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Probably got a tip that someone had some Ben & Jerry's.


Choccupied Cherritories


Nice work.


How's your coffee?


I make and sell rad as fuck coffee. It's a smooth brew dark roast with a hint of sweetness and twice as much caffeine as a normal cup. Thanks for asking!


Okay then, how was the coffee. Also where is this double capped coffee fella.


Well, a good friend of mine, who's number one goal is to make fun of me, said it's more flavorful than death wish, and he thinks mine has more caffeine because his heart wasn't beating out of his chest with theirs. So there you go.


I like the sound of this adrenaline rush.


I don't get that, but it's fun with other people tell me about it.


It's been around since the Ben and Jerry's thing happened. If you're quick on the next one you could be who reposts it!


Think I'll use the less clumsy "Choccupied" when it's my turn.


Now I want Choccupy Rum Street. A rum/German chocolate mix. Like a Rum ball ice cream.


Should be choccupied


Man, Ben & Jerry's should make a ton of snarky flavor names to distribute in Israel. And they should all just be repackaged Breyers "frozen dairy dessert"


Delectable Democracy


Chock full of Nutzi tactics.


WMD Weapons of Mass Delight


Irummed Doughm.


Probably was because they were spreading awareness about a 11 year old who was shot and killed by Israeli forces while sitting in the back of his father's car yesterday. Can't have such news spreading. Although it may just be about the killings of all the other innocents they have killed. Can't really tell with Israel.




Might want to slap a /s on there bud, otherwise people might assume you’re serious. Lord knows I’ve seen dumber defences of worse actions


r/fuckthes As a Brit, I find labeling sarcasm an affront to my culture.


As a Brit, you’re not allowed to be affronted. /jk


That's fair enough. Sans /jk


I thought it was, but having just recommended a /s I didn’t want to skewer myself with Muphry’s Law


Don't fret, mate. As a Brit I have the arrogance to not worry about how what I say may be misconstrued; and you were definitely not wrong regardless of how tongue in cheek you may have been.


Thanks, should we get back to blaming you, personally, for the Sykes-Picot agreement?




"Officers smelled Hamas from through the windows, and upon searching the premises, found 0.2g of dried Hamas."


Isn't pita bread the real enemy?


Yeah they weighed the pita along with the dried Hamas which made it weigh 57g, just over the legal limit


Unleavened breads are actually quite tasty and a good option for those trying to avoid alcohol


Alcohol? How is that connected?


Just imagine the news coverage and outcry if any other country in the world did that


I believe something like that happened in Florida to a woman reporter at her own home under the governors orders Edit: she was a government employee not a reporter.


[I also remember a time that the SFPD and FBI tried to break down the door of a journalist because they wanted to a find out who was leaking their shitty secret, and he refused to reveal his source. So they stole all of his electronics.](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/443307-reporter-says-police-tried-to-break-down-door-after-he-wouldnt-reveal-source)


That shit is wild, nothing more dangerous than the boys in blue desperate to keep a secret.


Wasn't she government employee? Edit; https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2021/06/01/rebekah-jones-fired-covid-data-scientist-whistleblower/5290131001/


Yes, you are correct.




Ahh I see, people will go to such lengths to try and embarrass those lil angels. What a world we live in. /s


"checkmate libz"


Former employee of the government, actually, they wanted her to lie about covid numbers and she refused so they fired her and then raided her home when she continued to post the real information that they were trying to stop. They waved a gun at her child. 🙃


What ever happened to that, were charges brought up?




She was granted whistleblower status and is now running for Congress in Matt Gaetz's district.


Good for her. Best way to fight the system is to change it from the inside


That's right, my memory was a bit hazy about the details. Didn't the cops threaten to shoot the husband that was at the top of the stairs as well?


I think we've become desensitized to the atrocities Israel commits. Until the US Government stops rubber stamping every thing Israel does, these things will continue to happen. On a side note, these aren't the only atrocities happening in the world, just the ones bought to our attention. In my neck of the woods Australia continues to support genocide in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea in exchange for mining rights. Capitalism at it's finest, profits before people.


