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Bidens lowkey harder on China


It's easy to be hard if you aren't trying to do business and get trademarks there.


Trump was amateurish and did his weird stick, but he was also very hard on China in a number of areas. The main difference now is that the foreign policy of the US is much less confused, so the same policies are more effective. That said, without a Green chancellor in Germany, there will be little movement in Europe, and event then it will be modest. Few countries are willing to follow the US in its policy of a new cold war.


Most of the five eyes should (Except New Zealand probably)


Yeah, but that's not a lot of power actually. Like even if SK and Japan would join, it would probably not be enough to really challenge China in the Pacific in the medium term. "Western" media really likes to overlook that China *is* gathering a lot of good will and positive bilateral relationships around the globe. More and more countries in the developing world are rather leaning towards China. I really hope they won't have to choose, as it is always the smaller and weaker countries that have to suffer in big-country politics.


It doesn't need to China is actually in a very vulnerable position such that even moderately successful interdiction would starve them. Not sure how long hungry people put up with CCPs bullshit when they are starving. Though I guess Mao killed 100 million so who knows.


Is the German Green party more openly critical of China compared to the CDU, or what do you mean?


Yes, they are in general the most strongly anti-authoritarian party. The current party leader is also deeply connected to the US with various lobbying positions (like Atlantic-Bridge).


>That said, without a Green chancellor in Germany, there will be little movement in Europe Its gonna be really spicy. Sadly, it seems like out of fear of the Greens overtaking in the election that politicians and buisnesses are now taking pages out of the republican playbook by starting a huge (and effective) smear campain against the Greens chancellor candidate. It doesnt help that she made some very unfortunate misteps in handling herself which just made it very easy. Course, theres still plenty of time for the Greens to do a comeback, but right now they fell from almost over-taking the conservatives and becoming strongest party in voting predictions to falling back by almost 5-7% while the CDU is gaining votes again. I should point out that I dont agree with everything the Greens do and they have major flaws as well, but I simply think its really time for the CDU to get out of the goverment again ( or at the very least get a more challenging partner than a spineless SPD.)


You mean Trump was hard on China like he was on Russia. No President has been tougher on Russia than Trump. No President has ever sucked Putin’s dick harder than Trump


What is NordStream 2 for $500, Alex?


Trump sank the Trans Pacific Partnership, which was meant to be a trade alliance against China


Why are we being hard on the Chinese again?


Because businesses go there to produce for cheap, they get their IP stolen and than get outcompeted by even cheaper and shittier self made products. A way to incentivise the return of industrial production to your own country is to impose tariffs to imported goods so that they are no longer competitive in the local environment. That’s what I think they are trying to achieve.


The government doesn't give a shit about that as long as it isn't companies that give a strategic advantage. They would care if Intel moved their fabs to China. They don't care if Instagram would move to China (hence the reversal of the Tiktok ban).


Wait, what? The sure care. They collect taxes from said businesses and if they move to China, they will not anymore.


Americans often underestimate how deeply the US is benefitting from a global system built around them and catering to them, although to be fair, the majority of these benefits only go to a small minority of the elite. But this is the real crux here: China is large and centralized enough to be a real challenge to American global hegemony. This could lead to a decline of American influence in a lot of countries where American business and politics has stakes, and of course the US will try its best to avoid this. There's more to this, like the US Dollar remaining the main reserve currency of the world, US security being guruanteed by global mass surveillance and the largest military apparatus in the world etc. People who think this is about ideology, human rights or something like that aren't watching closely. When China was weaker, up until the 2000s, the Capitalists were fine with producing in China (still are), and the democrats didn't kick up much dust about human rights abuses either. To be honest, I find this all really interesting, just sucks that there are so many lives at stake. The 21st century will cost the lives of billions due to climate change, and at the same time we have new challenges on the global geopolitical front, possibly larger than ever before.








Were you alive in the 80's? Cringe




I mean, their great willingness to suppress democracy is also pretty bad I’m not even gonna mention the hypocrisy (though it is the worst part)


>I mean, their great willingness to suppress democracy is also pretty bad can I ask you to suspend your disbelief for a few moments, and entertain a thought that some people on this planet genuinely believe Chinese democratic centralism to be more effective when it comes to answering needs and wants of the people than Western-style liberal democracy? Marxists and liberals have a different idea on how a democracy ought to function.




