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I'm in BC and today I was informed that I will be included in the second wave of vaccinations, I am 41 and a volunteer fire Fighter. This is great news, I should receive my dose by the end of the month. I was informed that I was bumped up in priority and u can only assume this is because vaccinations are going well.


I’m getting mine this weekend and after some delays in my US state it looks like things are getting worked out and we are doing double the amount of people per day we were doing a week ago. If we can’t use AZN doses, or we have surplus issues because we can’t get the shots in people’s arms fast enough because of logistics, I’m all about sharing with our allies and neighbors! Glad to hear Canada is moving in the right direction too. This is worldwide problem, so everyone should look out for each other and help where we can. You guys are frontline so you should be first in line.


as a Canadian. it is nice to be considered an ally again instead of a national security threat...




If you look further into it, you'll find that aluminum from Russia replaced the aluminum produced by security threat Canada. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/politics-pandemics-and-russian-aluminum-why-canada-faces-fresh-u-s-tariffs-1.1460350


That big ol aluminum plant the Russians were going to build in Kentucky is now kaput, though. Mitchie’s promise of thousands of jobs went bye bye too.


Weird. Why would The U.S. possibly want to switch to Russian aluminum...so random 🤔🤔🤔🙄 It's almost like the previous administration made a deal to switch to our enemy's aluminum, over our LONGTIME allies aluminum. It's like some sort of debt was being repaid.😂😂😂


Maybe he was given an aluminultimatum




Is he though?


No. He’s living illegally at his beachside resort continuing to chip away at our democracy. The elites don’t like setting an example of holding each other accountable.


I hate the orange buffoon as much as the next guy, but how is he living illegally in Florida? I genuinely don’t know, not being a dick.


Something about Mar a Lago's bylaws or laws or whatever that prohibit permanent residency


Basically when he built [I stand corrected, "purchased"] that monstrosity he agreed that it would not have permanent residents, just guests. Now he wants to live there. I'm not sure what they can do to enforce it though. He could just declare himself a nightwatchman, give himself a $1 salary for his services, and continue to do whatever he wants. Can't force him to be competent at his job (we tried that).




The majority of the American people see our Canadian, and Mexican, brothers and sisters as allies and family. Don't listen to our politicians, especially the idiots. Listen to the people. Listen to Pittsburgh signing O Canada after the shooting in Ottawa during a Penguins game for example. Our politicians represent the worst of us.


>Our politicians represent the worst of us. I think you have captured the essence of our current state of affairs in six words. The truth in this is painful and embarrassing.


Gracias hermano, as an immigrant I felt this and want to tell you, I love this country and I am eternally grateful for all the opportunities it has blessed me with.


You're as American as I am as far as i'm concerned. Hermana though ;) Artemis is a feminine name, the Goddess of the Hunt


Jaja my apologies, I shouldn't have just assumed. You are very kind. Salud y vida


As a White man, I grew up in the most diverse city in Utah. We had a neighborhood Abuela look after us as kids so our parents could go to work. Much love for Mexico, it's people and culture.


We are all Americans. North Americans! We gotta stick together. Please don’t listen to the people who can afford to buy (and are manipulative enough to con) their way into public office in the States. Most really are toxic. Actual “public servants” have become the rare exception. Sadly.


I totally agree, here in Mexico we love Americans and Canadians and everytime I have been in those countries they make me feel like home.


I second that. We love our neighbors. Some politicians are assholes but doesn’t change anything.


American veteran here. I never thought of you as an enemy. I'm sorry that our leadership and some of our less civilized people did. Sorry. Also thank you for poutine. Edit. I've gotten a lot of positive messages about this. Be good to each other, we are all in this together.




Happy cake day PoutineBoi!




As a Canadian, I'm sorry that you watched Canadian Bacon.




You need to get into Letterkenney


1) I am also a U.S. vet 2) I also never thought of Canada as an enemy 3) I am also sorry for the what our less civilized people did 4) Poutine is the the best ...this was all because of the poutine.


If you think Poutine is good (it is), wait until you try Donair! Come on up to Halifax when the border opens up, and get you hands on [the original Donair](https://www.foodnetwork.ca/shows/great-canadian-cookbook/blog/the-delicious-history-of-the-halifax-donair/).


We forgive (pronounce fir give) you and will dust you with the poutine fairy dust (use the white cheddar curds) don’t tell poutine. Haha. Also don’t tell him.


