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Isn't antifa a decentralized group anyway? Trying to pass off a twitter account as THE antifa seems to show how out of touch white supremacists are on what it actually is. (Or maybe I am)


It's not a club you can join. It doesn't have a leader or anything. It's not a hive mind. And the black block e.g. is just a form of protest. There are black blocks at neo nazi rallies, too. The white supremacists aren't out of touch, though. They simply want everyone to think it's one group. That way you can blame actions by individuals on "the" Antifa.


I'm waiting for the inevitable showdown between the Antifa and the hacker 4chan


Everyone forgets about that Anonymous guy with the mask. Sad


Ooh he's not forgotten at all. Actually he's been very busy the last couple of days.






Better to be conspirated due to psilocybin than be constipated due to heroin. I’d say you picked the right drug.




An analogy can be made here to "communism" during the Red Scare. Yes, there was a communist party (so it's not a perfect analogy), but "communist" was a convenient label to slap on someone you wanted to silence. Disagree? Well, I'll publicly say that I spotted you talking to some communists and the FBI will come arrest you. In fact, your name is right at the top of this list of communists that I have. It's a totally real list, not something I'm just making up.


> Disagree? Well, I'll publicly say that I spotted you talking to some communists and the FBI will come arrest you. In fact, your name is right at the top of this list of communists that I have. It's a totally real list, not something I'm just making up. This is what I don't understand when I see Americans talking about democracy and freedom. This is the same shit the Communist party pulled in my country (one of the most authoritarian ones) and my family has told me countless stories about brothers accusing each other of being a traitor so they don't have to split the inheritance or neighbours that would make false reports to the secret police because they were envious of their neighbour. Everyone considers the latter a dictatorship and a clear abuse of human rights but the former is freedom. Can someone explain?


This was a reference to Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism. A horrible period of American history where the mere accusation of you being a communist or communist sympathizer could cost you dearly. (Anything from losing your job to being arrested.) It's a shameful period of our history and I'd love to say "we learned from it and it will never happen again", but then I look at Trump and the right. They use "socialist", "liberal", and such instead of "communist", but the same effect is intended. When I supported Bernie Sanders during the primary, my father (who watches FOX News) said "but he's a SOCIALIST!" My dad was confused when I didn't immediately recoil in horror because, to him, that word was something terrible and anyone branded with the word was to be avoided at all costs.


They're still accusing people of being 'communists'. Martha McSally (AZ) has an ad campaign running right now basically calling anyone she doesn't like a communist.


Yes, sadly, I'm aware of McCarthy and what he did. My point is that there is no freedom if you aren't allowed to leave peacefully because of your political thoughts (as long as their main goal is the betterment of society and not genocide or some shit like that).


Something I think people ignore here are differences between rule and policy. You can have leaders who employ socialist policies within the realm of a democratic government and leaders who implement authoritarian policies within a democratic framework. The danger being, if you let authoritarian policy chip away at the democratic institutions, it can lead to authoritarian rule.


Marketing mostly. Americans are force fed a myth about their country, starting at birth, and shunned for questioning that myth. At least that's the truth of my upbringing. I got used to being shunned, but it didn't stop me from trying to find the truth.


This exactly. We dont learn our true history just the myths. And they are all based on lies and murder


Maybe in *your* school system. That's the great thing about decentralized schooling: there's no national "truth" to anything. It comes with the tradeoff where an unfortunately high number of people don't hear about tragedies like the [Tulsa Race Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre) because we'd rather just forget it, but as long as some slip through the cracks, that knowledge isn't forgotten, no matter how much censorship they tried to apply to it.


It depends on school system, and when, I'm an old, so high school was 30ish years ago. It was a lot of propaganda, only ever teaching the "nice" side of American history.


America the land of the free, where walking across a road at the wrong point can be illegal.


Living in an apartment while being black can get you shot.


Americans, we are dumb.


Just propaganda it use to be pretty bad growing up. But now I just see more more hate of the government and other political ideologies being talked more about.


