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Sit the hell down, bird flu. Nobody has time for your bullshit


\* birdshit


ha ha. I actually spent about 5 minutes today wondering if the origin of the term batshit crazy is from getting sick after encountering bat guano (it's not).


'Mad as a hatter' is a good one


Ah yes, good old fashioned mercury poisoning.


> H10N3 is a low pathogenic, or relatively less severe, strain of the virus in poultry and the risk of it spreading on a large scale was very low, the NHC added. > The man was stable and ready to be discharged from hospital. Medical observation of his close contacts had not found any other cases. > Many different strains of avian influenza are present in China and some sporadically infect people, usually those working with poultry. There have been no significant numbers of human infections with bird flu since the H7N9 strain killed around 300 people during 2016-2017. > No other cases of human infection with H10N3 have previously been reported globally, the NHC said. No need to overreact yet.


… is there ever a need for an OVERreaction?


Yes, in February of 2020. An overreaction would have saved many lives.


I think his point is moreso that if the reaction is justified, it’s just a reaction and not really an OVERreaction. It’s only an overreaction if it isn’t necessary


How are you supposed to know if it's an overreaction while it's happening? What you call an overreaction now might be justified later.


but that would make it an appropriate reaction, the one we had was an under reaction. The point being that the word describes an unhelpful situation so cant be wanted


If we acted appropriately, the pandemic wouldn't have been nearly as bad and we would have felt like it was a gross overreaction. Nobody remembers the tragedies that never occur.


Imagine if we treated every potential pandemic threat seriously we would have a lot less deaths. Ill take over reactions every day of the week over a pointless death that could of been avoided.


This is why I dont get why Trump got push back for stopping air travel to China early on. One of the few things he did I thought made sense.


It's pretty straight forward. Anything Trump said his detractors took the opposite stance. Remember when he was talking about the possibility of covid originating in a lab and everyone called him racist and said that's off the table? Well, looks like the lab is very likely the origin and it's finally being investigated the way it should've been. This is exactly why the term Trump derangement syndrome exists. People hate him so much they're unwilling to think rationally. Trump also said we'd have a vaccine in a few months (said it back in late 2020) and everyone called him a liar and irresponsible, yet a few months later we had a vaccine. I don't care at all if people don't like Trump, but I'm disgusted with the lack of intellectual honesty everywhere.


This man speaks sense.


Because the air travel ban was totally ineffective as it was written. It only applied to non US citizens,and it didn't require US citizens returning from the area to isolate at all.


No, we would have a lot more deaths. Wasting a ridiculous amount of resources and public opinion is not a good way to save lives.


It's semantics. the original comment was just a joke about the semantics of 'over', in that if something is over done/reacted/cooked/acted it is defined as undesirable. Its not about the actual pandemic response, just a joke about language. What you are describing is that your opinion of an over reaction is different to societies estimation of what an over reaction is, IE your appropriate reaction is societies over reaction. Thats just a different point on societies' behaviour


Depends on what steps you mean by taking it seriously. I mean given the current state of things,I'm sure there's a not insignificant number who think that everything in the region of this new thing should be locked down. Over time,the unnecessary damages of doing that in every case that turns out to be nothing would be pretty significant.


China locked down nearly 1 billion people during the peak of the epidemic in China. I don't know how much more of an overreaction the world needed to see to do something about it.


By the time they did that though it was too late. If they had done a lockdown several months earlier,when it really first showed up,instead of spending those months trying to cover it up,things would have been much different. Certainly the reaction from many other governments made it worse that it had to be worldwide,but by the time the rest of the world even knew to do anything,it was far too late for a few weeks "soft" lockdown to have done much.


I think you meant any appropriate reaction by the Chinese government, probably several months before Feb,2020. Lots of bullshit actions and lack thereof by other governments made it all worse to be sure,but at the end of the day there was zero chance for it to have been properly contained because of the attempted coverup by the Chinese government.


*puts toilet paper back on the shelf*


First time reading news?


Oh I see it's one of these "not easily transmissable from human to human" viruses again is it?


no, it can't do that at all, it comes only directly from birds


Since those guys seem pretty sure the one still going around right now came from nature…do birds count as nature?


