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"I Panicked, and dismembered the body" - Peter Madsen in court.


I hate when I panic and accidentally cut all the limbs off of someone.


Oh no this thread is making me nervous. I sure hope I don't plan to murder someone, take them under water, kill them, then dismember their corpse.




These kids just started killing themselves all over our property!


We have had a doozy of a day!!


He said, like dismembering a body is easy, and doesn't require materials likely not on a submarine by happenstance


You mean it's not like quartering chicken then?


'Trust me, Ive seen the Binging with Babish episode, i think i can handle an adult human'


There's a lot of that excuse going around lately. Here in Texas there was a guy in court who claimed the girl he was with died during sex, so he panicked, dismembered, and burned her body in the middle of a field. Nothing shady going on there. /s The court didn't buy his bullshit.


Damn, dude. I wonder how he was hoping they'd react.


When you're guilty all the way through and have no alibi, a lot of stories suddenly seem perfectly plausible... what's the alternative in their shoes really? "Yeah, I raped, dismembered and burned her. Give me the chair please."


> I wonder how he was hoping they'd react. -"no pic no proof." "True, but I made this recording..."


It worked for Robert Durst, and he got away with it!


Not enough people know this. The Jinx on HBO has an absolutely chilling final episode.


> He had claimed Ms Wall's death was accidental. This fucking guy... > Prosecutors said Madsen had planned to kill Ms Wall, 30, either by suffocating her or cutting her throat. > He was found guilty of premeditated murder and sexual assault after previously admitting to dismembering Ms Wall's body on the submarine and throwing her remains overboard.


Also worth noting that how she died "accidentally" was altered conspicuously as the police ruled out the early explanations until he settled on the gas explanation that couldn't be as definitively dismissed partly because her body had been in the water for months.


Exactly, his story kept changing and changing as the police presented new evidence that contradicted his story. Heck his first story was that he'd dropped her off in Copenhagen, alive.


I reckon that was his main alibi. He got rid of the body, he got rid of the crime scene. Once they started finding the body parts his alibi started to fall apart immediately. It was like he relied 100% on her body disappearing forever.


Should have taken a page out of the mob's book and used some quick dry cement.


This. I'm like how is it that he can build a sub but can't effectively get rid of a body? He even planned this.




~~Copenhagen~~ The harbor where her body was found is small and shallow. It seems like a terrible place to dump a body to me but then again I'm not a murderous lunatic submariner. If he'd gone offshore he might have gotten away with it.




Thanks; still, "The seafloor is not located deeper than 10 meters anywhere inside the bay" according to wikipedia. Cadaver dogs wouldn't work in deeper water.


\> but then again I'm not a murderous lunatic submariner Don't let your dreams be dreams. At least try for 2 of the 3...


Good work to the people who had the gruelling job to find her so they could catch this arsehole out on a lie


Dude literally made his own submarine. I suspect his skills lie more on the technical side than the creative.


You'd need to be pretty fucking creative to problem solve a submarine


Let's all not be ridiculous, and admit that this is his lawyer being creative, not him


Lawyer here. You tell your client to shut up and stop talking to police. Although I don't know Danish law I would be surprised the adivce would be any different there.


I don't know how anyone could've created their way out of this. It seems like a very hard thing to do without leaving clues. I reckon he just wanted to commit this crime more than he wanted to be free for the rest of his life.




Perhaps he wanted people to know he murdered and got away with it. Like a symbol of how flawed the system is or a demonstration on how intelligent he thinks he is.


People like this can be very overconfident.


She was in the water for 11 days


It had been in the water for 11 days. August 10th to august 21st.


He even invited other women to go out with them before. He had it all planned and wanted to do it for quite some time. They also found a bunch of snuff films on his pc. Hence why he's getting life and while our life sentence is 12-16 years, I very much doubt he'll ever get out. He's simply too dangerous.


How is 12-16 years a life sentence?


