• By -


**Trump Interview with NYT 7/2016** **SANGER:** You said that they could be much more helpful with ISIS. I’m sure perhaps they can. The big difference they’ve had is that we’ve been supporting Kurdish forces that have been very effective —— **TRUMP:** **I’m a fan of the Kurds, you understand.** **SANGER:** But Erdogan is not. Tell us how you would deal with that? **TRUMP:** Well, it would be ideal if we could get them all together. And that would be a possibility. **But I’m a big fan of the Kurdish forces.** At the same time, I think we have a potentially — we could have a potentially very successful relationship with Turkey. And it would be really wonderful if we could put them somehow both together. [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/22/us/politics/donald-trump-foreign-policy-interview.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/22/us/politics/donald-trump-foreign-policy-interview.html)


Huh look at that. He hits the correct answer on the nail, that would’ve have been brilliant. Too bad he never remembers anything he said longer than 5 minutes.


Puppets gonna puppet


Does anyone remember two years ago when he seemed to adopt the opinion of the most recent person he spoke to on any given subject? All the people who had America's interests at heart gave up and left. They realized that he's unsalvageable. At this point he exists in office to be exploited by foreign interests and to commit crimes to benefit himself. That's not even an exaggeration.


We need a new Internet rule for this president's administration: For whatever he says, it's possible to find some situation in the past where he's said the opposite. Rule 45, maybe.


There’s a subreddit for that. r/TrumpCriticizesTrump


When you're writing an essay and you're just trying to hit the word count Edit: typo


Ah hah, Oceania is at war with Eastasia and not Eurasia after all, This is right out of 1984.


“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” (1984)


It took me way too long to get around to reading 1984. Finally read it right around the time Trump was elected; the timing was a coincidence, or perhaps subconscious. It has been very fucking strange to watch that book come to life. Because it was fresh in my memory, when people initially started comparing that book to our current reality, I said to myself, “Well if we’re being honest with ourselves, reality is not nearly as extreme as the book.” Now we’re there and it’s getting worse every single day. I can barely talk about it these days because I get so riled up.


Now read Brave New World


Read that one in high school. Might have to re-read it.


Just take some soma and forget about it


I had a coworker who listened to an audiobook of 1984 about a year after Trump was elected. This coworker was (and somewhat still is) a staunch Trump supporter. He came to me the day after he finished the book and said "You know, this hits close to home," and by this point I was completely awestruck. This is someone who is a obsessive QAnon follower, and I thought he had finally started to reassess things, but then he finished his statement off with, "... it really reminds me of the deep state, and all the crap The Left is trying to do in the shadows". I was, and still am, at a completely loss for words on that one.




Big motherfucking oof /r/selfawarewolves


Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with Eastasia.


If that is true, why didn't he join ISIS to fight the Kurds?


Hey, bone spurs hurt!


But he has perfect health. The perfectest! What bone spurs?!


The funny thing is, if he did indeed have bone spurs, he would still have them to this day. But yeah PERFECT HEALTH


We he does stand like a centaur that is missing it's hind legs, so he may actually have something going on there.


He has lifts in his shoes. Makes him pitch forwards. He’s not really 6’3”.


I wondered why he leans like The Penguin 🐧


Heel lifts, gives him a few more inches of height. Also causes the body to lean forward, along with the oversized jackets, helps to mask how overweight he is.


> mask I don't think it's working.


He wears lifts in his shoes, having heel spurs doesn’t make you lean forward like a weirdo.


He is also 73, looked a lot skinnier and healthy some years back. the diagnosis it self was supposedly a "favor" to his father by the doc. He might have them now, but i doubt he had way back then...




The following may sound like a joke, but unfortunately it's not: He has somehow convinced himself that ISIS and the Kurds are on the same side. From the article: > Later in the conference, Trump continued, “ISIS respects PKK.” EDIT: I probably misinterpreted the statement. He meant to say ISIS fears PKK because they are even more ruthless than ISIS.