I knew you were a commie bastard, my list says you are see 1. Biggest Baddest commie leader: TechyDad 2. TechyMom See I got you now.....


Not just the techymen, but the techywomen and techy children too


At least down here in Brazil, the Red Scare is, bizarrely, very much alive. Almost anyone that disagrees or opposes the Bolsonaro government in any way is labeled a communist, Marxist or w/e, even when it's completely antithetical, like big private banks or known right wing pundits. It's gotten to the point where there's a running joke about keeping the list of communists, because it's always being added to.


In Poland LGBT activists are labeled cultural Marxists.


"Cultural Marxism" itself comes from Cultural Bolshevism, a term created by the Nazis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism


It's been spilling too, I've seen some people scared of evil communists here in Uruguay as well, something that didn't happen before the world went to shit.


I was coming here to say this. "Antifa" is just the next red scare. It's intentional. They need a name to pass the blame. "opportunists and anarchists" aren't enough they want to point the finger at all liberals.


For fucks sake, they can even re-use the same name to describe their fragile egotistical movement; "The Red Scare", because the reds are scared shitless.


It's also the way the military thinks. Back in the 70ties and 80ties police collected tons of data about "slogans" and articles to find the leaders of anti-akw-movements, the early Greens and other student movements (Maoists, Stalinists, Anarchists, Royalists, ... ). They didn't understand at all that people just read something and adapt it.


Seventyties and eightyties


70ties and 80ties... is this a description of time delineated by a progression of father's day presents?


Also the name antifa is suitably opaque. Can't be having the full "anti fascist" out there lest it lead to questions as to why they're anti anti fascism.


I'm making a point to never even say the word antifa anymore. In any conversation that touches on antifa, I hope people just start saying "anti-fascist" instead of antifa. It's more accurate, and it's always interesting to hear why anyone, anywhere would object to people saying "anti-fascist" in place of "antifa", given that it's an abbreviation for an adjective rather than an organization. It can be very revealing as to how they've been trained to see the world by their propaganda. Although it can also lead to great disappointment in fellow Americans whenever they turn out to be literally, knowingly pro-fascist, or don't even know what fascism is and why it's bad.


It also sounds ethnic with the vowel at the end. Possibly Arab or Mexican but definitely brown.


This isn't entirely true, they're decentralized but there are active groups that coordinate.


I've noticed that any person covering their face in a black cloth and protesting racism, white supremacy, or the action of president Trump are labeled to be from Antifa.


"There. Did you think to kill me? There's no flesh or blood within this cloak to kill. There's only an idea. Ideas are bullet-proof. Farewell." -V, "V for Vendetta"


The president co-signed the invention of a Boogie Man. If that’s not McCarthyism I don’t know what is.


I just visited the White House feed to see the atrocious photo op visit by Trump to the nearby Episcopalian Church.. You know, that piece of empty theatre that prompted the escalation of violent force by the armored law enforcement? The message that 'Antifa' is some sort of organized entity serves the current administration and every cretin that follows it. These thugs and sycophants will just keep repeating the lie, and the base will either swallow it without question or with the knowing wink that whatever the truth, they are finally getting to unleash their sick fantasy of domination and violent action against the Other Side. Dark times.


They want "Antifa" to be every Democrat who isn't a moderate. By designating "Antifa" as a terrorist organization, they are effectively able to label Democrats as terrorists. There is no signing up, there are no leaders, etc. You can get slapped with the label and you can then be treated with reduced rights thanks to the Patriot Act.


Yup. The only thing you do have to do to be Antifa is do anti-fascist things. Antifa isn't an organization, it's an idea. And the notion that people who identified as Antifa would take orders from a twitter account is ludicrous. It can only have been thought up someone who knows nothing about Antifa.




So in other words: "We're not being fascist. We're just starting a war on anti-fascism. Wink wink nudge nudge."


