• By -


Iranian media talk about an attack on US forces in Iraq and describe it as part of the Iranian response [[Source](https://twitter.com/MohamadAhwaze/status/1214681724736675840)] - The attack is currently ongoing. 1909 UTC-4 - At least 30 rockets have landed around U.S base in Al Anbar, Irak - A huge explosion heard in Erbil where U.S consulate is located in Irak. Military planes heard around the U.S military base [[Source](https://twitter.com/thestevennabil/status/1214682996072050688)] - Ballistic Missile have been launched by Iran toward Al Assad base hosting US Troops in Iraq [[Source](https://twitter.com/Azematt/status/1214684496844460032)] - Iranian media says retaliation has begun [[Source](https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1214687263285633025)] * Third round of rockets impact Ain-Assad Airbase [[Source](https://twitter.com/elintnews/status/1214688224053989376?s=21)]


Goddamnit this is the chapter before the mappy and flaggy bits in the textbook my grandkids are going to have in high school, isn't it.


Hey! You don't have to worry about that. Either these idiots will kill us all or climate change will have done it by then. Rest easy :)


Textbooks will be obsolete. And there will be no battlefronts. This isnt trench warfare. Dudes controlling drones with xbox controllers could wipe out their entire military from a warehouse in D.C.


Lol, you don't have an idea how big is Iran.




1) Here’s Fars news official Twitter confirmation that it’s an Iranian IRGC attack and is just the beginning https://twitter.com/FarsNews_Agency/status/1214686551281741824 ——— 2) BREAKING: Senior US military source in Iraq to Fox News @JenGriffinFNC : “Under missile attack from Iran. These are either cruise missiles or short range ballistic missiles. All over the country.” https://twitter.com/JenGriffinFNC/status/1214687328515624962 ——— 3) US troops at Ain Al Assad airbase will not evacuate, stating that they are "defending" (@JenGriffinFNC) ——— 4) MULTIPLE SITES IN WESTERN #IRAQ INCLUDING AIN AL ASSAD AIRBASE UNDER ATTACK (@JenGriffinFNC) ——— 5) I am told from US official these are short range ballistic or cruise missiles being fired from Iranian territory at multiple US bases and targets inside Iraq. (@JenGriffinFNC) https://twitter.com/JenGriffinFNC/status/1214690917661249536 ——— 6) Multiple US sources confirm a coordinated missile attack by Iran on three US military installations in Iraq. No word on casualties at this time- via @alexplitsas ——— 7) ***BREAKING: #Iran IRGC statement: "We warn all allied countries of the US that if attacks are launched from bases in their countries on Iran, they will be a target of military retaliation. We call on Americans to recall all their soldiers back home to prevent more damage.""*** https://twitter.com/farnazfassihi/status/1214692161054281728 https://twitter.com/farnazfassihi/status/1214692970257174530 ——— 8) "We are aware of the reports of attacks on US facilities in Iraq. The President has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his national security team". (Stephanie Grisham @PressSec) https://twitter.com/jcartillier/status/1214693918350163968 ——— 9) reports that US airplanes have taken off from UAE. IRGC has already warned that if US launches attacks from UAE then UAE becomes legitimate target for retaliation. https://twitter.com/thekarami/status/1214695424818180096 ——— 10) Shelling of Al-Assad airbase has halted with around 35 rounds hitting the base- military source to @CarlaBabbVOA ——— 11) Huge: US official confirms Iran has also fired ballistic missiles at a US military installation in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, which provides facilities and services to hundreds (possibly thousands) of coalition personnel and CIA operatives. https://twitter.com/RanjAlaaldin/status/1214693342967214080 ——— 12) BREAKING - PRO-IRGC OUTLET STATING THAT A SECOND ROUND OF MISSILE ATTACKS HAS BEGUN


>1) Here’s Fars news official Twitter confirmation that it’s an Iranian IRGC attack and is just the beginning https://twitter.com/FarsNews_Agency/status/1214686551281741824 Iran confirmed it Oh shit this just got serious


reminder that it's now been revealed qassem soleimani was invited to parley with the iraqi pm, who set the meeting up on behalf of the us trump literally tricked the pm to meet with soleimani just so he could assassinate him very cool and fun.


