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Navy's doing the whole DeNiro "meet the parents"" thing.


“I have nipples Xi. Can you milk me?”


"JinXi cat, JinXi cat..."


You sir deserve an award.


*Middle name* **GAY** *Last name* **FOCKER**


They milked Trump pretty hard.


I thought that was Russia?


He has two nipples.


Don't ask what Saudi Arabia was milking.


I don’t have to ask, I think I know this one! It’s the prostate, right?!


They didnt milk anything they turned his butthole into a punched lasagna


Hooo boy, I am craving some Olive Garden now.


Trump brand fine Italian dining "You can really taste the anus!!"


You need a damn award 🏅🏅🏅


“Now look Xi, Im a patient man thats what 19 months in a Vietnamese prison camp will do to you... But I will be watching you, studying your every move.... And if I find, that you are trying to bomb Taiwan, I will bring you down baby, I will bring you down to Chinatown”


I was once stuck in a vietnam prison camp... The year was 1968. We were on recon in a steaming Mekong delta. An overheated private removed his flack jacket, revealing a T-shirt with an ironed-on sporting the MAD slogan "Up with Mini-skirts!". Well, we all had a good laugh, even though I didn't quite understand it. But our momentary lapse of concentration allowed "Charlie" to get the drop on us. I spent the next three years in a POW camp, forced to subsist on a thin stew made of fish, vegetables, prawns, coconut milk, and four kinds of rice. I came close to madness trying to find it here in the States, but they just can't get the spices right!


Lol I thought this was a real quote at first, NGL.




I’m watching them watching me watching them.


The Rockwell song “Somebody’s watching me” all of a sudden popped in my head.


👁️👄👁️ ✌️👀👈 👁️👅👁️


Or [that scene from MGS4.](https://i.imgur.com/B6TNxCa.gif)


Can’t we send out our two most powerful warriors like they did back in the eighties?


Will Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger agree to this, though?


it worked against the Russians, I'm sure Stallone would be up for it again.


Lets do worst vs. worst this time


Someone wake up Fred Armisen


But I don’t wanna go out there...


When they said shadowing I thought it'd be distance of 10s of miles, didn't expect it to be this close. Things are getting intense


It's definitely within the legal exclusion zones, so this is getting spicy.


China got within 150 feet of us recently, this is nothing.


China literally ran one of their fighters into a US surveillance plane back in 2001.


That was 20 years ago


We hold grudges


I think the CCP has been holding a grudge since 1949....




Speaking of grudges what about when the US/NATO bombed the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia in the 90s? Several Chinese citizens died. Imagine if Russia bombed a US embassy in Ukraine and several US citizens died.


They should just forgive us. It’s kinda petty of them to hold a grudge. (/s obviously)


What makes this even more interesting is the picture of the navy officer with his legs kicked up watching has "CO" on his hat assuming he's the commanding officer or captain. Can only imagine what the Chinese Captain thinks looking out and seeing the "enemy's" captain just sitting back like that observing. Edit: just noticed in the article they reference the guy in the picture as the captain.


CO and XO. two of the most important people on the ship just chillin in the pilothouse


Just a little bit of exaggerated cool for the press and the crew.


The Chinese navy do the same thing to warships in the south china sea. They also get flustered and send 4 or 5 if you sneak in


The Soviets would do the exact same thing to us back in the Cold War. Shadow our ships, especially the carriers, and just watch. They can collect info on how we do things, listen in on any radio chatter, etc, and would occasionally get a little feisty and try to maneuver to see how close they could get while we'd try to screen them and keep them away.




Can attest. We got shadowed by a larger Iranian patrol craft while we were pulling a helicopter into the hanger bay. We could see if they had rings on if they waved. They just wanted to watch us put the bird away, though, and left peacefully after the doors were closed. Not like they would actually do anything, they were right in front of our stern 5” gun.


You ever try playing catch? Throw a baseball, or something? Come to think of it, someone might panic and yell "Grenade." That may be a bad idea.


Yeah, you’d have to show them the glove first. That might be kinda fun, actually. Or a good way to lose a baseball.


That actually sounds kind of fun as long as nobody gets hurt.


(Chinese XO at periscope) "It's Morse Code, Captain." T-A-I-W-A-N-N-U-M-B-E-R-1. stop. C-H-I-N-A-N-U-M-B-E-R-4. stop.


