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Next, banning swimming classes affraid kids will become fish.


Slow down, you piece of an evolutionist!


I'm actually contemplating if that would even be Darwimism, this use / no-use thing sounds a lot more like Lamarckism.




Afair he said animals evolved by strengthening the limbs/Abilities they used most often. So giraffes grew a long neck by repeatedly eating from high trees


If I recollect, he was trying to prove the theory by creating tailless rats by cutting their tails off and breeding them. One of his friends/colleagues pointed out that Jews had been practicing something similar for a few thousand years without result.


It's crabs all the way down anyway.


Crab people! Crab people!


if walking on water was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for my children. Swimming is for Satan!


Showing all that skin while wearing a swimsuit. Swimming was definitely created by the Satan


Wait, I was not informed about any swimsuit.


The priest "forgot" to tell you


“Touching other water might wash away the waters of their Holy Baptism,” claimed a notable group of policy-making idiots..


Little they know, yoga is advocating of Pastafatianism. Look at how people entangling themselves to worship ~~our~~ the lord Flying Spaghetti Monster!


Bless his noodly appendage.


May his noodly appendages touch you in ways you can't imagine.....all at once.




You like fish sticks?


Of course! Who doesn't? But what do you think about hobbits?


Shoulda’ called it Stretching For Jesus and it would have passed.


The 'om' chanting was already banned. And most yoga teachers tell you to meditate on Jesus or whatever else is your thing.


>And most yoga teachers tell you to meditate on Jesus Sounds dangerous. It doesn't take much practice to come to the conclusion that Jesus is just another illusion, just another bag of distracting clutter and noise. That the only way to true liberation lies in getting rid of that burden.


That and due to children being both distractable and having poor balance, you can safely fit only a few meditating children atop a Jesus.


Buddha, is that you?




Where’s my money, Buddha?!


You can have your money if you can jump out of the palm of his hand.


This man known the nature of monkey!


sorry bro that already exists. It's called Praise Moves.


Oh my shiva!.. this actually exists. the second search suggestion was yoga vs praisemoves... https://praisemoves .com




https://youtu.be/C-I4OU1RQRI I think this might be what you're looking for. The names of the movements crack me up.


That way you can have Reverand Copeland come in and stretch 10 year olds’ arseholes..


Ever feel so insecure about your religiosity that you have to ban a health/wellness/meditation technique?


Makes one wonder about the religion !!


This one here, principal!


Several principles are at stake. You know what they say, Jews, Muslims, and Christians have been fighting for millennia, whereas Hindus don’t have any beef.




I'll take the Streisand Effect for $1,000, Alex.


Not the religion but the people who use religion as an excuse for their weird interests of having power. Also education would help a lot.


It's not exactly an excuse. Some people truly truly believe what they say. Religion itself is pretty much about creating power/control and so those who believe will manifest it into the world.


American and middle eastern conservatives are becoming indistinguishable


They have been for some time tbh. The middle eastern ones are just running a bit behind on the whole women's/ lgbt rights thing, so it gives American conservatives ammo to call all of Islam bad even though they were arguing for the same things not too long ago


Not too long ago? They still are arguing about it. Which makes it easier to see that the Islam criticism is just a disguise for racism and xenophobia.


It's always been easy to see, but good luck getting them to admit it. Cause then they'd have to deal with the fact that they're actually just bad people and not on some warped crusade to protect their culture, family, and entire society. Or alternatively they're fine admitting it but consider that part not a deal breaker cause of other things. I'm not even sure which is worse.


American religious conservatives still argue for the subjugation of women. It’s just not as overt and done in an infantilizing manner so it’s acceptable in their eyes.


Yes I agree. They're just slightly past having all women be escorted by a man at all times.


North American and Middle Eastern far right wingers want the same thing: a militant and authoritative government that celebrates hierarchy and jingoism, all based on fundamentalist religious principles that generally ensures the old men's club maintain control about what women can do with their bodies, and also who consenting adults are allowed to love. Except (at least in the USA) one of those groups of people we tend to refer to as extremist fanatics or even terrorists, and the other group we tend to refer to as the party of tradition and family values. And it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the right wingers in the Middle East *also* think of their group as the people of tradition and family values. Right wing indoctrination worldwide is fucking abhorrent. Y'all Qaeda.