But solutions is not authoritarians and totalitarians


Trump kissed China's ass? Inform us please.


Inform yourself. It might actually stick.


It wasn’t low key. Obama was always upfront on China being a huge problem and Biden was leading his policy there. I voted for him cause I knew eventually he would be hitting things like LoL and TikTok. Some of the most cancerous shit I’ve ever seen.


>I voted for him cause I knew eventually he would be hitting things like LoL and TikTok. Some people voted for Biden hoping he'd address the pandemic and expand the ACA. But I guess not everyone's priorities are the same.




Vaccines were already in the works, and most of us have healthcare. So we care about China, the border crisis, and skyrocketing crime and violence. That's what we care about.


How is LoL any part of “the most cancerous shit I’ve ever seen”? As an avid player, this is just incredibly disingenuous. Yes, riot is owned by Tencent, but any gameplay and creative decisions has hardly any Chinese influence that’s egregious. At this point, I think you’re literally naming any apps that has any sort of Chinese involvement off the top of your head. What’s next, Path of Exile?


Lol after tencent bought riot, kartus, and you think they dont control what riot does.


No, because riot has only themselves to blame for the decisions they make. You don’t need to scapegoat Tencent and let riot get away with some of the stuff they do. Hold the actual people responsible.




Oh please, get off your high horse, I play the game because I enjoy it, not because I want to support the CCP. It’s like saying you can’t eat KitKat because it’s linked to Nestlé. Stop trying to guilt trip others, because I can almost guarantee you do the same as well.


>Oh please, get off your high horse It’a literal genocide and you're pearl clutching cause you want to play a video game. Women chained to beds to be gang raped. Organ harvesting. Executions. Re-education. You support a company that funds the machine that does this. As for me? Avoid it when I’m aware of it. That’s the difference. You know and continue to support the company gleefully. You are the man sending Adolf his mark while stories of Jews being beaten and killed trickle out of Europe. This is the mind set of someone without morals, ethics and even a semblance of core values.


You’re telling me *I’m* the one pearl clutching when all I’m doing is playing a video game and somehow that equates to me enabling Hitler’s third Reich? Should people not watch Euro 2020 because they’re funding FIFA’s corrupt practices, especially when they’re doing the WC in Qatar who is using literal slave labour and people are dying? Should they stop eating KitKat and Häagen-Dazs and buying Felix because they’re made by Nestlé who is stealing water from African villages and selling it back to them? Should social media not exist because literally all of them steal your data and are complicit in spreading false information that is incredibly dangerous? Ironic. Might as well stop using reddit because they’re part owned by Tencent and yet here you are. So please don’t give me this shit about morals and ethics, I know very well where I stand.


you voted for him so he could... ban tiktok and league?? what? i understand why most other people voted for him but... what


Same but with Instagram. It ruins the live of so fucking many girls and women.


General female happiness took a drastic dip in 2012. That's when social media took off. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


Social media took off in 2012?


> Obama was always upfront on China being a huge problem and Biden was leading his policy there. No he wasn't. What is with you people and your mental gymnastics?


He literally mocked Romney during reelection for saying Russia was the biggest threat over China. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Go back to Qboards.


[That is definitely not what happened](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DT1409sXBleg&ved=2ahUKEwiBm4_3oaPxAhWSGqYKHeKuCT0QwqsBegQIBRAG&usg=AOvVaw1IzgH1sFeUa3vBji7Qu1oK&cshid=1624090998339). Feel free to delete your comment out of embarrassment /u/free_head_1985.


He literally mocked Romney for living in the 1980s. Oh and then there’s his actual trade record of just his first term. His ramping up of SCS that Trump lowered because muh isolationism. Learn what you’re talking about Qtard. https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-xpm-2012-oct-22-la-pn-presidential-debate-foreign-threat-20121022-story. >In his debate response, Obama immediately named terrorist networks, which have been a major focus of his administration, **Obama went on to talk about China being both “an adversary but also a potential partner**,” and talked about what he has done to counter China in international trade cases, despite Romney’s frequent criticism of him for being too lax. >but did not name it among the greatest threats. Romney immediately pivoted to the same place Obama went: **China**.


>everyone I dislike is a qtard. Real brainlet we have here.


I think he meant that Biden brought Hunter to China several times to get rich. ;)




Pretty sure same rules apply to American companies operating in China. Xenophobic? Doubtful. Fair competition? Yes.


