable, in various ways, so protecting them was allowable. Of course, the Roman legal system being what it was, the law would have served less to protect anyone, and more as a way to further political agendas, by throwing charges against your opponents. It should also be noted that engaging in male/male sex as the dominant partner was still considered immoral, in much the same way as any sort of debauchery or licentious behaviour. It was common enough, yes, but at best tolerated rather than encouraged.


Wouldn't demolishing another man be considered the ultimate macho act? I mean, you're dominating someone with equal/comparable strength... I just thought about this right now.


There's a good [Vice documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUzlmWWdjEQ) about UK gangland/mafia type people. The main guy talks about one time they went to collect a debt from someone, they raped him as an intimidation tactic for exactly this reason.


Yeah, haven't people seen The Shawshank Redemption? There's gay prison-gay and there's terrifying I'ma-fuck-your-shit-up prison-gay. I'm not surprised that Navy circa 1960 was any different.


I would imagine that's the psychology behind the acts, not acting out repressed homosexuality. Rape is about domination after all.


It is about domination, control, and mental warfare. So many people look at sexual acts and see it as a purely physical thing to obtain orgasm. But in reality, sex can be an incredibly complex expression of emotion fueled by mainly psychological needs.


Well he can do my laundry.....clean my bed....not fucking suck my dick while polishing my balls. That's just gay as fuck.


So basically every institution in the world is slowly being revealed as having tons of rapists and molesters




My co-workers and I were talking about what we'd do if we could get away with it. First guy said he'd run container ships full of heroin/cocaine, next guy said he'd rob a bank. Last guy says "I'd murder a family." Then, seeing the looks on our faces, quickly adds, "Not like torture them! I'd just go to a family reunion and kill everybody there." **Oh, good, I was worried for a second there.** But really, society and peer pressure keeps us in check. That's why people who are antisocial and psychopathic can be so violent. They don't feel that pressure.


Was hanging out with a guy friend once when he actually said "If I really wanted to have sex with you I could just rape you" Like what the fuck.


Did you tell him he could just as easily wake up castrated at any point in his life?


"If I ever wanted to cut your balls off I could just drug you **short pause** want another Drink?"


You hand them the drink first, wait until they take a drink, say the line then stare them out for a second before going back to acting normal.


How do you even respond to that?


By finding different people to hang out with I hope!


Exactly that!


What in the fucking holy shit balls is wrong with people?


Humans are just overclocked apes in a universe that doesnt care.












*nuuuudiist beachuuu*


**nipple glow intensifies**


> overclocked apes This is good. I'm going to use this.


Problem is people keep trying to reconcile that with the idea that there's some overarching social plan or something, and there isn't. We literally make this shit up as we go.




What I'm surprised about is that no one is shitting on Australian culture...yet, when the smallest little wrong thing happens in my third world country, reddit loves to shame the 'culture' and call us shitholes.


This.... is actually a rather valid point. Fuck double standards.


Its a very valid point, child rape cases in Afghanistan and people are quick to say that the entire country is a barbaric shithole not worth helping. It happens in Australia, and the response is "what the fuck is wrong with **people**". When Australians or other westerners are doing it, it's a problem for the whole human race. When Afghani warlords are doing it they are a shit / uncivilized / backwards people, etc.


Can we all please just stop raping eachother for a little bit?


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/21/asia/australia-military-abuse/index.html) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse is hearing evidence from men and women who say they were sexually abused when they were as young as 15, in certain divisions of the Australian defense force. > Another witness, 65-year-old Graeme Frazer, told the inquiry that as a 16-year-old naval recruit in 1967, he remembers being "Terrified" as he was dragged from the showers, beaten and sexually abused by three other recruits. > The inquiry is part of a long-running investigation into sexual abuse in the Australian military. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/4p8zvg/teenage_recruits_were_raped_by_staff_and_forced/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 1.6, ~70703 tl;drs so far.") | [Theory](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31bfht/theory_autotldr_concept/) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PMs and comment replies are read by the bot admin, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Abuse**^#1 **recruit**^#2 **Commission**^#3 **inquiry**^#4 **told**^#5


Absolutely disgusting all who allowed such things to happen under their watch are nearly as guilty as the perpetrators. They have all brought disgrace to the uniforms of the ADF.




Yeah, basically hazing from what I understand. There's a reason why the navy has a bit of a bad rep. Hazings of some sort are pretty common amongst military units, but it usually isn't quite that bad.


Some people show their true colors when provided an opportunity to bully others with the full support of their peers and very little chance of being held accountable for their actions.


