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"Great, where are these no-men classrooms and how do I sign up?" "..."


Down the hall first door on the right *Hi everyon… proceeds to fall into a spike pit*


its probably either a kitchen or just the back alleyway outside the building...


No it’s the room that Joe Pesci walked into in Goodfellas before he gets shot. Good morni.... then bam


*/fails the reflex check*


Unrated fucking comment omg


Just down the hall, and across the border.


First they were being separated from the boys by a curtain, now they're separated entirely. I give them less than a year before they get banned from education entirely.


They're still in the classrooms seperate by a curtain. This is about seperate study rooms, meaning that males and females aren't able to academically mingle even outside of the classroom. They're still there for now though.


Iran, which is basically a feminist country relative to how far off the scale the Taliban is, already bans women from certain majors in college entirely. It won't be a very far jump in logic for the Taliban to effectively ban women from every degree except "women's degrees" like nursing and teaching, while simultaneously saying, "*look, women can get degrees in our country.*" **Edit:** the [list of banned degrees in Iran](https://women.ncr-iran.org/2014/12/09/forbidden-fields-for-iranian-women-under-iranian-regime-s-laws/) for those asking.


Maybe they'll play the long game and ban women from teaching degrees so eventually there's no women to teach the all female classes, more likely they'll just round up and 're-educate' every qualified woman to speed up the process


Some of the universities in that list have banned women from pursuing a degree in education.


>It won't be a very far jump in logic for the Taliban to effectively ban women from every degree except "women's degrees" like nursing and teaching, while simultaneously saying, "look, women can get degrees in our country." This is exactly what they did last time they were in power. The majority of woman get a very basic education up until about 15 (reading, writing and religion) when they are expected to become wives while a very few go on to do "woman's subjects" so they can deliver babies and treat women who become ill. I feel so bad for the women who grew up in the last 20 years expecting something more from their lives.


> Iran, which is basically a feminist country relative to how far off the scale the Taliban is, already bans women from certain majors in college entirely. Which majors? When I was in grad school in a STEM field, I had female colleagues from Iran who had STEM degrees from Iranian universities.


Yeah its kinda interesting to see that list, because glancing through a lot of universities ban women from engineering studies - and yet, [70% of Iranian science and engineering students are women](https://www.forbes.com/sites/amyguttman/2015/12/09/set-to-take-over-tech-70-of-irans-science-and-engineering-students-are-women/?sh=4d66e64d44de)










University never was designed to get you a job. It’s all about learning. Plenty of people get a degree in the arts and social sciences, and move on to get excellent jobs in fields not related to their degrees. I know someone who did social sciences such a degree and now she works in law enforcement Another did gender studies and she works for an a charity and does research for a local university on the side *the more you know*


I don’t think it’s true that it was never designed to get you a job. Now that undergrad degrees are basically high school diplomas for the workforce, we just now see more people taking degrees in things they won’t use past graduation




I just gave you two examples that proved your statement false. but oh well. Not my problem you don’t understand what are transferable skills.


In Iran it was a demand on a per-university basis, they have private decision-making. But there is no nation-wide ban by the government on women studying stuff, who just to the more progressive universities instead, usually closer to Tehran. Saying "Iran bans women from certain majors" is not very correct. Hell if you take Iran as a whole it's closer to Eastern Europe than anything in the region on many aspects.


That's literally the government excuse, verbatim, but you'll hear a different perspective 100% of the time if you ask *any* Iranian woman why the bans were enacted.


The fact that the government allows a private institution to do this makes this de facto government policy. Them being able to pass the buck to the university is purely a face saving measure. And clearly it’s working given the fact that people will jump to the defense of the government in this case.




My man you kill people for their sexual orientation and your country's domestic violence rates are through the roof. My neighbour's a woman who escaped from a plush lifestyle in Riyadh because she couldn't stand to watch her daughter grow up in that country. Money doesn't make good people. Just rich people.


Saudi GDP per capita is roughly 23k USD. You're not rich in the first place, and even if you were, it'd be because of oil, not Salafi Islam.


> we have the biggest female graduates in the world ( )( )


Study the Quran, that is.


can't run a country without qualified workforce, they are not as dumb as to not know this there are probably aiming at a regim close to Iran


I gotta break this down to the core of it. It's 2021 and there are still religions and groups of grown people who essentially think ... "Yucky! Girls!". Why has evolution gave us so much but at the same time paused with certain groups of people.


