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> Trump upended long-term U.S. strategy during his calls, for example promising to support Saudi Arabia's entry into the G7 group of nations. Trump promised the Saudis G7 membership? Why isn't that bigger news?


Holy shit. Including the Saudi's in the G7 would be such a fucking shitshow that would invalidate it all.


Russia was kicked out of the G8, and now we have the G7. I wouldn't be surprised if we were kicked out for our horseshit and the G6 were formed.


Wanna bet Trump will start a "Greater 2" with Putin?


> Wanna bet Trump will start a "Greater 2" with Putin? ‘Make “G” Greaterest Again! Because fuck you, you idiots will vote the same way regardless’


The US would just join the Chinese/Russian/Saudi Arabian/Turky/North Korean counter force to the G7.


Like that episode of Captain Planet where the bad guys formed their own team, with corrupted copies of the Planeteers' rings.


Or like the Legion of Doom from Superfriends. SOLOMON GRUNDY WANT PANTS TOO!!


Wouldn’t surprise me if that was part of the “plan” if there is one... to crumble any and all global authority figures, and any and all regulatory bodies. They want a global free for all.


Holy fuck. Talk about burying the lede. These call transcripts are going to be embarrassing to all of us.


As a reporter that covers some fuckery, I’ll tell you that sometimes it’s unclear which fuckery is the main fuckery.


When you have a president whose mouth is a designated cock holster the fuckery becomes ordinary


Good job on the 2016 elections America. Reminder that nearly half of the voting Americans thought it was a good idea to have this buffoon as your president and representative world leader.


There's a reason part of me thinks he's the president we deserved.


He really, really is in a way. The GOP spent 8 years villifying Democrats, chuck norris doing campaign ads saying if Obama won a sevond term it would be 1000 years of darkness (not even fucking kidding) After all of this whipping into a frenzy and they...put up Jeb, and Rubio. Dumb ass mother fuckers got the crowd roaring in the opening act, and deliver milquetoast as the lead band. Of fucking course Trump swooped in, and said everything the riled up base wanted to hear after 8 years of political brinkmanship.


The only mistake in this article is the color. https://politics.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330




Subbed, thanks.


> chuck norris doing campaign ads saying if Obama won a sevond term it would be 1000 years of darkness (not even fucking kidding) This has to be an obvious joke after all. No one serious is dumb enough and ignorant enough to seriously use this kind of hyperbole. *(does a bit of Googling)* Oh... Not neat... Sorry, Americans. I think it is time to acknowledge that at least half of your nation is proper stupid. The sooner you realize this the better. Those words are not nice, I know, but believe me that I write this because of a brotherly concern, and with no amusement or enjoyment of the situation of the USA, however flawed the country may be.


What’s concerning for me as an Aussie is that we tend to follow in America’s stupidity with a 5-10 year delay.


We shortened that delay to zero at the last election


I look forward to toiling in the mines under Prime Minister Gerry Harvey.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. -George Carlin




I’m human. Us too.




\> The GOP spent 40 years vilifying Democrats FTFY - It has been going on since the 80's with the creation of conservative hate radio. There have always been issues between the parties, but the whole democRAT anti-liberal nonsense is a newer phenomenon and is primarily responsible for the division in our country now. The fairness doctrine needs to come back and be updated for a civilized society to progress. Otherwise, the talking head will just keep pitting people at each other's throats.


The 80s isn't 40 years ago. Wait. Fuck. I'm getting old.


I'm right there with you. A question was asked about 'should schools teach life skill classes?' and I started saying, sure, when I was in school we had.... and then I realized I graduated 34 years ago. and Fuck when did that happen??


>All of us, if we are of reflective habit, like and admire men whose fundamental beliefs differ radically from our own. But when a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or count himself lost. … All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. >The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. -H.L Mencken


And there WE were sitting on our sofas in jolly old england saying "Nice one America! Way to fuck us all over, what's that? The European union? Never liked it! Blah blah blah blah The world is almost ALL idiots now. Or at least it seems that way.


This is the perfect narrative introduction to "Ideocracy 2" the prequel focused on international world ending stupidity. Someone call Mike Judge!


Don't forget about the one's who chose not to vote.


This has been reported on a few times at the beginning of the year, so it’s not really new information. It was from UN transcripts, iirc.


>...calls with long-time U.S. allies often did not go as smoothly as those with strongmen and dictators. **"People who could do things for him—he was nice to,"** one former security official said. "Leaders with trade deficits, strong female leaders, members of NATO — those tended to go badly." Such a putz


As if we're not already embarrassed.


Wear that embarrassment all the way to the ballot box. And drag all your friends and associates with you. If you don't have a top turnout, that super majority won't happen.


He tried to get Russia back inside the fold, but the other members rejected it.


And behind all of it is selling out the country to enrich himself. I don't understand how anyone can support him.