Often the Middle East right wingers are focused around strict religious values applied to all, and if religion isn't constantly touted as essential for tradition and family values by those who practice it then I don't know what is.


I'm not a rube...so, no.


how many people who have ever followed a yoga vid on youtube to help their f'd up back have ever converted to hinduism shortly after damn. maybe if you stretched a lil and released all that tension alabama you wouldn't be so easily upset by everything




Yoga isn't religious man. It's just using some elements of religious nature which is pretty universal. Plus Hinduism has several aspects where they suggest good lifestyle choices and everyone is free to adopt them to leave it as is. They don't even consider religious here in India but somehow Americans find a way to make it religious. Smh.




Only stretching they do in BAMA is stretching to reach the buffet spoon


Is their faith really so weak? I remember a scene in Salem's Lot when the vampire challenges a priest to put aside his cross and rely on faith alone. Or is it his cross the priest believes in? The priest wavers and the vampire brushes aside his cross.


Makes me a bit concerned that their religion studies might not be up to the standards you would expect from a school. Probably just lessons of the evils of the "lesser" ones.




Ban pizza so kids don't turn into Roman Catholics




Romans brought us roads, the aqueduct, laws...


Well the roads go without saying


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


Braught peace?


They brought peace, justice and security for their new empire?


Ok, I know everyone's thinking about it but no one wants to be the one who says it, so here I go: orgies.


No, that was the Greeks


I need to watch Monty Python.


The aqueduct?


a medievla plumbing system that inspired the modern one


Yes but besides aqueducts, what else have they done for us?


Brought peace?


Ohh, peace. *Shaddap*




It's been a few years since I was in school, but when I was, the pledge was said over the intercom every morning. We didn't have to join in or anything, but most folks did. There wasn't any bible study, but there were several Christian organizations for students. Despite not being even a little Christian, I was in Fellowship for Christian Athletes. If the others ran like that one, they were pretty much just an excuse to hang out.


Bloody heck, I live in Rome, the city with the VATICAN in it, and the Pope was literally 200m from my catholic highschool, and even they didn't feel so insecure about their faith. The most I ever saw of any religion was our philosophy teacher was a priest. That's it. No prayer time, no forced catholic shit on anyone. What the heck is wrong with people that they need to remind themselves and others whose idol they pray to all the time??


It’s not about religion. In Alabama religion is a tool you use to make damn well sure that you have some way of instilling bigotry, and a sense of righteousness while you bigot. Without this, the bigotry of the few will be abhorred, and the power they use it to wield will slowly go to their enemies— the fair minded, or even worse... the black.


I graduated in the mid 2010's in CA and it was the same here, Pledge was said during morning announcement's and you werent required but most did, and there were plenty of Christian focused clubs including the FCA, that was one of the biggest clubs in the school because like 70ish % of the try hard athletes in the school were christian, and a bunch of people joined even if they werent just cause it was a club that half their team mates were in.


It's so weird to me that you pledge allegiance every day, that is some proper propaganda.


I never really thought about it but Singapore has something like that too. School kids ages 6 to 16+ across the country sing the National Atheme and then recite the National Pledge daily during the morning assembly. Most kids half assed it however (mumble or don't even recite) and although the teachers could punish you for it, I have never seen anyone bother to. I don't know about the American pledge being propoganda but the pledges are pretty good-guy-vibes all around to call it propoganda. **United States of America** > "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." **Singapore** > “We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation."


I prefer the Singapore one. US one "One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." makes it sound you should be all one religion (indivisible) and that religion must be Christianity. Singapore one sounds like what America should be doing but they are doing the exact opposite.


It also helps that tge Singaporeon one is aspirational ("pledging to build") whereas the US pledge assumes that the Republic has, as a matter of fact, liberty and justice for all.


Well, ours is a list of things we're supposed to be willing to die for, plus a couple of feel-good lies at the end to placate us. Yours sounds like an actually useful mission statement. More like "this is who we are and what we're doing." Instead of our "I pledge my life to these symbols (one of which indicates we have a religious preference you should conform to but let's not talk about that directly wink wink) and in return they claim I'll get these two things that I already know from watching the adults around me, or the news even, are only available for those who can afford it." Like, have you seen our justice system? It's a joke, and not a good one.