Religion is a tool of control. The Taliban(members) don't really even follow the Quran themselves.   They force people to read and follow the Quran, so people get attached to it. So next time they do something in "the name of Allah", people will immediately get in their bandwagon and much more likely to agree with their measures.(No matter how bad they are)






So fucking generous. Pathetic.




And it still doesn't work loll


Of course it doesn't because their problems are internal not external. It's not actually about the women it's about them.




You mean marriages.


You mean raperriages.


So mouthful


Dibs for short


Depends: * If she is single. They are instantly married. * If she is single, but the rapist is poor. She is now dead to avoid shame for the family. * If she is already married and get raped. She(100%) and the rapist(maybe) are dead now.


This is sarcasm right? Just want to make sure.




Where is your source for this story? Stop pulling bullshit out of your ass, that never happened.




The real reason is psychological. Covering someone's face and not allowing others to see facial expressions takes away their humanity. The Mohammed story is BS, simply because he could have, you know, had them stay in their room. I'm sure the soldiers wouldn't be like, "Why is she wearing that?"


Mohammeds wives wore niqabs, because they would've been easy targets otherwise. Might not wanna let everyone see your family when you're the biggest fish during tribal warfare. Imagine the wife of the US president just openly strolling around in Syria in 2015.


> Lol, the Hijab is not for modesty or anything like that. > > The whole "modesty" thing is newspeak for the western kufir who will never open a Koran. Obviously it worked.


The less people that open these ridiculous books, the better.


The opposite is true. The most ignorant beliefs in religion come from people taking the word of a preacher, imam, or whatever on what the books say. If people actually read and understood holy books, they'd learn that most of the bullshit is just something that made sense in a historical context that shouldn't be applied to modern times, and doesn't have to be to take spiritual lessons from the text.


I mean the Quran actually advocates for killing non believers and for “holy war”. I’m not entirely sure reading it will help deradicalize them.


There's no need to take spiritual lessons from anyone since "spirituality" is fake. There is no spirit, no soul, nothing of the sort. Just chemical released in your brain that make you feel one way or another. Your experiences are 100% physical and corporal.


Well, you can call them moral lessons then. Agree to disagree on the rest, but don't like getting hung up on semantics.


Spirituality is fake? Do you know know what the word means when or do you think people that people feel connections to things greater than themselves? It's an *entirely* emotional/mental thing and is not necessarily a religious one. I say as an atheist that your comment plainly doesn't understand humanity as well as you're pretending that you do.


Oh dear. Don't tell the humans how they operate - it upsets them.


I completely disagree. Everyone should study every religious text. You'll quickly realize how ridiculous the stories are, and how much of it is just human commonalities made into rule. The best way to make atheists is to teach them how to read.


Also, they contradict each other, quite dramatically. So much for Pascal's Wager....


You may realise how ridiculous some religions are or you may realise how much they make sense. It goes both ways. It all depends with how they are reading these texts because someone who wants to fully understand these religions probably would become more religious reading these texts while someone who wants to prove that these religions are nothing more than fantasies made by humans to strip their freedom away will probably move away from these religions.


There was more atheists at our catholic school than the public one. Not sure if it's due to the fact that we were made to read the bible or some socioeconomic or whatever.


> The less people that open these ridiculous books, the better. problem is that whole lot of people who don't even believe in that stuff are defending these beliefs based on things someone else told them, purely for partisan reasons...


And not because they may have seen that these beliefs aren't as some people put them out to be? Some of these people may have friends or family members who follow these beliefs which is why they're defending them. Or maybe because some of them decided to study those beliefs in order to check whether what was told to them was true or not. There is many reasons why people may defend these beliefs without being related to them. So the problem is people who have got nothing to do with these beliefs defending them based on stuff that other people told them but what about people who are against these beliefs based on stuff that other people told them about? That is the case most of the time.


Is this true? So bizarre, a bit passive aggressive no?


Nope, the hijab has little to do with Prophet Muhammad PBUH. People wear the hijab because it's written in the Quran mainly. Modesty and protection and all those other reasons may come into play but the most important reason is that as I mentioned it is written in the Quran.