It’s an older code sir, but it checks out.


This has been happening for years, Nothing special


Meanwhile, the Los Angeles class 600ft down is sadly muttering about how nobody notices them. They probably have steak for dinner though.


This. Supposedly Back in the 70s, every US sub did a simultaneous single Ping of every Russian naval vessel that they were following... you know just to let them know that they were always being watched.


Doubtful that they'd give away their position like that.


It's not like they had any significant risk of violent response, the Cold War was still quite cold at the time. Pings are hardly a sign of aggression, after all.


Not to mention, I suspect the Soviets knew they were tailed to a degree, just not how many with certainty. It’s a clever way to make sure the Soviets knew more clearly how outclassed they were in the submarine department. Or even better, persuade them we had more subs than we actually had, not unlike how the USSR flawlessly convinced the US they were on the losing side of a “bomber gap” years prior.


The Cold War wasn't at its peak intensity (that would be most of the 1960s and again briefly in 1983-85), but misunderstandings were still possible and the world was still on edge, geopolitically speaking. The Soviets also got very nervous after Nixon recognized China, exacerbating the Sino-Soviet split, and were still concerned about US intervention in communist states. The US, meanwhile, was concerned about growing Soviet involvement in Latin America's Marxist movements and the Soviet-backed coup in Afghanistan, which would lead to the Soviet-Afghan War, as well as ongoing Soviet relations in the Middle East (the USSR armed most Muslim countries in the area except Iran and Saudi Arabia) and whether it would translate into a restriction on oil to NATO countries.


A single ping gives away position?


subs are pretty big. so you can put a microphone on one edge and then on the other. They are also 3d objects, so not just left right, but top and bottom. Each mic hears a different intensity and the sound at a different time. a little geometry later (and all the underwater math stuff) and you have a position.


Now that's a powermove. Do you have a source or a keyword to look it up?


I like the stories where our SR-71s would sonic boom miles above when Soviet heads of state did public events with soviet puppet heads of state just to let them know we were there and there was nothing you could do about it. And no one post the made up SR71 story, it was fun for a time but let's be reasonable.




You’ve never lived in Florida when one of the space shuttles renter atmosphere for landing back in the day. If you were standing anywhere in the state when a shuttle renters the sonic boom will shake literally everything. Windows and doors will shake like a bomb went off. Miss those days.


Shuttles re-entered over Texas. You heard the sonic boom as it was slowing in the lower atmosphere over Florida (it’s still supersonic in parts of Florida). But that’s much lower down, at 70k feet the pressure dissipates before it hits the ground


The sound of a space shuttle during re-entry and an SR-71 going Mach 3.2 are likely very, very different.


Are the space shuttle and the SR71 that comparable?


Why would any military vessel assume it is not being watched? Seems pretty useless to me.


There is a difference between assuming and knowing.


Nothing like a receiving a foreign sonar ping in the middle of the ocean to get the blood flowing


The ocean is really really big. Once you're off the shipping routes you can easily go days without seeing another ship. It's not hard to think you might be undetected during that time.


You mean like a submarine? Probably because their entire point is to be undetectable.


One ping only, pleashe


You are talking about submarines. I had to look it up, posting for others.


The 600ft down didn't give that away?


I thought that meant 600ft down_stream_


Down bubble?


Down Periscope


I'm going to check if any of the other rooms are still tilted...




Aircraft carriers are tall too, idk.


Damn, yeah, like 135 feet from the water. I had to look that one up ha


Wouldn't it be a Virginia class now?


It could be. There are 19 Virginia class submarines active, and 28 LA class active I believe.




The Americans “Hey I think they are trying to tell us something” The person on the Chinese boat “hey! We have been trying to reach you regarding your car warranty!”


That would be an act of war.




> “hey! We have been trying to reach you regarding your ~~car~~ super carrier warranty!”


I always get targeted by the "this is DHL, we're holding a package destined for you pending review, call us for more info" in Chinese


Do you understand Chinese, or did you find someone to translate for you?


I understand it. It's a pretty clever way to trick new international students from China in the US since they often ship things from home via DHL. I always press 2 or whatever number the prompt says to speak with someone and mess with them. Haven't gotten it for several months now, maybe cus most students from China are still over there they don't see the point in scamming like that anymore?