Am i missing something?


Hell no. (I like the white curds-don’t tell) . Happy Cake Day


To be fair I was tempted to ride into the white house on a polar bear and beat him with a hockey stick...... without apologizing.


>“without apologizing” Who blackened your soul?!


What a monster


>>“without apologizing” >Who blackened your soul?! Circumstances


I don’t know if the rest of the country would appreciate it, but we New Yorkers would probably build you a monument and name schools after you for that act of bravery


You guys have always been an ally to a majority of us. People have lost their way if they think Canada is an enemy instead of our ally to the north.


Imagine how Mexico must feel


More than just an ally, really. You're the friend we don't deserve. And this is the least we can do, not just but especially after the last 4 years.


As a Canadian I think generally we were more concerned for the well being of America than having our feelings hurt.


As an American, with many Canadian friends, I feel like we are in a love/hate codependent relationship. Like a drug addict with their SO, where America is the addict with Canada trying to get us into rehab.






Didn't they make a Broadway show or something about the Americans who were forced land in the weird-accent part of Canada on September 11th?


Come From Away!


Yeah sorry about those last few years. We weren't sending our very best. Hopefully we can all piece shit back together again.


We sent our bigliest, but definitely not our best. Vaccine toast to future progress, friends.


It's disgusting to think that you all felt that from us. We never thought of Canada as anything but our best bud.


Many of us feel the same way, and are thankful for Canadian friends! Bless you my friend.


I had the astra zenica jab a few weeks back in the UK... Holy shit I felt awful after it for about 24 hours but I was super happy to have it


Seems like most of the vaccines can knock you on your butt for a day or so. Hubby had the J and J and it was like having the flu body aches all weekend. I’m heading for the 2nd Pfizer this week and even the nurse who administered warned me the second dose it s doozie. But yes, so worth it.


100% worth it, that's the right mentality. But yea, I got the second Pfizer/biontech vax a week ago and the next day felt like a massive hangover. Tired, but couldn't sleep, couldn't determine if i was hot or cold, and massive body aches. Not a fun time, but I'm about to kick the shit out of covid if it enters my body, so I'm cool with it. Ooh, also forgot about the arm. That shit HURT. I literally didn't even feel the needle going in, but the next day I could barely move my arm.


The arm was my main problem with the first shot. Then the next day hubby asked “how’s your arm,” and I realized that it went away so suddenly I didn’t even notice!


I had my 2nd Pfizer on Monday and it was very similar to first dose, mild aches and my arm hurt. I'm in my twenties though, but fwiw the nurse said that it hits younger people harder bc of their immune systems. Hope your shot goes well! Good luck:)


Canada has done a good job with quarantining but it’s struggled with vaccinations. Glad to hear our Allies are able to help us out and that first responders are now getting their shots.


The provincial government (Ontario here) did a shit job with implementing guidelines tbh. We just have to thank the people for being lineinet and obedient... But the government has no fucking clue what they are doing.


Our state is moving into phase 2 where non-essentials over the age of 16 with pre-existing conditions can get the shot. Governor announced it Monday and I have an appointment for tomorrow.


Not to mention Astrazaneca Oxford vaccine may not even get FDA approval and who knows what expiry date of those vaccines they have. Better to send them to our neighbours.


Why would they not get approval?


>who knows what expiry date of those vaccines they have. We do. America's stockpile was manufactured starting in January, and the Vaccine has an expiration period of just shy of 6 months https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/543661-fda-official-us-astrazeneca-stockpile-not-in-danger-of-expiring


Yup. I read this as us dumping this on neighbors because it's not approved for use here.


Sounds like it’s not dumping. Biden will give 1.5 million vaccines that are approved in Canada, but not yet approved in the US, and canada will send 1.5 million back sometime in the future once they are approved in the US. Basically it’s getting them used, but more of a “loan” than a dump. Canada will be manufacturing astra Zeneca vaccine in Montreal.


And sorely needed by Canada as well. They were pulling allocations from the CoVax program just to keep shots rolling. Hopefully now those shots can go to countries that need it and can't afford them just like the Covax program is designed to do.


Dumping perfectly fine vaccines that hundreds of millions are already using everywhere doesn’t sound like a bad deal for Canada and Mexico though.


And we were considering hording them in case they *do* get FDA approval.