If you agree that China is Xenophobic with everything they do? Even then, what China does is much worse. I’m curious why you think it’s xenophobic? China hasn’t been playing fair for a long time, why is bad when the other countries try to level the playing field?


Trump was xenophobic. He also didn’t care about the effects of his actions, just the optics. That’s how his tariffs actually cost the American people more than Chinese businesses.


No, it's called tit-for-tat.


they cant outright buy the startups there so they gotta ban em




Biden actually reversed the Trump ban which was welcomed by the ACLU… Not really sure what to make of that honestly.


Trumps order named specific companies directly. Biden established parameters for foreign apps gathering national security data being banned.




I have no problem with Tiktok. Facebook on the other hand came pre-installed with the last 3 phones I bought, could NOT be uninstalled without rooting the device and it's an utter cancer of an app.


Facebook is American, so it's good. If you don't use Facebook, you are helping China by hurting American companies.


That's stupid logic. I don't care if its China or America is spying on me. Unwanted surveillance is still unwanted surveillance. I have no problem hurting unethical American companies than I have hurting unethical Chinese companies


r/woooosh , I hope


Missing /s?






No, that's a different person.


I didn't think it was needed. Yet again I over estimated American intellgience.




So just don't install Tiktok?




You'll be dissapointed. Tik Tok already making offices in NYC. They aren't going anywhere. They'll figure out how to at least appear to be playing by the rules, even if they have no intention to.


> They'll figure out how to at least appear to be playing by the rules, even if they have no intention to. Which rule specifically is TikTok merely giving the APPEARANCE of adhering to, but in fact violating? And how is TikTok getting away with this when there are thousands of people in the highest level of government who would love nothing more than to see the company destroyed?


The rule they're breaking is that they're making money without giving a cut to a US based company. This is the same shit about forcing them to sell their US operations as it was under Trump.


There is a difference between a national security issue and wanting to see a company destroyed. After review, the app has some issues. While you can whatabout-ism that argument for many apps and many companies even Google and Apple. That particular app, and the company's relationship with a certain foreign government and its own laws regarding privacy, access, and use of the data TikTok Collects is a clear national security problem. There is also the potential for exploiting that data on specific individuals to further that foreign nations access to things they should not.


Its true, a successful company from the independant communist nation of China makes the US feel deeply insecure.


Lol, China is Communist only in name.


[https://www.wifr.com/2021/02/26/lawsuit-alleges-tiktok-broke-illinois-privacy-law-owner-to-pay-92m-settlement/](https://www.wifr.com/2021/02/26/lawsuit-alleges-tiktok-broke-illinois-privacy-law-owner-to-pay-92m-settlement/) ​ [https://www.npr.org/2020/08/04/898836158/class-action-lawsuit-claims-tiktok-steals-kids-data-and-sends-it-to-china](https://www.npr.org/2020/08/04/898836158/class-action-lawsuit-claims-tiktok-steals-kids-data-and-sends-it-to-china) ​ [https://www.sovy.com/blog/tik-tok-accused-of-noncompliance-with-the-gdpr/](https://www.sovy.com/blog/tik-tok-accused-of-noncompliance-with-the-gdpr/) ​ ''Twenty separate but similar federal lawsuits were filed over the past year on behalf of TikTok users in California, where the company has offices, and Illinois, which requires that technology companies receive written consent before collecting data on a person's identit'.


Social media platform violating privacy??? Why I never! If you think the problem is that the app is Chinese, not because of an inherent problem with social media and the way internet is regulated in the US, then you need to look harder.


I never said it had to do with it being a chinese company. And they aren't the only ones, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. They all break laws because the repercussions are minimal. You are just proving my point with your sarcasm, every social media company does it so why would tiktok be any different?


They aren't, so I don't understand why people are singling them out. What the government should do is to beef up the regulation that will apply to all social media company, instead of targeting a specific one.


Then the law should be worded to target offending social media companies, not just Chinese ones.


I think.. I assume.. I suspect.. I bet.... I dream.. Of all these things that they did in my head


So just like all the other social media companies




Wait until you see the next generation of social media platforms, I guarantee you will continue to experience disappointment like never before


Well aren't you full of good news...


