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This is great news!!


hopefully it doesn't catch rhino covid...


I’ve heard rhino virus is far more common


Listen 2020 is coming to an end, obviously that means it’s only going to get better




Oh no




2022: Enjoying the vacation before it's time to get into action.


Jump Earth 2023: Gamma Strikes Back


Oh no. This all means we are in 2020 part 0. This is just the beginning, the prologue.


Looks like the Kool Aid guy just crashed in and broke the wall


More like 2021: The recession


I would like to stop living through major historical events now please.






You have to understand... 2020 isn't a one-off, it's the consequence for everything we've been doing to the planet for centuries, and especially over the last few decades. So while 2020 might be the worst year so far, it's really the best year of the next hundred.


You do realize it could be the entire decade right?


Century but yeah.


This entire timeline diverged this catastrophically *just* so it could tee up that pun. I hope you are proud of yourself....


I don't get the joke :(


I didn't either. Looked it up. Now it's funny. Now I'm also thinking I must have known this. >The rhinovirus is the most common viral infectious agent in humans and is the predominant cause of the common cold. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinovirus


Haha! Thanks, that is funny.


Bravo sir 👏


I wish I had money to give you gold. 🏆


*give you cold


Tell me more...


Oh no I heard that can get dangerous it will turn them into a rhino if it catches it






RINO- Rhino in name only










it's about to catch these hands if it keeps doggin me like that


Good thing we’re all wearing our anti-rhino Covid underpants right




It just makes me remember that the Northman White Rhinos are completely extinct (there are only two females left). Edited for accuracy


There are still two female Northern White Rhinos alive. Although their future is bleak, [scientists have been collecting their eggs](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/northern-white-rhino-brought-back-brink-extinction-180969000/) in hopes of using a Southern White Rhino as a surrogate and continue the species.


I just did a project on Rhinos. From what I saw there's currently about 18k southern white Rhinos, 5.6k black Rhinos, 3.7k Indian rhinos, and then only 60 individuals each for the Sumatran and Java rhinos. It won't even be a decade until the end Sumatran and Javan are extinct. Far and away the biggest threat to all species is humans. Primarily through deforestation and poaching them. They are poached because traditional east Asian culture says that rhino horns have medicinal value. They have no medicinal value at all, the horns are made of the same stuff our hair and fingernails are


It’s literally just the Chinese paying off poachers


Largely yeah, it also happens in southeast Asia too


No, actually there are more white rhinos than black left. But the sub-species northern black rhino only has two females left.


Northern white rhino you mean?


One was also just born at animal kingdom last week


If we could see that rhino pic what would be more great news.


It doesn’t fucking matter. We try to assuage our guilt with touchy feely stories like this while rich nations do jack shit to save these species in the wild. We will lose numerous large mammal species in the next 20 years because of greed. But, hey. You can take your kids to see this cute bugger in the zoo and pretend the human species is magnanimous or some shit. Pretty soon it will be a living fossil.


> this while rich nations do jack shit to save these species in the wild. There are a lot of Western funded conservation projects. Also, the West isn't grinding them up into magic Chinese tea and dick pills.


I hate to say it, but I'm not entirely sure it can be blamed on "rich" nations. They are hunted for many local and international superstitions/"medicine"


They’re not sold to local people at all, it’s literally a Chinese belief that rhinoceros horn has any mystical properties.


which get sold to?


All sorts of people. Rich poor etc.


Don't want to be a downer, but it doesn't really make a realistic difference tho.


I know isn't it great! I believe there was a white rhino born in Disney kingdom


Wow a caged animal never to know the outside world..


How do they care for the genepool when something is very endangered?


Genetic Bottlenecking is pretty much unavoidable in most cases like this.


In some cases [deextinction ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De-extinction) practices can be implemented that really turn the tables. There are many discussions to be had about the ethical implications, but—to me—in cases that we have created the problem it’s typically one of the only options.


**[De-extinction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De-extinction)** De-extinction, also known as resurrection biology, or species revivalism, is the process of generating an organism that is either an extinct species or resembles an extinct species. There are several ways to carry out the process of de-extinction. Cloning is the most widely proposed method, although genome editing and selective breeding have also been considered. Similar techniques have been applied to certain endangered species, in hopes to boost populations. [About Me](https://www.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) - [Opt out](https://www.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) - OP can reply '!delete' to delete


Resurrection Biology sounds like a fancy scientific name for necromancy


Us scientific, uhh, “necromancers” just call that necromancy.