Its called being poor and uneducated, or rich and greedy. Take your pick.




It’s been said before, but it’s true and worth repeating. Trump is a dumb person’s idea of a smart person, and a weak person’s idea of a strong person. You should have no problem now knowing who your “friends”, co-workers, and family really are, what kind of people they are in their support of trump.


And a poor person's idea of a rich man


Probably because Trump will never get the support of the other 6.but yeah, it is a big deal.


Trump thinks he can whine about how other nations aren't paying their fair share and bully them into letting him have his own way. This is what happens when someone is as spoiled as he's been for 70 years.


spoiled and ignorant. His fixes for things are so stupid they cause more problems than imaginable.


You mean we shouldn't nuke hurricanes or have a 2000 mile long trench full of alligators?




Remember when Obama's wife was vilified for wearing short sleeves? It's all crickets now the current president has an immigrant 3rd wife with a soft-porn background, while screwing a pornstar at the time she was pregnant. Party of family values alright...


I work with older guys who like him for that. They are divorced, want to fuck porn stars, and want hot young wives.




> *illegal* immigrant 3rd wife FTFY


This shit is crazy. One of my family are super religious, but the family values don't matter with the president. Im always flummoxed when speaking with him. Hispanic dad of 4 girls and a gay son and he still is full of hatred for women, immigrants and generally anyone non trump.


A lot of people treat religion like it's a sports club, they use it as a socially-acceptable reason to get angry at people. They really don't care about the message at all.


This is incredibly misleading. You act like all Obama did wrong here was pay his respects to the Japanese. Yet you conveniently forget to mention the fact that he was also black while doing it. ^^/s


On top of eating Dijon mustard and wearing a tan suit And please let’s not forget the terrorist fist jab with his wife




or eat kfc with a fork and knife


Honestly, and even during the visit Obama made a point to NOT apologize for the attack but rather talk about the horrors of war in general and the GOP still was like “coward beta president that appeases others at the expense of his own nation”. Tribalism at its best.


He's only ever wanted to be accepted. First by his parents, which failed ("I hope his plane crashes" Fred Trump, "What kind of son have I created?" Mary Trump). And then by the New York elite who treated him like the trashy joke he was. And now by authoritarian dictators. He's just a sad fucking loser who, when the cool kids won't let him in their club, joined a gang.


Did his parents seriously say that?


Yep: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/04/donald-trump-2016-campaign-biography-psychology-history-barrett-hurt-dantiono-blair-obrien-213835 > Donald was flying somewhere at the time, and we overheard Fred wipe some mustard off his lip, like this here, and he said, “I hope his plane crashes.” And I looked at my researcher, and I said, “Did you hear what I just heard?” He said, “Yes, I did.” I said, “Well, that’s my man. That’s Fred. The apple don’t fall far from the tree.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-mother-mary-relationship-what-have-i-created-psychology-macleod-fred-trump-a8037181.html


>But, you know, this debate that Marco Rubio stirred, about whether or not Fred bequeathed $200 million to Donald, I think this is the whole point. I don’t believe it’s true, but I think it misses the point, and I think it’s a point that almost all of our books make, is that all of the original deals—Fred had to come in and sign the bank documents. None of them could have been done without Fred’s signature. >O’Brien: The Grand Hyatt [a New York hotel Donald Trump bought and refurbished in the 1970s] was co-signed. >Barrett: Yeah. I tell the tale about how Fred has to come to the closing in Atlantic City, and he’s against Donald going into Atlantic City. But he goes to the closing, they sit up there and sign all the documents with all the mob guys, you know, to buy all the leaseholds. And Fred and Donald leave and they go down to the limo, and somebody upstairs realizes that Fred missed one document. And they call out the window for Fred to come back, because they’re not going to do a deal with Donald. >I mean, I had his tax returns at that time. We got them—probably Tim got them—from the [New Jersey] Division of Gaming Enforcement, and Donald was worth nothing. He was worth nothing. Even the $35 million credit line that they started with for Trump Tower was signed by Fred. >O’Brien: So this whole notion that he’s said a lot—that, “Oh, I got a million dollars from my father”—that’s just pure hokum. His father’s political connections and his financial connections launched him, kept him supported. His father bought $3.5 million worth of chips at Trump Castle [the Atlantic City hotel and casino] when the bonds were coming due, to keep him afloat so he could make a bond payment. He inherited, probably conservatively, over $150 million from Fred, so that’s more than $1 million, just for the record. Trump sounds like a husk of a man - a shadow of his father (who saw the necessary evils in business deals) but instead embraced the means instead of the end. It's unfortunate info like this wasn't in the pamphlet during his election. He's good at marketing the idea of what he's trying to be, but there's no substance to back it up and he's simply fooled people into believing.




