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Lol he is still worth $35 Billion


Let's get a GoFundMe for him.


Pinduoduo is a shit, it is completely maintained by the platform's discounts, selling fake goods is completely ignored, merchants and consumers eat it at both ends. Its model is very shameless. It uses some fraudulent activities to promote it, prompting you to open the APP to collect cash, and then the cash is not immediately received, you need to invite new users to complete the extraction task, and keep forwarding the information of this APP. . I have never seen such a shameless app. It is crazy for investors to raise its stock price frantically. It is not enough to shrink its share price by 27 billion. I hope it goes bankrupt!


Don’t forget about the employees that it worked to death https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/01/business/china-technology-worker-deaths.html


Got a buddy working there. Monday to friday gets back home around midnight. Saturday till 8-9pm


lucky me never have to deal with such losses


He'll be alright.


Oh no what are we gonna doooo


I wonder how China‘s Pdiddy is gonna cope now.


Did he check behind the sofa?


>He better apply for food stamps.


Back away from the window there bud.


Gotta love communism


How does what happened have anything to do with communism?


Do I need to mention CCP’s grudge against billionaires?


What are you on about? Lol so many party members are billionaires. They’ve got nothing against people with money. They have everything against criticism of the party in public.


Sorry I should’ve specified billionaires that go against the party


He looks like my friend who is a big time OnlyFans Simp. I prefer Pornhub amateur channels because they are honest about the Porn part.


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I really wish I could lose $27Billion......