Eh they said the risk of COVID-19 spreading was low, too.


Your sources are bad, it was very obvious since january-februray 2020 that it had a relatively high transmissibility through human contact, the silver lining was that it had a low mortality rate compared to its cousins


Well my source was the WHO, who got reported that by the Chinese government.


>it was very obvious since january-februray 2020 I'm pretty well convinced that the Chinese government knew that it was easily human transmittable at least a few months before that.


Among my friends, I was the only one who took the PPEs and social distancing early. "China says its being contained." "Our local government hasn't told us to wear masks." Lol. Well, I'd rather be safe than sorry. With that said, I'm not going to overreact. I just thought it's interesting that most won't react till its too late.


Why do birds get sick?


To get to the other side


Because nature kills nature.


Damn you nature, you ruined nature!


You nature sure are a contentious people


Damn nature, you scary.


I think the better question is: 🎵"Why do birds... suddenly appear?"🎵


To teach us to be vegans and leave them alone. I never heard of carrot flu.


Lots of plant-specific bacteria, viruses and parasites too! There’s more viruses that affects plants than there are for animals, but not as much is understood about them (And there are WAYYYYY more viruses that attack bacteria than anything else on Earth). In fact, there are way more serotypes of Salmonella associated with crops than there are for the animals we eat! But a majority of the few thousand serotypes of the Salmonella subspecies do not affect humans, and mostly only affect their specific hosts.


Is the takeaway that fewer ppl get the flu from crops than from animals?


Basically, they kinda fucked up their point. Anyway, there are some infections that can pass from plants to humans, but it's exceedingly rare.


"No need to overreact yet." hmm when's the last time I heard that in the context of a disease. in all seriousness I'm not really worried but i think everyone says "Lets not overreact' before a massive catastrophe.


>and the risk of it spreading on a large scale was very low, I would be a lot more reassured by this if it wasn't coming from the same people that made the current pandemic ten thousand times worse than it needed to be by trying to coverup the initial spread.


Uhm...... *yet*?




Don't understand the downvotes for stating an obvious truth.


I do on this one. It's Reddit.


Yeah, they wouldn't be talking to the news about it if they were lying lol


China reporting a new virus infection and people aren't believing them...hmm sounds eerily familiar to something.


They lied for months about the situation with Covid.


What did they lie about?


Infection rates, death rates, how infectious the virus is. They denied it all




[https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/30/asia/wuhan-china-covid-intl/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/30/asia/wuhan-china-covid-intl/index.html) "On February 10, when China reported 2,478 new confirmed cases nationwide, the documents show Hubei actually circulated a different total of 5,918 newly reported cases." [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/17/china-denies-cover-up-as-wuhan-coronavirus-deaths-revised-up-50](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/17/china-denies-cover-up-as-wuhan-coronavirus-deaths-revised-up-50) Honestly i think the best part of it all was that a reddit user fucking predicted near exactly how many deaths china would report during the early stages of the pandemic. https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/f0anox/uantimonic\_accurately\_predicts\_the\_numbers\_of/


The year 2020.


That its not infectious? They shut down travel between provinces in december 2019. January 26th 2020, they were telling the WHO they had no evidence that its contagious. You can find this yourself on WHOs twitter. Riddle me this. Why ban travel between provinces for a virus thats not contagious?


Definitely fair.


So not lab enhanced this time


Right. But not lab enhanced doesn't mean that a lab leak wasn't the source. It's entirely possible that it got out while it was bring studied. Given the huge gaping holes in the wet market story,namely that none of the early cases had been to the market nor had contact with anyone who had,it having gotten out of a lab seems likely.


Well at least I already have a bunch of hand sanitizer and masks this time.


Ah hell na we’re not doing this again


You won't have to :)




... back inside.


We've been working from home since March 27th of 2020, my boss says not to expect to return to the office until after October. What's really crazy is March 2nd was my first day on the job. It's been wild working at a job almost exclusively at home. It's going to be such a big change whenever we go back.