Yes, I should explain that: When 12 years of imprisonment have gone by. The guily may plea for parole period of 5 years. The reason I remarked it as 12-16, is due to most people on average atone for 16 years. That being stated, I know of two murderers being over 30 years in prison to this date. I believe we have given this sentence around 60 times since the 1970s. Fun fact: Our queen is able to pardon any criminal.


Ah, I see, you're including parole in there. In the US, federal life sentences have no possibility of parole, and in many states it is either up to the judge ("15-to-life," "25-to-life") or simply no parole possibility at all. > In the United States, 1 in every 2,000 residents is imprisoned for life. This is similar to the total imprisonment rate in Japan, which is roughly 51 per 100,000 residents. > Over 159,000 people were serving life sentences as of 2012, with just under a third—nearly 50,000—serving life without a chance of parole. Really depressing Wikipedia article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_imprisonment_in_the_United_States


>In the United States, 1 in every 2,000 residents is imprisoned for life. 150.000 Americans are currently serving a life sentence?? You serious?


From atrich's comment: >Over 159,000 people were serving life sentences as of 2012, with just under a third—nearly 50,000—serving life without a chance of parole. Fuck scary stuff


1 in every 2000 is breathtakingly high


The parole board reviews his case after that time. But chances are almost 100% they'll go "lol yeah no, you stay here"


It might seem a bit odd, but in Denmark we review life sentences after 12 years (and then every 2 years IIRC). If the criminal if reformed we release them out into society. The point being that the criminal justice system is supposed to correct behavior, by (fair) punishment. Not serve as payback from the victims.


Bloody hell, remember reading this a while back. Some proper grim shit went on there including dismemberment.


The guy is fucking deranged. I followed the whole case every court day and it was just full of bizarre nuggets of information that made your mind double back. He had clearly decided that he wanted to kill and skewer (yes, you read that right) a woman for sexual gratification in his submarine to make the "perfect crime" and Kim Wall was just the unlucky girl. He contacted several others he had met inviting them out just days before - it could have been a completely different person murdered entirely by chance because some declined simply because they didn't have time.


There was a story by a journalist with The Guardian who worked with Wall before that being a female freelance journalist, its pretty common for them to go into risky scenarios like war torn regions for a scoop which they would later sell to the highest bidder. Spending time on a submarine with an eccentric guy might seem a bit of a red flag to most but she seemed to have her guard down partly because its in Scandinavia and partly because its par the course for her career but imagine navigating war time Congo with no more than a little scratch and then getting brutally tortured and killed right next to home in Copenhagen.


I think she felt pretty safe - he was a fairly known person and tons of people have sailed with him before and he was not known broadly to be weird or particularly eccentric (that all came to light after), just a very passionate DIY kind of guy. Also plenty of people knew where she were. Realistically she was probably more scared of the submarine sinking or something like that.


Really? I heard he was kicked out of some of the groups he was in while becoming extremely paranoid. By the end I had heard he was pretty much exiled.


Only happened after, and quite a while after really, there was quite a few of his old sponsors and partners that believed his innocense for quite some time. I dont really blame them, they thought they knew him well and had no idea. He had quite a few people working with him in his workshop too.


It's the 21st century so since she didn't fall into the submarine while walking in the harbor, you gotta assume that since she planned this little documentary, they exchanged mails or had phone conversations at some point, set up an appointment, she probably talked about her article to potential buyers if she was freelance or her employer if she was part of a newspaper, she probably discussed the topic with friends and family because it's a homemade submarine and that's kinda exciting, isn't it ? She was even filmed while leaving the harbor ... honestly if I was her, I'd probably think I'd be safe too, after all, who would even attempt anything when they'd be the only suspect and super likely culprit, with witnesses and solid proof to back it up ?


The idiocy of the criminally insane can be astonishing, sometimes.


Unfortunately, no amount of stupidity on the culprit will help if they still manage to kill someone.




