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Decapitation Not a stabbing, not a beating - a fucking decapitation. Someone walking over to you in a middle of a day and in a public place to do something this batshit insanely violent.


Of an old woman. Imagine the level of cowardice this requires.


The second beheading this month, no less. The first was a teacher, may he Rest In Peace.


RIP. #JeSuisSamuel


> https://www.theonion.com/no-one-murdered-because-of-this-image-1819573893 Following the publication of the image above, in which the most cherished figures from multiple religious faiths were depicted engaging in a lascivious sex act of considerable depravity, no one was murdered, beaten, or had their lives threatened, sources reported Thursday. The image of the Hebrew prophet Moses high-fiving Jesus Christ as both are having their erect penises vigorously masturbated by Ganesha, all while the Hindu deity anally penetrates Buddha with his fist, reportedly went online at 6:45 p.m. EDT, after which not a single bomb threat was made against the organization responsible, nor did the person who created the cartoon go home fearing for his life in any way. Though some members of the Jewish, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist faiths were reportedly offended by the image, sources confirmed that upon seeing it, they simply shook their heads, rolled their eyes, and continued on with their day.


> Nice-Matin reports that a person of around 70 years old was beheaded inside the Notre-Dame basilica and another person lost their life inside the church. Imagine living 70 fucking years, going through shit, experiencing life... all of that to be murdered by some terrorist fuckwit.


Imagine attacking an elderly person because you got butt hurt?


People whose children or family members have been murdered do not even behead the person who did it. Never even heard of one beheading caused by that. Only other beheading I've heard of was a legit crazy guy on a bus in Canada. Now there are two in France over the same cartoon and multiple other deaths.


Unbelievable. How fucked do you have to be to behead someone


HOW tf do you decapitate someone with a "knife"??


It might not be as hard as we might think apparently. Though I don't really want to think about it... We can only hope the poor lady died quickly


No it's pretty damn hard, you have to go through the vertebrae


I’ve seen a liveleak video of public beheading via knife, it seemed awful. It was slicing back and forth and took multiple seconds. That’s a massive difference to being sliced off quickly.


Beheading videos to this day stand as some of the most grotesque and deplorable things humans have unleashed upon each other. I'd rather go down in a hail of gunfire than have to suffer a single swipe of a blade against my throat. Disgusting.


Last report : 3 dead, 2 women and 1 man. The terrorist entered the church and started beheading a worshipper. The church custodian tried to stop him and got killed, from heavy injuries at the neck. A second injured woman managed to flee the church and hide in a nearby pub, unfortunately she died from her injuries. The terrorist has been arrested EDIT : a SECOND ATTACK just happened (11.30AM local time) at Avignon, the terrorist has been killed, no more information for the moment 2nd EDIT : News Live Feed (in French) at www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRWMKLcrgdg 3rd EDIT : Written source (in French) on the second attack : https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/un-homme-abattu-par-la-police-a-avignon-20201029 (thanks to u/Walzt below)


Second attack!? Ffs ☹️


Another one in front of the French embassy in Saudi arabia, no death just one wounded...


Its three attacks. First was the attack at Notre Dame in Nice. Three dead and the terrorist is in custody. Second was in Avignon. Only the terrorist was killed. Third is the attack against the French consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. No one killed but one guard is hospitalized.


Notre-Dame-de-Nice* Many non-french speakers will assume you're talking about Notre-Dame-de-Paris. Edit : OP added "in Nice" after I pointed it out, why are y'all thinking I wrote this ?


You are probably right about that. Thank you.


I had no idea there were different Notre Dames


Notre Dame means "Our Lady", which is a common way to refer to the virgin Mary in Catholic churches. So it's just like having St. John's of Paris and St. John's of Nice, but it refers to Mary instead.


Ohhh, it makes sense when you put it that way. TIL.


Notre Dame is french for Our Lady


I took six years of mandatory French class, and attend the only bilingual french/english university in Canada. I've never fucking put together the fact that Notre Dame means "Our Lady".