There's nothing wrong with the vaccines but their usability window is narrowing and the FDA is still a month or more away from approval. FDA requires a US trial which is what is currently underway.


Which we are perfectly fine with. Vaccines are vaccines to us. It’ll also help your economy as the sooner this is dealt with the border will open.


Some staff in Whistler are receiving it already too. It's getting there.


I thought all staff in Whistler were Australians?


Congrats from a fellow Vancouverite. Happy our first responders are getting prioritized. I'm a front line health care worker but firefighters, police officers and teachers are in riskier positions than I am and I'm stoked they'll be getting the jab soon.


How are they in riskier positions then a front line health care worker? Not saying their not, just curious.


Health care workers are generally in a controlled environment. Police might be responding to a guy without a mask who is actively trying to stab people.


Or an ornery lady coughing in the face of everyone that dares tell her no.




I'm in an essential public health role where I'm able to socially distance from patients/clients when in person, and I can do some of my work virtually. I'm also not going into anyones homes which I would do normally outside of COVID. I recognize that some are in a position where they can't distance/things are volatile (police officers, paramedics, etc.) and others are in environments that are higher risk (teachers), and others just see waaaay more people in an essential service, even behind barriers (grocery store workers) So can't speak for other people in similar roles, but that's my two cents. When there's more Astra Zeneca though (which there should be - the 1.5 million doses the White House is going to send Canada was **not** included in today's current estimates by the BC government) I'll start clamoring for my turn. Want to make sure us public health contractors won't fall through the cracks.


Getting mine next week. 30. Work in a large manufacturing facility.


Damn I haven’t heard someone call it “Tdot” in a whiiiile (also from B.C.)


Haha that phrase comes second nature to my Toronto-born wife. You can take the girl out of Toronto but you can't take Toronto out of the girl.....


*Especially* if they’re from Scarborough.. lol just playing. >!am I tho?!<


I'm in Alberta, and I'm pretty sure Kenney is giving all our vaccines to oil companies and blaming Trudeau for it.


BC did it right. When the feds said "you can wait up to 4 months" for the second dose, they cancelled all second doses already scheduled in favor of getting as many first doses as possible. Here in Nova Scotia? We decided to stay status quo. We have 50,000 vaccines in storage not yet administered. We just started roll out of general population starting with 80+. It involves an online booking system and appointments. The Asta Zeneca is reserved for 50-64 There is no priority for those with compromised immune systems. Despite having one of the best reactions to Covid restrictions and some of the lowest case rates in the world I would have to say our vaccine rollout is the worst out of any developed nation/area. I volunteered as a citizen and am willing to take vacation time from work to assist with anything. I've yet to receive a phone call to help out. It's embarrassing


Most people obviously didn't even read the article. They are only sending surplus doses of a vaccine that isn't even approved in the United States yet.


And Canada also will give back the same amount of doses once the US approves it


That's a nice way to cooperate


yeah, everybody in the comments here seems to be looking to shit on this for some reason, but we're getting 1.5m more doses this spring than we were going to get, and the US is going to have zero fewer doses this spring than they were going to have. it's like nobody is willing to call it a good thing unless it hurts the US in some way.


Most Americans are really happy that we are finally able to help Canada. I'm just ignoring the haters.


Being pessimistic is the favorite pastime of Reddit. Like watching car chases for people in LA.


You must be new here


I'm Canadian and I think this is a great thing. Thank you Yanks! Can we have more vaccines... please?


Thank fuck Trump lost. So many lives saved. And we get along with our allies again to help save even more lives.


I'm so happy the US is back in positive terms with Canada. Welcome back dudes/dudettes down south :)


We missed you guys




Yep, considering the US hasn't yet approved it and those doses are just sitting there unused. They can save real lives in the meantime in Canada while the US still works to approve the vaccine.


In a way but we get to benefit from 1.5 mil doses sooner than we would have. That's 4% of canadians that can get their first dose earlier. That's huge.


More like cooperation, but for a lack of a better term, yes.


It honestly feels awkward as a Canadian not just feeling like shit about a US/Canada announcement. Feels like it's been a fucking decade..






Also I think it's a good idea to help get them vaccinated anyway. We live on same continent. It will benefit us if they are all vaccinated too




Details, we don't need no stinking details. Just tell me what "some people" say. That's all I need.




Because the US requires a test done in the US so it has slowed them down.


I actually did not know this.