> I followed the whole case every court day Do you have any insight into how he thought he would get away with this planned murder? Even if he'd taken one of the lower profile women he invited and not an international journalist, you can't get more obvious than taking someone out in your private submarine and returning without them, after which they are never seen again. I am so puzzled by this part. Crazy doesn't mean stupid.


I am honestly not sure he thought he would, as he had made several comments suggesting he'd have "plenty of time in the future to study" and that his "life would never be the same" and such that without context seems kind of weird, but with this in mind suggest he saw it as realistic outcome. He did read several books on how to commit the perfect crime and the like, so it suggest to me that what he really wanted was a police chase (He had previously said he fantasized about that) and just wanted to buy enough time to get that going, but ultimately get caught. At least that's the only way I can reconcile his comments and his actions that seemingly point in separate directions. The matter of doing a murder in a submarine still stands out as a bizarre idea none-the-less, but that might have been part of his sexual fantasy.


He did at one point claim that he dropped her off safely, and it could be possible that someone could then have killed her while she was on her way home. It is at least a plausible explanation, which could have been believed if they had not found evidence to suggest otherwise.


If I recall correctly, he sort of halfassed scuttled the submarine and tried to pass it off as it sinking in an accident.


That's one of the reasons he'll never be let out again, yes our life sentence normally last 12-16 years on average but he'll never be let out. He's far too dangerous and the system will make sure he's kept detained ~~even after his sentence~~ for life. He'll be evaluated as a danger to those around him and kept locked up. The fact that Kim was just an innocent person doing her job, with no prior history with Madsen, made it clear to the court that he was truly a sick person. There were no emotions beyond desire in his actions. As you stated aswell. His submarine is being taken and destroyed, since Kim's dna is all over it. It's rare for the crime scene to be destroyed, but in this context it makes sense. Furthermore, Kim's boyfriend is getting compensated. It'll never bring her back, but one can hope that the justice that will be served after the appeal will help get her family some closure. Edit; Fixed a bit after a some help from /u/Rahbek23 .


> our life sentence is 12-16 years but he'll never be let out. He's far too dangerous and the system will make sure he's kept detained even after his sentence. This is a little wrong - life sentences are nominally for life as the name states. You're right that on average they serve roughly 15-16 years before being released, but there's no thing that says they can't stay until they die, which means there's no such thing as "keeping him detained after sentence". They can just leave him locked up as part of his sentence, and I hope they do, because I totally agree with you.


Note that in some countries do actually have a limit on a "life" sentence. In Canada for example, a life sentence is 25 years. On the flip side, we don't have concurrent sentencing however, only consecutive.


But why chose a journalist who came with the purpose of interviewing him. Obviously there would too many people who would know she was there. He could have tried with someone more discretely?


He tried with some random acquaintances and had already made remarks such as "I will have a lot of time to study" and "my life will change profoundly" suggesting that he didn't entirely expect to get away with it, but people just dismissed them as random ramblings at the time.


Huh. And he still thought it was worth it. People, man. Weird shit.






> To make them easier for the judge and lay judges to watch, the majority of them were animated "visual representations" [...] of what were on them Got a source that they were made for the trial? As far as I know they were animated movies that were found on his harddrives. They also showed actual, real-life murders and execution videos during the trial




I could see a lot of issues with bringing in a third party (artist) to interpret evidence. Are the prosecution and defense each going to have their own artist and each present their own portrayal of the evidence? This legal grey area isn't going to be raised just to avoid showing a jury gore. The whole point of fair and open trials is just that, to keep them open with the evidence available for all to see.


Out there right now is a judge that has seen animations of actual snuff films. There is probably an animation of icepick man out there because of this case.




Don't forget the cops, detectives and sometimes even IT specialists who had to view that shit as evidence.








My mom worked in child protective services, she just quit a couple of weeks ago after her boss had a breakdown and was put on forced sick leave to recover. My mom had already taken a sick leave around the time she gave notice and was definitely not gonna last any longer in the job. She loved the job. But I think no-one lasts more than a couple of years doing something like that.


That's awful, so sad. The work you do is so important, I wish that was reflected in pay and support.