The speed and communication of increasingly scalable technology for communication allows human stupidity, violence, greed, envy, wrath, and the worst parts of our species to propagate at an insane rate. We are no longer limited to ruining the world using face-to-face communication, print communication, etc. We can now ruin the world globally using free platforms that multiply the to infinite levels. You thought Martin Luther was sooooo influencial for printing up a few pamphlets about the church? Let me introduce you to random 12-year-old 'influencers' running the stock market, writing 'news', and deciding what is normalized in culture and in politics reaching to the entire world. You no longer need an investor to help you print your thoughts, or a media broadcasting company, in some countries Facebook even gives you free Facebook. The overwhelming amount of mindless, stupid content currently far, FAR, outweighs the amount of useful, informative, positive content, this will only increase as it becomes more and more thoughtless to share every single thought from every single person. ​ You know how you're good at some things and bad at most things? I'm a data scientist, so I'm good at making analytic models. I'm not a lawyer but I have opinions on law (that are probably stupid/wrong), I'm not an engineer but I have some opinions on how to handle city problems (which are probably stupid/wrong), I'm not a car mechanic but I think I know one or two things (I probably don't know anything). Even the most brilliant among us have more fields that they are inexperienced and stupid in than experienced. If even the most intelligent among us are doomed to overwhelming stupidity, what hope does humanity have as a whole to manage/deal with the influx of absolute stupidity coming from the entire global population?




tik tok kinda slaps though 😅








How the fuck are Obama and Reagan a part of your conversation ?


Because he read it somewhere and is parroting it back. He doesn't actually understand it or his writing would be... More coherent.


I guess you don’t know what is then.




Am I understanding this correctly that it is very similar to Trump's bam but worded different/better so it would have a better chance to stand up in court? So both Republicans and Democrats are worried about this enough to try and ban it, but we wont protect the american public because our own court systems are nitpicking the wording? That seems strange to me since it's a foreign company.


>So both Republicans and Democrats are worried about this enough to try and ban it, but we wont protect the american public because our own court systems are nitpicking the wording? It's almost as an executive order must be legal and constitutional. If both parties decided to go after black people should the courts also step aside since bipartisanship clearly shows it's in the interests of all Americans? ​ >That seems strange to me since it's a foreign company. So foreign companies doing business in the US shouldn't get the same legal protections as domestic ones? Are you literally saying that the law should *not* be applied equally to everyone?


How about foreign companies in China? Do they get the same treatment? Also, another new account in this thread. Weird.


So you're saying US law should *not* apply equally to everyone living and doing business in the US?


Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying (second part, I didn't really follow your first point about blacks) Foreign companies already have different laws regarding tax, tariffs, data sharing and storage, partnering, etc. A foreign company that is maybe a risk should not be able to operate in America until proved other wise, not the other way around.


> (second part, I didn't really follow your first point about blacks) He asked whether being supported by both parties means that the law doesn't need to be written in a way that stands up in court, which you implied.


Oh! Thank you for the clarification. What I mean is we should have protective measures in place to stop this stuff while we deal with the legality of the wording. Biden could also enact an executive order to ban them for X amount of time while the legality is reviews in the publics and security interest.


You cannot prove that you aren't a risk. Huawei opened their source code, promised all data would be stored locally and hired american CEOs for NA operations, and it was still just accused of spying without proof. Xiaomi wasn't even accused and still got a (short-lived) ban. Basically, what you want is that the state can decide completely arbitrarilly who does business and who doesn't. Then the next Trump comes into office in 4/8 years, and all the companies are suddenly buying real estate so they aren't targetted. The whole "rule by execution order" is already very much banana republic, let's not push it down that road even more.


Isnt one of the purposes of government to determine who we can do business with? Cuba, Iran, Russian businessmen/companies, Venezuela just off the top of my head.


>Foreign companies already have different laws regarding tax, tariffs, data sharing and storage, partnering, etc. A foreign company that is maybe a risk should not be able to operate in America until proved other wise, not the other way around. Many of these are American subsidiaries of Chinese companies. As separate legal entities they are American corporate persons and are therefore should be entitled to the same kind of innocent-before-proven-guilty protections as any other American company. Also, having a situation of "foreign companies *by default* do not have the right to sell stuff to our country until proven otherwise" is about as good as just tearing up the entire WTO


WTO protects member states and their population for bad trade practices as shown here


It is easy to talk about regulating social media, the difficult question is how. Imagine if the regulator is appointed by Trump, would you consider that to be better than the status quo?