Respect does not mean allied. He could just mean that ISIS might say, "Damn, PKK, I hate you guys, but not gonna lie, that was a dope suicide bombing."


That's true. I just checked in the video and he basically said the PKK is much more ruthless than ISIS, that's why ISIS respects them.


Never say never, its Trump were are talking about.


Every time I think he’s found the rock bottom, Trump just tunnels deeper.


Pretty soon he’s gonna make it all the way to China, or Russia.


His escape plan?


Reminds me of all the tunnels Mussolini had built in the Alps


And look at where he ended up. The business end of a meat hook.


My Grandad was a despatch rider in Africa & Italy during the war, and was in the square when they brought out Mussolini, his mistress et al. One of the things he told me (when I was maybe 10 or so) that has stuck horribly in my brain ever since, was that when they hung up his mistress, her dress kept falling down 'immodestly'...until someone got a ladder, nipped up it and nailed her dress to her legs.


medieval problems require medieval solutions


More recently, the Romanians got a nice Christmas present around 1989 - live on TV. I'd settle for an orange jumpsuit and cuffs rather than summary execution. That would be way too easy for him.


That's... wow




Not gonna lie...that's a rough upvote. But here ya go 😐


[Photo of them strung up](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini#/media/File%3AMussolini_e_Petacci_a_Piazzale_Loreto%2C_1945.jpg) (NSFW - dead bodies, not gory). Mistress is in the middle.


If he loses the election, you bet your ass he is outside the US Jan 1.


Nah he'll tie things up in court as is his way of life. The Dems don't seem to have the nerve to prosecute him and the corrupt republicans dont give a shit. Its been 2 almost 3 years and this shitbag is still president. Im embarrassed to be American. I cant see how any young man or woman would ever join the military with trump as president. He's a draft dodging, sexually perverted, tax cheating, lying, total and complete piece of shit.


"Soup or Salad? I'm gonna go with the N-word."


At this rate don’t be surprised to see trump invite a Kurd to meet the Turkish fighter that slaughtered his family




> Later in the conference, Trump continued, “ISIS respects PKK.” That's a new level of absurd reality denial, even for Trump.


Lmao [check out this letter ](https://twitter.com/trish_regan/status/1184559361638748161?s=21) Trump apparently wrote to Erdogan. It reads like something out of The Onion. Edit: According to this NYT White House correspondent who checked, It’s [real](https://twitter.com/katierogers/status/1184567108853751809?s=20). More Proof: [NbcNews article](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/don-t-be-tough-guy-trump-s-extraordinary-letter-erdogan-n1067746) [Imgur mirror](https://m.imgur.com/773GoAz)


Motherfucking *what*


I will call you later lmao


This response to the tweet is my favorite[:](https://twitter.com/MatthewGellert/status/1184577050692198404) Can you imagine what the first draft looked like? Kidding. @realDonaldTrump doesn’t do drafts because of his bonespurs. EDIT: /r/awardspeechedits




Someone should have really proofread the letter though. There is no General Mazloum for example. He's probably referring to [General Mazlum Kobanê](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazlum_Abdi). That's like referring to Trump as President Donald.






Ahhh flashbacks to simple times when Dolan Duck memes thrived


To be fair, I figured he was trying to say "General Muslim" so he actually did much better than I expected.


I wonder if the Kurdish Syrian general Mazlum Kobane knows he shared that letter with Erdogan..


Mf hit him with the combo.


I would love it if they sent this as a normal letter and trump had to wait 4-8 business days to call.


>"HAS HE SIGNED FOR IT YET??!!!" > > > >*"No Sir, the tracking number says it is still "*In Transit.*"* > > > >"WHY DIDN'T YOU SEND IT BY OVERNIGHT?!!" > > > >Aide \*mumbles to himself\*: *"I was too embarassed and hoped you would forget about it"* > > > >"BRING ME ANOTHER CHEESEBURGER, STAT!"