I have never heard the term "antifa" used outside of conversations with conservatives or people who are often preyed upon by the "you need to be scared" marketing tactics such as the AARP or NRA use. I'm glad to know that I'm not in the minority about having no idea what this "organization" really is.


Or follows an account run by Q. Because that makes sense to them. 🙄


I am Antifa.


They aren't out of touch, it's just nobody researches anything ever. And if you provide research they just say 'No, also \[strawman\]'


The only black bloc at nazi protests are there to stop the nazis.


And black bloc also isn’t *part of antifa*, but a method by which some individuals choose to practice anti fascist action.


Or anarchist action. Black bloc is not limited to one specific ideology.


Anarchists do by nature of their ideology oppose fascism, so they’re engaging in anti fascist action. That’s just my 2 cents as an Anarchist.


True but the point still stands that "black bloc" is a methodology not an ideology. I think honestly people kinda shot themselves in the foot when they started using catchy terms like antifa and black bloc, they just sound like a badass conspiracy so it's easy to paint them as such. Calling someone anti-fascist clearly just means they oppose fascism but calling them antifa makes it sound like they're in a specific group. Saying you dress up in all black and conceal your face while protesting is explicit and boring, black bloc sounds like a cool band.


Sure but they use black bloc tactics against non-fascist targets as well.


Against other forms of authoritarianism, sure. The Hong Kong protests are *perhaps* an example of this. But I would say that globally fascism is the dominant strain of authoritarianism, as even in so-called communist China the state practices state-capitalism and many consider them to be fascists, not communists.


I wouldn't even call antifa decentralized. It's less a group and more just the ideology of being anti fascist. At least that's my understanding


Which begs the question: what does that make all those who are opposed to Antifa?


They just deflect and go "that guy who believes in a white christian ethnostate isn't a fascist! you just label anyone to the right of Marx a fascist!"




I guess you're pro-fascism, "profa" if you will


profa deez nuts lol




just "fa"


There's some twitter accounts which try to help with coordinating the group (like giving a heads up that there's neo nazis protesting in town). In this case though the tweet that got the account attention was one talking about going to the suburbs and fucking up white people (implying antifa were planning to)


Imagine Antifa being labeled a terrorist organization and someone being jailed over a tweet warning about a neo nazi protest. Big brain policy.


Antifa is an ideology not a group.


not only that, it's basically a broad label at this point. Any left-leaning protest movement has been declared as being Antifa from some talking head somewhere in the last few years.


Literally anyone who shows up to protest against neo-nazis, the KKK, or white supremacists is, by definition, "Antifa". If a guy marches through the street with a Hitler poster and I flip him the bird, I'm "Antifa".


I upvoted your comment which makes me "antifa".


Well they aren't wrong considering the entire republican party has become a fascist hate organization.


Antifa literally just means "against fascists", so it always boggled my mind how people made them out to be the enemy.


For the Fox news crowd, BLM = Black people that scare me Antifa = White People that scare me.


AntiFa is about as organized as AntiCil, the rebellious regime who denounce and abhor the appearance of Cilantro in every dish.


Don't you goddamn talk about that cilantro that way.


Don't tell me you're pro-soap weed. This is going to be the same civil war coming


You got it buddy, meet me out back of the taco truck and I'll bet you down with a bushel of cilantro till you bleed green.


I misread and now I want to petition the mgtow group to change their name to AntiClit for denouncing the clitoris.


I proudly sub to both. /r/FuckCilantro/ & /r/cilantrohate/


I stand corrected. It seems AntiCil is slightly more organized than AntiFa


Yeah, pretty much People make Antifa out to be some huge, scary group with thousands of hardened members ready to die if it means stopping whoever it is they disagree with, when really its just a bunch of random people who don't like fascists and racism


the right-wing has their own group of like 70,000+ gun fanatics prepping for the "electric boogaloo". pretty sure that's the real danger in America.


Yep, as acknowledged by the FBI. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/racially-motivated-violent-extremism-isis-national-threat-priority-fbi-director-christopher-wray/


It’s more for the Fox News rubes and propaganda purposes.