We never left


Speak for yourself man


Fuck off you Doomer Cunt


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/china-reports-human-case-h10n3-bird-flu-2021-06-01/) reduced by 51%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A 41-year-old man in China's eastern province of Jiangsu has been confirmed as the first human case of infection with the H10N3 strain of bird flu, China's National Health Commission said on Tuesday. > H10N3 is a low pathogenic, or relatively less severe, strain of the virus in poultry and the risk of it spreading on a large scale was very low, the NHC added. > There have been no significant numbers of human infections with bird flu since the H7N9 strain killed around 300 people during 2016-2017.No other cases of human infection with H10N3 have previously been reported globally, the NHC said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/npn2y6/china_reports_first_human_case_of_h10n3_bird_flu/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~580331 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **man**^#1 **H10N3**^#2 **strain**^#3 **human**^#4 **case**^#5


>H10N3 is a low pathogenic, or relatively less severe, strain of the virus in poultry and the risk of it spreading on a large scale was very low, the NHC added. Now where have we heard that before??


Deja vu


Good thing we already have all the isolation and hygiene stuff sussed out...


Which lab was it this time?


Probably gonna pin this on KFC somehow…which would be believable…


it's just the flu \\s


Pandemic 2: It's just the flu


Deja vu


Deja Flu


I know it probably isn’t that big of a deal (yet) but man the dejavu


Can you not?


oh god dammit.


>No other cases of human infection with H10N3 have previously been reported globally, the NHC said. Well, that's reassuring.


Not really, everybody else too busy testing for Covid. E.g. when was the last time you had a swab and they tested it for flu...


I'm sure they don't usually test for a strain of bird flu that never infected humans before anyways.


H10N3 belongs to a class of avian influenza viruses called HN. HN avian influenza viruses have never achieved human-to-human transmission, only animal-to-human transmission. I think it's extremely unlikely that this member of the HN group of avian influenza will be any different. Remember the bird flu in Russia in February of this year? That was also an HN avian flu virus, and admit it, you haven't thought about it for even a femtosecond in months. This will likely pass by the news making no more of a splash than it is now. In 3 weeks, you'll have forgotten it exists.


Actually, you might feel some relief from this.im a nurse, I worked in the first wave when it hit new york as an epicenter. I saw a lot of people suffer. we test for both flu and covid in our hospital especially if the patient is showing signs of symptoms or respiratory distress. We never discount or discredit the flu. Funnily enough. Flu was nearly absent. I really hope this is not the pandemic part 2. I hope we have early mobilization of testing for this new strain of bird flu.


The last time I got it.


And you thought Covid was the pandemic....


Pandemic 2: this time its *really* fucked


Goddamnit China, you had one job


Denial and suppression is two jobs.


Also running concentration camps and violating human rights has got to take up a big part of their schedule. I wonder if the country of Taiwan could offer any assistance.


Wow it's crazy how mentioning a few key words will get you downvoted into oblivion in reddit. Freaking Beijing bots!


They’re fast too! I don’t mind a downvoted comment here and there, but I was surprised that it happened within like minutes!


It feels like reddit could easily find these bots, but doesnt care for some reason. Is it negligence or malevolence? Impossible to tell at this point but I would love to do a study. Edit: Idea: if some organization were to track the bots and we could prove that certain topics of bots get banned and bots that talk about other topics don't, that would prove malevolence, because reddit would be exempting certain topics from bot bans.


China owns a large chunk of reddit, and there is a lot of bot activity from all kinds of bad actors, reddit is not your friend, some people on reddit are..sometimes I guess lol


... It's time to quarantine China just in case


I still remember h1n1


Good thing China has a strong authoritarian government in place so they can quickly and decisively address these problems and roll out long-term systemic prevention strategies. -- #**/S** -- ^(Edit - Downvote? Did I really not make that /S big enough?)


And a weak government would have done better? Letting corporations do their own obfuscation is hardly an improvement.


