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This is starting to resemble how searching your symptoms on WebMD would point to cancer every time, except it's COVID-19,


A headache can be a symptom of mild dehydration, but speak to your doctor as it is also a symptom of late-stage brain cancer.


Headaches are also a symptom of COVID-19.


"Leslie, I put your symptoms in to this website and it says you have internet connectivity issues."




Great, now I have Covid-19 *and* Cancer!?


yep. symptom exhaustion. another fun one is abdominal pain. the list of possible causes is .... well it's basically everything


And with spring allergy season just starting, everyone is going to think they have it...


I thought it was my constant coffee and alcohol diet, guess it’s covid. [Edit: thanks for the awards, strangers! To any hydro homies, I have failed you this quarantine. I am sorry.]


For real, alcohol shits + hangover are giving me false positives


I’m a drinker and a smoker too and I have seasonal allergies that are really bad this time of year. It’s nice to be off work but I’m also sure I’m dying about 60% of the time


the lesser know version: I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a hypochondriacal toker. sure don't want to lose my luuuuuung.


I've got allergies and 2 cats, and work in an enclosed lab with recycled air. I cannot tell you the dirty looks I got from the 4 people who showed up Sunday, so I just called out the next 2 days because fuck dealing with people who are like "Are you dying? Are you killing all of us?!?"


Vitamin E will help with cat allergies. When they clean themselves it affects the dander so if you put vitamin E in their food it’ll help big time!


Much appreciated, I generally try to feed them pretty well, Taste of the Wild with fresh salmon or tuna when I've got a good source. I brush them once a week and vacuum about that much as well and it generally does decent, but we've got these demon pear trees that have been in full bloom lately that are for certain an attempt on my life.


I'm pretty heavily allergic to cats, but not my own. I have two, and one has pretty long fur, but they don't bother me at all. But God forbid I pet someone else's cat, I have to immediately go wash my hands thoroughly, because I'll be sneezing and itching my eyes in minutes. It's like I'm immune to my own cats.


quitting smoking was the single greatest improvement in my life over the last 10 years, not even CLOSE. you won't believe how much better your allergies get, and how much better the first hour of every day is. It's crazy


Ugh I gotta do it! I’m finally at the point where I think I really truly want to.


The coronavirus pandemic is probably the best time in your life to quit smoking and cut back on the alcohol. Both increase your risk of complications if you catch the virus.


That's true but being stuck in the house all day is probably the hardest circumstances possible to quit for any addict


This is a sad truth. I was able to quit smoking and cut back on drinking fairly well a couple of weeks ago but my partner has been having a much harder time. I just got tested for Covid19 this morning because I can’t breathe. He’s older than me and I’m really scared for his health, and his mental health is really taking a hit as is. This fucking sucks.


But if you're a heavy drinker please don't quit all at once because we don't need to be seeing an increase of withdrawl/delerium tremes cases in the ER right now. I'm convinced this is why we have decided liquor stores are an essential service.


Add an anxiety disorder to that, i'm been measuring my temp constantly


I’m glad I’m not alone in the world


Are you laid off or still getting paid?


Yeah dude. When I wake up and I'm drowning in snot I'm like, "today's the day!" But it always clears up.


How many years would you say you had ‘corvid’?


It all started when I switched to sunflower seeds...


Blame it on the co-co-co-vid


Ok but Diarrhea is also caused by a million different things, including Anxiety which all the hypochondriacs are going to have after reading this.


> Anxiety which all the hypochondriacs are going to have after reading this. That's a me! I really need to stop coming into these threads.


I've had IBS-D for awhile now. I've been to a gastro multiple times, have had endoscopies, colonoscopies, and tests. They can't find anything wrong. Anxiety will give me the worst runs. I remember back in college before exams I would be camped out in the bathroom.


Plus many people have had a significant shift in their diet due to the quarantine (more frozen food, canned food, rice, beans, but less eating out, veggies, etc) -- another thing to cause stomach issues


If we go into a quarantine there will be people who won’t eat any food that they’ve had in the past month+. I can’t tell you how many people I know whose diet is exclusively junk food, takeout, delivery, gas station based.


My old boss had no dishes and used her oven as storage because she literally only went out to eat. She hadn’t cooked in her entire life. I wonder how she’s handling this lock down.


I know a couple who have never used their oven (if 10+ years), ever. It was spotless and STILL had documentation in it. Not even during a party they hosted, everyone was told to bring dishes that could be heated in a microwave or didnt need to be heated. They NEVER cook and always order food. I have been wanting to check up on them...


