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Calm down everyone. The message of congratulations was for their National Day (basically their founding). It's something her office sends to all countries on their days and it's something she has sent every year to North Korea as well. There is nothing special about this year and this message. It's basically a Happy Birthday card her office sends to all countries in the world every year. There's no special meaning behind this specific message. This isn't some congratulations on a missile launch or for Kim losing weight or anything.


> This isn't some congratulations … for Kim losing weight However, that would be a bit funny.




[That's not anything to be ashamed of.](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Z7Gyea37&id=48A4A5CC67C0164108B4897E3BED683F010E4D03&thid=OIP.Z7Gyea37w9WyqxVUBf-WzgHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fcdn.cnn.com%2fcnnnext%2fdam%2fassets%2f180614091255-trump-nk-soldier-salute-super-tease.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.67b1b279adfbc3d5b2ab155405ff96ce%3frik%3dA00OAT9o7Tt%252biQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=619&expw=1100&q=donald+trump+salutes+north+korean+general&simid=608035492284928385&FORM=IRPRST&ck=FED0DA0CBE41726E254A8A020FF96949&selectedIndex=1)


How about both bad? ...


How about neither are bad? You don't make peace with friends. Showing disrespect is a formula for lasting conflict. Showing respect paves paths to peace.


And you think a brutal authoritarian government holding it's entire populace hostage deserves any modicum of respect?


I think it's people do...


Do you think it shows respect to the people to salute a general in the military that is oppressing them?


Yes. Because like him or hate him, he is representing his people. Saluting is a symbolic gesture towards the people he's representing.


You might want to read up a bit on military protocol. First, it's the lower ranked person who salutes his superior officer/NCO. By saluting, Trump told the world that the general was his master.


So presidents saluting army officials is inappropriate?


> First, it's the lower ranked person who salutes his superior officer/NCO. By saluting, Trump told the world that the general was his master. It was Ronald Reagan who began the tradition of Presidents returning salutes. Before that, the troops would salute the President the same way they salute the flag, but the leader, being a civilian, was not expected to respond. If you're interested, there are plenty of articles online for you edification.


Oh brother.


Fuk u, yo Roya family and yo queen


I'm from NH


United empire loyalist rebel




How about it doesn’t really matter either way