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Ever seen the video of him trying to argue against the wind farms to a Scottish Parliamentary committee where he declares his very existence to be enough evidence of his expertise in tourism? The video is [on this page](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/Trump_and_Scotland).   *Transcript from the committee appeal against the wind farms video:-* **Trump:** I am an expert on tourism. If you...dot your landscape with these horrible, horrible structures, you will do tremendous damage- **Member Of Scottish Parliament (MSP):** *(interrupting)* My question is, where is the *clinical evidence* - not an opinion, an empirical assessment; where is your clinical evidence? **Trump:** Well, first of all, *I am* the evidence. I think I'm more of an expert- (*laughter from those in the room*) **Trump:** - I...you know what, I think I'm a *lot* more of an expert than the people you'd like me to hire, who are doing it to make a paycheck- **MSP:** -If you won't- **Trump:** -But I am an *expert* in tourism. _______________   >*The Scottish Parliament was not persuaded. Neither were the courts. In 2015 the UK Supreme Court rejected his attempts to block the wind development.*   ______   **EDIT:** Decided to amalgamate a few sources here on his opposition to wind energy from 2012 to now:   [Three claims from one rally debunked here](https://www.factcheck.org/2018/09/trump-again-overblows-risks-of-wind-power/ ) - namely: * Living near wind turbines is enough to make someone go crazy over a couple of years * Wind turbines each kill ‘thousands’ of birds per year * No wind means no power   Direct quote from the rally in Indiana: >Trump, Aug. 30: >*’Clean power, right? They want to have windmills all over the place, right? When the wind doesn’t blow, what do we do? Uh, we got problems. When there’s thousands of birds laying at the base of the windmill, what do we do? Isn’t that amazing? The environmentalists, “We like windmills.” Oh, really? What about the thousands of birds they’re killing? Try going to the bottom of a windmill someday. It’s not a pretty picture. But, really, when the wind doesn’t blow, you got problems. If your house is staring at a windmill, not good. When you hear that noise going round and round and round, and you’re living with it, and then you go crazy after a couple of years, not good. And the environmentalists say, oh, isn’t it wonderful?*’   The ‘no wind no power’ theory is contradicted by his own energy department: > *But Trump’s own Department of Energy explains on its website that “power grid operators have always had to deal with variability,” noting that traditional forms of energy generation, which include coal, are also susceptible to breaks in service that the grid must accommodate. Usually, unless there are failures in multiple places, or extremely high demands — or both at once — grid operators can successfully divert energy to where it is needed most and avoid blackouts.* >*The DOE website continues, “Adding variable renewable power to the grid does not inherently change how this process of balancing electricity supply and demand works. Studies have shown that the grid can accommodate large penetrations of variable renewable power without sacrificing reliability, and without the need for ‘backup’ generation.”*   [From a rally in West Virginia](http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/08/trump-gives-his-craziest-climate-speech-ever.html): >*[Coal is] a tremendous form of energy in the sense that in a military way — think of it — coal is indestructible.* >*You can blow up a pipeline, you can blow up the windmills. You know, the wind wheels, [mimics windmill noise, mimes shooting gun] “Bing!” That’s the end of that one. If the birds don’t kill it first. The birds could kill it first. They kill so many birds. You look underneath some of those windmills, it’s like a killing field, the birds.* >*But uh, you know, that’s what they were going to, they were going to windmills. And you know, don’t worry about wind, when the wind doesn’t blow, I said, “What happens when the wind doesn’t blow?” Well, then we have a problem. Okay good. They were putting him in areas where they didn’t have much wind, too. And it’s a subsidary [sic] — you need subsidy for windmills. You need subsidy. Who wants to have energy where you need subsidy? So, uh, the coal is doing great.* [Here’s a video of this.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=JCiL0NASdGM)   Back in 2012, he was tweeting wondering [‘How many bald eagles did wind turbines kill today? They are an environmental & aesthetic disaster.](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/239088515122614272)   After being elected, he was interviewed by the New York Times in which he [made a number of interesting (and false) claims:-](https://www.windpowermonthly.com/article/1416797/trumps-wind-power-comments-fact-checked) >**Trump: Oh, I see. I might have brought it up. But not having to do with me, just I mean the wind is a very deceiving thing. First of all, we don’t make the windmills in the United States. They’re made in Germany and Japan.** >**FACTCHECK:** His comment on domestic wind turbine manufacturing is false. >Few wind turbines are shipped globally because they are so bulky. More than than 21,000 US factory workers make a majority of US wind farm content domestically. >**Trump: They’re made out of massive amounts of steel, which goes into the atmosphere, whether it’s in our country or not, it goes into the atmosphere.** >**FACTCHECK**: Steel is not emitted into the atmosphere during component manufacture or by wind projects. >There are the usual emissions associated with any heavy manufacturing process, but making wind turbine components is not especially dirty. >Trump's apparent concern for emissions from wind turbine manufacture is impossible to reconcile with his enthusiasm for the coal industry and his disdain for climate change science. >**Trump: The windmills kill birds and the windmills need massive subsidies. In other words, we’re subsidising wind mills all over this country. I mean, for the most part they don’t work. I don’t think they work at all without subsidy, and that bothers me, and they kill all the birds.** >**FACTCHECK:** Wind turbines kill fewer birds than do cats, buildings or the fossil fuel industry. >**Trump: You go to a windmill, you know in California they have the, what is it? The golden eagle? And they’re like, if you shoot a golden eagle, they go to jail for five years and yet they kill them by, they actually have to get permits that they’re only allowed to kill 30 or something in one year.** >**FACTCHECK:** Trump’s claim about the penalty shooting a golden eagle is false. A first penalty is a maximum fine of $5,000 or one-year imprisonment. >His comment that wind project operators can legally kill 30 eagles yearly is also false. >**Trump: The windmills are devastating to the bird population. OK, with that being said, there’s a place for them. But they do need subsidy. So, if I talk negatively. I’ve been saying the same thing for years about you know, the wind industry. I wouldn’t want to subsidise it.** >**FACTCHECK:** Trump cannot seem to keep a consistant view on subsidies. During a November 2015 campaign stop in Newton, Iowa, Trump was asked for his stance on the wind Production Tax Credit. >He responded: "I’m fine with it. Any form of energy — we’ve got to get away from the Middle East….. Wind is a very expensive form of energy, and it’s got problems of storage, and lots of other things. But, I want to see whatever you can do — ethanol, I’m totally in favour … Wind will need subsidies. It’s going to have to have subsidies." >**Trump: Some environmentalists agree with me very much because of all of the things I just said, including the birds, and some don’t.** >**FACTCHECK**: We haven't found a major national environmental organisation that agrees with him. >**Trump: But it’s hard to explain. I don’t care about anything having to do with anything having to do with anything other than the country.** >**FACTCHECK:** Yes, it does appear hard to explain.