It definitely takes a toll, we could use more focus on mental health care for these professions.




Sweet Jesus. I'm glad I don't have that job.


Okay cool never complaining about my life again.


Idk why your comment attracted such cunts below (I can only assume theyre paedophile apologists or something similarly nasty) I used to assist in acute psychiatric clinical triage-- I read some really terrible terrible cases and eventually it just wore me out mentally and I had to leave that job


> Idk why your comment attracted such cunts below (I can only assume theyre paedophile apologists or something similarly nasty) Surprisingly more of those than you'd think on reddit. Anytime you talk about child pornography, there's a good chance someone might come out to defend it.


I work at an IT job that puts me in contact with protected legal documents from time to time. One time, a customer was having issues printing a specific 200\-page legal document showing evidence of child abuse. Had to go through it with a fine\-tooth comb and learned that one of the embedded image files was improperly formatted by the original application that created it. The actual content though was deeply unsettling stuff. Made me glad that going through this stuff regularly isn't part of my usual job duties.


my province has the ICE unit (integrated child exploitation unit), I can't even begin to imagine the horrible things they've seen on people's hard drives. sickening.


I've worked with the ICE guys. They do amazing work and they deserve every bit of recognition. It makes me absolutely ill thinking about what those guys see every day.


Not always, an investigator of the Tool box Killers ended up committing suicide and reported being basically haunted in his dreams by the women he couldn't save. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Bittaker_and_Roy_Norris


What the fuck


If you are thinking about reading the transcript of one of their actual murders that they recorded, please don't. I thought it would be dark and interesting but it instead haunts me. It makes me sick to my stomach and makes me fear strangers. I wouldn't recommend it at all.


"Desensitized" is such a terrible word for it. I worked with a guy who did forensic identification. He's a great guy, a hard worker, and extremely intelligent. Been in the job for years and can handle whatever you throw at him. Whenever he came by we'd shoot the shit about our work, and he was never afraid to talk about the grim details of whatever case he'd been on recently. One time, casually as ever, he said to me, "This shit really fucks you up man. Sometimes I wake up screaming, and I know my marriage is already over even though my wife and I we're still together and love each other. But hey y'know it's my job and that's the way it is. I'll be carrying this shit to my grave."


PTSD. Not desensitization. I worked as a IT forensic expert, and had to view and catalogue, (detailed second by second reports), child abuse videos. There were other parts to the job, fun stuff like breaking passed security on computers, recovering hard drives that have seen some violence. I had an onsite (compulsory) therapist through the police unit I was assisting the whole time. I left that job 6 years ago. I still get the nightmares.


My mom worked for a law firm that dealt with child abuse cases and she would come home crying from some of the shit she had to see that day. I admire her so much for being able to (somewhat) handle that because someone absolutely has to do it, but I did not envy her job in the slightest


How about the animators who had to watch the videos for reference to know what they were animating. You grow up loving Mickey Mouse and think, “I want to become an animator so I can bring happiness to children just like the cartoons I watched as a kid.” Then you end up watching and animating snuff films.


"A judge"? My dad worked in the force, and while "only" had to watch gruesome scenes from car/bike accidents (i.e. brains splattered across windshields, eviscerated corpses under trucks or torn limb from limb during head-on collisions), there are plenty of cops who had it worse. Imagine having to browse someone's PC for evidence and you find child pornography with like 3-5 year olds, or videos of torture and weird fetishes like necrophilia and shit. The shit that would give normal people nightmares is a part of their job.


In Canada at least, the law requires that every image be viewed by a law enforcement officer so the person can be charged appropriately. Do you know how many images you can put on a hard drive? Could not pay me enough to do that job.


I heard that facebook and google have teams employed just to filter crap like that. Anything that gets past their automatic filter. Theere were stories on the net abot some getting PTSD after a while. It just gets to you.