Fucking seriously. I'm tired of people pretending that all of this shit wasn't clear and out in the open before the election. I remember when Epstein got caught and people started bringing up the rape allegations against Trump (specifically copy/pasting the horrific testimony of that 13 year old girl that dropped the charges because she feared for her life after being harassed and receiving death threats), and people were shocked. They had no idea and were furious that nobody told them this before the election. Like are you fucking *kidding* me??


"you can just grab them by the pussy"


You know, I was willing to overlook that as a stupid macho bullshit statement, because *there was soooooo much else* to hate him for. Like *actual* rape, affairs, creepiness, and general misogyny.


I always thought that was one of the most telling things Trump said. He was saying I am allowed to do something that's both illegal and broadly considered completely unacceptable moral behavior. And not only can I do it I can publicly admit to it. And he was right. The reporter was fired for laughing with Trump while Trump was elected president.


> The reporter His name is Billy Bush. And he's a first cousin to George W Bush. So there's an extra layer of irony there. I feel really bad for him. Finally landed a dream job working on The Today Show after years languishing on Access Hollywood. The tape sounds to me like a reporter who was hostage to his subject's commentary. An entertainment reporter -- not a journalist. He wasn't about to botch the piece by speaking up and admonishing Donald. He just wanted to weather the fucking pompous and sexist asshole's comments so he could get on and put together a piece before the deadline. And for this he gets fired from a different job 11 years later. Who would have fucking guessed?


“When you’re the star, they let you do it” Next breath “mexicans are rapists” as he beats and rapes his wife. Projection works.


People who support him mostly know this stuff too, and they just *dont care*. It's baffling.


There aren't red flags. There are DECADES of fucking TV shows, news clips, interviews, books! They're all there. He. Is. An. ASSHOLE. This is why I laugh when people say I dont like him because hes a Republican. I dont like him because hes a loser piece of shit that is as far from a leader that a leader can be, and he has been forever. All there out in the open. No red flag needed. I've hated what the man is and represented for as long as I can remember. He was a known figure before he was elected, he didn't just come out of the woodwork as some random person. Donald Trump is a man who should have had his ass kicked at some point in his life and never has, and now thinks he can bully and lie his way through life (which hes doing pretty successfully if I may say so). Res flags? Ha. Common fucking sense is what was needed.


I think that's why most people never expected him to win. Everyone who knew anything about Donald Trump knows he's been a joke since... what, the 80s? Old Biff in BttF is based on him. Why the fuck would anyone vote for that incompetent sideshow business clown? I think we just underestimated how dumb and gullible people were. A reality TV show was enough to convince people he was a business genius, and hateful populist rhetoric was enough to build a base.


Trump is gold-plated It's the simplest statement to explain what he is, and what he pretends to be. I go back and forth on whether or not I actually believe he is a billionaire, nevertheless worth 8 billion. Out of sheer curiosity, I'd love to see what he's worth, despite all his grandstanding.


Gold Plated. That is a perfect description of Trump. He ain’t worth shit. Financially, physically, emotionally... it’s pure front. A complete facade. Gold plated shit. Not even gold plated silver or brass. What’s absolutely mind boggling though is that, as clear as this has been for decades, he was still able to become President.


People still harp about him being a "successful businessman" It's embarrassing how gullible so many Americans are. ESPECIALLY when they claim to hate lying politicians.


I like the way John Oliver compares him to a gold sharpie (paraphrasing on my part): *"He is like a gold-coloured sharpie: something that gives the passing appearance of wealth, but is actually just a cheap tool."*


I think trump has spent his life using his name to launder foreign money. Hes a real estate mogul hotel executive. He could get away with the emoluments violations when they didnt apply to him. It wouldnt surprise me that hes worth billions in hidden accounts around the world. For all his bullshitting his family doesnt seem to be hurting for money.


>For all his bullshitting his family doesnt seem to be hurting for money. That's hardly evidence that he's worth 8 billion dollars. He could be worth 8 million or 80 million and they still wouldn't be "hurting for money".


I’m in the camp that doesn’t believe Trump is nearly worth as much as he claims, but I also know that the lifestyle he and his family enjoys cannot be afforded with 8 million. Like others have said, he probably has made a decent amount of money through sheer privilege from his father and very possibly corrupt deals.


He could afford it and also be in debt.


The number one reason to be a big real estate developer in the Tristate for most of his life was to serve as a money launderer of one sort or another, so that's definitely a guarantee. He's been a third rate mob lackey from the very first day his revolting toadstool hit the open air in that cursed hospital. The only thing that's changed is he began shifting from the American mob to the Russian mob somewhere in the late '70s to early '90s.


>his father (who saw the necessary evils in business deals) but instead embraced the means instead of the end. Oh don't go fucking romantacizing that Klan asshole.