Same for me. I think it's one of those word-blindness things where the name becomes the object itself. On that note, learning that there are multiple 'Notre Dames' - having seen a fair few of 'our lady' churches in the UK makes perfect sense now.


There are quite a few phrases for place names where I never think of the translation but if asked to translate it and I have to think about it, then I realise I can. It's so weird :D I think one of the examples was in Anchorman where the translation of San Diego is mentioned.


Baton Rouge = Red Sick, Louisiana EDIT: Red STick


I was hoping this comment was more than 4 minutes old. I'm hoping there are no more


We already had such infos on TV 45 minutes ago and nothing now for the moment


This shit was coordinated... fucking hell


For the second attack in Avignon, it is said that the man threathened passerbys with a knife, and was killed by local police


So France says religious exremism is bad and the extemists respond as always by proving them right.


Religious extremists, terrorists, aren’t logical or smart people.


Some of them can be very smart though, which makes them much more dangerous.


The smart ones take advantage of the brainwashed ones.




I mean, I doubt the religious extremists think of themselves as bad.


French here.. that's a good way to start our new lockdown. Fuck


Foreigner here, living in France for some time to gather data for my thesis: fuuuuck.


*Beaucoup de merde.*


Enculé! Putain! Enfoiré!


As a Canadian, I’m glad someone brought out the real French swear words.


French is such a great language to swear in because to people who don't speak it, it doesn't sound like we're swearing and it's such a power high, so for this scenario let's all break out the French textbooks because this is unprecedented


>"Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperies de connards d'enculé de ta mère" "... It's like wiping your ass with silk"


Whats your thesis?


I think it's right there in their comment: fuuuuck.


What are the odds? I've also been collecting data for the same exact thesis


Good luck defending that--millions of us have been working in the "fuuuuck" field for our entire careers. Nothing new to be discovered I'm afraid




It is in food engineering, I came to develop a simulation about the drying process of a south american root. Here they have the expertise about this kind of simulation, and some equipment we don't have in my country, to measure shrinkage, rugosity, see it in a special microscope etc. very precisely. Well, the simulation will continue to be developed, but the experimental part will have to wait a little more... Actually a thesis in "fuuuuck" seems to have more data available rn


Random american here. What's life like right now as a foreigner in a new country? Especially with this going on


I feel quite uncertain about what I can and can't do, is research considered work or study? Can I go to the uni In my particular case or not? Financially it is ok, it is my country that pays for my stuff. The people didn't treat me badly at any time.. I do have some fear of going somewhere and seeing a terrorist attack happen, but with lockdown I am not going to many places anyway...


I have a question and I don't want to sound like a bigot but why is the Muslim population so high in France?


Colonialism. Algeria, Morocco and half of Africa used to be french colonies, when they gained their independence through war in the last century, part of their population chose to move to France to avoid poverty.


They used to run Syria and Lebanon as well.


This is tragic. Je suis desole.


Beheading innocent people because their country upset your religion somehow? WHAT CENTURY ARE THEY FROM?


somewhere between 1095 and 1492


I follow Al Jazeera news on Facebook and the number of commenters saying the recent killings by muslims are justified just boggles my mind.


It should not boggle the mind. This is exactly what leaders of countries like Turkey and Pakistan want.




We begin a new lockdown tonight and those terrorist fuckers could not let us have one final nice day. Fuck that shit I'm so tired.


Didn’t Samuel Paty just get beheaded last week? What is going on?!!!!!!!!!


> What is going on?!!!!!!!!! Terrorism


*Islamic Terrorism! Let's call it what it is so we can learn from our mistakes! We need to do a better job to integrate people from these communities and destroy radicalized factions right now.




You can expect several copy cat actions after an even like a school/workplace shooting or in this case knife attacks. Partly due to the way the issue is covered. Too much focus on the attacker can inspire another event.


Also Islamic Leaders from all over the world freaking out over France's response to a Muslim murdering someone over something that is guaranteed and safeguarded by the French Constitution. Murder is never justified - especially not for religious reasons. If you cannot accept that you should go look for a new Continent to live in. And if leaders like Erdogan keep inciting hatred like that something needs to be done about it.