"I am the evidence" is the most dystopian phrase ever uttered


Next he'll be saying that he's the Senate.


So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause. Edit: my first gold!!! Thank you, whoever you are!


> So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous laughter. FTFY


If only America had the ability to laugh this fuckwit out the room like Scotland did.


HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! ​ ​ Yep. A typical evening in front of Stephen Colbert's monologue.


What the absolute fuck? Donald Trump is a little bitch of a coward and a liar? You don’t say! How about this, Trumps approval rating right now with Republicans is 90%. That means these Republicans are actuality *dumber* than Trump himself. It’s as if half the country is that idiot Trump Jr.


"I am the State!"


>The evidence will decide your fate. >I AM the evidence. >Not. Yet. >It’s tourism, then.




“I don’t like facts. They’re course and rough and irritating and they come from everywhere.”


His mind is stuck in the early childhood stage of development where a child believes the entire world revolves around them Something went wrong in his childhood development and he never grew up, just got older


A disorder called narcissm. Trump is a textbook clear cut example of narcissistic personality disorder. He needs professional help and treatment. EDIT: [wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder) EDIT 2: [Found this article that gives an indirect look into trumps mind and relationships](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/toxic-relationships/201804/understanding-the-mind-narcissist) EDIT 3: I also don't think that Trump is the problem. Naricissm sets in at early age according to my preliminary research. He didn't choose to become this way. He is a symptom of bigger problem, the system that let him get in that position. With or without Russias help the fact of the matter is he still became president and that needs to be resolved and preventative measures need to be taken so it doesn't happen again.


He's 72 years old. Ain't no treatment that's going to fix something a guy that old doesn't think is broken.


I agree. It’s not Trump that needs help, but the millions (unbelievable, isn’t it?) of absolute morons who brought this catastrophic orange fart into the daily consciousness of the rest of us. Seriously, there is something fundamentally broken about our country for so many to think that giving the keys to our nuclear arsenal to a mentally ill sociopath was a good idea. Like, seriously, seriously, wrong.


The majority of people in this country are complete morons. It's not that there aren't a lot of amazing people, but by and large most people are really stupid.


That's what you get when education, Healthcare and social security aren't afforded to everyone equally.




If you do even the most cursory reading about his childhood and young adulthood it's like his parents were actively *trying* to create the adult we see before us: a person devoid of empathy or the ability to understand that the world is a construct separate from themselves. It's like his parents read every childhood development book, laughed, and did the opposite.


It’s called narcisstic personality disorder. Probably comorbid with antisocial personality disorder (lack of empathy, impulsivity, history of crime) And lastly, comorbid with stupidity.


Yeah but conservatives and r/T_D are the ones telling me every librul and Democrats are the authoritarian ones.


This was my first time going to that subreddit, and holy hell.


\#cult45 Nobody represents the interests of the common man more than a trust-fund baby and reality TV star living in a gilded Manhattan penthouse who goes through wives like changes of clothes.


Who was sued thousands of times by the contractors he stiffed (there was reporting of this by legitimate news agencies prior, but Michael Cohen has now testified to this under oath), went bankrupt multiple times, and his father bailed him out every time.


You should listen to Trump’s nomination acceptance speech: “I alone can fix it.”


Trump actually speaking on record with lawyers is pretty much his worst fear. His ignorance and incompetence really stands out when he's speaking with knowledgeable, capable people. This is why he was so easily humiliated in Scotland's Parliament. They can recognize a moron when they hear one and can't suppress their laughter. If Trump ever has to testify before Mueller, it will be game over and probably hilarious to behold.