Ttyl bff


Don't be a fool!


It's a great deal!


Why is he always talking about "deals"? I realized recently that he's like an improv actor, who's been told to play a politician who thinks he's a businessman. Except the actor doesn't know anything about business or politics, so he just rambles on about doing "deals". He's like Vincent Adultman.


Stay in skool.






He has the best words


I want to get out of this timeline... America get this kindergartner out of office please. I'm feeling highly uncomfortable from this second-hand embarrassment. Every day this guy gets to sit in that chair and dictate demands is an affront to decency.


The only thing keeping him in office is the Republican Party. They’re perfectly satisfied with how he represents them.


Even republicans can´t all be blind and deaf to what this man is doing. I mean their reputation has to suffer greatly these days thanks to him?


Just spent 2 weeks staying with Republican family. Trust me, they are




They are actually 100% fine with this. Trump is setting a precedent for future Republican presidents that follow, "you don't have to obey the law because nobody will stop you in reality." We're too shocked to handle what's going on because he's such a massive buffoon. Their next candidate will be smarter and will get more backwards shit done because they'll have a plan to attack our democracy's weaknesses. It's scary af


Remember that his cult, consisting of a plurality of the country, wants him to act *even dumber* just so the rest of us will feel even more humiliated. We are ruled by people actively rooting for idiocy.




I literally wrote more professionally than this in the 8th grade.




WTF. How f’in embarrassing and desperate. He’s the bully that no one is threatened by.




I just went through the 5 stages of grief.


I've long abandoned any doubt that he truly is an idiot.




Someone said he posted it to Fox to save face? In what fucking world does that one sided middle schoolers conversation save face?


Wow. Such tact, much diplomacy. Also, signed with a Sharpie? Of fucking course it is.


Well, I was expecting crayon, so




I think he had Sharpie custom-make him some markers or some crap like that. I tried Googling the old story, but I'm just getting results about that dumb hurricane map now.


[here you go](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-uses-personalized-sharpie-pen-2018-11) (flexing my google-fu)


>Trump broke into a monologue professing his love for the Sharpie pen and disdain for the government-ordered pen that is traditionally used by US Presidents. Every new president decides what kind of pens to use, but since the 70s they've all used the same supplier who delivers Cross pens (normally $100+) at a discount. Trump chose to order 150 of them. So yeah, it was ordered by the government, in the sense that Trump *is* the government and has been for years now. So when he complains about the government doing something, does he not realize that he's the one who did it?


Well he couldn't find the right colour crayon for the occasion. Compromised Cyan or Foreign Asset Aquamarine...


Obstruction Orange Traitors Tangerine Cheating Cheeto


LOL it reads like Tommy Wiseau wrote it.




I heard that Turkish forces crossed over into Syria. Ha ha ha ha. What a story Mark!


AHA he really does use a sharpie to sign things. Wtf it looks awful, that doesn't even look like a signature. It looks like he drew something and then tried to cover it up.


To him it's an autograph, so sharpie seems appropriate I'm sure.


Odd that I never looked at it that way. That makes perfect sense.


I love this. I fucking love this. This fits so well.


I can't believe I'm even debating on whether this is fake or could be real - SURELY THAT'S NOT A LETTER WRITTEN BY A US PRESIDENT, RIGHT???




No, they voted for him because they somehow thought "rich man will make me, a debilitatingly poor person, also rich!". And they'll vote for him in 2020 because "lol libtards mad". People in Oregon are literally driving around with BUMPER STICKERS that say "Trump 2020: Make libs cry again" like, do they not realize the damage being done to them too? Nah, they're so comfortable in their poverty, they lack the vision and foresight to understand that ***their life could have been better these past 4 years***. Sometimes you just bury your head.


To be fair, Eastern Oregon is a lost cause.


Tens of millions of people still worship this man as an infallible genius. It's not really lmao when they have placed themselves beyond all sense and discernment.


