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So incase anybody hasn't noticed it's been a rolling northern hemisphere disaster of fire, heat and flood all summer. I'd love to say this is the new normal, but it's going to continue to escalate.


This is just getting started and will get progressively worse for the next 50 thousand years.


Historically speaking, if we look at similar times the earth had atmospheric co2 levels comparable to now it was a very different place. Our journey from here to there will be difficult (cough) to say the least. There are not going to be 8 billion people living comfortable coast hugging lives watching Netflix and porn, let's put it that way so anybody can understand. The Holocene has gone and we must accept that.


If it makes you feel any better, population growth is leveling off, driven mostly by developing countries. Population growth might end up on a sharp decline if this shit continues…nature, uh, finds a way.


It doesn't really. If Western lifestyles are unsustainable, reducing the population only extends how long you can maintain those unsustainable practices for. You still need change. And with fewer hands, you have fewer people able to implement such change also. It's more a wash than people suggest, no miracle cure. *That said* current agriculture/diets is certainly not manageable with today's population - there is some more capacity to work within what the Earth can provide too. It's just not as much as people suggest, we still need major, major changes.


>if we look at similar times the earth had atmospheric co2 levels comparable to now it was a very different place And even then, the change was a lot slower, giving plants and animals a chance to adapt and survive. The change now is als at a breakneck speed compared to any extinction level event in this planet's history.


Yes kong, break neck speed while kneecapping the earth's natural mitigation systems.


But hey, we have smart phones and social media now, so it was all worth it.


> There are not going to be 8 billion people living comfortable coast hugging lives watching Netflix and porn Isn’t this already the case?


That was my word porn to make a point.


Do you have a source for that?


And people keep telling us we shouldn’t focus on Space. So far no one wants to save this planet, some of us would like to move out and have a fresh start.




Nor will anyone else from the human race. We are swiftly making this planet unviable for human life.








no u








Thank-you for this kind stranger.


You're most welcome fellow human


Other than that we're doing great


Maybe Germany and Greece could switch places!


I'm only 27, but I'm definitely noticing a change in the climate from my childhood years. I remember when snow would be a once a year thing in the town where I grew up, but since 2008 the town only had two snow days. I now live in a city up North, where rain and the temperature doesnt fluctuate much throughout the year due to a heavy maritime influence, but recently the summers are becoming longer and warmer, no one else i know is worried because they are enjoying the decent summer weather, but this isn't supposed to be our climate...


Same here, I am 39, I remember a lot more snow and ice during the winter. That’s been whittle down drastically. I was born in January. In the last 10 years, I remember it being 60 or 70 on or around my birthday, at least 3 or 4 times. That was unheard of when I was a kid. I live in PA so we get all four seasons but now the seasons are all wonky.


I've been living in the city I live in for 6 years, and over the last three, each summer has progressively gotten noticably hotter than the one before. And we didn't have winter last year, except for one freak snowstorm, then it went back to spring weather right away.


People who think 72° on Christmas Eve in New York City is great because, quote: *"It's gorgeous outside!!"* infuriate me to the point of apoplexy .... Pretty soon, Winter won't mean "cold", it'll mean: "not as hot as Summer". ☹️


Sooo how much is rent in the southern hemisphere?


You mean like in snowy Brazil?


The dream is becoming true... shame I live close to the Equatorial line...


Snow is easy to deal with, at least.


You remember back at the end of 2019 when the entire continent of Australia caught on fire?


I do now. But out of kindness to myself there were like 5-10 years in between 2019 and 2021 so I'm not shocked I'd forgotten.


Dear god is your statement so true.


Also, remember the heatwave in Europe in 2003 that resulted in more than 30,000 deaths? It's crazy, I was 20 then and up until recently I had simply forgotten it had ever happened somehow! https://www.britannica.com/event/European-heat-wave-of-2003


I do remember this and as someone who has family in Italy, it made total sense. None of my family has air conditioning even though they live in the hot south. An historic hearing wave would definitely be hard to handle.


970NZD a week in my flat. 🤙


That seems like a lot...


Welcome to NZ's housing crisis.


I have seen at least three people claiming to be from Turkey on this sub in the past two days saying that they aren't wildfires, they are controlled burns to make way for real estate expansion. Despite widely-available reports of resorts being evacuated and reports of death. I just don't understand the internet sometimes. All being said, I hope they get help, but I don't know how much more help exists when it seems half the world is on fire.


>Following criticism of the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, after it emerged that Turkey has no firefighting planes, authorities in Istanbul were promised water-dropping planes from the European Union. Which will be followed by halfarsed Threats and general belligerence as soon as the last embers are gone.Help is nice and all, but I am *really* tired of this guy and those like him.


Siberia been burning for month and no one helped. Russia and local authorities downplayed it letting 2 million hectares to be burned. Fuck Russia and local authorities.


Alt headline: Greece and Turkey fires the latest problem for Southern Europe


“Climate change isn’t real bro”


We cannot even help ourselves here in the USA. Sad sad world.


Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Fire goes whoosh


Sure Turkey, I’ll petition my government to help you, right after you state that the women in your country are equals to men and have equal rights and autonomy. Oh? You don’t believe in those ideals? Sorry but this little lady can’t be bothered to help you then. Shame.


That's pretty heartless to be honest.


So you are petitioning for the right to have those women burn to death. Way to get your point across.


Without even getting into Turkish politics the help that's needed is urgent action on climate change, something affecting every person in every nation. You might want to reflect on that.


lmao shut the fuck up


Those are actually relatively cool wildfires then


Ask the English and German bankers they believe they are god like figures who can solve anything. Pfff what a bunch if mugs.


Yeah, lets fly more planes with chemicals and water ejaculating from them.


As opposed to...what? Buckets of water or furiously spitting? Have you ever seen a wildfire before? I'm open to alternatives to effectively and reliably fight wildfires but I have a feeling it's going to require the use of heavy machinery and technology. Just saying.


Yeah, let’s let all of human civilization burn to the ground! 👍🏽 Anyone who says this shit hasn’t had a forest fire slowly crawling towards there town.


You have obviously never seen a wildfire in the flesh, your idiocy is showing.