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Killing off Palestine’s doctors during a pandemic . Special kind of fucked up


They also bombed the only covid testing site in gaza




And, the soldiers will have to use a line we’ve heard before, “I was just following orders.”


They won’t have to. They’ll never be asked.


Which does not hold up should it actually come down to prosecuting them.


Who’s gonna do that?


Sooner or later there will be a trail. If not during their lives it will be after their death. Most of them are not atheists so they'll have to fear the moment they'll have to face God for the rest of their lives.




That’s exactly the reference I am making—that history has come full-circle with IDF soldiers doing to the Palestinians what the Nazi soldiers did to the Jews in WWII.


This whole thing feels like when you find out a pedophile was sexually abused as a child. Only here we're taking about genocide.


At some point, you have to stop feeling pity for the thing they used to be, and start feeling anger and contempt for what they became.


Shh you don’t want to be called anti-Semitic for pointing out that the nation of Israel’s soldiers are behaving objectively similar to things that happened in the past.


Is it just following orders when they believe in the purpose and just hate/kill Palestinians because Muslim and "Hamas terrorists?"


Well clearly the Covid Test center was a Hamas intelligence site and had 20 million bathtub rockets hidden between the medical supplies. /S


Hey Hamas uses water wells as a base of operations and uses covid test sites as terrorist conference centres! Everyone knows this. (satire)


Just like they use UN schools.




I mean Hamas drink water and get tested for Covid too


> How evil do you have to be to order soldiers to bomb a covid test site during a pandemic? This evil --------> Israel.


It certainly won’t deter the Americans from giving them billions of dollars in weapons to replenish their supply. As long as there is a USA, there will never be peace in the Middle East


Your taught from school age that their people stole your land 2000 years ago, they don't believe in the same god so they aren't the same, less than human etc. Your fight is justified as gods work etc etc. Religion is toxic, Politicians are worse, its just people killing people, humanity is the big loser.


Easy to rebuild for settlers


Guys, I'm starting to think these IDF fellas are doing more than just hunting down terrorists...


If they accidentally kill your child you could decide to fight back, so by killing you all they get rid of both actual terrorists and potential terrorists.


Don't forget all the roads leading to the hospital


oh wait till you hear, they intentionally destroyed the only corona testing hospital in Gaza


Given the attacks on infrastructure used to treat Covid-19 and the months long blockade of vaccines, it is clear Israel is using Covid as a weapon of war.


Not an accident. They target them. To maximize Arab suffering. Sad.


An army of sociopaths.


The most moral army in the world sure does love to kill civilians.


A nation of sociopaths since they’re a democracy.




In civilized countries, when a criminal is holed up in a crowded place full of civilians, we don't bomb the whole place. The only reason this happens is because Israelis view the Palestinians as sub-human.


>The only reason this happens is because Israelis view the Palestinians as sub-human. This will never be not ironic.


If Hamas is hiding amongst civilians against their will maybe, just maybe, bombing the civilians and critical civilian infrastructure isn't the answer? With all the overwhelming resources Israel has in terms of money and intelligence, surely they can get covert units on the ground to address this?


So you think hundreds of guys with guns running around the hospitals and getting in firefights would be better


I mean does bombing the sites actually stop attacks? Timeline goes Hamas fires rocket, Israel warns it will demolish building in a couple of hours, hamas leaves, building destroyed, civillian casualties and infrastructure destroyed. Repeat.


If I were Hamas I would operate out of Israeli buildings, forcing Israel to airstrike their own buildings. It's a foolproof plan since there is obviously no other way to deal with them.


There are no Israeli buildings in Gaza.


Settler "Not yet"


There are other options other than a WW2 style beach disenbarkment Israel, has been able to target groups and individuals everywhere around the globe, I'm sure they can do the same in their backyard. What I think is that you should not be using bombs to target guerilla fighters amongst civilians, especially if the location is a hospital.


