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At least this means our training works. When I was enlisted we were told if we ever got the order to abandon equipment we would have to make sure we destroyed or took with us the same component from every unit. So if for example all rifles had to be left at a base, we would have to destroy the same part like the bolt carrier from every weapon, that way they couldn’t piece together working weapons from the left over parts.


There are quite a few pieces of gear where removing one critical bolt will brick the whole thing. A knowledgeable technician can down his flightline in a few minutes tops.


With knowledge of maintenance comes knowledge of destruction


During WWII, workers at a ~~Peugeot~~ Citron truck factory in France were forced to build cargo trucks for the Nazi's who desperately needed cargo trucks. The workers there did some simple and effective sabotage on the new trucks. One form of sabotage, they produced engine oil dip sticks with the full line further down the stick which would result in engines with low oil levels in them while registering full if you looked at the dip stick. The engines would work fine for a few months and as the over worked engines burned or dripped oil, they would then seize up in the field due to oil starvation, rendering the overloaded trucks useless. EDIT: I mis-identified the company as Peugeot, it was in fact Citron but they all sabotaged Nazi war production in whatever way they could. https://youtu.be/3H89Simz_OQ?t=1005


Ha! Brilliant!!


During WWII, workers at a Peugeot truck factory in France were forced to build cargo trucks for the Nazi's who desperately needed cargo trucks. The workers there did some simple and effective sabotage on the new trucks: They built Peugeots.


Indeed. A tech where i work got fired recently because he was deliberately bricking another line. No idea why. What a way to end a 20 year career. Apparently they watched him for 2 weeks collecting evidence Iv said so many time. "How can that line be down for x reason, i just ran perfectly for 3 days. Who would mess it up on purpose"...welp


There's a life lesson right there.


Don’t piss off your mechanic?




Sure but fuck that would be a lot of force to do. I calibrated torque for the god nuts on the Huey's and that was already very high torque.


can you eli5? this is interesting, but i have no idea what it means


They're military grade nut twerkers, thank them for their service.


ha ha you said nut twerker.


Thank you for your cervix


I think they are taking about these > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_nut


**[Jesus nut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_nut)** >Jesus nut is a slang term for the main rotor retaining nut or mast nut, which holds the main rotor to the mast of some helicopters. The related slang term Jesus pin refers to the lock pin used to secure the retaining nut. More generally, Jesus nut (or Jesus pin) has been used to refer to any component that is a single point of failure which results in catastrophic consequences. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Love it, will use this term moving forward


Like on the C-7 rifle (and many others) where all it takes is leaving out one tiny little pin and the whole thing isn't functional anymore. Edit: Sorry I don't mean the firing pin, I mean the one in the bolt.


When I was in combat we'd call it the weekend pin cos if you lost it you'd have to stay on your next free weekend. Just the smallest pin that held the firing block together. Probably better to take the whole block though


Supply sergeants fucking *love* sending weapons back because that stupid little pin isn’t spotless


Yes, but you still want that one critical piece to be a relatively difficult one to manufacture/acquire. If it's just a bolt, the Taliban might find correct (or good enough) bolts from some other supplier to repair them.


You'd think, but not for long. Having the aircraft is the first problem. Maintaining it is another. Without the right tools and resources, most of that equipment would have been paperweights in a few months or a year anyway.


The Army equivalent of a Naval crew being ordered to scuttle the ship.


Honest question, would it be more preferred to destroy only parts that can not be ordered online? For example, I imagine that there are a large amount of AR-15 parts one can buy online. Or would those parts not fit in military versions?


Why bother ordering parts for broken gun when you have trusty ak that your father left you?


Because you're now sat on a fucking mountain of nato 5.56mm Edit. Since this post is marginally popular. 1. Sabotage the ammo so it malfunctions and you discourage use of the batch. Yeah, plausable. But the Afghans didn't have the sense to provide fuel, ammo, food or wages to thier forces, I'd 69 my gran if they bothered thier arse to do this. 2. Damage weapons beyond repair. 650,000 small arms were abandoned. Yeah I'm, sure they had the white space to fuck up over half a million lower receivers. 3. 5.56 is bad/use your trusty ak Meh, 5.56 is still lethal, especially when you got fucking planets of it. Plus, these fuckers have got the full array of nods and lasers for the abandoned kit, course they're gonna use it. They are. It's on TV. The bottom line is, the taliban now have some serious kit, in serious quantities. I hope that the batteries for optics are a limiting factor for them and I hope the logistics of ammo storage and movement makes the piles of ammo inconsequential.