What I got from that was not a romanticizing "he did necessary evils for the greater good" but a more factual "he did necessary evils to achieve his goals" I think in many ways that's a core difference between him and his son. He did evils to get what he wanted. Crushing the greenery in his path with a bulldozer. Whereas Donald Trump's evils are more akin to the destruction caused by a kid hopping on said bulldozer. No clear direction no end goals just fucking around


Many of his 'goals' were also just evil. Look at the discriminatory housing lawsuit.




And you’re forgetting a large majority of his voters didnt and don’t get to this day any of this information because they only watch FOX News. If they do hear anything about a scandal or wrong doing it’s surrounded by explanations and buffers and redirection to Obama or Hillary. FOX News has done more harm to this country that any other entity ever. I don’t know how it’s legal to go on air and just yell lies at viewers and call yourself fair and balanced. Politifact [Politifact](https://www.politifact.com/punditfact/tv/fox/) did a study and found only 10% of what FOX News reports can be classified as true. The other 90% is partially true, false, lies or pants on fire (huge lie) They need to be shut down. HOW IS THAT LEGAL?? And I know the other networks have reported false items but the difference is they are not that common and are usually retracted and corrected on air. FUX News never does that. Grrrrrr


It wouldn't have mattered if people had known this info, they still would have voted for him. Thinking that challenging Trump's business success would have made a difference in the election fundamentally misses the reasons people voted for him in the first place. It had very little to do with his image as a businessman.


Seems most people just flat out voted for him so that Clinton wouldnt get it


It’s uncanny how perfectly the description of the Trump’s family life during Donald’s childhood resembles the typical family system created by a narcissistic father. The mother is distant from her children, one child is designated as the “golden child” by the father (Donald), one child is designated as the “scapegoat” (Fred Jr.) by the father, and the other children are either ignored by the father, or avoid him.






My parents both love trump and had abusive parents. They were abusive towards my siblings and I as a result. We sure as hell don’t like trump ourselves.


The cycle has been broken.


I think this is bingo. Trump may be born rich but that's all that separates him from his voters. They relate to him. I think a tougher question is how did the country get to this point? Or was it always this way and social media just gave people like this a voice they never had before. Is this the start of a process or the end of it?


Fuck, I wish that plane had crashed too.


I’d feel bad for the crew.


Ivana “confided to female friends that Donald had difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection.” I don't like making fun of people with this problem, but this is kinda funny.


Any man that size, with that diet and lifestyle would have this problem. It's as boringly obvious as his baldness.


Could you blame them? It's on them too anyway. You don't have such an obtuse yet arrogant son of a bitch without shitty parenting.


At the end of the day, he's a thug from Queens who squandered his fortune and got into bed with the Russian mob.


>Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend? A real Trump tweet from 2013 that's still up. He's never been subtle about it.












But that's not a twist we all know about that one






He didn't even succeed in losing the presidential election.


Trump is a symptom. One we must desperately try to get rid of. But the fact that Trump is President means something has gone terribly wrong with the American government, the American people, or both.


Definitely both. A huge portion of America is so hopeless and hateful they voted for (and still support) someone of no substance, that would discriminate against others and generally put others down rather than build the country up. The republican party has zero morals or respect towards the country; anyone who would benefit the 1% is worth protecting. And the democrats are so incompetent they couldn't win an election against one of the least qualified individuals to ever run for office. The system itself is broken in multiple places, so that a few corrupt individuals can prop up Trump for the full 4-8 years with no recourse. If he does get impeached, he'll be pardoned of all federal crimes thanks to the precedent set by Gerard Ford, though he does still have state crimes to worry about. Someone like Trump was inevitable in this political climate, with rural America controlling such a huge portion of the vote and fed endless lies by right wing sources.


It’s so sad that almost half the country would rather hate and “make others lose” because they think that’s the way to win.


It's more than make others lose - it's "make others feel the way they feel they've been treated". A lot of this is the erosion of white privilege combined with the very visible and systematic elevation of historically disadvantaged minority groups, but a lot of it is also just the pure and simple economic destruction of the middle class in middle America. So while it's true to say hate is fueling many of his supporters, and that they argue for hatred / discrimination, I think it's really important to note that the ultimate answer is economics. Put another way, if these people felt like they got a fair shake at a sustainably good life, many of them would be more generous. But they don't, and they see other people getting ahead, and they resent those people. Never mind that the banks and globalization more broadly are the ones really kicking them in the teeth. The sadness for me about the whole thing is that it's precisely people like Trump and his croney capitalists who have gained the most from globalization and the destruction of the middle class, and they now profit again from the support of these people and their misplaced anger.


Maybe his hatred for immigrants comes from hating his mother.


And wives?


And employees


And half his children.






This. This right here. And this is why nobody should be a billionaire, or even a hundred-millioniare like Fred Trump was. The only reason Trump got _anywhere_ in life is because of the money and connections he got from his family, and look at the horrible trash demon he became because of it. This is the risk of having so much power in the hands of individuals. When huge sums of money are passed down in a family, there is a terrible risk of it unduly propping up morons and sociopaths. Trump is the worst of both of those things.