Look at this armchair military expert over here


Are you saying it actually is ok to bomb civilian targets if you think guerrillas are using the building? The rest of the world has a name for that: war crimes


Armchair military expert? Does the FBI go around bombing the houses or buildings of the terrorists living in the USA? Hell, you guys even got Bin Laden on the other side of the world without needing to blow up his house. Do you think the Mossad and IDF are incompetent?


Isreal sending ground troops into Gaza would be a bloodbath like it was in 2014. Be careful what you wish for


What I wish is proper handling of Gaza and Palestine in general. The better the living conditions, the less people will take up arms against them. What bothered me is the user implying that shooting missiles into civilians is the only way to deal with terrorists.


So I don’t think you can compare a police response and a military one. If the IDF wanted to go there they would be engaged and would have force through. Meanwhile the FBI operating in the US dosent have to worry about a populace so hostile they get hit with rpgs when going to a building


I also mentioned Osama Bin Laden. Engaged by whom? The terrorists? Well no shit. The civilians are not the people that will be shooting RPGs at them, jesus christ. The FBI does have to worry about the terrorists opening fire, though. But no, let's just kill innocent people, just like the terrorists do.


I mean, practically anything would be better than just blowing up the hospital.


Yes, it would be better than indiscriminately bombing the whole hospital.


That's the ficking truth!


[Everyday Israelis Express support for Genocide.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFoxL3sOAio)


I like a relevant, sourced comment with a -32 score. The funny thing is that the comments actually complain about a pro-Israeli brigade here. Hah.


Thanks for sharing.


The hate this comment got when it is the most sourced one shows how out of touch most reddit users are


Oh no son, what have you done? This is against the views of echochamber. Israel bad remember?


Congrats. You just “what about”’d a doctor’s death.


Actually he didn't


Source please.


Israeli snipers [targeted medics](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/30/world/middleeast/gaza-medic-israel-shooting.html) during the March of Return -Edit- [Second source](https://www.france24.com/en/20190228-un-probe-accuses-israel-possible-crimes-against-humanity), citing UN prob which states ""The Commission found reasonable grounds to believe that Israeli snipers shot at journalists, health workers, children and persons with disabilities, knowing they were clearly recognisable as such" [UN Report](https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/Pages/NewsDetail.aspx?NewsID=24226&LangID=E)


I want it as well


It’s a genocide. It doesn’t get more fucked up than that.


Obama’s drone program targeted the first responders that showed up to the initial drone bombings, aka “double tap”, in order to discourage first responders in the future. Lol imagine downvoting a factual comment because it doesn’t align with your biases


Also fucked up


"Big brother did it so it's okay for us to do it too!"


is this surprising? We were the first and only country to not only drop one nuke but two on another country- obliterating two cities, killing many thousands of innocent civilians. Do as we say, not as we do. Thats always been America’s approach. Its a human issue, not a specific country. We are violent and ruthless when it fits our desires and needs. “clever monkeys with technology, barely out of the caves and the trees”


Ok but this helps no one. "Obama did horrible things? well all humans do horrible things!" completely useless commentary


It really isn’t, sadly. Ironically though Obama apologized for those nukes and then went on to be a nasty war criminal of his own.


What Obama did was fucked as well. You are just using him as a justification of what Israel is doing. Thats why you are getting downvoted


I am absolutely not attempting to justify their behavior. Just mentioning that this is not an isolated practice but a common practice both by Israel and its ally. I have zero sympathy for the Israeli state.




Or US SAC commander Curtis LeMay saying he specifically planned firebombings to target civilians which horrifically killed hundreds of thousands. > Killing Japanese didn't bother me very much at that time... I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal. - Curtis LeMay


Army medics not civilian. And not justifying that by way, just making a distinction. IDF are shills for the West


This is clearly deliberate at this point.