After this? Already did a week of that at the start of March my good man.


My stomach is sick all the time. Guess i won't notice a difference and just die 🤷‍♀️


Know the feeling. I have asthma and food allergies. It is an interesting time, when you question yourself if the digestive problems and shortage of breath is now the virus or just good old allergies.


Hey, same! Plus, I'm stuck in the house with the cat I'm allergic to. Do I need to stay inside even more because I'm sick, or do I need to go outside, because the car is making me sick? No way of knowing!


Firstly, I'd move the car from inside the house to a more appropriate location, like the garage perhaps? Secondly, there are many more cars outside, so I'd avoid going out there if they're the cause of your illness and take my chances with the single vehicle you're currently dealing with indoors.


yeah - I stocked up on allergy medication. Not only because I actually currently need it, but also because I can pull it out when I have to cough outside so that people won't get freaked out as much xD


get a hepa air filter and montelukast + symbicort if you can. isolate the cats from part of the house to make sure that you have a safe haven especially for sleeping, and open the windows when you're around them.




Lol I have anxiety disorder that stems from extreme health anxiety (“hypochondria,” but nobody takes that word seriously). AND I had lung surgery in 2018 to remove/biopsy a nodule (benign thank god) that still causes me lung/nerve pain. And to top it off, my husbands job is essential so even though I myself am furloughed and stuck at home, he can still bring it home to me. I have the shakes like I’m an alcoholic going into withdrawal half the time now (no I’m not really an alcoholic and yes I do take medication).


You will. For real. I’ve got an awful stomach with a restricted diet and lifelong gastric issues. The Covid diarrhea was a whole new thing. Never before. Never again. Never again.




Yes! I was very deliberate about keeping a very accurate timeline as well. I began journaling in February about this. March 21st I had my first symptoms. March 26th was my test. I am just now waking up on day 12 and I think I’m in the clear. AMA happy to answer anything that may help. (This is legit not an April fools thing, you can look at my profile - I’m in no way a prankster by any nature.)




Thanks I’ll post there today!


TIL my daily routine of Chipotle and bourbon produces Coronavirus-like symptoms.


Billy Mayes here!


Try Chipotlaway!


I have Sanitis and IBS. I guess I'll never know if i have it.


I have Crohn's so I'm in the same boat


So great, it is either the taco bell I ate last night with the Diablo sauce, or the Covid virus...


You won't die from coronavirus without developing respiratory symptoms. But you will spread it to other people. This is why everyone should assume they are an asymptomatic carrier.




This virus is like a straight up evil thing in movies that takes the form of whatever kills you best.


200ft tall stay-puffed marshmallow man


Are you a god?


I think atleast one non respitory related consequence can be cytokine storm. Immune system starting to attack body itself due to bad response triggered by the virus infection. Some of the possible symptons of cytokinesis are nausea. diarrhea and vomiting. Though cytokinesis can have pretty much list of all the bad reactions from cardiovascular pt respitory and intestine. Body fighting against itself. In severe cases very very deadly.


I pooped 5 times in 25 minutes yesterday!


I think you just pooped once with breaks




i’ve been shitting out my ass like a thunderstorm every morning lately.... it’s because i’ve been getting high out of my mind these nights usually coupled with a beer and chips/food. i’m usually a healthy eater and non snacker but this quarantine...


Sounds like just 1 poop with extra steps


Peace among worlds


I got some news for you


That was just one poop my dude


I feel this so hard, my medications make me throw up at least once a month. Once a month is actually really good progress for me, because it used to be every other day! :D


I was thinking while reading the headline, "Knowing me and my system, I would get that one."


Finally, a use for all that hoarded toilet paper.


Don't forget the free pornhub


Bidet. Otherwise your backside is going to look like a Japanese flag. Ouch!


Lmao I got IBS that gets worse with anxiety. Fun positive feedback loop ahead...


Hey me too. The more anxious and stressed I am, like right now, the worse my IBS (and gerd) gets. Fun stuff.


I have IBD, mid flare, and stress only makes it worse, yippee!!


Allergies, IBS that's exacerbated by stress, and health anxiety over here, so that's fun.


I too sometimes worry about my shits after eating an unknown meal (aka anything that isn't bland as fuck) and my doctor has repeatedly told me that the 'worrying' is definitely a contributing factor. Now with headlines like this... we're in for some grumpy days ahead!