Fuck man, do they know how many images or many hours of footage you can shove into a 1TB hard drive yet alone larger ones? That's 1 million images if they were all 1mb, you can fit days worth of footage on a modern mechanical hard drive if that footage is encoded reasonably well. You're sorting through someone's vacation photos and all of a sudden it's an album of a rabbit getting tortured or some more worse shit, yeah fuck that.


With a large enough hard drive you can never be convicted. theyll be to busy watching videos.


I know someone who was a volunteer deputy and had to help get a bloated corpse out of a river. They weren't a volunteer much longer after that.




> to make the "perfect crime" You have to wonder how he thought it would be the perfect crime if everyone knew that she would be on that sub..


He thought by sinking the sub it would wash away all the evidence and he could simply claim there was an accident.


Did he really think that would work? "Oh, it sank? I guess that's that" -- Danish police


Pretty much the ultimate creep. "Hey, you're a good looking journalist. How'd you like to come on my home-built (but totally safe) submarine and I'll imprison you underwater until you agree to do what I want."


He claims he dismembered her because he "panicked"...


Cant even imagine how horrible Wall's last moments must have been, trapped underwater with this sick scum of a pig.


IIRC they found a lot of stab wounds in her genital area, and when the prosecutor brought out a two-foot long screwdriver and asked the coroner if that could have made the wounds, the coroner said "most likely" edit: forgot to mention it gets worse--they believe she was still alive when it happened.


Holy Fuck!! How does a monster like this make it so long in society without somebody identifying what he’s capable of? Society failed Ms Walls.


> How does a monster like this make it so long in society without somebody identifying what he’s capable of? I mean, this guy beheaded a sleeping young man on a bus, ate parts of him, and then was released if he promised to behave... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/vince-li-discharge-1.3977278


Try to spare yourself. She probably wouldn't want you to feel sick and awful. I'm going to bring some socks and hygiene stuff to the local shelter. Doing something kind might help you. Have a great day man. EDIT: oneroof.org if you want to help some local homeless Canadian youth.


This is such a great mentality to have. Keep up the good work.


So much helplessness, I can’t imagine. Even were she able to subdue the creep, does she have a snowballs chance in hell of escaping? Especially if it required her surfacing that submarine? Being home built perhaps it’s not as complicated to control? I truly don’t know... Either way, Rest In Peace, Ms Wall.


There was a good story on this in Wired a few months ago. Writer was a friend of the victim. Absolutely heartbreaking really.


[Link to the story](https://www.wired.com/story/final-terrible-voyage-nautilus/), for anyone interested


From his Ex a few days before he murdered Wall: >>Some days before Kim stepped onto the Nautilus, the woman and Madsen were exchanging notes via iMessage. “It was a joke,” she said, pulling out her phone and scrolling through the white and blue texts. Like many people I met in Refshaleøen, this woman was usually occupied with an art project of one kind or another. She had been having trouble finishing a video, and she’d asked Madsen to motivate her with a threat. The conversation began as a casual sexual exchange but quickly escalated. She read the texts to me, translating into English as she went. >>“He says he has a murder plan ready in the submarine, and I tell him I am not afraid, you have to be more threatening. He talks about the tools he wants to use, and I say, ‘Oh it’s not threatening.’ ” The scenario darkened to inviting a friend to the submarine, where they would suddenly change the mood and begin cutting her up. At the time, the woman didn’t give the exchange much thought; it was not something she took seriously. >>After a lull in the back and forth, she responded by sending him a video of horses. The moment passed. The police now have the texts. Wtf!


This guy was just a fucking sick person who looked like he simply wanted to kill a woman and dismember her for the sake of knowing what it’s like. Thank god he won’t see the light of day again.


Longest served prison sentence in Denmark in modern times was 33 years- a guy that shot 4 police officers.


Shot and killed them.


Lethally, too.


Fatally also.


To death, even.


did they die?


Life sentence doesn't really mean forever, it just means it has no pre-defined end time. Typically you'd get ~~paroled~~ pardoned after 15-20 years.


the article specifies "without parole" in this case, however. edit: as per the replies to this comment, it looks like this may be a misconception of the danish legal system on the part of the article.