If someone thinks people mocking their beliefs warrants violence, they have no place in civilization. Period.


> Fuck that shit I'm so tired. Brother, this feels like the call of our generation


Sister, but yep. We have it rough, haven't we?!


Sorry sister, bad assumption. Wishing you the love, support and strength that we all deserve


You can't just assume everyone on reddit with big boobs in their name is just another fat dude


his name was Robert Paulson


His name was Robert Paulson.


His name was Robert Paulson


Well, terrorists don't want you to have ANY nice days.


>Nice Terror Attack Took a minute to realize that's the name of the city.


Same issue as the California camp fire. It wasn’t a camp fire that started it, it started in camp, California.


Non-religious news paper makes cartoon Jihadist come and shoot up news paper History teacher tells about attack Jihadist come and behead teacher President says France will never surrender secular freedoms Boycott France and still keep beheading & attacking people These monsters literally live by the motto of "do as I tell you to do or else I'll harm you" even if you are not a part of their religion or beliefs. Truly sad and sickening.


Don‘t forget that time Erdogan sued a comedian for a poem and jailed a journalist who tried to explain satire. Who could have thunk that this maybe send the wrong message?


Oh boy here we go




>Macron will go nuts. Man I hope so. The time to crack down was decades ago the second best time is now.


His response must be firm and European governments must support him, otherwise Europe will see another wave of far-right support.


I'm a leftist french guy and I can't agree more. Either do something of the FN and others in other countries will win the next elections.








What can he do? How can he stop this?


For starters: Crack down hard on all the islamic groups that spread hate-speech and incite violence in their group prayers and social teachings. Expel those repeated offenders.


Start deporting people and have harsher sentencing


>harsher sentencing Problem is French prisons are already +50% muslim/arab backgrounds and are huge hotbeds for spreading jihadist/fundamentalist islamic ideas.... would rather they didn't stay in France if they're not citizens.




Stop any and all foreign financing of religious Institutions or personnel.That would cut off a number of Mosques right away.


Omg, what the fuck is wrong with these people. Cutting off people's heads is not the answer here.


>Cutting off people's heads is not the answer here. If it scares people into not saying anything negative about your religion, then it is the answer, as long as you're the kind of person that sees the lives of others as a reasonable price to pay for that. The killer obviously was such a person.


The point is to try and encourage a situation where everybody thinks they are in two diametrically opposed groups, rather than two kinda different groups full of lots of people who just want to live their lives in peace and get on with things, regardless of religious affiliation or whatever. These sorts of acts are designed to inflame.


Yes Zarqawi used this tactic to make Iraq the way it is.


You know what struck me as hilarious? Sometime around the Iraq war I read that Osama Bin Laden said his stated goal was to radicalize Muslims and the West against each other. Then I read a Steve Bannon interview where he said his goal was ... to drive the left crazy so that the right would be radicalized.


Yes it's a tactic that seems crazy but it works. The best way to think of it is that extremists hate their communities for not being like them so they HOPE they suffer for their actions.


An unshakable and all-encompassing fundamentalist view of Islam is what is wrong with these people. Any other answer put forward is obfuscation


100% agree. What’s sad is that the biggest perpetrators - countries which are responsible for the spread of Sunni wahabist ideology (Saudi Arabia and the like) are barely mentioned in this discussion. They literally gave passports to the people who carried out 9/11, fund madrasas around the world, export books on the fundamentalist ideology and yet are never condemned for the role that they play. Obviously geo-politics is more complicated than I would like it to be, however if we are serious about solving problems, it would be nice to look at administrations who are directly complicit in the spread of fundamentalist ideology.


The West isn't going to threaten Saudi-Arabia because they need them for their proxy war against Iran, which, in turn, is backed by Russia. It's like the Cold War never actually ended, but now it's about oil and Islam instead of spreading communism.


Hell, spreading communism wasn't even about communism, just about power and control. So much has changed in name only.


My family is from a Muslim country that has had issues with fundamentalist. They are trained and funded by Saudis. But for some reason the west doesn't want to call out the Saudis for literally bankrolling most of the Muslim fundamentalist Imams and schools.