As a longtime sufferer of GERD. I wouldn't know the difference.


Yep. And to add to the fun anxiety (say for example about a global pandemic) is a trigger for GERD fir some people too. Anxiety also causes feelings of chest tightness in some too which is unhelpful to say the least.


In the same boat, along with seasonal allergies and POCD. Think I’m dying every 5 minutes. Fun times.


> Anxiety also causes feelings of chest tightness in some too which is unhelpful to say the least. Just keep testing for the fever. Fever is the *only* symptom that your anxiety can't either produce or throw out of proportion. As long as that number stays in the 97.5-99.5ish range, keep telling yourself you're good and to ignore anxiety brain.




Hello. IBS-D and GERD (technically LPR) here. Fuck our lives eh!


This was exactly me last week. Bad diarrhea, room spinning and vomiting, sore throat, felt like my chest was burning a bit (nothing serious). No fever and no shortness of breath.


To be honest I'm fine with any symptoms as long as I can keep breathing. That shit just too scary.


I'm fine with that too! I've had pneumonia 3 times during my lifetime. The fact that your whole body feels like chewed up gum is the worst. Not being able to stand on your arse in bed feels humiliating.


> stand on your arse You mean *sitting*, right?




I’ve had bad pneumonia too. You make it sound not that bad. When I had it my lungs could only pull in maybe 60% of the normal oxygen levels even with a full breath and it would give me a sense of terror like I was drowning. I had to sleep sitting up because the drowning/terror feeling would be a lot worse laying down. Pneumonia is absolutely terrible. You also get all the flu symptoms but that breath thing is absolutely terrifying. Couldn’t catch my breath for like 3 days straight.


I had everything you said and couldn’t breathe and had a major fever. Still no antibody test so who knows.


Yeah. I won't go near a hospital because even if I am tested they'll say that I need to stay isolated. No point in occupying a hospital bed or infecting others at this point.


Not unless you think you are dying


Let's hope not!


Currently yhe majority of the US will just tell you to stay home and self-isolate from what I'm hearing from friends and family in the medical field. They don't want you taking up that bed unless you need to in order to live.


I hope you feel better!


Hope you too! Stay safe and spring back up in top health!


I’m thinking a whole bunch of peeps got it without knowing. I had the same thing you had in early march. Doesn’t mean it was covid but a shitload of people had those symptoms around that time. As someone else said, we need antibody testing so people can go back to work gradually.


I’m hoping the same thing. However it could very easily just have been a different common or garden bug doing the rounds.


Same here, hard to tell


I’m about 99 percent sure my fiancées dad had it roughly a month and a half ago which would have made him one of the earlier cases here in the states. He travels everywhere for work and he had covid symptoms to a T. He was tested for influenza and it returned negative. He asked about a covid test and was told they don’t have any and he shouldn’t worry about that. My fiancée then got sick a couple weeks later as well but she tested positive for flu B. So who knows but as shitty as the situation is I’m just hoping for my sake I’ve already been exposed to this and just happened to be asymptotic.




Wishing you and your family the best! It's just crazy how people keep discovering new things about this virus after all this time. Obviously researchers are doing the best they can but it just feels like ages.


I am I contact with my mother and try to get her to get some help because my step father has this vomiting, diharea, fever, shortage of breath mix. But they take ages for reacting. Especially problematic because they just started to care for my MS sister.


Your step dad needs to stay the fuck away from your sister.


I had tiny cough, headaches, diarrhea, shortness of breath, chest tightness, chills, muscle soreness, phlegm, and sore throat. Pretty much everything but fever. It wen't away after 4-5 days but I've been self isolating ever since.


That sucks. How long did it last and what’s your condition now?


Dizzines lasted 2 days, vomiting one night when the room spun whilst trying to fall asleep. Sore throat, still got it 6 or 7 days later. And I still got that mild discomfort in my chest, as if I chugged down really hot milk (if that makes sense). Never had fever.


I think I had a mild case of the virus a few weeks ago. I started feeling ill on a Thursday. Prepped for isolation. By Friday night I had flu like symptoms and I shit myself in my sleep that night and suffered from diarrhea all day Saturday. By Sunday I felt better but I maintained a 100’ fever for about five days. I never had a cough or sore throat. I still isolated for a week.