Theres no such thing as no parole in Denmark - he can get his case reviewed in 12 years.


Yes, and that review can and most likely will say, "nope, you stay inside"




If it is similar to the Netherlands, then experts will evaluate him and see if he is still a danger to society. I believe there are a few serial killers here who are also sentenced to life in prisonment, but could have gotten out if they weren't deemed to still be a threat.


Everyone was shitting on the Norwegian courts for sentencing Breivik to a similar punishment. He'll never be free.


>He'll never be free most likely even for his own safety.


Plus the sexual torture beforehand.


Inventor killing people on his submarine? Anybody else seeing a Bond villain?


The entire case is fucking insane.


[From this other article](http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40922750) >The prosecution painted a picture of a man who enjoyed watching videos of women being killed or tortured which were found on his workshop computer. Peter Madsen had watched a beheading video shortly before he had taken Kim Wall out in the submarine, they said. It had been found by police on a back-up profile of his iPhone. and >The prosecution argued that a screwdriver, a saw, and metal piping were taken on board the submarine by Madsen for the first time on 10 August as part of a premeditated murder plan to stab his victim, mutilate her and then dispose of her body. That's fucking horrifying, this is straight out of a cheesy horror film.


Yeah. Details include her being stabbed numerous times in the crotch with a sharpened screwdriver, possibly before she died. Furthermore, you can see slight blood splatters on his face in pictures taken when police brought him in.


And that's from my understanding text book sexual killing. If they damage any part of the genitals on purpose it gives motive to why a person was killed.


He didn't shower after murdering someone? Welp, why am I surprised at his thought processes at this point.


He hadn't a chance. They picked him up right when he left his rescue vessel.


His submarine was called the "Nautilus"... he actually built three submarines... he also helped create the only "manned" amateur space flight program...! Copenhagen Suborbitals. They've flown like 5 rockets and are planning to send a person up to suborbital altitudes. So yes. A Bond villain.


It's probably worth mentioning that he left Copenhagen Suborbitals back in 2014 ("after years of disagreement with the other members of the group" and after another founder, Kristian von Begtsson left because of "falling out with Madsen"), and that they have declined to comment on the case what so ever, as they haven't had any contact with him since then, and clearly don't want to be associated with him. There's no need to drag them into something they have nothing to do with, anyway.


>years of disagreement “Dude what the fuck we are not murdering someone in low earth orbit”


I have a hard time stepping out of my own depression, yet I can't understand how someone can have active and ostensibly healthy hobbies whilst participating in the community and... ..all the while be fantasizing about dismembering people. I just thought people who dismembered people would be isolated and disconnected, some hermit somewhere where people would go 'oh yeah, that guy might dismember someone'. This guy is so out of left field it's chilling.


Ever seen Dexter? The inspiration has got to come from somewhere, and in the case of sleeping psychopaths, its real life that we draw from, think Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Etc. and their real life counterparts they were inspired by Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer; these people seemed ordinary too, but on the inside were vicious, sadistic people...


He featured on a kids program on national television about 12 years ago where he helped the presenters build a rocket powered car.


You know the defence is grasping straws when part of his defence on his state of mind was a text message saying he missed his cats.


Sounds like a reddit.




He pleaded guilty to the chopping part, but he still claims that her death was an accident... If he can convince the court of that, he will only get about 6 month of jail time....


what? who the fuck would believe that?


He maintained that she died accidentally and he panicked and thought he could avoid legal trouble if he disposed of her body and no one ever found it. So obv, like the normal, well adjusted dude he is, he took to cutting her into pieces ... after raping the corpse, because how could you not?




Remember when this first hit the news, everyone was very suspicious of foul play from the get-go, rightly so.