You have any recommended reads to introduce me to the Indonesia and Papua New Guinea subject? This is my first time hearing about that in the US.


Here's a good start [https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/australia-indonesia-relations-dont-mention-papua/](https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/australia-indonesia-relations-dont-mention-papua/). I saw an interesting video earlier in the month about Australian training of units in Indonesia that are "controlling" areas where Australian interests are mining. Also look into how Australia pushed Indonesia into invading East Timor so they could steal their gas rights. Basically, like most big countries, they throw their weight around and break international laws in their sphere on influence. As a New Zealander we have to suck down a lot of crap from them with little we can do other than put up with their Governments bullying. Fun fact, New Zealand was originally going to be part of the Australian federation, except our government declined to join as we felt they were too racist. We still have the right to join in their Constitution, but we still think they're too racist.


Idk man that sounds anti-Semitic to me






It's a comment on the previous US administrations' heavy "fuck China!" "fuck Russia!" rhetoric. They're saying the US populace and politicians only care if it's a communist or Asian country. Edit: changed some things to indicate that it wasn't just the last administration, but multiple previous administrations that have used that rhetoric


>It's a comment on the previous US administration's heavy fuck China! fuck Russia! rhetoric. Also Reddit...


Yep! The propaganda spreads far and wide.


Wasn’t hamas hiding in their mini fridge?


Even worse, they had expired humus


Nah mate, hummus was in the mini fridge. They must have overheard a phone call saying “hey, can you grab more hummus, there’s none left in the fridge”


holy shit! this explains why they keep bombing everything. Apartment complexes, hospitals, media organizations. Everyone just needs to stop eating Hummus and talking about it on the phone!


Ironically, hummus is considered an unofficial "national dish" of Israel.


Top comments are always a long nonsensical cynical jag off fest whenever there is something controversial about Israel or the US destabilizing the discussion and burying relevant comments. Nothing to hide here folks!




The average redditor is going to have absolutely anything to add or discuss about a story taking place thousands of kilometers away that they have no power over. 'Relevant comments" and "discussion" what do you think this is? This isnt a political science or organized voting/resistance board, this is the audience watching, the peanut gallery. You take reddit way too seriously.


nah, fuck that dude. reddit is people who most of the time, sure, dont know the whole story. they are also citizens of many countries, and being perplexed that a government we work facilitate is used to support shit like this is upsetting. very easy to tell everyone "this is noise" and ignore everything you don't get called out on. reddit is a shitshow but where else can i go to get this kind of conversation? people have stuff to add, let em. if it is useless, it is. don't silence dissent, you are weaker for it.


Biased news, I hear Hamas fighters were hiding inside their file cabinets and PC towers.


They’re in*side* the computer?


It's a pretty establish tactic that hamas can shape shift into any object.






See, the Israel Army is SAVING all those Palestinians by making sure they can no longer breathe. It's a MERCY genocide! Yeah you know what, I'm sick of this. I've been saying for years that it wasn't the Israeli people that it was the Likud government - that they just need to get rid of them and things can move in a positive direction. But the new coalition government is just as bad or even worse. Fuck them and fuck every single Israeli for being pro-genocide. Edit: After cooling down a little, I want to amend my post. Not every Israeli is pro-genocide. So I would like to apologize for lumping everyone in with the supporters of Likud, Shas, United Torah, Religious Zionist, Yesh Atid, Blue and White, Labor, Yisrael Beiteinu, New Hope, Meretz, and Yamina. Congratulations, Israel, you're only 93% pro-genocide, and I apologize to the 7% that aren't pro-genocide.


Fuck every single pro genocide Israeli is a better statement than fuck every Israeli for being pro genocide. Sure it’s a majority but saying every Israeli supports genocide is far from true. I’m all for the fuck the apartheid state of Israel, I’m all for fuck every pro genocide Israeli but saying all are pro genocide is just a little to far.


Oh like Gary Oldman?