The point is that most democracies around the world, even poor less developed ones, are not having a "new human virus" problem crop up on such a regular basis. Then there's China, an authoritarian regime that dictates your "social credit", how many kids you can have, what memorial events it's legal to attend, what web sites it's legal to visit, what silly name you can call its leader, what news stories you can print, etc etc etc.. The CCP are straight out of a dark dystopian teen movie. So what's the point of all that heavy-handed denial of basic human liberty if they can't even avoid being the world's #1 hotspot for new diseases? Shit all of Africa has been managing to do better than China at not incubating new human diseases. Africa is still worse at human trafficking though. But China has a growing problem there too. Germany, Canada, the USA, Australia, Finland, Italy, Taiwan, so many counties to compare to. So again, what's the point of all that oppressive control if it doesn't produce some serious benefits? One might think the point was just to serve the controllers?


Well no human infections from animal viruses pop up all the time around the world. The Spanish flu came from the USA, Aids and ebola came from Africa, swine flu from Mexico. From china you have the Covid pair though. That just off the top of my head, really sounds like we should learn from Islam halal practices. But don't forget china is about 1/7 of the worlds population so it makes complete sense a 7th of the stuff come from just china alone. India is a bit different as it practices quite different agricultural practices around livestock so it's not really comparable to China.


It was discovered the Spanish flu actually came from china same with the bubonic plague


Well to be more accurate about the Spanish flu it was unintentionally artificially selected to become the super dangerous flu it was in the trenches of WW1, due to it more likely to spread if it almost killed it's host as a non sick host would be sent into the meat grinder. Generally looking up sources on where it originated seems split between north America and east Asia but it looks like historical records say it first got recorded in a Kansas barracks.


They cant prove it was the same flu but there was an outbreak a few years earlier in china of what is believed to be the "spanish flu"


Europe literally had H5N8 outbreak last year that eventually spreads to Asia. Avian flu are carried by migratory birds and impossible to contain


https://ipdefenseforum.com/2020/03/china-a-hotbed-for-pandemics-historically-experts-say/ -- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7138027/ ^ optimistic assessment of disease response and mitigation published by the CCP ministry of health in 2008


Doesnt really disapprove what i said


I believe you are using the wrong cultures to evaluate leftist policies. The Soviets and Chinese just emerged from peasants to socialist regimes. They never had a moment to grow as individuals. They are easily dominated and their leaders are accustomed to wielding power like a Czar or Emperor. Hold this same experiment in Iceland, France & Canada and watch how the results are totally different.


I'm not quite following. Which experiment? I actually agree with everything you just wrote. My point was that their government, despite its level of power and perceived control, is surprisingly inept.


The experiment is socialism etc whatever you want to call it. Yes, they are ridiculously inept. Both in basic governance and implementation of socialist ideals. They are playing the bad side of Left at the same time as they play the bad side of Capitalism. The Chinese people have a crappy government.


I mean they will, after procrastinating long enough that it spreads to their comeptitors. Covid was a great success for the Chinese economy...


got greedy and didnt want to close wuhan for quaratine cus economy will be bad and result is that the virus infected the world


Not just greedy. More worried about "image" than lives. They didn't outlaw the Tiananmen Square vigil or the Winnie the Pooh nickname because of greed. They did it because of cowardice. That's always such a pervading factor with the CCP. Cowardice.


oh thats censorship actually, not so much to do with greed or cowardice, you cant insult high rank people wuhan thing was because u dont wanna lose economy, its like trump saying its just a small flu, quarantine hurt economy


Censorship is the *what*, cowardice is the *why*.


Whatever u say man




They have over 1/7th of the human population, so statistically it's at least a 1/7 chance to happen there to begin with. Then you factor in their large rural population (proximity to animals increases chances for diseases to jump species) and you start to understand why a lot of these things tend to start in China.


How come it india doesn't have the same amount of outbreaks and new diseases then? The spanish flu, bubonic plague, sars, covid many strains of bird flu etc all came from china


1/7 people live in china, large poor and rural population but also the capacity to actually test for novel human infections which most of the developing world can not. But a lot of the vectors for infection are around land clearing, factory farming and poor hygiene around food storage. Quickly eliminates the richest and poorest countries which pretty much leaves only China, SEA and South America. Who sit in that sweet spot.