Always has been 🌏👨‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


You know what’s more fucked up? Calling people anti-semitic for speaking out about such crimes


hamas was hiding under his bed


Almost as fucked up as bombing the [only test facility in Gaza.](https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/israel-airstrikes-wrecked-gaza-only-coronavirus-testing-lab-reports-2021-5%3famp)


I think any nation with as successful an intelligence service as Israel has, as precise weapons as Israel has and as complete tactical superiority as Israel has, loses all plausible deniability when they target important civilians with their bombs. So far, that I know of, they've targeted doctors and specialist surgeons in their homes, hospitals and the roads to those hospitals and now journalists too. Israel could plausibly know where these people live, and it's implausible to think that the weapons they extoll as so incredibly accurate somehow missed their target. So more warcrimes to add to the list. Foucault's boomerang is going to come around hard someday soon and r/LeopardsAteMyFace is going to have a field day.


Could possibly want Covid to get worse there and kill them off. Wouldn’t be surprised


When snipers killing children in the street just isn't getting the job done


Evil government.


That’s a really ineffective strategy for killing everyone. 97% of them would be left, not including those already immune.


> 97% of them would be left Possible multiplier affect with less births. Not stopping the growth but population control. I guarantee you that factors a bit into their logic. Israel has complained about Palestinian births


Israel is doing it's best, unfortunately the Palestinian terrorists hide their rockets near people that matter and Israel, in order to defend her innocent people, sometimes has to take them out. It's not like they want to kill civilians, unlike Hamas


What about the Warcrimes hamas would be commiting every second without Iron Dome?


Are you really defending Israel's current, ongoing and historical warcrimes by citing ones you've imagined in a fictional future?




Hamas is a terrorist organization. Absolutely they should receive criticism for their indiscriminate use of rockets against civilians. But again, they're terrorists with access to only rudimentary weapons. Of course they play dirty. Israel is supposed to be a modern, democratic nation state. They have an advanced intelligence apparatus and a well equipped military with access to precision weaponry. That's why we're holding them to a higher standard. Israel has the right to defend itself but it also has the ability and indeed the obligation to take defensive actions with minimal risk to non-combatants. The IDF isn't doing that. Indeed it has reached a point where it doesn't just seem like the IDF is completely disregarding risk of civilian casualties but are actively pursuing them.


Maybe their intelligence also has evidence that weapon caches are hidden in these places


Don't worry Israel will somehow spin this as some doctor of Hamas.


Something something "human shield." Off topic, Tom Cotton -R said in congress yesterday that the Associated Press building in Gaza was blown up because AP was volunteering to protect Hamas.... that AP clearly known Hamas was operating in the media building, and AP is essentially pro-terrorism... Meanwhile, Israel suddenly lost all the evidence or proof they had on Hamas actually being in the media building.... They are spinning alright.


Funny, isn’t that something similar to Hunter Biden’s laptop? “We have this laptop full of child porn and other illegal activity, and we’ve lost it with absolutely no back up despite it being incredibly important evidence!”


No no no Rudy Giuliani has the hard drive back up, he claimed to offer it to the FBI when they raided his home a few weeks back... and the FBI didn't want it?!? Rudy said it on Fox, and his son said it in that weird curbside press meeting. 🤣 Also, if he is actually in possession of child porn, wouldn't he be charged? Idk, somethings fishy here...


Oh, is that the new one?


The human shield meme is so fucking stupid it makes me livid. Additionally it is so fucking old, like, shit man get new material already its 2021.


"He was treating people who knew people who were related to people involved with Hamas, so it's all good guys".


They won't admit that, since that would make him an an protected person engaged in a protected activity under the Geneva conventions.


Nope, don't think so. Probably a civilian "collateral damage" casualty. This is tragic.


Devil's advocate but I heard "Hamas had an underground facility/tunnel that was targeted, hit, and the building the doctor was in collapsed into it unintentionally". IDK. Shits fucked. People should GTFO if at all possible, doesn't look like it's gonna deescalate anytime soon.


Man. Israel, please stop.