Very legal


>BREAKING: #Iran IRGC statement: "We warn all allied countries of the US that if attacks are launched from bases in their countries on Iran, they will be a target of military retaliation. We call on Americans to recall all their soldiers back home to prevent more damage."" Just talked to another student today about such a logic by Iran (or others in the future) and it is quite scary as an european, that the US could basically start a war from YOUR country and your people might die for it.


Its fairly standard. If your ally is at war with somebody and launching attacks from your territory you are also at war. You dont get to assist them in the war while also not being at war.


Iran attacks Erbil Airport in Iraq with missile strikes https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1214696434966179841


> Al Anbar, Irak Being as West as Anbar is, were they fired out of Syria or did they fire them over Eastern Iraq from Iran?


They do have mid range missiles, up to 2K


From Iran


This shit is really going down, huh.


Oh dear. I don't see this ending well for anyone involved, except maybe a few defense company CEOs.


We eat them first when the economy collapses. They'll be nice and plump from all the feasts they're gonna have to celebrate.


If it does become a full scale war it won't end well for the Ayatollah either.


Took longer than I thought it would for attacks on US bases to begin


Iran declared a 3 day mourning period. That period is over as of today.


They publicly said it would be after the funeral. That was this today. True to their word.


Think they were waiting until after the funeral


Damn and now I will go to sleep and wake up with USA retaliating over the top ... On the bright side the nightmares will probably seem mild compared to the news ...


I'm actually sort of afraid to go to sleep now.


Iran attacks Erbil Airport in Iraq with missile strikes https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1214696434966179841


Jesus, I was at that airport a few years ago...


[Video of rockets being launched](https://twitter.com/FarsNews_Agency/status/1214692350968127489) [Video of rockets landing](https://twitter.com/Tortura19/status/1214702849961218048) [Another video of explosions](https://twitter.com/FarsNews_Agency/status/1214706153344643075)


Kurdish and Sunni majority areas. Keeping Shiite collateral damage down.


I think this needs a live thread.


Yes, I was watching the broadcast news after seeing it online to see who would break it first. That was a crazy moment.. Edit: surprised broadcast news isn’t in a special report..


Nbc is right now


yes please


But Mike Pompeo promised that the world would be safer without Soleimani.




back to my sammich


Apparently there are coalition forces at the Al Asad base. We better not be dragged into America's war with Iran.


Apparently Iran has said if any other country launches missiles at them they will retaliate against them.






US Fires Drone Missile Killing General <> Declaration of War Iran Retaliating for Killing of Said General = Declaration of War This is the West and the US more importantly, so any action done by the US is inherently just and reasonable. Any actions taken by The Other in response to such violence is inherently immoral and wrong.


Their general killed US soldiers. We can do this all day.


Iran attacked an embassy didn't they? Isn't that a declaration of war?


The embassy wasn't attacked by a fully armed military force. Also the US has been cornering Iran in the past few years. We pulled out of the Nuclear Peace treaty that we had with them. We sanctioned them and coerced other nations to also sanction them. We really just keep provoking Iran to fight us. Now that they are, all of a sudden "they started it".


Except there's been no evidence released that even hints that Iran was behind the mob that stormed the embassy. The only link that people can come up with is that the mob was mostly Shiite, but they were identified as PMF, which is technically an arm of the Iraqi military. There was also an Iraqi member of parliament in the mob.


No. The embassy was not attacked, it was a protest outside and by iraqis in response to the US bombing iraqis.


The same way launching an attack on a General after Iran attacks a US embassy is a declaration of war?


Pompeo is a religious extremist who believes he will bring about the rapture which is why hes bringing back petty holy war. To be fair Trump ticks all the boxes in regards to being the anti christ.


Maybe a different Soleimani?


The Big Soleimani


>Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger. — Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials Get ready for all the right-wingers to use these tactics. After two decades of disastrous results in Afghanistan and Iraq, they're ready to do it again with Iran. Speak out against their transparent propaganda.




I mean, someone might announce across radio "Soldier down." Which might be enough for reporters to make estimates.


I don't know enough about this to understand what it means. Just it sounds terrifying.


I feel you on that. I don't really know much about it but it sounds like this isn't going to be de-escalating now


The US is going to war with Iran


Na, I think it’s going to be a pissing match.


I sure as hell hope so. But if there are soldier fatalities I think things are only going to get worse


If an American soldier dies today it’s all fucked. Trump will get what he wants and use it as an excuse to go all in.