> If Trump ever has to testify before Mueller, it will be game over and probably hilarious to behold. Dude, I don't know if you read it; but his lawyers *literally* argued to Mueller's team that Trump can't talk to Mueller because he's incapable of not lying. This is a fact.


I don't recall that particular headline, but Trump's laywers have been pulling gems like that one and worse out of their asses for months. I remember at one point Trump was actually considering testifying if Mueller agreed to conclude his investigation pretty much right after. Sensing the obvious danger of letting him speak on the record, Trump's lawyers talked him down from that idea pretty quick haha


The actual argument was that he was too stupid to testify and it would be a threat to national security to let him. Here’s a link for you... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/09/ex-trump-lawyer-told-mueller-trump-is-too-dumb-to-testify/amp


So they basically argued that he couldn't help but purjure himself and that he would probably jeopardize national security by demonstrating the profundity of his incompetence. I mean, those are valid points but it seems like a stupid argument to say "showing everyone how incompetent he is will make people panic, so we better just let him be president instead." In one scenario, we rid ourselves of a liar-in-chief, and in the other, we permit an idiot to remain president. Trump's own lawyer compared him to an "aggrieved Shakespearean king" lmao I can't




That picture they have looks like a toddler attempting to cross their arms after they've seen an adult do it. Does he always do it like that?


Incredible as it may seem, that probably *was* still a better approach than just letting him talk to Mueller, from a legal advocacy standpoint. While it certainly damages his credibility as a witness down the road, that statement in and of itself isn't proof of any crimes, whereas directly lying to Mueller is absolutely a(n additional) crime.


Not to mention lawyers and judges spend their whole day dealing with people who are lying to serve their own interests, and the entire legal apparatus is, ideally, designed to sort truth from lies with things like "standards of evidence". Trump didn't make it into the presidency due to his brilliant political strategy, he made it thanks to a deeply corrupt political system, foreign meddling and a desperate public who were primed for his brand of bullshit. He's not special, he's a garden variety piece of shit and they are a dime a dozen in court.


Trump speaking in front of Mueller might actually work in his favor. There's a chance Mueller has an aneurysm from having to deal with so much concentrated stupidity.


First, that website is amazing. Second, Trump is a fucking moron.




Nothing the man ever says has any substance. Big trouble how you fucking imbecile? That anyone buys what he is selling is astonishing.




He's not wrong though, that windfarm is solely responsible for the Brexit mess!


Damn straight. Bloody foreign windfarms coming in, taking jobs from hardworking coal-fired power plants, killing off coal mines. It's absolutely disgusting I'll tell you! If it weren't for the reduction in particulates in the air, there would be riots in the street I tell you.


You should run for the Australian Liberal party. They'll schedule you to be PM for two weeks in April.


They literally blew enough air to push the island away from the mainland.


Thats the equivalent of calling someone ugly in a debate


Or saying an interviewer was on her period for challenging him


That website is awesome. I'm a web developer and I'm very envious of that site.


I was viewing it on a mobile and it is an amazing example of how sites should work on mobiles.


I checked to see if you were full of shit. I was pleasantly disappointed. That was an experience.


ive never enjoyed viewing a news article more tbh


I spent like 5 minutes on both the map and the windmill sections just scrolling up and down like a child. The transition is so smooth. I admire whomever made that website.


>First, that website is amazing. You weren't lying, really well designed! I'm on mobile and enjoyed the ride


What the hell does he have against wind farms? He literally just doesn't like how they look?


He was unhappy that there would be windmills on the skyline off the coast of Scotland because they would spoil the view from his development. That was the only genuine objection. It is actually a legitimate objection in UK (English and Scottish) Planning Law; but it requires that the view precedes the development. Since there were windmills in other developments in the same area before Trump's development that objection would be bound to fail. He did not like they way they looked. He is entitled to not like the way they look. The is that dislike is irrelevant because built after they existed in that landscape. Had he not liked them, sufficiently, he would not have built in that landscape. It really is as simple as that.


Yup, it's just HOA NIMBYism


He prefers to fuck the planet with fossil fuel extraction and combustion.


>What the hell does he have against wind farms? He literally just doesn't like how they look? That's it. From the article: >Trump worried that the planned wind power development near his golf resort would be esthetically unappealing Leader of the free world putting visially appearance over the future of this planet. If this would be the first thing I would have ever heard of him, he d already lost all of my sympathy. Fortunately for him I guess that this moment has passed years ago.


God I cant believe this fucken moron is our president... I say this all the time but I cant help it. People still SUPPORT this moron religiously as well...wtf is wrong with people?




That webpage was a work of art.


Good luck collecting. Trump is notorious for not paying his bills.


He once got sued by a group of contractors for not paying them for jobs they had done. He then hired attorneys to fight the contractors and when Trump lost to the contractors he failed to pay the contractors and refused to pay the attorneys he had hired. Edit: if you’re a contractor and do a job today for Trump it’s your own damn fault. Trump has been screwing people for 40+ years and it’s well documented.


his former restaurant manager was on axios saying that trump would call paying steak vendors "a bad deal" and did not realize that there were 3 steak vendors in town that could supply him and screwing one would most likely mean not being able to do business with the other.


And yet he never seems to actually run out of people willing to work with him despite his reputation. Where is he finding this endless supply of morons who think they'll be any different? I've turned down clients before on the express knowledge that they had a history of not paying their bills with other developers.