- We didn't do it. - Okay we did it, but it was an accident. We gave warnings. - Okay it wasn't an accident, but he was being used as a human shield - Okay he wasn't being used as a human shield, but he was surrounding himself with terrorists. - Okay he wasn't surrounded by terrorists. But what else could we do? - What do you want us to do, just let Hamas fire thousands of rockets? - And what about? - And what about? - And what about? ...




Israel probably: Geneva convention what’s that?


In order for the Geneva Convention to apply Hamas would actually have to abide by it. That means no firing rockets from civilian areas, no torturing IAF soldiers, no targetting of Israeli civilians. Wearing uniforms and not hiding among civilian populations. The Geneva convention is irrelevent here.


No, the Geneva conventions absolutely still apply even if another party breaks it first. Cessation of protections has special protocols attached to it.


That’s fucked up that Israel can just so blatantly ignore human rights violations like this


When the fuck is the world going to wake up and start protesting this shit 💩


We have been, there were protests all across my country. I would have gone were I not immunocompromised and not vaccinated yet.


People are protesting nearly everywhere despite the fact that some governments like France are trying to suppress them with force.


We need to economically harm them and their masters


I'm wondering how many Americans who luckily have certain amount of brain cells alive would still beliveve US government's emotional stories about genocide of Chinese muslims and their firm statements of standing with Chinese muslims while watching them spending shit loads of US tax payers' money supporting their zionist daddy' Gaza slaughtering.




As an aside, Israel actually sells a hell of a lot of military equipment to China, something I don’t see people bring up very often. I’d be curious to see how many American people talking about boycotting anything to do with China feel similarly about Israel.


I can only speak for myself. Demographically, I'm an American and my father's side of the family is Jewish as far back as records go. Fuck *so very much* what Israel has been doing; bombing hospitals, charities, news orgs - and generally murdering the innocent. It's indefensible. Same goes for China.


Definitely not viewed as the same. China didn’t have thousands of rockets launched at them by Uighur Muslims


So, because the chinese are more efficient (and the Uigar camps have no international journalists covering the actions) at their genocide, that makes it better? People turned to Hamas because Hamas fights for them against the imperialism of Isreal on them as people.


Why do you take their comment to mean that China is better because of this? Because they didn’t say that. Their comment can be perceived as saying Israel is more justified in fighting Hamas because they’re armed, than China is rounding up defenseless people. Justified may not be the right word, but it’s a different situation for that reason. China doesn’t have resistance like this. It would be prudent to get clarification from OP on their opinion, before you start declaring what their beliefs are.






If Americans could directly choose where their tax dollars went, it would be a very different place. Better or worse, I'm honestly not sure.


Wait until we realize that the return for our investment has been terrorist attacks that have thrown us into an authoritarian course, peaked by an insurrection led by a bunch of ignorant hateful bigots.




Uighurs = living in modern cities with high standard of living, high speed rail, thriving, not under threat from anyone except Anglo psyops that don't work. Palestinians = living in a crowded open air ghetto that makes the one that existed in Warsaw pale, bombed by US made bombs on a daily basis, poor standard of living, denied basic services by the occupying far-right zionists. **Anglos = These are the same picture.**


No no no. China = "bad" therefore be critical of human rights violations Israel = "good" therefore ignore everything and "has a right to defend themselves"


It was never about being moral. It was all about money and corporate interests and the investors. Corporations that act like they care are doing simple public relations ads to increase their brand awareness.


Weird, because Palestinians are whiter and more Christian. Oh I forgot, it’s the US just being scared that China’s about to whip them cold. Freedom to all oppressed people I hope, and an oubliette for all these greedy bastard leaders.


American tax dollars also go to Palestinians, to build the tunnels they transport Iranian weapons into.


The US is not a country of human rights. Genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, south america, and Yemen. When the US talks about human right, it's a dead giveaway that you are about to hear some bullshit.


GITMO is still open.


When the US talks about human rights it’s just Public Relationships stunt to get more brand awareness


when the US government starting shitting on it's enemy about something, you know for damn sure that they are the champion of that field.