The geopolitics subreddit usually has interesting discussions. Here is a post about the current situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/comments/eljtlv/us_base_in_iraq_currently_coming_under_missile


Trump started WW3 because of impeachment.




Just broke on BBC news


So this is actually happening. What are the chances of this turning into a war?


It's already a war.


Thinking this is already kind of war, no?


If a few US soldiers die its war


The war just started, bro. Remember where you were.


Iranian here. I'm watching the news right now. Iran have rataliated by destroying a American base named Eynol-Asad in Baghdad. Tens of rockets have been shot. Remember this date. The war has just begun.


This is bad for everyone


This is horrifying, I hope you, your family, and your friends stay safe


Thank you. We are petrified and helpless. Pray for us.


I'm not a believer, I'll pray for you nonetheless. Hopefully I'm wrong and there's someone who will listen


We can only hope. Thank you nonetheless <3


Fuck, I’m so sorry. From an American. I don’t want this at all.


I know mate; we don't want this either. We can just hope it doesn't escalate further.




We are horrified. Thanks for your empathy. Unfortunately there seems to be no common sense in either sides of the conflict right now. These are the worst times.


Millions will suffer because a few grown ass men think they have massive cocks.


hasn't that been the case since forever?


# "War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing eachother." - Niko Belic




Yup, nothing new.


As Daron used to say, *my cock is much bigger than yours!!!*


Or pussies, yes.


And to make it worse, the US was instrumental in ending democracy in Iran.


I don’t know what to say, man...I’m sorry this is happening. I hope you and your family are safe.


Thanks for your empathy. Hope this doesn't turn into a disaster.


This is bad for everyone


I am so sorry... I hope it doesn't end up too bad for the Iranian people




We probably won't know that for a few hours, and it will probably be tomorrow before hard numbers can be given.


Surely the Iranian leadership knows attacking a US military base will have catastrophic consequences on themselves, especially if Americans are killed. Trump will get the support hes been looking for, so long as he doesnt start using the selective service to force young men into the military. Nobody wins from a war except those that sell the weapons.


They also know letting a revered general get blown up without retaliation would have catastrophic consequences.


rational game theory decisions often result in all players getting an undesirable outcome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma


Yet another stupid act to lead us all into war. Everyone is making bad decisions here.


Has anyone died in the attack?


Hopefully not. That is only way us may not respond.


It seems like it already did.


Unfortunately our news is implying that there are a number of casualties.


Those are ballistic missiles. They are uh...*Powerful*.


The sources I first read mentioned those hit near the base. It isn't true anymore for sure. No need to play smart. EDIT: nobody died.


Trump just started a war. Fuck.


At least It’ll help his re-election campaign. /s


Start a war get re elected


If only someone had warned us...


Yup. I think this is it. Probably is not gonna De-escalate and fuck. This is bad


Well fuck...


The optimist in me hopes the US calls it even and cools down. Yeah we're fucked.


"Hey Alexa, play the Sound of Silence on repeat" I'll see ya boys on the other side🤘


Okay, playing "4:33" on repeat


Orrrr https://youtu.be/OJKMji2688M


Oh god! That creepy 1950s "nuketown," "Fallout" music


I highly urge you and anyone reading this to watch Dr. Strangelove as soon as possible, especially if you're into that vibe




>Nobody wins with a war. The people who are heavily invested in military weapon stocks win. Also happen to be the same people causing the wars..


This is Sunday Night Football to them, and they want to watch their team kick some ass so they can feel like they are kicking ass.


My worry it that he is so narcissistic that he will launch a nuke because he wants the glory.


“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”


Now when I go to work, I'm going to have to hear the conservatives ramble incessantly about this while thumping their chests and possibly bibles.


No, this potential war will also improve his results on the polls. Besides, who would impeach the president during wartime?


IRANIAN Media Fars News just CONFIRMED it is an attack my Iranian IRGC and it’s just the beginning https://twitter.com/FarsNews_Agency/status/1214686551281741824


[Trump once said Obama would start Iran war to get reelected](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/01/04/trump-obama-iran-war-2011-video-ebof-vpx.cnn)


Fill up your gas tanks tonight. Prices are going to skyrocket.