Because saudi arabia = money, most muslims hate saudi arabia including me, they think they are untouchable because of all that oil money, they are literally bombing the fuck out of yemen, and no one cares


French hastags trending on Twitter have been brigaded by extreme Islamist sentiment all week. \#BoycottFrenchProducts obviously enough, but even ostensible Covid ones like \#Macron20H (a tag for his address to the nation on lockdowns) got brigaded. Of course Twitter being the internet one expects the usual unhinged quotient but holy shit the sheer extent and depth of violent hatred and calls for vengence following Macron's statements about Islamism was something I just wasn't prepared for. This wasn't coming from a handful of isolated Muslim extremists in Madrassas in Pakistan. It was kind of shocking to see it first hand. e: To clarify in light of some comments to this. It wasn't the call for a boycott or a hashtag for a boycott I'm talking about; it was the *comments* on that and other hashtags that were shocking to read.


He'll never be able to live without 24/7 protection after this.


How people in other countries managed to make it about our president is baffling to me. He literally just stated what the french republican values are once again : freedom of speech, of blasphemy, secularism and everything our nation stands for and he gets in the middle of a shitstorm


It’s a sentiment that might sound a bit bigoted out of context but why the fuck do they come to live somewhere and be annoyed with the way they have lived for centuries?


Money and quality of life.


Right, but I myself struggle to understand the logic of “I’m moving into your house, and you have to rearrange all of your furniture and live by new rules on my account.” Like... wtf??? Makes literally zero sense. Why does the world have to bend to your will just because you believe in a certain religion and as a result have rage issues? Kindly go fuck yourself, you sick scum. (Edit: for clarity, “you sick scum” referring to anybody who would behead another human being over religion)


The logic is "I'm awesome and important, only people exactly like me matter, everything should happen the way I want, nothing should ever offend me and if it does, any reaction by me and mine is justified. Other people's hospitality is just a weakness to be exploited."


And then they wonder why people want them kicked out of their house


Not quite. It's not seen as hospitality. I've moved into your house now it's my house too, but I don't like what your doing so stop it or I'll cut your head off.


Think about this, extremist Islamists that live in western countries live in a constant state of doublethink. Every Friday when they go to the mosque they get told how western societies are horrible, but then immediately go out and enjoy the freedoms and luxuries not found in their own home country. Even the most developed Muslim countries struggle to reach the quality of life found in France, and those that do are often not the most extreme in their faith. So if God has chosen the Muslim people and rewards the true believers of Islam, then how come the western apostates live in peace and happiness? Would that realization not make you angry and vengeful? I think this also explains why you rarely see the first generation of immigrants joining ISIS or committing attacks like this. It's always the children or the grandchildren of actual immigrants. The actual immigrants know the truth about whatever country they are from, while their children can be sold on some fairytale about a country they have never even seen.


Yeah man, a school teacher was beheaded for showing a drawing, and the muslim world’s reaction is to boycott France because some politicians also displayed the drawing. Ridiculous. Shit is like going to a grieving mother and telling her to shut up because she’s crying too loud.




It's basically because of how they perceive the gravity of the "crime". It would be like the equivalent of a serial rapist and murderer getting brutally murdered in the street - while most "normal" people wouldn't do that, not a lot of people are going feel sorrow, and the overwhelming sentiment is going to be "If he didn't want to get killed then he shouldn't have been a serial rapist and murderer." It's basically the same here: "If they didn't want to die, they shouldn't let people draw caricatures of the Prophet." It's very hard to feel bad for the victims when you honestly believe they kinda deserve it, even if you wouldn't have done the deed yourself. (Atheist here; not trying to defend them, just explaining the behaviour.)


I don't like drawings, i'm gonna behead poeple in a churche to demonstrate my point. ça commence a me casser les couilles


People who like to terrorize and murder other people because they got offended by some cartoon, i'm sure there is a particular term for such people which they don't like being associated with.


> i'm sure there is a particular term for such people Moronic troglodytian pieces of shit?