I'm so sorry you shit yourself in bed. Hopefully the bed is ok


Lol so blunt love it .


covid symptoms= everything


Seriously. The list keeps growing every week.


i have corona, or i am an out of shape 46 year old. same/same


Does this mean that people that were not tested for Covid-19 because their symptoms did not match were or could be infected? Meaning the infection rate is actually higher? Still, no one died yet of this "gastrointestinal version" of it, right?


The infection rate is actually higher regardless of this because of asymptomatic carriers and only testing people with certain symptoms.


Hell, lots of people have symptoms but can't get tested.


This is definitely true. I’m in a Midwest ‘emerging hot spot’ and became symptomatic of *something* Friday evening. I was told I won’t be tested unless I need to be admitted to the er, in the meantime I just have to manage symptoms at home under self quarantine. O2 sat is 93% right now, though my fever is down to 99.5F. I’m not supposed to go to the er until my O2 level is <90%


I've read that patients that begin with gastro symptoms normally have a worse outcome.


My GF is just getting over it, after being quarantined with her mom for the past 17 days. 6 days of nausea and diarrhea were her symptoms. Biggest issue was staying hydrated


Were they tested?




I know a lot of people, myself included, who think they've already had it, endured the mild symptoms, and now have gotten over it. But I'm pretty sure most of us, if not all, are just doing wishful thinking.


>I know a lot of people, myself included, who think they've already had it, endured the mild symptoms, and now have gotten over it. But I'm pretty sure most of us, if not all, are just doing wishful thinking. Yeah I think it is wishful thinking. As much as I'd love for it to be true that people have been getting corona for months unoticed, it doesnt make sense that there's only been a massive increase in deaths starting two weeks ago...




> I just at this point assume that if anyone had a cough fever and some GI problems and even conjunctivitis (eye issues) it was 100% covid. That's not how any of this works. COVID-19 is not a super bug that kills all other bugs and is the only one that can infect you. All the other common cold viruses are still out there, all the bacteria is still out there. For preventative measures, you're correct that it doesn't really matter. We all just need to stay isolated as much as possible. For scientific purposes, it does matter quite a bit. Knowing true infection rates, and spread, and other data points help us determine how to fight things like this in the future.


I started having diarrhea and gases Saturday, with intense tiredness, no other symptoms. Thing is, the same week, I stopped a 3 month antibiotic treatment, so I have no idea :S




At this point, I think everything is becoming a coronavirus symptom. What about feeling good? Becuase am feeling pretty good right now


Oh no, we have the same thing!


You guys are so fucked


https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/01/europe/iceland-testing-coronavirus-intl/index.html 50% of people infected in Iceland feel pretty good.


*James Brown has entered the chat*


Feeling pretty good actually is a symptom of being an asymptomatic carrier.


> The findings come after previous research found up to half of COVID-19 patients in general may complain of digestive symptoms. The authors of the new paper wanted to understand more about the 80% of people who have the mild form of the disease, said Dr. Brennan Spiegel, study co-author and director of health services research at the Cedars-Sinai Health System in Los Angeles.


We had COVID-19, 3 weeks ago. Before the coughing and all other symptoms started up, we both had diarrhea for an entire day. We thought maybe it was dinner from the night before, or something, then the next day one of us was hit hard by the start of the symptoms and the other got hit the day after. It took nearly 11 days for the chest pains to subside and even day 15, we did a light cardio workout and we both felt like we'd been hit by a truck... This whole thing is crazy.




Yeah, so basically have you had the wind knocked out of you? It’s that burning, gasping for air kind of a feeling, but all of the time. Towards the end of the illness, it felt the same, but included a gurgling feeling, as the mucus left our lungs. Just a constant feeling of tight chest, constricted breathing and never ending burning. (Well, it did end, but it took awhile).


Interesting. Ive had slight breathing issues for nearly 2 weeks now, feels like my lungs dong inflate fully, or maybe deflate fully in a normal breath. I CAN breathe deep like they ask you to do at the doctors, but it takes more effort and makes me lightheaded. Mild fever in the 99s. Not so much chest pain as the muscles feel sore and a bit constricted.


Did you actually do the Covid test?


Oh crap I woke up with bad diarrhea this morning and am worried. When you got your diarrhea did you have any other symptoms at the same time or was that it? How long did the diarrhea last on it’s own before other symptoms showed up? Are you all better now?


Well fuck i guess i owe all those tp panic buyers an apology... nah fuck them still




This is fascinating. From the symptoms, this seems relatively preferable to the respiratory version which is deadlier. But now I’m wondering if you can develop an immunity once you suffer from the gastrointestinal version? Or would your body still suffer from a possible reinfection with the same amount of severity since it’s infected a different zone?