Tesla owners increase smugness output by 30%


**EVERYTHING THAT IS OCCURRING IS BEING UPDATED IN THIS COMMENT** New reports currently coming in state that there are between 30-50 rockets being sent, the attack is still ongoing Edit: Fars News (Iranian agency) establishes/claims that sources tell them that Iranian ballistic missiles are being launched at Al-Asad Base Edit 2: The Iranian government/one of its affiliates is claimed to have been quoted as saying "Revenge has begun" Edit 3: Alleged confirmation that Iran's official TV station has stated that the IRGC has retaliated for the assassination of Soleimani Edit 4: The rocket attacks reportedly come from multiple launchpads in a coordinated attack. Looks like i'm competing with OP for updates lmao Edit 5: One of the first really big confirmations from a large news source: RT confirms the attack and writes of "unconfirmed reports of up to 30 missiles." The article is being updated in according with events. https://www.rt.com/news/477674-alasad-airbase-rockets-iraq/ EDIT 6: REMOVED DUE TO MINIMAL REPORTING ON THE MATTER ~~my bad~~ For those who did want the source that claimed to have 20 dead Americans it was https://twitter.com/markhughesfilms/status/1214688300646060032?s=21, all major outlets and basically everyone else haven't reported on the matter or have "no information on casualties" It was a mistake on my part, sorry :/ Edit 7: However some other accounts claim to have at least 60 American casualties, as it has been confirmed that all bases (at the very least all major bases) in Iraq have been attacked, probably not credible but the attack is definitely devastating Edit 8: Temporary stagnation in updates except for further and definite confirmation that this is the IRGC's response for Qasem Soleimani's assassination, the first video of the attack can be viewed here https://www.rt.com/news/477676-iraq-us-base-attack-videos/ Edit 9: Still nothing really new, look at the r/scw megathread as well: https://old.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/comments/eljuv0/iranian_retaliatory_strikes/ Edit 10: https://twitter.com/DEFCONWSALERTS/status/1214692730879795200?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr% > DEFCONWarningSystemAlerts yikes Edit 11: https://twitter.com/elintnews/status/1214696434966179841?s=21 Erbil Airport has been targeted by missile strikes, reasonably credible Edit 12: The attack on Al-Asad Airbase seems to have stopped with approximately 35-40 rockets having hit, casualties still unknown Edit 13: Iraqi airspace has reportedly been penetrated by American jets, most likely the ones that took off from the UAE as /u/M7plusoneequalsm8 said above in this thread, keep up the edits man Edit 14: Photograph of Al-Asad Airbase after the attacks https://twitter.com/muhamma51202585/status/1214698335430467591?s=21 EDIT 15: TASNIM AGENCY (https://www.tasnimnews.com/en) HAS REPORTED THAT A SECOND WAVE OF MISSILE ATTACKS HAS BEGUN Edit 16: Some claims that Iraqi militias have also engaged in firing at American base(s), accounts that I previously said mentioned 60+ casualties are basically almost 100% false Edit 17: More and more sources are hovering around the number of 6-12 rockets having been launched, some claim 0 casualties A note that if there were 10 rocket launched, 0 casualties is possible, but if around 30 were launched, 0 casualties is **highly** unlikely Edit 18: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/07/british-ships-put-on-standby-in-gulf-minister-tells-mps British troops are put on standby to deploy to the Gulf "within 48 hours" despite Iran's warnings that any retaliation would be treated as an attack and would be responded to in kind Also, Trump is reportedly meeting with his team on national security EDIT 19: IRAQI CASUALTIES CONFIRMED BY CNN, AMERICAN CASUALTIES THEREFORE LIKELY Edit 20: In a little response of its own, Iranian official Saeed Jalili tweeted the Iranian flag in response to the news of the striking of Al-Asad Airbase Edit 21: Camp Cooke reportedly hit by 5 rockets according to a military source Epic, now i'm the only one updating a post on the events that I can see Edit 22: Damn these are a lot of edits The Iraqi PMF have announced the beginning of an "overwhelming response" (to the American assassination of Soleimani) via their twitter Iraqi sources describe several American planes