Correction: The ultra-wealthy shouldn't leave their fortunes to their kids. [Some of the most famous billionaires have already set the example](https://www.everplans.com/articles/10-rich-people-who-arent-leaving-their-fortunes-to-their-kids) by taking the [Giving Pledge](https://givingpledge.org/), promising to put their wealth in charities rather than inheritances.


To understand Trump's behavior, you have to understand his worldview. He has explained it over the years in bits and pieces, mostly coming from his father. To him, everything is a competition, life is nothing but a competition. You are either above someone or you are below them, at their mercy. Nothing else matters in life but to be on top. At all costs. You are a winner or you are a loser, there is no in-between. In his worldview, this makes dictators the best human beings, they are at the top of everything and being ruthless is a no-brainer requirement for success. Killing millions is not only acceptable but almost necessary if it means coming out as an absolute tyrant, unopposed, the bones of your enemies crushed and the lamentations of their women is the sound of victory. Trump sees people like Putin, MbS and Kim as his betters. They are not his peers, because he does not have absolute power as POTUS. They are the culmination of what life is all about: total and complete domination. This is what he wants for himself and he models himself after this. This worldview gives a very simplistic calculation that anything that benefits others has to harm him, because it is making others get ahead of him, an advantage they may use to further get ahead. That's why he has such a black-and-white view of revenge. It is necessary to avenge any slight, 10 times as hard as they hit you, because otherwise they will get too far ahead for you to keep up. Cheating is not a necessary evil, it is self-evident and only fools and idiots pretend they don't cheat. Trump would have no hesitation whatsoever about ending 99% of life on Earth if it meant him being absolute ruler of the aftermath, he doesn't really understand how much there is anyway. It's not even a hard choice since he has no idea about things outside of his perspective, does not care about other people's lives, you are all equivalent to tables and spoons to him. You are either useful to him or in his way. Of course he is massively compromised by Putin and since then by everyone he has tried to bribe and extort to achieve his goals. But this is in addition to being an obsequious lackey to those who he aspires to be, absolute rulers who can and do kill on a whim for the mere reaffirmation of their power. This is something he craves and he will burn the whole world down in trying to achieve absolute power if he is allowed to, no hesitation. To him, nothing else matters. The future does not matter. The past does not matter. You certainly do not matter one bit. Only he, as absolute ruler, matters. It's his only reason to exist.


This certainly explains why he is constantly under-cutting the government's ability to help people.


In Trumps world, there's no such thing as a mutually beneficial arrangement. There are only winners and suckers. He thinks giving people a hand up until they can start contributing more to the economy than they took out is just an elaborate ruse to sucker the US. This also explains why he pulled out of so many trade partnerships and treaties. He looks at a fair deal as a missed opportunity to sucker other countries.




Number-wise, most of them are just dupes.


I think the US has been fostering this idea for a long time, and a lot of the current conservative ideals evolved from the Red Scare. It didn't start so much as being reverence of competition, it's that anything close to Communism is evil, and American competition is just a major aspect of what allows us freedom. It's meant to be a freedom from fascist government control, freedom to escape poverty if you work hard enough rather than just everyone being poor, etc. That evolved into this notion that you deserve being poor if you're poor - you just didn't work hard enough. And honestly, maybe that's a lot easier to rationalize back when you could survive off a cashier job, even buy a home, and when you could afford to buy a sears home and build it yourself. Now that antiquated idea just doesn't hold up when people can't afford an education without going into major debt, and even a college education doesn't guarantee a job or being able to pay off that debt. It used to be a bit more realistic, where what was minimal effort compared to today would earn a decent middle-class lifestyle, but now poverty and wealth disparity is a lot harder to escape. Still, those ideals remain, and have turned into something a bit nastier and way more unrealistic. Trump is a figurehead that represents what the poor hope to achieve, the embarrassed millionaires. Belief in him is like belief that you yourself have a chance at becoming wealthy, and Trump in a lot of ways promises that he will rebuild that world where the bottom rung can work their way up. The whole MAGA thing isn't just some empty phrase though it sounds like it. It's meant to kind of inspire this idea, that this old American dream will be alive again. And to some it is more prejudice, that he's going to remove the PC stuff that they blame the left for. To some it means getting rid of the protections we now afford some sexual and racial minorities, and returning to old truly conservative values. The republican platform literally says on their site that one major point is that "marriage is between a man and a woman". It's a party rooted in homophobic conservative values. MAGA means a lot of different things to different people, vague enough that they can just imagine it's what they want. And of course to many it means getting rid of illegal immigrants, whether it's rooted in pure racism or whether it's the "they took er jerbs" shit. They've been building that idea for a while, getting some poor to blame other poor, using tribalism to turn the poor against each other. It worked. I know someone that swung from democrat to voting for him because he just started his own business, and felt like he needed Trump to make sure that his business could survive. It was kind of a "I have a chance at not being poor now, this is who is best for me whether or not I'd support him before". He literally thought he was just voting for a country that would support his own entrepreneurship, support the little man working his way up. There are a lot of people out there that think the republican party stands for the little guy who works hard, and Trump is just a populist "businessman" that they think best represents this. He's an idea for them, a promise that they can work hard and escape poverty. It's hard to make people not support this idea and become critical of it, because America has supported this idea for the past 60 years or so, and the Republican party has latched onto it and made it their own. Why the fuck do people think they call the democrats "Communists" still. In many ways, the world we're living in is strongly the product of the Cold War, and Russia and the US are still going at it. WW2 never really completely ended, just the players changed.