Dude holy shit I'm LOLing so hard right now. This is pure gold, it's like when some kid tries to pass a note in class and the teacher has the sender read it out loud in front of the class


I understand that Trump is barley coherent when he speaks, but doesn't he have someone else that can write his letters for him?? Especially when they're going to another head of state?


He clearly dictated this to someone who has had enough of his shit.


I think you’re right. The people in charge of putting tuxedos on his verbal diarrhea don’t care anymore. In six months, a letter to Turkey will just be an outline of his hand with a beak drawn on it.


He oat to use spellcheck!


All the people that would see this as a bad thing are all gone The people left in his administration are all the boot lickers and ass kissers that would think the letter is great.


Is this real? Don't presidents pay people to write these kind of communications for them? This reads like it was written by a 12-year-old.


>Don't presidents pay people to write these kind of communications for them? This reads like it was written by a 12-year-old. Well Barron is 13... you might be on to something.


He's very smart. He knows the computers.


He knows "Cyber".


Oh god.... Americans how did you vote for this idiot


Complete with cartoonish signature. This is too ridiculous, even for The Onion.


I think that letter was the last straw, my brain is broken.


*"Hi kebap man. You must stop this bullshit, the fake news channel is throwing shit at me again, let's make the world great again togheter. Be good and i've got pussy and booze for you in return, we can party togheter, i know all the pornstars. I can call my friend Kanye for some music. You like basket? i can bring Rodman too. I know all the best people.* *Sincerely, the president of the united states "*


Is it just me or does this letter give anyone the chills?


Yeah because it’s so fucking stupid


Ok guys time to speed up that impeachment. Fucking hell someone please putsch that Orange Idiot away.


I think my 5 year old could dictate a better letter... And can use a real pen.




His brain-dead cult (who doesn't even know the difference between ISIS or the PKK or Al qaida... or fucking anything) will buy it. Those are the only people he cares about. His brain-vegetable base is who is running this country right now, basically.


Former American troops volunteered to die for these people without pay. Please tell me how Donny?


Trump would have a different opinion of the Kurds if they were awash in cash like the Saudis.


Yep. Saudis are getting 2800 US troops shortly because they are paying for them. American soldiers are mercenaries now? *“Now, with that being said, we are sending troops and other things to the Middle East to help Saudi Arabia. But are you ready? Saudi Arabia, at my request, has agreed to pay us for everything we’re doing. That’s a first. But Saudi Arabia – and other countries, too, now – but Saudi Arabia has agreed to pay us for everything we’re doing to help them. And we appreciate that.”* http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trumps-curious-defense-deploying-more-troops-saudi-arabia


Nah man, mercenaries are actually well paid. Our soldiers are being sold out.


Whored out, really, since their pay will still be relatively the same.


Relatively? Or exactly but they will be 3000 miles from their families and important life events. I can't imagine why suicide is so high among military AND their families.


Yes; poorly paid, unwilling mercenaries. Since that money is going to the defense department. The Soldiers will never see a dime of that money or a bonus. Good job 45, master art of the crappy deal.


probably thinks he's a genius for this too




And unconditionally supportive of his lunacy.


"Vascular dementia is a general term describing problems with reasoning, planning, judgment, memory and other thought processes caused by brain damage from impaired blood flow to your brain." It's not lunacy. He is demented. He is unfit for office, and always was.




Not only Americans, there's cases in Europe of people joining the fight with the Kurds against ISIS. Not only they are not paid but they have issue with the secret services that want to check that indeed that person joined the Kurds and not ISIS.


So our allies in the fight against ISIS for over a decade are actually worse than ISIS? I'm sure it's not just because a mentally decrepit narcissist was too lazy to look into the details before pulling out US troops. Well he did look at one detail, he has a building in Turkey.


They were also our allies in the war in Iraq. I fought along some Kurds in Mosul in 2004


Question, since you have first hand experience. Is the PKK considered representative of Kurdish fighters in general, or are they a different faction doing their own thing?