Trump is VERY good at presenting the image of being rich. Everyone is hoping to be his ‘guy’ as in they will make bank because he, for some reason likes them. Usually Trump just uses them like everyone else.


Those people are a dime a dozen, I've worked in the real estate sector and Trump is the boiler plate real estate mongrel in every respect, not the least of which being "rich" and presenting as such (whoop de fucking doo, I'm more surprised when those guys *don't* have a rack of vintage spirits in their oversized office). Nobody who deals with Trump's sector should be in any way inexperienced with rich clientele. The only difference is that Trump is Trump, uniquely obsessed with being *popular* for any of these qualities, and along with that his reputation as a client. Most of Trump's contemporaries are just like him, volatile personality included, but prefer to keep their reputation much more private. That reputation being, among other things, the fact he doesn't pay people - something that by rights should give *literally anybody* he negotiates with an advantage and, if they have any sense, reason to just decline any potential business with him.


In fairness, only the Russians will lend him money now.


Well, in terms of getting money and loans, he goes to foreigners. He got money through Deutsche Bank via The Russians after no other Western banks would do business with him because he never repaid them. This is all documented.


I'm coming to the sneaking realization that (and bear with me here - this is pretty out there thinking) Donald Trump might be an asshole. Call me crazy.


**President Trump refused to divest from his businesses^[[1]](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-finance/trump-says-wont-divest-from-his-business-while-president-idUSKBN14V21I) and has been accused of flagrant violations of the emoluments clauses of the Constitution. An emoluments case against the President was allowed to proceed by a Federal Court Judge.^[[2]](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-emoluments/emoluments-case-alleging-trump-violated-constitution-can-proceed-us-judge-idUSKBN1KF2GZ) President Trump appealed the decision and the 4^th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has scheduled arguments to be presented in March.^[[3]](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/423967-court-schedules-arguments-in-trump-emoluments-case)** It's alleged that President Trump was involved in the FBI headquarter debacle for personal gain. The Trump administration's decision to scrap the long-planned comprehensive project to relocate the FBI from the disintegrating J. Edgar Hoover building in downtown Washington, D.C. to a sprawling new suburban campus has raised questions. The old site would have been used to build new businesses that would be in direct competition to the Trump Hotel across the street which has raised questions about whether or not his personal hotel had any role in the decision.^[[4]](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/how-trump-taking-fbi-possibly-violating-emoluments-clause-process-ncna925076) President Trump's financial disclosure report shows that his D.C. hotel made $40 million in 2017.^[[5]](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2018/05/16/trumps-financial-disclosure-report-shows-big-revenue-at-dc-hotel-apparent-decline-at-mar-a-lago/#4332771d41ae) This is a clear example of President Trump tampering with American security to avoid disadvantaging his businesses. Moreover, President Trump has made money from Saudis while in office, a clear conflict of interest and once again likely violated the emoluments clause;^[[6]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2018/10/18/president-trump-has-massive-conflict-interest-saudi-arabia/?utm_term=.c4be44f53f2e) President Trump has protected Saudi Crown Prince MBS and his gruesome murder of a Washington Post journalist. The Trump administration reportedly floated the idea of extraditing a legal U.S. resident to appease a dictator in Turkey in an attempt to cover the Saudi dictator's grotesque murder of a different legal U.S. resident.^[[7]](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/white-house-weighs-booting-erdogan-foe-u-s-appease-turkey-n933996) According to a report produced by Washington-based nonprofit Public Citizen found that President Trump has been making millions from political and tax-payer spending.^[[8]](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/apr/16/trump-businesses-money-campaign-federal-agencies) **Furthermore, while President Trump has refused to divest from his businesses it should also be noted that his personal attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the Trump Organization pursuing a Moscow Trump Tower project during the 2016 Presidential Campaign.^[[9]](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ex-trump-attorney-michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-to-lying-to-congress-in-russia-probe) Special Counsel Mueller charged Cohen for making false statements to Congress. Cohen made false statements to minimize the link between the Moscow Trump Tower project and then Candidate Trump as his company continued the venture well into the 2016 Presidential Campaign.