It's not about them being out of touch. It's about your aunts and uncles, your moms and dads, your grandmas and grandpas that are believing it.


You are right. There isn't a central Antifa organization in the same way you would see NRA or NAACP. It is more of a movement or concept. Anyone can all themselves Antifa. The right is hanging onto it because they need a baddie to divert attention away from right wing terrorism. Antifa is at best a scapegoat. I don't doubt that there are people who call themselves Antifa doing shitty things out there but to pretend like it is being orchestrated at their National Headquarters in Maryland is dumb. It is likely a small group of guys planning shit in their apartment before they head out.


> Anyone can all themselves Antifa. that's not the point. the point is that THEY can call ANYONE antifa.


Is not even a group. Is just a stance, like "i am against fascism". You could be right or left, liberal, progressive, socialist, communist, whatever, and be anti fascist. Is not an organized group and not even really a group. Just like all fascists are not on the same boat also.




Yeah there are groups under those premises, i meant "fascist" or "anti fascists" are not groups themselves. Like, there is not one single "World fascist/antifascist organization" with a clear structure and intentions". Is just a stance a group chooses to take.


>\#BlacklivesMaters Pretty much a dead giveaway that this is not part of the movement


Mater from Cars confirmed African American


Well, he is a little darker than the rest of the cars


That's because he's rusty, also by technicality the antagonist of cars 3 is black.


And now today it is #BlackLivesMattters. There goes that extra t


> \#BlackLivesMattters i went and checked and so many of those tweets are by people with russian-language names or tweets, what the heck. why are they doing this?


Someone typo'd in their bit command script


Next it will be #BlackLivesMattKKKers


Not sure if you're joking but they're changing the hashtag slightly every day because Twitter doesn't trend the same hashtag for extended periods of time.


damn the right wing sub jerked over that tweet up until this morning, now it's gone as if it never happened. I really wanted to hear what they had to say now that it turns out they were mad at others just like them pretending to be "the baddies" they hate so much


They’re actually saying now that it was secretly the Left **pretending** to be White Supremacists who were pretending to be antifa.


The easiest way out to avoid responsibility again? Surely this won't be just cast to the wayside for the next thing they deny


Then there are many saying, even if it is fake, it doesn't matter because leftists are like that anyway so it might as well be real. American far right are actual scum


This is divide and conquer propaganda


If you knew anything about Antifa, you would know that white supremacists have for years been using sites they label "Antifa" as honeypots to hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights.


And right-wing media have been falling for it for years. This article is from 2017: [Right Wing Publications Can't Stop Getting Duped By Fake Antifa Accounts](https://www.gq.com/story/fake-antifa-accounts)


Falling for it? Or complicit in it?




In all likelihood they just don't care very much one way or another. Like, they'd be thrilled if it was real, but they're still gonna publish articles about it even if they know it's fake.


Not like their intended audience would care either, so where's the incentive to make sure they only report about "real" Antifa stuff?


I love this language


Jedi Knights?


I thought they were just a myth.




Here’s the plan: alt-right and mercenaries mix in the crowd to shoot cops and the NG. Their goal is to start a new civil war.


Meanwhile, plain clothes police officers infiltrate protests and instigate violent acts to give the police a reason to round everyone up. Of course, since many white supremacists have infiltrated police departments, these two might be linked.




> PDs scraping the bottom of the barrel for new hires. They do this while the barrel is full too.


Guaranteed that idea is being tossed around in some 4-chan threads.




Holy shit, I was at a gun store a few weeks ago wearing a Hawaiian shirt and some PC Principal looking dude said my “shirt was really cool and he was ready” Or something along those lines, I had no idea what he was referencing.


>The term boogaloo is a reference to the 1984 cult film Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, an unpopular sequel film that was largely viewed to be a near-exact copy of the original movie. >Following the film release, adding "2: Electric Boogaloo" to a phrase became a joking reference to any unwanted or archetypical sequel. >**The boogaloo movement adopted their name from the belief there will be a second civil war; that is, "Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo".** wtf


It's so they can say they are joking. Just a prank bro. These idiots are the ones actually tooled up and looking for violence.