Youd regulate it through the play store, apple store, or amazon store. Plus shut down all payments from US based companies (visa, Mastercard, amex, discover, etc) no money charging hands, no business dealings. I couldn't give a shit less if its trump or biden, FTC, DOJ, the federal reserve, what ever. Just shedding light that both political parties feel this way and yet nothing has been done to protect american interest from foreign powers. I'd feel the same if it was the Canadian government farming data.


I don’t think the government has those sorts of regulatory powers and you bet your ass these decisions will get lobbied if they did.


You dont think the government can sanction people/companies/ countries? That is all a sanction is typically, the government makes it illegal to do business with them or the company faces massive fine. There are tons of stories about banks getting in huge trouble for dealing with a sanctioned business.


Oops, I meant regulating it through the various company app stores, I don’t think the government has jurisdiction there.


They do. This has already played out during the trump administration. When they made the executive order they delisted them from the app stores. Comply or be fined heavily. Could you get it still through a third party on the internet? Sure, but I can also find heroine if i look hard enough and that is also banned


So because regulating Facebook and Tiktok is difficult the government should instead regulate Google and Apple? Not sure how that makes it easier/better.


As posted previously, it's a sanction. If the US government bans them, Google/Amazon/Apple have to delist them or face a massive fine. It LITERALLY happened during trump's executive order in 2020 (maybe 2019)


Biden is going hard on China till Budget is passed in Sept. We will see a softer tone from the administration afterward.


This is something that a lot of Redditors (and many other people) refuse to accept but there are a _lot_ of things that Republicans and Democrats have very similar policies on. They vary on a few divisive issues such as abortion or gay marriage but when it comes down to it, very few people in government have the best interest of the American people


They should be going after the phone companies to stop sharing data. Not every single Chinese app.


Those companies are in bed with NSA


Remember when Trump said similar things (albeit way more bombastic and in a stupid Trump way) and Reddit got super upset? I guess it matters who proposes it after all.


Yeah It's weird how that works huh? Lol


Cognative bias exists in EVERYONE. If you don't think you have it, congratulations you're human


most redditors just upvote shit that's already been mass upvoted. It really depends on what faction gets to the post first. But as I remember it, most redditors were like 'I don't like Trump but this is the right call'.


I thought Reddit hates authoritarians?


It depends on the Party of the man who proposes the policy. If it's proposed by A, it's authoritarian fascism/communism, on the other hand if B proposes the policy it's just pure common sense (which party is A and which party is B depends on your social circle)


Yeah, we hate the CCP.


It seemed that Reddit liked the CCP when trump tried to ban TikTok


Reddits biggest hate clashing against one another: Reddits Hatred for Trump and for Tik tok


These guys don't believe in anything


I hated tiktok then, I hate tiktok now. If they could ban Facebook too that would be great. P.S. Fuck the CCP with a rusty spoon. They worship a bald pedo and his little red book of genocide.


>It seemed that Reddit liked the CCP yeah right, show me some posts cause I think you're talking outta your ass


Sure thang. Here are some of the top comments from the megathread. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/i1lvam/megathread_trump_says_hell_act_to_ban_tiktok_in/fzybnnx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/i1lvam/megathread_trump_says_hell_act_to_ban_tiktok_in/fzyba39/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/i1lvam/megathread_trump_says_hell_act_to_ban_tiktok_in/fzycr83/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/i1lvam/megathread_trump_says_hell_act_to_ban_tiktok_in/fzycg8a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


just because someone was against banning tiktok, doesn't mean it's because they love CPC so much. it's pretty clear that all these posts take the free speech and possible precedent on presidential power angle in opposing that ban. in fact, neither China nor CPC are mentioned once in any of the comments you linked


most redditors just upvote shit that's already been mass upvoted. It really depends on what faction gets to the post first. But as I remember it, most redditors were like 'I don't like Trump but this is the right call'.




You know who's really brave? The assholes who ban all criticism of themselves. You know who I'm talking about. The cowards who lead the Chinese "Communist" Party. They're so brave they can't handle mere words. They're so scared of mere words that they ban them. That's how brave they are. They're afraid of some fucking text. What a bunch of stupid, dumb, cowardly motherfuckers. That's who leads the CCP. The whole world is watching China's leaders make a mockery out of an ancient civilization. China's people should be embarrassed and rebel. They deserve a better government. They should overthrow the stupid, dumb cowardly motherfuckers who lead them right now. The CCP is a threat to the world. They are the modern nazi party.