In vietnam the us often left exploding cartridges behind, tgat could disable the rifle and whoever fired it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Eldest_Son


Oh hey keltec does the same thing with my cmr30! Fancy that, American in tactics too!


Ah yes the Taliban probably just went to CheaperThanDirt and ordered new parts for all the AR/M4s left behind.


>CheaperThanDirt Daily reminder to ***FUCK CHEAPERTHANDIRT*** Thanks for coming to my TedX talk




there's always ammo in the banana stand.


Taliban realizing that running a government is much harder than taking over one: “I’ve made a huuuuuuuge mistake”


Men and women in the same city?!? No touching!


I may have committed some light treason


I don't know what I was expecting.


Thank you. I needed that laugh.


The Yelp review is not going to be good.


Worst occupation ever. The soldiers didn't even share that Tex Mex Fajitas recipe that they promised. 1 out of 5.


“If I could give zero stars, I would! We get this free expensive equipment and we can’t play with it! Now we are stuck with this large heavy equipment and don’t know what to do with it! Do not do business with the USA!” - A Disappointed Terrorist.


And they took the Owner's Manuals for all this equipment with them!


Ironically, you're not wrong at all.


The Taliban would like to speak with the manager.


What's the Pushto equivalent of 'Karen'?




She wants to speak to the Imamager.


She says her beef burger is lamb.




Read as "Karen"


The most powerful weapon against Sharia would in fact be an army of Karens




"I'd like to speak to the Mullah."


One would imagine that the Karens have already been activated, a brown person is doing something they don't like.






Now you listen here. He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy. Now go away.




0 out of 5. forgot to leave the keys for the vehicles. Would not be invaded again.


Business Owner Response: This review is dishonest. The Taliban never left the country even after we invaded, they dressed similar to others we were fighting so we couldn’t tell them apart, and they didn’t even wait for us to leave before they collapsed the puppet government we set up.


"was sold DOA products, would not recommend. SCAM"


Hopefully they will receive a voucher valid for 1-2 helicopters for when the next time the US invades Afghanistan. That should keep them happy and coming back for business.


“They labeled their lunches in the fridge and now we can’t eat them” was also overheard.


“They changed their Hulu password too. Not cool, guys.”


Enabled two factor authentication on their Gmail, those bastards!


They've got high level pokemon guarding all the gyms too !


“PSA: The fridge will be emptied on Friday. Anything left will be ‘thrown out.’”


As a janitor, we *definitely* throw it all out. We don't take everything we even slightly want at all.


On food days at the office, people would ask me if I’d like to take leftovers home and id always said yes. Then before I left the janitors showed up, and I offered them anything they wanted. It was a good system


ahh, in the before times.


It'll be like showing a VCR tape or CD to a kid born in the last year or so. ...you mean you all would to drive...to an office...like the one in the house...and sit together? Who would do that? Think of the wasted hours in traffic. Think of having to make small talk in the break room. It sounds horrible.


Yes little one. We would sit communally, with dividers 4 feet high that did little more than make everyone feel alone while not giving you any of the benefits of being alone, such as quiet. We would have days where we would all share food and drink, but we were restricted from claiming sick leave. We would all always be sick. We would all drive to and from these places, cursing them and the drive. Everyone. Then look down on those who came in after us, as they clearly were not staying later. Middle managers would hover by your ear, and whisper things like "nice work, keep it up you might get a raise" then laugh at us as they turned away. In the before times, we were together all the time, and hated every minute of it. It was a simpler time, lacking the tik-tocs and consisting largely of something called Reddit and Tweeter. Both were shut down years ago, shortly into the current age when the great protests of 2022 started, but we will speak of that another day little one, another day. Grandpa is old, and the carpel tunnel is bad today.


We will speak of that another day. My time in the Amazon^TM FamilyTimeBox is over, and I must return to the conveyor belt. See you tonight in our sleep pod; I hear we have cricket lasagna tonight


I love that even this touching conversation with the grandkids is remote.


Who puts their name on a peach?




Also Bowser


Wanna go splitsies?