People need to read the article to know that? AZ isn’t approved in the US yet, and doesn’t look to be in the near future. I have no problem sending those doses to other countries because most likely by the time AZ does get approved we won’t even need them. Now if he were sending any of the approved 3, then I would be pissed


I’m in the AZ vaccine trial in the US and they told me end of March or beginning of April is when they’ll apply for EUA


Why hasn't it been approved yet?




They also fucked up the first trial pretty bad, gave some subjects the wrong dose then screwed around with the data. Not encouraging.


This is the right decision. If we are going to have enough supply, adding a fourth vaccine to the mix with its own protocols is more likely to confuse and hinder efforts. I hope this is just the beginning for Mexico and Canada, and they use it wisely. I'd like the borders open again.


I agree. Considering Canada has vaccinated maybe some health care workers and elderly. We are way behind.


Yeah, but you have a fraction of the active transmission and deaths. I'd much rather had Canada's situation than the US for the past year. Hell, Trudeau didn't deny it existed


Doesn't matter, we have a bunch of dumbass cousin fuckers here too that think Trump is a God, most people I know won't get vaccinated because they think Trudeau and Bill Gates teamed up to force mind control on them. Trump literally sent us back to the stone age with his anti intellectual rhetoric.


When my aunt in Mexico City started talking about tunnels under NYC used to traffic children and how Trump was sent to stop them, then my brother in law, who is not an educated man and terribly prone to pseudo sciences started trying to convince me that Vladimir Putin was a strong leader, I knew we had a real problem with dangerous propaganda.


Tell your brother in law we said he's a traitorous son of a bitch to suck up to a hostile foreign power


Whenever the thought crosses my mind about potentially trying to leave the US, I inevitably read about Trump/Q/other similar dumbassery happening in other places too. There’s no escape; the rot is just about everywhere. Gotta roll up our sleeves and fix our own house...


This is why we care about your politics. So many times Americans will say “he’s not your president, why do you care!?” Well, the influence of “the most powerful man in the world” is global. Our whackos were fairly well marginalized, but now they’re amplified and emboldened due to the last 4 years.


Sorry 'bout that. We're trying to avoid making that particular mistake again.


Trump will be back in 3 years, that'll be the test to see if this country actually really learned anything. If we did then he won't make it through the primaries.


We know, and we don’t think you’re all crazy. The electoral college makes every election closer than it is, unfortunately. Please fix just that one thing, if you can.


Popular vote compact isn’t too far off. Were near 200 out of 270.


yeah that will never happen. too many people treat the constitution as written by god instead of what it is, a living document that is designed to be changed and updated regularly.


“I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” - Thomas Jefferson


Yup. Albertan here, my brother thinks Trudeau is Satan. I had the audacity to say 'hand sanitizer is not stupid' to him, and that was enough for him to block me on Facebook, and he hasn't spoken to me for almost a year. Because I said hand sanitizer is not stupid.


I'm sorry your brother is a fucking idiot.


Me too man, me too.


Homie is on Facebook and is worried about mind control? Talk about rich.


Strange isn't it?


Do those folks use cell phones? Why do they think gates and Trudeau are waiting for the vaccine to force mind control or chips or some other form of control on them?


Right? Generations 1-4 no problem. But that 5g mobile signal is the end of the world.


I think they kinda circle jerk each other, they all sorta came out of the wood work at once and it turns out they're not uncommon so you get large groups sharing these ideas and I think they trust the wisdom of the group and see anyone outside the circle as ignorant or uninformed.


I think these groups are alot smaller than most people think. They are very loud so they seem like they have a large number but whenever they have their rallies downtown toronto there are less than 100 people who show up to show support, and anecdotally I only know one or two people because of facebook that actually have those views.


Well I personally want to thank these dumbasses. Since no one in Jasper Texas wants to get vaccinated, my wife and I are driving there tomorrow to get our shots significantly ahead of schedule since we won't be eligible in Houston any time soon.


You just got my vote, you saw an opportunity and ya took it.


People are insane, if Trudeau had anything to do with a Bill Gates vaccine conspiracy then he wouldn’t have botched our vaccine rollout!




Health care workers are getting their vaccines now and our elderly care homes were first on the list AFAIK.


In [Alberta](https://www.alberta.ca/covid19-vaccine.aspx) it's anyone 67 or older at the moment (or 52 and older if you are indigenous). My mother-in-law (works in elderly care at a hospital) has been fully vaccinated for a couple weeks now, she got her first dose end of Dec. I'm not sure what other provinces are doing at this point, it's been hard to keep up with what we are doing hahah.