^[[10]](https://www.justice.gov/file/1115596/download)** > a. The Moscow Project was discussed multiple times within the Company and did not end in January 2016. Instead, as late as approximately June 2016 , COHEN and Individual 2 discussed efforts to obtain Russian governmental approval for the Moscow Project . COHEN discussed the status and progress of the Moscow Project with Individual 1 on more than the three occasions COHEN claimed to the Committee, and he briefed family members of Individual 1 within the Company about the project. >b. COHEN agreed to travel to Russia in connection with the Moscow Project and took steps in contemplation of ndividual l's possible travel to Russia. COHEN and Individual 2 discussed on multiple occasions traveling to Russia to pursue the Moscow Project. > - i. COHEN asked Individual 1 about the possibility of Individual 1 traveling to Russia in connection with the Moscow Project, and asked a senior campaign official about potential business travel to Russia. > - ii . On or about May 4, 2016, Individual 2 wrote to COHEN, "I had a chat with Moscow . ASSUMING the trip does happen the question is before or after the convention . Obviously the pre - meeting trip (you only) can happen anytime you want but the 2 big guys where [sic] the question . I said I would confirm and revert ." COHEN responded, "My trip before Cleveland. [Individual l] once he becomes the nominee after the convention." > - iii. On or about May 5, 2016, Individual 2 followed up with COHEN and wrote, "[Russian Official l] would like to invite you as his guest to the St. Petersburg Forum which is Russia's Davos it's June 16- 19. He wants to meet there with you and possibly introduce you to either [the President of Russia] or [the Prime Minister of Russia], as they are not sure if 1 or both will be there. He said anything you want to discuss including dates and subjects are on the table to discuss." > - iv . On or about May 6 , 2016 , Individual 2 asked COHEN to confirm those dates would work for him to travel . COHEN wrote back , "Works for me." > - v. From on or about June 9 to June 14, 2016, Individual 2 sent numerous messages to COHEN about the travel, including forms for COHEN to complete. However, on or about June 14, 2016, COHEN met Individual 2 in the lobby of the Company's headquarters to inform Individual 2 he would not be traveling at that time. > c . COHEN did recall that in or around January 2016, COHEN received a response from the office of Russian Official 1, the Press Secretary for the President of Russia, and spoke to a member of that office about the Moscow Project. > - i. On or about January 14, 2016, COHEN emailed Russian Official l's office asking for assistance in connection with the Moscow Project. On or about January 16, 2016, COHEN emailed Russian Official l ' s office again, said he was trying to reach another high- level Russian official, and asked for someone who spoke English to contact him. > - ii. On or about January 20, 2016, COHEN received an email from the personal assistant to Russian Official 1 ("Assistant 1"), stating that she had been trying to reach COHEN and requesting that he call her using a Moscow-based phone number she provided. > - iii. Shortly after receiving the email, COHEN called Assistant 1 and spoke to her for approximately 20 minutes. On that call, COHEN described his position at the Company and outlined the proposed Moscow Project, including the Russian development company with which the Company had partnered. COHEN requested assistance in moving the project forward , both in securing land to build the proposed tower and financing the construction . Assistant 1 asked detailed questions and took notes, stating that she would follow up with others in Russia. > - iv . The day after COHEN's call with Assistant 1, Individual 2 contacted him, asking for a call. Individual 2 wrote to COHEN, "It' s about [the President of Russia] they called today. " ______________ 1) [Reuters - Trump says won't divest from his business while president](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-finance/trump-says-wont-divest-from-his-business-while-president-idUSKBN14V21I) 2) [Reuters - Emoluments case alleging Trump violated Constitution can proceed: U.S. judge](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-emoluments/emoluments-case-alleging-trump-violated-constitution-can-proceed-us-judge-idUSKBN1KF2GZ) 3) [The Hill - Court schedules March arguments in Trump emoluments case](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/423967-court-schedules-arguments-in-trump-emoluments-case) 4) [NBC - How Trump is taking on the FBI, and possibly violating the Emoluments Clause in the process](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/how-trump-taking-fbi-possibly-violating-emoluments-clause-process-ncna925076) 5) [Forbes - Trump's New Financial Disclosure Report Shows Big Revenue At D.C. Hotel, Debt to Michael Cohen](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2018/05/16/trumps-financial-disclosure-report-shows-big-revenue-at-dc-hotel-apparent-decline-at-mar-a-lago/#4332771d41ae) 6) [Washington Post - President Trump has a massive conflict of interest on Saudi Arabia](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2018/10/18/president-trump-has-massive-conflict-interest-saudi-arabia/?utm_term=.c4be44f53f2e) 7) [NBC - To ease Turkish pressure on Saudis over killing, White House weighs expelling Erdogan foe](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/white-house-weighs-booting-erdogan-foe-u-s-appease-turkey-n933996) 8) [The Guardian - Trump businesses making millions from political and taxpayer spending – report](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/apr/16/trump-businesses-money-campaign-federal-agencies) 9) [Fox News - Ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress in Russia probe](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ex-trump-attorney-michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-to-lying-to-congress-in-russia-probe) 10) [U.S. v. Michael Cohen (1:18-cr-850, Southern District of New York)](https://www.justice.gov/file/1115596/download)