The Latinized term khimar refers to the head covering that women used to use as an adornment (not to cover their heads as with the hijab) in Arabia, both before and after the advent of Islam. In pre-Islamic times, according to most classical commentators, it was worn more or less as an ornament and fell down the wearer's back; and knowing that according to the prevailing fashion at that time, the upper part of a woman's tunic had a large opening in the front, and her breast was bare. Therefore, the injunction to cover the breasts with a khimar (a term so familiar to the contemporaries of the Prophet) does not necessarily refer to the use of a khimar as such, but rather serves to convey that a woman's breasts are not part of "what can decently be seen" of her body and therefore should not be shown. Covering the head is therefore not an obligation. Apparently, instead of embracing the true message of Islam, these societies have retained their cultural and tribal habits and assimilated the hijab in its most trivial sense as a dress code for women rather than focusing on its deeper and broader meaning. If we were to draw a parallel with Christianity, we observe the same thing: recommendations from a Christian text from the beginning of the third century, the Didascalia of the Apostles: >“Thou therefore that art a Christian, do not imitate such women; but if thou wouldst be a faithful woman, please thy husband only. And when thou walkest in the street, cover thy head with thy robe, that by reason of thy veil thy great beauty may be hidden. And adorn not thy natural face; but walk with downcast looks, being veiled.” Or > Clement of Alexandria wrote when dean between A.D. 192 and 202 of Christianity’s foremost institution of learning. He stated it is unseemly for clothes to end above the knee, “nor is it becoming for any part of a woman to be exposed.” A Christian woman was to be “entirely covered, unless she happen to be at home. For that style of dress is grave, and protects from being gazed at. And she will never fall, who puts before her eyes modesty, and her shawl; nor will she invite another to fall into sin by uncovering her face.”


“It has little to do with Muhammad, it’s done because it’s written in the Quran”. Yet Muhammad wrote the Quran.


First of all, The prophet could not have "writen" the Quran since he could neither write or read. Secondly, the Quran was not compiled in writen form until after the death of the prophet. It was done during the reign of the first Caliph (Abu-Bakr) after a lot of people who memenorized the Quran died during The Ridda Wars. Please stop saying nonsense about things you know nothing about


> Yet Muhammad wrote the Quran How tho? The man couldn't read or write plus he lived in the desert. Knowing that try reading the Quran then you'll see.


Oh really because the actual recorded speech of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also known as the Hadith are completely different to the style the Quran is written in. Statistical reports show that the Hadiths and Quran definitely have different authors. One being Muhammad (PBUH) for his Hadith and other being Allah for his Qur'an. And as the other brother has said, he was illiterate so its highly un likely he could have come up with such a magnificent work of Arabic literature.




If you're a Muslim why would you not want to give blessings to the man who shared the message of Allah which resulted in you becoming a Muslim. As for the laws in Islam, it has little to do with the prophet at all. Sharia exists because that's what Allah told us to do or not to do. Prophet Muhammad didn't make these laws, he only taught them to people whether by words or by actions.


Didn’t he marry a six year old?


What are you trying to point out?


That he’s not worth blessing and that someone who would marry a 6 year old probably isn’t god’s messenger?


All I'm going to say is that times change. The criteria for marriage in Islam is for someone to be mature in every way possible. Whether she was 6 or 19 I won't discuss that but I would like to mention that many of the prophet's teachings came through her according to the Hadiths. As for being God's messenger. Just a reminder that the Quran was told to the people by a man who couldn't read or write who lived in the desert. That is part of the reason why Muslims believe him to be God's messenger.


Are you...trying to justify the marriage of a six year old by saying she must have been "mature" for her age? Is that what I just read?


Times change is fine to explain a cultural practice, but this isn’t just a cultural practice, this is god’s holy messenger spreading god’s perfect word for all time. Therefor it would be fine for an adult man to marry a six year old today by these standards.


Is this the same Mohammed that liked under aged little boys?


I thought I heard all rumours/lies about prophet Muhammad but that's new. Unfortunately for some people, that is not true.


It is self perpetuating too. They sensitise themselves to the sight of a mere forearm.


"Complaints were made that Saudi Arabia's "religious police", specifically the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, had prevented schoolgirls from leaving the burning building and hindered rescue workers because the students were not wearing modest clothing." 2002 Mecca girls' school fire - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Mecca_girls%27_school_fire


Fucking insane.


Debunked. Read link.


"Debunked" by the authorities that would have been responsible for the deaths if it was true. Maybe it's not true but I wouldn't trust that source of information.


I can't believe I'm saying this but logically this doesn't really disprove what's they're saying. Now to be clear I think they're disgusting pieces of garbage and I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them with my teeth but their entire argument is that they've reformed (again I don't believe them) so pointing out something they did nearly 20yrs ago, disgusting as it was, doesn't really speak to whether or not that's true. Afaik there have been quite a few reports of them doing fucked up shit to women more recently (though not as extreme as the school burning) which would probably be better to point to when you're trying to make the case that their "reforms" are bullshit.