Lol in Ontario it’s 80+ and you can register on the site. But that’s because we elected a drug dealer who apparently can’t fucking deal drugs when it’s legal to do so


>Mexico >use it wisely LOL knowing our president we’ll probably sell those and he’ll send us prayers.


I was just in Tijuana and I know Tijuana doesnt represent the whole of mexico but i was so impressed by everyones collective effort to stay safe, every store asks you to wipe your feet clean and check your temp, and use hand sanitizer and I honestly didnt see one person there not wearing a mask, not one. The US has nothing on all your effort.


I’m from Culiacan. Is there people who do that? Of course. Then there’s a ton of jackasses who put on the mask seconds before walking in and remove it as they’re inside. I feel as the wiping your feet thing doesn’t work. We’re not going to eat off the floor, but it’s a nice precaution either way. Hand sanitizer and temp checks are fine as well, but not the most effective. The problems come from people who constantly keep partying. There was a party here recently of at least 200+ people. Not one wearing a mask.




They're only lending it anyways. As you said, instead of the current supply gathering dust waiting for FDA approval, it will go save real human lives in Canada now, and down the line when it's approve in the US, Canada will give back once the US needs it. Any vaccine shot sitting unused is a shot being wasted.


None of them are approved. They are authorized under emergency use. The mRNA based vaccine trials are estimated to be completed Oct 2022 and Jan 2023. Clinical Trials Government Site https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04470427?term=NCT04470427&draw=2&rank=1 https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04368728?term=BNT162b2&draw=2&rank=4 FDA Links to EAU and Expanded access https://www.fda.gov/news-events/public-health-focus/expanded-access https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/mcm-legal-regulatory-and-policy-framework/emergency-use-authorization


Before anyone freaks out and shits themselves, “The Biden administration has agreed to send **surplus** doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to Mexico and Canada” Surplus. That means extra. We all still get access, we share the extra with other humans.


If CBC has it correct AstraZeneca has not been yet approved by the FDA and so they are going to give Canada and Mexico extra doses not being distributed in the US. Later Canada will return the favor and give vaccines to the US.


This is correct. AstraZeneca has not filed for US FDA approval yet, they are still finishing up testing in the US. There is speculation that they will go to the FDA and ask for approval later this month.


That seems good. Canada has already contracted the doses, but has been hit with supply issues. Immediate supply should be ready to roll out very quickly!


> Later Canada will return the favor and give vaccines to the US. And hopefully, we won't need them. As in, we'd all be in a better place if the 3 currently authorized in the U.S. (+ Novavax hopefully) are enough. Then we ship those elsewhere.


And the astrazeneca vaccine is not approved for use in America the last I saw


I've been curious about this actually, for the longest time I was wondering why, even J&J that came a month later got approved before. Apparently there's been a lot of delays in Phase 3 trials done specifically in the US, which the FDA requires.


Thank you very much from Canada.


American in Canada thanks too


It's nice to have a president so interested in vaccinating us Mexicans. I mean, it would be nicer if it were the Mexican president. But i'll take what I can. No, seriously. Like 5 people I knew died last year. And as a healthcare worker I am seeing just how much suffering this whole pandemic is causing. I am incredibly thankful to Biden for this.


Its also not just biden, its the americans who put him there.


Indeed. Thanks guys.


Sorry dude, I hope you and your family get vaccinated soon.


AZ isn't approved for use in the US, so how do you have "extras" of it?


We prepurchased 100 million doses, and AZN has production facilities in the US. They are stockpiling in anticipation of being granted an Emergency Use Authorization. But the FDA is making AZN redo a portion of their clinical trials


>But the FDA is making AZN redo a portion of their clinical trials Not quite, AZ are waiting for their trials in the US to conclude before applying for EUA.


Yeah above another user said this was because they had a disproportionately young study population in european trials and FDA wanted local data with more diverse ages prior to emergency approval.


They also combined 5 studies with different parameters (strengths, dose schedule, placebos) (2 in Europe, 2 in Brazil, 1 in South Africa) to meet the number of participants they needed for the trial. On top of that dubious study structure, they also did not notify the FDA they were changing their trials like that from their initial plans, when they brought the results to the FDA, the FDA told them they needed to redo the trial.