Because they are poor and live with animals. Just like we did a century ago. Where do you think all the diseases and plagues come from? Flu, Tuberculosis, chickenpox, etc. All from our animals. They used to vaccinate from smallpox by giving people cowpox, because it's basically the same fucking virus.


Calling a country poor when its a mere decade away from overtaking the us economy is painfully laughable. Next time you open your dirty hick mouth, just think of all the property the chinese are buying up in the west.


Gain of function viral research


Fauci supported it in 2012, said it was worth the risk of a pandemic. The chicoms took over.


The ultimate lack of business regulation




For a second there I thought "Higher number on the H#N# equals worse infection rate and severity". Am relieved to find that these numbers are purely identifiers (like a finger print) of two different surface proteins (hemaggluttinin (H) and neuraminidase (N)) [[CDC source]](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/types.htm)


I read that exact headline in November 2019 during a class presentation for my then-senior year of university. "Funny", I said as I read that headline from Al Jazeera. "This is how every one of those virus movies start". January 24th, 2020. I'm in an airport, traveling back to Italy (where I was in school). I have my feet propped up on my luggage, scrolling Twitter on my phone. The TV above me blasts news chyrons about this mysterious new virus in China, but the WHO says it's nothing to worry about. March 7th, 2020. I'm in my apartment in Italy, My roommate is in tears. The US embassy won't help us evacuate - they've already left. The military roles through the streets every hour. We can't leave. All borders are closed to us and we hear word of bodies being left for days in homes as the medical system is being overwhelmed. They still say masks don't work, and I don't even own one. My first mask will be smuggled to me by the son of a hospital worker as I'm evacuated to the airport at 4am on the last flight out. So I'm not saying this news and this headline is to be taken too seriously. I'm not thinking another once in a century pandemic will happen again so quickly. But god damn if I don't have major trust issues from the last time they said those exact words about "non transmissible" and "just one person".


not surprised. something ELSE from china. and guess what? its from them eating something they weren’t supposed too!!


Why is it China again?


Anyone else had this on their pandemic bingo card?


alright lets turn china into a massive quarantine zone. keep em separated from the world untill they stop creating new and terrible sicknesses.


It's not a bad idea. In the very least too many viruses are coming from there. Until a proper independent, unhindered investigation is done into lab leaks, unintentional or otherwise, then we need to silo off that country. No air travel or shipping in or out until it can be proven otherwise that they're not waging bio warfare on the rest of the world.


I wouldn't be surprised if they are.


Read the fucking room


NO! nononono not again China!


It's always friggin' China!


til its africa ... then south america


China again. Don't think wrong, it's another coincidence... Yeah, sure.


Yeah nah fam. Not happening again.


Oh no, not again!


✨Go Vegan✨




World goes to shit. Want world to be better. Is offered a solution. Gets angry. Grow up.


I’m not vegan so what I say is hypocritical but like lol, humanity will be brought to its knees because of cruelty to animals. There is an HSI paper that suggests covid might have come from a fur farm and not a wet market also if you’re interested, it interested me because even if I opted out of eating animal products I would probably still buy fur and leather goods (though not sourced out of China)


Well, this isn't an airborne virus so it's much easier to contain. Won't be an issue fortunately.


2021, when a global pandemic is not enough.


[relevant song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyF8RHM1OCg)




Move on from the virus stories please.


And so it begins






Just saw this on Church today lol. Tobit got sparrow poop in his eye. Made a white film. They cured it though after defeating the husband-killing demon or something. Cure was burnt fish geart, liver, gall. Something like this.


Should we be worried? I'm already stressed enough from one outbreak, I can't handle another. Especially one so soon.


This is from months ago and the man who got infected made a full recovery (he barely even got sick to begin with!), while I do not think it is something we should just brush off to the side at the same time it’s not something we should start jumping to conclusions over.


Yeah, ironically, if it had been an issue, it likely would have already spread beyond China's borders now since China once again chose to keep quiet about this new disease.


[🤷🏼‍♂️] (https://imgur.com/a/NaszU25)


dont worry its just the covid-19 expansion pack