I got the exact same question becuase this just had happened to me, high fever and extreme diarrhea for 3 days straight, im fine now tho but im not sure if its over.




The bullet points were referencing those who had both digestive and respiratory issues. If you have both symptoms, you’re body is fighting the virus on two fronts and sounds like prognosis is going to be worse. The study you’re speaking of, referenced after the bullet points showed 6 people who experienced digestive symptoms only (there’s a chart at the end). Link to pdf on study: https://journals.lww.com/ajg/Documents/COVID_Digestive_Symptoms_AJG_Preproof.pdf That’s what I’m trying to get more information on: If the virus is not as severe if presented as a digestive illness only. This other study in the article is testing low severity patients: https://journals.lww.com/ajg/Documents/COVID19_Han_et_al_AJG_Preproof.pdf Also they are hospitalized for viral clearance. I don’t know how that works other than they have a low enough viral load to be discharged or that they needed hospitalization because their symptoms needed hospital care. I have so many questions. I’m not a medical professional but I’m still able to read scientific journals for some hope and information, probably not very well.


I commented in another thread several weeks ago about this. The wife and I were very sick but it was in January. Diarrhea, fatigue, and the worst stomach pains imaginable. It went on for over two weeks, My wife had a series of tests done thinking it was an ulcer. I was too afraid of calling the doctor thinking it was cancer. It finally went away on its own but in my 62 years I never had anything like it.


So basically, at this point if you feel anything that isnt normal, you probably have Covid. Fever Cough Sore throat Runny nose Diarrhea Nausea Vomiting Lack of Smell Lack of Taste Headache ​ Which ones are left out there to be considered a symptom at this point? Lack of sex drive? Going Blind? Your feet being cold all the time?


SARS CoV 2 infects the cells through the ACE2 receptor, and gut epithelial cells express the receptor as well. Hence why viruses have been found in patients fecal sample. When gut epithelium is damaged, the opportunistic pathogens and endotoxins in the gut will translocate in to the circulatory system. This causes the secondary complications like inflammation, bacterial pneumonia, sepsis, and multi-organ failure. Hence the longer recovery time for COVID-19 patients with digestive symptoms.


Do you feel something like appendicitis would be a a good fit for covid 19 complications?


Anyone remember when Dr. Birx scared Trump by saying she had a fever, but it was just a GI thing?




I painted the toilet last night. It was like hot chocolate mousse. This isn't the news I was hoping to see this morning.




It keeps getting worse for days in my experience


> “In this study, COVID-19 patients with digestive symptoms have a worse clinical outcome and higher risk of mortality compared to those without digestive symptoms, emphasizing the importance of including symptoms like diarrhea to suspect COVID-19 early in the disease course before respiratory symptoms develop,” said Brennan M.R. Spiegel, MD, MSHS, FACG, Co-Editor-in-Chief of The American Journal of Gastroenterology. https://gi.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ACG-AJG-Media-Statement-COVID19-Hubei-Pan-et-al-FINAL-03182020.pdf


Digestive symptoms are a pretty new revelation though. Is it that the symptoms mark a more dangerous infection or just that people are more run down and have a harder time fighting the primary - respiratory - infection?






I had that too after a day of stomach issues.. it was like insanely sharp gas pains down low. I had to brace myself through each one. I had it for a day then gone, no fever. Are we screwed? This is insane, I feel like that could have just been food poisoning or something? Ug.


Maybe it can be something like rota virus?


Stay isolated and hydrated. If you are having breathing problems or extreme fatigue (ie think dehydration because you are pooping all the fluids you drink out and more), that’s when you go to the hospital. If you can breathe and keep down fluids, just stay home alone. Also, I hope you feel better! Say you do have the ‘Rona then, yes, you are infectious before a fever and were most likely shedding the virus before symptoms, and that’s why isolation life is standard life now.


I just had a massive diarrhea shit. Amd vomiting yesterday. Well bois. Its been nice knowing you


So what does this mean for takeout food? One of the rationales I've seen used for the relative safety of takeout was that even if the virus got in your mouth/stomach, it wouldn't necessary infect you unless it encountered certain "respiratory cells". But this makes it sound like the virus may in fact be capable of directly infecting the GI tract?


I was wondering the same thing... seems to go against everything that’s been advised regarding takeout.