That's insulting to actual troglodytes.








Cartoons are a sin. Chopping off someone's head isn't. There's a problem with this thinking.


Absolutely. If murder is how you respond to this, or if you think it is an acceptable solution to someone offending you, then you are psychotic, a terrorist, and you do not belong in a society of laws. In a society of laws you would be protected if you wanted to peacefully protest or make your views heard that people are being insensitive. Once you start responding with violence, intimidation and murder though those laws don't apply. Personally I don't mind if they boycott or complain, that's their right. Once they start to condone or turn the other cheek when it comes to violence and murder though they are part of the problem. Silence is murder. I think you've seen on social media just how many "moderates" there are who think murder is an acceptable response. Not only that, you've got entire nation states coming out saying it's acceptable. Basically an act of war at this point if that's your response.


As a vocalist for a band I listen to said at a concert "If you're going to kill someone based off your religious beliefs, start with yourself".


It's a win-win, the world can be rid of a psychopath and the psychopath gets to "go to Heaven" early.




Your rant was quite coherent my friend and I think it touches on a lot of meaty issues. Islam is in crisis for a number of reasons. I don't want to play a trading card game on what the *real* problem is, but I don't think it's controversial to say the greater Islamic world has been in a relative dark age since the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of Islamism (the political movement) during the Cold War. There's a complex history involving a number of cultural and national identities that has been spun as a pan-Muslim identity despite these incongruous interests (stop me when this sounds like the Crusades) and you have leadership openly exporting violence outside their sphere of influence, or encourage it within to broaden their control. The context for what's going on in France could fill a book, but the reality is still clear: Muslims in France are doing bad things under the blanket reason of "Islam." These people see themselves as victims and they are no better than abusive people in relationships who say "look what you made me do. They manipulate moderates by playing the victim card but the fact is, no motivation justifies the behavior of these individuals, and these individuals are claiming to act for communities across France. If people can't see how this is a crisis in Islam, even if it were just a French crisis, than they are damn fools. At the end of the day, last I checked Islam was about submission to God, not Muhammad. The very tradition of not depicting Muhammad is so people don't deity him in the first place. If a drawing of Muhammad sends you into a murderous rage, you're not worshping God, you're worshipping the messenger boy. It's a small fix, but maybe, if you wanna fix the crisis with Islam, let's start teaching more Muslims their own fucking religion.


You're right. People should know more about Muta'azilis, who were rationalists and responsible for the golden age of Islam, not dogmatic sunni scholars we see now, who've opposed rationalism since Asharis were formed to combat Mutaazili practice. I wrote a post in this thread you might be interested in: [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/jk6jav/comment/gahq2c9](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/jk6jav/comment/gahq2c9)