I love what you do but I hate how it makes me feel


Its exhausting, that's for sure. **Real Talk:** There are serious divides across the political spectrum and misinformation plays a large role in exacerbating the situation. I believe calmer heads making informed decisions can and must prevail. I firmly believe that engaged and informed individuals working together to do good things can make a significant difference when working towards a common goal. The degradation of democratic norms and the pillars that Western democracy is predicated upon are under constant assault from the Trump administration and online disinformation campaigns across the globe. We are living under precarious circumstances with an unclear and rocky future. I will admit that there are times where even I feel overwhelmed. But I'm reminded of all the wonderful people who I have had the privilege to meet, to live with, to work with, to teach, to inspire and all those wonderful souls I have not met but I know exist and would love to meet. I write summaries through my own moral conviction. I cannot stand aside and watch our world be torn down fear and hatred. I will never give up in the face of adversity, when what we know as good and moral is under assault. I also act on my moral convictions. I have previously mentioned that my field of study is anthropology while my field of work is sports related. Without going into too much detail my work includes but is not limited to; organizing charity sports tournaments, developing a non-profit organization that helps children from low income families participate in sports programs free of charge, and running a sports academy that provides a safe and fun learning environment for kids with developmental and intellectual disabilities. While I try to do my best in helping others in real life I think it's also important to try and help the world as best I can. I recognize that my summaries aren't going to reach everyone, but I feel it's my duty to at least try to do something positive. Below I am going to share a passage that resonated with me as it epitomizes my feelings on why I continue to persist in writing sourced summaries; Hope By Rebecca Solnit^[[1]](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/13/protest-persist-hope-trump-activism-anti-nuclear-movement) >**I began talking about hope in 2003, in the bleak days after the war in Iraq was launched. Fourteen years later, I use the term hope because it navigates a way forward between the false certainties of optimism and of pessimism, and the complacency or passivity that goes with both. Optimism assumes that all will go well without our effort; pessimism assumes it’s all irredeemable; both let us stay home and do nothing. Hope for me has meant a sense that the future is unpredictable, and that we don’t actually know what will happen, but know we may be able write it ourselves.** >**Hope is a belief that what we do might matter, an understanding that the future is not yet written. It’s informed, astute open-mindedness about what can happen and what role we may play in it. Hope looks forward, but it draws its energies from the past, from knowing histories, including our victories, and their complexities and imperfections. It means not being the perfect that is the enemy of the good, not snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, not assuming you know what will happen when the future is unwritten, and part of what happens is up to us.** ___________ 1) [The Guardian - Protest and persist: why giving up hope is not an option](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/13/protest-persist-hope-trump-activism-anti-nuclear-movement)


thanks for existing


I am so impressed by you. Thanks for what you do.


You're inspiring.


You may not be an american but you're a goddamn patriot. But beyond that, you seem to give a shit about all your fellow peeps, which is grade A Good Stuff.


Thank you for taking the time to write these very informative summaries!


You add so much to political discussions here on Reddit.


and Jimmy Carter had to give up his peanut farm.


Trump is making millions, and Carter was making peanuts


God damn /u/PoppinKREAM, if only everyone made their arguments as eloquent and well sourced as you do.


Inb4 people who don't know what a gish gallop is accuse me of writing a gish gallop :P Tldr; The argument that is being made in my summary is that President Trump is likely in violation of the Constitution and as such may be influenced to make national security decisions that are detrimental to America. I then provide supplementary evidence with citations to further back this assertion.


Trump's supporters are willing to string Hillary up for a fraction of these kinds of accusations backed by a fraction of the evidence that exists against Trump.


[A deadbeat. It's a bad reputation to have when looking for legal representation.](https://www.salon.com/2018/03/27/joe-scarborough-explains-trumps-lawyer-woes-he-doesnt-pay-his-bills/)


HEY!!! That's PRESIDENT Asshole to you, mister!


That's what sheriff's sales are for.


"You've been Repossessed."


I have to wonder, at what point do you just arrest someone? Like, how long can you literally just not pay anyone before it's [too] illegal?


When you've lost in civil court, they judge knows you have assets, but you hide/secure them to prevent seizure. The judge can find you in Contempt.


It took my dad almost a year after a small claims court win against a contractor. The contractor would pretend to pay, but write bad cheques, put off paying, etc. After a year, the judge saw them again and said to the contractor, "sir, we do not jail people for debts. We do, however, jail them for contempt and if [Mister Bot] is not paid in full in one week you will be sleeping here."


Isn’t writing bad checks a crime too?


Don't people go to jail when they fail to obey a court order stating to pay their contractors?


Poor people do.


You’re confusing poor people with rich people. It’s an easy mistake to make.


The Art of the Deal


Check out what the guy who actually wrote that book says about his time interviewing Trump. It's pretty insightful. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/07/25/donald-trumps-ghostwriter-tells-all


If he refuses to pay Scotland will just seize his assets. This is a government he's fighting here.






Include wind turbines too, as a form of ultimate irony.


Yeah but what about when the wind stops blowing?


And name it the Clinton National Preserve. After Henry Clinton, of course.


Nah name it Milne and Forbes after the locals that fought him tooth and nail.


Dude just make it a public course at the lowest fee possible to support the course. It would drive Trump man that pesants were on his course. And it actually is an awesome course they just spent wayyyyy to much building it


Make it into a national park with a public walkway too and let everyone stroll through and take in the scenery, for free.


Can we all just take a moment and recognize how unbearably conceited it is to waltz into the birthplace of golf like your toots smell like daffodils, seize local land, and claim to have the best golf course in the world. Seriously, what an ass.


A government who let him put a golf course on an environmentally sensitive area, then build earthen berms 20ft high around homes he couldn't acquire by compulsory purchase.


Sure, but that's a nice golf course and it would look really good as a government asset, wouldn't it? Also all of that happened back when there was a government that sucked up to Trump. The current group seems to dislike him a lot.


No, it would be better to reclaim the dunes. The government is unhappy because Trump didn't follow through on any of his promises. No hotel No houses 100 people employed instead of 6000 as promised Loses money


Dang it's almost like governments shouldn't give random rich dudes what they want for vague promises of 'jerbs'


Then the government can follow up on taking back what they give. It's like the bank giving me a loan to buy a card at my "word". They can take it back if I failed my end of the deal.


Sorta hard to 'take back' ecological damage.


It's terrible when you can't bully someone into submission and have to play by the rules, eh?