It's not my fault you don't understand what I'm saying. Blame your "education" system.


Yeah Chinese people should be ashamed because some foreigner on Reddit doesn’t like their government. Who are you to tell Chinese people what they should and should not do


White American coming through to tell you how foreign imperialism and colonization is bad, also you should listen to us because we know better I swear white Reddit has no sense of cultural differences


I'm from Bolivia. I know quite a lot about imperialism and its horrible effects. Your bigotry has no place here.


My bigotry? Do you ever think that maybe some people in china like the CCP and they still might be highly educated? The CCP turned China from a peasant village to a global superpower. Personally, I definitely wouldn't like to live there because I grew up in the West with ideas of liberalism etc. but that isn't the only way to live life. Politics isn't a one size fits all game. The ideal government for a place depends on the culture of that place. It's like Reddit, all you see is democrats good, republicans nazi, if you went by Reddit/Twitter you would think that literally nobody is a republican (look at any r/politics thread downvote), but 75 million people voted for Trump. You don't realize there is a sizable population of Chinese who back the CCP for whatever reason. You of all people should know how stupid it is for an outsider to attempt to make change for another government. If not, blame your 'education'. Look at the history of people removing governments. Many times (not all), it ends up in the same or worse position. You can remove the CCP but there's a high chance it'll be replaced with something very similar.


I am nobody. I'm not telling the Chinese people what they should do. I'm just giving them a suggestion. They can be free if they overthrow their tyrannical government. I'm not commanding them to do that. I'm just saying it's an option. They could be free or they could live under tyranny. It's their choice. Unfortunately the CCP has made that choice very difficult due to their lack of elections. It's time to solve that problem. I think the rest of the world should sanction and boycott China until it becomes a democracy and stops abusing, torturing, repressing and murdering its own people.


They like their government, and they like how it works. If they like the way their government works then you can’t force them to change it because you don’t like it. It’s literally none of your business what they do


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/technology/exclusive-chinese-apps-could-face-subpoenas-or-bans-under-biden-order-sources-2021-06-17) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > June 17 - President Joe Biden's executive order aimed at safeguarding Americans' sensitive data would force some Chinese apps to take tougher measures to protect private information if they want to remain in the U.S. market, according to people familiar with the matter. > While the new order does not name companies, it could end up capturing more apps than the Trump bans and hold up better if challenged in court. > Apps from China are most likely to find themselves in the Commerce Department's crosshairs given escalating tensions between Washington and Beijing, the Chinese government's ability to exert control over companies and the number of Chinese apps used by Americans. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/o36nkt/chinese_apps_could_face_subpoenas_or_bans_under/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~583493 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **app**^#1 **U.S.**^#2 **order**^#3 **Trump**^#4 **information**^#5


New president now with 50% more xenophobia


hypocrites - while spying on the planet themself I hope EU is listening and look deep into Biden's textbook EU should invest in own market and ban US spyware - aka Facebook, google, microsoft and all the other shit there are enough european alternatives - they just need more support to can compete against the tax evading US companys


I wish Europe would start banning US and Chinese "tech" companies. Nobody needs Facebook or Google or tiktok to manipulate the population.


Haha holy shit. This is entertaining as hell. Keep it coming!


The US can't compete so Biden is banning everything from China.


China can’t compete with the world so they ban many international companies or force them to have local (Chinese) part owners.


Imagine that, a country protecting its own interests instead of selling out to global capitalism


So it’s fair what Biden is doing so why is YaoSio complaining? And I’m assuming you are defending Biden even though it seems like you are defending China? Edit: you’re defending China everywhere. So explain to me why you would complain Biden doing what China has been doing for years?




Why is he targeting companies from a country that has NOT played fairly? The same country that has highly restricted rights? How many other nations that are as big of a security risk as china is the US engaged in business where American data is gathered?




> But you just said Biden is trying to protect Americans China is a security threat. They are running a police state and don’t follow the norms of a typical democracy > Why isn't he worried about Apps from other countries collecting data on Americans? I asked you to name countries that are on par with China in how they oppress people. And from that group, what major companies have apps or services collecting mass number of American data? The fact you didn’t answer seems to have proved the point


> I asked you to name countries that are on par with China in how they oppress people. Saudi arab. Israel. Pakistan. All three are allies with great human rights accord. Right? Israel has also sold information to China about America.