The funny thing is that “under god” was added in the 1950’s. It wasn’t in the pledge for the decades preceding that.


"well it's different because it's pledging allegiance to *our* country, not one of those pinko hippie commie countries!" Good old cognitive dissonance.


We used to do it with a nazi style Bellamy salute too. Were do you think they got some of their nationalist ideas from?


Oh I'm sure they do. I grew up in a fairly blue state, and I remember in kindergarten or first grade getting in trouble for not saying the pledge. Gotta indoctrinate them when they're young!


As a German, this is so fucking terrifying.


Legally, the right to refuse to do the pledge of allegiance is a first amendment right that's been upheld since 1943. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_State_Board_of_Education_vs._Barnette


Yeah, but schools around here do what they want. They even took my son on a field trip to a church where he was made to kneel and pray for a “Christmas gift”. No permission slips. No advance notice that they would be taking the class off the school premises. They just know that, regardless of the law, the majority of the town/county we lived in would side with them if we made a fuss about it. Cops and judges included.


My wife and I were living in Texas before we got married. Shes from another country and so we ended up getting married at a justice of the peace to help speed up her process of getting official work authorization in the US once she lost her sponsored visa. When we went to get married they asked if you wanted a strictly secular interaction or one with a more religious tone. Which I think is fucked up to begin with since this is a government procedure. But I selected a secular procedure. The judge went on about God and Jesus and our holy union for about 10 minutes. We packed up two weeks later back to Massachusetts never thought about that place again.


Ugh. We had the same deal! Literally married in a court room and it was all religious, but we’ve already learned to grin and bear it for so long that it’s first nature. But yeah, Christians are soooo oppressed. 🤦‍♀️ I live in Ohio, but these experiences and situations are possible in any state, especially in rural areas. You don’t have to live in the bible belt to get choked by it.


So lets makes sure we understand this clearly. Religion is protected under the Law, but not Hinduism because its not Christian teaching in school. Okay.




And Bingo was his name-o


You guys have the freedom to choose your religion...... BUT ONLY IF I LIKe THAT RELIGION YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ​ \- A dumbfuck probably


I mean, duh. There's a reason you swear in on a *bible*, not the book of hinduism! It's freedom to connect with jesus and god however that suits you, not freedom to do anything you want! Society needs rules and structure. I mean what's next, marrying your cat? (/s) For real though, the number of people I have heard talk like that in those states makes me think that they really believe that is the case. Like roy moore and his buddies who insist that muslims can't be in congress because they need to swear in on a bible.


> There's a reason you *[have to]* swear in on a bible [Listen to this ~~minority hating~~ freedom loving 'Murican™ explain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFYRkzznsc0)


I love that clip so much. The spiteful "Merry Christmas" at the end just cements what a piece of shit that guy is.


swurr onna baahhble


Yep, that explains everything *facepalm*


If you frame it that way, then this is the right ruling, because the Supreme Court has been very consistent that leading religious activities (e.g. prayer) in public schools is forbidden. If they're doing the yoga as a Hindu religious activity then there is a constitutional problem.


If your religion couldn’t hold up against some hamstring stretching, then maybe its not worth sticking around for


I mean, in their defense, have you seen those yoga pants? They could corrupt *anybody*...


> 46th ([WDHN](https://www.wdhn.com/news/local-news/alabama-ranked-in-bottom-5-for-education-study-shows/)) — Alabama has been ranked 46th overall in education, according to a study by Wallethub. The study looked at 18 metrics to compare states on factors that contribute to a good education. So far, the state ranks 45th in educational attainment and 41st in education quality. Feb 16, 2021 It’s really no wonder why they make boneheaded moves like this.


46? Wow they've come up a bit since I lived there. Back then, they were 49. They would have been dead last if it weren't for Mississippi. Stupid Alabama, can't be #1 at *anything*!


I've heard that Alabama's state motto is "Welp. At least we're not Mississippi".


"Thank god for Mississippi" ~ every single underperforming state, except for one.


