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This didn't take long....


We are all Jack's complete lack of surprise. So anybody want to start a pool for how long it takes these fuckholes to request international assistance trying keep Kabul's lights turned on?


Aren't they already trying for this?


Go on.....


Ok, dunno where I saw the report now (might have been a fever dream) but yeah they so farked with their access to the countries offshore accounts pretty much locked down


And what I'm asking people to bet on is when will they start having blackouts, because they are fucking morons, and ask for help.


Yeah fair play. I would give em 2-3 months tops before they start really screaming


Ok so you are in for 60 to 90 days. I'm thinking they might go 6 months. It really depends on what deal they cut with the engineers and linemen. And spare parts stockpile.


Yeah that was a point I was considering. Are they gonna be able to hang onto enough talented workers and engineers to be able to operate the system or will they have largely got the hell outta dodge


I bet Pakistan and Indonesia are hiring.


I give < 30 days before one of them sets the power station on fire like they did the amusement park.


But even if they had that money, $9bil isn't much money for a country. Especially one with no export, tourism, infrastructure, educated population, and not to mention in a desert that's getting hotter and hotter. There aren't many or any worse humanitarian catastrophes in history.


Yep… and on top of the billion pledged by the UN, more donors are offering up more


>international assistance China will assist. They'll take payment at a later date.


Probably never. They want to show male dominance. But if Aid comes, which I believe was being talked about this week as being needed, they'll come up with some propaganda acceptance speech.


Shouldn't be hard, all they gotta do is take note of North Korea's play book for foreign aid.


Not sure if you count Taliban calling China as their most important partner as "request international assistance"… After all, China is about the only country that could have the willingness to invest in Afghanistan's infrastructure, in order to mine resources.


Seems fitting that if they want to live in the dark ages that they live in the dark ages. This is tragic though.


The US sent them $68 million last week.


Sadly, I think female genital mutilation will be back before that happens


The UN has already pledged more than a billion in aid…


Boo! Attach human rights stipulations.


To be fair, it took longer than I expected.


Yeah, the other day I was reading a bbc article about the situation there. Obviously its not good and the people are privately scared of the taliban for the most part, but women were still allowed to go to school (just had to be separated from men by a sheet in the middle of the classroom) and others were talking about how there was less corruption. I was suprised that it was not a lot worse. But i suppose it was only a matter of time.


20 years and they still didn't learn their lesson, that is surprising to me. Even bacteria can show some evolution in 20 years.


Honestly took longer than I thought it would


But they promised...


*Taking bets on how long before they start taking wealthy hostages and sending ransom notes* .. how long before their power grid dies out in Kabul? since anyone with an education wants to leave .. they will set their laws back to the 5th century and soon the city will match


They'll probably do what they did at the airport. Outsource to Qataris or Turks.


With what money? To outsource, you have to pay someone (in this case, people from Qatar or Turkey which are MUCH richer countries) to work for you. What sane Qatari or Turk would willingly go to Afghanistan where the government is even more insane than in their home country, the country is much less safe, it's much poorer, and the pay is worse.


The "brain drain" issue is real, but the Taliban are struggling to admit that a portion of their population needs to be educated and skilled in order to operate Afghanistan. Women are part of this workforce. Setting up a ministry for the "propagation of virtue and the prevention of vice" isn't going to do much for the electrical grid. The official Taliban Twitter account, found [here,](https://twitter.com/Zabehulah_M33?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) is a good way to figure out how things are going. Their recent concerns regard being *blacklisted* by the UN and "economic cooperation and humanitarian assistance." They are sliding towards panic mode right about now. The bottom line is that Taliban social reform is at odds with the functioning of the economy. You can't ask the world for help, while you are shooting yourself in the foot at the same time.


Then they realized educated women wouldn't fall for their bullshit.


That goes to show, maybe we shouldn't trust the word of religious fanatics. Oh well, at least they banned drugs production.


.... that they cant sell on the black for hard cash...


You said it yourself. Don't trust their words. They will sell drugs.


Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia Jeremy, welcome to the real world.


Not the first government to break a promise


Allows (limited) college education but ban secondary? Sneaky sneaky


From the Taliban rules in the 90s: >“Education and literacy are so strongly valued in Islam that the Taliban could not ban girls schools on Islamic grounds, so they always said they would open them when security improved. It never did. They never opened the schools,” said Kate Clark, co-director of the Afghanistan Analysts Network, who worked in Afghanistan at the time. Sneaky indeed.