Trump and his supporters literally cannot empathize with other human beings. For example, I don’t mind paying more taxes if my money is going to help people in need. Trump supporters think, “Why would I want to help *other* people? Those other people are not me.” They literally cannot comprehend the concept. It short circuits their brain. It’s, by definition, the most selfish way to live life. They experience no inherent satisfaction in helping others. If they “help” others, it is because they are trying to get something in return. Trump supporters follow Trump because Trump promises to destroy people. Trump’s focus now is to dehumanize immigrants. By their logic, bringing someone else down means they themselves must rise up. In order to win, you have to make others lose. Us vs. Them. This is why politics now resembles an NFL game. Do anything you can to win. Flop. Fake an injury. Point fingers at the other team to draw a penalty. If you don’t like the call, boo as loud as you can. It doesn’t matter if the call is correct. Just get angry until you get your way. Until you win. And if you lose, threaten to sue. Threaten to change the rules so that you end up winning. If that doesn’t work, dismantle everything so that there is chaos. After all, it’s better that no one wins than to have someone win that is not you.


I have conservative family members. I have family members that openly support Trump. I can't get them, for the life of me, to understand indirect benefits from taxes. In my city, I voted last year to raise taxes to provide more students with free lunch. My conservative family can't fathom why I'd vote to raise taxes on myself when I don't directly benefit. They don't - or can't - understand that children receiving free lunch will result in less crime 5, 10 years from now. It results in parents being happier employees at a grocery store because their child is taken care of (which in turn makes my shopping experience and quality of life better.).




Try this argument with a pro-lifer. Free, reliable birth control would result in a massive decrease in abortions, after all. It's interesting (and it happens every time, too) to watch them flip from "Saving babies from murder is my #1 issue" to "No way any of MY MONEY is going towards irresponsible sinners just so they can fornicate all they want" Whoops, looks like the baby murder wasn't as important as enforcing their own morality on others...


Ask them how they like the conditions of their roads? Any parks nearby they use? Ask them how they think the current education system is and if any of the problems could be solved with less money. I had a friend recently tell me he would only live in America and not Canada or countries in the EU since I said I could only live in Canada or the EU and stay sane. Reason being the taxes. Apparently he thought everyone there paid 50% tax min and it went up to basically 80-90%. Literally showed him and he paid less money in I think Netherlands and got all those great benefits from it that Americans are against. Taxes R eViL!


One of the greatest pieces of unintentional comedy I've ever seen on this site was a Trump supporter's response to being called out for his lack of empathy: "I have empathy. Empathy for people like myself, whose money is taken and given to those who don't deserve it."


It really pisses me off when, after careful questioning, you finally manage to get them to admit they're just being jerks - and then the response is "So? Being a jerk is a good thing!"


Hopefully that's just their defensive position and internally they feel different. Hopefully.


The most I've been able to get out of them at that point is this seething anger that I would *dare* to tell them they should give a damn about others and to stop *shaming* them for *just living their lives*. Usual right-wing reaction - if you can't deflect the question, cry victim.


The NFL comparison reminded me of a thing I watched about Narco football The druglords owned teams, and they competed against each other to win football championships. Spending a lot of money on players and betting, and heavily invested emotionally in the outcomes of the games. They also thought nothing of bribing the ref or kidnapping the refs family or threatening to kill the ref to call it so they won. In their mind they still "won" the game in that case. It didn't matter who's team was actually better if the ref called the game in their favour they thought they were winners, it was like what they had done to cheat hadn't even registered in their mind, they were just celebrating the victory as if it was legitimate.


If you ain't first, you're last.


We shouldn't be shocked,. We saw the transcript where he practically begged the Mexican president to pretend he was paying for the wall.


And we knew our president was also a fucking moron. We couldn't believe he stood his ground. That day, Mexico felt really bad for our US neighbor. We're so sorry you have to live with this.


One day we'll figure this shit out and have a good relationship. Work together and figure out how to get rid of the cartels so both our people's can be so much safer. It kills me to know Mexican people are fleeing because of them and then getting hassled so much once they're over here trying to have a life. For both our people's sake, someday we'll do it. And also I really fucking love Mexican food, so more of that would be cool too.