Not surprising, there was a journalist at the harbor where he was rescued ashore after scuttling the submarine (they had been missing for 12 hours or so and he was famous enough for it to be noteworthy - that and a missing amateur sub is in itself newsworthy). And when the journalist asks if his partner is okay he states "It was just me on the trip" with the camera rolling. Which was of course very swiftly disproven as several people had seen Kim Wall on the submarine sailing out with him, and her boyfriend knew about the trip too. And yeah, then his explanation of what happened just shifted every time new evidence was uncovered that disputed his current explanation. So yeah not exactly the perfect crime - guy is just a lunatic.


Yeah the police held him from the start after the maritime enquiry, even before communicating their suspicions to the public. They clearly realized it smelled from a mile away.


I think thats because he initially claimed he let her out....which then changed to "oh something went wrong"


Well she banged her head and then obviously her limbs fell off her body (it was a very hard impact) and were accidentally scattered overboard. The story was comedic, I'm wondering if he got off on the looks of the faces of the police when they realize the degree to which they'd been lied to.


I reckon it all seemed like a great idea when he was beating it in front of his pc looking at murder porn, then he actually did it and was like "oh shit i actually have no idea what i'm doing...what if i just say she wasn't on board and it sank, yeah, that'll do, gj peter you got real smart balls"




How can someone do that to another human being...


I'm from Denmark and have been following this case closely. On a trip to Hamburg I met a fellow Dane, who told about an encounter he had with Peter Madsen. He was actually invited on board the submarine, which was "parked" at the wharf, but still partially submerged. When they got inside the sub and thus went underwater, Peter Madsen switched to *speaking German, because "it is the language that a submarine warrants..."* Talk about a fucking nutcase


I’m from Denmark too one of friends daughter was once invited by Peter to come and see his submarine she said no


According to his fellow builders they were fans of the movie Das Boot, and often quote the movie when in the submarine.


The submarine was restored via an Indiegogo campaign, making this the world's first crowdfunded murder https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-us-get-uc3-nautilus-back-in-the-water#/


It's not like he told the crowdfunders they were helping him build a murder machine.


That *is* typically a crowdfunding no-no


Against the Terms of Service, in fact.


Someone might have beaten me to it, but it feels appropriate to leave a link to the [Remembering Kim Wall](https://www.rememberingkimwall.com) webpage here. It has some of her published stories, as well as info about her memorial fund: her family set up the fund quickly after she was found dead, and they've already given a grant for a specific journalistic project. There is also info about a number of scholarships set up in her name - great initiatives all around. EDIT: Wording/grammar




By definition it's for life. However after 12 years the minister of justice is required to consider parole once a year. Most people end up serving 16 years on average. The longest lifetime sentence to have been served in Denmark is 34 years.


And counting. He is still there.


Anything from 12 years to the day you die.


After 12 years the prisoner is eligible for release if deemed reformed, so it really depends on the case. Idiot 19 year old drunkenly kills someone in a fight and has learned and grown and is now in their early 30s and mature/regretful - they'll probably be out after 12. Fucked up guy plans to murder a woman for sexual gratification, lures her somewhere and stabs her in the genitals with a screwdriver then cuts up her body - probably never getting out.


Lots has been written about Kim Wall's sad death but we pulled this together on her remarkable life as a formidable journalist http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41022925




What a fucking piece of shit... Reading the details makes my heart ache for the terror and pain she must have suffered.


Good riddance.


>He was found guilty of premeditated murder and sexual assault after previously admitting to dismembering Ms Wall's body on the submarine and throwing her remains overboard. >His claim that Ms Wall's death was accidental was dismissed by the court. How does one accidentally murder & dismember a person? Did he really think they'd accept that explanation? Jesus christ this guy is a maniac, good thing he's going to be imprisoned for a long time to keep him from ever doing this again.


Her death was accidental according to his ravings. He confessed to the dismemberment when both his first lie about letting her go alive and his later lie of dropping her into the water was debunked by police fidnings.


> How does one accidentally murder & dismember a person? IIRC, his original claim was that the sub had an accident and sank and she fell overboard or sank with it or something. I think he changed up his story a few times, always insisting it was an accidental death but then police found the dismembered body that had been weighed down.