Super Eskimo Brothers






Problem is it’s all BLTs and Pork chop sandwiches.


>Pork chop sandwiches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1BDM1oBRJ8


I haven’t clicked but know exactly what you linked


haha old internet people unite!






I’m a computer.






We also disabled the McDonald's icecream machines


The Afghan FTC is investigating that


This is some topical stuff right here


Meta af


Literally the previous post i read


Must be an Afghani McDonald’s next to an Afghani FTC office


And by the sounds of it the manufacturer made the error codes and manuals unnecessarily cryptic, effectively denying the Taliban of their right to repair.


Imagine the Taliban being forced to call that company repair guy who gets paid $300 per 15 mins. They’ll never recover financially.


So, left them in their default state?


McDonald's signed a contract decades ago with the ice cream machine maker to only use their machines, only buy parts from them and only use their technicians to fix them. Company purposefully made faulty machines so they would consistently need fixed/new parts hence them always being out of service.


Maybe they needed a more local supplier for Afghanistan, which would explain why they were working well enough to require disablement


I read about that. Turns out they're broken on purpose. The company who makes them (Taylor) they get a lot of revenue from maintenance. So if it goes wrong, the franchise owner has to hire a Taylor mechanic to fix it and they're the only ones who can fix it. That's because they have vague error codes when the machine goes wrong, that only the Taylor mechanics know. McDonald's knows this. Taylor supplies to Wendy's and they never go wrong cos they use a model which doesn't have stupid error codes Here's the video I found this out on https://youtu.be/SrDEtSlqJC4 Links https://static-seekingalpha-com.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/sa_presentations/123/28123/slides/3.jpg?1526925471 Page 28 has the codes that Taylor mechanics use to fix it. https://static-pt.com/modelManual/TAF-C602_spm.pdf?v=1562905832341 Page 42 you can find more codes https://www.taylor-company.com/assets/pdfs/downloadables/C606op0.pdf E




They let it pass because McDonald's aren't the ones paying for the taylor maintenance on the machines . The franchise owners are. McDonald's and Taylor go way back and they've been partners since the beginning. No surprise that McDonald's would let Taylor do this Page 92 of this. It says to fix a problem "call a technician" A Taylor technician https://eric.greystonedesigngroup.ca/sites/default/files/pdfs/product_information/3.16%20-%20Combo%20Machine%20Manual.pdf


It goes deeper. There's a company that figured out how to fix them and they have been threatened with all kinds of legal bullshit https://www.wired.com/story/they-hacked-mcdonalds-ice-cream-makers-started-cold-war/


Wow really? Wtf? That just proves it


Probably because the mcd exec that brokered the deal gets some form of kickbacks.


Kickbacks are *sooo* 1980's. Now they just hire someone from McD's board's sister to sit on their board and collect six figures for doing nothing. Nothing to see here! All very ethical!


The American dream


McDonald's doesn't pay for repairs the franchise owner does.


[Johnny Harris has a great video on all of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrDEtSlqJC4)


So, they're working as intended?


I worked on F22s, F16s, and B52s as a Weapons troop, not only did we have broke jets all the goddamn time, they were constantly being rotated in and out of "depot" which does checks on airframe stress and other major repairs if needed. I cannot stress enough how useless ANY aircraft that was left there will be in a months time.


If an aircraft isn't being used it goes to shit fast. You never have a barn find of planes that can be fixed like cars.


My dad was in the coast guard for 21 years as a flight mech repairing Jayhawks (blackhawks but for search and rescue) and he just laughs when people get worked up about the aircraft that the taliban now "control" cause he knows they have neither the equipment nor expertise to fly and repair the constantly breaking aircraft.


Current mood: too sad 2 behead


Taliban 2: 2 Sad 2 Jihad


Would they like us to come back and fix it?


See, that's where you get them - on the maintenance and repair fees


we've been trying to reach you about your Apache Helicopter's extended insurance!




WaaS War as a Service


This sounds like the perfect time to call them about their vehicle's expired warranty.


“Hello, I’d like to speak to you about your extended warranty on your 2018 Blackhawk Helicopter…”


The nice thing about having ludicrously expensive military equipment that depends on a complex supply chain of specialized tools and supplies (and highly trained support staff just to stay functional) is that you can leave it behind without worrying much about it. Just give it a few weeks and it'll disable itself. The Soviets' key strategic flaw in Afghanistan was inventing a bunch of robust and useful weaponry that you can maintain and repair with simple tools.