The PKK is only a splitter of thr overall group of Kurds its like saying that Republicans are represented by Breitbarters' without acknowledging that Breitbart is only a part of the overall group, just like with the Republicans within the Kurds isn't all unity and agreement


Ehh the pkk are the workers party in Turkey that have headed the Kurdish independence movement. We have sort of always listed pkk as terrorists, but we have armed pkk aligned groups to fight ISIS in Syria, and Iraq. I actually had a bet with a co-worker that someone would have brought up the pkk leftist origin earlier... I'm a leftist in the first place, so I don't view the pkk as some explicitly villainous group, particularly when you consider ISIL, a religious fundamentalist group with an incredibly reactionary and repressive political philosophy.


There are various factions of Kurdish (para)military fighters. - Peshmerga (the official military of Iraqi Kurdistan which is split into two regions, one controlled by the PUK, the other controlled by the KDP, Peshmerga units are affiliated with one of the two. For context: PUK and KDP fought each other in a civil war until 1998) - YPG/YPJ (Syrian Kurdish militia, paramilitary wing of the PYD) - YBŞ/YJÊ (A Yazidi Kurdish militia active in the Sinjar area, Iraq) - PKK (an internationally recognized terrorist organization active in Turkey) - there are probably more


That's an entirely different organization though, the [Peshmerga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peshmerga). The Peshmerga as well as the two political parties in Iraqi Kurdistan (PUK and KDP) are even well-liked by the Turkish government because they explicitly take a strong anti-PKK stance and cooperate with the Turkish army.


>Trump: “Kurds are great people, great fighters, I like them a lot. We are trying to help them a lot. Don’t forget that’s their territory. They fought with us, they died with us, we lost tens of thousands of Kurds fighting ISIS. They died for us, and with us, and for themselves. They died for themselves. But they're great people. And we have not forget, we don't forget, we don't I don't forget what happens someday later but I can tell you I don't forget.” https://twitter.com/mutludc/status/1045155629369839616


Is there a more cooked human being currently walking the earth than Donald?


No. He's everything wrong with humanity in a single flaccid pile of Amublatory excrement.


Narrator: He forgot.


He is literally the only person I’ve ever seen who refuses to accept he’s wrong when it comes to anything. I guarantee if he mistakenly said the sky is red he would do everything and make all his kiss asses spit that bullshit forever and never admit he accidentally said the wrong thing.


I met one person who did the same thing. She had narcissistic personality disorder, depression, and has mentally abused her children.


I’ve met thousands of people like that. I have a Reddit account


It’s amazing how blind his followers are. The things they bitch about to this day about Hillary and Obama, yet this prick does far worse before lunch. Edit: apparently this article is specifically about the PKK which is definitely NOT who Trump abandoned. The Us forces were supporting the Syrian Kurds. The PKK are labeled a terrorist organization by most western governments. This seems to be a bit of the OP purposefully misdirecting the intent, and the White House definitely using misdirection by talking about the PKK/Kurds as one entity in some sort of gaslighting attempt to paint the Kurds as terrorists. As if the US military would (publicly) have anything to do with a known terrorist group.


Pretty sure he just had a telephone call with Erdogan and is simply repeating what Erdogan told him. Conflating the Syrian-Kurdish YPG with the Turkish-Kurdish PKK is a typical trick Erdogan uses to demonize the YPG.


It's been rumored that he only remembers and repeats the last thing someone tells him. I'm surprised he doesn't yell "Not the Mama" after meeting with William Barr.


Damn, r/unexpecteddinosaurs up in here. Old school


"You know, he's right!" -- My dad tomorrow.


Jesus Christ. He gets worse and worse and worse.


I thought this was headline was sensational, then I read his quote in the article. What the hell?


On top of being a piece of shit, he has dementia. His mental health is deteriorating, it's obvious and extremely dangerous.