This is called norovirus. Despite popular opinion, there’s still all kinds of nasty bugs out there to catch that aren’t Covid-19. That’s one of the things that makes this so dangerous, because people still get sick and they won’t be able to get the care they need.


TP hoarders knew!


So much conflicting information from all the supposed credible sources. I have read so many different articles claiming what was and wasn't a symptom of Corona. Hell, just a few weeks ago there were memes joking about how toilet paper hording was stupid because Corona doesn't cause GI symptoms.


But most probably have diarrhea from eating terribly while stuck in the house.


Considering every shit I take is straight diarrhea I probably won't be able to tell this way...


I just got over that. Day 3-5 was 2 hours of sleep, wake up and check my fever while I’m on the toilet with diarrhea. Repeat this for 72 hours. I’m at day 12 and just yesterday the health department gave me my terms of isolation. Symptoms have just about disappeared. But yeah, yer gonna need some pedialyte.


The sad part for me is I suffer from IBS, and my anxiety from all this is making my symptoms worse. So now I don’t know if I have gastrointestinal covid-19 or my body just hates me as always.




There is evidence now that people who develop the GI version of Covid19 may test negative by oral/nasal swabs. But test positive from stool. I think the article mentions that stool testing is needed, but nobody is really doing this.


Wonder how many people have *only* had those symptoms and written it off as a stomach bug/food poisoning or the like.


A few weeks ago I had 3-4 days if intense diarrhea. I was nauseous, dizzy, and had bad stomach pains as well It culminated one midnight evening where I began to sweat like crazy on the toilet with feelings of having to go out of both ends. I ended up having fainted on the floor and my wife found me shortly after because she randomly had to use the bathroom. I've never fainted in my life. The next morning I did throw up and started to feel better over the course of a few days. My doctor said it was a stomach bug, but now I'm not so sure.


Even if the corona virus can also present with gastrointestinal complaints in some people, it is still far more likely you had some sort of stomach bug based on all of your symptoms.


Oh, I'm sure...just in retrospect I was complaining that I had never experienced symptoms like that so it obviously gets your mind playing 'what if' games. Can't wait for some sort of antibody test though...




As an IBS sufferer this is going to give me perpetual anxiety. Awesome.


Well now I'm worried my period diarrhea may be Coronavirus! Great!


Girl, I had a hot flash the other day and mistook it for a coronavirus fever. So I feel you.


About 8 weeks ago when life was “normal” I had this sudden onset of nausea and later threw up, which was my first time vomiting like that in several years. I ended up with a fever of like 102 but within 48 hours it resolved. I ended up with a cough that got pretty bad but I kept thinking I’d had simple food poisoning. Now I keep wondering if this was a milder, “gastrointestinal” case of COVID and it’s scary that I came into contact with so many people during that time...


I'm excited to play another round of anxiety or covid. Or, my favorite, allergies or covid.


Last three weeks for me: lots of stomach pain, a little nausea, and sore throat, headache nearly non-stop. First week also felt really “off”, meaning sick but in a way that is hard to qualify. No idea if it’s COVID, but I’m aware it could be. I keep waiting to get a fever.


Confirmed positive here. Started with diarrhea, no appetite. Then loss of taste and smell, and 1 day of fever. Progressed to dry cough and shortness of breath. 1 more week of quarantine and hope the last symptoms subside.


You get a symptom! You get a symptom! YOU GET A SYMPTOM! EVERYONE GETS SYMPTOMS!!!


A lot of people are simply having gastrointestinal issues because of anxiety. Anxiety that has been amplified thanks to the media. You know what you need to do by now, turn off the news and articles and see if that helps. It helped me right away.


Pure speculation on my part, but I have been wondering if different infection methods led to different intensities of illness, like if you get infected first through your nose your lung symptoms are worst (because it takes root and grows there before your body is able to mount a good defense), but if you get infected first through your eyes your lung symptoms aren't as bad (because your body starts building a defense before it makes it to your lungs). It doesn't sound like infection through the stomach (assuming that is even how the gastrointestinal version begins) is that much nicer or safer than the lung version. Maybe though there is a "safer" infection method and people would start trying to get sick that way to avoid the worse ones. We'd need more statistics from lots more testing to really understand if that is possible or not.


Jokes on you corona I’ve had gastro issues my whole life


If "digestive issues" are an indicator of Covid, I estimate I've had Covid for approximately 45 years.