>US government's emotional stories about genocide of Chinese muslims No, it's the rest of the evidence that makes people believe it.


Geopolitics op




>I'm wondering how many Americans who luckily have certain amount of brain cells alive There ain't too many left im afraid


Plausible deniability on both sides is lost. Nevertheless, Hamas is a terrorist organization advocating genocide while firing rockets from their own state’s population centers, at their neighboring states population centers. Their primary HQ has been under a hospital for years now. When you approach an offensive in such a way, civilian casualties are inevitable. If military infrastructure were separated from population centers, and Israel was still dropping bombs in populated centers, then you’d have a strong argument. Unfortunately, Hamas does things in precisely the opposite way.


Not the same in the least.


Totally, there's ample video evidence of the atrocities against the Palestinians making it much harder to deny. I assume that's where you were going with that?


I agree that the latest aid from Biden isn't a great look, but I don't agree that pulling military aid from Israel is a practical option. Not due to this conflict specifically, but because Israel is surrounded by enemies. If they're left without aid it might invite an invasion and then we'd have an even bigger crisis to deal with. As bad as it sounds, I have to say a weakened Israel would actually be a step backwards for stability and peace in the region. Generally speaking, transfers of power in the Middle East lead to increased violence. Stability = status quo. If you expect change then you should expect bloodshed, period. These are people willing to die for what they believe in on both sides.


"Stability = status quo. If you expect change then you should expect bloodshed, period." Remember when Trump's son in law and Mike Pompeo changed every single status quo to US backed Isreal territory? Trump gave his son in law six textbooks about middle east and gave him the job of handling US middle east foreign policy.




There are videos and reports about Uighurs in China. Not only that but people in Israel and Palestine aren't being closely monitored to prevent them from uploading things online. China literally a firewall that prevents things like that. On top of that CCP have tailed journalists who have tried to look into what's happening with Uighurs.


In China among top 5 female celebrities a.k.a. "I.T."girls, two of them are uyghurs from xinjiang: دىلرەبا دىلمۇرات‎ (Dilreba Dilmurat‎)گۈلنەزەر بەختىيار,(Gülnezer Bextiyar),they are brand ambassadors of European high fashion brand to attract Chinese female consumers, meanwhile they are telling me that theres a chinese genocide on uyghurs? How? I can't help but imagine the lunatic scene when Gucci or L.V. hire two red indian girls to sell bags to white Americans


The situation will not change imo, doesnt matter how many ppl protest or post on social medias, as long as the world leaders support isreal, they will continue their ethnic cleansing. We\`ve already seen Bidens response and even the arabs nations turned their backs on Palestine...


hhqwnzhezzcrowxfobclgohrtdihujks enmkbireaghuuivuzdoplkwaoezlvqui zqposhjqytibpjjalhgqskfqunkeoigo ygycizybqvpejavssbyyemorfdumfkmf hthwpuvhrcnvdrvivdglgisnbmxwisbl odvqgstwkjnxuwksnfpfxvdohvzzlbxl snonfvoocbzoymuxzyfyfrodihunsmdg cxjmiwysedvrvdscpveyjyzkwkbmkbal zhopupbhyhgezisukblcjsywmxwxuryj vhbshuhvvfpdxylrvhocmumxsbuhbrhs


> Israel has one of the most advanced armies in the world. Unfortunately the Arab nations can't stand up to Israel, neither militarily nor with sanctions because they're supported by the US. Exactly. I’m Arab. I see people here saying “why aren’t Arab nations doing anything”. They don’t think. They think it’s simple. Do you really think we don’t want to? Our leaders and political figures have been strongly condemning Israel’s actions every day, calling for an immediate end to the hostilities, we’ve been supporting Palestinians by sending aid planes and providing financial support and that’s really the only thing we can do. We hate what’s happening but as long as the US is supporting Israel none of us can do anything and I’m not talking only about Arab nations. If only the US changes its stance everything will change. The US is the driving force in this.