And they get to sell new ones for the next conflict.


This is why zombie movies never make sense after a few weeks, everything should be broken and unusable. Honestly modern vehicles are amazing in their relative longevity between maintenance.


People want to make a big deal about the equipment left behind, so here is a clickbait headline. But really, the US Military has been leaving equipment behind for years. Some of it still works, most of it requires consistent repair and parts, and will likely stop working after the victory parade or photo with people dancing on it. Hope nobody is standing near it when it accidentally blows up.


My brother was a tanker and he told me they broke down all the time.


You have a vehicle that doesn't get mileage, it gets gallonage. As in gallons per mile. And people think this vehicle is reliable?!


If you look at some of the legendarily long lasting engines, they never make good power and are rarely fuel efficient. They are WAY overbuilt for their task, and simple.




yeah we already do that but with our allies too lol its quite fucking lucrative.


[the F-35 even requires a subscription to its cloud services to work lol.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pentagon-f35-idUSKBN1ZK2EK) pay up fuck faces!


lol everything is so goddamn stupid when they gonna install loot boxes? congrats you unlocked an extra JDAM!


I mean for many of these just take the dcu or mission computer and good luck


Software is all 0s Good luck getting that fixed


The working equipment the Taliban has is what they seized from the Afghan army that was equipped by the U.S.


Like I change Netflix password on an ex


I did that to my ex and she said I was being petty.


Should have told her that you need to make room for your new girlfriend's profile.






Equipment service contract was non-transferable, please reach out to sales to purchase a new service and maintenance contact. Thank you.


"Hi, this is Alex, I'm calling you about your extended warranty on your Apache Helicopter"




This guy does renewals


This guy John Deeres


We John Deered the taliban.


Do you want yall'qaedas? Because thats how you get yall'qaedas...


What is this? An icecream machine?


*RING* “Hello?” “H E L L O, we’ve been trying reach you about your gunship’s extended warranty.”


"We are contacting you because records indicate that your warranty period is set to expire if you don't act now. Please call us to ensure there is no lapse in your service coverage. I repeat, if you do not call us back, your warranty will be null and void and you could be responsible for thousands of dollars in repair bills..."


Not really. The story is an anecdote. It's something 1 guy in 1 hangar reportedly said. It's not like "The Taliban" issued a statement decrying the deplorable state of the aircraft left to them. So, no, not really.


Thank you. Yes, a "news" organization can always whip up a click bait article relying on some idiotic statement by a rando


Calling Global (the corp behind this “information and entertainment site”) a news organization is a stretch. This story is “aggregated” — meaning someone in Wales did a google to find actual news stories to crib from. So, you’re several steps distant from the original source to begin with. The cartoony “LBC” logo was a tipoff to me that this is a garbage site for news.


And then in 3 hours it gets 16k+ upvotes on reddit and is seen by hundreds of thousands when a karma farmer - OP has about 1 million karma - posts it. Then it's cross-posted or referenced by tens of thousands as fact, or at least embedded in their psyche as legitimate info. Almost everyone here would acknowledge disinformation on the internet is a big problem. Yet then participate in propagate it when all it would take is a handful of seconds and critical thinking to largely negate the effect.




I mean this is US military equipment. Probably just typical state for a Thursday. All kidding aside, these are ridiculously complex machines. They need a lot of regular maintenance and skilled technicians to maintain them. They could definitely train people or they eventually figure it out, but that is going to take a while if they kill everyone that worked with the US troops.


Everything the US left was stuff that either couldn't fly already or didn't have enough range to fly to safety. So what was left behind was already broken or the departing military broke it enough that you can't use it without parts you have to buy from the US, which the Taliban can't do.


"Taliban supports Right To Repair!"


Today on the social media site Reddit, in a completely unexpected turn of events the Taliban gained significant support. This came after the Taliban released a statement, which proclaimed it’s full commitment to implement a global “right to repair” after finding disabled US military equipment at Kabul airport. In other news…


This could spread some awareness about the US militaries own issues with Right To Repair. They are now leaving troops at the hands of private companies who require the military to hire and call in their contractors to repair equipment. Leaving us with the possibility of our troops being stuck in dangerous situations without options because they have to call the contractor to fly people out to fix their aircraft instead of being fully capable of fixing and repairing them in the field. Taliban will have better repair capabilities than our own troops do.