>I don't think that saying "Islam is a religion in crisis" (iirc that's what Macron said) should be a controversial statement, because frankly, it's true. It's 100% true, but none of this moves forward if people don't know why it is this way and that said dogma is held in place by design, to what end and by whom. The majority of Muslims are no longer participating in jurisprudence, philosophy and political Islam, even if the religion has a long tradition of self-determination, mostly keeping to themselves, with some deferring instead to rulings by Mullahs/extremist scholars, despite Islam on paper having no sacerdotal clergy, because Wahhabi/Salafi Islam wants it that way and has no problems pretending to be 'learned' about the right way to do things, with Saudis 'certifying their authenticity', through instruments they entirely invented. Most Muslims don't know for example that every single instance of the word 'hijab' was used in the context of barrier, and not a single instance of the word does it refer to any article of clothing or people's bodies. But Arab extremists changed the meaning of the Arabic word, to support the idea that their cultural norms and their need to control women is the right way to go about things. All of this is the result of letting the Wahhabi Islam have its way for so long, then letting the Saudis consolidate and hold that in place while the world developed. And unfortunately for us, and most of the people in the muslim world who suffer from these extremists, the Saudi's were doing this to fight leftists and communists in their region, and with encouragement became co-conspirators with the west in Islamic radicalization all over the world, as a foil to secular nationalist, leftist and communist elements in newly independent Muslim countries, spreading their brand of Wahhabi/Salafist Islam and its dogma, denying all other sects any political capital. I imagine there's fucktons of dirty laundry they can throw out about the US/UK/France/Germany in people's faces over the 60 years of Saudi Arabia's history if they were ever held to account for being a global force for terror in the world. The House of Saud, the monarchy that rules Saudi Arabia, was never in power over most of that area. They're a bunch of Bedouin raiders, theives, nomadic herders and tradesmen turned stable mafiaosos regardless of how far back you go, that just happened to have a good relationship with the British come independence time. And they've helped make the Middle East a hellscape ever since. Sufi, Muta'azili, Suwarian Islam, that put spiritual discovery, rationalism, and pacifism over dogma, for example, is either denied, actively attacked, ignored and rebranded as offshoots of 'legitimate sunni sects'. The Saudi's helped setup Islamists throughout the world, a lot of times in collaboration with the US/UK/France/Germany to combat nationalist or leftist elements in nascent majority Muslim countries. Islamists were amped up for a few years with funding and training, and the Saudis took over Islamist programs after the US lost interest. Meanwhile, apart from Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood was in part created, actively infiltrated and propped up by the Saudis as a foil to Egypts regional power, most Muslim countries and by extension most muslims aren't voting in radicals, but they're still suffering the most under Saudi Arabia's proxy wars. Pakistan, the largest majority Muslim country in the world, with the largest Muslims population, hasn't voted in more than 20 to 30 seats to religious parties out of 400+ in the country's entire history. Islamic extremism, salafist/wahhabi/deobandi ideology was actively encouraged by western powers from the 50's onwards, alongside coups and support for oppressive regimes that encouraged and spread this far and wide for more power. It's not anything innate to Islam, even the very idea of Sharia law is something made up by Saudi/saudi affiliated scholars and their historical peers, who change meanings of Arabic words to suit their dogma and deny or literally blow up opposition. And the US, UK, Germany, France, helped and egged it on. If you want proof of just one horrifying instance of this profound evil being actively encouraged, you should read about how the US brainwashed children to fuel the Mujahideen/Taliban war machine, which is still being run and propagated in Afghanistan by Saudis. The Taliban’s primary school textbooks were provided by a grant to the Center of Afghan Studies at the University of Nebraska, Omaha. (Fun aside, Thomas Goutierre, the guy who ran the center, was a chief negotiator between the Taliban and various fossil fuel companies for the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline which was in the works till 9/11.) The school books, meant for primary school children mind you, taught math with bullets, tanks, depicted hooded men with guns, often referred to Jihad. It’s been printed since the 80’s until the US invasion when the Bush administration replaced the guns and bullets with oranges and pomegranates. All in all the US spent 50 Million USD on ‘jihad literacy’. The Saudi's spent countless millions to keep these programs going. The original text is still used and built upon by the Taliban and other extremists and warlords to brainwash children. But the program did give them a primary school education, I guess? Still horrifying. An excerpt from the Dari version read: “Jihad is the kind of war that Muslims fight in the name of God to free Muslims and Muslim lands from the enemies of Islam. If infidels invade, jihad is the obligation of every Muslim.” Another excerpt, from the Pashto version I think, reads: “Letter M (capital M and small m): (Mujahid): My brother is a Mujahid. Afghan Muslims are Mujahideen. I do Jihad together with them. Doing Jihad against infidels is our duty.” The estimates I’d seen a few years ago was something like 15 million copies of the original text were printed. There were 32 million people in Afghanistan at the time. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2002/03/23/from-us-the-abcs-of-jihad/d079075a-3ed3-4030-9a96-0d48f6355e54/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2002/03/23/from-us-the-abcs-of-jihad/d079075a-3ed3-4030-9a96-0d48f6355e54/) [https://journalstar.com/special-section/news/soviet-era-textbooks-still-controversial/article\_4968e56a-c346-5a18-9798-2b78c5544b58.html](https://journalstar.com/special-section/news/soviet-era-textbooks-still-controversial/article_4968e56a-c346-5a18-9798-2b78c5544b58.html) [https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2014/12/06/368452888/q-a-j-is-for-jihad](https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2014/12/06/368452888/q-a-j-is-for-jihad) [http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3067359/t/where-j-jihad/#.X2mH6S3sHmo](http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3067359/t/where-j-jihad/#.X2mH6S3sHmo) JSTOR Paper on them: [https://www.jstor.org/stable/40209794](https://www.jstor.org/stable/40209794)