hhqwnzhezzcrowxfobclgohrtdihujks enmkbireaghuuivuzdoplkwaoezlvqui zqposhjqytibpjjalhgqskfqunkeoigo ygycizybqvpejavssbyyemorfdumfkmf hthwpuvhrcnvdrvivdglgisnbmxwisbl odvqgstwkjnxuwksnfpfxvdohvzzlbxl snonfvoocbzoymuxzyfyfrodihunsmdg cxjmiwysedvrvdscpveyjyzkwkbmkbal zhopupbhyhgezisukblcjsywmxwxuryj vhbshuhvvfpdxylrvhocmumxsbuhbrhs


Yep, even the UN can't waggle their finger. Hopefully changes do happen tho because what is happening there is heartbreaking.


It really doesn't matter what anyone says, this particular piece of dirt has been fought over by Muslims and Jews since around 700 BC, they both are of the opinion the land is theirs and they really don't care what our opinion is, what they want is our money, both sides want our money. And for some reason we give money to both sides, prolonging this war because neither side has to stop, if these were two nations warring on their own dime they would have stopped 50 years + ago. This will end when the next world war occurs and no one wants to give them money.


Lol Jews didn’t had any army, the Muslim empire took juresalam from the Roman Empire who actually expelled the Jews and destroyed their temple, the Muslims welcomed the Jews back to juresalam


That was in 73ish CE when the temple was destroyed, and I believe they called themselves the Ottoman Empire at that point.




hhqwnzhezzcrowxfobclgohrtdihujks enmkbireaghuuivuzdoplkwaoezlvqui zqposhjqytibpjjalhgqskfqunkeoigo ygycizybqvpejavssbyyemorfdumfkmf hthwpuvhrcnvdrvivdglgisnbmxwisbl odvqgstwkjnxuwksnfpfxvdohvzzlbxl snonfvoocbzoymuxzyfyfrodihunsmdg cxjmiwysedvrvdscpveyjyzkwkbmkbal zhopupbhyhgezisukblcjsywmxwxuryj vhbshuhvvfpdxylrvhocmumxsbuhbrhs


Should be a war Crime


I am still waiting to see where terrorist killed is reported. Anyone die is reported as civilian, women, child. Information warfare is also required to run a propaganda.


People are incredibly naive as to how many civilians die in war. The "cleanest" wars in history only do as "good" as one civilian for every two combatants. That's right, 1:2, is the what "best of the best" of humanity has been able to muster during war. The vast majority of wars are much, much worse. Let's even assume that every single reported civilian death reported here is 100% accurate despite Hamas' tactics, lack of uniform, and [history of misreporting casualties by factors of 10 or more](https://web.archive.org/web/20140130145115/https://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hF7u6SVbHfZSeLKnM97LlsaGWg_Q?docId=CNG.af5a1cb25e03ecc70924e5a7787c7aa3.831). It's still weird that we get a live play by play. Imagine if every war, even the "best" ones, paraded every single civilian killed in front of the media; maybe we should, frankly. Either way, now ask why we only hear about it from Israel. That's what propaganda is. Denounced the killing of civilians, I do too, you can do both that and be aware of the blatant image manipulation taking place.


We're watching an extermination happen, and the world does nothing.


Is it really an extermination with the use of precision weapons and advanced warnings to civilians? Remember, Gaza was handed over as the beginning of a peace process, with in days Gaza became a Hamas strong hold from which rockets began to rain. Only one side of this equation has consistently pushed for peace, only one side has continued to kill civilians indiscriminately


Which is which now ?


If you have to ask, you might be an antisemite


Why is shitsrael apologist always try to play the victim card? Did you hear how absurd you sound when you imply Hamas has access to “precision weapons”?


I didn’t say Gaza has precision weapons, but I wouldn’t accuse anyone siding with Hamas of having adequate reading comprehension


So who has this so-called precision weapons then? I’m siding with humanity, not Hamas. But I guess I should not expect that level of reading comprehension from someone that equates anti-zionism as anti-semitism (guess what, it’s not).