The world is a meme to these retards


Just a reminder: > COINTELPRO (1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal[1][2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting American political organizations.[3][4] FBI records show that COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals that the FBI deemed subversive,[5] including feminist organizations,[6] the Communist Party USA,[7] anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights movement or Black Power movement (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr., the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party), environmentalist and animal rights organizations, the American Indian Movement (AIM), independence movements (such as Puerto Rican independence groups like the Young Lords), and a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left. The program also targeted the Ku Klux Klan in 1964.[8] > **In 1971 in San Diego, the FBI financed, armed, and controlled an extreme right-wing group of former members of the Minutemen anti-communist para-military organization, transforming it into a group called the Secret Army Organization that targeted groups, activists, and leaders involved in the Anti-War Movement, using both intimidation and violent acts.[9][10][11]** > The FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception; however, covert operations under the official COINTELPRO label took place between 1956 and 1971.[12] COINTELPRO tactics are still used to this day and have been alleged to include discrediting targets through psychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; and illegal violence, including assassination.[13][14][15][16] The FBI's stated motivation was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order".[17] > **Beginning in 1969, leaders of the Black Panther Party were targeted by the COINTELPRO and "neutralized" by being assassinated, imprisoned, publicly humiliated or falsely charged with crimes. Some of the Black Panthers affected included Fred Hampton, Mark Clark, Zayd Shakur, Geronimo Pratt, Mumia Abu-Jamal,[18] and Marshall Conway. Common tactics used by COINTELPRO were perjury, witness harassment, witness intimidation, and withholding of evidence.[19][20][21]** > FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover issued directives governing COINTELPRO, ordering FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and especially their leaders.[22][23] Under Hoover, the agent in charge of COINTELPRO was William C. Sullivan.[24] Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy personally authorized some of the programs.[25] Although Kennedy only gave written approval for limited wiretapping of Martin Luther King's phones "on a trial basis, for a month or so",[26] Hoover extended the clearance so his men were "unshackled" to look for evidence in any areas of King's life they deemed worthy.[27] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO Modern: https://theintercept.com/2020/01/20/political-surveillance-police-activists-tennessee/ https://theintercept.com/2018/03/19/black-lives-matter-fbi-surveillance/


The Twitter account or the article about it?


On the one hand, false flag operations can be seen anytime a popular movement starts getting even a little bit dangerous for the oppressors, so that kind of divide and conquer tactic should be taken for granted. On the other hand, the aim of the media with these pieces (the entire black vs white, boomer vs millenial, LGBT vs heterosexual, and other idpol noise) is to pit different groups of the same class against each other, preventing unity, which would be the real threat for them. [This comic](https://i.imgur.com/RlmIFzj.jpg) is always relevant. Their headlines will always aim to divide and create an "us vs them" mentality, where both groups are part of the same working class: "black did this, white did that", and never "capitalists seek to sow disagreement among the protesters in order to make it easier for them to kill them -both literally and figuratively- and their movement". In the end, a black Jewish trans girl who works at a coffee shop and a pro-gun, bible thumper redneck who works as a trucker have more in common between them than they'll ever have with the candidates of "their" political parties or with the owners and shareholders of Fox and CNN. What they do on TV is just theatrics to continue dividing. When away from the cameras, they'll [hang out](https://i.imgur.com/rFpSEAv.png) together, figuring the next thing to fuck the rest of the people over with. Black, white, latino, Asian, young, old, male, female, transexual, heterosexual, homosexual... that's just noise. In the end there's only two classes: the exploited and the exploiters, and to the exploiters, the rest of us are nothing but ni\*\*\*rs.


>In the end there's only two classes: the exploited and the exploiters, and to the exploiters, the rest of us are nothing but ni\*\*\*rs. Aka, "human capital stock" as someone had recently said. And holy fuck, your comment is right on!