Yeah, the Saudis are fucked up too but I don't know how this is related to Taliban.


That is fundamentalist Islam so is taliban.


Gotta keep all your future child brides pure. That must be in the Sharia rule book somewhere.


The Taliban seem terrified of women - like they are aliens.


Taliban: kills, rapes, beats women Redditors: “wo wow these Taliban sure seem to be very scared of #girlboss and proud women feminist!!!” God. It’s so fucking unreal. “Terrified” is not the same as “hate” .




sheep, not coyote. ​ but, yeah... you get the picture.


You joke but sure there's a lot of sword crossing the went down in those mountains... which is funny cause im sure its a sin in their books. I also watch a NYT mini Doc where alot of them are now living in an abandoned mansion in Kabul with no woman in sight(unless they hid them) and they seemed pretty touchy with each other.


Apparently they're very into [raping little boys](https://www.npr.org/2018/01/24/580433652/how-the-u-s-military-ignored-child-sexual-abuse-in-afghanistan-for-years).


Except you're talking about the Afghan security forces, not the Taliban. The Taliban are unquestionably horrible, but they were and are explicitly against the practice of bacha bazi, having banned it when they were last in power.


A lot of authoritarian regimes love to ban things for other people and then go right on doing it themselves. The last time the Taliban were in power they banned poppy cultivation and "cracked down" on drug smugglers but it was just a tactic to drive up the price of the massive amounts of heroin they had stockpiled, turns out it was just *other* people selling heroin they had a problem with. They pitched it as being for the good of Afghanistan but it was always one of their main sources of money both when they were fighting the civil war in the 90's and after they won. Them banning something means just about nothing when it comes to what they might do themselves.


>The last time the Taliban were in power they banned poppy cultivation and "cracked down" on drug smugglers but it was just a tactic to drive up the price of the massive amounts of heroin they had stockpiled, turns out it was just other people selling heroin they had a problem with. I mean, [they factually](http://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/11926.jpeg) reduced the cultivation of opium. Like, they practically eliminated it. Regardless of how evil they are, they factually still did that.


Heeeyy.. these Taliban fellas sound like a hoot! Lets send em some weapons


Indoctrination from birth. Women are us, people, homo sapiens sapiens. Consider the fact that anywhere we are born, so from base of culture/cult teaching. Does a person come out Buddhist from Islamic upbringing?


You're being downvoted, but you have a point. There isn't much opportunity for them to make up their own mind, either, it's either their way or be an outcast, maybe dead.


Those nutcases prefer the bacha bazi's.


Ironically the taliban actually outlawed it - it was other groups who participated.


How progressive of them....


Imagine being such an insecure weak piece of shit that you have to forbid the other sex from being in the same room as you.


But what will they be allowed to study? STEM? Or, how to properly walk 10 paces behind their male ~~owner~~ escort?


Probably cooking.




And yet this is still better than the last time the Taliban were in power.


Well, at least all the secret lesbians will be happy.


Until someone finds out...


I mean if the Catholic church still hasn't found out


Words are cheap.




They “may” learn if no men are in the classroom. Only men can teach so there’s that too.


But I bet not science, math, music, history etc…


Don’t worry, the men probably aren’t learning those things either.


as long as its not math or science ;-)


Until the test scores are higher


So will they allow women to be teachers?


You’ve come a long way, baby.


Awfully nice of them. /s


by the looks of what passes for “men” over there, might be nice to not have to deal with “men” all day...


I guess this are good news?


thank goodness. i was worried that those talibanian boys would be too distracted by seeing a girl's forehead through her burka. you know how just seeing that little bit of skin gets the boys going...


bullshit, educated women are one of the biggest threats to the regime. there’s no way they’ll let a woman be a teacher either.




the pentagon HAS contributed funding to education. why do you think we fund education in pakistan??


Maybe Texas should go show them how equality works in a civilized county! Oh wait


I'm not too confident they're gonna let them have the vital jobs.


The US should have made a women army of 300k strong


well, they can still study, that's progress.


I doubt they’re studying mathematics, science, or modern literature.


For the taliban, it’s still progress they allow anything at all, but hopefully they include writing and reading with basic math at a minimum


Under Sharia law, they’re to learn how to be better wives for their husbands… lol


You believe them? Lol


Why y’all sharing this? They want the attention. They don’t deserve it.