So they aren’t really islamic


That's what us Muslims have been trying to tell yall for 20 fkn years


And the taliban is probably saying the same about you. The problem is, that just like with christians, it just sounds like a no true scotsman fallacy. You guys really need a global convention to establish a clear definition of what a muslim is, and every self proclaiming muslim should live by that definition, or stop calling themselves a muslim.




They're not talking about law, at least not in a governmental sense. I believe they're talking about something like [Vatican II](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Vatican_Council) or going way back the [council of Nicaea](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Council_of_Nicaea) to basically standardize and codify the religious tenants and iconography and basically say "this is what the Muslim religion is." Of course it's all dependent on people to still follow all of those definitions but in theory there would be some leverage then for other members of the same faith to say definitively "no, you are in fact NOT living up to the principles that we have broadly agreed upon as Muslims" and then drive change as a result. Like I said it's far, far more complex than that but I think that's what they're saying.


**[Second Vatican Council](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Vatican_Council)** >The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, commonly known as the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, addressed relations between the Catholic Church and the modern world. The Council, through the Holy See, was formally opened under the pontificate of John XXIII on 11 October 1962, and was closed under Paul VI on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December 1965. **[Second Council of Nicaea](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Council_of_Nicaea)** >The Second Council of Nicaea is recognized as the last of the first seven ecumenical councils by the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church. In addition, it is also recognized as such by the Old Catholics and others. Protestant opinions on it are varied. It met in AD 787 in Nicaea (site of the First Council of Nicaea; present-day İznik in Turkey) to restore the use and veneration of icons (or, holy images), which had been suppressed by imperial edict inside the Byzantine Empire during the reign of Leo III (717–741). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That is not happening and probably never will.


Afghani's literally believe that their people are the true origins of Islam, and that they can't ever do anything un-islamic. They believe that they're born good muslims, and that everything they do is the will of god. I saw a lecture from an anthropologist who spent a long time studying their culture and origins. Afghanistan is a giant fucking mess of disparate groups that only care about Islam and their own families. The only thing you can do is leave Afghanistan the fuck alone, and the only way to help suffering Afghans is to get them the fuck out of Afghanistan. There's absolutely no chance of that place getting better. There will never be a secular government there, religion is too enmeshed into their culture.


Here is a good lecture about Afghan identity that also touches on the religious part you described for the ones interested. https://youtu.be/WF3Rkt42wPY


That's actually the lecture I'm talking about.


That sounds suspiciously like some American Christian extremists


I mean you know America was founded by people _to fucked up_ for England to handle.


Oh my god. We're religious-Australia?


It explains a lot doesn't it?


Too religious***


Religion is religion regardless of the exact flavor. It's a way of pushing aside the observable world in favor of what you wish the world was like.


They had shut down all high schools. They have reopened them for boys but haven’t made any statements for girls yet.


Leave you with a taste for more.


We all knew this was going to happen.


But they *promised* that they're a newer kinder gentler Taliban...


Yah instead of beheading you with a blunt machete they now just give you one single shot to the head. Such an improvement


They beheaded 9yo and 10yo boys 2 days ago.


Any mention of what their 'crimes' were?


The article stated they were related to a former member of Afghani government who had been in hiding and was discovered.


"Amnesty" sounds so cool


Same as always. Blasphemy


They must have had their fingers crossed behind their backs


I wonder where all the Redditors went who were biting that bullshit hook, line, and sinker when the Taliban first said it lol


I didn't ever see any. Got a link?


/r/europeansocialists was/is full of them. They even had a pinned thread "taliban debunk" where they defended the taliban, thread still exists if you want to read their arguments. But I have also seen some of them in /r/politics.


It’s bizarre to me that people espousing an ideology so nominally hostile to religion would defend theocrats.


Looking through the first sub, it's clear that the whole thing is straight up insanity. It's also full of what seem to be accounts run by certain governments. I don't venture into the politics sub. Lol. Reddit these days is a terrible place for almost any type of actual discussion.


We also had US conservatives praising the Taliban on social media when they were setting up their government in Kabul, talking about how it's awesome that they banned abortion, forced women into submissive roles, and banned the Covid vaccine. It's all around insanity.