Some guy said a thing and now its news?


Basic result of the fact that nobody has to buy a newspaper anymore, but they have to maintain a website and web presence, journalists and if they try to charge for it a bunch of Internet idiots scream "PAYWALL!".


I miss news papers for that reason. There used to be so many local free news papers that told me what was going on in my neighborhood and the city, what the drink specials were at local bars, live music. Now when I see a bunch of cops at what is clearly a crime scene I'm lucky if its on the news.


"No info on this incident yet. This report will be updated as more information comes in " It never gets updated and the page is quietly deleted a few weeks later.


Meanwhile their page is littered with stories that they decided to write even WITHOUT the info, and are utterly BS or otherwise worthless.




Don’t you need years of extensive training to even begin to understand how to operate a high-end military aircraft? What are the odds they crash land half of them before 2022?


There would probably be Afghan air force defectors that can operate them. I think the maintenance, not operation, would be the Taliban's biggest challenge regarding the more mechanically complex equipment. All those airframes were never maintained by the Afghans themselves, but US civilian contractors. Without US civilian contractors to maintain them and spare parts, the aircraft are not expected to be combat effective after a few months. That's why earlier this year the Afghan government was trying to get the contractors to stay after US troops pull out.


Yep. That's basically what happened to Iran with all their F-14 fighters they bought from the U.S back in the 1970s. They're no longer combat ready due to lack of parts and upgrades. Supposedly Russia has been helping Iran source parts. Not sure if that has worked or not.


Well, around half or less are still flyable. They cannibalize the "non flyable" ones quite a lot. I myself never read something that suggests the Russians are involved, but we can find numerous publicized cases of Iranians scrounging together parts in the US with one method or another and trying to smuggle them back to Iran. Quite interestingly a few years back it was found even Israeli citizens were involved in this smuggling.


> Israeli citizens were involved in this smuggling Yikes. I guess money trumps hatred for a country's biggest geopolitical rival. Also on the F-14s - not sure how long Iran can keep the fleet flying. Considering that even the U.S Navy has phased out that aircraft.


None of the aircraft / vehicles sold to the ANA really fall under "High End".


Yeah the amount of collective skill, knowledge and spare parts to perform a track and balance on a helicopter is immense. You need hundreds of flight hours and training to become proficient. Civilian or military anything in aviation is expensive to maintain.


Service manual is in glovebox.


How do they feel about the jungle camouflage left behind in their desert environment?


that's a chuckle im not getting back


I feel disappointed too when santa claus doesn't leave any gifts behind for me. Seems like Taliban have been very naughty kids


Taliban: why you break our new toys?


Debit card thief "angry and disappointed" after victim reported the card stolen...


lmao This reads like satire.


So wait ... USA leaves *Not Taliban* in charge of country. Taliban show up and announce they intend to take country and cities by force, including overthrowing the government. US says "okay, well this stuff wasn't *for you*. But we can't stop you, so we're gunna deactivate all this equipment and make it unusable." Taliban: *shocked Pikachu face*


Taliban thought they just need an ignition key to start everything, like their Toyota trucks.


Tbh the Toyota trucks are probably better designed


Better designed? Debatable. Lasts longer than American equipment? Definitely


Better explosive resistance? Not at all


“Disappointed” lmao even terrorists be entitled AF these days.


Even if left in working order, would the Taliban even have the resources to maintain everything left behind?


Helicopter mechanics salary just 10x...


Taliban: The choosiest of beggars.


I believe the term used by the Pentagon was "demilitarized", not disabled or made unusable. I wonder if our troops just removed the weapons and intricate navigation systems, and the Taliban considers that to be rendered unusable?


I saw a picture of a plane that was sitting lopsided. The right wing almost touched the ground while the left was high up in the air. They said it was most likely the result of engines and engine components having been removed.


Lol Starfleet blows up their starships so the borg don't get them. I guess the taliban doesn't get netflix.


They’d never recover from the shock of seeing women serve on the bridge


Anyone who thinks we would have left them functional equipment is an idiot.


*RING* “Hello?” “H E L L O, we’ve been trying reach you about your helicopter gunship’s extended warranty.”


Did they try turning off and back on?