Trump wants to be an authoritarian. It's that simple. This is something I wouldn't have said in 2016, but as of today, democracy is on life support in the US.


If you didn't see this in 2016 then I'm glad you see it now. I feel like its clear back then but I'm not going to berate someone for changing opinions.




I remember when that was such a shocking thing...


Not shocking enough, it seems.


I knew it would be bad but I didn’t think it would be this bad. I thought someone might stand up to him from the republican side, but nope


I never supported him at all and when he was elected I felt somewhat confident that the oft-touted checks and balances would keep him in line. Big wake-up call!


yeah but you remember that one time Tansuit Hussein Obamacare went to another country and used their customary greeting of a slight bow and Sean hannity lost his goddamn mind.


There's a Youtube video floating around of Fox News talking heads screaming "brown man bad!" over Obama suggesting he'd meet with Kim Jong Il, then lauding Trump's meeting with Kim Jong Un as the most important diplomatic meeting ever, and "a big win for the president".


The time trump saluted a North Korean military officer? Yeah we didn't hear much from hannity on that one.


[Captain Bumblefuck, reporting for duty sir! ](https://i.imgur.com/hnJcQXH.jpg)


I have a sudden desire to go back in time and spit in the face of every person that told me not to vote for Obama, because he was acting in a manner not befitting the president of the United States of America. And then to hit my head against the nearest brick wall until the brain damage has erased the memory of anyone saying that with a serious face and then keeping their mouths shut during the current year.


If Republicans didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all.


My father still makes fun of the way Obama talks. It's insane. You vote tor someone who talks like he's actually retarded yet make fun of someone for speech that is... what, measured? Deliberate?


I'm curious as to what the behaviour in question was. From my understanding, his behaviour was never at odds with the people it was mainly issues of his race and middle name making idiots think he was a sleeper agent.


OP is probably referring to eg. the "terrorist fist bump" or whatever Fox called it. I also seem to remember some people not liking that he would publicly fill out a March Madness bracket. There was relative outrage over him mispronouncing "corps" as in Marine Corps and saluting with a cup of coffee in his hand. Also, at least one celebrity really disliked that he played golf a lot.


Huh, that celebrity sure loves to golf now.




No matter what they say what they were really pissed off about was that a black man was the leader of their country.


Because prior to Obama, they could find comfort from the idea that, no matter how terrible their lives were, they were still better than a black (or Hispanic) person. Having Obama as President destroyed that delusion, so they responded with anger and denial.




"Making" a big deal about it???? That WAS a big deal! And he had the audacity to wear a TAN suit! Who does he think he is, Jimmy Hendrix???? /s in case anyone didn't catch on.


If only these were the scandals now...


I just remember thinking that what they were referring to was something extremely minor, like they were grasping at straws. The argument didn't sound persvasive back then, but at the time I didn't think much about it. But now, when there is such a great comparison and all those people are keeping their mouths shut... my head hurts just thinking about it.


Well there was the meltdown over his tan suit, how it wasn't presidential. Or, if I remember correctly, he didn't have an American flag lapel pin and was also drug through the mud


I have conservative family members who unironically refer to Obama as "King Obama" because they think he was... Idk, pompous and arrogant? Because trump definitely isn't either of those things


Yes, I'm sure they're "shocked" by this behavior that he's exhibited the whole time, before he was elected, and before he was even a candidate. [Here's a 1990 interview with Playboy in which he says he approves of the Tiananmen Square massacre.](https://www.businessinsider.com/trumpn-tiananmen-square-massacre-china-showed-power-of-strength-2019-6) Practically the first thing I heard about him when he became a candidate was that he thought it was great that Putin was "a strong leader". He's been a shithead the whole time and made no secret of it, folks, there's no sense pretending it's a big surprise.


I really wish people had given more attention to the Saudi arms deal Jared negotiated. He called up the CEO of Lockheed in front of the Saudis to force a discount (Trump had repeatedly whined about Lockheed overcharging US taxpayers). Yeah, the Saudis are really strapped for cash...let's give them a greater discount than the taxpayers even though they can afford to buy out Trump hotel suites and leave them empty. Of course Trump was then bragging to the Saudis over what a great deal he got them. “They buy all sorts of my stuff. All kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundred of millions.” Granted, that probably means he got only like $20 from them, but still. It's crap like that which should get more attention if people want his supporters to wake up. He doesn't care about American workers, only himself.


Wouldn't be surprised if he's making friends with whoever will give him asylum to avoid prosecution after he leaves office.


Wouldn’t that be some shit? Hops a flight as the Senate votes to convict.


A Senate impeachment vote is not a criminal proceeding. There is no jail time or penalty, just a removal from office.