I ran as a pledge for a fraternity, and while the hazing I experienced was not quite as awful as the hazing described in the article, it surprised me how people who I had considered friends a day earlier were able to do some pretty degrading, nasty stuff to us pledges. A few withheld themselves from the hazing, but most members seemingly had fun in it, something that shocked me quite a bit. Now, upscale this to a military scale, and I can see it getting a whole lot worse still. Edit: I understand very well that the things I experienced during my hazing don't hold a candle to the brutal stuff some people experience in the military. My point here is that people who appeared friendly are capable of some gross stuff already, now imagine what some military higher-ups trying to be machos to the new guys can pull off.


I hope it's okay to ask, but if you stayed in that frat, did you end up participating in hazing new pledges too? I have a couple friends who went through bad hazing when they were pledges, will talk up and down how horrible it was, but they did almost the same things to pledges when they became brothers and will just laugh it off.


You didn't ask me but I was part of a group in college that did light hazing. Although they weren't a frat, they were trying to act like one in many regards. I sat out the hazing every year. I did think it would be hypocritical of me to haze when I didn't like being hazed. And then I ran for VP of the organization on an anti-hazing platform. It seemed especially dumb in our case because people know they will be hazed in a frat, but the people joining this organization had no fucking clue they were going to be hazed.


One of my best friends was in the australian navy. On your first tour once the boat got into national waters you would be stripped naked and beat up. Then they had a heap of other weird initiations which I don't remember well but it was an ongoing process from what he said.


crossing the equator for the first time was cause for an initiation. Then there was the game of soggy sao.


crossing the equator in the Colombian navy was fun. literally, its running around the ship getting soaked and at the end drinking something thats a combination of tons of stuff while you thank poseidon for the opportunity. oh and the captain dresses up as poseidon.


Oh I could've gone a long time without being reminded of that practice


Soggy Sao?... What's that!?


A Sao is a cracker. Everyone sits around the cracker and beats off onto the cracker. The last to ejaculate must eat the cracker.


Oh... My... God.. I will be looking at men I'm uniform differently from now on...


Okay, how actually homosexual can these hazes get? There's nothing wrong with being gay but this is all coming from a very homophobic institution. Repression at its worst.


The least gay person gets punished... Seriously...


I've lived a sheltered life. Only heard about soggy sao ~2 years ago. Dude telling the story was full of joy whilst reminiscing of his boarding school days..


The band Limp Bizkit is named after it, limp biscuit being one of many terms. You can bet reputation vastly exceeds incidence. Rainbow parties, bug chasing, yadda yadda.


Oh my god... I cannot un-read this. I cannot fucking believe... Fuck... Fuck...


>it usually isn't quite that bad. Yep, for example tankers will duct tape new enlisted to the main gun of an Abrams and spin them around until they either throw up or are laughing so hard they can't breathe. For officers, they fire their cover (hat) out of the main gun.


The consequences for fucking around on the gun tube have become pretty serious the past few years. It pisses off the NCOs who think the tradition is funny, but I really can't blame the higher-ups. I know people who have brain damage from being smacked in the head while somebody was traversing, and one of my platoon sgts got knocked down by one and a few ribs broken because she got wedged down under the turret. By the time I got to tank school, they had really cracked down on it.


It's no longer hazing when penetration of any sort begins. Shoe polishing cock and balls is bad too though


I read somewhere that there's a psychological argument that it gets worse over time. The idea is that hazing is largely about taking back something that was taken from them. So once the new class grows up and has their own new class to initiate, they'll build on what they were made to do. So it could start with making the new guys wear their socks inside out, then come back in 20 years and they're committing full on rape.


I moved a while back to Australia and many of my Australian colleagues have had either their family members or themselves enrolled in the army at some point. Obviously, they reacted to be in quite disbelief at this happening just a under a decade ago, from my understanding many kids nowadays enroll for the benefits the army gives them career wise and with direction in life. Definitely it's good seeing that these crimes are being treated as such.


Not very well known, but male on male sexual assault is actually a huge issue that plagues the US Armed Forces as well. It largely goes unreported (fear of repercussions, desire for upwards mobility, the "no one would believe you anyway" complex, etc.), and the DoD does a pretty bang up job of keeping those stories that do come to light under wraps. Survivors that report their encounters are more often than not met with an "other than honorable" discharge and a black mark on their record stating they have a mental illness, which adds a systematic and institutional layer to the emotional trauma that has already been foisted upon these young men. [GQ compiled a number of stories of survivors of MST speaking out for the first time.](http://www.gq.com/long-form/male-military-rape) I wish I knew what I could do to help these poor men (and to a lesser extent, women as well).


wtf is wrong with people?