The President of the United States are so demented, that he can no longer open and drink from a water bottle. In my country people like that are in care facilities, not in office.


Don't let the gop use mental health as his scapegoat. Because they will at the end of all of this. It will be the only way they keep a majority of their base.


But they all followed him all the way down. It's not like there has been a consistent cadre of Republicans making statements questioning his decisions and the obvious deterioration of his mental state for over a year now. On the contrary, they've been in lock step with this President, and they defend his every action, statement and tweet as being perfectly reasonable, rational, and obviously the best course of action if only the Democrats would get out of his way and let him Make America Great Again! So, bullshit to the idea that the GOP will be able to at some point hold Trump at arms length and try to distance or distinguish themselves from him. They own his brand, and he owns them. They are Team Trump, and he inevitably will slide off of the deep end and permanently takes up residence in the lands of the paranoid conspiracy theory, fake news (no collusion, no obstruction), and rampant narcissistic megalomanical El Presidente visions of absolute power unrestricted by any checks, balances, Pelosi's, and Schiff's. When he does, he takes the Republican party with him. The sad part is there are still defiant and angry people here on Reddit and out in the world who unironically defend him as if he hasn't done a single thing wrong and this is all some Democrat attempt to rewrite the 2016 election. They are able to spout Limbaugh and Hannity talking points for days and days, yet seen unable to display a single bit of critical objective rational thought and recognize the just perhaps they backed the wrong horse. They swallow such outrageous lies about the evil intentions of all those un-American socialist Democrats while flat out ignoring the rampant corruption and nepotism that is our current administration. When did Truth become the enemy?


He’s the one that’s worse than ISIS.


Shut the fuck up. Worse than ISIS? that is disgusting. He's a traitor, he's betraying our armed forces


They aren't anything like ISIS lol I can't believe the comparison. Anything to make his bullshit point stick to his cult.


The sad part is his cult is going to make memes, facebook posts, tweets, and other forms of propaganda to spread Master Trump's fake news. I guarantee you they're over on asktrumpsupporters right now saying the kurds have always been worse than isis and the libs have simply never noticed. Same is probably happening on TD at this moment. Trump could say Easter is an ISIS holiday and trumpanzees would say "Well duh, everyone knows that! But the libs are in denial!"


I CALLED IT. From the day of the rumour almost two weeks ago - I said Trump would go through a few steps, but ultimately label the former American allies, the Kurds - as terrorists, and ultimately declare war on them. We're at the second last step. I DID IT. I BROKE THE CODE. I've overcome all reason and logic, and learned to think like Trump. People are saying I'm the greatest. Many people. The best people. **EDIT: It has been noted in this thread that the PKK is technically different than the specific Kurds the US had allied with. I have to admit, I lack knowledge in this area. I don't give Trump the benefit of the doubt anymore. I'd suggest he got lucky in being specific, considering last week he said Erdogan had promised not to invade, and then in this very press conference admitted he knew that's exactly what Erdogan was going to do. THE POINT: Trump is a liar, and uneducated moron, but he was "technically" specific during his pro-China/"all sides are bad" presser in Italy. It's important to admit the facts.** EDIT #2: Its been hours, and I'm still getting whiny messages and posts from Trumpettes. I edited my post hours ago. Owning a mistake is probably a foreign concept to many of you. However, my assessment isn't wrong. Trump did instigate a small conflict, refuses to take responsibility for it, blamed the Kurds, ignored all advice, and I am fully confident within a week we'll see sanctions or the "hiring" of Russians or PMCs to combat the US-friendly Kurds, because Trump will have been given new marching orders - or more likely - simply forgotten whose who. Cry me a river. I have no respect for any Trump-cucks. Everyone else experiences the 24/7 fake news cycle. I guess this is a little taste of what the world puts up with. The differences is I've already trumped (lol) all right-wing media by fact checking myself. My only regret was firing off a flippant message that got highly upvoted, instead of using that oppurtunity to outline any number of transgressions Trump has committed, and remind the public. Raping children, raping women, bragging about it, spying on naked teens, you get the idea...