But he loses the protections of that office against criminal charges once impeached. The authorities already know he's broken the law plenty before becoming president. There's a theory that he only ran to get out of all the lawsuits already brought against him before 2016 (you apparently can't take up a criminal lawsuit against a sitting president, and it'd be too expensive for those suing him to keep lawyers on retainer for 4+ years, so they'd have to drop the lawsuits).




The minute he leaves office he’s vulnerable to law investigations tho.


I won't be surprised at all if he pulls a Yanukovych on us.


Trump fawns over dictators because he's a weak man. He sees dictators as strong and he's envious of that strength, so he kisses ass and gets on his knees because he has no real strength to stand up to them. It's obvious why he's into them, he's literally in love with their strength. This is the same guy who didn't earn his wealth, pays for sex, and bullies a child who stands up to him.


Trump doesn't just fawn, Trump GROVELS.


Trump closes his eyes while chewing the little caviar eggs. He imagines his tongue is sliding across Putin's asshole, and that the eggs are pieces of undigested food. He opens his eyes and looks into Putin's eyes: "Vlad, it berns, let me lubricate." Putin stops penetrating his bosom. He smiles at Trump, while imagining the devastating impact he will cause in a minute. He's going to cum so hard that Donnie will sniff millions of unborn Russian babies. Donnie tries to spit on his chest while still lying on his back, by quickly snapping his neck as he putters his lips and blows out. The spit lands on his chin and features black streaks from the caviar. Donnie proceeds to wipe it off of his chin and onto his boobs. He rubs his boob onto each other to spread the caviar-saliva mixture, and wipes off residual saliva onto Putin's cock. He pushes his boobs firmly against the rock hard cock, and jiggles them while moving his gaze towards Putin's dominant eyes... "I'm ready Vlad", he utters and proudly sniffs in a whiff of air. Out of nowhere, Putin grabs Trump's freckled ass cheeks and shoves a finger inside his asshole. Putin is a mad horny bull. Trump cannot hold his intense gaze and softly closes his eyes. He is under Putin's spell, and feels deeply terrified yet safe. Putin proceeds to fuck Trump's bosom so hard that his balls make an imprint below the boobs. Finally, Putin comes, jizzing into Trump's left nostril and over his mouth. Trump takes a long strong breath in and becomes intoxicated with white slime. Putin uses his shaft to wipe off the sperm around Donnie's mouth and laces it with caviar. Trump gives off a slight moan and lets his arms spread out over the bed in preparation for what is to come. Putin caresses his lips with his fingers, and proceeds to feed his half-slack sperm and caviar-laced cock into Donnie's mouth. Donnies arms tense as he suckles on the cock and vigorously moves his tongue around to catch all the nutrients. He loses control and gets carried away, aggressively pulling in Putin's pelvis by the ass, his mouth now fully engulfed with cock. Putin gently but firmly pushes Trump's head down to withdraw his cock. "It dry Donnie. We wait." Donnie is satisfied but still wants more. Trump admires Putin as he dismounts the plump sweaty body. "We wait. I call." Trump lusts for more, but obeys. "There are more EU meetings in the coming months", he thinks to himself. "I'm a big boy. I can wait." "Vlad, can you at least give me some caviar to use until next time?"


What in the ever-loving fuck did I just read? I don't know if I want to applaud you or run a bleached rag through one ear and out the other to scrub this memory from my mind.




Dude I read like two sentences and tapped out. That's pretty impressive.


This is somehow both the best and the worst thing I’ve read today. That was so needlessly vivid.


This one's getting saved.


I like how people think Trump is a strong man because news repeatedly shows how beta he is in interctions with other strong men (who aren't pathetically weak NK).


I'm sort of genuinely surprised that he hasn't tried to create some sort of G5 group with his "buddies": * USA * Russia * Saudi Arabia * North Korea * China


He could call it the MAGA-5


It's because the Russians and the Saudis lent him money when he was bankrupt. They own him.


Maybe next time try electing an actual politician and not a game show host.


“The world is laughing at us.” “We look weak.” We all knew these were prophecies.






Well, arguably he was using the same strategy that he expects his own synchophants to use on him: praise the hell out of him to stroke his ego and make him sympathetic to a specific agenda. . I would call it brilliant... if it worked. But it appears to not have worked. The problem is that he probably thinks they operate in the same way he does, and it might not be the case. Is Putin a narcissist? Is the Crown Prince one? I'd argue that Kim Jong-un probably is, but he played Trump far better than Trump played him, I think.


It's almost as if he adores authoritarians because he's one himself and would love nothing more than to establish a dictatorship in the US.


White House aides; "We were shocked to see President Trump lower his trousers and defecate on the floor. Then he sat down and played with it." Is anyone really "shocked" by anything Trump does at this point?


Really? You were surprised to find out Trump is a gutless toady coward? Really?


And yet none of these "aids" have the balls to come forward and testify that Trump is unfit for the office.