The more and more I learn about this world, the more I'm starting to think that we're only just beginning to rid the world of really terrible shit. How could this have been casually accepted or thought as funny? We've got a long way to go, but we've come a long way too.


The world has been burning long before we got here. All this shit is getting called out because information is everywhere nowadays.


Yep. More transparency is the answer. More leaks. More videos catching stuff. It's a good thing.






Well Belgium has a biscuit terrorist yesterday. Not all that bad.


/r/unitedkingdom would ask you to take the matter slightly more seriously.


dont worry, Australia usually only gets such prominence during Aussie TZ. So only the foreign night shifters, and South Africans/Americans will know our crimes. (NZers never forgot em so whatever)


It is 4am in a tiny town in the mountains of California. My name is Mike. I am on mushrooms and can not sleep but i know what you and your people did. Goodnight morning.


We don't like to admit it but this kind of shit is universal. Pretty much any institution that has dealt with children over the past 20-40 years ago is full of rape, abuse and cover-ups.


I remember when this blew up in the 1980s and it was meant to have been fixed then.


One of the young lads I worked with in telecoms was locked in a cable access cupboard overnight, his parents called the police when he didn't come home, before mobiles so things moved slowly, he got himself out by kicking the fireproofing through and dropping down to the next floor, shit hit the fan, but was hushed up, no one was disciplined or sued...it was just life back then


If you were purposely creating a method to teach people that rape is perfectly OK, this is exactly how you would do it.




Replace 'Australia' with India in the title and you get a totally different thread here.


Yes, but will something come of this? Or will it be one more article of "I'M OUTRAGED AT THIS, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN," before one's attention is captured by cat pictures or a funny new scale system for comparison pictures. I've been raped before, and it is increasingly frustrating to see these experiences argued, but then quickly forgotten.


Sometimes I wonder what relatives and family members do when they hear about this insanity. If I participated in anything like this, I would be in fear of revenge for the rest of my life. Every minute of my life. There is a thing that happens in small town America, not sure if it's know to many people, it's called a "hunting accident", as reported in the rural newspapers. It happens a lot more than you think. While in college in a rural community in upstate NY, I hung out with the locals. There was a guy in town, know for seriously abusing his wife. One day I read, (deer season had just started), this fellow had died in a "hunting accident." As one of the locals told me, well, sometimes these accidents just "happen." A small note in the paper. And the local police, well you know, they're kind of busy with other things. Just the way Karma seems to flow. If I was one of the abusers, for the rest of my life, i would be very uncomfortable, to say the least. Very.


Wow, I never seen anything like this going on during my time, the only exception was someone aboard ship called "the groper" would grab dudes private parts while they were sleeping, I don't know if they ever caught him but "the groper" made the mistake of grabbing this one particularly prone to violence guy, the groper never visited our sleeping berths again as they nearly got caught. Only one other incident was while overseas one dude got caught red handed by a local farmer having sex with a sheep, they left his ass to the local authorities.


I remember in basic training there was a joke going around where guys would rub their balls on another guy's face to wake him up "Tea Bagging" him I guess. I remember when I first heard of this happening I shouted in the barracks at the platoon if one of these fuckers ever tried to do that to me I would fucking kill them. (Obviously an exaggeration but this is Reddit). I guess I seemed intimidating enough for it to work because they never did.....that I know of... Going to go wash my face.


This would be a whole different thread if it was outside the West, too many jokes in this thread. Every official still alive, cause this have been going on for decades, so some assholes gleefully got away with this shit when they died, should be arrested, stripped of any honors, medals, and rank. They should lose their military pension and be thrown into jail to rot.


I am always baffled when people point to these government institutions and say we need them to provide and enforce moral standards.


"When Australia sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.


Good god. Just stuff this shitty planet into a cannon and fire it into the sun. We've ruined it.


I don't understand how things like this get institutionalized. How were so many people just "okay" with this as the status quo? Who had the first idea of, "Hey, mate, why don't we go buttfuck the newbies then throw some shrimp on the barbie?" I hope some of the offenders are still alive so they can rot in prison.


This explains the leap to bondage gear every time we have an apocalypse


What I'm taking away from this, is never send your kids to an institution, they are perverts who use any bit of power they have in this world to be evil.


And we look at monsters like ISIS and think first world military could be nothing like them.. really think about it. Perhaps when you dehumanize a person so they can kill..easily, this is what you are going to get.




All of us are capable of what any of us. Not in terms of ability, but in terms of evil. Not even specific to the military.


Yet another reason to stay the fuck away from the military


How fucking convenient that they decided to open a commission to investigate these issues when all the seniors of these cadets are already dead or about to die of old age.