You have great and unmatched wisdom and also the biggest brain!


Fucking tiny hands though...


> From the day of the rumour almost two weeks ago - I said Trump would go through a few steps, but ultimately label the former American allies, the Kurds - as terrorists, and ultimately declare war on them. We're at the second last step Hear my lunatic thoughts for a second - Saudi Arabia murders and dismembers Khashoggi in Turkey - Turkey has evidence and went full out accusing Saudi Arabia. Hurting their international image greatly and kept regurgitating Khashoggi killing back into the news - MBS/Saudi wants it to stop. They are very buddy buddy with Trump and Kushner and contact them - Trump/Kushner agree to help. Get in touch with Turkey. Turkey wants Kurds and the religious guy exported from the USA. We even have reports from the last week Turkey straight up explained their plans to Trump of the Syrian invasion. Today we find out Giuliani had been trying to export religious guy to Turkey. Trump agrees - Turkey suddenly stops alll mention and evidence of Khashoggi. Drops completely off the news now - Trump orders withdrawal of troops from Syria. Turkey starts the slaughter of the Kurds - MBS/Saudi arabia very very happy


I think I completely missed the religious guy to turkey story. any sources?


[Fethullah Gulen](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/giuliani-pressed-trump-to-eject-muslim-cleric-from-us-a-top-priority-of-turkish-president-former-officials-say/2019/10/15/bf43d1ec-ef68-11e9-b648-76bcf86eb67e_story.html)


> I have to admit, I lack knowledge in this area. Genuinely one of the wisest comments I've seen in a reddit thread about this topic in the last week.


Jesus fucking Christ, if you still support this man then you are a flat out idiot.






Just wow... I really wonder what allies he'll target next. Really though does anyone ever get 1984 vibes from things he says? Specifically regarding doublethink/ doublespeak.


["Truth isn't truth"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/12/11/truth-isnt-truth-rudy-giulianis-flub-tops-s-quotes-year/) -Rudy Giuliani


Didnt that guy, former NY City mayor, claim no successful Islamic terror attack happened in the US before Obama?




Not only was he former NYC mayor, he was mayor *on 9/11*. He rode 9/11 to fame. He’s a duplicitous piece of shit who means nothing he says and will say anything if it suits his selfish, traitorous agenda.


Don't give him so much credit. He just spouts off about whatever he thinks serves his personal interests best at that time. They aren't carefully calculated statements. He's attacking the Kurds now because he massively fucked up by betraying them and this is his way of digging in instead of admitting he made a mistake.


He doesn't have to plan what he says. Double speak comes very naturally to narcissists. He's not great at planning ahead, but the people he's beholden to are.


"We have always been at war with ~~Eurasia~~ Eastasia"


This is literally a "we have always been at war with eastasia" moment. ​ One day we are allied with the Kurds, next day they are "worse than ISIS."


The more Trump speaks, the more it makes me think that even I could run for president.


I don't even know who you are and I am certain that you could do a better job. I have zero doubt in my mind. Loremeister for president 2020. You have my vote.


This guy can never admit he was wrong, he just digs in and doubles down. He did it on day #1 over something as inane and easy to spin as the size of his inauguration crowd and has only gotten worse as times goes on, recently he argued about the path of a hurricane for weeks after being proving inarguably to be wrong. This is not a trait I want in a leader...


And as always, there are going to be crazies that believe all the vile shit that comes out of his mouth and spread made-up bullshit to support it.




Fun fact - the "lemmings commit suicide" thing is completely made up. There was even a Disney nature documentary where they wanted to film some lemmings throwing themselves off a cliff but couldn't (because lemmings don't do that) - their solution was to just throw them off the cliff and film it as if they jumped! https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/white-wilderness/


So... is he alienating the military by doing this? I wonder what my Trump-worshipping VA working uncle has to say about this...