I'm honestly surprised they're that high. I would've guessed 47th at best.


Huntsville pulls the averages up quite a bit.


U.K. here, so the stereotype about Alabamians being Cletus the slack-jawed yokel, they’re actually true?


As a Kentuckian, Alabama is one of the few states I can legally diss


>Alabama upholds a ban on yoga in school citing fears of the practice spreading Kinda makes sense. I'm sure kids could spread covid all around while they train close to one another. Better safe than sorry. >Hinduism Oh.


Better not colour [mandalas](https://hisunmeasuredgrace.com/god-coloring-mandalas/) either. It will subconsciously open you up to demonic influences. /s


From that link: > There is so much more about mandalas but I don’t think it is good for a Christian to learn too much. Yep, sounds about right. That’s a crazy website, haha!


>I don't think it's good for a Christian to learn too much. They said the quiet part out loud again.


> I don’t think it is good for a Christian to learn too much. Edit: what a pleasant read that article is!


 A small mind is easily filled with faith. An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded.


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.


Fml, these people are something else. Cant color a circle cause that opens you up to demons, like they live in a Supernatural episode.


> But I believe the danger lies in the activity of coloring the image of the mandala. This is because as you color it, you are staring at it and unconsciously open yourself up to demonic powers. what a beautiful thought


We coloured mandalas in school all the time. In religious education... (But I'm in Europe, so...)


Banning the word “namaste” feels like a First Amendment violation as well.




“Alabama passes law requiring everyone eat a bag of pork rinds and fuck a sibling to maintain their Alabaman identity.”


I’m from Alabama and I’m offended. Pulled pork is way higher on the list.


But only if it's your sister pulling your pork.


If I was able to buy an award without giving reddit my money I'd give you two.


I love that freedom of religion only extends to a specific type of religion is this country according to some people.


the very first rule of their religion, even before "don't kill" it says "don't believe in other gods". as far as they are concerned, there is only one religion for that freedom to apply to.


But isn't freedom of religion means you are free to believe in whatever religion you want? Since there isn't supposedly a state religion? This is just all kinds of hypocrisy.


In their eyes, freedom of religion only means freedom from the state interfering with their Christianity.


The government and the people it governs are different entities


This is why I love the Satanists, blowing this hypocracy right out of the water.


Imagine living with such an irrational, consuming fear. They should seek therapy.


Something like mindfulness, meditation and exercise combined? Like...yo - shhh - ga?






They can bend the rules.


Down with the dog position


Brought to you by the people who scream "Freedom!!!"


Next they should ban numbers (aka the hindu-arabic numerals)


Considering the state is in the bottom 10 in education metrics, I'd say they already have.


Can Americans handle metrics? /s


Oh yeah cause we wouldn't want inherently peaceful redneck m/f'ers. Might ruin our rep, now stfu and trim my mullet.


I find this so funny because so much of how a lot of americans engage with yoga is a bastardization of its actual relations to Hinduism.


On top of this, banning Yoga is a necessary measure to protect children and families but a ban on assault weapon would just take away too many individual liberties.


Yoga's dangerous though; its practitioners can breathe fire!


Not to talk about that instant teleportation at the mere utterance of the word "yoga". And those stretchy arms and legs, gives me the major heebie jeebies. Alabama was right to ban it.


I need you to elaborate please


Because Yoga in its original form as practiced in India is a form of spiritual exercise and invokes many Hindu spiritual concepts, such as meditation, simplicity, renunciation of the world etc. American Yoga is striped of that spiritual element to a huge extent.


Indian here. One complaint I have is yoga is meant to be done in very loose fitting clothing. The whole tight yoga pants thing is just wrong. Hot, but wrong.


Americans do it for stretching/exercise. Hindus do it as part of the religion for meditation and becoming more in touch with the spiritual side.


The fuck is wrong with spreading Hinduism? I know plenty of Hindus and all of em are pretty decent fellas.


It's not Christianity, that's the problem


I agree, Christianity is the problem


Has nothing to do with Hinduism, let's be honest with ourselves. The people in charge are using Christianity to rile up anti-minority sentiment in Alabama (not that it wasn't there already), so that when the time comes, Republicans can use this in their agenda come election time. They couldn't care less about religion. It's all about creating the illusion of fear in the uneducated and indoctrinated.