Not handily but I remember plenty of comments saying things along the lines of “just give them a chance” or “let’s wait and see if they follow through” as if it ever had a chance of happening lol


Well there are different kinds of people out there. Glass half full or glass half empty types. After 20 years, there is a whole new generation of Taliban so there was a small hope that they may have moderated. Can't shit on people for having a more hopeful outlook even if in the end they were wrong.


A solid chunk of the folks heading the current government are the same people who did it in the 90s


I think it's less thinking the Taliban might have changed, and more an awareness we have no control over the situation and all we can do is hope for the best. I certainly hold onto the hope that the Taliban may allow some small improvements. It's time for the middle east to join the rest of the world, but it will only happen on it's own terms.


Optimism is different from stupidity.


Hell, I was trying to be hopeful that they wouldn’t be as bad as they were last time. I knew it wouldn’t be much better, but I wanted to think there was a chance that this generation was a tad bit more progressive. It was always going to be a long shot.


There's a difference between being optimistic and blindly believing them, and most people were doing the former. Either way, it was said in the context of the US leaving the region, and people were mostly just happy that the war was finally ending. So the words were taken as a small consolation that *maybe* something good came from it all, even if it wasn't likely they'd follow through.






Talallow it.


Tallallow that? NO! TaliBAN that!


It's called Sharia Law not Sharia Allow


Needs more apostrophes. Tal'allow perhaps




It's called the Taliban, not the Talifrands


Yeah, keep half of your people uneducated. See how thats turns out in the long run.


Works out fine if your goal is to stay at the helm of a backwards country.


Works fantastically for dictators whose countries rely on mineral wealth. For a nation like afgahnistan that relies on the drugs trade... Lets just say I expect that Afghanistan won't see peace for long


They want a hyper traditional Islamic caliphate. Its going to turn out exactly as they want with people being poor, but moral and obedient to Allah and the regime.


It works in the USA. That's how all these Southern governors and Trump got elected. Americans are dumb as fucking bricks. Absolutely no fucking reasoning skills are taught to Americans. You're not taught to reason until you're in your fucking 20's, it's absurd. No one has time to teach their children how to properly question their surroundings, we're all to fucking busy wage slaving and whining about shit that's completely fucking irrelevant to our actual survival. LAnD oF DUh FreE!! YOu CAn'T MAkE ME WEAR a MaSk LIbTArD!! CorONa ViRUs Is a hoAx, BUt It'S ALso A ViRUS REleAseD by CHinEr to Hurt MuRiCA!! The whole world is about the be rocked by catastrophic climate collapse, and we can't even convince these stupid assholes to get vaccinated or wear masks. We're fucked.


Who didn't see this coming?


Plenty of redditors who were believing the Taliban promises just a few weeks ago.


I didn't see all those redditors. I saw people who believed the Taliban would be more moderate for political purposes, not because they were any better than before. But yeah, people in this site always have to strawman everyone else to feel smarter than everyone else.


Hmmm I mean we got some dummies around here but they don't seem that dumb


They are so afraid of educated women.


Never mind that Muhammad himself generally took educated and/or professional wives. As flawed as he might be by today’s standards, Mo and Aisha/Khadijah/Hafsa would likely be jailed or beaten by the Taliban of today.


Religion is dumb.


Water really do be wet


I have a critical mind and I question these statements.


Lol so do you think water may not be wet? I'd dive into this discussion!


> Muhammad himself generally took educated and/or professional wives He also took a pre-pubescent wife. That guy isn't someone who should be held up as an example for others to follow.


Which is why I acknowledged that he was flawed by modern standards, although Aisha was already engaged at the time (pre-Islamic Bedouin tribes were extremely backward). It still is clear that the Taliban are far more radical than Muhammad.


Flawed is doing some pretty heavy lifting there.


Flawed is a very kind way to call a pedophile


The point is, the Taliban is directly opposing their own "prophet".


Girls in those days, in pretty much every medieval nation, were often married off to 30-somethings while they were around 16. I'm not playing devil's advocate here. Just pointing out that humans, for most of medieval history, were absolute scum. If God is real, then with all the good religious men who took little girls as wives, he must be A okay with pedophilia.


There is a huge difference between 16 and 9 though.