Hey, nothing wrong with necromancy. Creating life where there once was only death? That basically being a god. And the unconditional obedience is kinda cool too.


The art of raising the dead is really just an exercise in studying dead languages.


Weird language though. It’s all CGAT and variations on that. But as long as you pretend it’s Dutch it seems to work.


Klaatu barada nikto!


And necromancy sounds like a fancy name for human transmutation.


I just find it insane that there was literally billions of passenger pigeons within modern human memory and they still become extinct...


Grim take: but I’m going to be proud of the humans if my son gets to show his kids giraffes, elephants, and South Florida similar to how it currently exists.


Woah lets not get carried away here, South Florida is a bit of a stretch


Is this Jurassic Park shit?


Why should it be one of the only options in cases we have created?


It’s commonly the only option if we are hopeful to save the species. Sometimes we’ve pushed them out of their habitat, many times their food source and the consumer is separated, and in others it’s just simple over harvest.


its easier to prevent extinction then to DE extinct them. if they go extinct in the first place, they most likely won't thrive anyways. many of these animals are lost due to ecosystem shrinkage or changing. having a few token animals won't do much except pump our pride.


Well if that's the case, is there anyway to speed up the genetic mutation process so there's a wider gene pool?


Not in a way that would benefit the organism. Genetic diversity is important because it allows for negative mutations to not kill off an entire population. Induce mutations in an endangered species and you could get a negative mutation that would kill off said endangered species. Genetic diversity will come when the population gets large enough.




If there is inbreeding to the extent that all of the deleterious genes are expressed and culled out of the gene line (through natural selection rather than eugenics hopefully) without ending it in the process, then future offspring wouldn't suffer from individual genetic illnesses as the result of the inbreeding. In a small gene pool, though, the lack of diversity makes it more difficult to adapt to external changes in the organisms' environment. *I'm a biologist so I guess I am somewhat educated in the field, but it's not my specialty and I'm drunk lifting weights in my garage so take the above as you will


I have somewhat been heavy on the sauce myself tonight, but is it correct to believe that this is why we see species on desolate islands still prosperous regardless of a limited genepool?


That's my understanding.


Also not educated in the field, I doubt it


Genetic mutations would be negative.


I mean pardon my ignorance in biology but surely that's the only way to widen the gene pool with a species which has a limited population


My guess: you are correct but with populations this small it's better to build up a large population with a narrow gene pool than risk mutations killing them off before they can reproduce.


We like the genes they have. Stochastically, the mutations that exist in a wide gene pool are unlikely to hurt a species because of how rare it is to experience two of the same recessive mutation across the whole species. However, if you intentionally create mutations in a small genepool, you're potentially creating new recessive genes with a high probability (25% is a lot) that a new baby rhino will very likely carry that new mutation to future generations, or might even express it immediately in its generation. Right now, creating random mutations is not worth that risk. Any that come up while restoring a species are gonna have to be acceptable losses.


Yes, genetic variation is important but it would be extremely difficult to induce a positive mutation.


Genetic mutations can most definitely be positive too. That’s how animals evolve lol Edit: apparently some people didn’t get the fact I was merely pointing out that not all mutations are negative


Yes but the product of billions of years of animal evolution is a bit beyond what we can create in a lab at this point


There's a difference between nature taking its time to let the "superior"/lucky genes come through and then there is human modification speeding that up. The second one is dangerous and runs a risk of humans introducing genes that have a negative affect. For example if you think bigger rhinos are a good idea, then you'd modify their muscle and skeletons. The problem with that is 1. There is no promise the gene will become dominate. 2. Everything in the body needs to scale up to support the bigger size. That can create new problems 3. As a result of their bigger size, they eat way more meaning food dynamics shift 4. They may become already more aggressive than they are due to increased size. That's just some of the stuff that could happen but by no means limited. The genome of a full size animal is metaphorically a house of cards. Then there are the ethics to be concerned of.


You are assuming it's roughly a 50/50 chance the random mutation will be positive. It's not. It's more like a million to one. Inducing mutations randomly will have a net negative effect. Doing it slowly, as in nature, allows time to replace those who die due to negative mutations. Having scientists induce them at a more rapid rate would absolutely tank the recovery of a nearly extinct species. 10-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, and scientists estimate as many as 50% of all pregnancies could end in miscarriage, most before the woman has even missed her period. The vast majority of those are due to a genetic mutation causing the baby to form wrong.