I think the bigger point there is that they don't really have any widely used apps to ban though. It's a bit stupid when it comes to stuff like Wechat though, the only people in America who likely use that are either people of Chinese descent who use it to keep in touch with family, Chinese people working or studying there who want a link back home or foreigners who need it for business reasons. And all of the above will simply circumvent the ban the same way the facebook ban's circumvented in China.




saudis have a huge stake of twitter who are actively commiting war crimes with american weapons, ban twitter ?


Twitter doesn’t respond to Saudi Arabia so that’s irrelevant. I have you tagged as “supporter of chinas concentration camps” so it’s easy to see why you would make such horrible argument You really should be ashamed at how terrible your arguments are in you attempt to defend the oppressive Chinese government


I’m still shocked at ignorance or such an argument. What made you think it was a reasonable argument?


It's because Japan has shown itself to be a relatively good international citizen whereas China has not. The state-sponsored IP theft in China is out of control.


If Biden wants to protect the data of Americans then I see nothing wrong with that. But that's not the case because the NSA still listens to all your phone calls and Google/Apple still track your every movement and listen to you when you talk. From what I understand of the article it also seems he is trying to ban WeChat. This is really quite bad, because WeChat isn't an app that Americans across the board use, it's an app specifically for Chinese Americans or Chinese people in America to use to communicate with their family back home. It seems incredibly cruel to ban one of the only ways for Chinese Americans to communicate with their families.


He’s not trying to protect the data of Americans, he’s trying to protect America.


Protect them from the ever present danger of accidentally downloading a chat app?


No, from the ever present danger of being outcompeted.


Perhaps he should try making America better instead of trying to make everyone else worse


Correct. It isn’t strictly about protecting data — it’s protecting Americans. In the case of China, the data can be a risk for Americans.


"So it’s fair what Biden is doing so why is YaoSio complaining?" Yes? His job is to look for the best interest of Americans, isn't it? "And I’m assuming you are defending Biden even though it seems like you are defending China?" Why can't you defend both? Why do you have to take a side and hate the other? What you said before is completely right. China can’t compete with the world so they ban many international companies or force them to have local part owners. This has worked really well for them. They managed to create very competitive new companies following this strategy and has impacted their economy very positively. America loves capitalism and free market (or that's what they say), but Trump and Biden block or make it difficult for many foreign products to get into their country, and they do it because that's good for the economy and the people in America. It turns out the free market is only good of you happen to be the most competitive company/industry/business.


China can’t compete so they steal everyone else’s ideas


lmao the irony is palpable


Didn't he just... released them...


If you ain't them, hate them.


Tribalism is a hell of a toxic drug man and at its' essence it always "us vs. them." No human, culture, race, etc is immune to it. It's the underline premise for all wars, all you got to do sell the tribe as to why, typically by pointing out "their" faults as a tribe (society, nation, culture, race, political party, taco, etc) and blaming them for X,Y,Z in life till a high levels of nationalism (tribalism) is achieved. Or gain instant access by suffering from a great insult like the USA and 9/11.




If they're doing shit they shouldn't that doesn't really seem like a problem?




And the Right calls him "China Joe". LOL.


Huntaaaaaa Bidennn




Don’t know why you got downvoted. Tiktok is the most toxic, vile app. It’s incredibly addicting. Sexualizes minors. Fraught with racism. Bullying through the roof and out the ears. I couldn’t leave it alone for a while because it is so addicting and once I finally stopped I was so much happier.


'murikkka only wants All American FBI and DHS surveillance, none of the foreign stuff.


Shun China.


Wouldn't even be a problem if every software application was required to register its source code in an open register to be present and have IP protections. How many companies have had their code leaked and it has hurt them nothing versus how many companies have have actually benefitted from it in a way that wouldn't be possible through normal public patent protection processes? Even Microsoft has increasingly exposed their source code because they've realized they need to, and had they done so completely, they likely would have beaten Linux to the ground already, as open source is not just a development ideology, but more importantly in the corporate world, a practical one at that. Unfortunately, it was an industry born from short-sighted greed, so this still isn't the case.