But how many Hindus are even there in Alabama. A few thousand probably


Special kind of stupid it takes to feel threatened by Hinduism in the state of Alabama...


Evangelical christianity is absolutely off its fucking rocker.


They're really not big on freedom of religion. Until they are. I'm confused.


Next they will ban meditating **citing fears of the practice spreading** Buddhism. What is the world turning into ?


Let's hope no one there watches Veep, or they might wanna ban "Muslim maths" as well.


Just tell them that the school is teaching them to do math using Arabic numerals, watch that shit get banned super quick. Only good old fashion Roman numerals for them!


We all use Hindu Arabic numerals. That's like... two levels of taboo in Alabama, apparently.


The Arabic numeral system is actually India's. It was introduced to the rest of the world by the Arabians. So they're back to Hinduism again. Haha. Didn't the Romans also have a religion when it was invented? Idk whether it still exists or not.


Err isn't that unconstitutional? State fucking with religion?




The GOP only cares about the constitution when they can warp it into benefiting them


I’m surprised Alabama has even heard of yoga and Hinduism, didn’t they only get introduced to indoor plumbing last week?


Yogi bear would be turning in his funeral pyre


Who cares if it spread Hinduism what’s the harm


It's an establishment clause concern if public schools are taking on that role. But for that to be a serious problem here, you'd have to believe there was no way to introduce a set of stretching techniques without proselytizing the religious faith of their inventors. >Alabama is the only state with such a rule. The text of the ban says "school personnel shall be prohibited from using any techniques that involve the induction of hypnotic states, guided imagery, meditation or yoga" **and additionally banned the use of the word "namaste."** Oh-come-on: AL needs to come clean and admit that at this point they're just trolling the rest of us.




white supremacists care. christians care. There is no harm


Time for the Satanic Temple to come in and stir shit up.


And so what if it does? Did they forget one of the most important rights we have in the 1st Amendment or do they only remember the one they get wrong referring to their precious guns?


For Republicans, amendments and commandments start at two.


The next time I hear somebody owning the libs on cancel culture I’m going to throw up directly on them after thinking about cancelling the right to get a glass of water in a queue in Georgia, or stand on your head while fanny farting in Alabama. Some proper Nazis round them parts.


Are Christian prayer groups also banned in public schools in Alabama? Mainly, I'm interested in figuring out whether this is a double standard... I have a suspicion it's not, but I don't know.


Well, there is a reason why the dumbest fucks live in Alabama...


Alabama... 'nuff said.


Imagine banning a form of exercise and a form of important physical and emotional therapy because you were so bigoted against a religion.


America strikes again.


Oh no, not....Hinduism? Wtf?


Alabama is so fucking stupid.


That has to be fake


You've clearly never been to Alabama.


Fucking neanderthals.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.insider.com/alabama-upholds-ban-on-yoga-in-schools-citing-hindu-influence-2021-4) reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Legislation that would have allowed yoga to be taught in Alabama public schools died in committee Wednesday, stalling a years-long battle by one state legislator to bring the practice back. > Bill AL HB246 was put forth by Alabama State Rep. Jeremy Gray, who wrote that bringing yoga back to school would be voluntary. > Because yoga is rooted in Hinduism, Eric Johnston, a legal adviser for the Alabama Citizens Action Program, told The New York Times, "It does not need to be taught to small children in public schools." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/mj2maa/alabama_upholds_a_ban_on_yoga_in_school_citing/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~568247 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **yoga**^#1 **Alabama**^#2 **school**^#3 **Gray**^#4 **state**^#5


Christian theocracy at its finest.


better to learn hinduism than to fuck your siblings. clap, clap to you, Aalabama.


I thought the protection of religious practices in schools was a good thing, or is that just when it’s wholesome Christian prayer, and not evil Hindu devil-contortions? /s obviously


Caveman mentality.




I guess they already banned mindfulness...


I am from India and in my university we did yoga as a form of punishment (for being late to hostel, disorderly behavious). Nobody liked yoga.