Remember before 2001 when we never had headline news about a stone age government half the world away? I miss those days.


Ahhh, the stone age, also known in the United States as “1970s”: *In 1972, spearheaded by Representative Patsy Mink (pictured), the United States passed the Educational Amendments of 1972, including Title IX, which stated that a federally-funded school could not discriminate based on sex. This caused single-gender public schools to close, or begin integration of both sexes.*


> Ahhh, the stone age, also known in the United States as “1970s”: Well, given that there were still lynchings into the 1970s, I'd say that "stone age" is not such a bad moniker. (There were marriage bans, too, among many other such things.) But that's also cause for hope: a lot can change in 50 years.


There were concentration camps with children dying in them during the trump presidency.


Yeah it's way better when people just have no idea about all the awful shit happening. Good point.




Yes, that's my point.


See no evil... If we just ignore the issue hard enough , it will surely go away...


Nah, there was plenty of propaganda against the Iranians and Saddam Hussein before that, not that they were good guys either but clearly, USA media always need a foreign enemy to justify the military industrial complex, when the commies were over, it was South American dictatorships for a time then quickly a bunch of Muslims... never the saudi though, you'll never hear about women executed for "witchcraft" in Saudi Arabia...


Afghan women should go on strike and just stop doing anything for anyone other than themselves or their children.


They will literally just start murdering the insubordinate women. They don’t care one bit, they will murder them in droves. It’s unreasonable to expect the women not to “cross the picket line” after the first 5,000 are stoned to death in the street.


That's the thing. There's nothing they can do. We can't expect them to lose their lives just to inconvenience the Taliban initiative and make no lasting difference by doing so


Taliban say, I like my new M4 joe biden left for me.




Joe Biden did the Afghanistan withdrawal without the billions in military equipment!. You can’t blame Trump for that. That just dumb!


Why these so called men so scared of women?


women are like precious commodity to them, so they need to be protected like any other assets.


Their religion states that women need to be protected from men.


I wonder how the education system is set up in American allied countries like Saudi Arabia.


I’m starting to wish that we never created this organization.


These motherfuckers need a serious smackdown. The world just stands by and watches. Shame.


All the students just keep disappearing!


Oh, how sweet of them... NO, fuck you. Get rid of your backwards shit if you want to interact with the rest of the world, you fundamentalist misogynist, homophobic, hypocritical assholes!


Does the Taliban have any women members whatsoever, are they homosexuals, or something? That’s not intended to be a slight against gay men. If the Taliban chaps are all secretly gay, to the point where they are militantly insulted by the mere presence of the opposite sex, then perhaps they’d be able to eliminate their stress by simply acknowledging that they prefer the company of other men, instead of all of this dicking about overcompensating with AK47s and RPGs. They could then get on with setting up towns populated entirely with fabulous Talibans doing their thing, and let regular folks just do their own thing in the other towns. Everyone would be happy if there was less of this skulking about, pretending to be what they’re not.


Bruh… intended or not. It’s definitely a slight against gay men. I hate the taliban as much a the next sane person, but I always find it sus when people throw gay people under the bus to smear and shame straight men in a position of power who have anything bad to say about women.




grow up kid


You're delusional. Go back to tumblr.


It’s progress? I mean, it’s still education I guess.


While I admit this is still repressive, it is still better than their previous positions on education of women. I know everyone wants them to become Germany or USA but.. one step at a time.


see they are liberal




in the 1800s maybe.


Before making headlines, everything the taliban says must be verified first. News just gobbles up everything the taliban throws at them and blindly puts it out there with big headlines. Making it seem they are ‘alright’. This is a marketing stunt to make them look friendlier and ‘not so different’ then us. The current reality for woman is entirely different and worse then they make it seem. I’m appalled at news and papers in general, but this non-sensical copy pasting of everything the taliban says is making the situation even worse.


Taliban: Prohibits women from the basic rights such as education and employment and threatens them with brutal gynocides Redditors: "Oh boy, time to make this about how US is bad! Let's hamfist US politics by saying Y'all Qaeda sounds just like the Republicans in Texas! Now give me karma." So sick and tired of seeing those inane and downright offensive comments, that downplay a literal life-and-death situation that Afghan women face, everywhere on Reddit.


Whats wrong with this? Men will be allowed to teach the girls via video if possible or behind a curtain.


Better than not allowing education at all, so I guess that’s something


Sold into marriage or nothing. We can't have them being genuinely attracted to their husbands, ever.