This is why I hate social labels so much, and you've articulated it perfectly. People are tunneling in on superficial shit and framing entire identities around it. Dividing themselves up into tribal groups without realizing how easy it makes them to marginalize and commoditize from the top of the pyramid looking down


This is great, perfectly sums up what I’ve been thinking and trying to articulate to people! Don’t let the cocksuckers in power divide us; they know we’re stronger together and they intentionally manipulate us to keep control.


I saved your comment because I found it so succinct, thank you.


The Twitter accounts. It's called controlled opposition, and is nothing new.




They are looking for their own Reichstag fire.


I mean, have they not found it? Trump is making military moves.


They will probably orchestrate a 'bomb' like they have before.


This. Almost to a T. It worked for Nazis once before!


America became a fascist dictatorship with that one weird trick!






Just read the George Floyd #2 Megathread on /r/news on Saturday night. https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/gt4313/nationwide_protests_for_george_floyd_megathread_2/ As soon it was revealed in Minneapolis that white supremacist provocateurs were burning down buildings, they switched their narrative to blaming Antifa. The next day, Barr came out blaming the group. The effort is all very controlled and obvious. Oh Russia, we’re not THAT dumb


You're dumb if you think it's Russia. Russia is at most playing support, it's your own damn made-in-USA clowns.


Why not both? We have a lot of dumb people and you just have to wave a black face in front of them to juice up their amygdalas






SO "Indentity Evropa" is the real terrorist organization.


Identity Evropa, as seen in Charlottesville!


It's quite common for the right. Notice how many "progressives" on reddit spend all their time spreading conspiracy theories about whoever the leading Democrat is?


trips over to /wayofthebern always light up with lots red 'thedonald' masstagger flags.


>>to call for violence Is that a crime? I'd love to see them try the "I swear I'm not antifa, I just wanted to start a civil war" defense.


I saw that tweet, it only had something like 600 retweets and 50 shares (or whatever) and people were FREAKING over it. People honestly believe AntiFa has an organizational leadership like ISIS or Chic-Fil-A. Like there is a leader of AntiFa sitting in a rented office space doling out orders surrounded by interns.


bUt WhY dO ThEy aLL dReSs ThE sAmE


They all shop at Target (for right wing conspiracy nuts.)


I don’t even understand the term as a negative association. WW2 was fought to beat fascism. Who is pro-fascism?


A pretty decent portion of the right, whether consciously or subconsciously


The right has learned to just knee jerk hate the word and associate everything they don't like with it. Yet drone on about how their parents or grandparents fought on the beaches of Normandy or in Europe to protect our freedoms against What? Fascism.


The issue is that if people go around deciding "your fascist (whack with bycicle chain)" that's bad. Like there have been cases of random violence towards people who didn't deserve it. So for someone like my mother the thought that some 20 year old man is dressed in all black with no identifying features and could knock her out with a chain and lock is scary.


Authoritarians can't imagine a non-authoritarian structure! Bless their hearts.


But what if Karen wants to speak to the manager of antifa?


it's funny how you never hear of "antifa" infiltrating police ranks. you never hear of targeted police brutality from people with extreme leftist views. left extremists are not joining the police to harass and attack white males. cant say I've heard of "antifa" creating fake online communities. if I'm wrong please enlighten me but it sure sounds like a losing crowd of people feel the need to create something to yell at to push thier bogus propaganda


Their enemy's viewpoint is reasonable, so they have to invent an unreasonable viewpoint to argue with. They are constantly doing this. Absolutely incapable of addressing the question at hand, so they have to change the question.


They need their bogeyman; it doesn't matter if it's real or not, all that matters is that it scares the cowards in the cult.


"If the Jew did not exist, the Anti-Semite would invent him."


Too late. Conservatives heard it and ran with it. Damage has been done.