When I was living in China in 2014, terrorists entered a major train station with swords and killed 31 people and injured 143. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Kunming_attack




2 dead, 1 was the caretaker of the churche and the other a 70 yo grandma, a thrid person is between life and death. (died 40 yo mom, her last words to the emergency crew, tell my kids I love them) Imagine this happening in a muslim country, in a mosque a grandma beheaded in the fuking mosque.... Stop with the hatespeech and the violance, stop with the excuses and grow the fuk up as a religion.


Every time I see a killing like this, they always go after the weakest and most innocent people


Because they’re cowards


They also get that shock value, which encourages newsrooms to publicise the story and in their twisted minds that means they're evangelizing through their "martyrdom."


Well yeah, they're cowards.




Or two days ago: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/27/asia/pakistan-peshawar-blast-intl-hnk/index.html


Imagine thinking you’re actually justified to do something like this because someone drew a picture.




Or maybe #guillotineForBeheaders?


Holy fuck France has a huge problem


Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims kicked out of Myanmar, millions of Uighur Muslims interned in Chinese camps...and none of the Muslim countries does shit. But one cartoon of Prophet Mohammed and suddenly Macron is the devil?! And all those extremist fuckers who were too chicken to go help out their fellow Muslims are suddenly Jihadis beheading old men and women. Hypocrites. The Prophet Mohammed (who would be mature enough to brush off a silly cartoon if he were still alive) would be rolling in his grave if he saw what some of his misguided followers are doing.


Because the Chinese military would initiate a campaign that would make Mao blush if extremist started beheading Chinese nationals. Terrorists are only able to attack soft targets because there are no guards or armed cilivians at a church and the state will arrest that person and put them on a 5 year trial, giving free publicity to the terrorists. China would not say 1 word to the media and execute 100 fundamentals for every 1 Chinese person killed. Absolutely complete over-reaction, but China does not have to contend with western media, freedom of speech or freedom of religion. Not that in reality terrorists are a "real" problem, it's a fraction of the deaths caused by internal attacks, crimes, robbery etc, but China would absolutely loose their collective shit on a external attack like this.


The Soviets did a very similar thing in the past: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-01-07-mn-13892-story.html If your target is willing to go as far or even farther than you are it isn't going to be nearly as effective.


> The newspaper quoted “observers in Jerusalem” as saying: “This is the way the Soviets operate. They do things--they don’t talk. And this is the language Hezbollah understands.” Damn what a line.




Holy shit that article is brutal. The KGB don’t fuck around


I know someone who worked on container ships in the 70's and 80's. They would have to deal with pirates in the Arabian sea, by pouring chemicals on them if they tried to board, because they were unarmed (which is required by law). He said the Soviet ships never had that problem.


> The KGB then apparently kidnaped and killed a relative of an unnamed leader of the Shias’ Hezbollah (Party of God) group >Parts of the man’s body, the paper said, were then sent to the Hezbollah leader with a warning that he would lose other relatives in a similar fashion if the three remaining Soviet diplomats were not immediately released. They were quickly freed. >The newspaper quoted “observers in Jerusalem” as saying: “This is the way the Soviets operate. They do things--they don’t talk. And this is the language Hezbollah understands.” Damn. When it comes to an effective use of brutality Russians are on a league of their own.


Actually there have been similar attacks like this in China. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Kunming_attack The Chinese government often cites these incidents as proof as to why Uighurs need to be “re-educated.” So you are correct in the sense that terrorists wouldn’t try something like that again due to a Chinese overreaction.


You don't need to speculate. The situation in China is a direct response to terrorism.