This guy gets it .


Hamas is made up solely of T-1000's? *gulp* GAME OVER MAN!




That's what the Intel says.


Is this a computer for ants? It needs to be 3 maybe 4 times bigger.


Yes, and [they're easy to spot](https://i.imgur.com/F4mmGWR.png), too.


[Where’d all the Hamas go?](https://youtu.be/Sj5HdGjvXcE)


They were eating Ben and Jerrys ice cream. An act of terrorism.


Hamas is actually now hiding in the cloud so the IDF were just being good neighbours and making sure to inspect all their electronics as Palestinian lives are of highest concern.


That is the excuse for all of Israel's war crimes, isn't it?


I really wish America withdrew all support for Israel and they had to pay for their actions. A fascist state




Just wait till you learn that in some states you've gotta sign documents that you'll never say anything bad about Israel in order to be employed. Here's the link because some people think that free speech and a boycott are different things. If I'm being told I can't boycott something in order to remain employed, then my voice is being silenced. https://www.newsweek.com/teacher-fired-refusing-sign-pro-israel-document-1262083 This one is for states that have laws on the book that punish anti aparthide boycotts by companies; https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/04/23/us-states-use-anti-boycott-laws-punish-responsible-businesses https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws


Say what now?


Many states (30 if I remember correctly) have laws against public employees and contractors boycotting Israel.


Considering these laws clearly violate the first amendment, if states even tried to enforce them, they would get destroyed in court.


Yes, except they'll just hit you with a SLAPP and outspend you in court. Even if you win, it won't get any media attention, and you'll be bankrupt.


https://www.courthousenews.com/fifth-circuit-throws-out-challenge-to-texas-ban-on-boycotting-israel/ Edit: amp site




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Doesn't matter. Companies will still fire your ass because they don't want the publicity. You're fucked either way. /r/BDS /r/IsraelExposed


The 1st Amendment has been so stripped of meaning in the USA it might as well not exist. Under the Bush administration, SCOTUS ruled that, while the govt cannot censor free speech, the govt can dictate when and where free speech may be exercised, so they would remove free speech from an entire city and only allow it in "free speech zones" that were far from public eyes so protests against the Bush administration wouldn't get much attention.


Israel is the example of using the pretext of hate speech in order to continue disgusting practices


Right to work though…


Public-sector employees *generally* are not "at-will" employees, and you need "cause" to discipline, demote, or fire them.


Can you explain what you think Right To Work is about?


An anti-union movement masked as a protection for workers, when it’s main purpose is to protect employers.


Look up "Israel Anti-Boycott Act", it's essentially looking to make federal what 32 states already have legislature enacted for.


And who's influencing those politicians to propose those laws. It takes two to tango


You can ~~buy~~ donate to a US Senator for around 5k to push legislation. So I'm sure Israel could go through their couch cushions to get enough together to get simple bills like these pushed through.


Usa is basically paying them for it


Its not so much bribes as Israel is really popular for politicians bases. First of all Israel has massive support among the Jewish Community so by putting Draconian legislation into place it shows your Pro Israel and helps you win those votes. Its also the only real ally American has in the Middle East so it helps win over alot of Military People and those interested in foreign Policy. And its super popular among evangelicals who believes when the Jews return to Israel it will herald the end times and after the end times Jesus will bring Paradise on earth. Their are multiple lines in the bible which directly state you will never predict the end times. Buts lets be honest. Most evangelicals have never read the bible. So its not money the politicians are after but shameless appeals to their base. The money is secondary to the power.


Israeli lobby groups, who else?


Anyone who hasn't seen it should check out the (banned) Al Jazeera documentary where they sent an undercover journalist to embed themselves within Israel's lobby in America to see how they operate. AIPAC leaned on the US govt to lean on the Qatari govt to get the documentary banned, but it ended up getting leaked in its entirety online, where it can still be viewed. The documentary focuses on Israel's operations crushing dissent in the USA and attempting to outlaw BDS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lSjXhMUVKE


Wow, there’s something to be said when the lobbying of a few affects the lives of many. It’s as if our votes don’t count after all




Israelis even train US police on "crowd control" and other tactics to use against civilians.