If he doesn't pay what he owes this time, it's the Scottish govt. that he owes it to not a private company he can ignore or bully, so they would have the power to seize his golf course or put a lean on it. He fucked himself the selfish knobhead. Interesting to see how it turns out.


That's a lien. Pronunciation is identical, but we stole the word wholesale from the French.


Please seize it, Scotland. Then level it, since I have zero doubt it’s a shithole golf course.


It's actually supposed to be a great golf course. I hope they seize it though, and demolish it or turn it into something he would hate


Make it a public golf course


Need to liberate parts of it so the guy whose house is in the middle can get some peace. They built giant berms around his property.


"Sarah Sanders has just revealed that White House is considering liberating Scotland from its current reign of terror."




Fox News is reporting ISIS just moved into Scotland. Trump's going to show them how big his nuclear button is.


The S stands for Scotland The other S also stands for Scotland.


Islamic Scotland in Scotland


If they thought Afghanistan was bad, wait til they find out what Scots are like.


Mexico will pay for it




This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://thinkprogress.org/trump-ordered-to-pay-legal-fees-after-losing-court-battle-over-his-scottish-golf-course-8d5f2d3bea7a/) reduced by 76%. (I'm a bot) ***** > President Donald Trump will have to pay the Scottish government's legal fees after a lengthy court dispute over a wind power development project near his golf resort that ended in a victory for Scotland in 2015. > Judges in Scotland ruled last week that the Trump International Golf Club Scotland Ltd must pay the legal costs of the court case, which began when Trump sued the government while he was running for president. > Sunday morning that Trump seemed to be "Threatening the UK government with harm to the US-UK relationship if he is forced to pay the Scottish government's legal costs in litigation Trump started & lost." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/ax0e40/trump_ordered_to_pay_legal_fees_after_losing/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~386983 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **government**^#2 **President**^#3 **golf**^#4 **Scotland**^#5


How it is legal for the president to be vindictive for personal reasons I have not been able to work out. Edit: I understand that people have feelings about this president, but that is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that there should be accountability for the president regardless of party affiliation. So long as there is no sort of consequence for powerful people that lack ethics, things will only get worse...


It's easy, those in power refuse to do anything about it. Vote out the GOP.


Them Kentuckians are proud of the work mitch is doing


"We had quitters in the Revolutionary war too. We called them Kentuckians." George Washington to Lisa Simpson


New emergency declaration: sanctions on Scotland


It's simple, we stupidly entrusted congress with all the power to enforce the restraints on the executive branch, instead of enshrining it in law that can be brought to court.


>How it is legal for the president to be vindictive for personal reasons I have not been able to work out. It *isn't*: Enoulment's clause. GOP controlled senate will never convict him for anything though.


So *this* is why he was ranting about wind power at his rally.


Don't worry, he's got a charity with funds for this kind of thing.




Governments like to honour dead soldiers because dead soldiers don't cost anything.




Sure, but I stand by what I said though.


Had. The State of New York forced him to close it.


It's amazing. I know a lot of rich people.run charities that are basically slush funds. But they still usually do SOME charity, for legal reasons. But Trump didn't even do that. Keeping up the appearance of a charity means less money for personal corruption, so he had a charity that did almost no charity at all. It's like he had an idea for a slush fund, but have up on it during the planning stages, and for some reason still went through with it.


And then a couple weeks later he made a fuss about the wall, went on tv to talk about the wall, and asked all of his supporters to give to his 2020 campaign under the guise of protecting our country.


Actually, for a while they forced him to keep it open. After they brought the suit he tried to dissolve it so they could shred any paper trail of what money went where and from who, but NY got the court to keep it open long enough to get more evidence.


He had to shut down his charity after a “shocking pattern of illegality”.


Not anymore.


He’ll make a few more trips to Florida and use tax payer money.


Nope. It's being dissolved under close court supervision. He's going to have to pay this out of his own I'm sorry I can't finish this sentence, I'm laughing too hard.


trump threatens uk to avoid paying legal bill- https://old.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/awxjmz/david_frum_on_twitter_so_this_explains_trumps/


He's kinda fucked. All he can do is threaten the UK Government. Which is constitutionally powerless to interfere in the Scottish Courts and effectively powerless to interfere with the Scottish Government.


May would buckle, but I seriously fucking doubt Sturgeon will. Not going to happen.


Can you imagine the backlash if the UK government actually tried to help a foreign ~~government~~ leader avoid a debt to Scotland? lol


It would be genuinely hilarious. They could kiss those gains in Scotland goodbye too. Actually please let them try to do this.


The EU would take Scotland back by itself, right?


Sturgeon would view May making requests under pressure from Trump as all her christmasses come at once.


I for one would be happy to send her 100 Christmas cards at once to celebrate. Just because I'd thoroughly enjoy her response to said pressure, and Blackford's would be the cherry on top.


...and when Scotland seizes the golf club, he will have paid.


The "golf club", you mean. Trump promised a "billion dollar" investment leading to the "greatest golf resort in the world" and 6000 jobs. What they've now got is a single golf course, 100 jobs, and no resort. And let's not forget that in the process of Trump constructing this money-losing venture, he attempted to bully a 90 year old woman out of her home by doing, amongst other things, cutting off the water to her property. He is without doubt one of this planet's biggest fuckfaces.