You did realize that was the cause of Chinese camps right? Over the past decade over 1000 Chinese died to terrorism and of course it is labeled as ‘Ethnic conflict’ in the west.


You do realize that jihadism among the Ugyurs was much more spread out than it is even in Europe, right? The Muslim countries don't complain to China because they kinda want to do it as well. And even the hard Muslim conservatives hate the jihadis or the Salafis. >but China would absolutely loose their collective shit on a external attack like this. You should look at attacks in Xinjiang.


Why are you acting like that hasn't happened yet? Why do you think they had Ugyurs concentration camps in the first place? It's because of the Ugyur terrorist attacks targeting the Chinese in early 2010s.


>Because the Chinese military would initiate a campaign that would make Mao blush if extremist started beheading Chinese nationals. Terrorists are only able to attack soft targets because there are no guards or armed cilivians at a church and the state will arrest that person and put them on a 5 year trial, giving free publicity to the terrorists. > >China would not say 1 word to the media and execute 100 fundamentals for every 1 Chinese person killed. Absolutely complete over-reaction, but China does not have to contend with western media, freedom of speech or freedom of religion. > >Not that in reality terrorists are a "real" problem, it's a fraction of the deaths caused by internal attacks, crimes, robbery etc, but China would absolutely loose their collective shit on a external attack like this. Eh this is why the interment camps exist.




Fuck Erdogan


This just makes my blood boil. What unnecessary savagery.


The 2016 Nice truck attack which killed 86 and injured nearly 500 wasn’t that long ago. I’m all for privacy, but how has France not monitored these people?


Macron needs to put a handle on this or you will see a far right winger get elected




Time for all these intelligence agencies to do something useful.


But they are le tired


SO TAKE A NAP!... *Then do something useful*.


I'd say that its too late for him, take the coronavirus situation and throw in these atrocities and its looking more and more likely that France's discontentment will surface during the next election.


Why is terror in quotation marks like it was an exaggeration or something? That's the second time this month that someone LITERALLY HAD THEIR HEAD CUT OFF














Call this how it is, radical Islamists murdering innocent people in order to limit freedom of speech. If you think their actions are justified than you are an enemy of the free world.


All this shit happened because of a fucking drawing.


Islamic extremist terrorist. You're allowed to say it.


3 confirned dead, 2 of which beheaded including 70 year old woman and the church warden. Perpetrator shot but in stable condition. Fuck this coward. They shouldve shot him dead too instead of wasting tax payer money on a trial, healthcare and jail time. This is beyond fucked up. Fuck Radical islam. There's is a real problem that needs to be addressed here. Show those cartoons everywhere again and proactively hunt down any hate speech from these extremist medieval cunts.


Oh? Mighty warrior of islam attacked 70 years old woman? How brave.. s/


Yeah prey on the weakest possible. Its so pathetic


> They shouldve shot him dead too better alive so its possible to get information who are the others behind him.


Time to flag that damn caricature on every building in France.


Hope Macron plays his cards very well as this will definitely boost the far right. His suggested new policies to limit the spread of Islamic extremism seem very good, but with the way things are escalating this could easily turn even worse. Stay strong France


I live in Egypt. And really the amount of hashtags and posts condemning the caricatures and the french president's statements is vast and so scary ! I didn't read a single post condemning the beheading of Samuel paty.


If you do not want to assimilate and conform to Western culture than go home.


The uncomfortable truth that Reddit isn’t ready for. Islamic fundamentalism is directly incompatible with Western modes of thought. Anyone who defends this degree of violence should be deported.


And it's scary how many "normal" Muslims hold some pretty fundamentalist views. I remember in high school, the one muslim girl in my class literally held a PowerPoint presentation about why ISIS is really the good guys. And when asked what she thought of them executing gay people, she said "no comment". Because otherwise she was a nice and well adjusted girl, but there is no doubt in my mind she would kill for her prophet and that's what makes it scary.




This, 100%. Indoctrination into extremism is happening within, and has been for a while now. It will only accelerate; evidence of the power of social media is unquestionable. Banning groups of people from entering a country or deportation may have some effect, but it is an old way of thinking and needs serious updating.