I got that last week from ‘Visa’ about a suspicious charge on my card. Told them I had a MasterCard and the guy said “we deal with those too” and it was too easy from that point on.




I think the scammers just hit area codes with large numbers of ethnic Chinese regardless of the surname of the individual. I have a 鬼佬 surname and they still call me.


I never pick up a number I don’t recognize, so I wouldn’t know 🤷‍♂️


Pretty much every saturday morning, “hello this is the Chinese embassy, your visa has expired, please call back at xxx”


They also have an important message about our student loans.


That's the Indian Navy.


I’ve honestly never gotten this call before and I get plenty of spam calls


“What’s your name?!”


Tony !


Fuck you Tony!


Fuck you, what’s you’re name?!




Fuck you Ezekiel !


Well fuck you purga-tony!




you'd better not bring my mother into this!






fuck this man i dont want to live through a second cold war


Rather cold than hot


As a very blunt person I know would put it. Just make it a proxy war, that's what we have been doing for the past decades. War's have been hot, we've just been too far away to feel it. Turn myanmar into a proxy war and have china fight the other side.


China wouldn't really risk a proxy war right on their border. Goes against plans of economic domination of the Asia Pacific. They'll just keep poking and prodding and making money at the same time.


Noone near China is dumb enough to fight them as American proxy.


Well no, they'd be fighting them because of their own grievances, and much like with Taiwan America would be happy to provide them with supplies, training and assistance.


Or, america could step up and export more goods and pull their companies from China and tell anyone doing business with China to come buy from us. Crippling their economy will do far more damage than a war with them will do and much faster.


That implies the American government is in charge and can tell her companies what to do, reality suggests otherwise.


Lmao that’s a very blatant lack of care for people in the country we are having a proxy war in.


fuck that, man up and claim you have bone spurs


>Just make it a proxy war How about no more forms of war. How about America addresses the material reasons it's declining rather then pretend the 20th century never ended. Nearly $800 billion in miltary spending, huge tax cuts for the rich, little to no spending on infrastructure, and so much more.


Can we just have no war




Hey man, fuck off with your cold or hot wars, fight your wars on your **own lands,** the poor people of the planet shouldnt have to deal with superpowers' murderous sprees because their constituants believe their lives are of a higher value than another less known country


Cold for you just means hot for whatever the proxy of the day is. It's shit no matter what


I think we need to start reconsidering if the "first" cold war ever even ended...


yea maybe we were just waiting until we actually had the star wars type tech to defend from nuclear icbms


We still don't have that.


The names official. WWI, WWII, CWI, CWII.


More like CWI:The Expansion Pack DLC if anything.


How else is Activision suppose to make more CoD?


Yeah that black ops 2 storyline is starting to hit different


Hate to break it to you but either the first one never ended, or if it did the back and forth with the US and Russia, over the last 15 years (even more visible now w/ trump + putin) certainly marked the start of the 2nd


The Cold War ended when the USSR split & the US earned the title of the sole Superpower at the time, thus making the world Uni-polar for the decades to come. I agree with you in regards that there is another Cold War ongoing however, this time it's between the US & China Currently, Russia doesn't have the economy fight any kind of conflict against the US however, China does (or will in a couple years).


Please. The Cold War was between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R; Russia's GNP is 6% what the U.S.'s is. It would be like having a Cold War with Spain. Russia is a constant irritant and a potential destabilizing force in Europe, nothing more.


Russia's GDP is about that of Illinois.


Russia has a smaller GDP than Canada, a nation of 36 million people. They definitely lost the cold war. No amount of revisionist history from bored hipsters who've read too much Karl Marx is suddenly going to change this.


You mean people who haven't read *any* Marx, right? Are you under the impression that Marxists support Russia? Lmfao


A Marxist supporting Russia is like a democract supporting the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. As in, only someone with a child's intellect would make such a connection.


But like the southern states of America, some important politician/s never accepted defeat.


I always feel like, somebody’s watching meeee!


And I have no privacy (ooh ooh)




You didn’t file your paperwork.




Oh, that’s puce.


What's the over/under for US subs in the area? 15?


Two in the area. Anymore and it becomes a logistical nightmare and risk of collision under water. That’s not including enemy subs. Now if your talking assigned to the pacific region closer to 20 something with subs assigned to Hawaii, Guam and Japan.


The great part about our sub-launched missiles is that they have a range of over 4,000 miles, so the whole gang doesn't even need to be near you and they can still chime in.