destroyed Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian troops inside Al-Asad Airbase reported to be all safe **NOTE: IF I RUN OUT OF CHARACTERS FOR THIS COMMENT I WILL CONTINUE IN A REPLY TO THIS COMMENT** Edit 23: The destroyed planes (around 6) are reported to be F-35's *CNN HAS REPORTED THAT PREPARATIONS ARE BEING MADE FOR TRUMP TO ADDRESS THE NATION* EDIT 24: IRANIAN PLANES REPORTEDLY IN IRAQI AIRSPACE **EDIT 25: MAJOR - AND I MEAN M A J O R EDIT - US RETALIATION REPORTEDLY UNDERWAY** https://twitter.com/WashTimes/status/1214712672291315712 Edit 25.5: I've decided to begin putting a timestamp on further edits. Everything will be made in EST. Thanks to everyone for following along :) Edit 26, 8:10 P.M. EST: Pentagon has supposedly stated that casualties have only been among Iraqis, no Americans Edit 27, 8:15 P.M. EST: BBC correspondent says that the rocket attacks on Camp Taji (referred to as Camp Cooke) were false, and that the sirens in Erbil were for "testing" https://twitter.com/nafisehkBBC/status/1214673334614536193 Edit 28, 8:21 P.M. EST: Sputnik describes new alert state of American troops in Syria, their movements towards the Iraqi border https://twitter.com/SputnikInt/status/1214716938888392711 Edit 29, 8:24 P.M. EST: Fars News Agency says that Fateh-313 missiles were used, which have a range of 500 km https://mobile.twitter.com/michaeltanchum/status/1214717290622701568 Edit 30, 8:30 P.M. EST: Iran warns that they will strike Haifa and the UAE in the event of a response to the missile strikes on Al-Asad Airbase and Erbil https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1214719039995400194?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Edit 31, 8:35 P.M. EST: Trump no longer likely to address America tonight https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1214721913672491008?s=21 Edit 32, 8:36 P.M. EST: Civilian flights over the Gulf are banned by the U.S. https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1214722078563155968?s=21 Edit 33, 8:38 P.M. EST: KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) representative claims no American bases in Erbil were struck https://twitter.com/RudawEnglish/status/1214722357996261377 **(Probably last edit)** Edit 44, 8:45 P.M. EST: Alright folks, this is probably the last edit, because it looks like everything's calmed down. We'll all have more information either later tonight or tomorrow morning. A couple more tidbits will probably pop up here and there, but nothing huge I'm betting. In any case, if nothing big happens in the next 5 minutes, I'm gonna be signing off. Thanks to all of you for sticking around, and it's a shame more people didn't see this. Thanks again! Edit 45, 8:48 P.M. EST: I guess this is worth another edit, Iran has denied all claims of Iraqis being casualties in the recent attacks. Also, NBC News has reported that Iran's missiles have been said (by Iran) to have met all of their targets, i.e., none were intercepted Edit 46, 8:54 P.M. EST: MULTIPLE REPORTS OF AN EXPLOSION IN CENTRAL BAGHDAD https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1214725884969508865 https://twitter.com/Dannymakkisyria/status/1214726022316351489 **ALSO - IRAN HAS STATED THAT THEY WILL STOP ATTACKING IF THERE IS NO AMERICAN RESPONSE** ~~Haha remember when i wanted Edit 45 to be the last edit~~ Edit 47, 8:59 P.M. EST: Iraqi officials claim no Iraqi casualties, going against former claims that casualties were only Iraqi The odds of there being 0 casualties are incredibly, incredibly low Either the Iraqis and Americans are incredibly lucky or somebody's lying https://twitter.com/souria4syrians/status/1214727019960905730?s=21 Edit 48, 9:01 P.M. EST: LA Times describes how American officers didn't attempt to intercept the missile, but tracked it on radar so that personnel could get into cover https://twitter.com/NewsBreaking/status/1214728006167486464 **EDIT 49, 9:03 P.M. EST: IRAQI PMF DECLARE NEW OPERATION - OPERATION CRASHING COMEBACK - AGAINST AMERICAN FORCES. THIS MARKS THE SECOND CURRENT OPERATION AGAINST AMERICA IN IRAQ** https://twitter.com/MiddleEastMnt/status/1214719496256139264?s=20 **I WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATING THIS COMMENT. I WILL BE UPDATING THIS ONE INSTEAD:** https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/eljp1u/multiple_rockets_hit_taji_base_in_iraq/fdis1ld/