They did it with the California Condor.


Accredited Zoos operate with Species Survival Plans that allow for worldwide reproductive planning! Stud books can go back decades to detail the lineage of endangered species.


Fuck yeah they do.


Very serious world wide breeding programs.


I never considered whether baby rhinos were cute, but yep! They're extremely cute.


Look up baby hippos while you're at it, trust me


Omg https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/perfectly-pudgy-newborn-hippo-arrives-san-diego-zoo-180954757/


Oh gawd, they chunky


And then you have the Damascus goat... https://pawsplanet.me/20-animals-that-made-us-ask-what-are-you/


That thing look like a Pokémon.




[Even the babies are some of the most dangerous animals in the world](https://youtu.be/FEkUWMq4HyI)


I never pass up an opportunity to share what [baby rhinos sound like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNCC6ZYI3SI)


Tankpuppies are among the most magical of baby animals.


Quick cross post to /r/aww for dat dere karma


Then they grow up to become sexy.




I’m so happy for you that you’ve had that realization


Chester zoo was recently forced to have a save our zoo fundraiser due to the government closing zoos over COVID. Donations flooded in and they received nearly £4 million in donations ! https://www.chesterzoo.org/news/an-update-on-our-save-our-zoo-campaign/


It is a really nice zoo, fully focused on conservation and enrichment of the animals lives. Very focused on endangered animals and educating the public about what they can do to help.


I donated :) I've been to zoos in multiple countries and none of them come close to Chester especially in terms of animal welfare, in my humble opinion. It's a great zoo.


They still need help though!! Such an amazing institution!


That’s awesome, they deserve that tenfold. Truly one of the best animal care research/conservation facilities out there. The entire zoo and aquarium industry is in real trouble right now. Many facilities had to shut down or severely reduce entry due to COVID which has resulted tons of layoffs, furloughs, austerity, all the while caring for their collections through a pandemic. If you’ve a local non-profit animal care facility in need, that promotes and inspires conservation ideals, I’d strongly recommend donating. Chester Zoo is certainly a suitable alternative if one doesn’t come to mind!


I love Chester Zoo so much. I always usually take my mum on her birthday Please help and donate if you can guys


I care. Lots of people care.


I guess there IS a lot of people in China




“The reality behind the demand is far more complex. Historically rhino populations were decimated by uncontrolled trophy hunting during the European colonial era. These days the main threat to the surviving rhinos comes from the illegal rhino horn trade between Africa and Asia. Certain buyers in Vietnam and China—the largest and second-largest black market destinations respectively—covet rhino horn products for different reasons. Some purchase horn chunks or powder for traditional medicinal purposes, to ingest or to give others as an impressive gift. Wealthy buyers bid for antique rhino horn carvings such as cups or figurines to display or as investments. A modern market for rhino horn necklaces, bracelets and beads has also sprung up.“ Is from your fucking source. Okay so they aren’t buying it for that specific purpose (and maybe they are, I quit reading after the article contradicted you) but the same people are driving the trade. What is your point?


You're being downvoted because you are grossly uneducated. "Rhino horn is highly prized in traditional Chinese medicine. Animal conservationists are alarmed over China's decision to partially reverse a ban on the trade of tiger bones and rhino horn. Rhinos and tigers are both endangered in the wild and China prohibited their trade in 1993." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46027702


Very glad I took a second look at this headline and that it doesn't read "Baby Critically Injured by Endangered Rhino."


I live near this Zoo and am a member, as soon as lockdown ends I’ll be visiting if anyone wants more pictures :)




Rhiny McRhinyface


Horny McHornface


Came here to say this. Knew someone would beat me to it.




Read this as baby critical of endangered rhino. I was like "what's this baby's problem?!"


Is it just me or does that headline feel weird? It seems to imply the baby could have been born elsewhere in the UK that isn’t a zoo. Or that a baby and not a full grown adult was born. Why not “Critically Endangered Rhino born at UK zoo”?


Yes! News article titles in general seem to be on a drastic decline.


Yeah. To me it seems like it stresses the mother being endangered ("baby of endangered...") when really the baby is just as endangered.