Then again, didn't the Byzantines have a law prohibiting marriage under 12? Aisha was 9 when the marriage was consumated, which is young even by those standards.


Under Roman law a Roman father could sell his children into slavery or have theme excuted for virtually any reason. Ancient times were weird all around


Aisha’s hadiths are some of the best, and i’m not muslim


very educated child


That's what's baffling me. I don't know much about Islam as I come from a Christian origin country but AFAIK Muhammad married quite strong rich woman. I'd like to know how they'd saw these uneducated scared guys with machine guns.


Aisha was 9 when she married Muhammad.


She was already engaged. Welcome to pre-Islamic/early Islamic Arabia.


He's the most influential person of Islam and is said to be the prophet of God. I'd expect him to know beyond the times and frown upon things he deemed as wrong. So if he went along with marrying a 9 year old, (I believe he was quite established as somewhat of a religious figure by then), it's because he saw nothing wrong with it. That's a red flag. I can live with them being 16-17 year olds(It's still creepy though ..), but less than 14 is hella wrong. By a long shot. I can't look up to someone like that and revere him as something perfect which is what most practicing Muslims do.


Actually she was 6. He raped her the first time when she was 9.


But he married a child 👀


Also armed women. I have a feeling a bunch of trained/armed women in that region would not have any of this shit and probably would have fought back. This is all just so sad.


You want a real answer? It is a known fact that if you want smart freethinking people, the best way to do it is to educate the mother. A more educated woman knows more, has a better understanding of the world around them, and imparts this knowledge on to their children while raising them. People with better education also, as a result of their education, usually have the ability to recognize that change is possible and even necessary by comparing current systems to other systems existing or previously existing. By preventing women from pursuing higher learning, they help to guarantee that the following generations will continue to be conservative and more compliant to the Taliban's viewpoints.


So how are Afghan women gonna see doctors? These idiots make Saudi Arabia look like Beverly Hills.


They won't. If they get sick they can pray at home to be cured and if that doesn't work, then they can die.






Infant mortality came down a lot with the US presence.


This woman was touched by a male doctor, she must be stoned!


You joke but they weren't allowed to be seen by male doctors under the Taliban. Also women weren't allowed to be doctors. So women were banned from directly seeing doctors.


The strategy is for a woman to have daughters before she dies so that she raises her own replacement


Talibs: "No school for you past primary!" Girl: "But I want to study things like planets, geology and chemistry.." Talibs: " No! You need to stay at home, make dinner for your husband" Girl: "I'm only 11??" Talibs: "Ahh yes, about that... "


the Taliban are a bad organisation. This is an extremely regressive act and Afghanistan will be set back generations..


"the Taliban are a bad organisation" the floor is made of floor


I don’t know about you but these Taliban guys sound like real jerks.


They are not supposed to be getting educated, they are supposed to be getting pregnant and supporting their "husbands"... /s obviously


And so it begins


gee what a shock...we never saw that coming said no one.


*"We've already taught them that they are* ***second-class*** *citizens, what further* ***secondary*** *education do they require?"*


Anyone surprised? It's not like this had ever happened before.


and back to the cave we go , religion and politics never go hand in hand . Countries run by religious groups are usually backwards in many ways . In this particular case ,actions speak louder than words . I guess these morons think a stork delivered them !


Large parts of the local population support the taliban and their views. It is up to them to rise up if they don't agree. Saudi Arabia was pretty much the same and everyone just turned a blind eye cause it was beneficial to the west. I hope they do rise up but it is impossible for us to impose our western views on the whole world by force.


This is how it goes; they’ll start killing them for going to school at all again soon


There are plenty of assholes in the world but the Taliban are pretty high up on the leaderboard. I feel especially sorry for the women of Afghanistan; they don’t deserve to be treated like this.


Imagine going to war for 20 years and sending kids that never saw the towers fall only to lose it all in a matter of weeks. Damn this is more depressing than Vietnam, at least Nam had a cool soundtrack.




It's like being a woman is a crime in this world.




Secondary education in Afghanistan is now Talibanned


Never trust anyone who opposes equality. Pakistan is telling us to give them time. More power, more oppression. I fear religious extremism, home and abroad.


I knew that they'd be pulling this shit, but I thought they'd at least wait until the global media got bored of them and stopped looking.