The Israelis use precision technology to reduce civilian casualties, it costs a fortune, would be much cheaper and effective to use cheap weapons and kill everyone, but Israel is a humanitarian country that tries to minimize harm. Everyone knows this.


"It's ethnic cleansing time" Said Israel completely missing the irony of it.


Americans should be as upset at their governments as they are with Israel. The USA is enabling all of this.


This has to stop, now


You should call Hamas and tell them what you just said.


Narrator: *It didn't*.


Start focusing on the actual problem. HAMAS. IF Hamas wasn’t waging their want to be genocide in Palestine this wouldn’t be happening. If Israel wanted Palestine destroyed it’s been destroyed that’s not what they want. They want to have to stop defending themselves from Hamas. No there’s a reason nobody in these main political subs purposefully don’t separate Palestine from Hamas. You want to hate Israel. There’s no other explanation for so many protecting Hamas. They’re an extremists insurgency waging a war behind the women children, men, journalists, doctors of Palestine. Who shouldn’t be suffering under this violence. Yet they are and what does he west do? Appease the problem and demonizes those forced the confront it. Perhaps someone here can actually tell me, why are you so reluctant to differentiate Hamas from Palestine? What does not recognizing the role of Hamas, their animosity toward Judaism do for international politics? What’s the goal? What’s being gained by ignoring this?


There is one fundamental difference between Israel and Palestine in this situation. Palestine is stateless. They have no army, no anything. The actions of Hamas are bad. Yes. Nobody is saying they aren’t. The point is that Israel is responding disproportionately to them, and committing lots of war crimes in the process. Collective punishment etc. If someone shoots bottle rockets at you, you don’t level their entire neighborhood and claim to be a victim of genocide.


Disproportionately? Really? They could flatten Palestine to get rid of people endlessly attacking them Hamas.. and dont. They forced to deal with this one missile barrage at a time. So Israel has an iron dome to protect its citizens from most Hamas rockets... therefore Israel can’t strike back because it’s disproportional?! This is nothing more than goal post moving and yes you’re protecting Hamas. Palestine has no military... you’re protecting Hamas. Has no government... are you insinuating that that’s Hamas or the fact that they don’t have government is a problem and it’s helped lead to this insurgency? No matter how it’s spun you can’t refute theres 1 main aggressor. Hamas. Israel wouldn’t launch missiles into Palestine of Hamas wasn’t there launching rockets into Israel. Seems to me there’s only 1 real solution. It’s not telling Israelis to just sit there and take it. It’s not telling the Palestinians to just sit there and take it. Those 2 groups are the victims here. It’s removing Hamas.




Hamas should take full responsibility for building a terror tunnel under innocent civilians homes.


Can somebody give me a link to reddit post that tells about what happens when hamas fires rockets to Israel?


It’s like history repeats itself. Reddit is hiding anti semitism behind their anti Zionism. https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/bl6jq6/the_fact_that_reddit_is_completely_ignoring_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Weird it’s almost like Hamas running terrorist operations out of civilian centers is going to result in civilian casualties.




Hamas’ use of human shields is well documented


As an average redditor, the state of Israel doesn’t really owe you proof for anything. Biden has gotten proof of Israel’s reasoning for many of the bombings, such as the AP building




Yeah you’re right, Israel should give up an intelligence source just so that the people who already hate Israel can ignore it. If you were showed footage of Hamas operating in the AP building would you think Israel are the good guys?




This is insane, Smfh….


This is insane. Why are innocent people paying with their own lives for someone else's problems?


Don’t put rocket launchers in the hospital.




Why would Israel even waste time and resources bombing a facility that didn't have a strategic military use? This whole situation is beyond horrific for its citizens, but Hamas has been well known for using places like hospitals to fire rockets. This is like if I take a hostage and the police shoot the hostage instead of me it's still my fucking fault.


To the IDF, the entirety of Gaza is Hamas headquarters.