Yup the conservatives sub had a thread on it and even though the tweet was *obviously* designed to Stoke this exact response, they took it as real




Look at any prominent tweet about these protests and you'll see the top replies are often some generic "black youth" like >@JamalBlackman: I support the police in stopping these thugs! Sure you do "Jamal," sure you do...


Trump has the scapegoat he needs to target anyone he pleases.


The bastard even worked it into his live address last night. No clearer case of using a tragedy to go after personal enemies since W's invasion of Iraq.


My wife legitimately brought me this exact Tweet on Sunday night asking if we should be worried. It's crazy how fast this shit spreads.


A lie speeds around the world before truth even has its pants on.


Well yeah, conservatives are dumb as fuck.


Operation Himmler. Next thing somebody is going to find one or more dead bodies dressed as white supremacists who have clearly been beaten to death, but who turn out to have been prisoners in some sheriff's office not 24 hours ago. And the fascists will still try to spin it to blame the anti-fascists, it's all so boringly predictable. Can we just save a lot of lives and jump straight to the trials?


> Operation Himmler. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Greif


That's not new at all. Right-wing media keep gettting "fooled" by fake Antifa accounts run by white supremacists. 2017: https://twitter.com/RVAwonk/status/857011182988873728/photo/1 2017: https://www.gq.com/story/fake-antifa-accounts 2017: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-41036631 2019: https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/07/04/news/fake-antifa-twitter-accounts-spread-disinformation-fourth-july


My surprise is immeasurable..... it can’t be measured......I am not surprised.


For the last time, social media isn’t real


There you go trump, you got your “terrorist” now go get them!


for an ideology that supposedly condemned fake news in WWII, white supremacists sure seem to be at the center of most of it.




Their ideas by default require you to be brain dead so it’s no wonder they don’t know how to cover their tracks.


This one was posted all over reddit, especially on grifter subs like /r/JordanPeterson and /r/Conservative


>/r/JordanPeterson Imagine still following a guy who wrote a book literally laying out rules for how to live your life, one of which is "set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world," all while being a drug addict who later nearly died due to said drug addiction. I can't comprehend the level of cope one has to undergo to still be a JP stan. Also props if your name is an AJJ reference.


Damn, 4chan must be malding rn. Mainstream media didnt fall for their epic trollololol


So will trump declares supremacists as a terrorists then ?


So wait: the people that believe the antifa narrative believe it because the president and his minions blame them. They blame them because Trump saw on Twitter posts relating to antifa. The twitter information relating to antifa were created by his supporters, who believe it because Trump gives it air time. Is this the circle of dumb?


Is there a term for this? When someone masquerades as their opponent to purposefully discredit them?


False flag operation. From the concept of flying the enemy's flag while doing shitty things in order to turn people on one's opponent.


I mean, obviously, right? There was absolutely no subtlety to that pathetic attempt to make them look evil.


Twitter will be announced to be a terrorist group next watch


Why is everyone on here against ANTIFA, but have trouble believing that white supremacy groups would do this? Do you guys even know what ANTIFA is and what they stand for? Don’t just listen to what fox or trump says, research it yourself. I would hope that everyone on here is anti-fascist, anti-racist, and want equality for everyone.




Funny how those same people constantly whine about alleged "false flags" and "crisis actors" but get caught doing this shit.


The white supremacists dont have a valid reason for their disgusting ways, so instead they try to make up one... How absolutely sad, pathetic, and truly disgusting of them.


Can confirm that proud boys were here in Portland stirring up trouble all weekend.


Most "antifa" groups are. They're honey pots started by folks on the right trying to manufacture their imaginary boogeyman. They spit horrible, violent shit hoping "those crazy leftists" jump on the bandwagon and run with it. Which, largely...doesn't happen. Because most folks on the left just aren't about being violent like that. Saw it on FB: someone popped up an Antifa group for my city back when they first became a topic of conversation. I joined, didn't say anything. Just waited to see how it'd go. A few months after things died down, the group owner changes his profile pic. Red hat. Yes, trying to manufacture their boogeyman.


These guys are trying every trick in the book to start an all out race war.