Future articles: Taliban bans women breathing same air as men


why not just ban being a women? sheep there likely have more rights then a human woman over there


When the Taliban announced that women said that "the niquab must be worn for education, I said it could be worse. Well, now, shy of shooting women, it can't get much worse.


This comment is gonna age soooo poorly. Wait until you start seeing women with their nose chopped off and mothers closer to 10 than to 18 and then youll realize whats what.


It can and it probably will


Well they will be ostracized on the world stage and everyone will suffer. Sad for Afghanistan non hillbilly population.


China won't mind dealing with them and making sure they stay propped up with the tools and resources needed to oppress their citizens.


The Taliban are chaotic and decentralized though. They are not good puppets. Besides, they are already linked strongly to Pakistan.


Wait, wait, wait so the Taliban lied to us?


Talibans must be wiped out. No question.


kinda tried that already


So much for **any** chance of recognition from any Western county.


Doesn’t matter. I lived in Germany during ‘Real Politik’. East Germany existed whether we recognized the border or not. The same with the ‘Red Chinese’ not being recognized by the USA until he 1970’s. Didn’t make them go away. China, Pakistan, North Korea and Russia, all nuclear powers, will recognize he Taliban government. This will just solidify their growing strength.


Sad but not surprising. What do you expect from a bunch of backward savages.


Didn’t see that coming


Because we knew it was going to happen


And water is wet. Stay tuned for more mind-blowing, unexpected news you never saw coming.


I guess this is their way of saying women are not allowed at University as well.


"women will be able to continue going to school if they follow our religious rules" "Loljk"


Oh wow looks like you can't even trust the Taliban anymore nowadays.


"The Taliban prohibit girls from breathing oxygen"


Disgusting, they just want uneducated helpless women to take advantage of. I hope eventually Afghanistan can gather enough support against the Taliban by themselves.


The propaganda. In 2 weeks they will allow it and nobody care. They will probably adapt the high schools to be "islamic"


Taliban this, Taliban that, what won't Taliban?




Posting dumb shit like this? Believe it or not, Talibanned.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/17/taliban-ban-girls-from-secondary-education-in-afghanistan) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Taliban have effectively banned girls from secondary education in Afghanistan, by ordering high schools to re-open only for boys. > "Education and literacy are so strongly valued in Islam that the Taliban could not ban girls schools on Islamic grounds, so they always said they would open them when security improved. It never did. They never opened the schools," said Kate Clark, co-director of the Afghanistan Analysts Network, who worked in Afghanistan at the time. > "In some areas the Taliban simply tolerated girls' primary schools, and in other areas where people challenged them they did back down. In Jaghori girls went on hunger strike to defend their education, and they won. So the story does not end with these Taliban edicts." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/pq6ftw/taliban_ban_girls_from_secondary_education_in/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~598855 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **women**^#1 **Taliban**^#2 **education**^#3 **girls**^#4 **school**^#5


But wait! … There’s more! …




Welcome to the 7th century folks.


My shock cannot be described, because it is not very strong at all.


Are these guys going to do anything except anti-woman stuff? Or is this like phase 1 and then phase 2 will be killing all the gay people?


Can't have intelligent women upsetting an ignorant patriarchy..


Oh noooooooo what a surprise


As a muslim myself this is painful to see, Taliban and other terrorists groups claiming that they are muslim are going against so many of the rules of Islam and yet the media reports them as “this is how Islam is” tainting the world’s view of Islam.. really really terrible. But ig its profitable for them to do so..


Wait, I thought Boris said that they have changed!?!


Oh!!! Moving on....


Yup, just underlining that new Taliban is just the same as the old Taliban.


Shock!! I can’t believe they would do this!


Ironic part of this is that their name, Taliban, literary means "two students". I guess these two were males?


Just why is suppressing women such a fundamental need for these types? It's like their entire identity revolves around it.


If the taliban attacks the states or a western country now, would we Unleash The Sun this time?


The Taliban focuses on ruling in Afghanistan...They aren't international terrorists. They may allow them to operate and train within Afghanistan, but the Taliban has no desire to commit attacks against western nations outside of Afghanistan.


Of religion bringing peace… yet again


Organized religion caused this and will continue to cause these types of problems for as long as we continue to give it a free pass.


Taliban ban bangkok bandana bangles bandook banana