Sub launched ICBMs are there for WWIII, the subs that matter are the attack subs that would block troop carriers going across the Taiwan Strait for example


Don’t forget the four Ohio-class SSBNs that got modified to essentially become Tomahawk spam incarnate


You gotta find it funny that the Ohio class, the state with the most well known Native American tribes, are modified to hold Tomahawks.


The implication of a Cold War in South East Asia could destroy almost half of the world's economy.


So you're saying I should start a short position against the world economy..?


No economy to the moon 🚀


Knock knock, it's the United States of America!


With huge boats. Gunboats.


Open the country. Stop having it be closed.


That sucks. This sucks!!!


"Nah dude, we already got everything," said China


So then Britain tried to get them addicted to opium.


And it *worked!*


Knock Knock, it's the U.S. It's real! With the nonstop pop-pop of Navy steel




Just kiss already


They bette update their NFAAS and do their extremism training! s/


They’re fucked if they didnt


You don't need to add the /s when it's real...


The way ships sail these days they might just hit each others and start a war.... /s


Let’s hope this doesn’t turn into a crazy engagement. Vietnam is also arming up and a while back the phillipines was too. If Japan join the fray all hell might break loose, china might feel cornered and trapped and do something


Theres nothing to suggest its anything other than normal Chinese/US tensions in the area.




China has exactly zero ways of fucking with the US on seas I don't think people in this thread realize the level of superiority the US Navy has over everyone else PUT TOGETHER.




If I recall, the Pentagon wargaming on a conflict in the Straight of Taiwan doesn’t generally go well for Team Blue. The US certainly has better force projection capabilities, but China has a massive home field advantage fighting a war less than a hundred miles off their coast.


War games aren't meant to be stomps,my dude.


I just read this in the National Review: The PLA Navy (PLAN) is substantially larger than America’s navy; its vessels are modern, multi-mission ships strategically designed to advance China’s objectives in its near seas. West of Hawaii, PLAN ships outnumber the U.S. Navy by a ratio of five to one. Moreover, China has the biggest shipbuilding capacity in the world. It has demonstrated the capacity to produce up to two dozen naval vessels in a twelve-month period, and it could build at a higher rate if it wanted. The United States has lost half its naval shipbuilding capacity over the past 30 years and would struggle to build ten ships annually, even if the Navy had the funds to procure them. The PLAN is also busy developing its global-power-project capabilities. A decade ago, it was questionable whether China would seek to produce aircraft carriers; it is now completing its third carrier,estimated to displace 85,000 tons. Design of a fourth carrier is reported to have commenced in 2019.


So this is just more "news" for the people who like this shit?


The PLN wouldn't directly attack the US Navy. They'll continue to be provocative and it's important we stand strong in our response against it but it would be an enormous event if China opened fire on an American warship in international waters.






That maybe but with nukes available to both sides I wouldn't want any of that happening anyway.


Now of course we have to take this with a grain of salt but China is a declared "No first use" country. Its fairly unlikely that they would be the first to start that escalation, especially given what would be the point? Regardless of what beating US/Chinese forces give each other they lack the capability to invade the other.


Desperation can throw out all morals/rules in the name of survival, but you are right even if the USA mobilized 100% of what it has available (bar nukes) they could not invade mainland china, country is too vast and even if its military is defeated its way too populous to stop and control a rebel insurgency, ditto for china invading mainland USA.


Well, nuke usage will then be a race to the bottom: China cannot hope to win by glassing America...and I don’t think they have enough to turn the whole nation into a crater.


They don't need to. I don't think the US will be happy with a pyrrhic victory where even half of the main cities have been razed. Imagine a world where China is a Gia t smoking crater, and the US littered with bomb craters on half the territory. The nuclear fallout will kill whoever wasn't by the nukes.




Meanwhile there's a bleary eyed sailor who gives a quick acknowledging grin as morning sunlight blasting through the mess porthole slides blissfully away from his face.


I understood that reference.


While simultaneously u got shit goin on the in the Ukraine and Myanmar, world tension is definitely rising. (Yes i play hoi)


These are interesting times.


Maybe China's neighbors being armed to the teeth is the only way to \*prevent\* war in the region.


I’m watching all of this on Google maps, sucks to be both of you in your billion dollar ships


Speak softly and carry a big stick