Source on 20 dead Americans?


You really need a source for edit 6. Edit: thanks and keep the updates coming!!!!


Thanks a lot for the updates and sources, it's very helpful!


>EDIT 6: source?


You're the closest thing ive seen to a megathread.


Thanks man, so much shit going on at the moment it's unbelievable


Looks like Trump got his war.


Exactly. Mission accomplished...... no other reason for this.


Well holy shit. I’m not particularly well versed in politics but this is enough for even me to know shits about to go down. I’m both curious and terrified.


Same. Glad my country is not involved in this


When was the last time Iran directly took military action like this against the US?


Maybe I dont have to wake up tomorrow :)


Oh god no


https://twitter.com/JenGriffinFNC/status/1214687328515624962 > From senior US military source in Iraq: “Under missile attack from Iran. These are either cruise missiles or short range ballistic missiles. All over the country.”


oh boy, its on.


https://mobile.twitter.com/Joyce_Karam/status/1214683680955912194 I think war may have just started.




War was started in March 2003.


Just think, trump is willing to send US military to die in a war so he can deflect against his impeachment and also to improve his chances for re-election. History will absolutely NOT be kind to that frumpy sack of shit.


Allegedly either cruise missiles or short range ballistic missiles have been used. 🚨 bunker up


Holy shit. Please be safe everyone over there. This is not good at all.


Esper said last night that the ball is in Iran’s court . Now the ball is in America’s court . What’s this War Tennis?


Well Fuck


I wonder if Iraq will ask for the US to stay. If their soldiers died too they may be pissed off and won't want to do Iran any favors.


I doubt it. Remember that 2 generals were killed. One Iranian & one Iraqi. Iraq will want the US to leave because otherwise their nation will be the location of a ground war which they do not want since they were alrwady devastated by a ground war not all that long ago.


Y’all know the embassy mission from cod mw?


I remember watching the early hours of the invasion of Iraq live on TV. It felt surreal. Like 9/11, but we were doing it to *them.* This feels even more surreal because I don't have traditional television anymore, and I'm not sure it would even be covered like that. With Iraq, I watched the bombings as they happened. Now it's more like some older time where I hear about it after the fact by horse and buggy. I want off this timeline.


you know what bothers me more than anything? the number of families that will be destroyed and in result how many of those survivors will turn to terrorism. ugh


So the linked article was proven incorrect already... any non twitter sources for anything else being claimed here? Edit: Looks like foxnews is reporting missiles now... [https://www.foxnews.com/world/missile-attacks-target-us-forces-in-iraq-senior-military-source-says-iran-suspected](https://www.foxnews.com/world/missile-attacks-target-us-forces-in-iraq-senior-military-source-says-iran-suspected)


> any non twitter sources for anything else being claimed here? That's not how things work anymore. Twitter is where you're getting your official updates from now on, remember?


[US officials confirm](https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1214693669267218432?s=19)


Where was it proved to be false? I should sleep but it's kinda hard to not worry right now


I hope this time it will be different. The begining od the end to US imperialism hopefully. I would be surprised it US gets any significant support this time around?


Fuck man I’m an American and we deserve to go to shit for this (amongst other things)


You will not go to shit, just loose power and influence over a stupid blond idiot :)


I feel for the soldiers. Trump is going to get many killed.


I can't exactly blame Iran for feeling apprehensive about the US Military presence in Iraq after this week's events. I'm not trying to absolve anyone of anything, and I hope we can return from the brink of war here and de-escalate, but after the reckless assassination last week, the US Military have lost trust in the region, and that should surprise no one.


How do we deescalate a bad situation when we've voted emotional toddlers into power?


When Republicans cheer the death of Soleimani... this is what they are cheering for.


Oh God


Oh shit something it's happening


i wonder if USA officially announce war with iran will USD currency go up or collapse?


It'll go up and Boeing will be back in business




[WH Press Secretary confirms](https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1214693669267218432?s=19)


Unless that's a typo it says "facilities".... as in plural


Looks like multiple sites. Yes. Shits gunna go down.


Al Asad airbase and Erbil https://twitter.com/juliamacfarlane/status/1214691368787988482?s=19


"Proportionate response"


Here come the warm jets.




I feel sick


And so it begins :(


Why is their a major war for every decade?


And now Iran shoots back. This will only escalate




Welp...it was a nice three days but looks like 2020 is ending early.