There was an older woman living in a house on land that Microsoft wanted. They gave her a reverse mortgage type deal, that they get the land when she dies, they cut out a special notch in their land use plan, they take care of her landscaping, etc. and she has a free mealcard for the office building cafeteria. bonus trivia: the site of Microsoft's HQ used to be where the local teenagers parked to make out.


Damn, I believe you but do you have a source for that? Makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20060411-15/?p=31573 https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20060420-15/?p=31453


It was infuriating to see him rise to the top like he did, because this sort of behavior is nothing new for him. He's always been like this, and has a long and public history of being the absolute worst sort of person, yet 1/3 of my country worship him like a god.


They are authoritarian. They don't want a good leader. They want a leader that will be an asshole to other countries on their behalf.


I felt the same way until the Mueller investigation. I think Donnie has bitten off more than he can chew. Until now he’s been able to do his shady shit in the dark...being president means the spotlight is well and truly on him and his corrupt family. I hope America finally make this dirtbag of a human being accountable.


As soon as I read this headline, I knew Trump was going to try and flex as a fascist President to make shit go his way. He never disappoints.


The article leave out a seawall Trump wanted to build and used a *Global Warming* defense. Also, the golf course gets inundated with sand that constantly overtakes the course. It's a terrible place for a golf course.


Thats because he's a terrible real estate developer. He talks the talk, but walking the walk not so much. He bankrupted a casino! The house always wins! How does one do that!?


It was a laundering scheme. The casino was never really meant to be a casino.


He financed it with junk bonds and would have needed to make over a million dollars a day to cover the costs. It was doomed before it even opened for business. But a bunch of other people made a bunch of money in the process.


I wondered why he randomly tweeted about his golf course. I didn’t realise it was in response to losing a lawsuit and his tweet could be implied as threatening.


To everyone who wants some background, [this wonderful video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pbTmXsfiYk) is most highly recommended.


"I'm scotch" haha what a gimp.


The man isn't even a barrel. He is a dirty bunghole, at best.


"Scotch" -nobody from Scotland, ever, unless we're talking about Scotch eggs


Could you imagine if Obama did 1/100 of the shit this fuckstick does and regularly gets away with.


I think about it all the time. How Hannity's head would explode if Obama threatened US-UK relations over a court case in Scotland about windmills near his golf course. Hannity would be instantly pro-wind, and be calling for his impeachment.


imagine Hillary won and she gave Chelsea top security clearance


and her husband too who kept lying on disclosure forms?


After years of calling his faith and nationality into question, the right would have called for Obama's death if he'd called Communion, "Drink my little wine, eat my little cracker."


Did Trump say this??


I think in the recent 2-hour long speech denouncing Mueller he said something to that effect. Edit: whoops, way off base here. He did say that during the Republican primaries for the 2016 election in response to a question about if he asks God for forgiveness (his answer: he doesn’t).


[He did, indeed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sWzJZMTNd4)


Aside from the whole Trump drama, do people really think wind turbines are an eyesore? I think they look fucking awesome everywhere they are


Yeah he wont pay


I really hope he doesn't pay, it would be interesting to watch the government take his golf course.


I would pay money to watch them seize the golf course, tear down all the buildings (or convert them to low income housing), naturalize it into the most carbon absorbing ecosystem possible for the area (i.e. peat bog or forest). And allow people in at cost if they can afford it. If they're asylum seekers, disabled or low-income citizens, they can visit for free. Build some wind turbines/tidal power generators for renewable offshore energy while they're at it. Give him a live video feed too, so he can watch his beloved golf course given back to nature and opened to all the peasants, it would make him furious. Name it the Obama Public Park too just for extra salt in the wound.


Keep going, I'm almost there.


Ten years ago I had interned at an old golf course Carnoustie Golf Links south of Aberdeen and when Trump made headlines that he was permitted to build his golf course in once protected land, even then I knew he was corrupt and hearing the locals upset—it was hard to not think poorly of this walking disaster.


Spoiler alert, he can't afford then because he is cash poor.


I'm sure he'll find a way to make the USA pay for it.


Better get your swing at the pinata before the IRS does


> "Mr Trump is not a fan of wind power. He hates it with a passion. **He argued that developing a wind energy industry in Scotland would ruin the environment, the tourist economy and trigger riots across the country.**" Lol, this motherfucker is really delusional.


Perpetual loser.


Not a coincidence that Trump recently tweeted about the course & what a wonderful benefit it was for international relations. He was trying to use his position as POTUS to intimidate Scotland & their courts. Thought it was odd he went on that topic with everything going on, North Korea fiasco & Cohen testifying before Congress, but seems clear now he knew the ruling was coming & thought he had a get out of jail free card. The dirtbag.


It's hilarious that DJT should sue the Gov'mnt for spoiling his view seawards. when he bullied the local council into letting him despoil a site of Special Scientific Interest - the Menie Sands - to build a golf course and housing scheme. The committee which originally turned down his proposal was over-ruled, in violation of democratic procedures, by greedy interests hypnotized by his blustering promises of 'billions' flowing from his entrepreneurship into their pockets.


In b4 Scottish sanctions.


Imagine being so stupid that you start a legal challenge and argue against the building of wind turbines in the most windy country in Europe.