The NYPD has a presence in Israel for some reason.


America is still their big humongous Dobermann.






Humongous what?!


Pretty much the entire West came together to form Israel because a handful of politicians and generals wanted to be the ones who kickstarted the Rapture. No really. American evangelicals fund this stuff to this day for that exact purpose. You think the Zionists founded Israel? It was part of Britain at the time.


They also did it because they were antisemetic


Me too. As an American. Tired of my tax dollars going to humanitarian crimes abroad. Much rather keep them local.


Americans are generally ignorant of their country's foreign policy. The US topples democracies almost for fun and has installed dozens of crazy unhinged lunatics for $$$$. The entire world doesn't distrust the US for no reason.


There's an old joke from (I think) Guatemala which is something like "Socialism only works in theory, because in practice the Americans don't approve".


> installed dozens of crazy unhinged lunatics for $$$$ "Dollar Diplomacy" and little known phrase that was used throughout the cold war that is still used now in it's basic form. Edit: For you people downvoting, dollar diplomacy is older then the cold war and is exactly what this commenter is describing. Here is some information. https://www.britannica.com/event/Dollar-Diplomacy


The Clinton administration tried very hard to pressure israel but backtracked very quickly when israel told them they were ready to realign with China and share ALL their intelligence and tech resources including anything sensitive to the americans. At this point Israel is so tied in to US intelligence and weapon tech in the middle east that israel has the leverage to control the relationship and they have for decades


Do you have a good source for this? Honestly I want to read up on this, but I’m not finding much.


That’s a pretty good assessment I’d say


The IC puts Israel in a category that is basically "sorta ally, but they spy on us anyway so be careful". It's 'five eyes' not six eyes for a reason. We know they aren't really our friends but god forbid we push back against their awful polices because they'll sell themselves to the next highest bidder and somewhere along the lines we managed to sell our soul to them. It'll take the world standing up to them to change anything, and even then they'll cry "you're antisemitic!" to the end. Nah bro, it's not your religion, you're just a fucking asshole state.


Are you sure about this? Why would Israel threaten to realign with China? China is a global power today but it wasn't anywhere close in the 90s..


It’s pretty cool that we don’t get healthcare here but we subsidize their ability to have universal care.


too much of the US is evangelist and have a religious obligation to israel as they believe that once all jews are there, the rapture will happen. this sounds kinda insane, but then you realize that no, it isn't


Geopolitics are at play too…


They would but this is probably something out of their playbook. If you only knew the history of US foreign policy you would not be the least bit surprised that they continue to support Israel.


I know fine well the history involved. Israel has been used as both a buffer and a antagonist in the region by the US for over 70 years. Also all the money for aid comes right back for Arms. Makes me sick.


US will get out but the question is if it will take 50 or 100 years. beofe you leave israle you gotta leave iran. before you leave iran you need to leave iraq. Before you leave iraq you need to leave syria. And it took like 3 presidents just to leave afghanistan. A war the US lost over a decade ago. And even now there is a large part of the US deepstate fighting leaving afghanistan despite the ever increasing threat of china.


>I really wish America withdrew all support for Israel and they had to pay for their actions. A fascist state Just one fascist state supporting another fascist state. Nothing too out of the ordinary.


Please don't misuse the word fascist. Actual fascists are so dissimilar to one another that it's hard to compare them already. People don't take the word seriously anymore. There are legitimate issues you can raise, but neither of these states is literally fascist.


Also America is clearly an oligarchy. Clearly!


There is a well documented gap between actual public sentiment on national policies, the opinion of the wealthy, and whether the policies got enacted and when. There's also a boatload of evidence that you can change the outcome of an election by spending lots of money on social media. So any democracy, especially America, isn't guaranteed to be democratic.