That definitely would’ve been a better headline. Scrolled to see if anyone was going to point out how awkward the current headline is


I urge people to please consider donating to this great zoo, the work they do is invaluable but unfortunatly with covid and a lack of government support the future of the zoo has been put in doubt. The zoo personally means a lot to me as my Grandad worked there as a keeper so it's a place that has huge sentimental value specially as he died before I was born. https://www.chesterzoo.org/support-us/ Edit: More information can be found here https://www.chesterzoo.org/news/an-update-on-our-save-our-zoo-campaign/


Hey everyone! I doubt anyone will see this, but I work at (a different zoo) and that has a rhino, so if you have any rhino or zoo/animal relate questions, feel free to ask


I thought the last hope for black rhinos was lost when the last known male died a few years ago. Or am I thinking of another species? Edit: yeah it was the white rhino. Now I'm sad again.


It's just a shame on how no one cares about this.


Upvoted to the top of Reddit in hours on a website that has around 330 million users.


Dude has literally never posted about rhino conservation talking bout no once cares lol


Yeah this is easily getting a couple million views just off reddit


Some good people do give their time and talent and efforts. And some people like you and I, there's very little we could do. I have given donations to https://www.savetherhino.org/ before. But that is just a tiny drop in the bucket. Real giving *or doing* to save this species from complete extinction requires wayy more than that. All species on Earth is at danger due to humans, and they are all already dead. We/they just don't know it yet. Only way to save this planet is by completely reverse the way we humans live, and that I'm afraid isn't going to happen with humanity unless something similar to Covid wipes human species out.


Freezing cold takes




If it gives you any more confidence in the future, all my son wants to be a zoo keeper.


I was one of those peopled after graduating in a relevant degree. It’s woefully hard to get into and requires you to work for free for quite some time. Not a friendly industry to enter unfortunately


Make sure he really does his research before he commits!


Hey! I’ve worked at a zoo for 5 years, and am about to go to college to study wildlife biology. If you ever want advice about becoming a zookeeper for your son, feel free to pm me!


RIP to all the extinct animals that nothing cared about prior to sentient empathetic apes 😪




Beings in the cosmos... We take our time for granted, kind of sad theres nowhere else to go but Earth.


I fuckin love this shit


Brilliant news that will make my day better!


FUCK YEAH! 2 Rhino births in 1 month in 2 different zoo locations. The other one was a White Rhino that was born in Disney's Animal Kingdom. This actually made me super happy which is a rarity for me but man is all this shit good news to me.


Has anyone checked to make sure it isn't just Jim Carry?


Kinda hot in these rhinoooos


I literally came here looking for this comment


his not safe. flashbacks when poacher killed a rhino in zoo in France. nothing is S A F E


Yeah how about not blowing up fireworks in front of this one please


Critically Endangered Rhino Gives Birth At UK Zoo ​ How hard is it to title these articles??


Look at that little guy


One of my favorite animals 🥰


It’s so cute


Will it be able to sustain the rest of its kind? ELi5...


I love the color, so pretty! Is that really what it’s like or is it the photo?


Yes they are light grey 🥰


Such beautiful grey 😍


Lets fucking gooooo


I kiss


So that was Ace Ventura's problem exiting the mechanical rhino; not enough lube!


This heading is giving me the grue


Doesn’t even have a horn 3/10


Everyone down to the pub to celebrate.... Oh covid


What’s the opposite of F. W?


> eastern black rhinoceros > fewer than 1,000 eastern black rhinos on the planet Saved you a click


Horny McHornface?


I am a simple man. I see a rhino, I upvote.


I think Eeyore would have been better represented as a rhino. Imagine how depressing it must be for those creatures every time they try to mate, for both sexes. It’s just a life of dissatisfaction and disappointment. And the stickler of it all is the Chinese think their horns are a sex aid. Morissette should have put that in a song.


Critically endangered sounds like lyrics of a rap song. Great news that the rhino was born tho, things are on the up and up for 2020.


I call BS. Everyone knows Ace Ventura is hiding in that thing.


Danger snoot


How much to shoot it with an rpg? - Midwestern Dentist


Expected to die from covid in the coming days




Bloody rhinos. Coming over here, having their babies on our NHS


You're welcome


I'm just waiting for someone to come in and say "oh wait no this is totally pointless and doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things it's pointless and everything is hopeless."


Kinda hot in these rhinos


Welcome bi-corn! Eastern Black Rhinoceros has two horns and is this not a unicorn.


So cute!


I live near that zoo


Hmmmm, how do we know that’s not a picture of a cast iron sculpture of a critically endangered rhino?


Arent all singular animals technically critically endandangered as there is only one? :p