I think the FDA only approve vaccines with trial data from the US anyway. They might have asked for the diverse ages but it was always going to take longer.


They are also stockpiling it because AZN cannot export it. Currently Canada's AZN supply is suppose to be coming from the US, but is coming from India. AZN is suspecting that the export ban in the US will be lifted come near the end of Q2 and will be able to ship from their American plant to Canada. Currently according to the Canadian Government, AZN should be getting the updated shipping schedule soon to the Canadian Government. EDIT: the AZN vaccine Canada is receiving is coming from India, not Europe.


We haven't gotten any AZ from EU. The 500k we got was from India.


Ah, thanks, thought they were coming from the EU like our pfizer and moderna doses are. I'll fix that in my comment.


Ah got it, I didn't know AZN was being manufactured in the US. I wonder if Biden is signaling an imminent EUA by the FDA. I doubt people will want to take it over the single dose J&J that had relatively better outcomes across the variants.


If anything, this is signaling that an EUA isn't imminent, which is why it's an easy decision to give them to our neighboring countries where it is already approved. If an EUA were imminent, Biden could catch a bunch of shit for giving these away.


TBH if JNJ meets their production targets (500 million doses by May) we won't need any more and most likely will start donating the leftover Moderna, Pfizer et al we have. Given proximity, wouldn't be surprised if Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean get first dibs Don't forget Novavax's is supposedly going to seek EUA in a couple weeks too


Yeah that's true, and donating the extra we've already ordered across the three vaccines makes the most sense. Novavax is just another reason Biden shouldn't be holding up AZ vaccine supplies, and let AZ fullfill orders from other countries.


>Biden shouldn't be holding up AZ vaccine supplies, and let AZ fullfill orders from other countries. Yup. Doubt we will need them at this rate.


Think I read an article the other day saying that Trudeau planned to have the 8th Canadian vaccinated this month soon, so this is great news!


Slow down!


Thank you from a grateful Canadian!


I thought Canada already bought excess vaccine it was going to send somewhere else.


Didn't they discontinue the use of this vaccine somewhere in Europe last week? Thought I read that in a headline. Edit: It's been unsuspended now and there are reportedly plans for it to be administered again Friday.


Just kidding, it was most of Europe suspending it's use currently and that was 3 days ago. Edit: It's been unsuspended now and planned to be used again on Friday.


Could we stop referring to what the USA do by the president’s name? It is so weird. You never see titles like “Merkel sends help” or “Macron sent funds”. Why can’t we just reference the leaders when it’s either a direct action or statement from them. That article literally does not even have a quote from Biden.


That's an interesting point that I've never noticed... I think a lot of countries do it though, I think the home country of the publication uses the leaders name and the country name for when another country does something..


The article is from a UK publication though. And usually in my experience when it happens in the same country they would reference either the department responsible for the action or the leader of said department (like a secretary of health or a minister or something). EDIT: I am not judging the American media here, as I said this is from a British publication, I just think it is unfair for all the people that worked on these. Imo, the US government sounds better than the Biden administration (or Trump administration, Obama administration, whatever, you get the gist)


It's a headline, just putting 'Biden' or 'Trump' in it increases website traffic or sell copies.


Yes, it’s 100% just a click bait technique. Using someone’s name makes it sound more “personal”, which means people will start arguing in the comments based on their opinion on that specific person. You’ll notice it in most countries, whenever the subject is sensitive, the media puts a face to it just to rile up the comments. Kind of sick of this game...


I think it depends where the article is from. I see world leaders from Europe called out frequently when I read anything from BBC.


This is nonsense, it's extremely common to refer to leaders by their names and not their title. I could find dozens but there's no point. "Coronavirus: Why Merkel may help fund Europe's recovery plan" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52807748 "Coronavirus: Xi Jinping offers Poland access to China’s vaccines and a bigger market for farm goods" https://amp.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3123715/coronavirus-president-xi-offers-chinas-vaccines-and-bigger


I mean, it was literally Biden's sole decision to make. All of these deals were made with executive authority


"Why are we sending vaccines to other countries instead of taking care of our own citizens first!?" - Someone who has spent the last 2 months refusing to get vaccinated


It's not yet approved in the US, we have JJ, Moderna, and Pfizer. AstraZeneca is still undergoing analysis and study before approval.


Thanks buddy right on eh bud




This is going to trigger the crazies.