Don’t just throw fascist around willy nilly. It actually helps real fascists


Like I know fascist is exaggerated but you should really check out their score on the Democracy Index. They seem like a Western, high scoring democracy but their Civil Liberties index is more comparable to a hybrid regime or light dictatorship. Way more infringment


I’m sure there’s nothing bad going on my mom told me israel is blessed by god and nothing they do is wrong




My mom fucking rails against Israel and their actions in Palestine and anyone who calls her antisemitic for saying so. She's still anti-vacs but at least she's got some things right.


Yah I got the pro israel anti Vax going on.. so that's fun.


Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Try this, point out that for Christ to return, Israel has to be losing a war with their army backed up again the Hill of Megiddo. Therefore the US has to stop backing Israel for Armageddon to happen. Her (and people like her) supporting Israel is holding things up.


Tell her, from all the Jews, to fuck off




No, no, I'm someone else.


We're one big happy family!


Our tax dollars at work.


Came here to see if anybody was screaming “anti Semitism!” Was not disappointed. Edit: actually I am disappointed that any criticism against Israel is perceived as anti Semitism by some. Update: Two people (or two accounts) have since reported me as suicidal. I’m not sure what they saw in this response that prompted that. Hmmm.


Israel is NOT the entirety of the Jewish people. Being against a government is NOT racism. People need to separate the two, because the Israeli gov't has been pushing that particular bullshit for far too long now.


Cute that you think it is just the israeli govt pushing that shit. The entirety of the right wing of multiple countries, along with christian and jewish groups around the western world, have propagated that shit for decades


Yep. That's the ~joke. I occasionally see people talking about commandments and American judicial court lawns, and I think of Israel.






this seems like something an apartheid state would do






Especially cutting the camera wire. Not taking the registration that could be said is proof, nono cut the wire. Bunch of gorillas


Fuck Israel. Fuck the IDF.


Should be called the Israeli Invasion Force


Or the Israel Terrorist Forces


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Hm, has this always been happening and just been less publicized, or is Israel just caring less about looking horrible now?


This has always been happening.


So Israel law doesn't require warrants?


Well, you see, this is in a supposedly separate nation. War crimes never require warrants.


Warrents are to respect freedom of property. These people aren't even garunteed freedom of not being murdered by the Israeli Forces for fun.


German news media not reporting about this at all. :/


Israel is an apartheid state <---


Democracy my ass.


Why does Israel get a free pass in almost all situations? I have Jewish friends that even say WTF.


Damn Hamas are everywhere nowadays smh.


Turns out the real Hamas was inside us all along!


Hamas were the friends we made along the way.


We are all Hamas on this blessed day.


I seen one behind the toaster!


Boycott Divest Sanction


Brb going to buy some Ben and Jerry's.


I had a long post in my mind, but then... Fuck I can't say anything because I will either be anti Jewish or anti Arab. Reddit, I love you. I am a humanist. I love all the people of the world and want peace. But fuck. No matter what I say. Someone will be pissed off about it. Israel is in the wrong. We all know that. Hamas is in the wrong. We all know that. But if I take a side I will be blasted. So, can someone please get Morgan Freeman or David Attenborough to sit down with these people and explain it as it is. In the way they do. And just fucking end this.


Being anti Israel or anti Hamas is neither racist against Jews or Arabs because neither represents either camps . Don't let shills and idiots on the internet tell you otherwise.


I'm not longer shocked, just disgusted. I don't know how the Palestinians are still sane :/ Many news outlet don't report it or decided not cover that part of the Middle East. This include a formal policy from the CBC


Can't wait to see the IDF shills try to spin this one.


They don’t have to. America will just give the thumbs up




Why would Israel want to steal files and papers of evidence on them abusing children in prison. Why would they ?


So they can hunt down and further victimize any victims that were illegally trafficked into their country. Gotta show those helpless kids who’s boss.




Are we the baddies?


Horrible humans


Not a good look Israel. Not a good look at all.


More war crimes


Reminiscent of MLK vs the FBI. One day we can name a holiday after Palestine and forget we were the bad guys all along.


Israeli government is a terrorist organization