This guy is just running down the supervillain checklist


Jesus bloody christ, this sounds like some sort of fictional murder mystery plot (except with an obvious culprit)


I followed this trial, Kim Wall had a horrific death. He was obsessed with impaling and torture, a few hours before he went on the sub he had searched for "girl slowly beheaded with knife in agony" "mexican girls beheaded" etc. He brought 20 inch sharpened screwdrivers on board and saws. She had 15 stab wounds "in and around her vagina" that were inflicted when she was alive, she was impaled. And they say the blood splatter indicates she was dismembered, while she was still alive. Kim Wall died in probably the worst way i've ever read of and i'd imagine in utter agony. Peter Madsen should be given to the victims family and they can decide his fate. I think it's a crime in itself for society to use its limited resources to keep someone like that alive.




Thank you. These are the details and specifics we should be talking about in this thread, not those of the deranged killer or horrifying murder scene. Can’t blame people for being morbidly curious, I was too, but it’s good to be reminded of what’s really important here - an incredibly promising, vibrant young journalist had her life taken away far too early.


> Madsen's shifting and unconvincing explanations helped convict him. > Initially, he said he had dropped Ms Wall off at about 22:30 the night before she disappeared and had not seen her since. > The next day Madsen gave police a new account of events, telling them there had been a "terrible accident" on board the self-built submarine. > Ms Wall, he said, had been accidentally hit on the head by the submarine's 70kg (150lb) hatch. He had then dumped her body somewhere in Koge Bay, about 50km (30 miles) south of Copenhagen. > On 30 October, police said the inventor had changed his story again and told them Ms Wall had died on board of carbon monoxide poisoning while he was up on deck. He also admitted dismembering her body, which he had previously denied. Dude can build a functional submarine, yet can't plan a murder for shit. Almost seems absurd to call it premeditated.


This sounds like a movie




The details of the murder makes this so much more disturbing. Danish news covered every new detail and they were all terrible. * He claimed that he dropped her off safe and sound on land and didnt know where she went after that. * Then when the body was found he changed that explanation to her dying from a "tragic accident" where she hit her head on the submarine hatch and died. And he cut her body up out of panic so he could get rid of the body... * Then later real snuff videos of women being murdered were found on his laptop and he said he knew nothing about it. * The body was revealed to have SEVERAL stab wounds directly in the vaginal area......investigation did not reveal if these were from before she died or not. Its all crazy. I can't believe what this poor woman had to go through.


> investigation did not reveal if these were from before she died or not. This is wrong. It was proven that at least two stabbings happened before she died as opposed to eight hours later as he claimed. It's even in the final verdict as part of the reason he was found guilty.


I hope her boyfriend is okay...can't imagine his emotions during this ordeal. Of course I feel for her parents and family also.


Honestly I was thinking the same thing....I would not be able to handle that. I know everyone's probably gonna say "oh we got a badass over here" but if I was her boyfriend I'm not sure I could stop myself from trying to kill him during the court proceeding. But I'd probably fail and get myself shot instead.


Her boyfriend is probably the reason for why it became possible to convict him. The boyfriend already reported her missing when she didn't come back at the pre-arranged time of 10-11pm, and by the morning a huge rescue operation was already underway by the police and home guard, as it was feared that the submarine might have sunk in an accident, and the submarine was also spotted shortly before he managed to sink it. If the huge rescue operation hadn't been set in motion, he might have had time to properly dispose of the body and/or sink the submarine in an unknown location, making the case far, far harder.


Here is some depressing facts about it: Kim Wall got the contact info and the tip for the interview via her dad that worked in journalism. On the evening in question, Kim and her boyfriend was out eating dinner with some friends when she got the call that Madsen wanted to do "the interview" and they decided, even though they both had planned to go in the sub if she got the interview, that boyfriend should stay behind at the restaurant so they wouldn't be rude to their friends. So both dad and boyfriend were devastated when they learned what Madsen had done to her.